r116 - in trunk/vim/debian: . patches
Stefano Zacchiroli
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 12:55:46 +0000
Author: zack
Date: 2005-03-26 12:55:45 +0000 (Sat, 26 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 116
- patches: added 118_ocaml and 302_message
- debian/rules: uses debian/compat, fix in make_patch, added cmdline VARIANT override
see changelog for more info
Modified: trunk/vim/debian/changelog
--- trunk/vim/debian/changelog 2005-03-26 12:53:43 UTC (rev 115)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/changelog 2005-03-26 12:55:45 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@
+ Fixed wrong highlighting of comments in syntax/sh.vim when comments
occur between switches of case. (closes: #269325)
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@debian.org>:
+ + Added patch 302_message.c.diff (CTRL-C quit loops in range commands)
+ (closes: #295639)
+ + Added patch 118_ocaml.vim.diff (ship latest version of ocaml runtime
+ support files: {syntax,ftplugin,ident}/ocaml.vim)
+ + debian/rules
+ - uses debian/compat in place of debian/rules' DH_COMPAT
+ - added support for command line VARIANT variable to override VARIANTS
+ - ignores diff error in "make_patch" target since diff usually returns 1
-- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse@debian.org> Sat, 26 Mar 2005 11:14:08 +0100
vim (1:6.3-067+2) unstable; urgency=medium
Added: trunk/vim/debian/compat
--- trunk/vim/debian/compat 2005-03-26 12:53:43 UTC (rev 115)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/compat 2005-03-26 12:55:45 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: trunk/vim/debian/patches/118_ocaml.vim.diff
--- trunk/vim/debian/patches/118_ocaml.vim.diff 2005-03-26 12:53:43 UTC (rev 115)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/patches/118_ocaml.vim.diff 2005-03-26 12:55:45 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+diff -urN vim63/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim vim63.new/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
+--- vim63/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim 2003-05-11 21:09:36.000000000 +0200
++++ vim63.new/runtime/ftplugin/ocaml.vim 2005-03-24 22:40:02.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,36 +1,52 @@
+-" Vim settings file
+-" Language: OCaml
+-" Maintainers: Mike Leary <leary@nwlink.com>
+-" Markus Mottl <markus@oefai.at>
+-" URL: http://www.ai.univie.ac.at/~markus/vim/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
+-" Last Change: 2003 May 11
+-" 2001 Nov 01 - added local bindings for inserting
+-" type holes using 'assert false' (MM)
+-" 2001 Oct 02 - insert spaces in line comments (MM)
++" Language: OCaml
++" Maintainer: David Baelde <firstname.name@ens-lyon.org>
++" Mike Leary <leary@nwlink.com>
++" Markus Mottl <markus.mottl@gmail.com>
++" Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@bononia.it>
++" URL: http://www.ocaml.info/vim/ftplugin/ocaml.vim
++" Last Change: 2005 March 24
++" Changelog:
++" - Made displaying type information use LocalLeader
++" rather than ','
++" omlet.vim plugins -- utilities for working on OCaml files with VIm
++" Copyright (C) 2005 D. Baelde, M. Leary, M. Mottl, S. Zacchiroli
++" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++" (at your option) any later version.
++" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++" GNU General Public License for more details.
++" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++" Folding is activated if ocaml_folding is set
++" Do these settings once per buffer
+-" Only do these settings when not done yet for this buffer
+ if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
+ finish
+ endif
++let b:did_ftplugin=1
+-" Don't do other file type settings for this buffer
+-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
++" Error handling -- helps moving where the compiler wants you to go
+ set cpo-=C
+-" Error formats
+ setlocal efm=
+- \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ characters\ %c-%*\\d:,
+- \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ character\ %c:%m,
+- \%+EReference\ to\ unbound\ regexp\ name\ %m,
+- \%Eocamlyacc:\ e\ -\ line\ %l\ of\ \"%f\"\\,\ %m,
+- \%Wocamlyacc:\ w\ -\ %m,
+- \%-Zmake%.%#,
+- \%C%m
++ \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ characters\ %c-%*\\d:,
++ \%EFile\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l\\,\ character\ %c:%m,
++ \%+EReference\ to\ unbound\ regexp\ name\ %m,
++ \%Eocamlyacc:\ e\ -\ line\ %l\ of\ \"%f\"\\,\ %m,
++ \%Wocamlyacc:\ w\ -\ %m,
++ \%-Zmake%.%#,
++ \%C%m
+ " Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this.
