[Pkg-utopia-commits] r2663 - in /packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian: changelog network-manager.README.Debian
biebl at users.alioth.debian.org
biebl at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Dec 16 08:28:28 UTC 2008
Author: biebl
Date: Tue Dec 16 08:28:27 2008
New Revision: 2663
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-utopia/?sc=1&rev=2663
* debian/network-manager.README.Debian
- Merge the README.Debian from Ubuntu which describes the new
managed/unmanaged modes.
Modified: packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-utopia/packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/changelog?rev=2663&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/changelog (original)
+++ packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/changelog Tue Dec 16 08:28:27 2008
@@ -30,6 +30,9 @@
versions of those packages do not work with network-manager 0.7.
* debian/patches/05-dhclient_lease_files.patch
- Change the location of the dhclient lease files to /var/lib/dhcp3.
+ * debian/network-manager.README.Debian
+ - Merge the README.Debian from Ubuntu which describes the new
+ managed/unmanaged modes.
-- Michael Biebl <biebl at debian.org> Sat, 06 Dec 2008 00:43:22 +0100
Modified: packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/network-manager.README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-utopia/packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/network-manager.README.Debian?rev=2663&op=diff
--- packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/network-manager.README.Debian (original)
+++ packages/experimental/networkmanager/debian/network-manager.README.Debian Tue Dec 16 08:28:27 2008
@@ -10,67 +10,48 @@
"adduser username netdev" or one of the graphical user management frontends.
After that you have to reload D-Bus with the command "/etc/init.d/dbus reload".
-Configuration of wireless and ethernet interfaces
-Only devices that are *not* listed in /etc/network/interfaces or which have
-been configured "auto" and "dhcp" (with no other options) are managed by NM.
+Alternatively you can install the "consolekit" package which will grant access
+for all locally logged in users.
-This way you can setup a custom (static) configuration for a device and NM
-will not try to override this setting.
-After modifying /etc/network/interfaces you have to restart NM with the
-command "/etc/init.d/network-manager restart".
+Managed vs. Unmanaged mode and /etc/network/interfaces
+Devices listed in /etc/network/interfaces _will_ be managed by NetworkManager
+unless the ifupdown system-config-setting is enabled and is setup to run
+in "Unmanaged mode".
+The config to select unmanaged/managed mode is in
-auto wlan0
-iface wlan0 inet dhcp
--> This device is managed by NM.
+ [ifupdown]
+ managed=true/false
-allow-hotplug eth0
-iface eth0 inet dhcp
--> This device is managed by NM
+Unmanaged mode will make NetworkManager not touch any wired/wireless device
+matching an interface name configured in /etc/network/interfaces.
-auto wlan0
-iface wlan0 inet dhcp
- wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
--> This devices is *not* managed by NM because it has additional options.
+Managed mode will make NetworkManager manage all devices and will make
+NetworkManager honour all dhcp and static configurations for wired and
+wireless devices.
-iface wlan0 inet dhcp
--> This device is *not* managed by NM because it is not set to "auto".
-iface eth0 inet static
- address
- netmask
- gateway
--> This device is *not* managed by NM because it is configured as "static" and
- has additional options.
+After modifying /etc/NetworkManager/nm-systems-settings.conf _or_
+/etc/network/interfaces you may want to restart the system-settings daemon
+using the command:
+"sudo killall nm-system-settings" to apply those changes.
-Device is not listed in /etc/network/interfaces.
--> Device is managed by NM.
Dial-up configuration
-After configuring your PPP interface (either manually or by using a tool like
-"pppconfig") to work with a peer called "myisp" you should edit
-/etc/network/interfaces and add a stanza like this:
-iface ppp0 inet ppp
- provider myisp
+Your dialup configurations can now be one in network-manager connection editor.
+Because of that /etc/network/interfaces configurations are considered "legacy"
+from a network manager point of view.
-NM will then make it possible to dial this connection.
-If you want to set up multiple internet service providers simply create a new
-stanza as listed above specifying the provider and a different iface, e.g. ppp1.
+However, if you want to use your /etc/network/interfaces configuration make
+sure that you have the ifupdown plugin in "Unmanaged mode" and take care that
+the used wired/wireless device is also configured in /etc/network/interfaces.
-After modifying /etc/network/interfaces you have to restart NM with the
-command "/etc/init.d/network-manager restart".
+Not that NetworkManager 0.7 will not provive UI hooks to up and down ppp
+connections managed outside of NetworkManager itself (not that it ever worked
+nicely before).
-Please read the "Debian Reference Manual", section or the "interfaces"
-man page for further information.
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