Bug#310852: vim
Norbert Tretkowski
Norbert Tretkowski <tretkowski@inittab.de>, 310852@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 26 May 2005 21:06:36 +0200
* Arne Anka wrote:
> > > opening a file and trying to delete to left by pressing backspace
> > > causes the cursor only to go to left (if in non-edit-mode)
> > I can't remember a time when this worked as described.
> hu? misunderstanding?
> - open a file containing text already
> - move cursor between existing words
> - press backspace several times: cursor moves to the left without
> deleting
That's the correct behaviour. I wrote in my last answer how you can
change this.
> - press "a" and press now backspace several times: cursor does not
> move
See /etc/vim/vimrc:
| set nocompatible
| set backspace=indent,eol,start
> > > i tested with vim -u NONE -U NONE and on my console the
> > > backspace works as expected.
> >
> > So the described behaviour comes from your local configuration,
> > and is not a bug.
> am i supposed, to understand this conclusion? as far as i understand
> -u NONE and -U NONE disables _all_ configuration -- so if it still
> happens with both options it just does _not_ come from my
> configuration.
I read "as expected" as in "works as you want". Yes, -u NONE -U NONE
disables all configuration, even the above two lines.