+ if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_ocaml_maps")
+- " Uncommenting
++ " (un)commenting
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>Comment')
+ nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>LUncomOn
+ vmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>c <Plug>BUncomOn
+@@ -47,3 +63,320 @@
+ iabbrev <buffer> ASS (assert false)
+ endif
+ endif
++" Let % jump between structure elements (due to Issac Trotts)
++let b:mw='\<let\>:\<and\>:\(\<in\>\|;;\),'
++let b:mw=b:mw . '\<if\>:\<then\>:\<else\>,\<do\>:\<done\>,'
++let b:mw=b:mw . '\<\(object\|sig\|struct\|begin\)\>:\<end\>'
++let b:match_words=b:mw
++" switching between interfaces (.mli) and implementations (.ml)
++if !exists("g:did_ocaml_switch")
++ let g:did_ocaml_switch = 1
++ map <LocalLeader>s :call OCaml_switch(0)<CR>
++ map <LocalLeader>S :call OCaml_switch(1)<CR>
++ fun OCaml_switch(newwin)
++ if (match(bufname(""), "\\.mli$") >= 0)
++ let fname = substitute(bufname(""), "\\.mli$", ".ml", "")
++ if (a:newwin == 1)
++ exec "new " . fname
++ else
++ exec "arge " . fname
++ endif
++ elseif (match(bufname(""), "\\.ml$") >= 0)
++ let fname = bufname("") . "i"
++ if (a:newwin == 1)
++ exec "new " . fname
++ else
++ exec "arge " . fname
++ endif
++ endif
++ endfun
++" Folding support
++if exists("g:ocaml_folding")
++ setlocal foldmethod=expr
++ setlocal foldexpr=OMLetFoldLevel(v:lnum)
++if exists("*OMLetFoldLevel")
++ finish
++if exists("g:omlet_indent_struct")
++ let s:i = g:omlet_indent_struct
++elseif exists("g:omlet_indent")
++ let s:i = g:omlet_indent
++ let s:i = 2
++function s:topindent(lnum)
++ let l = a:lnum
++ while l > 0
++ if getline(l) =~ '\s*\%(\<struct\>\|\<sig\>\|\<object\>\)'
++ return indent(l)
++ endif
++ let l = l-1
++ endwhile
++ return -s:i
++function OMLetFoldLevel(l)
++ " This is for not merging blank lines around folds to them
++ if getline(a:l) !~ '\S'
++ return -1
++ endif
++ " We start folds for modules, classes, and every toplevel definition
++ if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*\%(\<val\>\|\<module\>\|\<class\>\|\<type\>\|\<method\>\|\<initializer\>\|\<inherit\>\|\<exception\>\|\<external\>\)'
++ exe 'return ">' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"'
++ endif
++ " Toplevel let are detected thanks to the indentation
++ if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*let\>' && indent(a:l) == s:i+s:topindent(a:l)
++ exe 'return ">' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"'
++ endif
++ " We close fold on end which are associated to struct, sig or object.
++ " We use syntax information to do that.
++ if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*end\>' && synIDattr(synID(a:l, indent(a:l)+1, 0), "name") != "ocamlKeyword"
++ return (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1
++ endif
++ " Folds end on ;;
++ if getline(a:l) =~ '^\s*;;'
++ exe 'return "<' (indent(a:l)/s:i)+1 '"'
++ endif
++ " Comments around folds aren't merged to them.
++ if synIDattr(synID(a:l, indent(a:l)+1, 0), "name") == "ocamlComment"
++ return -1
++ endif
++ return '='
++" Vim support for OCaml .annot files (requires Vim with python support)
++" Executing OCamlPrintType(<mode>) function will display in the Vim bottom
++" line(s) the type of an ocaml value getting it from the corresponding .annot
++" file (if any). If Vim is in visual mode, <mode> should be "visual" and the
++" selected ocaml value correspond to the highlighted text, otherwise (<mode>
++" can be anything else) it corresponds to the literal found at the current
++" cursor position.
++" .annot files are parsed lazily the first time OCamlPrintType is invoked; is
++" also possible to force the parsing using the OCamlParseAnnot() function.
++" Typing ',3' will cause OCamlPrintType function to be invoked with
++" the right argument depending on the current mode (visual or not).
