r66 - in trunk/vim/debian: . patches
Norbert Tretkowski
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 00:06:00 +0100
Author: nobse
Date: 2005-03-16 00:05:59 +0100 (Wed, 16 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 66
Added a new patch from Christian Hammers which adds additional keywords
to /etc/fstab syntax hilighting (closes: #299704).
Modified: trunk/vim/debian/changelog
--- trunk/vim/debian/changelog 2005-03-15 18:53:17 UTC (rev 65)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/changelog 2005-03-15 23:05:59 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
* Norbert Tretkowski <nobse@debian.org>:
+ Added Pierre Habouzit, Torsten Landschoff, Matthijs Mohlmann, Stefano
- Zacchiroli, Alexis Sukrieh and Pepijn de Langen to uploaders.
- (closes: #299446)
+ Zacchiroli, Alexis Sukrieh and Pepijn de Langen to uploaders
+ (closes: #299446).
+ + Added a new patch from Christian Hammers which adds additional keywords
+ to /etc/fstab syntax hilighting (closes: #299704).
+ Use $DEBFULLNAME and $DEBEMAIL to generate --with-compiledby value.
+ Updated tpp syntax file, thanks to Gerfried Fuchs.
@@ -13,13 +15,13 @@
- don't search emails in fields that have not one (closes: #114508).
- fix debcontrolName according to Policy (closes: #148144).
+ Fix tutor.vim to use usual locale envvars semantics (closes: #289113)
- + Add a 16px icon for menu entries too
+ + Add a 16px icon for menu entries too
(taken from http://www.vim.org/images/vim16x16.xpm).
* Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs@cacholong.nl>:
+ Added syntax highlighting for xmodmap (Closes: #296759).
- -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org> Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:54:35 +0100
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse@debian.org> Wed, 16 Mar 2005 00:03:10 +0100
vim (1:6.3-064+1) unstable; urgency=low
Added: trunk/vim/debian/patches/106_fstab.vim.diff
--- trunk/vim/debian/patches/106_fstab.vim.diff 2005-03-15 18:53:17 UTC (rev 65)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/patches/106_fstab.vim.diff 2005-03-15 23:05:59 UTC (rev 66)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff -Nur vim63.orig/runtime/syntax/fstab.vim vim63/runtime/syntax/fstab.vim
+--- vim63.orig/runtime/syntax/fstab.vim 2003-04-30 15:36:32.000000000 +0200
++++ vim63/runtime/syntax/fstab.vim 2005-03-16 00:02:24.042386880 +0100
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ " Type
+ syn cluster fsTypeCluster contains=fsTypeKeyword,fsTypeError
+ syn match fsTypeError /\s\+\zs\w\+/ contained
+-syn keyword fsTypeKeyword contained adfs affs auto autofs cd9660 coda cramfs devfs devpts efs ext2 ext3 fdesc hfs hpfs iso9660 kernfs linprocfs mfs minix msdos ncpfs nfs ntfs nwfs null portal proc procfs qnx4 reiserfs romfs smbfs std sysv swap tmpfs udf ufs umap umsdos union vfat xfs
++syn keyword fsTypeKeyword contained adfs affs auto autofs cd9660 coda cramfs devfs devpts efs ext2 ext3 fdesc hfs hpfs iso9660 kernfs linprocfs mfs minix msdos ncpfs nfs ntfs nwfs null portal proc procfs qnx4 reiserfs romfs smbfs std sysv swap tmpfs udf ufs umap umsdos union vfat xfs none cifs usbfs
+ " Options
+ " -------
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+ syn keyword fsOptionsYesNo yes no
+ syn cluster fsOptionsCheckCluster contains=fsOptionsExt2Check,fsOptionsFatCheck
+ syn keyword fsOptionsSize 512 1024 2048
+-syn keyword fsOptionsGeneral async atime auto current defaults dev exec force fstab noatime noauto noclusterr noclusterw nodev noexec nosuid nosymfollow nouser owner ro rdonly rw rq sw xx suid suiddir sync kudzu union update user supermount
++syn keyword fsOptionsGeneral async atime auto current defaults dev exec force fstab noatime noauto noclusterr noclusterw nodev noexec nosuid nosymfollow nouser owner ro rdonly rw rq sw xx suid suiddir sync kudzu union update user supermount devuid devgid devmode
+ syn match fsOptionsGeneral /_netdev/
+ " Options: adfs