1:6.3-071+2 for sarge

Stefano Zacchiroli zack@debian.org
Sun, 15 May 2005 17:40:04 +0200

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On Sun, May 15, 2005 at 12:34:50AM +0200, Norbert Tretkowski wrote:
> This is what I'm going to upload tomorrow, if having icons directly
> in /usr/share/icons is alright (see my other mail from a few minutes
> ago):

See my reply :-)

BTW, could you please upload using debian vim maintainers as changelog
author? Name put there will be used in BTS entries for bug automatically
closed on upload ...

Stefano Zacchiroli -*- Computer Science PhD student @ Uny Bologna, Italy
zack@{cs.unibo.it,debian.org,bononia.it} -%- http://www.bononia.it/zack/
If there's any real truth it's that the entire multidimensional infinity
of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. -!-

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