++" Copyright (C) <2003-2004> Stefano Zacchiroli <zack@bononia.it>
++" Created: Wed, 01 Oct 2003 18:16:22 +0200 zack
++" LastModified: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 18:28:39 +0200 zack
++" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
++" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
++" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
++" (at your option) any later version.
++" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++" GNU General Public License for more details.
++" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++" Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
++if !has("python")
++ finish
++if !exists("g:did_ocaml_dtypes")
++ let g:did_ocaml_dtypes = 1
++ finish
++python << EOF
++import re
++import os
++import string
++import time
++import vim
++debug = False
++class AnnExc(Exception):
++ def __init__(self, reason):
++ self.reason = reason
++no_annotations = AnnExc("No type annotations (.annot) file found")
++annotation_not_found = AnnExc("No type annotation found for the given text")
++def malformed_annotations(lineno):
++ return AnnExc("Malformed .annot file (line = %d)" % lineno)
++class Annotations:
++ """
++ .annot ocaml file representation
++ File format (copied verbatim from caml-types.el)
++ file ::= block *
++ block ::= position <SP> position <LF> annotation *
++ position ::= filename <SP> num <SP> num <SP> num
++ annotation ::= keyword open-paren <LF> <SP> <SP> data <LF> close-paren
++ <SP> is a space character (ASCII 0x20)
++ <LF> is a line-feed character (ASCII 0x0A)
++ num is a sequence of decimal digits
++ filename is a string with the lexical conventions of O'Caml
++ open-paren is an open parenthesis (ASCII 0x28)
++ close-paren is a closed parenthesis (ASCII 0x29)
++ data is any sequence of characters where <LF> is always followed by
++ at least two space characters.
++ - in each block, the two positions are respectively the start and the
++ end of the range described by the block.
++ - in a position, the filename is the name of the file, the first num
++ is the line number, the second num is the offset of the beginning
++ of the line, the third num is the offset of the position itself.
++ - the char number within the line is the difference between the third
++ and second nums.
++ For the moment, the only possible keyword is \"type\"."
++ """
++ def __init__(self):
++ self.__filename = None # last .annot parsed file
++ self.__ml_filename = None # as above but s/.annot/.ml/
++ self.__timestamp = None # last parse action timestamp
++ self.__annot = {}
++ self.__re = re.compile(
++ '^"[^"]*"\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+"[^"]*"\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)$')
++ def __parse(self, fname):
++ try:
++ f = open(fname)
++ line = f.readline() # position line
++ lineno = 1
++ while (line != ""):
++ m = self.__re.search(line)
++ if (not m):
++ raise malformed_annotations(lineno)
++ line1 = int(m.group(1))
++ col1 = int(m.group(3)) - int(m.group(2))
++ line2 = int(m.group(4))
++ col2 = int(m.group(6)) - int(m.group(5))
++ line = f.readline() # "type(" string
++ lineno += 1
++ if (line == ""): raise malformed_annotations(lineno)
++ type = []
++ line = f.readline() # type description
++ lineno += 1
++ if (line == ""): raise malformed_annotations(lineno)
++ while line != ")\n":
++ type.append(string.strip(line))
++ line = f.readline()
++ lineno += 1
++ if (line == ""): raise malformed_annotations(lineno)
++ type = string.join(type, "\n")
++ key = ((line1, col1), (line2, col2))
++ if not self.__annot.has_key(key):
++ self.__annot[key] = type
++ line = f.readline() # position line
++ f.close()
++ self.__filename = fname
++ self.__ml_filename = re.sub("\.annot$", ".ml", fname)
++ self.__timestamp = int(time.time())
++ except IOError:
++ raise no_annotations
++ def parse(self):
++ annot_file = re.sub("\.ml$", ".annot", vim.current.buffer.name)
++ self.__parse(annot_file)
++ def get_type(self, (line1, col1), (line2, col2)):
++ if debug:
++ print line1, col1, line2, col2
++ if vim.current.buffer.name == None:
++ raise no_annotations
++ if vim.current.buffer.name != self.__ml_filename or \
++ os.stat(self.__filename).st_mtime > self.__timestamp:
++ self.parse()
++ try:
++ return self.__annot[(line1, col1), (line2, col2)]
++ except KeyError:
++ raise annotation_not_found
++word_char_RE = re.compile("^[\w.]$")
++ # TODO this function should recognize ocaml literals, actually it's just an
++ # hack that recognize continuous sequences of word_char_RE above
