[Pkg-utopia-commits] r943 - in packages/unstable/hal/debian: . patches

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd at costa.debian.org
Tue Aug 15 11:47:35 UTC 2006

Author: sjoerd
Date: 2006-08-15 11:47:34 +0000 (Tue, 15 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 943

* debian/patches/16_dont_stat_autofs.patch:
  - Added. Don't stat autofs filesystems as that will remount.
    (Closes: #361785) (From upstream git)
* debian/patches/17_fix_dbus_090_build.patch:
  - Added. Fix build with dbus >= 0.90 (From upstream git)

Modified: packages/unstable/hal/debian/changelog
--- packages/unstable/hal/debian/changelog	2006-08-15 11:11:46 UTC (rev 942)
+++ packages/unstable/hal/debian/changelog	2006-08-15 11:47:34 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
     - This change should be completely transparent to the outside world, so
       that KDE and gnome-mount will just work. (Closes: #377689)
     - From the ubuntu hal package, patch created by Martin Pitt.
+  * debian/patches/16_dont_stat_autofs.patch:
+    - Added. Don't stat autofs filesystems as that will remount.
+      (Closes: #361785) (From upstream git)
+  * debian/patches/17_fix_dbus_090_build.patch:
+    - Added. Fix build with dbus >= 0.90 (From upstream git)
   [ Sebastian Dröge  ]
   * debian/pycompat,
@@ -41,10 +46,8 @@
     + Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.2
     + Add myself to Uploaders
-  * 
+ -- Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd at debian.org>  Tue, 15 Aug 2006 13:33:19 +0200
- -- Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd at debian.org>  Tue, 15 Aug 2006 12:32:05 +0200
 hal (0.5.7-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * debian/hal.udev.rules

Added: packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/16_dont_stat_autofs.patch
--- packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/16_dont_stat_autofs.patch	2006-08-15 11:11:46 UTC (rev 942)
+++ packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/16_dont_stat_autofs.patch	2006-08-15 11:47:34 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,1370 @@
+diff -ruN hal- hal-
+--- hal-	2006-02-24 05:29:06.000000000 +0100
++++ hal-	2006-08-15 13:26:26.000000000 +0200
+@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@
+ 	dev_t devt = makedev(0, 0);
+ 	GSList *volumes = NULL;
+ 	GSList *volume;
++        GSList *autofs_mounts = NULL;
+ 	/* open /proc/mounts */
+ 	g_snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/mounts", get_hal_proc_path ());
+@@ -205,6 +206,28 @@
+ 	while ((mnte = getmntent_r (f, &mnt, buf, sizeof(buf))) != NULL) {
+ 		struct stat statbuf;
++		/* If this is an autofs mount (fstype == 'autofs') 
++		 * store the mount in a list for later use. 
++		 * On mounts managed by autofs accessing files below the mount
++		 * point cause the mount point to be remounted after an 
++		 * unmount.  We keep the list so we do not check for
++		 * the .created-by-hal file on mounts under autofs mount points
++		 */
++		if (strcmp(mnt.mnt_type, "autofs") == 0) {
++			char *mnt_dir;
++			if (mnt.mnt_dir[strlen (mnt.mnt_dir) - 1] != '/')
++				mnt_dir = g_strdup_printf ("%s/", mnt.mnt_dir);
++			else
++				mnt_dir = g_strdup (mnt.mnt_dir);
++			autofs_mounts = g_slist_append (autofs_mounts,
++							mnt_dir);
++			continue;
++		}
+ 		/* check the underlying device of the mount point */
+ 		if (stat (mnt.mnt_dir, &statbuf) != 0)
+ 			continue;
+@@ -242,6 +265,7 @@
+ 		HalDevice *dev;
+ 		char *mount_point;
+ 		char *mount_point_hal_file;
++		GSList *autofs_node;
+ 		dev = HAL_DEVICE (volume->data);
+ 		mount_point = g_strdup (hal_device_property_get_string (dev, "volume.mount_point"));
+@@ -251,8 +275,20 @@
+ 		device_property_atomic_update_end ();
+ 		HAL_INFO (("set %s to unmounted", hal_device_get_udi (dev)));
++		/* check to see if mount point falls under autofs */
++		autofs_node = autofs_mounts;
++		while (autofs_node != NULL) {
++			char *am = (char *)autofs_node->data;
++			if (strncmp (am, mount_point, strlen (am)) == 0);
++				break;
++			autofs_node = autofs_node->next;
++		}
+ 		mount_point_hal_file = g_strdup_printf ("%s/.created-by-hal", mount_point);
+-		if (g_file_test (mount_point_hal_file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
++		if (!autofs_node && 
++		     g_file_test (mount_point_hal_file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+ 			char *cleanup_stdin;
+ 			char *extra_env[2];
+@@ -279,6 +315,8 @@
+ 		g_free (mount_point);
+ 	}
+ 	g_slist_free (volumes);
++	g_slist_foreach (autofs_mounts, (GFunc) g_free, NULL);
++	g_slist_free (autofs_mounts);
+ exit:
+ 	endmntent (f);
+ }
+diff -ruN hal- hal-
+--- hal-	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
++++ hal-	2006-02-24 05:29:06.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,1287 @@
++ * CVSID: $Id: blockdev.c,v 1.38 2006/02/24 04:29:06 david Exp $
++ *
++ * blockdev.c : Handling of block devices
++ *
++ * Copyright (C) 2005 David Zeuthen, <david at fubar.dk>
++ * Copyright (C) 2005,2006 Kay Sievers, <kay.sievers at vrfy.org>
++ *
++ * Licensed under the Academic Free License version 2.1
++ *
++ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++ * (at your option) any later version.
++ *
++ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++ * GNU General Public License for more details.
