r613 - in branches: . packages/vim packages/vim/vim7
packages/vim/vim7/debian packages/vim/vim7/debian/icons
packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime
packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc
packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates packages/vim/vim7/patches
Stefano Zacchiroli
zack at costa.debian.org
Fri Apr 21 15:44:54 UTC 2006
Author: zack
Date: 2006-04-21 15:44:52 +0000 (Fri, 21 Apr 2006)
New Revision: 613
something went wrong during the moves, added back vim7 under branches/
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/FAQ
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/FAQ 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/FAQ 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,7278 @@
+This Vim FAQ is created from the questions and answers posted to the
+vim at vim.org user mailing list and the comp.editors newsgroup. There are
+several ways to solve a problem in Vim. This FAQ gives one of those several
+possibilities. You can explore the other ways using the information and
+links given in this FAQ. The credit for the answers in this FAQ goes to
+Peppe, Benji and numerous others.
+ 1.1. What is Vim?
+ 1.2. Who wrote Vim?
+ 1.3. Is Vim compatible with Vi?
+ 1.4. What are some of the improvements of Vim over Vi?
+ 1.5. Is Vim free?
+ 2.1. Where can I learn more about Vim?
+ 2.2. Is there a mailing list available?
+ 2.3. Is there an archive available for the Vim mailing lists?
+ 2.4. Where can I get the Vim user manual in HTML/PDF/PS format?
+ 2.5. I have a "xyz" (some) problem with Vim. How do I determine it is a
+ problem with my setup or with Vim?
+ 2.6. Where can I report bugs?
+ 2.7. Where can the FAQ be found?
+ 2.8. What if I don't find an answer in this FAQ?
+ 2.9. I have a patch for implementing a Vim feature. Where do I send the
+ patch?
+ 2.10. I have a Vim tip or developed a new Vim
+ syntax/indent/filetype/compiler plugin or developed a new script
+ or a colorscheme. Is there a public website where I can upload
+ this?
+ 3.1. What is the latest version of Vim? (*Updated*)
+ 3.2. Where can I find the latest version of Vim? (*Updated*)
+ 3.3. What platforms does it run on?
+ 3.4. Where can I download the latest version of the Vim runtime files?
+ (*New*)
+ 4.1. How do I use the help files?
+ 4.2. How do I search for a keyword in the Vim help files?
+ 4.3. I am getting an error message E123, what did I do wrong?
+ 4.4. Where can I read about the various modes in Vim?
+ 4.5. How do I generate the Vim help tags file after adding a new Vim
+ help file?
+ 4.6. Can I use compressed versions of the help files?
+ 5.1. I am currently editing a file in Vim. How do I load another file
+ into Vim?
+ 5.2. When I edit and save files, Vim creates a file with the same name
+ as the original file and a "~" character at the end. How do I stop
+ Vim from creating this file?
+ 5.3. How do I save the current file in another name (save as) and edit
+ a new file?
+ 5.4. How do I change the current directory to the directory of the
+ current file?
+ 5.5. How do I write a file without the line feed (EOL) at the end of
+ the file?
+ 5.6. How do I configure Vim to open a file at the last edited location?
+ 5.7. When editing a file in Vim, which is being changed by an external
+ application, Vim opens a warning window (like the confirm dialog)
+ each time a change is detected. How do I disable this warning?
+ 5.8. How do I edit a file whose name is under the cursor?
+ 5.9. How do I reload/re-edit the current file?
+ 5.10. When I save a file with Vim, the file permissions are changed.
+ How do I configure Vim to save a file without chaging the file
+ permissions?
+ 5.11 How do I autosave a file periodically?
+ 5.12. How do I open a file in read-only mode?
+ 6.1. How do I switch between files while editing multiple files in Vim?
+ 6.2. How do I configure Vim to autoload several files at once similar
+ to "work-sets" or "projects"?
+ 6.3. Is it possible to open multiple top level windows in a single
+ instance of Vim similar to Nedit or emacs?
+ 6.4. How do I open multiple files at once from within Vim?
+ 6.5. How do I open several windows in Vim by supplying command line
+ arguments?
+ 6.6. How do I browse/explore directories from within Vim?
+ 6.7. How do I edit files over a network using ftp/scp/rcp/http?
+ 7.1. I have made some modifications to a buffer. How do I edit another
+ buffer without saving the modified buffer and also without losing
+ the modifications?
+ 7.2. How do I configure Vim to auto-save a modified buffer when
+ switching to another buffer?
+ 7.3. How do I replace the buffer in the current window with a blank
+ buffer?
+ 7.4. Is there a keyboard shortcut to load a buffer by the buffer
+ number?
+ 7.5. How do I open all the current buffers in separate windows?
+ 7.6. How do I close (delete) a buffer without exiting Vim?
+ 7.7. I have several buffers opened with ":e filename". How do I close
+ one of the buffers without exiting Vim?
+ 7.8. When I use the command ":%bd" to delete all the buffers, not all
+ the buffers are deleted. Why?
+ 7.9. How do I display the buffer number of the current buffer/file?
+ 7.10. How do I delete a buffer without closing the window in which the
+ buffer is displayed?
+ 7.11. How do I map the tab key to cycle through and open all the
+ buffers? (*New*)
+ 8.1. What is the difference between a Vim window and a buffer?
+ 8.2. How do I increase the width of a Vim window?
+ 8.3. How do I zoom into or out of a window? (*New*)
+ 8.4. How do I execute an ex command on all the open buffers or open
+ windows or all the files in the argument list? (*Updated*)
+ 9.1. How do I jump to the beginning (first line) or end (last line) of
+ a file?
+ 9.2. In insert mode, when I press the <Esc> key to go to command mode,
+ the cursor moves one character to the left (except when the cursor
+ is on the first character of the line). How do I prevent this?
+ 9.3. How do I configure Vim to maintain the horizontal cursor position
+ when scrolling with the <Page Up>, <Page Down>, etc keys?
+ 9.4. Some lines in a file are more than the screen width and they are
+ all wrapped. When I use the j, k keys to move from one line to the
+ next, the cursor is moved to the next line in the file instead of
+ the next line on the screen. How do I move from one screen line to
+ the next?
+ 9.5. What is the definition of a sentence, paragraph and section in
+ Vim?
+ 9.6. How do I jump to beginning or end of a sentence, paragraph or a
+ section?
+ 9.7. I have lines in a file that extends beyond the right extent of the
+ screen. How do I move the Vim view to the right to see the text
+ off the screen?
+ 9.8. How do I scroll two or more buffers simultaneously?
+ 9.9. When I use my arrow keys, Vim changes modes, inserts weird
+ characters in my document but doesn't move the cursor properly.
+ What's going on?
+ 9.10. How do I configure Vim to move the cursor to the end of the
+ previous line, when the left arrow key is pressed and the cursor
+ is currently at the beginning of a line?
+ 9.11. How do I configure Vim to stay only in insert mode (modeless
+ editing)?
+ 9.12. How do I save and use Vim marks across Vim sessions?
+ 9.13. How do I display some context lines when scrolling text?
+ 10.1. After I searched for a text with a pattern, all the matched text
+ stays highlighted. How do I turn off the highlighting
+ temporarily/permanently?
+ 10.2. How do I enter a carriage return character in a search pattern?
+ 10.3. How do I search for the character ^M?
+ 10.4. How can I search/replace characters that display as '~R', '~S',
+ etc.?
+ 10.5. How do I highlight all the non-printable characters in a file?
+ 10.6. How do I search for whole words in a file?
+ 10.7. How do I search for the current word under the cursor?
+ 10.8. How do I search for a word without regard to the case (uppercase
+ or lowercase)?
+ 10.9. How do I search for words that occur twice consecutively?
+ 10.10. How do I count the number of times a particular word occurs in a
+ buffer?
+ 10.11. How do I place the cursor at the end of the matched word when
+ searching for a pattern?
+ 10.12. How do I search for an empty line?
+ 10.13. How do I search for a line containing only a single character?
+ 10.14. How do I search and replace a string in multiple files?
+ 10.15. I am using the ":s" substitute command in a mapping. When a
+ search for a pattern fails, the map terminates. I would like the
+ map to continue processing the next command, even if the
+ substitute command fails. How do I do this?
+ 10.16. How do I search for the n-th occurrence of a character in a
+ line?
+ 10.17. How do I replace a tab (or any other character) with a hard
+ return (newline) character?
+ 10.18. How do I search for a character by its ASCII value?
+ 10.19. How do I search for long lines?
+ 11.1. How do I delete all the trailing white space characters (SPACE
+ and TAB) at the end of all the lines in a file?
+ 11.2. How do I replace all the occurrences of multiple consecutive
+ space characters to a single space?
+ 11.3. How do I reduce a range of empty lines into one line only?
+ 11.4. How do I delete all blank lines in a file? How do I remove all
+ the lines containing only space characters?
+ 11.5. How do I copy/yank the current word? (*Updated*)
+ 11.6. How do I yank text from one position to another position within a
+ line, without yanking the entire line?
+ 11.7. When I yank some text into a register, how do I append the text
+ to the current contents of the register?
+ 11.8. How do I yank a complete sentence that spans over more than one
+ line?
+ 11.9. How do I yank all the lines containing a pattern into a buffer?
+ 11.10. How do I delete all the lines in a file that does not contain a
+ pattern?
+ 11.11. How do I add a line before each line with "pattern" in it?
+ 11.12. Is there a way to operate on a line if the previous line
+ contains a particular pattern?
+ 11.13. How do I execute a command on all the lines containing a
+ pattern?
+ 11.14. Can I copy the character above the cursor to the current cursor
+ position?
+ 11.15. How do I insert a blank line above/below the current line
+ without entering insert mode?
+ 11.16. How do I insert the name of current file into the current
+ buffer?
+ 11.17. How do I move the cursor past the end of line and insert some
+ characters at some columns after the end of the line?
+ 11.18. How to replace the word under the cursor (say: junk) with
+ "foojunkbar" in Vim?
+ 11.19. How do I replace a particular text in all the files in a
+ directory?
+ 11.20. I have some numbers in a file. How do I increment or decrement
+ the numbers in the file?
+ 11.21. How do I reuse the last used search pattern in a ":substitute"
+ command?
+ 11.22. How do I change the case of a string using the ":substitute"
+ command?
+ 11.23. How do I enter characters that are not present in the keyboard?
+ 11.24. Is there a command to remove any or all digraphs?
+ 11.25. In insert mode, when I press the backspace key, it erases only
+ the characters entered in this instance of insert mode. How do I
+ erase previously entered characters in insert mode using the
+ backspace key?
+ 11.26. I have a file which has lines longer than 72 characters
+ terminated with "+" and wrapped to the next line. How can I
+ quickly join the lines?
+ 11.27. How do I paste characterwise yanked text into separate lines?
+ 11.28. How do I change the case (uppercase, lowercase) of a word or
+ a character or a block of text?
+ 11.29. How do I enter ASCII characters that are not present in the
+ keyboard?
+ 11.30. How do I replace non-printable characters in a file?
+ 11.31. How do I remove duplicate lines from a buffer?
+ 11.32. How do I prefix all the lines in a file with the corresponding
+ line numbers?
+ 11.33. How do I exchange (swap) two characters or words or lines?
+ (*New*)
+ 12.1. How do I complete words or lines in insert mode?
+ 12.2. How do I complete file names in insert mode?
+ 12.3. I am using CTRL-P/CTRL-N to complete words in insert mode. How do
+ I complete words that occur after the just completed word?
+ 13.1. How do I format a text paragraph so that a new line is inserted
+ at the end of each wrapped line?
+ 13.2. How do I format long lines in a file so that each line contains
+ less than 'n' characters?
+ 13.3. How do I join short lines to the form a paragraph?
+ 13.4. How do I format bulleted and numbered lists?
+ 13.5. How do I indent lines in insert mode? (*Updated*)
+ 13.6. How do I format/indent an entire file?
+ 13.7. How do I increase or decrease the indentation of the current
+ line?
+ 13.8. How do I indent a block/group of lines?
+ 13.9. When I indent lines using the > or < key, the standard 8-tabstops
+ are used instead of the current 'tabstop' setting. Why?
+ 13.10. How do I turn off the automatic indentation of text?
+ 13.11. How do I configure Vim to automatically set the 'textwidth'
+ option to a particular value when I edit mails?
+ 13.12. Is there a way to make Vim auto-magically break lines?
+ 13.13. I am seeing a lot of ^M symbols in my file. I tried setting the
+ 'fileformat' option to 'dos' and then 'unix' and then 'mac'.
+ None of these helped. How can I hide these symbols?
+ 13.14. When I paste some text into a Vim buffer from another
+ application, the alignment (indentation) of the new text is
+ messed up. How do I fix this?
+ 13.15. When there is a very long wrapped line (wrap is "on") and a line
+ doesn't fit entirely on the screen it is not displayed at all.
+ There are blank lines beginning with '@' symbol instead of
+ wrapped line. If I scroll the screen to fit the line the '@'
+ symbols disappear and the line is displayed again. What Vim
+ setting control this behavior?
+ 13.16. How do I convert all the tab characters in a file to space
+ characters?
+ 13.17. What Vim options can I use to edit text that will later go to a
+ word processor?
+ 14.1. How do I do rectangular block copying?
+ 14.2. How do I delete or change a column of text in a file?
+ 14.3. How do I apply an ex-command on a set of visually selected lines?
+ 14.4. How do I execute an ex command on a column of text selected in
+ Visual block mode?
+ 14.5. How do I select the entire file in visual mode?
+ 14.6. When I visually select a set of lines and press the > key to
+ indent the selected lines, the visual mode ends. How can I
+ reselect the region for further operation? (or) How do I
+ re-select the last selected visual area again? (*Updated*)
+ 14.7. How do I jump to the beginning/end of a visually selected region?
+ 14.8. When I select text with mouse and then press : to enter an ex
+ command, the selected text is replaced with the : character. How
+ do I execute an ex command on a text selected using the mouse
+ similar to the text selected using the visual mode?
+ 14.9. When I select a block of text using the mouse, Vim goes into
+ selection mode instead of Visual mode. Why?
+ 15.1. How do I use the name of the current file in the command mode or
+ an ex command line?
+ 15.2. How do I edit the text in the Vim command-line effectively?
+ 15.3. How do I switch from Vi mode to Ex mode?
+ 15.4. How do I copy the output from an ex-command into a buffer?
+ 15.5. When I press the tab key to complete the name of a file in the
+ command mode, if there are more than one matching file names,
+ then Vim completes the first matching file name and displays a
+ list of all matching filenames. How do I configure Vim to only
+ display the list of all the matching filenames and not complete
+ the first one?
+ 15.6. How do I copy text from a buffer to the command line and from the
+ command line to a buffer?
+ 15.7. How do I put a command onto the command history without executing
+ it?
+ 16.1. How do I open a file with existing instance of gvim? What
+ happened to the Vim 5.x OpenWithVim.exe and SendToVim.exe files?
+ 16.2. How do I send a command to a Vim server to write all buffers to
+ disk?
+ 16.3. Where can I get the documentation about the Vim remote server
+ functionality?
+ 17.1. How do I configure Vim in a simple way?
+ 17.2. How do I toggle the value of an option?
+ 17.3. How do I set an option that affects only the current
+ buffer/window?
+ 17.4. How do I use space characters for a Vim option value?
+ 17.5. Can I add (embed) Vim option settings to the contents of a file?
+ 17.6. How do I display the line numbers of all the lines in a file?
+ 17.7. How do I change the width of the line numbers displayed using the
+ "number" option? (*Updated*)
+ 17.8. How do I display (view) all the invisible characters in a file?
+ 17.9. How do I configure Vim to always display the current line and
+ column number?
+ 17.10. How do I display the current Vim mode?
+ 17.11. How do I configure Vim to show pending/partial commands on the
+ status line?
+ 17.12. How do I configure the Vim status line to display different
+ settings/values?
+ 17.13. How do I configure Vim to display status line always?
+ 17.14. How do I make a Vim setting persistent across different Vim
+ invocations/instances/sessions?
+ 17.15. Why do I hear a beep (why does my window flash) about 1 second
+ after I hit the Escape key?
+ 17.16. How do I make the 'c' and 's' commands display a '$' instead of
+ deleting the characters I'm changing?
+ 17.17. How do I remove more than one flag using a single ":set" command
+ from a Vim option?
+ 18.1. How do I know what a key is mapped to?
+ 18.2. How do list all the user-defined key mappings?
+ 18.3. How do I unmap a key?
+ 18.4. I am not able to create a mapping for the <xxx> key. What is
+ wrong?
+ 18.5. How do I map the numeric keypad keys?
+ 18.6. How do I create a mapping that works only in visual mode?
+ 18.7. In a Vim script, how do I know which keys to use for my mappings,
+ so that the mapped key will not collide with an already used key?
+ 18.8. How do I map the escape key?
+ 18.9. How do I map a key to perform nothing?
+ 18.10. I want to use the Tab key to indent a block of text and
+ Shift-Tab key to unindent a block of text. How do I map the keys
+ to do this? This behavior is similar to textpad, visual studio,
+ etc.
+ 18.11. In my mappings the special characters like <CR> are not
+ recognized. How can I configure Vim to recognize special
+ characters?
+ 18.12. How do I use the '|' to separate multiple commands in a map?
+ 18.13. If I have a mapping/abbreviation whose ending is the beginning of
+ another mapping/abbreviation, how do I keep the first from
+ expanding into the second one?
+ 18.14. Why does it take a second or more for Vim to process a key,
+ sometimes when I press a key?
+ 18.15. How do I map a key to run an external command using a visually
+ selected text?
+ 18.16. How do I map the Ctrl-I key while still retaining the
+ functionality of the <Tab> key?
+ 19.1. How do I auto correct misspelled words? (*New*)
+ 19.2. How do I create multi-line abbreviations?
+ 19.3. When my abbreviations are expanded, an additional space character
+ is added at the end of the expanded text. How do I avoid this
+ character?
+ 19.4. How do I insert the current date/time stamp into the file?
+ 20.1. How do I repeat an editing operation (insertion, deletion, paste,
+ etc)? (*New*)
+ 20.2. How I record and repeat a set of key sequences?
+ 20.3. How do I edit/modify a recorded set of key sequences?
+ 20.4. How do I write recorded key sequences to a file?
+ 20.5. I am using register 0 to record my key sequences (i.e. q0 ....
+ q). In the recorded key sequences, I am yanking some text. After
+ the first replay of the recorded key sequence, I am no longer
+ able to play it back.
+ 21.1. How do I execute a command when I try to modify a read-only file?
+ 21.2. How do I execute a command every time when entering a buffer?
+ 21.3. How do I execute a command every time when entering a window?
+ 21.4. From an autocmd, how can I determine the name of the file or the
+ buffer number for which the autocommand is executed?
+ 21.5. How do I automatically save all the changed buffers whenever Vim
+ loses focus?
+ 21.6. How do I execute/run a function when Vim exits to do some
+ cleanup?
+ 22.1. How do I turn off/on syntax highlighting?
+ 22.2. How do I change the background and foreground colors used by Vim?
+ 22.3. How do I change the highlight colors to suit a dark/light
+ background?
+ 22.4. How do I change the color of the line numbers displayed when the
+ ":set number" command is used?
+ 22.5. How do I change the background color used for a Visually selected
+ block?
+ 22.6. How do I highlight the special characters (tabs, trailing spaces,
+ end of line, etc) displayed by the 'list' option?
+ 22.7. How do I specify a colorscheme in my .vimrc/.gvimrc file, so that
+ Vim uses the specified colorscheme everytime?
+ 22.8. Vim syntax highlighting is broken. When I am editing a file, some
+ parts of the file is not syntax highlighted or syntax highlighted
+ incorrectly.
+ 22.9. Is there a built-in function to syntax-highlight the
+ corresponding matching bracket?
+ 22.10. How do I turn off the C comment syntax highlighting?
+ 22.11. How do I add my own syntax extensions to the standard syntax
+ files supplied with Vim?
+ 22.12. How do I replace a standard syntax file that comes with the Vim
+ distribution with my own syntax file?
+ 22.13. How do I highlight all the characters after a particular column?
+ 22.14. How do I convert a source file (.c, .h, etc) with the Vim syntax
+ highlighting into a HTML file?
+ 22.15. How do I list the definition of all the current highlight
+ groups? (*New*)
+ 23.1. How do I list the names of all the scripts sourced by Vim?
+ 23.2. How do I debug Vim scripts?
+ 23.3. How do I locate the script/plugin which sets a Vim option?
+ 23.4. I am getting some error/informational messages from Vim (possibly
+ when running a script), the messages are cleared immediately. How
+ do I display the messages again?
+ 23.5. How do I save and restore a plugin specific information across
+ Vim invocations?
+ 23.6. How do I start insert mode from a Vim function?
+ 23.7. How do I change the cursor position from within a Vim function?
+ 23.8. How do I check the value of an environment variable in the .vimrc
+ file?
+ 23.9. How do I check whether an environment variable is set or not from
+ a Vim function?
+ 23.10. How do I call/use the Vim built-in functions?
+ 23.11. I am using some normal mode commands in my Vim script. How do I
+ avoid using the user-defined mappings for these normal mode
+ commands and use the standard Vim functionality for these normal
+ mode commands?
+ 23.12. How do I get a visually selected text into a Vim variable or
+ register?
+ 23.13. I have some text in a Vim variable 'myvar'. I would like to use
+ this variable in a ":s" substitute command to replace a text
+ 'mytext'. How do I do this?
+ 23.14. A Vim variable (bno) contains a buffer number. How do I use this
+ variable to open the corresponding buffer?
+ 23.15. How do I store the value of a Vim option into a Vim variable?
+ 23.16. I have copied and inserted some text into a buffer from a Vim
+ function. How do I indent the inserted text from the Vim
+ function?
+ 23.17. How do I get the character under the cursor from a Vim script?
+ 23.18. How do I get the name of the current file without the extension?
+ 23.19. How do I get the basename of the current file?
+ 23.20. How do I get the output from a Vim function into the current
+ buffer?
+ 23.21. How do I call external programs from a Vim function?
+ 23.22. How do I get the return status of a program executed using the
+ ":!" command?
+ 23.23. How do I determine whether the current buffer is modified or
+ not?
+ 23.24. I would like to use the carriage return character in a normal
+ command from a Vim script. How do I specify the carriage return
+ character?
+ 23.25. How do I split long lines in a Vim script?
+ 23.26. When I try to "execute" my function using the "execute 'echo
+ Myfunc()'" command, the cursor is moved to the top of the
+ current buffer. Why?
+ 23.27. How do I source/execute the contents of a register?
+ 23.28. After calling a Vim function or a mapping, when I press the 'u'
+ key to undo the last change, Vim undoes all the changes made by
+ the mapping/function. Why?
+ 23.29. How can I call a function defined with s: (script local
+ function) from another script/plugin?
+ 23.30. Is it possible to un-source a sourced script? In otherwords,
+ reverse all the commands executed by sourcing a script.
+ 23.31. How do I get the character under the cursor?
+ 24.1. How do I set different options for different types of files?
+ 24.2. I have downloaded some Vim plugins, syntax files, indent files,
+ color schemes, filetype plugins, etc from the web. Where should I
+ copy these files so that Vim will find them?