++def findBoundaries(line, col):
++ """ given a cursor position (as returned by vim.current.window.cursor)
++ return two integers identify the beggining and end column of the word at
++ cursor position, if any. If no word is at the cursor position return the
++ column cursor position twice """
++ left, right = col, col
++ line = line - 1 # mismatch vim/python line indexes
++ (begin_col, end_col) = (0, len(vim.current.buffer[line]) - 1)
++ try:
++ while word_char_RE.search(vim.current.buffer[line][left - 1]):
++ left = left - 1
++ except IndexError:
++ pass
++ try:
++ while word_char_RE.search(vim.current.buffer[line][right + 1]):
++ right = right + 1
++ except IndexError:
++ pass
++ return (left, right)
++annot = Annotations() # global annotation object
++def printOCamlType(mode):
++ try:
++ if mode == "visual": # visual mode: lookup highlighted text
++ (line1, col1) = vim.current.buffer.mark("<")
++ (line2, col2) = vim.current.buffer.mark(">")
++ else: # any other mode: lookup word at cursor position
++ (line, col) = vim.current.window.cursor
++ (col1, col2) = findBoundaries(line, col)
++ (line1, line2) = (line, line)
++ begin_mark = (line1, col1)
++ end_mark = (line2, col2 + 1)
++ print annot.get_type(begin_mark, end_mark)
++ except AnnExc, exc:
++ print exc.reason
++def parseOCamlAnnot():
++ try:
++ annot.parse()
++ except AnnExc, exc:
++ print exc.reason
++fun OCamlPrintType(current_mode)
++ if (a:current_mode == "visual")
++ python printOCamlType("visual")
++ else
++ python printOCamlType("normal")
++ endif
++fun OCamlParseAnnot()
++ python parseOCamlAnnot()
++map <LocalLeader>t :call OCamlPrintType("normal")<RETURN>
++vmap <LocalLeader>t :call OCamlPrintType("visual")<RETURN>
+diff -urN vim63/runtime/indent/ocaml.vim vim63.new/runtime/indent/ocaml.vim
+--- vim63/runtime/indent/ocaml.vim 2003-04-14 21:03:07.000000000 +0200
++++ vim63.new/runtime/indent/ocaml.vim 2005-03-07 21:26:47.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
+ " Vim indent file
+-" Language: OCaml
+-" Maintainers: Jean-Francois Yuen <jfyuen@ifrance.com>
+-" Mike Leary <leary@nwlink.com>
+-" Markus Mottl <markus@oefai.at>
+-" URL: http://www.oefai.at/~markus/vim/indent/ocaml.vim
+-" Last Change: 2003 Apr 14
+-" 2003 Mar 05 - Added '{<' and some fixes (JY)
+-" 2002 Nov 06 - Some fixes (JY)
++" Language: OCaml
++" Maintainers: Jean-François Yuen <jfyuen@happycoders.org>
++" Mike Leary <leary@nwlink.com>
++" Markus Mottl <markus.mottl@gmail.com>
++" URL: http://www.ocaml.info/vim/indent/ocaml.vim
++" Last Change: 2005 Mar 06 - Fixed multiline comments, thanks Andrzej Ostruszka
++" 2005 Mar 02 - Simplified a few rules (JY)
++" 2005 Feb 28 - Fixed E488 errors, thanks Andrzej Ostruszka
+ " Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+ if exists("b:did_indent")
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ setlocal expandtab
+ setlocal indentexpr=GetOCamlIndent()
+-setlocal indentkeys+=0=and,0=constraint,0=done,0=else,0=end,0=exception,0=external,0=if,0=in,0=include,0=inherit,0=initializer,0=let,0=method,0=open,0=then,0=type,0=val,0=with,0=;;,0=>\],0=\|\],0=\|,0=*),0=>},0},0\],0)
++setlocal indentkeys+=0=and,0=class,0=constraint,0=done,0=else,0=end,0=exception,0=external,0=if,0=in,0=include,0=inherit,0=initializer,0=let,0=method,0=open,0=then,0=type,0=val,0=with,0;;,0>\],0\|\],0>},0\|,0},0\],0)
+ setlocal nolisp
+ setlocal nosmartindent
+ setlocal textwidth=80
+@@ -33,14 +33,13 @@
+ endif
+ " Define some patterns:
+-let s:beflet = '^\s*\(initializer\|method\|try\)\|\(\<\(begin\|do\|else\|in\|then\|try\)\|->\|;\|(\)\s*$'
++let s:beflet = '^\s*\(initializer\|method\|try\)\|\(\<\(begin\|do\|else\|in\|then\|try\)\|->\|<-\|=\|;\|(\)\s*$'
+ let s:letpat = '^\s*\(let\|type\|module\|class\|open\|exception\|val\|include\|external\)\>'
+ let s:letlim = '\(\<\(sig\|struct\)\|;;\)\s*$'
+ let s:lim = '^\s*\(exception\|external\|include\|let\|module\|open\|type\|val\)\>'
+ let s:module = '\<\%(begin\|sig\|struct\|object\)\>'
+ let s:obj = '^\s*\(constraint\|inherit\|initializer\|method\|val\)\>\|\<\(object\|object\s*(.*)\)\s*$'
+-let s:type = '^\s*\%(let\|type\)\>.*='
+-let s:val = '^\s*\(val\|external\)\>.*:'
++let s:type = '^\s*\%(class\|let\|type\)\>.*='
+ " Skipping pattern, for comments
+ function s:SkipPattern(lnum, pat)
+@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@
+ " Indent 'let'
+ function s:FindLet(pstart, pmid, pend)
+ call search(a:pend, 'bW')