++ *
++ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
++ *
++ **************************************************************************/
++#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
++#  include <config.h>
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
++#include <stdarg.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#include <mntent.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <sys/socket.h>
++#include <sys/un.h>
++#include <sys/utsname.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <ctype.h>
++#include <unistd.h>
++#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
++#include <limits.h>
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <sys/stat.h>
++#include <sys/ioctl.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
++#include <glib.h>
++#include <dbus/dbus.h>
++#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>
++#include "../osspec.h"
++#include "../logger.h"
++#include "../hald.h"
++#include "../device_info.h"
++#include "../hald_dbus.h"
++#include "../util.h"
++#include "../hald_runner.h"
++#include "osspec_linux.h"
++#include "coldplug.h"
++#include "hotplug_helper.h"
++#include "hotplug.h"
++#include "blockdev.h"
++static gboolean
++blockdev_compute_udi (HalDevice *d)
++	gchar udi[256];
++	if (hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "block.is_volume")) {
++		const char *label;
++		const char *uuid;
++		label = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "volume.label");
++		uuid = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "volume.uuid");
++		if (uuid != NULL && strlen (uuid) > 0) {
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++					      "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_uuid_%s", uuid);
++		} else if (label != NULL && strlen (label) > 0) {
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++					      "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_%s", label);
++		} else if (hal_device_property_get_bool(d, "volume.is_disc") &&
++			   hal_device_property_get_bool(d, "volume.disc.is_blank")) {
++			/* this should be a empty CD/DVD */
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++                                             "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_empty_%s",
++					      hal_device_property_get_string (d, "volume.disc.type"));
++		} else {
++			/* fallback to partition number, size */
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++					      "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_part%d_size_%lld", 
++					      hal_device_property_get_int (d, "volume.partition.number"),
++					      hal_device_property_get_uint64 (d, "volume.size"));
++		}
++	} else {
++		const char *model;
++		const char *serial;
++		model = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.model");
++		serial = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.serial");
++		if (serial != NULL) {
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++					      "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_serial_%s", 
++					      serial);
++		} else if ((model != NULL) && (strlen(model) != 0) ) {
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++					      "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_%s", 
++					      model);
++		} else {
++			hal_util_compute_udi (hald_get_gdl (), udi, sizeof (udi),
++					      "%s_storage", 
++					      hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.physical_device"));
++		}
++	}
++	hal_device_set_udi (d, udi);
++	hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.udi", udi);
++	return TRUE;
++static void 
++blockdev_callouts_add_done (HalDevice *d, gpointer userdata1, gpointer userdata2)
++	void *end_token = (void *) userdata1;
++	HAL_INFO (("Add callouts completed udi=%s", d->udi));
++	/* Move from temporary to global device store */
++	hal_device_store_remove (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++	hal_device_store_add (hald_get_gdl (), d);
++	hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++static void 
++blockdev_callouts_remove_done (HalDevice *d, gpointer userdata1, gpointer userdata2)
++	void *end_token = (void *) userdata1;
++	HAL_INFO (("Remove callouts completed udi=%s", d->udi));
++	if (!hal_device_store_remove (hald_get_gdl (), d)) {
++		HAL_WARNING (("Error removing device"));
++	}
++	g_object_unref (d);
++	hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++static void
++cleanup_mountpoint_cb (HalDevice *d, guint32 exit_type, 
++		       gint return_code, gchar **error,
++		       gpointer data1, gpointer data2)
++	char *mount_point = (char *) data1;
++	HAL_INFO (("In cleanup_mountpoint_cb for '%s'", mount_point));
++	g_free (mount_point);
++blockdev_refresh_mount_state (HalDevice *d)
++	FILE *f;
++	struct mntent mnt;
++	struct mntent *mnte;
++	char buf[1024];
++	unsigned int major;
++	unsigned int minor;
++	dev_t devt = makedev(0, 0);
++	GSList *volumes = NULL;
++	GSList *volume;
++	/* open /proc/mounts */
++	g_snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/mounts", get_hal_proc_path ());
++	if ((f = setmntent (buf, "r")) == NULL) {
++		HAL_ERROR (("Could not open /proc/mounts"));
++		return;
++	}
++	if (d)
++		volumes = g_slist_append (NULL, d);
++	else
++		volumes = hal_device_store_match_multiple_key_value_string (hald_get_gdl (), "info.category", "volume");
++	if (!volumes)
++		goto exit;
++	/* loop over /proc/mounts */
++	while ((mnte = getmntent_r (f, &mnt, buf, sizeof(buf))) != NULL) {
++		struct stat statbuf;
++		/* check the underlying device of the mount point */
++		if (stat (mnt.mnt_dir, &statbuf) != 0)
++			continue;
++		if (major(statbuf.st_dev) == 0)
++			continue;
++		HAL_INFO (("* found mounts dev %s (%i:%i)", mnt.mnt_fsname, major(statbuf.st_dev), minor(statbuf.st_dev)));
++		/* match against all hal volumes */
++		for (volume = volumes; volume != NULL; volume = g_slist_next (volume)) {
++			HalDevice *dev;
++			dev = HAL_DEVICE (volume->data);
++			major = hal_device_property_get_int (dev, "block.major");
++			if (major == 0)
++				continue;
++			minor = hal_device_property_get_int (dev, "block.minor");
++			devt = makedev(major, minor);
++			HAL_INFO (("  match %s (%i:%i)", hal_device_get_udi (dev), major, minor));
++			if (statbuf.st_dev == devt) {
++				/* found entry for this device in /proc/mounts */
++				device_property_atomic_update_begin ();
++				hal_device_property_set_bool (dev, "volume.is_mounted", TRUE);
++				hal_device_property_set_string (dev, "volume.mount_point", mnt.mnt_dir);
++				device_property_atomic_update_end ();
++				HAL_INFO (("  set %s to be mounted at %s", hal_device_get_udi (dev), mnt.mnt_dir));
++				volumes = g_slist_delete_link (volumes, volume);
++				break;
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	/* all remaining volumes are not mounted */
++	for (volume = volumes; volume != NULL; volume = g_slist_next (volume)) {
++		HalDevice *dev;
++		char *mount_point;
++		char *mount_point_hal_file;
++		dev = HAL_DEVICE (volume->data);
++		mount_point = g_strdup (hal_device_property_get_string (dev, "volume.mount_point"));
++		device_property_atomic_update_begin ();
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (dev, "volume.is_mounted", FALSE);
++		hal_device_property_set_string (dev, "volume.mount_point", "");
++		device_property_atomic_update_end ();
++		HAL_INFO (("set %s to unmounted", hal_device_get_udi (dev)));
++		mount_point_hal_file = g_strdup_printf ("%s/.created-by-hal", mount_point);
++		if (g_file_test (mount_point_hal_file, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
++			char *cleanup_stdin;
++			char *extra_env[2];
++			HAL_INFO (("Cleaning up directory '%s' since it was created by hal Mount()", mount_point));
++			extra_env[0] = g_strdup_printf ("HALD_CLEANUP=%s", mount_point);
++			extra_env[1] = NULL;
++			cleanup_stdin = "\n";
++			hald_runner_run_method (dev, 
++						"hal-system-storage-cleanup-mountpoint", 
++						extra_env, 
++						cleanup_stdin, TRUE,
++						0,
++						cleanup_mountpoint_cb,
++						g_strdup (mount_point), NULL);
++			hal_device_property_remove (dev, "info.hal_mount.created_mount_point");