+ 24.3. How do I extend an existing filetype plugin?
+ 24.4. How do I turn off loading the Vim plugins?
+ 24.5. How do I turn on/off loading the filetype plugins?
+ 24.6. How do I override settings made in a file type plugin in the
+ global ftplugin directory for all the file types?
+ 24.7. How do I disable the Vim directory browser plugin?
+ 24.8. How do I set the filetype option for files with names matching a
+ particular pattern or depending on the file extension?
+ 25.1. How do I enable automatic indentation for C/C++ files?
+ 25.2. How do I configure the indentation used for C/C++ files?
+ 25.3. How do I turn off the automatic indentation feature?
+ 25.4. How do I change the number of space characters used for the
+ automatic indentation?
+ 25.5. I am editing a C program using Vim. How do I display the
+ definition of a macro or a variable?
+ 25.6. I am editing a C program using Vim. How do I jump to the
+ beginning or end of a code block from within the block?
+ 25.7. Is there a way to turn off the "//" comment auto-insertion
+ behavior for C++ files? If I'm sitting on a line beginning with
+ "//", then I open a new line above or below it, Vim automatically
+ inserts new "//" chars.
+ 25.8. How do I add the comment character '#' to a set of lines at the
+ beginning of each line?
+ 25.9. How do I edit a header file with the same name as the
+ corresponding C source file?
+ 25.10. How do I automatically insert comment leaders while typing
+ comments?
+ 26.1. How do I build programs from Vim?
+ 26.2. When I run the make command in Vim I get the errors listed as the
+ compiler compiles the program. When it finishes this list
+ disappears and I have to use the :clist command to see the error
+ message again. Is there any other way to see these error
+ messages?
+ 27.1. How do I extend the Vim folding support?
+ 27.2. When I enable folding by setting the 'foldmethod' option, all the
+ folds are closed. How do I prevent this?
+ 27.3. How do I control how many folds will be opened when I start
+ editing a file?
+ 27.4. How do I open and close folds using the mouse?
+ 27.5. How do I change the text displayed for a closed fold?
+ 27.6. How do I store and restore manually created folds across
+ different Vim invocations?
+ 28.1. Can I run a shell inside a Vim window?
+ 28.2. How do I pass the word under the cursor to an external command?
+ 28.3. How do I get the output of a shell command into a Vim buffer?
+ 28.4. How do I pipe the contents of the current buffer to a external
+ command and replace the contents of the buffer with the output
+ from the command?
+ 28.5. How do I sort a section of my file?
+ 28.6. Is there a step-by-step guide for using Vim with slrn?
+ 28.7. How do I use Vim as a pager?
+ 28.8. How do I view Unix man pages from inside Vim?
+ 28.9. How do I change the diff command used by the Vim diff support?
+ 28.10. How do I use the Vim diff mode without folding?
+ 29.1. How do I create buffer specific menus?
+ 29.2. How do I change the font used by GUI Vim?
+ 29.3. When starting GUI Vim, how do I specify the location of the GVIM
+ window?
+ 29.4. How do I add a horizontal scrollbar in GVim?
+ 29.5. How do I make the scrollbar appear in the left side by default?
+ 29.6. How do I remove the Vim menubar?
+ 29.7. I am using GUI Vim. When I press the ALT key and a letter, the
+ menu starting with that letter is selected. I don't want this
+ behavior as I want to map the ALT-<key> combination. How do I do
+ this?
+ 29.8. Is it possible to scroll the text by dragging the scrollbar so
+ that the cursor stays in the original location?
+ 29.9. How do I get gvim to start browsing files in a particular
+ directory when using the ":browse" command?
+ 29.10. For some questions, like when a file is changed outside of Vim,
+ Vim displays a GUI dialog box. How do I replace this GUI dialog
+ box with a console dialog box?
+ 29.11. I am trying to use GUI Vim as the editor for my xxx application.
+ When the xxx application launches GUI Vim to edit a file, the
+ control immediately returns to the xxx application. How do I
+ start GUI Vim, so that the control returns to the xxx
+ application only after I quit Vim?
+ 29.12. Why does the "Select Font" dialog doesn't show all the fonts
+ installed in my system?
+ 29.13. How do I use the mouse in Vim command-line mode?
+ 29.14. When I use the middle mouse button to scroll text, it pastes the
+ last copied text. How do I disable this behavior?
+ 29.15. How do I change the location and size of a GUI Vim window?
+ 30.1. I am running Vim in a xterm. When I press the CTRL-S key, Vim
+ freezes. What should I do now?
+ 30.2. I am seeing weird screen update problems in Vim. What can I do to
+ solve this screen/display update problems?
+ 30.3. I am using the terminal/console version of Vim. In insertmode,
+ When I press the backspace key, the character before the cursor
+ is not erased. How do I configure Vim to do this?
+ 30.4. I am using Vim in a xterm. When I quit Vim, the screen contents
+ are restored back to the original contents. How do I disable
+ this?
+ 30.5. When I start Vim, it takes quite a few seconds to start. How do I
+ minimize the startup time?
+ 30.6. How can I make the cursor in gvim in unix stop blinking?
+ 30.7. How do I change the menu font on GTK Vim?
+ 30.8. How do I prevent <Ctrl-Z> from suspending Vim?
+ 30.9. When I kill the xterm running Vim, the Vim process continues to
+ run and takes up a lot of CPU (99%) time. Why is this happening?
+ 30.10. How do I get the Vim syntax highlighting to work in a Unix
+ terminal?
+ 31.1. In MS-Windows, CTRL-V doesn't start the blockwise visual mode.
+ What happened?
+ 31.2. When I press the CTRL-Y key, it acts like the CTRL-R key. How do
+ I configure Vim to treat CTRL-Y as CTRL-Y?
+ 31.3. How do I start GUI Vim in a maximized window always?
+ 31.4. After doing some editing operations, Vim freezes. The cursor
+ becomes an empty rectangle. I am not able enter any characters.
+ What is happening?
+ 31.5. I am using Windows XP, the display speed of maximized GVim is
+ very slow. What can I do to speed the display updates?
+ 31.6. What are the recommended settings for using Vim with cygwin?
+ 31.7. I am trying to use GNU diff with Vim diff mode. When I run the
+ diff from command line, it works. When I try to use the diff with
+ Vim it doesn't work. What should I do now?
+ 31.8. Is it possible to use Vim as an external editor for MS-Windows
+ Outlook email client?
+ 31.9. I am using Vim to edit HTML files. How do I start internet
+ explorer with the current file to preview the HTML file?
+ 31.10. I would like to use Vim with Microsoft Visual Studio. How do I
+ do this?
+ 31.11. Where do I place the _vimrc and _gvimrc files?
+ 31.12. Everytime I save a file, Vim warns about the file being changed
+ outside of Vim. Why?
+ 32.1. How do I print a file along with line numbers for all the lines?
+ 32.2. How do I print a file with the Vim syntax highlighting colors?
+ 33.1. How do I build Vim from the sources on a Unix system?
+ 33.2. How do I install Vim in my home directory or a directory other
+ than the default installation directory in Unix?
+ 33.3. How do I build Vim from the sources on a MS-Windows system?
+ (*Updated*)
+ 33.4. The Vim help, syntax, indent files are missing from my Vim
+ installation. How do I install these files?
+ 33.5. I have built Vim from the source and installed the Vim package
+ using "make install". Do I need to keep the Vim source directory?
+ 33.6. How do I determine the Vim features which are enabled at compile
+ time?
+ 33.7. Can I build Vim without the GUI support?
+ 33.8. When building Vim on a Unix system, I am getting "undefined
+ reference to term_set_winsize' error. How do I resolve this
+ error?
+ 33.9. Vim configure keeps complaining about the lack of gtk-config
+ while trying to use GTK 2.03. This is correct, since in GTK 2
+ they moved to using the generic pkg-config. I can get pkg-config
+ to list the various includes and libs for gtk, but for some
+ reason the configure script still isn't picking this up.
+ 34.1. How do I edit binary files with Vim?
+ 34.2. When I invoke Vim, I get error messages about illegal characters
+ in the viminfo file. What should I do to get rid of these
+ messages?
+ 34.3. How do I disable the visual error flash and the error beep?
+ 34.4. How do I display the ascii value of a character displayed in a
+ buffer?
+ 34.5. Can I use zero as a count for a Vim command?
+ 34.6. How do I disable the Vim welcome screen?
+ 34.7. How do I avoid the "hit enter to continue" prompt?
+ 34.8. How do I invoke Vim from command line to run a group of commands
+ on a group of files?
+ 34.9. How do I disable the viminfo feature?
+ 35.1. Is it possible to create Unicode files using Vim?
+ 35.2. Which Vim settings are particularly important for editing Unicode
+ files?
+ 35.3. What is the 'encoding' option?
+ 35.4. How does Vim name the various Unicode encodings?
+ 35.5. How does Vim specify the presence or absence of a byte-order
+ mark?
+ 35.6. What is the 'fileencoding' option?
+ 35.7. What is the 'fileencodings' option?
+ 35.8. What is the 'termencoding' option?
+ 35.9. What is the 'bomb' option?
+ 35.10. Where can I find an example of a typical use of all these
+ options?
+ 35.11. How can I insert Unicode characters into a file using Vim?
+ 35.12. How can I know which digraphs are defined and for which
+ characters?
+1.1. What is Vim?
+Vim stands for Vi IMproved. It used to be Vi IMitation, but there are so
+many improvements that a name change was appropriate. Vim is a text editor
+which includes almost all the commands from the Unix program "Vi" and a lot
+of new ones. All commands can be given with the keyboard. This has the
+advantage that you can keep your fingers on the keyboard and your eyes on
+the screen. For those who want it, there is mouse support and a GUI version
+with scrollbars and menus.
+Vim is an editor, not a word processor. A word processor is used mainly to
+do layout of text. This means positioning it, changing the way it appears
+on output. More often than not, the final document is meant to be printed
+or typeset or what have you, in order to present it in a pleasing manner to
+others. Examples of word processors are Microsoft Word, WordPerfect,
+FrameMaker, and AmiPro.
+An editor is simply for entering text. Any typesetting or laying out of the
+document is secondary. With an editor, one's main concern is entering text,
+not making the text look good. Examples of editors other than Vim and Vi
+are Emacs, Crisp, Brief, and xedit. And Notepad.
+For more information, read
+ :help intro
+1.2. Who wrote Vim?
+Most of Vim was written by Bram Moolenar, with contributions from too many
+people to mention here. See ":h credits" for a complete list.
+Vim is based on Stevie, worked on by Tim Thompson, Tony Andrews and G.R.
+(Fred) Walter.
+For more information, read
+ :help author
+1.3. Is Vim compatible with Vi?
+Yes. Vim is very much compatible with Vi. You can use the "-C"
+command-line flag to start Vim in Vi compatible mode:
+ $ vim -C
+You can also use:
+ $ vim -u NONE
+You can also set the 'compatible' option to enable Vi compatibility:
+ :set compatible
+For more information, read
+ :help -C
+ :help 'compatible'
+ :help compatible-default
+1.4. What are some of the improvements of Vim over Vi?
+A short summary of the improvements of Vim over vi is listed below. The
+list shows that Vim is a thoroughly modern and feature-packed editor.
+Standard features of modern editors are implemented, and there is an equal
+emphasis on general power-user features and features for programmers.
+Features to modernise Vi:
+ Multi-level undo
+ Allows you to set the number of times you can undo your changes in a
+ file buffer. You can also redo an undone change.
+ Multiple windows and buffers
+ Each file can be displayed in its own window. You can move easily from
+ one window to another. Each file opened during a Vim session also has
+ an associated buffer and you can easily jump from one to the other.
+ Flexible insert mode
+ Vim allows you to use the arrow keys while in insert mode to move
+ around in the file. No more hitting <Esc>, moving around, then hitting
+ `i' or `a'.
+ Macros
+ Vim has a facility which allows you to record a sequence of typed
+ characters and repeat them any number of times.
+ Visual mode
+ You can highlight sections of text and execute operations on this
+ section of text only.
+ Block operators
+ Allow selection and highlighting of rectangular blocks of text in
+ order do execute specific operations on them.
+ Online help system
+ You can easily find help on any aspect of using Vim. Help is displayed
+ in its own window.
+ Command-line editing and history
+ History allows you to use the arrow keys to repeat or search for a
+ command that has already been typed. Allows you to match the beginning
+ of a command with the beginning of another similar command in the
+ history buffer. You can also edit a command to correct typos or change
+ a few values.
+ Command line completion.
+ Using the <Tab> key, you can complete commands, options, filenames,
+ etc. as needed.
+ Horizontal scrolling.
+ Long lines can be scrolled horizontally (with or without the GUI).
+Advanced user features:
+ Text formatting.
+ With two keystrokes, you can format large sections of text, without
+ the use of external programs.
+ Word completion in Insert mode
+ Vim can complete words while you are typing, by matching the current
+ word with other similar words in the file.
+ Jump tags
+ Just like in an internet browser, you can jump back to previous parts
+ of the text you were editing, and then forward again. Your brain is
+ thus free to edit instead of navigate.
+ Automatic commands
+ Commands automatically executed when reading or writing a file,
+ jumping to another buffer, etc.
+ Viminfo
+ Allows storing of the command line history, marks and registers in a
+ file to be read on startup. Therefore, you can recall old search
+ patterns, macros, etc., in a new Vim session.
+ Mouse support
+ The mouse is supported in an xterm and for MS-DOS. It can be used to
+ position the cursor, select the visual area, paste a register, etc.
+ Graphical User Interface (GUI)
+ Just like any modern editor. Also, it's very easy to add your own
+ menus. Of course, console vim is still supported, and very widely
+ used.
+ Scripting language
+ Vim has a powerful scripting language so new commands can be created.
+ You can also use Perl, Python, TCL and Ruby to achieve the same thing!
+ Plugins
+ Extra functionality implemented via vim commands (regular commands or
+ the scripting language) that is automatically loaded on startup.
+ Examples: file explorer, network editing. More are being developed
+ and shared on VimOnline all the time.
+ Syntax highlighting for many programming languages
+ Syntax highlighting for hundreds of programming languages is
+ supported. Support for others can be added.
+ Extended regular expressions
+ Vim supports extended regular expressions which are similar in
+ functionality to that of perl regular expressions.
+Programming performance features:
+ Edit-compile-edit speedup
+ You can compile within Vim and automatically jump to the location of
+ errors in the source code.
+ Indenting for many programming languages
+ C, C++, Java, Perl, XML and many other languages can be automatically
+ indented by vim while you type. Support for others can be added.
+ Searching for words in include files
+ Vim allows you to search for a match of the word under the cursor in
+ the current and included files.
+ Advance text objects
+ Instantly select, or delete, or copy, or indent, or format, or change
+ case, or ... to all the text between ( and ), or { and }, or < and >,
+ or [ and ]. Or a word, sentence, or paragraph. Very powerful.
+ Folding
+ Certain parts of the text can be "folded" away. The best example is
+ the body of a function. You can get an overview of the code, and then
+ open the fold of the function whose detail you need to see.
+ ctags and cscope integration
+ Using these two powerful programs, you can jump to a definition of a
+ function from a calling instance of it, and use other tricks to
+ navigate source code.
+For more information, read
+ :help vi-differences
+1.5. Is Vim free?
+Vim is Charityware. There are no restrictions on using or copying Vim, but
+the author encourages you to make a donation to charity. A document
+explaining how to do so is included in the distribution.
+For more information, read
+ :help copyright
+2.1. Where can I learn more about Vim?
+You can post your Vim questions to the vim at vim.org mailing list. You can
+post your Vim development related questions to the vim-dev at vim.org mailing
+list. Vim does not have a newsgroup of its own. But the appropriate
+newsgroup to post to is comp.editors.
+"VimOnline" is a web page that serves as a de facto homepage for vim,
+although the main purpose of it is to gather tips and scripts from
+everywhere. Get involved! The URL is vim.sourceforge.net or vim.sf.net.
+Finally, read the Vi FAQ:
+ http://www.faqs.org/faqs/editor-faq/vi/part1/index.html
+For more information, read
+ :help mail-list
+ :help internet
+2.2. Is there a mailing list available?
+There are several:
+ vim-announce Announcements of new releases
+ vim General discussion
+ vim-dev Patches, bug reports, development discussions
+ vim-mac Macintosh discussion
+ vim-fr General discussion in French
+ vim-multibyte Multibyte development issues
+ vim-vms Development on VMS
+Of these, only vim and vim-dev are of general interest. vim-announce is
+read-only to most people, and its messages are sent to the other lists as
+well. The remaining four are very low volume.
+To subscribe: send an email to <NAME>-subscribe at vim.org
+To unsubscribe: send an email to <NAME>-unsubscribe at vim.org
+To get help: send an email to <NAME>-help at vim.org
+2.3. Is there an archive available for the Vim mailing lists?
+Yes. Visit http://www.yahoogroups.com/list/<name>, where name is one of:
+vimannounce, vim, vimdev, vim-fr, vim-mac, vim-multibyte, vim-vms.
+Alternatively, visit www.gmane.org to find out about GMANE, which allows
+you to access the mailing lists as though they were newsgroups. This
+offers some convenience to those who wish to browse the history or casually
+observe the current threads.
+2.4. Where can I get the Vim user manual in HTML/PDF/PS format?
+You can download the HTML/PDF/PS format of the Vim user manual from:
+ http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/
+2.5. I have a "xyz" (some) problem with Vim. How do I determine it is a
+ problem with my setup or with Vim?
+First, you have to determine that the problem is not with your .vimrc or
+.gvimrc or system vimrc or your personal plugin files or in any of your
+setup files. To do this, use
+ $ vim -N -u NONE -U NONE
+This will start Vim in 'nocompatible" mode and will not source your
+personal .vimrc and .gvimrc files. It will also not load your personal
+plugins. In this invocation of Vim, try to reproduce your problem. If you
+are not able to reproduce the problem, then the problem is related to some
+setting in one of your local setup files or plugins. To locate the problem
+in your setup files, you have to use trial and error and try commenting out
+the lines in your setup files one by one. You can also use the -V command
+line argument to Vim to get more debug information and analyze the problem:
+ $ vim -V2
+You can increase the value passed to the -V argument to get more debug
+For more information, read
+ :help -u
+ :help -U
+ :help -N
+ :help -V
+ :help 'verbose'
+ :help :verbose
+ :help set-verbose
+2.6. Where can I report bugs?
+First collect the required information using the following command:
+ :source $VIMRUNTIME/bugreport.vim
+Now send the resulting text from the above command to the bugs at vim.org
+e-mail address.
+The Vim Development mailing list (see above) is a good place to discuss
+general bugs. If the bug you find is with syntax highlighting or some
+other "added feature" (i.e. not directly programmed into vim), attempt to
+inform the maintainer of that feature.
+For more information, read
+ :help bug-reports
+2.7. Where can the FAQ be found?
+The FAQ can be found at VimOnline (vim.sf.net). Other places will be
+decided in the future.
+2.8. What if I don't find an answer in this FAQ?
+This FAQ covers mainly Vim-specific questions. You may find more
+information suitable for most Vi clones by reading the Vi FAQ. It is posted
+regularly on comp.editors. You can also find a copy at
+ http://www.faqs.org/faqs/editor-faq/vi/part1/index.html
+Also, since Vim has gathered so many features in the last few years,
+successfully documenting the frequently asked questions here is a
+near-impossible task. To make it possible, please email the maintainer if
+you have a good question. A good question is one that you've tried to
+answer yourself (remember, Vim has great documentation) but struggled.
+2.9. I have a patch for implementing a Vim feature. Where can I send this
+ patch?
+You can send your patches to the Vim developer mailing list
+vim-dev at vim.org.
+For more information, read
+ :help vim-dev
+2.10. I have a Vim tip or developed a new Vim
+ syntax/indent/filetype/compiler plugin or developed a new script or a
+ colorscheme. Is there a public website where I can upload this?
+Yes. You can use the Vim Online website to upload your plugins/scripts,
+colorschemes, tips, etc. The site is at http://vim.sourceforge.net
+3.1. What is the latest version of Vim?
+The latest version of Vim is 6.2 released on 1st June 2003.
+A history of previously released versions of Vim is below:
+Version 6.1 24th March 2002
+Version 6.0 27th September, 2001
+Version 5.8 31st May, 2001
+Version 5.7 24th June, 2000
+Version 5.6 16th January, 2000
+Version 5.5 21st September, 1999
+Version 5.4 26th July, 1999
+Version 5.3 31st August, 1998
+Version 5.2 24th August, 1998
+Version 5.1 7th April, 1998
+Version 5.0 19th February, 1998
+Version 4.6 13th March,1997
+Version 4.5 17th October, 1996
+Version 4.2 5th July,1996
+Version 4.0 21st May, 1996
+Version 3.0 16th August, 1994
+Version 2.0 21st December, 1993
+Version 1.27 23rd April, 1993
+Version 1.17 21st April, 1992
+3.2. Where can I find the latest version of Vim?
+You can download the sources for the latest version of Vim from the
+VimOnline website. The URL for this site is
+3.3. What platforms does it run on?
+All Unix platforms.
+All Windows platforms.
+Amiga, Atari, BeOS, DOS, Macintosh, MachTen, OS/2, RiscOS, VMS.
+3.4. Where can I download the latest version of the Vim runtime files?
+You can download the latest version of the Vim runtime files (syntax files,
+filetype plugins, compiler files, color schemes, documentation, indentation
+files and keymaps) from the Vim ftp site from the
+ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/runtime directory.
+4.1. How do I use the help files?
+Help can be found for all functions of Vim. In order to use it, use the
+":help" command. This will bring you to the main help page. On that first
+page, you will find explanations on how to move around. Basically, you move
+around in the help pages the same way you would in a read-only document.
+You can jump to specific subjects by using tags. This can be done in two
+ * Use the "<Ctrl-]>" command while standing on the name of a command or
+ option. This only works when the tag is a keyword. "<Ctrl-LeftMouse>"
+ and "g<LeftMouse>" work just like "<Ctrl-]>".
+ * use the ":tag <subject>" command. This works with all characters.
+Use "<Ctrl-T>" to jump back to previous positions in the help files. Use
+":q" to close the help window.
+If you want to jump to a specific subject on the help pages, use ":help
+{subject}". If you don't know what to look for, try ":help index" to get a
+list of all available subjects. Use the standard search keys to locate the
+information you want. You can abbreviate the ":help" command as ":h".
+For more information, read
+ :help online-help
+4.2. How do I search for a keyword in the Vim help files?
+You can press the CTRL-D key after typing the help keyword to get a list of
+all the help keywords containing the supplied pattern. You can also use the
+meta characters like *, \+, etc to specify the help search pattern:
+ :help init<C-D>
+ :help str*()<C-D>
+ :help '*indent<C-D>
+You can press the Tab key after typing a partial help keyword to expand to
+the matching keyword. You can continue to press the Tab key to see other
+keyword matches.
+From the help window, you can use the ":tag" command to search for
+keywords. For example,
+ :tselect /window
+This command will list all the help keywords containing the text "window".
+You can select one from the list and jump to it.
+You can use the ":helpgrep" command to search for the given text in all the
+help files. The quickfix window will be opened with all the matching lines.