+- return indent(searchpair(a:pstart, a:pmid, a:pend, 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment" || getline(".") =~ "^\\s*let\\>.*=.*\\<in\\s*$" || getline(prevnonblank(".") - 1) =~ "^\\s*let\\>.*=\\s*$\\|" . s:beflet'))
++ return indent(searchpair(a:pstart, a:pmid, a:pend, 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment" || getline(".") =~ "^\\s*let\\>.*=.*\\<in\\s*$" || getline(prevnonblank(".") - 1) =~ s:beflet'))
+ endfunction
+ function GetOCamlIndent()
+@@ -97,8 +96,7 @@
+ let line = getline(v:lnum)
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'end'
+- " for 'sig', 'struct', 'object' and 'begin':
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'end':
+ if line =~ '^\s*end\>'
+ return s:FindPair(s:module, '','\<end\>')
+@@ -118,150 +116,110 @@
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*)'
+ return s:FindPair('(', '',')')
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'let'
+- " and last line does not begin with 'let' or end with 'in' or ';;':
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'let':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*let\>'
+ if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim . '\|' . s:beflet
+ return s:FindLet(s:type, '','\<let\s*$')
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'type'
+- " and last line does not end with 'and' or ';;':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*type\>'
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'class' or 'type':
++ elseif line =~ '^\s*\(class\|type\)\>'
+ if lline !~ s:lim . '\|\<and\s*$\|' . s:letlim
+- return s:FindLet(s:type, '','\<type\s*$')
+- else return ind
++ return s:FindLet(s:type, '','\<\(class\|type\)\s*$')
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+ " Indent for pattern matching:
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*|'
+- if lline !~ '^\s*\(|\|\(match\|with\|type\)\>\)\|\<\(function\|parser\|with\)\s*$'
++ if lline !~ '^\s*\(|[^\]]\|\(match\|type\|with\)\>\)\|\<\(function\|parser\|private\|with\)\s*$'
+ call search('|', 'bW')
+- return indent(searchpair('^\s*\(type\|match\)\>\|\<\(with\|function\|parser\)\s*$', '', '|', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment" || getline(".") =~ "\\[|\\||\\]" && getline(".") !~ "^\\s*|.*->"'))
+- else return ind
++ return indent(searchpair('^\s*\(match\|type\)\>\|\<\(function\|parser\|private\|with\)\s*$', '', '^\s*|', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string\\|comment" || getline(".") !~ "^\\s*|.*->"'))
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+ " Indent if current line begins with ';;':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*;;'
+ if lline !~ ';;\s*$'
+ return s:GetInd(v:lnum, s:letpat, s:letlim)
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'in' and previous
+- " line does not start with 'let' or 'and':
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'in':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*in\>'
+ if lline !~ '^\s*\(let\|and\)\>'
+ return s:FindPair('\<let\>', '', '\<in\>')
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'else'
+- " and previous line does not start with 'if', 'then' or 'else':
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'else':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*else\>'
+- if lline !~ '^\s*\(if\|else\|then\)\>'
++ if lline !~ '^\s*\(if\|then\)\>'
+ return s:FindPair('\<if\>', '', '\<else\>')
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'then'
+- " and previous line does not start with 'if', 'then' or 'else':
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'then':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*then\>'
+- if lline !~ '^\s*\(if\|else\|then\)\>'
++ if lline !~ '^\s*\(if\|else\)\>'
+ return s:FindPair('\<if\>', '', '\<then\>')
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' if current line begins with 'and' and previous
+- " line does not start with 'let', 'and' or 'type' or end with 'end'
+- " (for classes):
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'and':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*and\>'
+ if lline !~ '^\s*\(and\|let\|type\)\>\|\<end\s*$'
+ return ind - &sw
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'with'
+- " and previous line does not start with 'match' or 'try':
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'with':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*with\>'
+ if lline !~ '^\s*\(match\|try\)\>'
+ return s:FindPair('\<\%(match\|try\)\>', '','\<with\>')
+- else return ind
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'exception':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*exception\>'
