[Pkg-utopia-devel] Hal and power management in debian

Sjoerd Simons sjoerd at spring.luon.net
Wed Feb 8 21:02:23 UTC 2006

 HAL in debian is finaly in a state that i can start working on getting the
 powermanagement stuff in hal to actually just work on debian :). Now i'm not 
 an expert wrt.  powermanagement in linux, so i would like some opinions. 

 The first thing is that we need some policy about who can do powermanagement
 (thus things like suspending, hibernating, etc). I was thinking about using
 a new group in the spirit of ``plugdev'' called ``powerdev''. Users in this 
 group will be able to do powermanagement.    
   When pam-foreground is integrated in debian, we can optionally also have hal
 do policy on basis of that.

  Furthermore, hal doesn't do the suspending itself. The callouts are made to
  call another program which should do the actual suspending. 
  On powerpc it could use pmud or pbbuttonsd (whichever is installed). I don't
  know what it could use on ACPI and APM machines as i don't have experience 
  with them (help here would be appreciated).

  The downsides of these programs is that they do more then simply suspending
  the machine, which might conflict with things that do their policy on top of
  hal. For PPC it's not that difficult to write a small program that can 
  for example suspends the machines (at least for pmu based machines) and call 
  some common event handler (as basically described in 
  http://powermgmt.alioth.debian.org/dokuwiki/implementation). I don't know if
  it's also easy for ACPI (from what i know about it is not).

  Does anyone know if programs like these maybe already exist ? And furthermore
  is there any work being done on this ``common event handler'' ?

God instructs the heart, not by ideas, but by pains and contradictions.
		-- De Caussade
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