+For more information, read
+ :help c_CTRL-D
+ :help c_<Tab>
+ :help :tselect
+ :help :help
+ :help :helpgrep
+4.3. I am getting an error message E123, what did I do wrong?
+You can get more information about the error and the error message using:
+ :help E123
+For more information, read
+ :help error-messages
+4.4. Where can I read about the various modes in Vim?
+You can get information about the different modes in Vim by reading
+ :help vim-modes
+4.5. How do I generate the Vim help tags file after adding a new Vim help
+ file?
+You can use the ":helptags" command to regenerate the Vim help tag file.
+For example:
+ :cd $VIMRUNTIME/doc
+ :helptags .
+For more information, read
+ :help :helptags
+ :help add-local-help
+4.6. Can I use compressed versions of the help files?
+You can compress the help files and still be able to view them with Vim.
+This makes accessing the help files a bit slower and requires the "gzip"
+utility. Follow these steps to compress and use the Vim help files:
+- Compress all the help files using "gzip doc/*.txt".
+- Edit the "doc/tags" file and change the ".txt" to ".txt.gz" using
+ :%s=\(\t.*\.txt\)\t=\1.gz\t=
+- Add the following line to your vimrc:
+ set helpfile={dirname}/help.txt.gz
+Where {dirname} is the directory where the help files are. The gzip.vim
+plugin supplied with the standard Vim distribution will take care of
+decompressing the files. You must make sure that $VIMRUNTIME is set to
+where the other Vim files are, when they are not in the same location as
+the compressed "doc" directory.
+For more information, read
+ :help gzip-helpfile
+ :help 'helpfile'
+ :help gzip
+5.1. I am currently editing a file in Vim. How do I load another file into
+ Vim?
+There are several ways to load another file for editing. The simplest is to
+use the ":e" command:
+ :e <another file>
+For more information, read
+ :help usr_07
+ :help edit-files
+5.2. When I edit and save files, Vim creates a file with the same name as
+ the original file and a "~" character at the end. How do I stop Vim
+ from creating this file?
+You have set the 'backup' option, so Vim creates a backup file when saving
+the original file. You can stop Vim from creating the backup file, by
+clearing the option:
+ :set nobackup
+Note that, by default this option is turned off. You have explicitly
+enabled the 'backup' option in one of the initialization files. You may
+also have to turn off the 'writebackup' option:
+ :set nowritebackup
+For more information, read
+ :help 07.4
+ :help backup-table
+ :help 'backup'
+ :help 'writebackup'
+ :help 'backupskip'
+ :help 'backupdir'
+ :help 'backupext'
+ :help 'backupcopy'
+ :help backup
+5.3. How do I save the current file in another name (save as) and edit a
+ new file?
+You can use the ":saveas" command to save the current file in another name:
+ :saveas <newfilename>
+Alternatively, you can also do:
+ :w <newfilename>
+ :edit #
+You can also use the ":file" command, followed by ":w" command:
+ :file <newfilename>
+ :w
+For more information, read
+ :help :saveas
+ :help :file_f
+ :help :w
+5.4. How do I change the current directory to the directory of the current
+ file?
+You can use the following command to change the current directory to the
+directory of the current file:
+ :cd %:p:h
+To automatically change the current directory to the directory of the
+current file, use the following autocmd:
+ :autocmd BufEnter * cd %:p:h
+For more information, read
+ :help :cd
+ :help :lcd
+ :help filename-modifiers
+ :help autocommand
+5.5. How do I write a file without the line feed (EOL) at the end of the
+ file?
+You can turn off the 'eol' option and turn on the 'binary' option to write
+a file without the EOL at the end of the file:
+ :set binary
+ :set noeol
+ :w
+For more information, read
+ :help 'endofline'
+ :help 'binary'
+ :help 23.4
+5.6. How do I configure Vim to open a file at the last edited location?
+Vim stores the cursor position of the last edited location for each buffer
+in the '"' register. You can use the following autocmd in your .vimrc or
+.gvimrc file to open a file at the last edited location:
+ au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
+ \ exe "normal g'\"" | endif
+For more information, read
+ :help '"
+ :help last-position-jump
+5.7. When editing a file in Vim, which is being changed by an external
+ application, Vim opens a warning window (like the confirm dialog) each
+ time a change is detected. How do I disable this warning?
+You can set the 'autoread' option to configure Vim to automatically read
+the file again when it is changed outside of Vim:
+ :set autoread
+You can also use the following autocommand:
+ autocmd FileChangedShell *
+ \ echohl WarningMsg |
+ \ echo "File has been changed outside of vim." |
+ \ echohl None
+For more information, read
+ :help 'autoread'
+ :help FileChangedShell
+ :help timestamp
+ :help :checktime
+5.8. How do I edit a file whose name is under the cursor?
+You can use the gf command to edit a file whose name is under the cursor.
+You can use the CTRL-W f command to edit the file in a new window.
+For more information, read
+ :help gf
+ :help CTRL-W_f
+ :help 'isfname'
+ :help 'path'
+ :help 'suffixesadd'
+ :help 'includeexpr'
+5.9. How do I reload/re-edit the current file?
+You can use the ":edit" command, without specifying a file name, to reload
+the current file. If you have made modifications to the file, you can use
+":edit!" to force the reload of the current file (you will lose your
+For more information, read
+ :help :edit
+ :help :edit!
+ :help 'confirm'
+5.10. When I save a file with Vim, the file permissions are changed.
+ How do I configure Vim to save a file without chaging the file
+ permissions?
+This may happen, if the 'backupcopy' option is set to 'no' or 'auto'. Note
+that the default value for this option is set in such a way that this will
+correctly work in most of the cases. If the default doesn't work for you,
+try setting the 'backupcopy' option to 'yes' to keep the file permission
+when saving a file:
+ :set backupcopy=yes
+This applies, only if you have configured Vim to make a backup whenever
+overwriting a file. By default, Vim will not backup files.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'backupcopy'
+ :help backup
+ :help 'backup'
+ :help 'writebackup'
+5.11 How do I autosave a file periodically?
+Vim does not support auto-saving a file periodically.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'updatetime'
+ :help CursorHold
+ :help swap-file
+5.12. How do I open a file in read-only mode?
+You can open a file in read-only mode using the ":view" command:
+ :view <filename>
+This command sets the 'readonly' option for the opened buffer. You can also
+use the "-R" command-line option to open a file in read-only mode:
+ $ vim -R <filename>
+You can also use the symbolic link "view" to open a file in read-only mode:
+ $ view <filename>
+For more information, read
+ :help 07.6
+ :help 'readonly'
+ :help 'modifiable'
+ :help :view
+ :help :sview
+ :help view
+ :help -R
+ :help -M
+6.1. How do I switch between files while editing multiple files in Vim?
+There are several ways to switch between multiple files. You can use the
+":buffer" command to switch between multiple files. For example,
+ :buffer file1
+ :buffer file2
+You can also use the CTRL-^ key to switch between buffers. By specifying a
+count before pressing the key, you can edit the buffer with that number.
+Without the count, you can edit the alternate buffer by pressing CTRL-^
+You can also use the ":e #" command to edit a particular buffer:
+ :e #5
+For more information, read
+ :help edit-files
+ :help :buffer
+ :help CTRL-^
+ :help alternate-file
+ :help 22.4
+ :help 07.3
+6.2. How do I configure Vim to autoload several files at once similar to
+ "work-sets" or "projects"?
+You can use the ":mksession" and ":mkview" commands to achieve this. The
+mksession command creates a Vim script that restores the current editing
+session. You can use the ":source" command to source the file produced by
+the mksession command. The mkview command creates a Vim script that
+restores the contents of the current window. You can use the ":loadview"
+command to load the view for the current file.
+For more information, read
+ :help 21.4
+ :help 21.5
+ :help views-sessions
+ :help 'sessionoptions'
+ :help :mksession
+ :help :source
+ :help v:this_session
+ :help :mkview
+ :help :loadview
+ :help 'viewdir'
+ :help buffers
+6.3. Is it possible to open multiple top level windows in a single instance
+ of Vim similar to Nedit or emacs?
+No. It is currently not possible to open multiple top-level windows in a
+single instance of Vim. This feature is in the todo list.
+6.4. How do I open multiple files at once from within Vim?
+There are several ways to open multiple files at once from within Vim. You
+can use the ":next" command to specify a group of file:
+ :next f1.txt f2.txt
+ :next *.c
+You can use the :args command to specify a group of files as argument:
+ :args f1.txt f2.txt
+ :args *.c
+For more information, read
+ :help :next
+ :help :args_f
+ :help argument-list
+6.5. How do I open several windows in Vim by supplying command line
+ arguments?
+You can use the -o and -O Vim command line arguments to open multiple
+horizontally or vertically split windows. For example:
+ $ vim -o2
+ $ vim -O2
+For more information, read
+ :help -o
+ :help -O
+ :help startup-options
+6.6. How do I browse/explore directories from within Vim?
+You can use the explorer.vim plugin, supplied with the standard Vim
+package, to browse/explore directories from within Vim. You can start the
+file explorer using one of the following commands:
+ :e <directory>
+ :Explore
+ :SExplore
+From the file explorer, you can browse through directories, rename, delete
+and edit files.
+For more information, read
+ :help file-explorer
+ :help 22.1
+6.7. How do I edit files over a network using ftp/scp/rcp/http?
+You can use the netrw.vim plugin, supplied with the standard Vim package,
+to edit files over a network using ftp/scp/rcp/http. Using this plugin, Vim
+will transparently load and save the files over ftp/scp/rcp/http. For
+example, to edit a file over ftp, you can use the following command:
+ $ vim ftp://machine/path
+For more information, read
+ :help netrw.vim
+7.1. I have made some modifications to a buffer. How do I edit another
+ buffer without saving the modified buffer and also without losing the
+ modifications?
+You can set the 'hidden' option to edit a file without losing modifications
+to the current file:
+ :set hidden
+By setting the 'hidden' option, you can also save the modification history
+(undo-history) for the buffer. Otherwise, as you switch between files, the
+undo-history will be lost.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'hidden'
+ :help hidden-quit
+ :help :hide
+7.2. How do I configure Vim to auto-save a modified buffer when switching
+ to another buffer?
+You can set the 'autowrite' option to auto-save a modified buffer when
+switching to another buffer:
+ :set autowrite
+For more information, read
+ :help 'autowrite'
+ :help 'autowriteall'
+ :help 'hidden'
+7.3. How do I replace the buffer in the current window with a blank buffer?
+You can use the ":enew" command to load an empty buffer in place of the
+buffer in the current window.
+For more information, read
+ :help :enew
+7.4. Is there a keyboard shortcut to load a buffer by the buffer number?
+You can use the CTRL-^ command to load a buffer by specifying the buffer
+number. For example, to load buffer number 5, you have to use the 5 CTRL-^
+For more information, read
+ :help CTRL-^
+7.5. How do I open all the current buffers in separate windows?
+You can use the ":ball" or ":sball" commands to open all the buffers
+in the buffer list:
+ :ball
+For more information, read
+ :help :ball
+7.6. How do I close (delete) a buffer without exiting Vim?
+You can use the ":bdelete" command to delete a buffer without exiting Vim.
+For example:
+ :bdelete file1
+For more information, read
+ :help :bdelete
+ :help :bwipeout
+7.7. I have several buffers opened with :e filename. How do I close one of
+ the buffers without exiting Vim?
+You can use the ":bdelete <buffername>" command to close the buffer.
+For more information, read
+ :help :bdelelete
+ :help :bunload
+ :help :bwipeout
+7.8. When I use the command ":%bd" to delete all the buffers, not all the
+ buffers are deleted. Why?
+In the ":%bd" command, the '%' range will be replaced with the starting and
+ending line numbers in the current buffer. Instead of using '%' as the
+range, you should specify numbers for the range. For example, to delete all
+the buffers, you can use the command ":1,9999bd".
+For more information, read
+ :help :bd
+7.9. How do I display the buffer number of the current buffer/file?
+You can use 2<CTRL-G> command to display the buffer number for the current
+file/buffer. Note the use of count before the CTRL-G command. If the count
+is greater than 1, then Vim will display the buffer number.
+You can also use the following command to display the current buffer
+ :echo bufnr("%")
+You can also include the "%n" field to the 'statusline' option to display
+the current buffer number on the statusline.
+For more information read,
+ :help CTRL-G
+ :help bufnr()
+ :help :echo
+ :help 'statusline'
+7.10. How do I delete a buffer without closing the window in which the
+ buffer is displayed?
+You can use the following command to open the next buffer and delete
+the current buffer.
+ :bnext | bdelete #
+For more information read,
+ :help :bnext
+ :help :bdelete
+ :help :buffers
+7.11. How do I map the tab key to cycle through and open all the buffers?
+You can use the following two map commands, to map the CTRL-Tab key to open
+the next buffer and the CTRL-SHIFT-Tab key to open the previous buffer:
+ :nnoremap <C-Tab> :bnext<CR>
+ :nnoremap <S-C-Tab> :bprevious<CR>
+For more information read,
+ :help :bnext
+ :help :previous
+8.1. What is the difference between a Vim window and a buffer?
+A Vim buffer is a file loaded into memory for editing. The original file
+remains unchanged until you write the buffer to the file. A Vim window is a
+viewport onto a buffer. You can use multiple windows on one buffer or
+several windows on different buffers.
+For more information, read
+ :help usr_08.txt
+ :help 22.4
+ :help windows-intro
+ :help Q_wi
+8.2. How do I increase the width of a Vim window?
+You can increase the width of a Vim window using one of the following
+ :vert resize +N
+ :vert resize -N
+ :vert resize N
+You can also use CTRL-W < or CTRL-W > or CTRL-W | commands.
+For more information, read
+ :help vertical-resize
+ :help CTRL-W_>
+ :help CTRL-W_<
+ :help window-resize
+8.3. How do I zoom into or out of a window?
+You can zoom into a window (close all the windows except the current
+window) using the "CTRL-W o" command or the ":only" ex command.
+You can use the "CTRL-W _" command or the ":resize" ex command to increase
+the current window height to the highest possible without closing other
+You can use the "CTRL-W |" command or the ":vertical resize" ex command to
+increase the current window width to the highest possible without closing
+other windows.
+You can use the "CTRL-W =" command to make the height and width of all the
+windows equal.
+You can also set the following options to get better results with the above
+Method 1:
+Set the 'winminheight' option to 0:
+ :set winminheight=0
+By default, this option is set to 1.
+This option controls the minimum height of an inactive window (when it is
+not the current window). When the 'winminheight' option is set to 0, only
+the status line will be displayed for inactive windows.
+Method 2:
+Set the 'noequalalways' option and set the 'winheight' option to a large
+value (like 99999):
+ :set noequalalways
+ :set winheight=99999
+Now, the active window will always open to its maximum size, while the
+other windows will stay present, but shrunken to just a status line.
+For more information, read
+ :help CTRL-W_o
+ :help window-resize
+ :help 'winminheight'
+ :help 'equalalways'
+ :help 'winheight'
+ :help 08.3
+8.4. How do I execute an ex command on all the open buffers or open windows
+ or all the files in the argument list?
+You can use the ":bufdo" command to execute an ex command on all the open
+buffers. You can use the ":windo" command to execute an ex command on all
+the open windows. You can use the ":argdo" command to execute an ex
+command on all the files specified in the argument list.
+For more information, read
+ :help :windo
+ :help :bufdo
+ :help :argdo
+ :help 26.3
+9.1. How do I jump to the beginning (first line) or end (last line) of a
+ file?
+You can use 'G' command to jump to the last line in the file and the 'gg'
+command to jump to the first line in the file.
+For more information, read
+ :help G
+ :help gg
+9.2. In insert mode, when I press the <Esc> key to go to command mode, the
+ cursor moves one character to the left (except when the cursor is on
+ the first character of the line). How do I prevent this?
+No. It is not possible to change this behavior. The cursor is *always*
+positioned on a valid character (unless you have virtual-edit mode
+enabled). So, if you are appending text to the end of a line, when you
+return to command mode the cursor *must* drop back onto the last character
+you typed. For consistency sake, the cursor drops back everywhere, even if
+you are in the middle of a line.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'virtual'
+9.3. How do I configure Vim to maintain the horizontal cursor position when
+ scrolling with the <Page Up>, <Page Down>, etc keys?
+You can reset the 'startofline' option to keep the cursor at the same
+horizontal location when scrolling text:
+ :set nostartofline
+For more information, read
+ :help 'startofline'
+9.4. Some lines in a file are more than the screen width and they are all
+ wrapped. When I use the j, k keys to move from one line to the next,
+ the cursor is moved to the next line in the file instead of the next
+ line on the screen. How do I move from one screen line to the next?
+You can use the gj and gk commands to move from one screen line to the
+next/previous screen line.
+For more information, read
+ :help gj
+ :help gk
+You can use the following mappings:
+ :map <Up> gk
+ :imap <Up> <C-o>gk
+ :map <Down> gj
+ :imap <Down> <C-o>gj
+9.5. What is the definition of a sentence, paragraph and section in Vim?
+A sentence is defined as ending at a '.', '!' or '?' followed by either the
+end of a line, or by a space (or two) or tab. Which characters and the
+number of spaces needed to constitute a sentence ending is determined by
+the 'joinspaces' and 'cpoptions' options.
+A paragraph begins after each empty line, and also at each of a set of
+paragraph macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the 'paragraphs'
+A section begins after a form-feed (<C-L>) in the first column and at each
+of a set of section macros, specified by the pairs of characters in the
+'sections' option.
+For more information, read
+ :help sentence
+ :help 'joinspaces'
+ :help 'cpoptions' | /^\s*j\>
+ :help paragraph
+ :help section
+ :help word
+9.6. How do I jump to beginning or end of a sentence, paragraph or a
+ section?
+The following motions jump relate to sentences, paragraphs and sections:
+ motion position where
+ ( beginning current sentence
+ ) end current sentence
+ { beginning current paragraph
+ } end current paragraph
+ [] end previous section
+ [[ beginning current section
+ ][ end current section
+ ]] beginning next section
+Each of these motions can be preceded by a number which will extend the
+jump forward (or backward).
+For more information, read
+ :help object-motions
+9.7. I have lines in a file that extends beyond the right extent of the
+ screen. How do I move the Vim view to the right to see the text off
+ the screen?
+You can use zL or zH or zl or zh or zs or ze to scroll the screen to the
+left or right.
+For more information, read
+ :help scroll-horizontal
+9.8. How do I scroll two or more buffers simultaneously?
+You can set the "scrollbind" option for each of the buffer to scroll them
+For more information, read
+ :help 'scrollbind'
+ :help scroll-binding
+ :help 'scrollopt'
+9.9. When I use my arrow keys, Vim changes modes, inserts weird characters
+ in my document but doesn't move the cursor properly. What's going on?
+There are a couple of things that could be going on: either you are using
+Vim over a slow connection or Vim doesn't understand the key sequence that
+your keyboard is generating.
+If you are working over a slow connection (such as a 2400 bps modem), you
+can try to set the 'timeout' or 'ttimeout' option. These options, combined
+with the 'timeoutlen' and 'ttimeoutlen' options, may fix the problem.
+The preceding procedure will not work correctly if your terminal sends key
+codes that Vim does not understand. In this situation, your best option is
+to map your key sequence to a matching cursor movement command and save
+these mappings in a file. You can then ":source" the file whenever you work
+from that terminal.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'timeout'
+ :help 'ttimeout'
+ :help 'timeoutlen'
+ :help 'ttimeoutlen'
+ :help :map
+ :help vt100-cursor-keys
+9.10. How do I configure Vim to move the cursor to the end of the previous
+ line, when the left arrow key is pressed and the cursor is currently
+ at the beginning of a line?
+You can add the '<' flag to the 'whichwrap' option to configure Vim to move
+the cursor to the end of the previous line, when the left arrow key is
+pressed and the cursor is currently at the beginning of a line:
+ :set whichwrap+=<
+Similaly, to move the cursor the beginning of the next line, when the right
+arrow key is pressed and the cursor is currently at the end of a line, add
+the '>' flag to the 'whichwrap' option:
+ :set whichwrap+=>
+The above will work only in normal and visual modes. To use this in insert
+and replace modes, add the '[' and ']' flags respectively.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'whichwrap'
+ :help 05.7
+9.11. How do I configure Vim to stay only in insert mode (modeless
+ editing)?
+You can set the 'insertmode' option to configure Vim to stay only in insert
+ :set insertmode
+By setting this option, you can use Vim as a modeless editor. If you press
+the <Esc> key, Vim will not go to the normal mode. To execute a single
+normal mode command, you can press CTRL-O followed by the normal mode
+command. To execute more than one normal command, you can use CTRL-L
+followed by the commands. To return to insert mode, press the <Esc> key. To
+disable this option, reset the 'insertmode' option:
+ :set noinsertmode
+You can also start vim using the "evim" command or you can use "vim -y" to
+use Vim as a modeless editor.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'insertmode'
+ :help i_CTRL-O
+ :help i_CTRL-L
+ :help evim
+ :help evim-keys
+9.12. How do I save and use Vim marks across Vim sessions?
+You can save and restore Vim marks across Vim sessions using the viminfo
+file. To use the viminfo file, make sure the 'viminfo' option is not empty.
+To save and restore Vim marks, the 'viminfo' option should not contain the
+'f' flag or should have a value greater than zero for the 'f' option.
+For more information, read
+ :help 21.3
+ :help viminfo
+ :help 'viminfo'
+ :help :wviminfo
+ :help :rviminfo
+9.13. How do I display some context lines when scrolling text?
+You can set the 'scrolloff' option to display a minimal number of screen
+lines (context) above and below the cursor.
+ :set scrolloff=10
+For more information, read
+ :help 'scrolloff'
+ :help 'sidescrolloff'
+10.1. After I searched for a text with a pattern, all the matched text
+ stays highlighted. How do I turn off the highlighting
+ temporarily/permanently?
+The 'hlsearch' option controls whether all the matches for the last
+searched pattern are highlighted or not. By default, this option is not
+enabled. If this option is set in a system-wide vimrc file, then you can
+turn off the search highlighting by using the following command:
+ :set nohlsearch
+To temporarily turn off the search highlighting, use
+ :nohlsearch
+You can also clear the search highlighting, by searching for a pattern that
+is not in the current file (for example, search for the pattern 'asdf').
+For more information, read
+ :help 'hlsearch'
+ :help :nohlsearch
+10.2. How do I enter a carriage return character in a search pattern?
+You can either use '\r' or <CTRL-V><CTRL-M> to enter a carriage return
+character in a pattern. In Vim scripts, it is better to use '\r' for the
+carriage return character.
+For more information, read
+ :help sub-replace-special
+10.3. How do I search for the character ^M?
+You can enter the ^M character in a search command by first pressing the
+CTRL-V key and then pressing the CTRL-M key.
+ /^V^M
+You can also use the "\r" character. In Vim scripts, "\r" is preferred.
+For more information, read
+ :help c_CTRL-V
+ :help using_CTRL-V
+ :help /\r
+10.4. How can I search/replace characters that display as '~R', '~S', etc.?
+You can use the 'ga' command to display the ASCII value/code for the
+special character. For example, let us say the ASCII value is 142. Then you
+can use the following command to search for the special character:
+ /^V142
+where, ^V is entered by pressing CTRL-V.