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'exception', 'external', 'include' or
++ " 'open':
++ elseif line =~ '^\s*\(exception\|external\|include\|open\)\>'
+ if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim
+- return indent(search(s:val . '\|^\s*\(external\|include\|open\|type\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
+- endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'external':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*external\>'
+- if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim
+- return indent(search(s:val . '\|^\s*\(exception\|include\|open\|type\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
+- endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'include':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*include\>'
+- if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim
+- return indent(search(s:val . '\|^\s*\(exception\|external\|open\|type\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
+- endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'open':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*open\>'
+- if lline !~ s:lim . '\|' . s:letlim
+- return indent(search(s:val . '\|^\s*\(exception\|external\|include\|type\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
++ call search(line)
++ return indent(search('^\s*\(\(exception\|external\|include\|open\|type\)\>\|val\>.*:\)', 'bW'))
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+ " Indent if current line begins with 'val':
+ elseif line =~ '^\s*val\>'
+ if lline !~ '^\s*\(exception\|external\|include\|open\)\>\|' . s:obj . '\|' . s:letlim
+- return indent(search(s:val . '\|^\s*\(exception\|include\|initializer\|method\|open\|type\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
++ return indent(search('^\s*\(\(exception\|include\|initializer\|method\|open\|type\|val\)\>\|external\>.*:\)', 'bW'))
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'constraint':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*constraint\>'
++ " Indent if current line begins with 'constraint', 'inherit', 'initializer'
++ " or 'method':
++ elseif line =~ '^\s*\(constraint\|inherit\|initializer\|method\)\>'
+ if lline !~ s:obj
+- return indent(search('^\s*\(inherit\|initializer\|method\|val\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
++ return indent(search('\<\(object\|object\s*(.*)\)\s*$', 'bW')) + &sw
++ else
++ return ind
+ endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'inherit':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*inherit\>'
+- if lline !~ s:obj
+- return indent(search('^\s*\(constraint\|initializer\|method\|val\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
+- endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'inherit':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*initializer\>'
+- if lline !~ s:obj
+- return indent(search('^\s*\(constraint\|inherit\|method\|val\)\>', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
+- endif
+- " Indent if current line begins with 'method':
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*method\>'
+- if lline !~ s:obj
+- return indent(search('^\s*\(\(constraint\|inherit\|initializer\|val\)\>\|method\>.*\(:\|=\)\)', 'bW'))
+- else return ind
+- endif
+- " Indent back to normal after comments:
+- elseif line =~ '^\s*\*)'
+- call search('\*)', 'bW')
+- return indent(searchpair('(\*', '', '\*)', 'bWn', 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string"'))
+ endif
+ " Add a 'shiftwidth' after lines ending with:
+- if lline =~ '\(:\|=\|->\|<-\|(\|\[\|{\|{<\|\[|\|\[<\|\<\(begin\|struct\|sig\|functor\|initializer\|object\|try\|do\|if\|then\|else\|fun\|function\|parser\)\|\<object\s*(.*)\)\s*$'
++ if lline =~ '\(:\|=\|->\|<-\|(\|\[\|{\|{<\|\[|\|\[<\|\<\(begin\|do\|else\|fun\|function\|functor\|if\|initializer\|object\|parser\|private\|sig\|struct\|then\|try\)\|\<object\s*(.*)\)\s*$'
+ let ind = ind + &sw
+ " Back to normal indent after lines ending with ';;':
+@@ -297,10 +255,14 @@
+ elseif lline =~ ')\s*$'
+ let ind = s:FindPair('(', '',')')
++ " If this is a multiline comment then align '*':
++ elseif lline =~ '^\s*(\*' && line =~ '^\s*\*'
++ let ind = ind + 1
+ endif
+ " Subtract a 'shiftwidth' after lines matching 'match ... with parser':
+- if lline =~ '^\s*match\>.*\<with\>\s*\<parser\s*$'
++ if lline =~ '\<match\>.*\<with\>\s*\<parser\s*$'
+ let ind = ind - &sw
+ endif
+diff -urN vim63/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim vim63.new/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim
