[Pkg-utopia-commits] r1811 - /packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/68_alternative-cdrw-capacity-detection.patch

slomo at users.alioth.debian.org slomo at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Oct 22 12:14:56 UTC 2007

Author: slomo
Date: Mon Oct 22 12:14:56 2007
New Revision: 1811

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-utopia/?sc=1&rev=1811
* add missing patch


Added: packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/68_alternative-cdrw-capacity-detection.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-utopia/packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/68_alternative-cdrw-capacity-detection.patch?rev=1811&op=file
--- packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/68_alternative-cdrw-capacity-detection.patch (added)
+++ packages/unstable/hal/debian/patches/68_alternative-cdrw-capacity-detection.patch Mon Oct 22 12:14:56 2007
@@ -1,0 +1,192 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 68_disc_identification.dpatch by  <david_castelow at hotmail.com>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: Added get_mmc_profile to recognise discs in old drives (where GET 
+## DP: CONFIGURATION fails), called from get_disc_type.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -Nru hal-0.5.9.orig/hald/linux/probing/linux_dvd_rw_utils.c hal-0.5.9/hald/linux/probing/linux_dvd_rw_utils.c
+--- hal-0.5.9.orig/hald/linux/probing/linux_dvd_rw_utils.c	2007-03-07 21:52:19.000000000 +0000
++++ hal-0.5.9/hald/linux/probing/linux_dvd_rw_utils.c	2007-07-31 19:23:36.000000000 +0100
+@@ -740,6 +740,160 @@
+ 	return retval;
+ }
++static int
++get_mmc_profile (int fd, int * isblank)
++	ScsiCommand * cmd;
++	int retval = -1;
++	unsigned char formats[260],disc_info[32];
++	unsigned char page[20];
++	unsigned char buf[8],inq[128];
++	int profile=0,once=1,blank=0,err,erasable=0;
++	unsigned int len;
++	cmd = scsi_command_new_from_fd (fd);
++	/* For valgrind */
++	memset (&page, 0, sizeof (page));
++	memset (&buf, 0, sizeof (buf));
++	memset (&inq, 0, sizeof (inq));
++	memset (&disc_info, 0, sizeof (disc_info));
++	memset (&formats, 0, sizeof (formats));
++	/*
++	  INQUIRY is considered to be "non-intrusive" in a sense that it
++	  won't interfere with any other operation nor clear sense data,
++	  which might be important to retain for security reasons.
++	*/
++	scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0x12);	/* INQUIRY */
++	scsi_command_init(cmd,4,36);
++	scsi_command_init(cmd,5,0);
++	if ((err=scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,inq,36))) {
++		/*sperror ("INQUIRY",err);*/
++		goto bail;
++	}
++	/* make sure we're talking to MMC unit, for security reasons... */
++	if ((inq[0]&0x1F) != 5) {
++		fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine drive profile: not an MMC unit!\n");
++		goto bail;
++	}
++	do {
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0x46);
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,8,sizeof(buf));
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,9,0);
++		if ((err=scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,buf,sizeof(buf)))) {
++			/*sperror ("GET CONFIGURATION",err);*/
++			/* this is not a fatal error -- some older drives support MMC-1
++			 * but don't support the GET CONFIGURATION command (which is part
++			 * of the MMC-2 spec). */
++		} else {
++			if ((profile = buf[6]<<8|buf[7]) || !once) break;
++		}
++		// no media?
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0);	// TEST UNIT READY
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,5,0);
++		if ((scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,buf,sizeof(buf))&0xFFF00) != 0x23A00) break;
++		// try to load tray...
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0x1B);	// START/STOP UNIT
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,4,0x3);	// "Load"
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,5,0);
++		if ((err=scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,buf,sizeof(buf)))) {
++			/*sperror ("LOAD TRAY",err);*/
++			fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine drive profile: Error loading drive tray\n");
++			goto bail;
++		}
++		/*    wait_for_unit (cmd);*/
++	} while (once--);
++	scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0x51);	// READ DISC INFORMATION
++	scsi_command_init(cmd,8,sizeof(disc_info));
++	scsi_command_init(cmd,9,0);
++	if ((err=scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,disc_info,sizeof(disc_info)))) {
++		/*sperror ("READ DISC INFORMATION",err);*/
++		fprintf (stderr, "Could not fully determine drive profile %x: Error reading disc information\n", profile);
++		goto bail;
++	}
++	// see if it's blank media
++	if ((disc_info[2]&3) == 0)	blank=1;
++	if (!profile ) {
++		/* if the profile has not yet been set, we're dealing with an older
++		 * CD-R or CD-RW burner (which doesn't know the GET CONFIGURATION
++		 * command.  Do some digging into the disc type to figure out what's
++		 * in the drive */
++		erasable = ((disc_info[2] & 16));
++		if (blank && !erasable) {
++			profile = 0x09;  /* CD-R                        */
++		} else if (erasable) {
++			profile = 0x0a;  /* CD-RW                       */
++		} else if (disc_info[8] == 0x00) {
++			profile = 0x08;  /* Commercial CDs and Audio CD */
++		} else {
++			fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine profile or type of media\n");
++			goto bail;
++		}
++	}
++	if ((profile != 0x1A && profile != 0x13 && profile != 0x12)) {
++		retval = profile;
++	}
++	else {
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0x23);	// READ FORMAT CAPACITIES
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,8,12);
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,9,0);
++		if ((err=scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,formats,12))) {
++			/*sperror ("READ FORMAT CAPACITIES",err);*/
++			fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine drive profile: "
++				 "Error reading format capacities\n");
++			goto bail;
++		}
++		len = formats[3];
++		if (len&7 || len<16) {
++			fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine drive profile: "
++				 "Format allocation length isn't sane\n");
++			goto bail;
++		}
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,0,0x23);	// READ FORMAT CAPACITIES
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,7,(4+len)>>8);
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,8,(4+len)&0xFF);
++		scsi_command_init(cmd,9,0);
++		if ((err=scsi_command_transport(cmd,READ,formats,4+len))) {
++			/*sperror ("READ FORMAT CAPACITIES",err);*/
++			fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine drive profile: "
++				 "Error reading format capacities (2)\n");
++			goto bail;
++		}
++		if (len != formats[3]) {
++			fprintf (stderr, "Could not determine drive profile: "
++				 "parameter length inconsistency\n");
++			goto bail;
++		}
++		// see if it's not formatted
++		if ((formats[8]&3) != 2) blank = 1;
++		retval = profile;
++	}
++	/* Only touch isblank if we have read the profile correctly. */
++	if ( retval != -1 ) {
++		*isblank = blank;
++	}
++	  return retval;
+ int
+ get_disc_type (int fd)
+ {
+@@ -754,14 +908,16 @@
+ 	scsi_command_init (cmd, 8, 8);
+ 	scsi_command_init (cmd, 9, 0);
+ 	if (scsi_command_transport (cmd, READ, header, 8)) {
++		int isblank;
+ 		/* GET CONFIGURATION failed */
+ 		scsi_command_free (cmd);
+-		return -1;
++		/* Try alternative method */
++		retval = get_mmc_profile(fd,&isblank);
++		return retval;	/* get_mmc_profile returns -1 on error too. */
+ 	}
+ 	retval = (header[6]<<8)|(header[7]);
+ 	scsi_command_free (cmd);
+ 	return retval;
+ }

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