+For more information, read
+ :help ga
+ :help using_CTRL_V
+ :help 24.8
+10.5. How do I highlight all the non-printable characters in a file?
+You can use the following commands and search pattern to highlight all the
+non-printable characters in a file:
+ :set hlsearch
+ /\(\p\|$\)\@!.
+For more information, read
+ :help /\p
+ :help /bar
+ :help /$
+ :help /\(
+ :help /\@!
+ :help 'hlsearch'
+10.6. How do I search for whole words in a file?
+You can search for whole words in a file using the \< and \> atoms. For
+ /\<myword\>
+The \< atom matches the beginning of the word and the \> atom matches the
+end of the word.
+For more information, read
+ :help /\<
+ :help /\>
+10.7. How do I search for the current word under the cursor?
+You can press the * key to search forward for the current word under the
+cursor. To search backward, you can press the # key. Note that only whole
+keywords will be searched using these commands.
+For more information, read
+ :help star
+ :help #
+ :help g*
+ :help g#
+ :help 03.8
+ :help search-commands
+10.8. How do I search for a word without regard to the case (uppercase or
+ lowercase)?
+To always ignore case while searching for a pattern, set the 'ignorecase'
+ :set ignorecase
+To ignore case only when searching a particular pattern, use the special \c
+ /\c<pattern>
+For more information, read
+ :help 'ignorecase'
+ :help /ignorecase
+ :help /\c
+10.9. How do I search for words that occur twice consecutively?
+You can use one of the following search commands to locate words that occur
+twice consecutively:
+ /\(\<\w\+\)\_s\+\1\>
+ /\(\<\k\+\)\_s\+\1\>
+The main difference is the use of '\w' and '\k', where the latter is based
+on the 'iskeyword' option which may include accented and other language
+specific characters.
+For more information, read
+ :help /\1
+ :help /\(
+ :help /\)
+ :help /\<
+ :help /\>
+ :help /\w
+ :help /\k
+ :help /\+
+ :help /\_x
+ :help 'iskeyword'
+10.10. How do I count the number of times a particular word occurs in a
+ buffer?
+You can use the following set of commands to count the number of times a
+particular word occurs in a buffer:
+ :let cnt=0
+ :g/\<your_word\>/let cnt=cnt+1
+ :echo cnt
+This only counts the number of lines where the word occurs. You can also
+use the following command:
+ :%s/\<word\>/&/g
+To count the number of alphabetic words in a file, you can use
+ :%s/\a\+/&/g
+To count the number of words made up of non-space characters, you can use
+ :%s/\S\+/&/g
+For more information, read
+ :help count-items
+ :help word-count
+ :help v_g_CTRL-G
+ :help 12.5
+10.11. How do I place the cursor at the end of the matched word when
+ searching for a pattern?
+You can use the 'e' offset to the search command to place the cursor at the
+end of the matched word. For example
+ /mypattern/e
+For more information about search offsets, read
+ :help search-offset
+ :help /
+10.12. How do I search for an empty line?
+You can search for an empty line using:
+ /^$
+ or
+ /^\s*$
+For more information, read
+ :help /^
+ :help /$
+ :help /\s
+ :help /*
+ :help search-commands
+10.13. How do I search for a line containing only a single character?
+You can search for a line containing only a single character using:
+ /^\s*\a\s*$
+For more information, read
+ :help /^
+ :help /\a
+ :help /\s
+ :help /*
+ :help /$
+10.14. How do I search and replace a string in multiple files?
+You can use the 'argdo' or 'bufdo' or 'windo' commands to execute an ex
+command on multiple files. For example:
+ :argdo %s/foo/bar/g
+For more information, read
+ :help :argdo
+ :help :bufdo
+ :help :windo
+10.15. I am using the ":s" substitute command in a mapping. When a search
+ for a pattern fails, the map terminates. I would like the map to
+ continue processing the next command, even if the substitute command
+ fails. How do I do this?
+You can use the 'e' flag to the substitute command to continue processing
+other commands in a map, when a pattern is not found.
+For more information, read
+ :help :s_flags
+10.16. How do I search for the n-th occurrence of a character in a line?
+To search for the n-th occurrence of a character in a line, you can prefix
+the 'f' command with a number. For example, to search for the 5th
+occurrence of the character @ in a line, you can use the command 5f at . This
+assumes the cursor is at the beginning of the line - and that this first
+character is not the one your are looking for.
+For more information, read
+ :help f
+ :help F
+ :help t
+ :help T
+ :help ;
+ :help ,
+10.17. How do I replace a tab (or any other character) with a hard return
+ (newline) character?
+You can replace a tab (or any other character) with a hard return (newline)
+character using the following command:
+ :s/\t/\r/
+Note that in the above command, if you use \n instead of \r, then the tab
+characters will not be replaced by a new-line character.
+For more information, read
+ :help sub-replace-special
+ :help NL-used-for-Nul
+ :help CR-used-for-NL
+10.18. How do I search for a character by its ASCII value?
+You can search for a character by its ASCII value by pressing CTRL-V
+followed by the decimal or hexadecimal or octal value of that character in
+the search "/" command. To determine the ASCII value of a character you
+can use the ":ascii" or the "ga" command.
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-V_digit
+ :help :ascii
+ :help ga
+10.19. How do I search for long lines?
+You can search for long lines or lines containing more than a specific
+number of characters using the Vim regular-expressions in the search
+command. For example, to search for all the lines containing more than 80
+characters, you can use one of the following commands:
+ /^.\{80}.*$
+ /^.*\%80c.*$
+For more information, read
+ :help /\{
+ :help /\%c
+11.1. How do I delete all the trailing white space characters (SPACE and
+ TAB) at the end of all the lines in a file?
+You can use the ":substitute" command on the entire file to search and
+remove all the trailing white space characters:
+ :%s/\s\+$//
+For more information, read
+ :help :%
+ :help :s
+ :help /\s
+ :help /\+
+ :help /$
+11.2. How do I replace all the occurrences of multiple consecutive space
+ characters to a single space?
+You can use the following command to replace all the occurrences of
+multiple consecutive space characters to a single space:
+ :%s/ \{2,}/ /g
+For more information, read
+ :help :%
+ :help :s
+ :help /\{
+ :help :s_flags
+11.3. How do I reduce a range of empty lines into one line only?
+You can use the following command to reduce a range of empty lines into one
+line only:
+ :v/./.,/./-1join
+The explanation for this command is below:
+ :v/./ Execute the following command for all lines not
+ containing a character (empty lines).
+ ., Use the current line as the start of the range of
+ lines.
+ /./ Use the line containing a character as the last line.
+ -1 Adjust the range of lines to end with the line before
+ the last line.
+ j Join the lines in the range.
+Note that this will give an error message if the empty lines are at the end
+of the file. To correct this, you have to add a temporary line at the end
+of the file, execute the command and then remove the temporary line.
+For more information, read
+ :help :v
+ :help :join
+ :help cmdline-ranges
+ :help collapse
+11.4. How do I delete all blank lines in a file? How do I remove all the
+ lines containing only space characters?
+To remove all blank lines, use the following command:
+ :g/^$/d
+To remove all lines with only whitespace (spaces or tabs) in them, use the
+following command:
+ :g/^\s\+$/d
+To remove all the lines with only whitespace, if anything, use the
+following command:
+ :g/^\s*$/d
+11.5. How do I copy/yank the current word?
+You can use the "yiw" (yank inner word without whitespace) command or the
+"yaw" (yank a word with whitespace) command to copy/yank the current
+For more information, read
+ :help 04.6
+ :help 04.8
+ :help iw
+ :help yank
+ :help text-objects
+ :help objects
+11.6. How do I yank text from one position to another position within a
+ line, without yanking the entire line?
+You can specify a motion command with the yank operator (y) to yank text
+from one position to another position within a line. For example, to yank
+from the current cursor position till the next letter x, use yfx or Fx or
+tx or Tx. To yank till the nth column, use n|. To yank till the next
+occurrence of a 'word', use /word. To do a yank till the nth column on
+another line, first mark the position using the 'ma' command, go to the
+start of the yank position, and then yank till the mark using y`a (note the
+direction of the quote)
+For more information, read
+ :help yank
+ :help motion.txt
+ :help 4.6
+11.7. When I yank some text into a register, how do I append the text to
+ the current contents of the register?
+When you specify the register for some operation, if you use the upper-case
+for the register name, then the new text will be appended to the existing
+contents. For example, if you have some text in the register "a". If you
+want to append some new text to this, you have to use the "A" register
+name. If you use the lowercase register name, then the contents of the
+register will be overwritten with the new text.
+For more information, read
+ :help quote
+ :help quote_alpha
+ :help 10.1
+11.8. How do I yank a complete sentence that spans over more than one line?
+To yank a complete sentence that spans over more than one line you have to
+use the yank operator followed by a motion command. For example:
+ y)
+From inside the sentence you can use 'yi)' to yank the sentence.
+For more information, read
+ :help yank
+ :help {motion}
+ :help object-motions
+ :help 4.6
+11.9. How do I yank all the lines containing a pattern into a buffer?
+You can use the ":global" command to yank all the lines containing the
+pattern into a register and then paste the contents of the register into
+the buffer:
+ :let @a=''
+ :g/mypattern/y A
+The first command, clears the contents of the register "a". The second
+command copies all the lines containing "mypattern" into the register "a".
+Note that the capital letter "A" is used to append the matched lines. Now
+you can paste the contents of register "a" to a buffer using "ap command.
+For more information, read
+ :help :g
+ :help :y
+ :help let-register
+ :help quote_alpha
+ :help put
+ :help registers
+ :help :registers
+11.10. How do I delete all the lines in a file that does not contain a
+ pattern?
+You can use ":v" command to delete all the lines that does not contain a
+ :v/pattern/d
+ :g!/pattern/d
+For more information, read
+ :help :v
+ :help :g
+11.11. How do I add a line before each line with "pattern" in it?
+You can use the following command to add a line before each line with
+"pattern" in it:
+ :g/pattern/normal Oi<line of text goes here>
+Alternatively you can yank the line using the Y command and then insert the
+line using the following command:
+ :g/pattern/put!
+For more information, read
+ :help :g
+ :help :put
+ :help insert
+ :help 0
+11.12. Is there a way to operate on a line if the previous line contains a
+ particular pattern?
+You can use the ":global" command to operate on a line, if the previous
+line contains a particular pattern:
+ :g/<pattern>/+{cmd}
+For more information, read
+ :help :g
+ :help :range
+11.13. How do I execute a command on all the lines containing a pattern?
+You can use the ":global" (:g) command to execute a command on all the
+lines containing a pattern.
+ :g/my pattern/d
+If you want to use a non-Ex command, then you can use the ":normal"
+ :g/my pattern/normal {command}
+Unless you want the normal mode commands to be remapped, consider using a
+":normal!" command instead (note the "!").
+For more information, read
+ :help :global
+ :help :v
+ :help :normal
+11.14. Can I copy the character above the cursor to the current cursor
+ position?
+In Insert mode, you can copy the character above the cursor to the current
+cursor position by typing <Ctrl-Y>. The same can be done with the
+characters below the cursor by typing <Ctrl-E>.
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-Y
+ :help i_CTRL-E
+11.15. How do I insert a blank line above/below the current line without
+ entering insert mode?
+You can use the ":put" ex command to insert blank lines. For example, try
+ :put =''
+ :put! =''
+For more information, read
+ :help :put
+11.16. How do I insert the name of current file into the current buffer?
+There are several ways to insert the name of the current file into the
+current buffer. In insert mode, you can use the <C-R>% or the
+<C-R>=expand("%") command. In normal mode, you can use the ":put =@%"
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-R
+ :help expand()
+ :help !!
+11.17. How do I move the cursor past the end of line and insert some
+ characters at some columns after the end of the line?
+You can set the "virtualedit" option to move the cursor past the
+end-of-line and insert characters in a column after the end-of-line. To
+start the virtual mode, use
+ :set virtualedit=all
+For more information, read
+ :help 'virtualedit'
+11.18. How to replace the word under the cursor (say: junk) with
+ "foojunkbar" in Vim?
+There are several ways to do this. If the word is the first such word on
+the line, use the following command:
+ :exe "s/".expand("<cword>")."/foo&bar/"
+Too match specifically you could use a more complex substitution like this:
+ :exe 's/\<'.expand("<cword>").'\%>'.(col(".")-1).'c\>/foo&bar/'
+You can also use the command: ciwfoo<C-R>"bar<Esc>
+For more information, read
+ :help :substitute
+ :help expand()
+ :help col()
+ :help /\%c
+11.19. How do I replace a particular text in all the files in a directory?
+You can use the "argdo" command to execute the substitute command on all
+the files specified as arguments:
+ :args *
+ :argdo %s/<your_text>/<replacement_text>/ge | update
+For more information, read
+ :help :args_f
+ :help :argdo
+ :help :s_flags
+11.20. I have some numbers in a file. How do I increment or decrement the
+ numbers in the file?
+You can use the CTRL-A key to increment the number and the CTRL-X key to
+decrement the number. You can also specify the number to
+increment/decrement from the number by specifying a count to the key. This
+works for decimal, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
+For more information, read
+ :help CTRL-A
+ :help CTRL-X
+ :help 'nrformats'
+11.21. How do I reuse the last used search pattern in a ":substitute"
+ command?
+To reuse the last used search pattern in a ":substitute" command, don't
+specify a new search pattern:
+ :s/pattern/newtext/
+ :s//sometext/
+In the second ":s" command, as a search pattern is not specified, the
+pattern specified in the first ":s" command 'pattern' will be used.
+If you want to change the search pattern but repeat the substitution
+pattern you can use the special right hand side, you can use the tilde
+ :s/newpattern/~/
+For more information, read
+ :help :s
+ :help :&
+ :help :~
+ :help &
+ :help sub-replace-special
+11.22. How do I change the case of a string using the ":substitute"
+ command?
+You can use special characters in the replacement string for a
+":substitute" command to change the case of the matched string. For
+example, to change the case of the string "MyString" to all uppercase, you
+can use the following command:
+ :%s/MyString/\U&/g
+To change the case to lowercase, you can use the following command:
+ :%s/MyString/\L&/g
+To change the case of the first character in all the words in the current
+line to uppercase, you can use the following command:
+ :s/\<\(.\)\(\k*\)\>/\u\1\L\2/g
+For more information, read
+ :help sub-replace-special
+ :help :substitute
+ :help \U
+ :help \L
+ :help \u
+11.23. How do I enter characters that are not present in the keyboard?
+You can use digraphs to enter characters that are not present in the
+keyboard. You can use the ":digraphs" command to display all the currently
+defined digraphs. You can add a new digraph to the list using the
+":digraphs" command.
+For more information, read
+ :help digraphs
+ :help 'digraphs'
+ :help 24.9
+11.24. Is there a command to remove any or all digraphs?
+No. The digraphs table is defined at compile time. You can only add new
+ones. Adding a command to remove digraphs is on the todo list.
+11.25. In insert mode, when I press the backspace key, it erases only the
+ characters entered in this instance of insert mode. How do I erase
+ previously entered characters in insert mode using the backspace
+ key?
+You can set the 'backspace' option to erase previously entered characters
+in insert mode:
+ :set backspace=indent,eol,start
+For more information, read
+ :help 'backspace'
+11.26. I have a file which has lines longer than 72 characters terminated
+ with "+" and wrapped to the next line. How can I quickly join the
+ lines?
+You can use the ":global" command to search and join the lines:
+ :g/+$/j
+This will, however, only join every second line. A couple of more complex
+examples which will join all consecutive lines with a "+" at the end are:
+ :g/*$/,/\(^\|[^+]\)$/j
+ :g/+$/mark a | .,/\(^\|[^+]\)$/s/+$// | 'a,.j
+For more information, read
+ :help :g
+ :help :j
+ :help :mark
+11.27. How do I paste characterwise yanked text into separate lines?
+You can use the ":put" command to paste characterwise yanked text into new
+ :put =@"
+For more information, read
+ :help :put
+ :help quote_=
+11.28. How do I change the case (uppercase, lowercase) of a word or a
+ character or a block of text?
+You can use the "~" command to switch the case of a character.
+You can change the case of the word under the cursor to uppercase using the
+"gUiw" or "viwU" command and to lowercase using the "guiw" or "viwu"
+You can switch the case (upper case to lower case and vice versa) of the
+word under the cursor using the "viw~" or "g~iw" command.
+You can use the "gUgU" command to change the current line to uppercase and
+the "gugu" command to change the current line to lowercase.
+You can use the "g~g~" command to switch the case of the current line. You
+can use the "g~{motion}" or "{Visual}~" commands to switch the case of a
+block of text.
+For more information, read
+ :help case
+11.29. How do I enter ASCII characters that are not present in the
+ keyboard?
+You can enter ASCII characters that are not present in the keyboard by
+pressing CTRL-V and then the ASCII character number. You can also use
+digraphs to enter special ASCII characters.
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-V_digit
+ :help digraphs
+ :help 45.5
+11.30. How do I replace non-printable characters in a file?
+To replace a non-printable character, you have to first determine the ASCII
+value for the character. You can use the ":ascii" ex command or the "ga"
+normal-mode command to display the ASCII value of the character under the
+You can enter the non-printable character by entering CTRL-V followed by
+the decimal number 1-255 (with no leading zero), or by x and a hex number
+00-FF, or by an octal number 0-0377 (with leading zero), or by u and a hex
+number 0-FFFF, or by U and a hex number 0-7FFFFFFF
+Another alternative is to use the ":digraphs" ex command to display the
+digraphs for all characters, together with their value in decimal and
+alpha. You can enter a non-printable character by entering CTRL-K followed
+by two alphanumeric characters (a digraph).
+For more information, read
+ :help :ascii
+ :help i_CTRL-V
+ :help i_CTRL-V_digit
+ :help :digraphs
+11.31. How do I remove duplicate lines from a buffer?
+You can use the following user-defined command to remove all the duplicate
+lines from a buffer:
+:command -range=% Uniq <line1>,<line2>g/^\%<<line2>l\(.*\)\n\1$/d
+Add the above command to your .vimrc file and invoke ":Uniq" to remove all
+the duplicate lines.
+11.32. How do I prefix all the lines in a file with the corresponding line
+ numbers?
+You can prefix the lines with the corresponding line number in several
+ways. Some of them are listed below:
+ :%s/^/\=line('.'). ' '
+ :%s/^/\=strpart(line(".")." ", 0, 5)
+ :g/^/exec "s/^/".strpart(line(".")." ", 0, 4)
+For more information, read
+ :help sub-replace-special
+ :help line()
+ :help expr6
+ :help strpart()
+ :help :execute
+ :help :global
+11.33. How do I exchange (swap) two characters or words or lines?
+You can exchange two characters with the "xp" command sequence. The 'x'
+will delete the character under the cursor and 'p' will paste the just
+deleted character after the character under the cursor. This will result
+in exchanging the two characters.
+You can exchange two words with the "deep" command sequence (start with the
+cursor in the blank space before the first word).
+You can exchange two lines with the "ddp" command sequence. The 'dd' will
+delete the current line and 'p' will paste the just deleted line after the
+current line. This will result in exchanging the two lines.
+All of the above operations will change the " unnamed register.
+You can use the ":m +" ex command to exchange two lines without changing the
+unnamed register.
+For more information, read
+ :help x
+ :help p
+ :help dd
+ :help d
+ :help e
+ :help linewise-register
+ :help quotequote
+ :help :move
+12.1. How do I complete words or lines in insert mode?
+In insert mode, you can complete words using the CTRL-P and CTRL-N keys.
+The CTRL-N command searches forward for the next matching keyword.
+The CTRL-P command searches backwards for the next matching keyword.
+In insert mode, you can use the CTRL-X CTRL-L command sequence to complete
+lines that starts with the same characters as in the current line before
+the cursor. To get the next matching line, press the CTRL-P or CTRL-N keys.
+There are a lot of other keys/ways available to complete words in insert
+Vim supports completion of the following items:
+ CTRL-X CTRL-F file names
+ CTRL-X CTRL-L whole lines
+ CTRL-X CTRL-D macro definitions (also in included files)
+ CTRL-X CTRL-I current and included files
+ CTRL-X CTRL-K words from a dictionary
+ CTRL-X CTRL-T words from a thesaurus
+ CTRL-X CTRL-] tags
+ CTRL-X CTRL-V Vim command line
+For more information, read
+ :help 24.3
+ :help ins-completion
+12.2. How do I complete file names in insert mode?
+In insert mode, you can use the CTRL-X CTRL-F command sequence to complete
+filenames that start with the same characters as in the current line before
+the cursor.
+For more information, read
+ :help compl-filename
+12.3. I am using CTRL-P/CTRL-N to complete words in insert mode. How do I
+ complete words that occur after the just completed word?
+You can use CTRL-X CTRL-N and CTRL-X CTRL-P keys to complete words that are
+present after the just completed word.
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-X_CTRL-P
+ :help i_CTRL-X_CTRL-N
+ :help ins-completion
+13.1. How do I format a text paragraph so that a new line is inserted at
+ the end of each wrapped line?
+You can use the 'gq' command to format a paragraph. This will format the
+text according to the current 'textwidth' setting.
+Note that the gq operator can be used with a motion command to operate on a
+range of text. For example:
+ gqgq - Format the current line
+ gqap - Format current paragraph
+ gq3j - Format the current and the next 3 lines
+For more information, read
+ :help gq
+ :help formatting
+ :help usr_25.txt
+ :help motion.txt
+13.2. How do I format long lines in a file so that each line contains less
+ than 'n' characters?
+First set the 'textwidth' option to the desired value:
+ set textwidth=70
+Now to break the long lines to the length defined by the 'textwidth'
+option, use
+ :g/./normal gqq
+For more information, read
+ :help gq
+13.3. How do I join short lines to form a paragraph?
+First, make sure the 'textwidth' option is set to a high value:
+ :set textwidth=99999
+Next, join the short lines to form a paragraph using the command:
+ 1GgqG
+The above command will operate on the entire file. To do the formatting on
+all paragraphs in a specific range, use:
+ :'a,'bg/\S/normal gq}
+For more information, read
+ :help gq
+ :help G
+ :help gqq
+13.4. How do I format bulleted and numbered lists?
+You can configure Vim to format bulleted and numbered lists using the
+'formatoptions' option. For example, you can format the list of the
+following format:
+ - this is a test. this is a test. this is a test. this is a test.
+ this is a test.
+into this format:
+ - this is a test. this is a test. this is a test. this is a test.
+ this is a test.
+You can use the 'n' flag in the 'formatoptions' to align the text.
+ :set fo+=n
+With this option, when formatting text, Vim will recognize numbered lists.
+For this option to work, the 'autoindent' option also must be set.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'formatoptions'
+ :help fo-table
+13.5. How do I indent lines in insert mode?
+In insert mode, you can press the CTRL-T key to insert one shiftwidth of
+indent at the start of the current line. In insert mode, you can use the
+CTRL-D key to delete on shiftwidth of indent at the start of the current
+line. You can also use the CTRL-O >> and CTRL-O << commands to indent the
+current line in insert mode.
