Bug#319830: vim-common: mis-highlights valid C code

Justin Pryzby justinpryzby at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jul 25 01:42:07 UTC 2005

Package: vim-common
Severity: normal
Version: 6.3-071+1

The following code from <bits/stdio.h> is mishighlighed by vim:

# define fread_unlocked(ptr, size, n, stream) \
  (__extension__ ((__builtin_constant_p (size) && __builtin_constant_p (n)    \
                   && (size_t) ((size) * (n)) <= 8 && (size) != 0)            \
                  ? ({ char *__ptr = (char *) (ptr);                          \
                       FILE *__stream = (stream);                             \
                       size_t __cnt;                                          \
                       for (__cnt = (size) * (n); __cnt > 0; --__cnt)         \
                         {                                                    \
                           int __c = _IO_getc_unlocked (__stream);            \
                           if (__c == EOF)                                    \
                             break;                                           \
                           *__ptr++ = __c;                                    \
                         }                                                    \
                       ((size_t) ((size) * (n)) - __cnt) / (size); })         \
                  : (((__builtin_constant_p (size) && (size) == 0)            \
                      || (__builtin_constant_p (n) && (n) == 0))              \
                        /* Evaluate all parameters once.  */                  \
                     ? ((void) (ptr), (void) (stream), (void) (size),         \
                        (void) (n), 0)                                        \
                     : fread_unlocked (ptr, size, n, stream))))

The first instance of the mishighlight is the first '{'.

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