[Pkg-vexim-devel] First of all ...

Daniel Knabl daniel at knabl.com
Wed Mar 21 22:26:04 CET 2007

... THANKS to everybody!

I uploaded the latest "experimental" files to our alioth site:

> Project "vexim" ('pkg-vexim') has released the new version of package
> 'vexim' You can download it by following this link:
> <http://alioth.debian.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=30883&release_id=934>

Current version: 2.2.1-2

Please test, test and test more ... we want to make it into
experimental as soon as possible =)

@Maarten: as we mentioned in our mails, please provide as much
documentation as possible, if you like in HTML, or as simple TXT. Thanks

@Richard: please have a look at the setup.php AND setupfinish.php,
maybe we find a way to improve it more.

@David: please have a look at "my way" of parsing the password into
variables.php; seems to work, but we could still have a bug in it.

thanks & regards

Daniel Knabl
aio4u.com/~daniel                 daniel at aio4u.com
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