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-T
+ :help i_CTRL-D
+ :help i_0_CTRL-D
+ :help i_CTRL-O
+ :help >>
+ :help <<
+13.6. How do I format/indent an entire file?
+You can format/indent an entire file using the gg=G command, where
+ gg - Goto the beginning of the file
+ = - apply indentation
+ G - till end of file
+For more information, read
+ :help gg
+ :help =
+ :help G
+ :help 'formatprg'
+ :help C-indenting
+13.7. How do I increase or decrease the indentation of the current line?
+You can use the '>>' and '<<' commands to increase or decrease the
+indentation of the current line.
+For more information, read
+ :help shift-left-right
+ :help >>
+ :help <<
+ :help 'shiftwidth'
+13.8. How do I indent a block/group of lines?
+You can visually select the group of lines and press the > or < key to
+indent/unindent the lines. You can also use the following ex-command to
+indent the lines
+ :10,20>
+For more information, read
+ :help shift-left-right
+ :help v_>
+ :help v_<
+ :help :<
+ :help :>
+13.9. When I indent lines using the > or < key, the standard 8-tabstops are
+ used instead of the current 'tabstop' setting. Why?
+The number of spaces used when lines are indented using the ">" operator is
+controlled by the 'shiftwidth' option. The 'tabstop' setting is not used
+for indentation. To change the amount of spaces used for indentation, use
+the command:
+ :set shiftwidth=4
+For more information, read
+ :help 'shiftwidth'
+ :help >>
+ :help 'softtabstop'
+13.10. How do I turn off the automatic indentation of text?
+By default, the automatic indentation of text is not turned on. Check the
+configuration files (.vimrc, .gvimrc) for settings related to indentation.
+Make sure the ":filetype indent on" command is not present. If it is
+present, remove it. Also, depending on your preference, you may also want
+to check the value of the 'autoindent', 'smartindent', 'cindent' and
+'indentexpr' options and turn them off as needed.
+For more information, read
+ :help :filetype-indent-off
+ :help 'autoindent'
+ :help 'smartindent'
+ :help 'cindent'
+ :help 'indentexpr'
+13.11. How do I configure Vim to automatically set the 'textwidth' option
+ to a particular value when I edit mails?
+You can use the 'FileType' autocommand to set the 'textwidth' option:
+ autocmd FileType mail set tw=<your_value>
+For more information, read
+ :help :autocmd
+ :help FileType
+ :help usr_43.txt
+13.12. Is there a way to make Vim auto-magically break lines?
+Yes. Set the 'textwidth' option to the preferred length for a line. Then
+Vim will auto-magically break the newly entered lines. For example:
+ :set textwidth=75
+For more information, read
+ :help textwidth
+ :help ins-textwidth
+ :help 'formatoptions'
+ :help fo-table
+ :help formatting
+13.13. I am seeing a lot of ^M symbols in my file. I tried setting the
+ 'fileformat' option to 'dos' and then 'unix' and then 'mac'. None of
+ these helped. How can I hide these symbols?
+When a file is loaded in Vim, the format of the file is determined as
+- If all the lines end with a new line (<NL>), then the fileformat is
+ 'unix'.
+- If all the lines end with a carriage return (<CR>) followed by a new line
+ (<NL>), then the fileformat is 'dos'.
+- If all the lines end with carriage return (<CR>), then the fileformat is
+ 'mac'.
+If the file has some lines ending with <CR> and some lines ending with <CR>
+followed by a <NL>, then the fileformat is set to 'unix'.
+You can change the format of the current file, by modifying the
+'fileformat' option and then saving the file:
+ :set fileformat=dos
+ :w
+To display the format of the current file, use
+ :set fileformat?
+The above behavior is also controlled by the 'fileformats' option. You can
+try the following commands:
+ :set fileformats+=unix
+ :e <your_file>
+ :set fileformat=unix
+ :w
+For more information, read
+ :help 'fileformats'
+ :help 'fileformat'
+ :help file-formats
+ :help DOS-format-write
+ :help Unix-format-write
+ :help Mac-format-write
+ :help dos-file-formats
+ :help 23.1
+13.14. When I paste some text into a Vim buffer from another application,
+ the alignment (indentation) of the new text is messed up. How do I
+ fix this?
+The indentation of the text is messed up due to various Vim settings
+related to indentation (like autoindent, smartindent, textwidth etc).
+Before pasting text into Vim, you can set the 'paste' option:
+ :set paste
+After pasting the text, you can turn off the option using:
+ :set nopaste
+You can also toggle the paste option using:
+ :set paste!
+If you can access the clipboard through the * register, then you can paste
+the text without indentation using CTRL-R CTRL-O *.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'paste'
+ :help 'pastetoggle'
+ :help i_CTRL-R_CTRL_O
+ :help clipboard
+ :help xterm-clipboard
+ :help gui-clipboard
+13.15. When there is a very long wrapped line (wrap is "on") and a line
+ doesn't fit entirely on the screen it is not displayed at all. There
+ are blank lines beginning with '@' symbol instead of wrapped line. If
+ I scroll the screen to fit the line the '@' symbols disappear and the
+ line is displayed again. What Vim setting control this behavior?
+You can set the 'display' option to 'lastline' to display as much as
+possible of the last line in a window instead of displaying the '@'
+ :set display=lastline
+For more information, read
+ :help 'display'
+13.16. How do I convert all the tab characters in a file to space
+ characters?
+You can use the ":retab" command to update all the tab characters in the
+current file with the current setting of 'expandtab' and 'tabstop'. For
+example, to convert all the tabs to white spaces, use
+ :set expandtab
+ :retab
+For more information, read
+ :help :retab
+ :help 'expandtab'
+ :help 'tabstop'
+ :help 25.3
+13.17. What Vim options can I use to edit text that will later go to a word
+ processor?
+You can set the following options to edit text that will later go into a
+word processor:
+ :set wrap
+ :set linebreak
+ :set textwidth=0
+ :set showbreak=>>>
+You can use the 'gk' and 'gj' commands to move one screen line up and down.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'wrap'
+ :help 'linebreak'
+ :help 'textwidth'
+ :help 'showbreak'
+ :help gk
+ :help gj
+14.1. How do I do rectangular block copying?
+You can do rectangular block copying in Vim using the blockwise visual
+mode. To start blockwise visual mode use the CTRL-V key. Move the cursor
+using any of the motion commands and then use the y operator to yank to
+visually selected text.
+If CTRL-V does not work as expected, it may have been remapped to CTRL-Q by
+the mswin.vim script which is often sourced by a vimrc on Windows machines
+to mimic some common short cuts from other programs.
+For more information, read
+ :help 04.4
+ :help blockwise-visual
+ :help visual-mode
+ :help Q_vi
+14.2. How do I delete or change a column of text in a file?
+You can use the Vim block-wise visual mode to select the column of text and
+apply an operator (delete, change, copy, etc) on it.
+For more information, read
+ :help visual-block
+ :help visual-operators
+14.3. How do I apply an ex-command on a set of visually selected lines?
+When you select a range of lines in visual mode, the < register is set to
+the start of the visual region and the > register is set to the end of the
+visual region. You can use these registers to specify the range for an ex
+command. After visually selecting the lines, press ":" to go to the command
+mode. Vim will automatically insert the visual range '<,'>. You can run
+any ex-command on the visual range.
+For more information, read
+ :help v_:
+ :help '<
+ :help '>
+14.4. How do I execute an ex command on a column of text selected in Visual
+ block mode?
+All the ex commands operate on whole lines only. If you try to execute an
+ex command on a column of text selected in visual block mode, Vim will
+operate on all the selected lines (instead of the selected columns). You
+can use the vis.vim plugin script from http://vim.sourceforge.net scripts
+archive to do this.
+For more information, read
+ :help cmdline-ranges
+ :help 10.3
+ :help cmdline-lines
+14.5. How do I select the entire file in visual mode?
+You can select the entire file in visual mode using ggVG.
+ gg - go to the beginning of the file.
+ V - Start linewise visual mode
+ G - goto the end of the file.
+For more information, read
+ :help gg
+ :help linewise-visual
+ :help G
+14.6. When I visually select a set of lines and press the > key to indent
+ the selected lines, the visual mode ends. How can I reselect the
+ region for further operation? (or) How do I re-select the last
+ selected visual area again?
+You can use the 'gv' command to reselect the last selected visual area. You
+can also use the marks '< and '> to jump to the beginning or the end of the
+last selected visual area.
+For more information, read
+ :help gv
+ :help '<
+ :help '>
+14.7. How do I jump to the beginning/end of a visually selected region?
+You can use the 'o' command to jump to the beginning/end of a visually
+selected region.
+For more information, read
+ :help v_o
+14.8. When I select text with mouse and then press : to enter an ex
+ command, the selected text is replaced with the : character. How do I
+ execute an ex command on a text selected using the mouse similar to
+ the text selected using the visual mode?
+This will happen if you have configured Vim to use select mode instead of
+Visual mode by setting the 'selectmode' option. Check the value of this
+ :set selectmode?
+This mode is known as selectmode and is similar to the visual mode. This
+option is also automatically set when you use the "behave mswin" command.
+Select mode looks like visual mode, but it is similar to the selection mode
+in MS-Windows.
+For more information, read
+ :help Select-mode
+ :help 'selectmode'
+ :help 9.4
+ :help :behave
+14.9. When I select a block of text using the mouse, Vim goes into
+ selection mode instead of Visual mode. Why?
+The 'selectmode' option controls whether Select mode will be started when
+selecting a block of text using the mouse. To start Visual mode when
+selecting text using mouse, remove the 'mouse' value from the 'selectmode'
+ :set selectmode-=mouse
+Note that by default, the 'selectmode' option will be set to empty, so that
+always visual mode is used.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'selectmode'
+ :help Select-mode
+ :help :behave
+14.10. How do I visually select the last copy/pasted text?
+You can use the '[ and '] marks to visually select the last copy/pasted
+text. The '[ mark is set to the beginning of the last changed/yanked text
+and the '] mark is set to the end of the last changed/yanked text. To
+visually select this block of text use the command '[v']
+For more information, read
+ :help '[
+ :help ']
+ :help `a
+ :help v
+15.1. How do I use the name of the current file in the command mode or an
+ ex command line?
+In the command line, the '%' character represents the name of the current
+file. In some commands, you have to use expand("%") to get the filename:
+ :!perl %
+For more information, read
+ :help :_%
+ :help cmdline-special
+ :help expand()
+15.2. How do I edit the text in the Vim command-line effectively?
+You can use the command-line window for editing Vim command-line text. To
+open the Vim command-line window use the "q:" command in normal mode. In
+command-line mode, use the CTRL-F key. In this window, the command line
+history will be displayed. You can use normal Vim keys/commands to edit any
+previous/new command line. To execute a command line, press the
+enter/return key.
+In a similar vain, the search history can be edited with "q/" and "q?"
+For more information, read
+ :help cmdline-window
+15.3. How do I switch from Vi mode to Ex mode?
+You can use the Q command to switch from Vi mode to Ex mode. To switch from
+Ex mode back to the Vi mode, use the :vi command.
+For more information, read
+ :help Q
+ :help gQ
+ :help Ex-mode
+ :help :vi
+15.4. How do I copy the output from an ex-command into a buffer?
+To copy the output from an ex-command into a buffer, you have to first get
+the command output into a register. You can use the ":redir" command to get
+the output into a register. For example,
+ :redir @a
+ :g/HelloWord/p
+ :redir END
+Now the register 'a' will contain the output from the ex command
+"g/HelloWord/p". Now you can paste the contents of the register 'a' into a
+buffer. You can also send or append the output of an ex-command into a file
+using the 'redir' command.
+You can prefix the ":global" command with ":silent", to avoid having the
+lines printed to the screen.
+To redirect the output from an ex-command to a file, you can use the
+following set of commands:
+ :redir > myfile
+ :g/HelloWord/p
+ :redir END
+For more information, read
+ :help :redir
+ :help :silent
+15.5. When I press the tab key to complete the name of a file in the
+ command mode, if there are more than one matching file names, then
+ Vim completes the first matching file name and displays a list of all
+ matching filenames. How do I configure Vim to only display the list
+ of all the matching filenames and not complete the first one?
+You can modify the 'wildmode' option to configure the way Vim completes
+filenames in the command mode. In this case, you can set the 'wildmode'
+option to 'list':
+ :set wildmode=list
+For more information, read
+ :help 'wildmode'
+15.6. How do I copy text from a buffer to the command line and from the
+ command line to a buffer?
+To copy text from a buffer to the command line, after yanking the text from
+the buffer, use Ctrl-R 0 in the command line to paste the text. You can
+also yank the text to a specific register and use CTRL-R <register> to
+paste the text to the command line. You can use CTRL-R CTRL-W to paste the
+word under the cursor in the command line.
+To copy text from the command line into a buffer, you can paste the
+contents of the : register using the ":p command. The most recently
+executed command line is stored in the : register.
+Another approach for copying and pasting text to and from the command line
+is to open the command line window using q: from normal mode or CTRL-F from
+the command-line mode. In the command line window you can use all the Vim
+commands to edit the command line.
+For more information, read
+ :help c_CTRL-R
+ :help quote_:
+ :help cmdline-window
+15.7. How do I put a command onto the command history without executing it?
+To put a command onto the command history without executing it, press the
+<Esc> key to cancel the command.
+For more information, read
+ :help c_<Esc>
+16.1. How do I open a file with existing instance of gvim? What happened to
+ the Vim 5.x OpenWithVim.exe and SendToVim.exe files?
+Starting with Vim6, the OLE version of OpenWithVim.exe and SendToVim.exe
+Vim utilities are replaced by the new client-server feature. To open the
+file j.txt with an existing instance of Gvim (MyVim), use:
+ $ gvim --servername MyVim --remote-silent j.txt
+To list the server names of all the currently running Vim instances, use
+ $ vim --serverlist
+To get more information about client-server feature, read
+ :help client-server
+16.2. How do I send a command to a Vim server to write all buffers to disk?
+You can use the Vim remote server functionality to do this:
+ $ gvim --servername myVIM --remote-send "<C-\><C-N>:wall<CR>"
+For more information, read
+ :help client-server
+ :help CTRL-\_CTRL-N
+ :help :wall
+16.3. Where can I get the documentation about the Vim remote server
+ functionality?
+You can get more information about the Vim remote server functionality by
+ :help client-server
+17.1. How do I configure Vim in a simple way?
+You can use the ":options" command to open the Vim option window:
+ :options
+This window can be used for viewing and setting all the options.
+For more information, read
+ :help :options
+17.2. How do I toggle the value of an option?
+You can prefix the option with "inv" to toggle the value of the option:
+ :set invignorecase
+ :set invhlsearch
+You can also suffix the option with "!" to toggle the value:
+ :set ignorecase!
+ :set hlsearch!
+For more information, read
+ :help set-option
+17.3. How do I set an option that affects only the current buffer/window?
+You can use the ":setlocal" command to set an option that will affect only
+the current file/buffer:
+ :setlocal textwidth=70
+Note that not all options can have a local value. You can use ":setlocal"
+command to set an option locally to a buffer/window only if the option is
+allowed to have a local value.
+You can also use the following command to set a option locally:
+ :let &l:{option-name} = <value>
+For more information, read
+ :help :setlocal
+ :help local-options
+17.4. How do I use space characters for a Vim option value?
+To use space characters in a Vim option value, you have to escape the space
+character. For example:
+ :set tags=tags\ /usr/tags
+For more information, read
+ :help option-backslash
+17.5. Can I add (embed) Vim option settings to the contents of a file?
+You can use modelines to add Vim option settings to the contents of a file.
+For example, in a C file, you can add the following line to the top or the
+bottom of the file:
+ /* vim:sw=4: */
+This will set the 'shiftwidth' option to 4, when editing that C file.
+For this to work, the 'modeline' option should be set. By default, the
+'modeline' option is set. The 'modelines' settings specifies the number of
+lines that will be checked for the Vim set commands.
+For more information, read
+ :help 21.6
+ :help modeline
+ :help auto-setting
+ :help 'modeline'
+ :help 'modelines'
+17.6. How do I display the line numbers of all the lines in a file?
+You can set the 'number' option to display the line numbers for all the
+ :set number
+For more information, read
+ :help 'number'
+17.7. How do I change the width of the line numbers displayed using the
+ "number" option?
+The width used for displaying the line numbers for the 'number' option is
+hard-coded in Vim. It is not possible to change this width by setting some
+The request and the patch to add an option to change the number of columns
+used for the 'number' option is in the Vim todo list:
+ "Add an option to set the width of the 'number' column. Eight
+ positions is often more than needed. Or adjust the width to the length
+ of the file?
+ Add patch that adds 'numberlen' option. (James Harvey)
+ Other patch with min and max from Emmanuel Renieris (2002 Jul 24)
+ Other patch without an option by Gilles Roy (2002 Jul 25)"
+17.8. How do I display (view) all the invisible characters in a file?
+You can set the 'list' option to see all the invisible characters in your
+ :set list
+With this option set, you can view space characters, tabs, newlines,
+trailing space characters and wrapped lines.
+You can modify the 'listchars' option to configure how the invisible
+characters are displayed. For example, with the following command all the
+trailing space characters will be displayed with a '.' character.
+ :set listchars=trail:.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'listchars'
+ :help 'list'
+17.9. How do I configure Vim to always display the current line and column
+ number?
+You can set the 'ruler' option to display current column and line number in
+the status line:
+ :set ruler
+For more information, read
+ :help 'ruler'
+17.10. How do I display the current Vim mode?
+You can set the 'showmode' option to display the current Vim mode. In
+Insert, Replace and Visual modes, Vim will display the current mode on the
+last line.
+ :set showmode
+For more information, read
+ :help 'showmode'
+17.11. How do I configure Vim to show pending/partial commands on the
+ status line?
+You can set the 'showcmd' option to display pending/partial commands in the
+status line:
+ :set showcmd
+For more information, read
+ :help 'showcmd'
+17.12. How do I configure the Vim status line to display different
+ settings/values?
+You can set the 'statusline' option to display different values/settings in
+the Vim status line.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'statusline'
+ :help 'laststatus'
+ :help 'rulerformat'
+ :help 'ruler'
+17.13. How do I configure Vim to display status line always?
+You can set the 'laststatus' option to 2 to display the status line always.
+ :set laststatus=2
+For more information, read
+ :help 'laststatus'
+17.14. How do I make a Vim setting persistent across different Vim
+ invocations/instances/sessions?
+To make a Vim option setting persistent across different Vim instances, add
+your setting to the .vimrc or .gvimrc file. You can also use the ":mkvimrc"
+command to generate a vimrc file for the current settings.
+For more information, read
+ :help save-settings
+ :help vimrc
+ :help gvimrc
+ :help vimrc-intro
+ :help :mkvimrc
+ :help initialization
+17.15. Why do I hear a beep (why does my window flash) about 1 second after
+ I hit the Escape key?
+This is normal behavior. If your window flashes, then you've got the visual
+bell on. Otherwise, you should hear a beep.
+Vim needs a timeout to tell the difference between a simple escape and,
+say, a cursor key sequence. When you press a key in normal mode (and even
+in insert mode) and that key is the beginning of a mapping, Vim waits a
+certain amount of time to see if the rest of the mapping sequence follows.
+If the mapping sequence is completed before a given timeout period, the
+mapping for that sequence of keys is applied. If you interrupt the mapping,
+the normal actions associated with the keys are executed.
+For example, if you have a mapping defined as ":imap vvv Vim is great!!"
+and you type "vvv" quickly, the "Vim is great!!" will be inserted into your
+text. But if you type "vv v" then that is what will put into your text.
+This is also true if you type "vvv" too slowly where "too slowly" is longer
+than the value for the timeout option. Setting the timeout option to a
+larger value can help alleviate problems that appear when using function
+keys over a slow line.
+For more information, read
+ :help ttimeout
+17.16. How do I make the 'c' and 's' commands display a '$' instead of
+ deleting the characters I'm changing?
+To make the 'c' and 's' commands display a '$' instead of deleting the
+characters, add the $ flag to the 'cpoptions' option:
+ :set cpoptions+=$
+For more information, read
+ :help 'cpoptions'
+17.17. How do I remove more than one flag using a single ":set" command
+ from a Vim option?
+You can remove more than one flag from a Vim option using a single ":set"
+command, by specifying the flags in exactly the same order as they appear
+in the option. For example, if you use the following command to remove the
+'t' and 'n' flags from the 'formatoptions' option:
+ :set formatoptions-=tn
+The 't' and 'n' flags will be removed from the 'formatoptions' option, only
+if the 'formatoptions' option contains these flags in this order: 'tn'.
+Otherwise, it will not remove the flags. To avoid this problem, you can
+remove the flags one by one:
+ :set formatoptions-=t formatoptions-=n
+For more information, read
+ :help :set-=
+18.1. How do I know what a key is mapped to?
+To see what a key is mapped to, use the following commands:
+ :map <key>
+ :map! <key>
+You can also check the mappings in a particular mode using one of the
+":cmap", ":nmap", ":vmap", ":imap", ":omap", etc commands.
+For more information, read
+ :help map-listing
+ :help map-overview
+18.2. How do list all the user-defined key mappings?
+You can list all the user-defined key mappings using:
+ :map
+For more information, read
+ :help map-listing
+18.3. How do I unmap a previously mapped key?
+You can unmap a previously mapped key using the ":unmap" command:
+ :unmap <key>
+ :unmap! <key>
+For mode specific mappings, you can use one of the
+":nunmap/:vunmap/:ounmap/:iunmap/:lunmap/:cunmap" commands.
+The following command will fail to unmap a buffer-local mapped key:
+ :unmap <key>
+To unmap a buffer-local mapped key, you have to use the <buffer> keyword in
+the unmap command:
+ :unmap <buffer> <key>
+ :unmap! <buffer> <key>
+For more information, read
+ :help :unmap
+ :help map-modes
+ :help map-local
+ :help 'mapleader'
+18.4. I am not able to create a mapping for the <xxx> key. What is wrong?
+First make sure that the key is passed to Vim. In insert mode, press CTRL-V
+followed by the desired key. You should see the keycode corresponding to
+the key . If you do see the keycode, then you can create a mapping for the
+key using the following command:
+ :map <C-V><xxx> <your_command_to_be_mapped>
+For more information, read
+ :help map-keys-fails
+ :help :map-special-keys
+ :help key-codes
+18.5. How do I map the numeric keypad keys?
+First make sure that the numeric keypad keys are passed to Vim. Next, you
+can use the following command to map the numeric keypad keys:
+ :map <kSomething> <your_command>
+where, <kSomething> can be kHome, kEnd, kPageUp, kPageDown, kPlus, kMinus,
+kDivide, kMultiply, kEnter, etc.
+For more information, read
+ :help key-codes
+ :help terminal-options
+18.6. How do I create a mapping that works only in visual mode?
+You can create mappings that work only in specific mode (normal, command,
+insert, visual, etc). To create a mapping that works only in the visual
+mode, use the ":vmap" command:
+ :vmap <F3> <your mapping here>
+For more information, read
+ :help :vmap
+ :help map-modes
+ :help 40.1
+18.7. In a Vim script, how do I know which keys to use for my mappings, so
+ that the mapped key will not collide with an already used key?