+--- vim63/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim 2003-05-04 23:12:48.000000000 +0200
++++ vim63.new/runtime/syntax/ocaml.vim 2005-03-15 22:54:14.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
+ " Vim syntax file
+ " Language: OCaml
+ " Filenames: *.ml *.mli *.mll *.mly
+-" Maintainers: Markus Mottl <markus@oefai.at>
+-" Karl-Heinz Sylla <Karl-Heinz.Sylla@gmd.de>
+-" Issac Trotts <<ijtrotts@ucdavis.edu>
+-" URL: http://www.oefai.at/~markus/vim/syntax/ocaml.vim
+-" Last Change: 2003 May 04
+-" 2002 Oct 24 - Small fix for "module type" (MM)
+-" 2002 Jun 16 - Added "&&", "<" and ">" as operators (MM)
++" Maintainers: Markus Mottl <markus.mottl@gmail.com>
++" Karl-Heinz Sylla <Karl-Heinz.Sylla@gmd.de>
++" Issac Trotts <ijtrotts@ucdavis.edu>
++" URL: http://www.ocaml.info/vim/syntax/ocaml.vim
++" Last Change: 2005 Mar 15 - Added a patch from David Baelde (MM)
++" 2004 Aug 13 - Added new type keywords (MM)
++" 2004 Jul 30 - Added script keyword "thread" (MM)
++" A minor patch was applied to the official version so that object/end
++" can be distinguished from begin/end, which is used for indentation,
++" and folding. (David Baelde)
+ " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+ " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+@@ -24,7 +28,7 @@
+ syn match ocamlComment "^#!.*"
+ " Scripting directives
+-syn match ocamlScript "^#\<\(quit\|labels\|warnings\|directory\|cd\|load\|use\|install_printer\|remove_printer\|trace\|untrace\|untrace_all\|print_depth\|print_length\)\>"
++syn match ocamlScript "^#\<\(quit\|labels\|warnings\|directory\|cd\|load\|use\|install_printer\|remove_printer\|require\|thread\|trace\|untrace\|untrace_all\|print_depth\|print_length\)\>"
+ " lowercase identifier - the standard way to match
+ syn match ocamlLCIdentifier /\<\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*\>/
+@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@
+ " Objects
+-syn region ocamlEnd matchgroup=ocamlKeyword start="\<object\>" matchgroup=ocamlKeyword end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr
++syn region ocamlEnd matchgroup=ocamlObject start="\<object\>" matchgroup=ocamlObject end="\<end\>" contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlEndErr
+ " Blocks
+@@ -163,8 +167,9 @@
+ syn match ocamlKeyChar "!"
+ endif
+-syn keyword ocamlType array bool char exn float format int
+-syn keyword ocamlType list option string unit
++syn keyword ocamlType array bool char exn float format format4
++syn keyword ocamlType int int32 int64 lazy_t list nativeint option
++syn keyword ocamlType string unit
+ syn keyword ocamlOperator asr lor lsl lsr lxor mod not
+@@ -203,20 +208,20 @@
+ syn match ocamlKeyChar "="
+ if exists("ocaml_revised")
+- syn match ocamlErr "<-"
++ syn match ocamlErr "<-"
+ else
+- syn match ocamlOperator "<-"
++ syn match ocamlOperator "<-"
+ endif
+-syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=\d\+\>"
+-syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=0[x|X]\x\+\>"
+-syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=0[o|O]\o\+\>"
+-syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=0[b|B][01]\+\>"
+-syn match ocamlFloat "\<-\=\d\+\.\d*\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
++syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=\d\+\>"
++syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=0[x|X]\x\+\>"
++syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=0[o|O]\o\+\>"
++syn match ocamlNumber "\<-\=0[b|B][01]\+\>"
++syn match ocamlFloat "\<-\=\d\+\.\d*\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>"
+ " Labels
+-syn match ocamlLabel "\~\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=1
+-syn match ocamlLabel "?\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=1
++syn match ocamlLabel "\~\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=1
++syn match ocamlLabel "?\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=1
+ syn region ocamlLabel transparent matchgroup=ocamlLabel start="?(\(\l\|_\)\(\w\|'\)*"lc=2 end=")"me=e-1 contains=ALLBUT,@ocamlContained,ocamlParenErr
+@@ -252,62 +257,63 @@
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+- HiLink ocamlBraceErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlBrackErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlParenErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlArrErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlBraceErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlBrackErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlParenErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlArrErr Error