++			hal_device_property_remove (dev, "info.hal_mount.mounted_by_uid");
++		}
++		g_free (mount_point_hal_file);
++		g_free (mount_point);
++	}
++	g_slist_free (volumes);
++	endmntent (f);
++static void
++generate_fakevolume_hotplug_event_add_for_storage_device (HalDevice *d)
++	const char *sysfs_path;
++	const char *device_file;
++	HotplugEvent *hotplug_event;
++	char fake_sysfs_path[HAL_PATH_MAX];
++	sysfs_path = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "linux.sysfs_path");
++	device_file = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "block.device");
++	snprintf (fake_sysfs_path, sizeof(fake_sysfs_path), "%s/fakevolume", sysfs_path);
++	hotplug_event = g_new0 (HotplugEvent, 1);
++	hotplug_event->action = HOTPLUG_ACTION_ADD;
++	hotplug_event->type = HOTPLUG_EVENT_SYSFS;
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.subsystem, "block", sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.subsystem));
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.sysfs_path, fake_sysfs_path, sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.sysfs_path));
++	if (device_file != NULL)
++		g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.device_file, device_file, sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.device_file));
++	else
++		hotplug_event->sysfs.device_file[0] = '\0';
++	hotplug_event->sysfs.net_ifindex = -1;
++	hotplug_event_enqueue (hotplug_event);
++	hotplug_event_process_queue ();
++static void 
++add_blockdev_probing_helper_done (HalDevice *d, guint32 exit_type, 
++                                  gint return_code, char **error,
++                                  gpointer data1, gpointer data2) 
++	void *end_token = (void *) data1;
++	gboolean is_volume;
++	/* helper_data may be null if probing is skipped */
++	HAL_INFO (("entering; exit_type=%d, return_code=%d", exit_type, return_code));
++	if (d == NULL) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Device object already removed"));
++		hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++		goto out;
++	}
++	is_volume = hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "block.is_volume");
++	/* Discard device if probing reports failure 
++	 * 
++	 * (return code 2 means fs found on main block device (for non-volumes)) 
++	 */
++	if (exit_type != HALD_RUN_SUCCESS
++	    || !(return_code == 0 || (!is_volume && return_code == 2))) {
++		hal_device_store_remove (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		g_object_unref (d);
++		hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (!blockdev_compute_udi (d)) {
++		hal_device_store_remove (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		g_object_unref (d);
++		hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++		goto out;
++	}
++	/* set block.storage_device for storage devices since only now we know the UDI */
++	if (!is_volume) {
++		hal_device_copy_property (d, "info.udi", d, "block.storage_device");
++	} else {
++		/* check for mount point */
++		blockdev_refresh_mount_state (d);
++	}
++	/* Merge properties from .fdi files */
++	di_search_and_merge (d, DEVICE_INFO_TYPE_INFORMATION);
++	di_search_and_merge (d, DEVICE_INFO_TYPE_POLICY);
++	/* TODO: Merge persistent properties */
++	/* Run callouts */
++	hal_util_callout_device_add (d, blockdev_callouts_add_done, end_token, NULL);
++	/* Yay, got a file system on the main block device...
++	 *
++	 * Generate a fake hotplug event to get this added
++	 */
++	if (!is_volume && return_code == 2) {
++		generate_fakevolume_hotplug_event_add_for_storage_device (d);
++	}
++	return;
++static void 
++blockdev_callouts_preprobing_storage_done (HalDevice *d, gpointer userdata1, gpointer userdata2)
++	void *end_token = (void *) userdata1;
++	if (hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "info.ignore")) {
++		/* Leave the device here with info.ignore==TRUE so we won't pick up children 
++		 * Also remove category and all capabilities
++		 */
++		hal_device_property_remove (d, "info.category");
++		hal_device_property_remove (d, "info.capabilities");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.udi", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ignored-device");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.product", "Ignored Device");
++		HAL_INFO (("Preprobing merged info.ignore==TRUE"));
++		/* Move from temporary to global device store */
++		hal_device_store_remove (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		hal_device_store_add (hald_get_gdl (), d);
++		hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (!hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "storage.media_check_enabled") &&
++	    hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "storage.no_partitions_hint")) {
++		/* special probe for PC floppy drives */
++		if (strcmp (hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.bus"), "platform") == 0 &&
++		    strcmp (hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.drive_type"), "floppy") == 0) {
++			HAL_INFO (("Probing PC floppy %s to see if it is present", 
++				   hal_device_property_get_string (d, "block.device")));
++			hald_runner_run(d, 
++			                    "hald-probe-pc-floppy", NULL,
++			                    HAL_HELPER_TIMEOUT,
++			                    add_blockdev_probing_helper_done,
++			                    (gpointer) end_token, NULL);
++			goto out;
++		} else {
++			char *synerror[1] = {NULL};
++			HAL_INFO (("Not probing storage device %s", 
++				   hal_device_property_get_string (d, "block.device")));
++			add_blockdev_probing_helper_done (d, FALSE, 0, synerror, (gpointer) end_token, NULL);
++			goto out;
++		}
++	}
++	/* run prober for 
++	 *
++	 *  - cdrom drive properties
++	 *  - non-partitioned filesystem on main block device
++	 */
++	HAL_INFO (("Probing storage device %s", hal_device_property_get_string (d, "block.device")));
++	/* probe the device */
++	hald_runner_run(d,
++			"hald-probe-storage", NULL,
++			add_blockdev_probing_helper_done,
++			(gpointer) end_token, NULL);
++	return;
++static void
++blockdev_callouts_preprobing_volume_done (HalDevice *d, gpointer userdata1, gpointer userdata2)
++	void *end_token = (void *) userdata1;
++	if (hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "info.ignore")) {
++		/* Leave the device here with info.ignore==TRUE so we won't pick up children
++		 * Also remove category and all capabilities
++		 */
++		hal_device_property_remove (d, "info.category");
++		hal_device_property_remove (d, "info.capabilities");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.udi", "/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/ignored-device");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.product", "Ignored Device");
++		HAL_INFO (("Preprobing merged info.ignore==TRUE"));
++		/* Move from temporary to global device store */
++		hal_device_store_remove (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		hal_device_store_add (hald_get_gdl (), d);
++		hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++		goto out;
++	}
++	/* probe the device */
++	hald_runner_run (d,
++			 "hald-probe-volume", NULL, 
++			 add_blockdev_probing_helper_done,
++			 (gpointer) end_token, NULL);
++	return;
++static const gchar *
++blockdev_get_luks_uuid(const gchar *device_file)
++	const gchar *luks_uuid = NULL;
++	unsigned int major;
++	unsigned int minor;
++	const char *last_elem;
++	HAL_INFO (("get_luks_uuid: device_file=%s", device_file));
++	major = 253; /* FIXME: replace by devmapper constant */
++	last_elem = hal_util_get_last_element (device_file);
++	if (sscanf (last_elem, "dm-%d", &minor) == 1) {
++		GDir *dir;
++		HAL_INFO (("path=%s is a device mapper dev, major/minor=%d/%d", device_file, major, minor));
++		/* Ugly hack to see if we're a LUKS crypto device; should
++		* be replaced by some ioctl or libdevmapper stuff by where
++		* we can ask about the name for /dev/dm-0; as e.g. given by
++		* 'dmsetup info'
++		*
++		* Our assumption is that luks-setup have invoked
++		* dmsetup; e.g. the naming convention is 
++		*
++		*    luks_crypto_<luks_uuid>
++		*
++		* where <luks_uuid> is the UUID encoded in the luks
++		* metadata.