+Vim uses most of the keys in the keyboard. You can use the <leader> prefix
+in maps to define keys which will not overlap with Vim keys. For example:
+ :map <leader>S <C-W>s
+ :map <leader>j <C-W>j
+ :map <leader>k <C-W>k
+where by default <leader> gets substituted with a backslash (\), so the
+user would enter
+ \s
+ \j
+ \k
+to invoke the above map commands. The user can change the mapleader
+variable to be whatever they wanted:
+ :let mapleader = ","
+When writing a plugin or other script, more often than not, it is advisable
+to use :noremap instead of :map to avoid side effects from user defined
+For more information, read
+ :help <Leader>
+ :help <LocalLeader>
+ :help write-plugin
+18.8. How do I map the escape key?
+You can map the Escape key to some other key using the ":map" command. For
+example, the following command maps the escape key to CTRL-O.
+ :map <C-O> <Esc>
+18.9. How do I map a key to perform nothing?
+You can map a key to <Nop> to perform nothing when the key is pressed. For
+example, with the following mappings, the <F7> key will do nothing when
+ :map <F7> <Nop>
+ :map! <F7> <Nop>
+For more information, read
+ :help <Nop>
+ :help :map
+ :help :map!
+ :help map-modes
+18.10. I want to use the Tab key to indent a block of text and Shift-Tab
+ key to unindent a block of text. How do I map the keys to do this?
+ This behavior is similar to textpad, visual studio, etc.
+Use the following mapping:
+ :inoremap <S-Tab> <C-O><LT><LT>
+ :nnoremap <Tab> >>
+ :nnoremap <S-Tab> <LT><LT>
+ :vnoremap <Tab> >
+ :vnoremap <S-Tab> <LT>
+Note that, the <S-Tab> mapping will work only if Vim receives the correct
+key sequence. This is mostly the case with GUI Vim.
+For more information, read
+ :help :inoremap
+ :help :nnoremap
+ :help :vnoremap
+ :help <S-Tab>
+ :help i_CTRL-O
+ :help >>
+ :help <<
+ :help <LT>
+18.11. In my mappings the special characters like <CR> are not recognized.
+ How can I configure Vim to recognize special characters?
+Check the value of the 'cpoptions' option:
+ :set cpoptions?
+If this option contains the '<' flag, then special characters will not be
+recognized in mappings. Remove the '<' flag from 'cpoptions' option:
+ :set cpo-=<
+Also, check the value of the 'compatible' option:
+ :se compatible?
+The 'compatible' option must be reset:
+ :se nocompatible
+For more information, read
+ :help 'cpoptions'
+ :help 'compatible'
+18.12. How do I use the '|' to separate multiple commands in a map?
+You can escape the '|' character using backslash (\) to use '|' in a map.
+ :map _l :!ls \| more<CR>
+You can also try the following command:
+ :map _l :!ls <bar> more<CR>
+There are also other ways to do this.
+For more information, read
+ :help map_bar
+18.13. If I have a mapping/abbreviation whose ending is the beginning of
+ another mapping/abbreviation, how do I keep the first from expanding
+ into the second one?
+Instead of using the ":map lhs rhs" command, use the ":noremap lhs rhs"
+command. For abbreviations, use "noreabbrev lhs rhs". The "nore" prefix
+prevents the mapping or abbreviation from being expanded again.
+For more information, read
+ :help :noremap
+ :help :noreabbrev
+18.14. Why does it take a second or more for Vim to process a key,
+ sometimes when I press a key?
+Make sure you have not defined a mapping for this key using the following
+ :map <key>
+If a mapping is defined for this key and the mapped key contains more than
+one character, then Vim will wait for the next character to be pressed to
+determine whether it is the mapped key or not. For example, if you have
+mapped "ab", then if you press "a", Vim will wait for the next key to be
+pressed. If the next key is "b", Vim will execute the mapped sequence.
+Otherwise, Vim will proceed with the normal processing of "a" followed by
+the next key. If the 'timeout' option is set (which is the default), then
+Vim will timeout after waiting for the period specified with the
+'timeoutlen' option (default is 1 second).
+For more information, read
+ :help map-typing
+ :help 'timeoutlen'
+ :help 'ttimeoutlen'
+ :help 'timeout'
+ :help 'ttimeout'
+ :help vt100-cursor-keys
+ :help slow-fast-terminal
+18.15. How do I map a key to run an external command using a visually
+ selected text?
+You can the ":vmap" command to map a key in the visual mode. In the mapped
+command sequence, you have to first yank the text. The yanked text is
+available in the '"' register. Now, you can use the contents of this
+register to run the external command. For example, to run the external
+command "perldoc" on a visually selected text, you can use the following
+ :vmap <F7> y:!exec "!perldoc '" . @" . "'"<CR>
+If you want the mapping to work in the visual mode, but not with the
+highlighted text, you can use the following command:
+ :vmap <F7> :<C-U>!perldoc <cword><CR>
+The above mapping will use the word under the cursor instead of the
+highlighted text. Note the use of the <C-U> before invoking the "perldoc"
+external command. The <C-U> is used to erase the range of text selected in
+the visual mode and displayed on the command line. If the visual range is
+not removed using <C-U>, then the output from the external command will
+replace the visually selected text.
+For more information, read
+ :help :vmap
+ :help quote_quote
+ :help let-register
+ :help c_CTRL-U
+ :help :!cmd
+18.16. How do I map the Ctrl-I key while still retaining the functionality
+ of the <Tab> key?
+The Ctrl-I key and the <Tab> key produce the same keycode, so Vim cannot
+distinguish between the Ctrl-I and the <Tab> key. When you map the Ctrl-I
+key, the <Tab> key is also mapped (and vice versa). The same restriction
+applies for the Ctrl-[ key and the <Esc> key.
+For more information, read
+ :help keycodes
+19.1. How do I auto correct misspelled words?
+You can auto correct misspelled words using abbreviations. For example, the
+following abbreviation can be used to correct "teh" with "the":
+ :abbreviate teh the
+Vim supports abbreviations in insert mode, replace mode and command-line
+For more information, read
+ :help 24.7
+ :help abbreviations
+ :help Q_ab
+19.2. How do I create multi-line abbreviations?
+You can create multi-line abbreviations by embedding the "<CR>"
+key code in the text:
+ iabbrev #c --------------<CR>-- Date:<CR>--<CR>---------
+With the above abbreviation, when you type #c, it will be expanded to
+the following text:
+-- Date:
+For more information, read
+ :help abbreviations
+19.3. When my abbreviations are expanded, an additional space character is
+ added at the end of the expanded text. How do I avoid this character?
+To avoid an additional space character at the end of the expanded text, you
+can expand the abbreviation by pressing the CTRL-] key. The abbreviation
+will be expanded without adding a space character at the end.
+Another alternative is to use the following function and command:
+function! Eatchar(pat)
+ let c = nr2char(getchar())
+ return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c
+command! -nargs=+ Iabbr execute "iabbr" <q-args> . "<C-R>=Eatchar('\\s')<CR>"
+Now, define your abbreviations using the new "Iabbr" command instead of the
+builtin "iabbrev" command. With this command, after expanding the
+abbreviated text, the next typed space character will be discarded.
+For more information, read
+ :help abbreviations
+19.4. How do I insert the current date/time stamp into the file?
+You can use the strftime() function to insert the current data/time stamp
+in a file. For example, you can use the following abbreviation:
+ iabbrev dts <C-R>=strftime("%y/%m/%d %H:%M")<CR>
+With this abbreviation, when you type dts in insert mode, it will be
+expanded to the date/time stamp.
+Some other forms of the above abbreviation are listed below:
+ iabbrev mdyl <C-R>=strftime("%a %d %b %Y")<CR>
+ iabbrev mdys <C-R>=strftime("%y%m%d")<CR>
+ iabbrev mdyc <C-R>=strftime("%c")<CR>
+ iabbrev hml <C-R>=strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S")<CR>
+ iabbrev hms <C-R>=strftime("%H:%M:%S")<CR>
+For more information, read
+ :help strftime()
+ :help i_CTRL-R
+20.1. How do I repeat an editing operation (insertion, deletion, paste,
+ etc)?
+You can repeat the last editing operation using the '.' command. This will
+repeat the last simple change like a insert, delete, change, paste, etc.
+For more information, read
+ :help 04.3
+ :help single-repeat
+ :help Q_re
+20.2. How I record and repeat a set of key sequences?
+You can use the 'q' command in normal mode to record a set of key sequences
+and store it in a register. For example, in the normal mode you can press q
+followed by a register name {0-9a-bA-Z"} to start the recording. To
+end/stop the recording press q again. You can playback/repeat the recorded
+key sequences by pressing @ followed by the register name. e.g. @a.
+Another approach is to start Vim with the "-w" command-line argument.
+ $ vim -w <file_name>
+Vim will record all the characters typed in the session in the
+specified file "file_name". You can use the recorded file with the "-s"
+command line argument to play it back:
+ $ vim -s <file_name>
+For more information, read
+ :help 10.1
+ :help recording
+ :help -w
+ :help -s
+20.3. How do I edit/modify a recorded set of key sequences?
+The recorded key sequences are stored in a register. You can paste the
+contents of the register into a Vim buffer, edit the pasted text and again
+yank the text into the register. You can also use the ":let" command to
+modify the register. For example:
+ :let @a = "iHello World\<Esc>"
+For more information, read
+ :help recording
+ :help 10.1
+ :help let-register
+ :help <>
+ :help 'cpoptions'
+20.4. How do I write recorded key sequences to a file?
+The recorded key sequences are stored in a register. You can paste the
+contents of the register into a Vim buffer. Now you can save the buffer
+into a file. You can also modify the pasted text and again yank into the
+register to modify the recorded key sequence. For example, if you record a
+set of key sequences using qa ..... q. The recorded key sequences are
+stored in the register 'a'. You can paste the contents of register 'a'
+using "ap.
+For more information, read
+ :help recording
+ :help 10.1
+20.5. I am using register 0 to record my key sequences (i.e. q0 .... q).
+ In the recorded key sequences, I am yanking some text. After the
+ first replay of the recorded key sequence, I am no longer able to
+ play it back.
+Register 0 contains the text from the last yank operation. In your recorded
+key sequence, when the yank is performed, register 0 is overwritten with
+the yanked text. So your recording stored in register 0 is lost. You have
+to use some other register.
+For more information, read
+ :help registers
+21.1. How do I execute a command when I try to modify a read-only file?
+You can use the FileChangedRO autocommand event to execute a command when a
+read-only file modified. For example, you can use this event to checkout a
+read-only file:
+ :autocmd FileChangedRO * call MyCheckoutFunction()
+For more information, read
+ :help FileChangedRO
+21.2. How do I execute a command every time when entering a buffer?
+You can use the BufEnter autocommand event to execute a command every time
+when entering a buffer. For example:
+ :autocmd BufEnter *.c set formatoptions=croqt
+For more information, read
+ :help BufEnter
+21.3. How do I execute a command every time when entering a window?
+You can use the WinEnter autocommand event to execute a command every time
+when entering a window. For example:
+ :autocmd WinEnter *.c call MyFunction()
+For more information, read
+ :help WinEnter
+21.4. From an autocmd, how can I determine the name of the file or the
+ buffer number for which the autocommand is executed?
+You can use the special words <afile> or <abuf> in an autocmd to get the
+name of the file or the buffer number for which the autocommand is
+For more information, read
+ :help :<afile>
+ :help :<abuf>
+ :help :<amatch>
+21.5. How do I automatically save all the changed buffers whenever Vim
+ loses focus?
+You can define an autocommand for the FocusLost event which will save all
+the modified buffers whenever Vim loses focus:
+ :autocmd FocusLost * wall
+For more information, read
+ :help FocusLost
+ :help :wall
+21.6. How do I execute/run a function when Vim exits to do some cleanup?
+You can use VimLeave autocmd event to execute a function just before Vim
+exists. For example,
+ :autocmd VimLeave * call MyCleanupFunction()
+For more information, read
+ :help VimLeave
+22.1. How do I turn off/on syntax highlighting?
+By default, the Vim syntax highlighting is turned off. To enable the syntax
+highlighting, you can use one of the following commands:
+ :syntax enable
+ or
+ :syntax on
+To disable the syntax highlighting, you can use the following command:
+ :syntax off
+For more information, read
+ :help 06.1
+ :help 06.4
+ :help :syntax-enable
+ :help :syntax-on
+ :help :syn-clear
+22.2. How do I change the background and foreground colors used by Vim?
+Vim uses the "Normal" highlight group for the background and foreground
+colors. To change the foreground/background colors, you have to modify the
+"Normal" highlight group. For example, to set the background color to blue
+and foreground color to white, you can use
+ :highlight Normal ctermbg=blue ctermfg=white guibg=blue guifg=white
+If you are using the Motif or the Athena version of the GUI Vim, then you
+can modify the foreground and background resource names in the .Xdefaults
+files to change the colors:
+ Vim.foreground: Black
+ Vim.backround: Wheat
+You can also use the "-foreground" and "-background" command-line arguments
+to specify the foreground and background colors. These arguments are
+supported only in the Motif or Athena versions:
+ $ gvim -foreground Black -background Wheat
+For more information, read
+ :help :highlight
+ :help .Xdefaults
+ :help -gui
+22.3. How do I change the highlight colors to suit a dark/light background?
+You can set the 'background' option to either 'dark' or 'light' to change
+the highlight colors to suit a dark/light background:
+ :set background=dark
+For more information, read
+ :help 'background'
+ :help 6.2
+22.4. How do I change the color of the line numbers displayed when the
+ ":set number" command is used?
+The line numbers displayed use the LineNr highlighting group. To display
+the current colors used, use
+ :hi LineNr
+To change the color modify the LineNr highlight group. For example:
+ :hi linenr guifg=red guibg=black
+This will give red numbers on a black background in GVIM.
+For more information, read
+ :help :highlight
+22.5. How do I change the background color used for a Visually selected
+ block?
+You can modify the 'Visual' highlight group to change the color used for a
+visually selected block:
+ :highlight Visual guibg=red
+For more information, read
+ :help :highlight
+ :help hl-Visual
+22.6. How do I highlight the special characters (tabs, trailing spaces, end
+ of line, etc) displayed by the 'list' option?
+You can modify the "NonText" and "SpecialKey" highlight groups to highlight
+the special characters displayed by the 'list' option:
+ :highlight NonText guibg=red
+ :highlight SpecialKey guibg=green
+The "NonText" highlighting group is used for "eol", "extends" and
+"precedes" settings in the "listchars" option. The "SpecialKey"
+highlighting group is used for the "tab" and "trail" settings.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'listchars'
+ :help hl-NonText
+ :help hl-SpecialKey
+22.7. How do I specify a colorscheme in my .vimrc/.gvimrc file, so that Vim
+ uses the specified colorscheme everytime?
+You can specify the color scheme using the ":colorscheme" command in your
+.vimrc or .gvimrc file:
+ colorschme evening
+For more information, read
+ :help :colorscheme
+22.8. Vim syntax highlighting is broken. When I am editing a file, some
+ parts of the file is not syntax highlighted or syntax highlighted
+ incorrectly.
+Vim doesn't read the whole file to parse the text for syntax highlighting.
+It starts parsing wherever you are viewing the file. That saves a lot of
+time, but sometimes the colors are wrong. A simple fix is refreshing the
+screen using the CTRL-L key. Or scroll back a bit and then forward again.
+You can also use the command:
+ :syntax sync fromstart
+Note that this might considerably slow down the screen refreshing.
+For more information, read
+ :help :syn-sync
+ :help :syn-sync-first
+22.9. Is there a built-in function to syntax-highlight the corresponding
+ matching bracket?
+No. Vim doesn't support syntax-highlighting matching brackets. You can try
+using the plugin developed by Charles Campbell:
+ http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=177
+You can jump to a matching bracket using the '%' key. You can set the
+'showmatch' option to temporarily jump to a matching bracket when in insert
+For more information, read
+ :help %
+ :help 'showmatch'
+ :help 'matchtime'
+ :help 'matchpairs'
+22.10. How do I turn off the C comment syntax highlighting?
+You can use the following command to turn off C comment syntax
+ :highlight clear comment
+For more information, read
+ :help c-syntax
+22.11. How do I add my own syntax extensions to the standard syntax files
+ supplied with Vim?
+You should not modify the syntax files supplied with Vim to add your
+extensions. When you install the next version of Vim, you will lose your
+changes. Instead you should create a file under the ~/.vim/after/syntax
+directory with the same name as the original syntax file and add your
+additions to this file.
+For more information, read
+ :help mysyntaxfile-add
+ :help 'runtimepath'
+22.12. How do I replace a standard syntax file that comes with the Vim
+ distribution with my own syntax file?
+You can replace a standary syntax file that comes with the Vim distribution
+by creating a file with the same name as the original syntax file and
+placing it in the vim runtime syntax (~/.vim/syntax) directory. For
+example, to replace the c.vim syntax file in a Unix system, place the new
+c.vim in the ~/.vim/syntax directory. In a MS-Windows system, place the new
+syntax file in the $HOME/vimfiles/syntax or $VIM/vimfiles/syntax directory.
+For more information, read
+ :help mysyntaxfile-replace
+ :help 44.11
+ :help mysyntaxfile
+22.13. How do I highlight all the characters after a particular column?
+You can use the ":match" command to highlight all the characters after a
+particular column:
+ :match Todo '\%>75v.\+'
+This will highlight all the characters after the 75th column.
+For more information, read
+ :help :match
+ :help /\%v
+ :help /\+
+ :help /.
+22.14. How do I convert a source file (.c, .h, etc) with the Vim syntax
+ highlighting into a HTML file?
+You can use the 2html.vim script to convert a source file into a HTML file
+with the Vim syntax highlighting. Use the following command:
+ :runtime! syntax/2html.vim
+For more information, read
+ :help convert-to-HTML
+22.15. How do I list the definition of all the current highlight groups?
+You can list the definition of all the current highlight groups using the
+":highlight" (without any arguments) ex command.
+For more information, read
+ :help :highlight
+23.1. How do I list the names of all the scripts sourced by Vim?
+You can use the ":scriptnames" command to list the names of all the scripts
+sourced by Vim:
+ :scriptnames
+For more information, read
+ :help :scriptnames
+23.2. How do I debug Vim scripts?
+Vim has built-in support for a primitive debugger to debug Vim plugins and
+scripts. Using this debugger you can set breakpoints and step through the
+plugin functions.
+For more information, read
+ :help debug-scripts
+ :help -D
+23.3. How do I locate the script/plugin which sets a Vim option?
+You can use the ":verbose" command to locate the plugin/script which last
+modified a Vim option. For example:
+ :verbose set textwidth?
+For more information, read
+ :help :set-verbose
+ :help :verbose
+23.4. I am getting some error/informational messages from Vim (possibly
+ when running a script), the messages are cleared immediately. How do
+ I display the messages again?
+You can use the ":messages" command to display the previous messages.
+ :messages
+For more information, read
+ :help :messages
+ :help :echoerr
+ :help :echomsg
+ :help message-history
+23.5. How do I save and restore a plugin specific information across Vim
+ invocations?
+Vim will save and restore global variables that start with an uppercase
+letter and don't contain a lower case letter. For this to work, the
+'viminfo' option must contain the '!' flag. Vim will store the variables in
+the viminfo file.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'viminfo'
+ :help viminfo-file
+ :help variables
+23.6. How do I start insert mode from a Vim function?
+You can use the ":startinsert" command to start the insert mode from inside
+a Vim function.
+For more information, read
+ :help :startinsert
+23.7. How do I change the cursor position from within a Vim function?
+You can use the cursor() function to position the cursor.
+ call cursor(lnum, col)
+You can also use the following command to change the cursor position:
+ exe "normal! " . lnum . "G" . col . "|"
+For more information, read
+ :help cursor()
+ :help bar
+23.8. How do I check the value of an environment variable in the .vimrc
+ file?
+You can use prefix the environment variable name with the '$' character to
+use it from a Vim script/function. You can refer to the value of an
+environment variable using the $env_var syntax:
+ if $EDITOR == 'vi'
+ endif
+For more information, read
+ :help expr-env
+23.9. How do I check whether an environment variable is set or not from a
+ Vim function?
+You can use the exists() function to check for the existence of a
+environment variable.
+ if exists("$MY_ENV_VAR")
+ endif
+For more information, read
+ :help exists()
+ :help expr-env
+23.10. How do I call/use the Vim built-in functions?
+You can use the ":call" command to invoke a Vim built-in function:
+ :call cursor(10,20)
+You can use the ":echo" command to echo the value returned by a function:
+ :echo char2nr('a')
+You can use the ":let" command to assign the value returned by a function
+to a variable:
+ :let a = getline('.')
+To store the return value from a function into a Vim register, you can use
+the following command:
+ :let @a = system('ls')
+The above command will store the return value from the 'ls' command into
+the register 'a'.
+For more information, read
+ :help :call
+ :help :echo
+ :help :let
+ :help :let-register
+ :help user-functions
+ :help usr_41.txt
+23.11. I am using some normal mode commands in my Vim script. How do I
+ avoid using the user-defined mappings for these normal mode commands
+ and use the standard Vim functionality for these normal mode
+ commands?
+You can use the "normal!" command in your script to invoke a normal-mode
+command. This will use the standard functionality of the normal mode
+command and will not use the user-defined mapping.
+For more information, read
+ :help :normal
+23.12. How do I get the current visually selected text into a Vim variable
+ or register?
+You can get the current visually selected text into a Vim variable by
+yanking the text into Vim register and then assigning the contents of the
+register into the variable:
+ :normal gvy
+ :let myvar = @"
+The above command copies the visually selected text into the variable
+You can also use the command:
+ :normal! gv"*y
+In the above command, gv reselects the last visually selected text and the
+rest of the command copies the selected text into the * (clipboard)
+register. Alternatively, you can set the 'a' flag in the 'guioptions'
+option to automatically copy a visually selected text into the * register.
+To do this as part of a visual map, you can use a command similar to the
+one shown below:
+ :vmap <F3> "*y:call ...
+For more information, read
+ :help gv
+ :help :normal
+ :help let-@
+ :help quotestar
+ :help clipboard
+ :help registers
+23.13. I have some text in a Vim variable 'myvar'. I would like to use this
+ variable in a ":s" substitute command to replace a text 'mytext'.
+ How do I do this?
+You can use the 'execute' command to evaluate the variable:
+ :execute '%s/mytext/' . myvar . '/'
+For more information, read
+ :help :execute
+You can also use "\=" in the substitute command to evaluate the variable:
+ :%s/mytext/\=myvar/
+For more information, read
+ :help sub-replace-special
+23.14. A Vim variable (bno) contains a buffer number. How do I use this
+ variable to open the corresponding buffer?
+The :buffer command will not accept a variable name. It accepts only a
+buffer number or buffer name. You have to use the ":execute" command to
+evaluate the variable into the corresponding value. For example:
+ :execute "buffer " . bno
+For more information, read
+ :help :execute
+23.15. How do I store the value of a Vim option into a Vim variable?
+You can prefix the option name with the '&' character and assign the option
+value to a Vim variable using the "let" command. For example, to store the
+value of the 'textwidth' option into the Vim variable "old_tw", you can use
+the following command:
+ :let old_tw = &tw
+To do the opposite, to set the 'textwidth' option with the value stored in
+the 'old_tw' variable, you can use the following command:
+ :let &tw = old_tw
+For more information, read
+ :help expr-option
+ :help let-option
+23.16. I have copied and inserted some text into a buffer from a Vim
+ function. How do I indent the inserted text from the Vim function?