+ HiLink ocamlCommentErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlCountErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlDoErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlDoneErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlEndErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlThenErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlCountErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlDoErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlDoneErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlEndErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlThenErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlCharErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlCharErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlErr Error
++ HiLink ocamlErr Error
+- HiLink ocamlComment Comment
++ HiLink ocamlComment Comment
+- HiLink ocamlModPath Include
+- HiLink ocamlModule Include
++ HiLink ocamlModPath Include
++ HiLink ocamlObject Include
++ HiLink ocamlModule Include
+ HiLink ocamlModParam1 Include
+- HiLink ocamlModType Include
+- HiLink ocamlMPRestr3 Include
+- HiLink ocamlFullMod Include
++ HiLink ocamlModType Include
++ HiLink ocamlMPRestr3 Include
++ HiLink ocamlFullMod Include
+ HiLink ocamlModTypeRestr Include
+- HiLink ocamlWith Include
+- HiLink ocamlMTDef Include
++ HiLink ocamlWith Include
++ HiLink ocamlMTDef Include
+- HiLink ocamlScript Include
++ HiLink ocamlScript Include
+ HiLink ocamlConstructor Constant
+ HiLink ocamlModPreRHS Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlMPRestr2 Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlKeyword Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlFunDef Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlMPRestr2 Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlKeyword Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlFunDef Keyword
+ HiLink ocamlRefAssign Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlKeyChar Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlAnyVar Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlTopStop Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlOperator Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlKeyChar Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlAnyVar Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlTopStop Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlOperator Keyword
+- HiLink ocamlBoolean Boolean
++ HiLink ocamlBoolean Boolean
+ HiLink ocamlCharacter Character
+- HiLink ocamlNumber Number
+- HiLink ocamlFloat Float
+- HiLink ocamlString String
++ HiLink ocamlNumber Number
++ HiLink ocamlFloat Float
++ HiLink ocamlString String
+- HiLink ocamlLabel Identifier
++ HiLink ocamlLabel Identifier
+- HiLink ocamlType Type
++ HiLink ocamlType Type
+- HiLink ocamlTodo Todo
++ HiLink ocamlTodo Todo
+- HiLink ocamlEncl Keyword
++ HiLink ocamlEncl Keyword
+ delcommand HiLink
+ endif
Added: trunk/vim/debian/patches/302_message.c.diff
--- trunk/vim/debian/patches/302_message.c.diff 2005-03-26 12:53:43 UTC (rev 115)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/patches/302_message.c.diff 2005-03-26 12:55:45 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff -Nur vim63.orig/src/message.c vim63/src/message.c
+--- vim63.orig/src/message.c 2005-03-26 12:33:36.747667152 +0100
++++ vim63/src/message.c 2005-03-26 12:34:52.374170176 +0100
+@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@
+ * CTRL-C, but we need to loop then. */
+ had_got_int = got_int;
+ c = safe_vgetc();
+- if (!global_busy)
++ if (had_got_int && !global_busy)
+ got_int = FALSE;
+ /* Strange way to allow copying (yanking) a modeless selection at
Modified: trunk/vim/debian/rules
--- trunk/vim/debian/rules 2005-03-26 12:53:43 UTC (rev 115)
+++ trunk/vim/debian/rules 2005-03-26 12:55:45 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/make -f
export DH_OPTIONS=
-export DH_COMPAT=4
DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM)
@@ -106,6 +105,9 @@
+ifeq ($(origin VARIANT), command line)
+ VARIANTS = vim-basic $(VARIANT)
CFGFLAGS_vim-basic=$(CFGFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) --without-x --enable-gui=no
@@ -160,7 +162,7 @@
mv $(SRCDIR) $(SRCDIR).new
rm -f extract-stamp*
./debian/rules extract
- diff -urN $(SRCDIR) $(SRCDIR).new > new.diff
+ - diff -urN $(SRCDIR) $(SRCDIR).new > new.diff
rm -rf $(SRCDIR)
mv $(SRCDIR).new $(SRCDIR)