++		*/
++		/* Ugly sleep of 0.5s here as well to allow dmsetup to do the mknod */
++		if (!hald_is_initialising)
++			usleep (1000 * 1000 * 5 / 10);
++		if ((dir = g_dir_open ("/dev/mapper", 0, NULL)) != NULL) {
++			const gchar *f;
++			char devpath[256];
++			struct stat statbuf;
++			while ((f = g_dir_read_name (dir)) != NULL) {
++				char luks_prefix[] = "luks_crypto_";
++				g_snprintf (devpath, sizeof (devpath), "/dev/mapper/%s", f);
++				if (stat (devpath, &statbuf) == 0) {
++					HAL_INFO (("looking at /dev/mapper/%s with %d:%d", 
++						   f, MAJOR(statbuf.st_rdev), MINOR(statbuf.st_rdev)));
++					if (S_ISBLK (statbuf.st_mode) && 
++					    MAJOR(statbuf.st_rdev) == major && 
++					    MINOR(statbuf.st_rdev) == minor &&
++					    strncmp (f, luks_prefix, sizeof (luks_prefix) - 1) == 0) {
++						luks_uuid = f + sizeof (luks_prefix) - 1;
++						HAL_INFO (("found %s; luks_uuid='%s'!", devpath, luks_uuid));
++						break;
++					}
++				}
++			}
++			g_dir_close (dir);
++		}
++	}
++	return luks_uuid;
++static HalDevice *
++blockdev_get_luks_parent (const gchar *luks_uuid, HalDevice *device)
++	HalDevice *parent = NULL;
++	HalDevice *backing_volume;
++	HAL_INFO (("get_luks_parent: luks_uuid=%s device=0x%08x", 
++		   luks_uuid, device));
++	backing_volume = hal_device_store_match_key_value_string (hald_get_gdl (),
++								  "volume.uuid", 
++								  luks_uuid);
++	if (backing_volume != NULL) {
++		const char *backing_volume_stordev_udi;
++		HAL_INFO (("backing_volume udi='%s'!", backing_volume->udi));
++		backing_volume_stordev_udi = hal_device_property_get_string (backing_volume, "block.storage_device");
++		if (backing_volume_stordev_udi != NULL) {
++			HAL_INFO (("backing_volume_stordev_udi='%s'!", backing_volume_stordev_udi));
++			parent = hal_device_store_find (hald_get_gdl (), backing_volume_stordev_udi);
++			if (parent != NULL) {
++				HAL_INFO (("parent='%s'!", parent->udi));
++				hal_device_property_set_string (device, "volume.crypto_luks.clear.backing_volume", backing_volume->udi);
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	return parent;
++hotplug_event_begin_add_blockdev (const gchar *sysfs_path, const gchar *device_file, gboolean is_partition,
++				  HalDevice *parent, void *end_token)
++	HotplugEvent *hotplug_event = (HotplugEvent *) end_token;
++	gchar *major_minor;
++	HalDevice *d;
++	unsigned int major, minor;
++	gboolean is_fakevolume;
++	char *sysfs_path_real = NULL;
++	int floppy_num;
++	HAL_INFO (("block_add: sysfs_path=%s dev=%s is_part=%d, parent=0x%08x", 
++		   sysfs_path, device_file, is_partition, parent));
++	if (parent != NULL && hal_device_property_get_bool (parent, "info.ignore")) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Ignoring block_add since parent has info.ignore==TRUE"));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	if (strcmp (hal_util_get_last_element (sysfs_path), "fakevolume") == 0) {
++		is_fakevolume = TRUE;
++		sysfs_path_real = hal_util_get_parent_path (sysfs_path);
++		HAL_INFO (("Handling %s as fakevolume - sysfs_path_real=%s", device_file, sysfs_path_real));
++	} else {
++		is_fakevolume = FALSE;
++		sysfs_path_real = g_strdup (sysfs_path);
++	}
++	/* See if we already have device (which we may have as we're ignoring rem/add
++	 * for certain classes of devices - see hotplug_event_begin_remove_blockdev)
++	 */
++	d = hal_device_store_match_key_value_string (hald_get_gdl (), "linux.sysfs_path", sysfs_path);
++	if (d != NULL) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Ignoring hotplug event - device is already added"));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	d = hal_device_new ();
++	if (parent == NULL) {
++		const gchar *luks_uuid = blockdev_get_luks_uuid (device_file);
++		if (luks_uuid != NULL) {
++			is_partition = TRUE;
++			parent = blockdev_get_luks_parent (luks_uuid, d);
++		}
++	}
++	if (parent == NULL) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Ignoring hotplug event - no parent"));
++		goto error;
++	}
++	if (!is_fakevolume && hal_device_property_get_bool (parent, "storage.no_partitions_hint")) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Ignoring blockdev since not a fakevolume and parent has "
++			   "storage.no_partitions_hint==TRUE"));
++		goto error;
++	}
++	hal_device_property_set_string (d, "linux.sysfs_path", sysfs_path);
++	hal_device_property_set_string (d, "linux.sysfs_path_device", sysfs_path);
++	hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.parent", parent->udi);
++	hal_device_property_set_int (d, "linux.hotplug_type", HOTPLUG_EVENT_SYSFS_BLOCK);
++	hal_device_property_set_string (d, "block.device", device_file);
++	if ((major_minor = hal_util_get_string_from_file (sysfs_path_real, "dev")) == NULL || 
++	    sscanf (major_minor, "%d:%d", &major, &minor) != 2) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Ignoring hotplug event - cannot read major:minor"));
++		goto error;
++	}
++	hal_device_property_set_int (d, "block.major", major);
++	hal_device_property_set_int (d, "block.minor", minor);
++	hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "block.is_volume", is_partition);
++	if (hal_device_has_property(parent, "info.bus") &&
++		(strcmp(hal_device_property_get_string(parent, "info.bus"), "platform") == 0) &&
++		(sscanf(hal_device_property_get_string(parent, "platform.id"), "floppy.%d", &floppy_num) == 1)) {
++		/* for now, just cheat here for floppy drives */
++		HAL_INFO (("doing floppy drive hack for floppy %d", floppy_num));
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "platform");