+You can use the following command to format the just inserted text:
+ :normal '[=']
+For more information, read
+ :help '[
+ :help ']
+ :help =
+ :help :normal
+23.17. How do I get the character under the cursor from a Vim script?
+You can use the getline() function and use string index [] to get the
+ :echo getline(".")[col(".") - 1]
+In the above command, getline(".") returns the text in the current line.
+The indexing of the string starts at zero, and you can get a single
+character in a string by its index with the "string[index]" notation. The
+col(".") returns the column of the cursor position; the adjustment is to
+get the right character of the string.
+For more information, read
+ :help getline()
+ :help col()
+ :help expr-[]
+23.18. How do I get the name of the current file without the extension?
+You can get the name of the current file without the extension using:
+ :echo expand("%:r")
+With some commands, you can use the file name modifiers directly:
+ :cd %:p:h
+ :!gcc -o %:r.o %
+For more information, read
+ :help filename-modifiers
+ :help expand()
+ :help cmdline-special
+ :help fnamemodify()
+23.19. How do I get the basename of the current file?
+You can use the :t filename modifier to get the basename of the current
+ :echo expand("%:t")
+For more information, read
+ :help filename-modifiers
+23.20. How do I get the output from a Vim function into the current buffer?
+You can insert the return value from a function using the following command
+in insert mode:
+ <C-R>=MyFunc()
+Note that this will only insert the return value of the function.
+For more information, read
+ :help i_CTRL-R
+ :help i_CTRL-R_CTRL-R
+ :help i_CTRL-R_CTRL-O
+ :help expression
+23.21. How do I call external programs from a Vim function?
+There are several ways to call external programs from a Vim function. You
+can use the builtin system() function to invoke external programs and get
+the result:
+ :let output = system("ls")
+You can also use "!" ex-command to run an external command.
+For more information, read
+ :help system()
+ :help :!
+ :help 10.9
+23.22. How do I get the return status of a program executed using the ":!"
+ command?
+You can use the predefined Vim v:shell_error variable to get the return
+status of the last run shell command.
+For more information, read
+ :help v:shell_error
+23.23. How do I determine whether the current buffer is modified or not?
+You can check the value of the 'modified' option to determine whether the
+current buffer is modified:
+ :set modified?
+From a Vim script, you can check the value of the 'modified' option:
+ if &modified
+ echo "File is modified"
+ endif
+For more information, read
+ :help 'modified'
+23.24. I would like to use the carriage return character in a normal
+ command from a Vim script. How do I specify the carriage return
+ character?
+You can use the ":execute" command to specify the special (control)
+character in a normal mode command:
+ :execute "normal \<CR>"
+ :execute "normal ixxx\<Esc>"
+For more information, read
+ :help :execute
+ :help expr-quote
+23.25. How do I split long lines in a Vim script?
+You can split long lines in a Vim script by inserting the backslash
+character ("\") at the start of the next line. For example,
+For more information, read
+ :help line-continuation
+23.26. When I try to "execute" my function using the "execute 'echo
+ Myfunc()'" command, the cursor is moved to the top of the current
+ buffer. Why?
+The ":execute" command runs the normal mode command specified by the
+argument. In the case of the following command:
+ :execute "echo Myfunc()"
+The call to "echo Myfunc()" will return 0. The ":execute" command will run
+the normal mode command "0", which moves the cursor to the top of the file.
+To call a Vim function, you should use the ":call" command instead of the
+":execute" command:
+ :call Myfunc()
+For more information, read
+ :help :call
+ :help :execute
+ :help :echo
+ :help user-functions
+ :help 41.5
+ :help 41.6
+23.27. How do I source/execute the contents of a register?
+If you have yanked a set of Vim commands into a Vim register (for example
+register 'a'), then you can source the contents of the register using one
+of the following commands:
+ :@a
+ :exe @a
+For more information, read
+ :help :@
+23.28. After calling a Vim function or a mapping, when I press the 'u'
+ key to undo the last change, Vim undoes all the changes made by
+ the mapping/function. Why?
+When you call a function or a mapping, all the operations performed by the
+function/mapping are treated as one single operation. When you undo the
+last operation by pressing 'u', all the changes made by the
+function/mapping are reversed.
+For more information, read
+ :help undo-redo
+ :help map-undo
+23.29. How can I call a function defined with s: (script local function)
+ from another script/plugin?
+The s: prefix for a Vim function name is used to create a script local
+function. A script local function can be called only from within that
+script and cannot be called from other scripts. To define a function in a
+script/plugin, so that it can be called from other plugins/scripts, define
+the function without the s: prefix.
+For more information, read
+ :help script-variable
+ :help script-local
+ :help :scriptnames
+23.30. Is it possible to un-source a sourced script? In otherwords, reverse
+ all the commands executed by sourcing a script.
+No. It is not possible to reverse or undo all the commands executed by
+sourcing a script.
+For more information, read
+ :help :source
+23.31. How do I get the character under the cursor?
+You can use the getline() function to retrieve the current line and then
+use the col() function to index into the returned text. For example,
+ :echo getline(".")[col(".") - 1]
+will echo the character under the cursor.
+For more information, read
+ :help expr-[]
+ :help getline()
+ :help col()
+24.1. How do I set different options for different types of files?
+You can create filetype plugins to set different options for different
+types of files. You should first enable filetype plugins using the command:
+ :filetype plugin on
+A filetype plugin is a vim script that is loaded whenever Vim opens or
+creates a file of that type. For example, to ensure that the 'textwidth'
+option is set to 80 when editing a C program (filetype 'c'), create one of
+the following files:
+ ~/.vim/ftplugin/c.vim (Unix)
+ %HOME%\vimfiles\ftplugin\c.vim (Windows)
+with the following text in it:
+ setlocal textwidth=80
+You can also use autocommands to set specific options when editing specific
+type of files. For example, to set the 'textwidth' option to 75 for only
+*.txt files, you can use the following autocmd:
+ autocmd BufRead *.txt setlocal textwidth=80
+For more information, read
+ :help filetype-plugin
+ :help add-filetype-plugin
+ :help autocmd
+ :help 40.3
+24.2. I have downloaded some Vim plugins, syntax files, indent files, color
+ schemes, filetype plugins, etc from the web. Where should I copy
+ these files so that Vim will find them?
+You can place the runtime files (plugins, syntax files, indent files, color
+schemes, filetype plugins, etc) under one of the directories specified by
+the 'runtimepath' option. For Unix systems, this is usally the "$HOME/.vim"
+directory. For MS-Windows systems, this is usually the $VIM\vimfiles or
+$HOME\vimfiles directory. Depending on the type of the runtime file, you
+have to place it under a specific directory under the above runtime
+directory. The names of the directories are listed below:
+ colors/ - color scheme files
+ compiler/ - compiler files
+ doc/ - documentation
+ ftplugin/ - filetype plugins
+ indent/ - indent scripts
+ keymap/ - key mapping files
+ lang/ - menu translations
+ plugin/ - plugin scripts
+ syntax/ - syntax files
+ tutor/ - files for vimtutor
+For more information, read
+ :help your-runtime-dir
+ :help 'runtimepath'
+ :help :runtime
+24.3. How do I extend an existing filetype plugin?
+You can extend an existing filetype plugin by creating a file under either
+the $VIMRTUNTIME/after/ftplugin or the $VIMRTUNTIME/ftplugin directory. The
+name of the file should be the same as the name of the existing filetype
+plugin file. You can place your additions to the new file.
+If you placed the file in the after/ftplugin runtime directory, then Vim
+will first source the existing filetype plugin file and then will source
+the new file. If you placed the file in the $VIMRTUNTIME/ftplugin runtime
+directory, then Vim will first source the new file and then will source the
+existing filetype plugin file.
+For more information, read
+ :help ftplugin-overrule
+ :help filetype-plugin
+ :help add-filetype-plugin
+ :help 'runtimepath'
+24.4. How do I turn off loading the Vim plugins?
+You can reset the 'loadplugins' option to turn off loading the plugins:
+ :set noloadplugins
+You can also specify the "--noplugin" command line argument to stop loading
+the plugins:
+ $ vim --noplugin
+For more information, read
+ :help 'loadplugins'
+ :help --noplugin
+ :help load-plugins
+24.5. How do I turn on/off loading the filetype plugins?
+By default, Vim will not load the filetype plugins. You can configure Vim
+to load filetype plugins using the command:
+ filetype plugin on
+You can turn off loading the filetype plugins using:
+ filetype plugin off
+For more information, read
+ :help filetype-plugin-on
+ :help filetype-plugin-off
+ :help :filetype
+24.6. How do I override settings made in a file type plugin in the global
+ ftplugin directory for all the file types?
+You can use an autocommand triggered on the FileType event:
+ au Filetype * set formatoptions=xyz
+This should at least be after "filetype on" in your vimrc. Best is to put
+it in your "myfiletypefile" file, so that it's always last.
+If you want to override a setting for a particular filetype, then create a
+file with the same name as the original filetype plugin in the
+~/.vim/after/ftplugin directory For example, to override a setting in the
+c.vim filetype plugin, create a c.vim file in the ~/.vim/after/ftplugin
+directory and add your preferences in this file.
+For more information, read
+ :help ftplugin-overrule
+ :help ftplugins
+ :help myfiletypefile
+24.7. How do I disable the Vim directory browser plugin?
+To disable the directory browsing Vim plugin, add the following line to
+your .vimrc file:
+ let loaded_explorer = 1
+For more information, read
+ :help file-explorer
+24.8. How do I set the filetype option for files with names matching a
+ particular pattern or depending on the file extension?
+You can set the 'filetype' option for files with names matching a
+particular pattern using an autocmd. For example, to set the 'filetype'
+option to 'c' for all files with extension '.x', you can use the following
+ autocmd! BufRead,BufNewFile *.x setfiletype c
+A better alternative to the above approach is to create a filetype.vim file
+in the ~/.vim directory (or in one of the directories specified in the
+'runtimepath' option) and add the following lines:
+ " my filetype file
+ if exists("did_load_filetypes")
+ finish
+ endif
+ augroup filetypedetect
+ au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.x setfiletype c
+ augroup END
+For more information, read
+ :help new-filetype
+ :help 43.2
+ :help :setfiletype
+25.1. How do I enable automatic indentation for C/C++ files?
+You can enable file-type based indentation using:
+ :filetype indent on
+If you want to only enable automatic C indentation, then use:
+ :set cindent
+For more information, read
+ :help 'cindent'
+ :help C-indenting
+ :help filetype
+25.2. How do I configure the indentation used for C/C++ files?
+You can configure the Vim C indentation by modifying the value of the
+'cinoptions', 'cinkeys' and 'cinwords' options.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'cindent'
+ :help 'cinoptions'
+ :help 'cinkeys'
+ :help 'cinwords'
+ :help C-indenting
+ :help cinoptions-values
+ :help 'smartindent'
+25.3. How do I turn off the automatic indentation feature?
+By default, the automatic indentation is not turned on. You must have
+configured Vim to do automatic indentation in either .vimrc or .gvimrc
+files. You can disable automatic indentation using either,
+ :filetype indent off
+ :set nocindent
+Also, check the setting for the following options:
+ :set autoindent?
+ :set smartindent?
+ :set indentexpr?
+For more information, read
+ :help 'cindent'
+ :help filetype-indent-off
+ :help 'autoindent'
+ :help 'smartindent'
+ :help 'indentexpr'
+25.4. How do I change the number of space characters used for the automatic
+ indentation?
+You can modify the 'shiftwidth' option to change the number of space
+characters used for the automatic indentation:
+ :set shiftwidth=4
+For more information, read
+ :help 'shiftwidth'
+25.5. I am editing a C program using Vim. How do I display the definition
+ of a macro or a variable?
+You can use the [d command to display the definition of a macro and the [i
+command to display the definition of a variable.
+For more information, read
+ :help [d
+ :help [i
+ :help include-search
+ :help 29.4
+ :help 29.5
+25.6. I am editing a C program using Vim. How do I jump to the beginning or
+ end of a code block from within the block?
+You can use '[{' command to jump to the beginning of the code block and ']}
+to jump to the end of the code block from inside the block.
+For more information, read
+ :help [{
+ :help ]}
+ :help various-motions
+25.7. Is there a way to turn off the "//" comment auto-insertion behavior
+ for C++ files? If I'm sitting on a line beginning with "//", then I
+ open a new line above or below it, Vim automatically inserts new "//"
+ chars.
+You can modify the value of the 'comments' option to stop Vim from
+inserting the C++ comment character ("//") automatically. For example:
+ :set comments=sr:/*,mb:*,el:*/
+For more information, read
+ :help 'comments'
+ :help format-comments
+25.8. How do I add the comment character '#' to a set of lines at the
+ beginning of each line?
+First, select the first character in all the lines using visual block mode
+(CTRL-V). Press 'I' to start inserting characters at the beginning of the
+line. Enter the comment character and then stop the insert mode by pressing
+<Esc>. Vim will automatically insert the entered characters at the
+beginning of all the selected lines.
+For more information, read
+ :help visual-block
+ :help blockwise-operators
+ :help v_b_I
+25.9. How do I edit a header file with the same name as the corresponding C
+ source file?
+You can use the following command to edit a header file with the same name
+as the corresponding C source file:
+ :e %:t:r.h
+You can use the following command to edit the file in a new split window:
+ :sp %:t:r.h
+In the above commands, the percent sign expands to the name of the current
+file. The ":t" modifier extracts the tail (last component) of the
+filename. The ":r" modifier extracts the root of the filename. The .h is
+appended to the resulting name to get the header filename.
+Another approach is to use the following command:
+ :sfind %:t:r.h
+This command will search for the header file in the directories specified
+in the 'path' option.
+For more information, read
+ :help cmdline-special
+ :help filename-modifiers
+ :help :sfind
+ :help 'path'
+25.10. How do I automatically insert comment leaders while typing comments?
+To automatically insert comment leaders while typing comments, add the 'r'
+and 'o' flags to the 'formatoptions' option.
+ :set formatoptions+=ro
+You may also want to add the 'c' flag to auto-wrap comments using the
+'textwidth' option setting and the 'q' flag to format comments with the
+"gq" command:
+ :set formatoptions=croq
+For more information, read
+ :help 30.6
+ :help format-comments
+ :help 'comments'
+ :help fo-table
+26.1. How do I build programs from Vim?
+You can use the ":make" command to build programs from Vim. The ":make"
+command runs the program specified by the 'makeprg' option.
+For more information, read
+ :help 30.1
+ :help make_makeprg
+ :help 'makeprg'
+ :help 'makeef'
+ :help :make
+ :help quickfix
+26.2. When I run the make command in Vim I get the errors listed as the
+ compiler compiles the program. When it finishes this list disappears
+ and I have to use the :clist command to see the error message again.
+ Is there any other way to see these error messages?
+You can use the ":copen" or ":cwindow" command to open the quickfix window
+that contains the compiler output. You can select different error lines
+from this window and jump to the corresponding line in the source code.
+For more information, read
+ :help :copen
+ :help :cwindow
+ :help quickfix
+27.1. How do I extend the Vim folding support?
+You can use the 'foldexpr' option to fold using an user specified function.
+For example, to fold subroutines of the following form into a single line:
+ sub foo {
+ my $barf;
+ $barf = 3;
+ return $barf;
+ }
+You can use the following commands:
+ set foldmethod=expr
+ set foldexpr=MyFoldExpr(v:lnum)
+ fun! MyFoldExpr(line)
+ let str = getline(a:line)
+ if str =~ '^sub\>'
+ return '1'
+ elseif str =~ '^}'
+ return '<1'
+ else
+ return foldlevel(a:line - 1)
+ endif
+ endfun
+For more information, read
+ :help 'foldexpr'
+ :help fold-expr
+27.2. When I enable folding by setting the 'foldmethod' option, all the
+ folds are closed. How do I prevent this?
+You can set the 'foldlevelstart' option to a particular value to close only
+folds above the specified value.
+ :set foldlevelstart=99
+For more information, read
+ :help 'foldlevelstart'
+ :help 'foldlevel'
+ :help fold-foldlevel
+27.3. How do I control how many folds will be opened when I start editing a
+ file?
+You can modify the 'foldlevelstart' option to control the number of folds
+that will be opened when you start editing a file. To start editing with
+all the folds closed:
+ :set foldlevelstart=0
+For more information, read
+ :help 'foldlevelstart'
+27.4. How do I open and close folds using the mouse?
+You can click on the + and - characters displayed at the leftmost column to
+open and close fold. For this to work, you have to set the 'foldcolumn'
+to a value greater than zero:
+ :set foldcolumn=2
+For more information, read
+ :help 'foldcolumn'
+27.5. How do I change the text displayed for a closed fold?
+You can use the 'foldtext' option to change the text displayed for a closed
+For more information, read
+ :help 'foldtext'
+ :help fold-foldtext
+ :help 'fillchars'
+27.6. How do I store and restore manually created folds across different
+ Vim invocations?
+You can use the ":mkview" command to store manually created folds. Later,
+you can use the ":loadview" command to restore the folds. For this to work,
+the 'viewoptions' must contain "folds".
+For more information, read
+ :help 28.4
+ :help :mkview
+ :help :loadview
+ :help 'viewoptions'
+ :help 'viewdir'
+ :help :mksession
+ :help 'sessionoptions'
+28.1. Can I run a shell inside a Vim window?
+Currently Vim doesn't have support for running shell and other external
+commands inside a Vim window.
+For more information, read
+ :help shell-window
+Alternatively, you can try using the Unix "screen" utility or the 'splitvt'
+You can also use the vimsh plugin by Brian Sturk to run a shell in a Vim
+window. To use this you need to have Vim built with python support. For
+more information visit the following URL:
+ http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=165
+28.2. How do I pass the word under the cursor to an external command?
+You can use the special keyword <cword> to pass the word under the cursor
+to an external command. For example:
+ :!dict <cword>
+For more information, read
+ :help <cword>
+28.3. How do I get the output of a shell command into a Vim buffer?
+You can use the ":r !" command to get the output of a shell command into a
+Vim buffer:
+ :r !ls
+For more information, read
+ :help :r!
+28.4. How do I pipe the contents of the current buffer to a external
+ command and replace the contents of the buffer with the output from
+ the command?
+You can use the :! command to pipe the contents of the current buffer to a
+external command and replace the contents of the buffer with the output
+from the command. For example, to sort the contents of the current buffer,
+you can use the following command:
+ :%!sort
+For more information, read
+ :help :range!
+28.5. How do I sort a section of my file?
+You can pipe the section of the file to the "sort" utility to sort the
+file. For example:
+ :5,100!sort
+You can also use a visual block, and use !sort on it.
+28.6. Is there a step-by-step guide for using Vim with slrn?
+Visit the following link to get information about using Vim with Slrn:
+ http://thingy.apana.org.au/~fun/slrn/
+28.7. How do I use Vim as a pager?
+You can use Vim as a pager using the $VIMRUNTIME/macros/less.sh shell
+script, supplied as part of the standard Vim distribution. This shell
+script uses the $VIMRUNTIME/macros/less.vim Vim script to provide less like
+key bindings.
+For more information, read
+ :help less
+28.8. How do I view Unix man pages from inside Vim?
+You can view Unix man pages, inside Vim, using the man.vim plugin supplied
+as part of the standard Vim distribution. To use this plugin, add the
+following line to your startup vimrc file:
+ runtime ftplugin/man.vim
+You can also press the K key to run the program specified by the
+'keywordprg' option with the keyword under the cursor. By default,
+'keywordprg' is set to run man on the keyword under the cursor.
+For more information, read
+ :help man-plugin
+ :help K
+ :help 'keywordprg'
+28.9. How do I change the diff command used by the Vim diff support?
+By default, the Vim diff support uses the 'diff' command. You can change
+this by changing the 'diffexpr' option.
+For more information, read
+ :help diff-diffexpr
+ :help 'diffexpr'
+28.10. How do I use the Vim diff mode without folding?
+You can use the following command-line to start Vim with two filenames
+and use the diff mode without folding:
+ $ vim -o file1 file2 "+windo set diff scrollbind scrollopt+=hor nowrap"
+If you like vertically split windows, then replace "-o" with "-O".
+For more information, read
+ :help vimdiff
+29.1. How do I create buffer specific menus?
+Adding support for buffer specific menus is in the Vim TODO list. In the
+mean time, you can try Michael Geddes's plugin, buffermenu.vim:
+ http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=246
+29.2. How do I change the font used by GUI Vim?
+You can change the 'guifont' option to change the font used by GUI Vim. To
+display the current value of this option, you can use
+ :set guifont?
+You can add the displayed font name to the .vimrc file to use the font
+across Vim sessions. For example, add the following line to the .vimrc file
+to use Andale Mono font.
+ set guifont=Andale_Mono:h10:cANSI
+For Win32, GTK and Photon version of Vim, you can use the following command
+to bringup a dialog which will help you in changing the guifont:
+ :set guifont=*
+You can also use the -font Vim command line option to specify the font used
+for normal text.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'guifont'
+ :help 'guifontset'
+ :help 'guifontwide'
+ :help font-sizes
+ :help -font
+ :help -boldfont
+ :help -italicfont
+ :help -menufont
+ :help -menufontset
+29.3. When starting GUI Vim, how do I specify the location of the GVIM
+ window?
+You can use the "-geometry" command line argument to specify the location
+of the GUI Vim window. For example:
+ $ gvim -geometry 80x25+100+300
+For more information, read
+ :help 31.4
+ :help -geom
+29.4. How do I add a horizontal scrollbar in GVim?
+You can enable the horizontal scrollbar by modifying the 'guioptions'
+ :set guioptions+=b
+For more information, read
+ :help 'guioptions'
+ :help gui-horiz-scroll
+29.5. How do I make the scrollbar appear in the left side by default?
+You can add the 'l' flag to the 'guioptions' option to make the scrollbar
+appear in the left side.
+ :set guioptions+=l
+ :set guioptions-=r
+For more information, read
+ :help 'guioptions'
+ :help gui-scrollbars
+29.6. How do I remove the Vim menubar?
+You can remove the Vim menubar by removing the 'm' flag from the
+'guioptions' option:
+ :set guioptions-=m
+For more information, read
+ :help 'guioptions'
+29.7. I am using GUI Vim. When I press the ALT key and a letter, the menu
+ starting with that letter is selected. I don't want this behavior as
+ I want to map the ALT-<key> combination. How do I do this?
+You can use the 'winaltkeys' option to disable the use of the ALT key to
+select a menu item:
+ :set winaltkeys=no
+For more information, read
+ :help 'winaltkeys'
+ :help :simalt
+29.8. Is it possible to scroll the text by dragging the scrollbar so that
+ the cursor stays in the original location?
