[Pkg-utopia-commits] r203 - packages/hal/trunk/debian

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd@costa.debian.org
Fri, 06 May 2005 22:14:55 +0000

Author: sjoerd
Date: 2005-05-06 22:14:55 +0000 (Fri, 06 May 2005)
New Revision: 203

Layout fix in the comments

Modified: packages/hal/trunk/debian/preferences.fdi
--- packages/hal/trunk/debian/preferences.fdi	2005-05-02 10:09:00 UTC (rev 202)
+++ packages/hal/trunk/debian/preferences.fdi	2005-05-06 22:14:55 UTC (rev 203)
@@ -23,9 +23,8 @@
-  The following shows how to put sync and noatime on for devices smaller then 1Gb
-  and off for device lager then that.  Instead of the 2Gb default
+  The following shows how to put sync and noatime on for devices smaller then 
+  1Gb and off for device larger then that.  Instead of the 2Gb default --> 
     <match key="block.is_volume" bool="true">