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.no_partitions_hint", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.media_check_enabled", FALSE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.automount_enabled_hint", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.model", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.vendor", "PC Floppy Drive");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.vendor", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.product", "PC Floppy Drive");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.drive_type", "floppy");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.physical_device", parent->udi);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.removable", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.hotpluggable", FALSE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.requires_eject", FALSE);
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.category", "storage");
++		hal_device_add_capability (d, "storage");
++		hal_device_add_capability (d, "block");
++		/* add to TDL so preprobing callouts and prober can access it */
++		hal_device_store_add (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		/* Process preprobe fdi files */
++		di_search_and_merge (d, DEVICE_INFO_TYPE_PREPROBE);
++		/* Run preprobe callouts */
++		hal_util_callout_device_preprobe (d, blockdev_callouts_preprobing_storage_done, end_token, NULL);
++		goto out2;
++	}
++	if (!is_partition) {
++		const char *udi_it;
++		const char *physdev_udi;
++		HalDevice *scsidev;
++		HalDevice *physdev;
++		gboolean is_hotpluggable;
++		gboolean is_removable;
++		gboolean requires_eject;
++		gboolean no_partitions_hint;
++		const gchar *bus;
++		const gchar *parent_bus;
++		/********************************
++		 * storage devices
++		 *******************************/
++		scsidev = NULL;
++		physdev = NULL;
++		physdev_udi = NULL;
++		is_removable = FALSE;
++		is_hotpluggable = FALSE;
++		requires_eject = FALSE;
++		no_partitions_hint = FALSE;
++		/* defaults */
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "unknown");
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.no_partitions_hint", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.media_check_enabled", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.automount_enabled_hint", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.drive_type", "disk");
++		/* persistent properties from udev (may be empty) */
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.model", hotplug_event->sysfs.model);
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.vendor", hotplug_event->sysfs.vendor);
++		if (hotplug_event->sysfs.serial[0] != '\0')
++			hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.serial", hotplug_event->sysfs.serial);
++		if (hotplug_event->sysfs.revision[0] != '\0')
++			hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.firmware_version", hotplug_event->sysfs.revision);
++		/* walk up the device chain to find the physical device, 
++		 * start with our parent. On the way, optionally pick up
++		 * the scsi if it exists */
++		udi_it = parent->udi;
++		while (udi_it != NULL) {
++			HalDevice *d_it;
++			/*************************
++			 *
++			 * STORAGE
++			 *
++			 ************************/
++			/* Find device */
++			d_it = hal_device_store_find (hald_get_gdl (), udi_it);
++			g_assert (d_it != NULL);
++			/* Check info.bus */
++			if ((bus = hal_device_property_get_string (d_it, "info.bus")) != NULL) {
++				if (strcmp (bus, "scsi") == 0) {
++					scsidev = d_it;
++					physdev = d_it;
++					physdev_udi = udi_it;
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "scsi");
++					hal_device_copy_property (scsidev, "scsi.lun", d, "storage.lun");
++					/* want to continue here, because it may be USB or IEEE1394 */
++				}
++				if (strcmp (bus, "usb") == 0) {
++					physdev = d_it;
++					physdev_udi = udi_it;
++					is_hotpluggable = TRUE;
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "usb");
++					break;
++				} else if (strcmp (bus, "ieee1394") == 0) {
++					physdev = d_it;
++					physdev_udi = udi_it;
++					is_hotpluggable = TRUE;
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "ieee1394");
++					break;
++				} else if (strcmp (bus, "ide") == 0) {
++					physdev = d_it;
++					physdev_udi = udi_it;
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "ide");
++					break;
++				} else if (strcmp (bus, "mmc") == 0) {
++					physdev = d_it;
++					physdev_udi = udi_it;
++					is_hotpluggable = TRUE;
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.bus", "mmc");
++					break;
++				} else if (strcmp (bus, "ccw") == 0) {
++					physdev = d_it;
++					physdev_udi = udi_it;
++					is_hotpluggable = TRUE;
++					hal_device_property_set_string
++						(d, "storage.bus", "ccw");
++				}
++			}
++			/* Go to parent */
++			udi_it = hal_device_property_get_string (d_it, "info.parent");
++		}
++		/* needs physical device */
++		if (physdev_udi == NULL) {
++			HAL_WARNING (("No physical device?"));
++			goto error;
++		}
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.physical_device", physdev_udi);
++		if (!hal_util_get_int_from_file (sysfs_path, "removable", (gint *) &is_removable, 10)) {
++			HAL_WARNING (("Cannot get 'removable' file"));
++			goto error;
++		}
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.removable", is_removable);
++		/* by default, do checks for media if, and only if, the removable file is set to 1
++		 *
++		 * Problematic buses, like IDE, may override this.
++		 */
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.media_check_enabled", is_removable);
++		parent_bus = hal_device_property_get_string (parent, "info.bus");
++		HAL_INFO (("parent_bus is %s", parent_bus));
++		/* per-bus specific properties */
++		if (strcmp (parent_bus, "ide") == 0) {
++			char buf[256];
++			gchar *media;
++			gchar *model;
++			/* Be conservative and don't poll IDE drives at all (except CD-ROM's, see below) */
++			hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.media_check_enabled", FALSE);
++			/* according to kernel source, media can assume the following values:
++			 *
++			 * "disk", "cdrom", "tape", "floppy", "UNKNOWN"
++			 */
++			snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/ide/%s", get_hal_proc_path (), hal_util_get_last_element (sysfs_path));
++			if ((media = hal_util_get_string_from_file (buf, "media")) != NULL) {
++				if (strcmp (media, "disk") == 0 ||
++				    strcmp (media, "cdrom") == 0 ||
++				    strcmp (media, "floppy") == 0) {
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.drive_type", media);
++				} else {
++					HAL_WARNING (("Cannot determine IDE drive type from file %s/media", buf));
++					goto error;
++				}
++				if (strcmp (media, "cdrom") == 0) {
++					/* only optical drives are the only IDE devices that can safely be polled */
++					hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.media_check_enabled", TRUE);
++				}
++			}
++			if ((model = hal_util_get_string_from_file (buf, "model")) != NULL) {
++				hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.model", model);
++				hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.product", model);
++			}
++		} else if (strcmp (parent_bus, "scsi") == 0) {
++			if (strcmp (hal_device_property_get_string (parent, "scsi.type"), "unknown") == 0) {
++				HAL_WARNING (("scsi.type is unknown"));
++				goto error;
++			}
++			hal_device_copy_property (parent, "scsi.type", d, "storage.drive_type");
++			hal_device_copy_property (parent, "scsi.vendor", d, "storage.vendor");
++			hal_device_copy_property (parent, "scsi.model", d, "storage.model");
++			hal_device_copy_property (d, "storage.vendor", d, "info.vendor");
++			hal_device_copy_property (d, "storage.model", d, "info.product");
++			/* Check for USB floppy drive by looking at USB Mass Storage interface class
++			 * instead of Protocol: Uniform Floppy Interface (UFI) in /proc as we did before.
++			 *
++			 * (should fix RH bug 133834)
++			 */
++			if (physdev != NULL) {
++				if (hal_device_property_get_int (physdev, "usb.interface.class") == 8 &&
++				    hal_device_property_get_int (physdev, "usb.interface.subclass") == 4 ) {
++					hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.drive_type", "floppy");
++					/* My experiments with my USB LaCie Floppy disk
++					 * drive is that polling indeed work (Yay!), so
++					 * we don't set storage.media_check_enabled to 
++					 * FALSE - for devices where this doesn't work,
++					 * we can override it with .fdi files
++					 */
++				}
++			}
++		} else if (strcmp (parent_bus, "mmc") == 0) {
++			hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.drive_type", "sd_mmc");
++		}
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.category", "storage");
++		hal_device_add_capability (d, "storage");
++		hal_device_add_capability (d, "block");
++		if (strcmp (hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.drive_type"), "cdrom") == 0) {
++			hal_device_add_capability (d, "storage.cdrom");
++			no_partitions_hint = TRUE;
++			requires_eject = TRUE;
++		}
++		if (strcmp (hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.drive_type"), "floppy") == 0) {
++			no_partitions_hint = TRUE;
++		}
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.hotpluggable", is_hotpluggable);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.requires_eject", requires_eject);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "storage.no_partitions_hint", no_partitions_hint);
++		/* add to TDL so preprobing callouts and prober can access it */
++		hal_device_store_add (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		/* Process preprobe fdi files */
++		di_search_and_merge (d, DEVICE_INFO_TYPE_PREPROBE);
++		/* Run preprobe callouts */
++		hal_util_callout_device_preprobe (d, blockdev_callouts_preprobing_storage_done, end_token, NULL);
++	} else {
++		guint sysfs_path_len;
++		/*************************
++		 *
++		 * VOLUMES
++		 *
++		 ************************/
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "block.storage_device", parent->udi);
++		/* defaults */
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "storage.model", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "volume.fstype", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "volume.fsusage", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "volume.fsversion", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "volume.uuid", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "volume.label", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "volume.mount_point", "");
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "volume.is_mounted", FALSE);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (
++			d, "volume.is_disc", 
++			strcmp (hal_device_property_get_string (parent, "storage.drive_type"), "cdrom") == 0);
++		hal_device_property_set_bool (d, "volume.is_partition", TRUE);
++		hal_device_property_set_string (d, "info.category", "volume");
++		hal_device_add_capability (d, "volume");
++		hal_device_add_capability (d, "block");
++		/* determine partition number - unless, of course, we're a fakevolume */
++		sysfs_path_len = strlen (sysfs_path);
++		if (!is_fakevolume) {
++			if (sysfs_path_len > 0 && isdigit (sysfs_path[sysfs_path_len - 1])) {
++				guint i;
++				for (i = sysfs_path_len - 1; isdigit (sysfs_path[i]); --i)
++					;
++				if (isdigit (sysfs_path[i+1])) {
++					guint partition_number;
++					partition_number = atoi (&sysfs_path[i+1]);
++					hal_device_property_set_int (d, "volume.partition.number", partition_number);
++				} else {
++					HAL_WARNING (("Cannot determine partition number?"));
++					goto error;
++				}
++			} else {
++				HAL_WARNING (("Cannot determine partition number"));
++				goto error;
++			}
++		}
++		/* first estimate - prober may override this...
++		 *
++		 * (block size requires opening the device file)
++		 */
++		hal_device_property_set_int (d, "volume.block_size", 512);
++		if (!hal_util_set_int_from_file (d, "volume.num_blocks", sysfs_path_real, "size", 0)) {
++			HAL_INFO (("Ignoring hotplug event - cannot read 'size'"));
++			goto error;
++		}
++		hal_device_property_set_uint64 (
++			d, "volume.size",
++			((dbus_uint64_t)(512)) * ((dbus_uint64_t)(hal_device_property_set_int (d, "volume.block_size", 512))));
++		/* add to TDL so preprobing callouts and prober can access it */
++		hal_device_store_add (hald_get_tdl (), d);
++		/* Process preprobe fdi files */
++		di_search_and_merge (d, DEVICE_INFO_TYPE_PREPROBE);
++		/* Run preprobe callouts */
++		hal_util_callout_device_preprobe (d, blockdev_callouts_preprobing_volume_done, end_token, NULL);
++	}
++	g_free (sysfs_path_real);
++	return;
++	HAL_WARNING (("Not adding device object"));
++	if (d != NULL)
++		g_object_unref (d);
++	hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++	g_free (sysfs_path_real);
++static void
++force_unmount_cb (HalDevice *d, guint32 exit_type, 
++		  gint return_code, gchar **error,
++		  gpointer data1, gpointer data2)
++	void *end_token = (void *) data1;
++	HAL_INFO (("force_unmount_cb for udi='%s', exit_type=%d, return_code=%d", d->udi, exit_type, return_code));
++	if (exit_type == HALD_RUN_SUCCESS && error != NULL && 
++	    error[0] != NULL && error[1] != NULL) {
++		char *exp_name = NULL;
++		char *exp_detail = NULL;
++		exp_name = error[0];
++		if (error[0] != NULL) {
++			exp_detail = error[1];
++		}
++		HAL_INFO (("failed with '%s' '%s'", exp_name, exp_detail));
++	}
++	hal_util_callout_device_remove (d, blockdev_callouts_remove_done, end_token, NULL);
++static void
++force_unmount (HalDevice *d, void *end_token)
++	char *unmount_stdin;
++	char *extra_env[2];
++	extra_env[0] = "HAL_METHOD_INVOKED_BY_UID=0";
++	extra_env[1] = NULL;
++	HAL_INFO (("force_unmount for udi='%s'", d->udi));
++	unmount_stdin = "lazy\n";
++	hald_runner_run_method (d, 
++				"hal-system-storage-unmount", extra_env, 
++				unmount_stdin, TRUE,
++				0,
++				force_unmount_cb,
++				end_token, NULL);
++hotplug_event_begin_remove_blockdev (const gchar *sysfs_path, gboolean is_partition, void *end_token)
++	HalDevice *d;
++	HAL_INFO (("block_rem: sysfs_path=%s is_part=%d", sysfs_path, is_partition));
++	d = hal_device_store_match_key_value_string (hald_get_gdl (), "linux.sysfs_path", sysfs_path);
++	if (d == NULL) {
++		HAL_WARNING (("Error removing device"));
++		hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++	} else {
++		const char *stor_udi;
++		HalDevice *stor_dev;
++		gboolean is_fakevolume;
++		is_partition = hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "volume.is_partition");
++		if (strcmp (hal_util_get_last_element (sysfs_path), "fakevolume") == 0)
++			is_fakevolume = TRUE;
++		else
++			is_fakevolume = FALSE;		
++		/* ignore hotplug events on IDE partitions since ide-cs and others causes hotplug 
++		 * rem/add when the last closer (including mount) closes the device. (Unless it's
++		 * a fakevolume)
++		 *
++		 * This causes an infinite loop since we open the device to probe. How nice.
++		 *
++		 * Instead - we'll be removing the partition once the main block device
++		 * goes away
++		 */
++		stor_udi = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "block.storage_device");
++		if (is_partition && 
++		    !is_fakevolume &&
++		    stor_udi != NULL && 
++		    ((stor_dev = hal_device_store_find (hald_get_gdl (), stor_udi)) != NULL)) {
++			const char *stor_bus;
++			stor_bus = hal_device_property_get_string (stor_dev, "storage.bus");
++			if (strcmp (stor_bus, "ide") == 0) {
++				/* unless we are already delayed, cf. the code below */
++				if (hal_device_property_get_bool (d, ".already_delayed") != TRUE) {
++					HAL_INFO (("Ignoring hotplug event"));
++					hotplug_event_end (end_token);
++					goto out;
++				}
++			}
++		} else if (!is_partition) {
++			GSList *i;
++			GSList *partitions;
++			unsigned int num_childs;
++			/* see if there any partitions lying around that we refused to remove above */
++			partitions = hal_device_store_match_multiple_key_value_string (hald_get_gdl (),
++										       "block.storage_device",
++										       stor_udi);
++			/* have to count number of childs first */
++			num_childs = 0;
++			for (i = partitions; i != NULL; i = g_slist_next (i)) {
++				HalDevice *child;
++				child = HAL_DEVICE (i->data);
++				/* ignore ourself */
++				if (child == d)
++					continue;
++				num_childs++;
++			}
++			if (num_childs > 0) {
++				/* OK, so we did have childs to remove before removing ourself
++				 *
++				 * Enqueue at front of queue; the childs will get in front of us
++				 * because they will also queue up in front of use (damn kids!)
++				 */
++				HAL_INFO (("Delaying hotplug event until childs are done and gone"));
++				hotplug_event_enqueue_at_front ((HotplugEvent *) end_token);
++				for (i = partitions; i != NULL; i = g_slist_next (i)) {
++					HalDevice *child;
++					HotplugEvent *hotplug_event;
++					child = HAL_DEVICE (i->data);
++					/* ignore ourself */
++					if (child == d)
++						continue;
++					/* set a flag such that we *will* get removed above */
++					hal_device_property_set_bool (child, ".already_delayed", TRUE);
++					HAL_INFO (("Generating hotplug rem for ignored fakevolume/ide_part with udi %s",
++						   child->udi));
++					/* yay! - gen hotplug event and fast track us to the front of the queue :-) */
++					hotplug_event = blockdev_generate_remove_hotplug_event (child);
++					hotplug_event_enqueue_at_front (hotplug_event);
++				}
++				g_slist_free (partitions);
++				/* since we pushed ourselves into the queue again above, say that we're done
++				 * but the event shouldn't get deleted
++				 */
++				hotplug_event_reposted (end_token);
++				goto out;
++			} else {
++				/* No childs to remove before ourself; just remove ourself, e.g. carry on below */
++				g_slist_free (partitions);
++			}
++		}
++		/* if we're mounted, then do a lazy unmount so the system can gracefully recover */
++		if (hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "volume.is_mounted")) {
++			force_unmount (d, end_token);
++		} else {
++			hal_util_callout_device_remove (d, blockdev_callouts_remove_done, end_token, NULL);
++		}
++	}
++	;
++static void 
++block_rescan_storage_done (HalDevice *d, guint32 exit_type, 
++                           gint return_code, gchar **error,
++                           gpointer data1, gpointer data2)
++	const char *sysfs_path;
++	HalDevice *fakevolume;
++	char fake_sysfs_path[HAL_PATH_MAX];
++	HAL_INFO (("hald-probe-storage --only-check-for-media returned %d (exit_type=%d)", return_code, exit_type));
++	if (d == NULL) {
++		HAL_INFO (("Device object already removed"));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	sysfs_path = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "linux.sysfs_path");
++	/* see if we already got a fake volume */
++	snprintf (fake_sysfs_path, sizeof(fake_sysfs_path), "%s/fakevolume", sysfs_path);
++	fakevolume = hal_device_store_match_key_value_string (hald_get_gdl (), "linux.sysfs_path", fake_sysfs_path);
++	if (return_code == 2) {
++		/* we've got a fs on the main block device - add fakevolume if we haven't got one already */
++		if (fakevolume == NULL) {
++			generate_fakevolume_hotplug_event_add_for_storage_device (d);
++		}
++	} else {
++		/* no fs on the main block device - remove fakevolume if we have one */
++		if (fakevolume != NULL) {
++			/* generate hotplug event to remove the fakevolume */
++			HotplugEvent *hotplug_event;
++			hotplug_event = blockdev_generate_remove_hotplug_event (fakevolume);
++			if (hotplug_event != NULL) {
++				hotplug_event_enqueue (hotplug_event);
++				hotplug_event_process_queue ();
++			}
++		}
++	}
++	;
++blockdev_rescan_device (HalDevice *d)
++	gboolean ret;
++	ret = FALSE;
++	HAL_INFO (("Entering, udi=%s", d->udi));
++	/* This only makes sense on storage devices */
++	if (hal_device_property_get_bool (d, "block.is_volume")) {
++		HAL_INFO (("No action on volumes", d->udi));
++		goto out;
++	}
++	/* now see if we got a file system on the main block device */
++	hald_runner_run (d,
++	                 "hald-probe-storage --only-check-for-media", NULL, 
++	                 HAL_HELPER_TIMEOUT,
++	                 block_rescan_storage_done,
++	                 NULL, NULL);
++	ret = TRUE;
++	return ret;
++HotplugEvent *
++blockdev_generate_add_hotplug_event (HalDevice *d)
++	const char *sysfs_path;
++	const char *device_file;
++	const char *model;
++	const char *vendor;
++	const char *serial;
++	const char *revision;
++	HotplugEvent *hotplug_event;
++	const char *nul;
++	nul = "\0";
++	sysfs_path = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "linux.sysfs_path");
++	device_file = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "block.device");
++	model       = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.model");
++	vendor      = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.vendor");
++	serial      = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.serial");
++	revision    = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "storage.firmware_revision");
++	hotplug_event = g_new0 (HotplugEvent, 1);
++	hotplug_event->action = HOTPLUG_ACTION_ADD;
++	hotplug_event->type = HOTPLUG_EVENT_SYSFS;
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.subsystem, "block", sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.subsystem));
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.sysfs_path, sysfs_path, sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.sysfs_path));
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.device_file, device_file != NULL ? device_file : nul, HAL_NAME_MAX);
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.vendor,           vendor != NULL ?      vendor : nul, HAL_NAME_MAX);
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.model,             model != NULL ?       model : nul, HAL_NAME_MAX);
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.serial,           serial != NULL ?      serial : nul, HAL_NAME_MAX);
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.revision,       revision != NULL ?    revision : nul, HAL_NAME_MAX);
++	hotplug_event->sysfs.net_ifindex = -1;
++	return hotplug_event;
++HotplugEvent *
++blockdev_generate_remove_hotplug_event (HalDevice *d)
++	const char *sysfs_path;
++	HotplugEvent *hotplug_event;
++	sysfs_path = hal_device_property_get_string (d, "linux.sysfs_path");
++	hotplug_event = g_new0 (HotplugEvent, 1);
++	hotplug_event->action = HOTPLUG_ACTION_REMOVE;
++	hotplug_event->type = HOTPLUG_EVENT_SYSFS;
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.subsystem, "block", sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.subsystem));
++	g_strlcpy (hotplug_event->sysfs.sysfs_path, sysfs_path, sizeof (hotplug_event->sysfs.sysfs_path));
++	hotplug_event->sysfs.device_file[0] = '\0';
++	hotplug_event->sysfs.net_ifindex = -1;
++	return hotplug_event;

Added: packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/17_fix_dbus_090_build.patch
--- packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/17_fix_dbus_090_build.patch	2006-08-15 11:11:46 UTC (rev 942)
+++ packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/17_fix_dbus_090_build.patch	2006-08-15 11:47:34 UTC (rev 943)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+commit 2901c216a1d5867ac997e8c7805a3e530201fe71
+Author: Kay Sievers <kay.sievers at vrfy.org>
+Date:   Fri Jul 14 17:46:57 2006 +0000
+    Replace dbus_connection_disconnect() with dbus_connection_close() (D-BUS
+        api rename)
+diff --git a/tools/hal-device.c b/tools/hal-device.c
+index 06d6b22..a5b7c83 100644
+--- a/tools/hal-device.c
++++ b/tools/hal-device.c
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ 	libhal_ctx_shutdown(hal_ctx, &error);
+ 	libhal_ctx_free(hal_ctx);
+-	dbus_connection_disconnect(conn);
++	dbus_connection_close(conn);
+ 	dbus_connection_unref(conn);
+ 	dbus_error_free(&error);
+diff --git a/tools/lshal.c b/tools/lshal.c
+index 8c05759..42e9907 100644
+--- a/tools/lshal.c
++++ b/tools/lshal.c
+@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ main (int argc, char *argv[])
+ 	libhal_ctx_shutdown (hal_ctx, &error);
+ 	libhal_ctx_free (hal_ctx);
+-	dbus_connection_disconnect (conn);
++	dbus_connection_close (conn);
+ 	dbus_connection_unref (conn);
+ 	if (show_device)

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