+The way Vim is designed, the cursor position has to be in a visible spot in
+normal, visual, select and insert mode. This cannot be changed without
+modifying Vim. When the scrollbar is used, the cursor will be moved so that
+it is always visible. Another approach to solving this problem is to use
+the Vim marks. You can mark the current cursor position using ma. Then
+scroll to a different part of the text and jump back to the old position
+using `a. You can also try the following suggestion from the Vim Online
+ http://www.vim.org/tip_view.php?tip_id=320
+For more information, read
+ :help mark-motions
+29.9. How do I get gvim to start browsing files in a particular directory
+ when using the ":browse" command?
+You can set the 'browsedir' option to the default directory to use for the
+":browse" command.
+ :set browsedir='<your_dir>'
+For more information, read
+ :help 'browsedir'
+29.10. For some questions, like when a file is changed outside of Vim, Vim
+ displays a GUI dialog box. How do I replace this GUI dialog box with
+ a console dialog box?
+You can set the 'c' flag in the 'guioptions' option to configure Vim to use
+console dialogs instead of GUI dialogs:
+ :set guioptions+=c
+For more information, read
+ :help 'guioptions'
+29.11. I am trying to use GUI Vim as the editor for my xxx application.
+ When the xxx application launches GUI Vim to edit a file, the
+ control immediately returns to the xxx application. How do I start
+ GUI Vim, so that the control returns to the xxx application only
+ after I quit Vim?
+You have to start GUI Vim with the '-f' (foreground) command line option:
+ $ gvim -f
+By default, GUI Vim will disconnect from the program that started Vim. With
+the '-f' option, GUI Vim will not disconnect from the program that started
+For more information, read
+ :help gui-fork
+ :help -f
+29.12. Why does the "Select Font" dialog doesn't show all the fonts
+ installed in my system?
+Vim supports only fixed width (mono-spaced) fonts. Proportional fonts are
+not supported. In the "Select Font" dialog, only fixed width fonts will be
+For more information, read
+ :help font-sizes
+ :help 'guifont'
+29.13. How do I use the mouse in Vim command-line mode?
+You can set the 'c' flag in the 'mouse' option to use mouse in the Vim
+command-line mode:
+ :set mouse+=c
+For more information, read
+ :help mouse-using
+ :help gui-mouse
+ :help 09.2
+29.14. When I use the middle mouse button to scroll text, it pastes the
+ last copied text. How do I disable this behavior?
+You can map the middle mouse button to <Nop> to disable the middle mouse
+ :map <MiddleMouse> <Nop>
+ :map! <MiddleMouse> <Nop>
+For more information, read
+ :help gui-mouse-mapping
+ :help <Nop>
+29.15. How do I change the location and size of a GUI Vim window?
+You can use the "winpos" command to change the Vim window position. To
+change the size of the window, you can modify the "lines" and "columns"
+For example, the following commands will position the GUI Vim window at the
+X,Y co-ordinates 50,50 and set the number of lines to 50 and the number of
+columsn to 80.
+ :winpos 50 50
+ :set lines=50
+ :set columns=80
+For more information, read
+ :help 31.4
+ :help :winpos
+ :help 'lines'
+ :help 'columns'
+ :help GUIEnter
+30.1. I am running Vim in a xterm. When I press the CTRL-S key, Vim
+ freezes. What should I do now?
+Many terminal emulators and real terminal drivers use the CTRL-S key to
+stop the data from arriving so that you can stop a fast scrolling display
+to look at it (also allowed older terminals to slow down the computer so
+that it did not get buffer overflows). You can start the output again by
+pressing the CTRL-Q key.
+When you press the CTRL-S key, the terminal driver will stop sending the
+output data. As a result of this, it will look like Vim is hung. If you
+press the CTRL-Q key, then everything will be back to normal.
+You can turn of the terminal driver flow control using the 'stty' command:
+ $ stty -ixon -xoff
+or, you can change the keys used for the terminal flow control, using the
+following commands:
+ $ stty stop <char>
+ $ stty start <char>
+30.2. I am seeing weird screen update problems in Vim. What can I do to
+ solve this screen/display update problems?
+You have to use a proper terminal emulator like xterm with correct TERM
+settings (TERM=xterm) and a correct terminfo/termcap file.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'term'
+30.3. I am using the terminal/console version of Vim. In insertmode, When I
+ press the backspace key, the character before the cursor is not
+ erased. How do I configure Vim to do this?
+You have to make sure that Vim gets the correct keycode for the backpspace
+key. You can try using the command:
+ :fixdel
+Make sure the TERM environment variable is set to the correct terminal
+name. You can try using the 'stty' command:
+ $ stty erase ^H
+where, you have to enter the ^H character by pressing the CTRL-V key and
+then the CTRL-H key.
+For more information, read
+ :help :fixdel
+ :help Linux-backspace
+ :help NetBSD-backspace
+30.4. I am using Vim in a xterm. When I quit Vim, the screen contents are
+ restored back to the original contents. How do I disable this?
+The xterm has a capability called "alternate screen". If this capability
+is present, vim switches to that alternate screen upon startup and back on
+exit, thus restoring the original screen contents. To disable this
+feature, add the following line to your .vimrc file:
+ :set t_ti= t_te=
+For more information, read
+ :help restorescreen
+ :help xterm-screens
+30.5. When I start Vim, it takes quite a few seconds to start. How do I
+ minimize the startup time?
+This may be related to Vim opening the X display for setting the xterm
+title and using the X clipboard. Make sure the DISPLAY variable is set to
+point to the correct host. Try using the command line:
+ $ vim -X
+This will prevent Vim from opening the X display. With this command-line
+option, the X clipboard cannot be used and also Vim will not be able to
+change the xterm title.
+You can also set the 'clipboard' option to
+ :set clipboard=exclude:.*
+This has the same effect as using the -X command-line argument.
+For more information, read
+ :help -X
+ :help 'clipboard'
+30.6. How can I make the cursor in gvim in unix stop blinking?
+You can modify the 'guicursor' option, to stop the cursor from blinking.
+For example:
+ :set guicursor=a:blinkon0
+For more information, read
+ :help 'guicursor'
+30.7. How do I change the menu font on GTK Vim?
+You can modify the ~/.gtkrc file to change the menu font on GTK Vim. For
+ style "default"
+ { font ="smooth09" }
+ class "*" style "default"
+The last line changes the font of all widgets.
+For more information, read
+ :help gui-gtk
+30.8. How do I prevent <Ctrl-Z> from suspending Vim?
+You can map <Ctrl-Z> to prevent the suspending. Here are some suggestions:
+- Make <Ctrl-Z> do nothing:
+ :map <C-Z> <Nop>
+- Make <Ctrl-Z> start a shell:
+ :map <C-Z> :shell<CR>
+- Make <Ctrl-Z> give an error message:
+ :map <C-Z> :"suspending disabled<CR>
+For the last example, the double quote is necessary in order to keep the
+message on the status line.
+30.9. When I kill the xterm running Vim, the Vim process continues to run
+ and takes up a lot of CPU (99%) time. Why is this happening?
+When Vim is built with support for Python interface, you will have this
+problem. This is a known problem with the python thread library and Vim. To
+solve this problem, use a Vim binary built without the Python interface.
+For more information, read
+ :help +python
+ :help python
+30.10. How do I get the Vim syntax highlighting to work in a Unix terminal?
+The easiest and simplest way to get Vim syntax highlighting is to use the
+GUI version of Vim (GVIM). To get syntax highlighting to work in the
+console/terminal version of Vim, you have to run a terminal emulator (like
+Xfree86 xterm or rxvt or dtterm) that supports color. Note that if a
+terminal emulator supports changing the background and foreground colors,
+that does not mean that it also supports ANSI escape sequences for changing
+the color. You can download the latest version of Xfree86 xterm from
+http://dickey.his.com/xterm/xterm.html. You can download the latest version
+of rxvt from http://www.rxvt.org. You have to install the terminfo/termcap
+file that supports colors for the terminal emulator. Also, set the TERM
+environment variable to the correct name of the term that supports colors.
+You can use the colortest.vim script supplied with the Vim runtime
+package to test the color setup. To use this script, follow these steps:
+ :e $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/colortest.vim
+ :source %
+For more information, read
+ :help 06.2
+ :help terminal-colors
+ :help termcap-colors
+ :help startup-terminal
+ :help xterm-color
+ :help colortest.vim
+31.1. In MS-Windows, CTRL-V doesn't start the blockwise visual mode. What
+ happened?
+The mswin.vim script provides key mappings and options to make Vim behave
+like a MS-Windows application. One of the keys mapped is CTRL-V which is
+used for pasting text in MS-Windows applications. This will disable the use
+of CTRL-V to start the blockwise visual mode. The mswin.vim script maps
+CTRL-Q for staring the blockwise visual mode. So you can use CTRL-Q instead
+of CTRL-V.
+For more information, read
+ :help CTRL-V
+ :help CTRl-V-alternative
+ :help CTRL-Q
+ :help 10.5
+31.2. When I press the CTRL-Y key, it acts like the CTRL-R key. How do I
+ configure Vim to treat CTRL-Y as CTRL-Y?
+The mapping of the CTRL-Y key to the CTRL-R key is done by the mswin.vim
+script. The mswin.vim script maps CTRL-Y to make Vim behave like a standard
+MS-Windows application. This is explained in ":help CTRL-Y". You can either
+comment out the line in mswin.vim that maps the CTRL-Y key or you can
+remove the line in your .vimrc file that sources the mswin.vim script.
+31.3. How do I start GUI Vim in a maximized window always?
+You can use the "simalt" command to maximize the Vim window. You can use
+the GUIEnter autocmd to maximize the Vim window on startup:
+ autocmd GUIEnter * simalt ~x
+For more information, read
+ :help :simalt
+ :help GUIEnter
+ :help gui-win32-maximized
+31.4. After doing some editing operations, Vim freezes. The cursor becomes
+ an empty rectangle. I am not able enter any characters. What is
+ happening?
+Most probably, you used the mouse wheel to scroll the text in Vim. There is
+a known problem in using intellimouse mouse wheel with Vim. To avoid this
+problem, disable Universal scrolling support for Vim.
+For more information, read
+ :help intellimouse-wheel-problems
+31.5. I am using Windows XP, the display speed of maximized GVim is very
+ slow. What can I do to speed the display updates?
+This may be due to the fact that you have enabled 'Smooth edges of screen
+fonts' in the display properties. Try turning off font smoothing or try
+changing the smoothing method to "Standard".
+31.6. What are the recommended settings for using Vim with cygwin?
+You may want to set the following shell related Vim settings:
+ :set shellcmdflag=-c
+ :set shellquote=
+ :set shellslash " Use the forward slash for expansion.
+ :set shellxquote=\"
+ :set shell=d:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe " Use the bash shell
+ :set shellpipe=2>&1| tee
+ :set shellredir=>%s 2>&1
+31.7. I am trying to use GNU diff with Vim diff mode. When I run the diff
+ from command line, it works. When I try to use the diff with Vim it
+ doesn't work. What should I do now?
+There is a problem with using GNU diff with Vim. You can try using the
+GNU diff.exe built by Ron Aaron from the following link:
+ http://www.mossbayeng.com/~ron/vim/builds.html
+31.8. Is it possible to use Vim as an external editor for MS-Windows
+ Outlook email client?
+You can use the "cubiclevim" COM Add-In to use Vim as an external editor
+for MS-Windows Outlook email client. Visit the following URL for more
+ http://sourceforge.net/projects/cubiclevim
+Note that currently this works only with MS-Office 2000 and XP.
+31.9. I am using Vim to edit HTML files. How do I start internet explorer
+ with the current file to preview the HTML file?
+You can use the following command:
+ :!start c:\progra~1\intern~1\iexplore.exe file://%:p<CR>
+31.10. I would like to use Vim with Microsoft Visual Studio. How do I do
+ this?
+You have to download and use the OLE version of Vim (for example:
+gvim61ole.zip). This file also contains instructions on how to use Vim with
+Visual Studio.
+For more information, read
+ :help MSVisualStudio
+31.11. Where do I place the _vimrc and _gvimrc files?
+You can place the _vimrc and _gvimrc files under the directory pointed to
+by the VIM environment variable. If you are sharing this system with other
+users, then you can place the files in a directory and set the HOME
+environment variable to this directory.
+For more information, read
+ :help $HOME-use
+ :help _vimrc
+31.12. Everytime I save a file, Vim warns about the file being changed
+ outside of Vim. Why?
+If you get the following warning message, everytime you save a file:
+ WARNING: The file has been changed since reading it!!!
+ Do you really want to write to it (y/n)?
+then this problem could be related to a bug in MS-Windows on the day
+daylight saving time starts. Vim remembers the timestamp of the file after
+it was written. Just before the next write the timestamp is obtained again
+to check if the file was changed outside of Vim. This works correctly,
+except on the day daylight saving time starts.
+This problem will go away the next day after the day the daylight saving
+time starts.
+For more information, read
+ :help W11
+32.1. How do I print a file along with line numbers for all the lines?
+You can set the 'printoptions' option and use the ":hardcopy" command to
+print your file:
+ :set printoptions=number:y
+ :hardcopy
+For more information, read
+ :help 'printoptions'
+ :help :hardcopy
+32.2. How do I print a file with the Vim syntax highlighting colors?
+You can use the ":hardcopy" command to print a file with the Vim syntax
+highlighting colors. You can also convert your file to a HTML file using
+the 2html.vim script and print the HTML file.
+For more information, read
+ :help syntax-printing
+ :help 2html.vim
+ :help :hardcopy
+ :help printing
+33.1. How do I build Vim from the sources on a Unix system?
+For a Unix system, follow these steps to build Vim from the sources:
+- Download the source and run-time files archive (vim-##.tar.bz2) from the
+ ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix directory.
+- Extract the archive using the bzip2 and tar utilities using the command:
+ $ bunzip2 -c <filename> | tar -xf -
+- Run the 'make' command to configure and build Vim with the default
+ configuration.
+- Run 'make install' command to install Vim in the default directory.
+To enable/disable various Vim features, before running the 'make' command
+you can run the 'configure' command with different flags to include/exclude
+the various Vim features. To list all the available options for the
+'configure' command, use:
+ $ configure -help
+For more information, read
+ :help install
+33.2. How do I install Vim in my home directory or a directory other
+ than the default installation directory in Unix?
+To install Vim in a directory other than the default installation
+directory, you have to specify the directory using the --prefix option
+while running the configure script.
+ $ ./configure --prefix=/users/xyz
+You can enable/disable various Vim feature by supplying different arguments
+to the configure script. For more information about all these options, run
+ $ ./configure --help
+For more information, read
+ :help install-home
+ :help install
+33.3. How do I build Vim from the sources on a MS-Windows system?
+For a MS-Windows system, Vim can be built using either the Visual C++
+compiler or the Borland C++ compiler or the Ming GCC compiler or the cygwin
+gcc compiler. Follow these steps to build Vim from the sources for
+- Download the source (vim##src.zip), runtime (vim##rt.zip) and the extra
+ (vim-##-extra.tar.gz) archives from the ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/pc
+ directory.
+- Extract the archives into a directory (for example, c:\vimsrc)
+- Depending on the installed compiler, you can use the corresponding
+ makefile to build the Vim sources. For Visual C++ use the Make_mvc.mak
+ makefile, for borland C++ use the Make_bc5.mak makefile, for ming GCC use
+ the Make_ming.mak makefile, for cygwin gcc use the Make_cyg.mak makefile.
+Depending on whether you want to build the GUI version of Vim or the
+console version of Vim, you have to pass different arguments to the
+makefiles. After successfully building the sources, you can copy the
+vim.exe or gvim.exe file to the desired directory along with the files from
+the runtime archive.
+You can visit the following site for extensive information about building
+Vim on a MS-Windows system using the various compilers:
+ http://mywebpage.netscape.com/SharpPeople/vim/howto/index.html
+For more information, read
+ :help install
+33.4. The Vim help, syntax, indent files are missing from my Vim
+ installation. How do I install these files?
+The Vim help, syntax, indent and other runtime files are part of the Vim
+runtime package. You need to download and install the Vim runtime package.
+For example, for MS-Windows, the name of the Vim 6.1 runtime package is
+For more information, read
+ :help install
+33.5. I have built Vim from the source and installed the Vim package using
+ "make install". Do I need to keep the Vim source directory?
+No. Once you have built and installed Vim in some directory other than the
+original source directory (for example, /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin), then
+you can remove the source directory.
+33.6. How do I determine the Vim features which are enabled at compile
+ time?
+You can use the ":version" command to determine the Vim features that are
+enabled at compile time. The features that are enabled will be prefixed
+with a "+". The features that are not enabled will be prefixed with a "-".
+If you want to test for a feature in a script, you can use the has()
+ if has("menu")
+ " Set up some menus
+ endif
+For more information, read
+ :help :version
+ :help +feature-list
+ :help has()
+33.7. Can I build Vim without the GUI support?
+Yes. You can build Vim by optionally enabling/disabling many of the
+features including GUI.
+For more information, read
+ :help install
+33.8. When building Vim on a Unix system, I am getting "undefined reference
+ to term_set_winsize' error. How do I resolve this error?
+You will get this error when the build process is not able to locate the
+termlib, termcap or ncurses library. You have to install the ncurses-dev
+package to resolve this error.
+33.9. Vim configure keeps complaining about the lack of gtk-config while
+ trying to use GTK 2.03. This is correct, since in GTK 2 they moved to
+ using the generic pkg-config. I can get pkg-config to list the
+ various includes and libs for gtk, but for some reason the configure
+ script still isn't picking this up.
+Use the following shell script named gtk-config:
+ #!/bin/sh
+ pkg-config gtk+-2.0 $1 $2
+34.1. How do I edit binary files with Vim?
+You can set the following options to edit binary files in Vim:
+ :set binary
+ :set display=uhex
+You can also use the "-b" command-line option to edit a binary file:
+ $ vim -b <binary_file_name>
+You can also use the xxd utility (part of the Vim distribution) to edit
+binary files.
+For more information, read
+ :help 23.4
+ :help edit-binary
+ :help hex-editing
+ :help -b
+ :help 'binary'
+ :help 'endofline'
+ :help 'display'
+34.2. When I invoke Vim, I get error messages about illegal characters in
+ the viminfo file. What should I do to get rid of these messages?
+You can remove the $HOME/.viminfo or $HOME/_viminfo file to get rid of
+these error messages.
+For more information, read
+ :help viminfo-errors
+ :help viminfo-file-name
+ :help viminfo
+ :help 21.3
+34.3. How do I disable the visual error flash and the error beep?
+You can disable both the visual error flash and the error beep using the
+following command:
+ :set visualbell t_vb=
+For more information, read
+ :help 'visualbell'
+ :help 'errorbells'
+ :help t_vb
+34.4. How do I display the ascii value of a character displayed in a
+ buffer?
+You can use the 'ga' command to display the ascii value of a displayed
+For more information, read
+ :help ga
+ :help :ascii
+34.5. Can I use zero as a count for a Vim command?
+You cannot use zero as a count for a Vim command, as "0" is a command on
+its own, moving to the first column of the line.
+For more information, read
+ :help 0
+ :help count
+34.6. How do I disable the Vim welcome screen?
+You can disable the Vim welcome screen, by adding the 'I' flag to the
+'shortmess' option:
+ :set shortmess+=I
+For more information, read
+ :help :intro
+ :help 'shortmess'
+34.7. How do I avoid the "hit enter to continue" prompt?
+Vim will prompt you with the "hit enter to continue" prompt, if there are
+some messages on the screen for you to read and the screen is about to be
+redrawn. You can add the 'T' flag to the 'shortmess' option to truncate
+all messages. This will help in avoiding the hit-enter prompt:
+ :set shortmess+=T
+You can also increase the command height by setting the 'cmdheight' option:
+ :set cmdheight=2
+For more information, read
+ :help hit-enter
+ :help avoid-hit-enter
+ :help 'shortmess'
+ :help 'cmdheight'
+34.8. How do I invoke Vim from command line to run a group of commands on a
+ group of files?
+There are several ways to invoke Vim from command line to run a group of
+commands on a group of files. You can use a set of "-c" command line
+options to specify a group of commands:
+ $ vim -c "<ex_command_1>" -c "<ex_command_2>" *.txt
+Each of the ex-command specified with the "-c" command line option is
+executed one by one sequentially. You can also use a single "-c" command
+line option and the "|" character to separate the ex commands:
+ $ vim -c "<ex_command_1> | <ex_command_2>" *.txt
+In the above command, if an ex command fails, then all the remaining ex
+commands will not be executed.
+You can store the group of commands into a file and use the "-s" command
+line option to run the commands on a set of files. For example, if the
+group of commands are stored in the file mycmds.txt, then you can use the
+following command:
+ $ vim -s mycmds.txt *.pl
+For more information, read
+ :help -c
+ :help -s
+34.9. How do I disable the viminfo feature?
+By default, the viminfo feature is disabled. If the viminfo feature is
+enabled by a system-wide vimrc file, then you can disable the viminfo
+feature by setting the 'viminfo' option to an empty string in your local
+.vimrc file:
+ :set viminfo=""
+For more information, read
+ :help 'viminfo'
+Author: Tony Mechelynck <antoine.mechelynck AT belgacom.net>
+35.1. Is it possible to create Unicode files using Vim?
+Yes. It may be more or less complicated depending on the keyboard and fonts
+available to you, but it is always possible to encode any possible Unicode
+codepoint (and some illegal ones) into a file. To create a Unicode file
+using Vim, you should have compiled Vim with the "+multi_byte" compile-time
+option. You can get more information about Unicode from the following
+ http://www.unicode.org
+ http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/unicode.html
+For more information, read
+ :help multibyte
+ :help usr_45.txt
+35.2. Which Vim settings are particularly important for editing Unicode
+ files?
+The most important are the various "encoding" options, i.e., 'encoding',
+'fileencoding', 'fileencodings' and 'termencoding'. The boolean option
+'bomb' is also significant.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'encoding'
+ :help 'fileencoding'
+ :help 'fileencodings'
+ :help 'termencoding'
+ :help 'bomb'
+35.3. What is the 'encoding' option?
+Basically, the 'encoding' option defines how Vim will represent your data
+internally. However, all Unicode encodings are represented internally as
+utf-8 and converted (if necessary) when reading and writing.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'encoding'
+35.4. How does Vim name the various Unicode encodings?
+Utf-8 is called utf-8 or utf8; utf-16 is called ucs-2 or ucs2; utf-32 is
+called ucs-4 or ucs4. Also, you may specify endianness (except for utf-8
+which does not vary for endianness) by appending le for little-endian or be
+for big-endian. If you create a file with an encoding of ucs-2 or ucs-4
+without specifying endianness, Vim will use what is typical of your
+For more information, read
+ :help encoding-names
+ :help encoding-values
+ :help encoding-table
+35.5. How does Vim specify the presence or absence of a byte-order mark?
+When reading a file, if the 'fileencodings' option includes "ucs-bom", Vim
+will check for a byte-order mark. When writing a file, if the 'bomb' option
+is set, Vim will write a byte-order mark on files whose encoding warrants
+For more information, read
+ :help 'fileencodings'
+ :help 'bomb'
+35.6. What is the 'fileencoding' option?
+The 'fileencoding' option defines the particular encoding which Vim will
+use to write a file. If empty, then the value of the 'encoding' option is
+the default.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'fileencoding'
+35.7. What is the 'fileencodings' option?
+The 'fileencodings' option defines the heuristics used by Vim when opening
+an existing file. It is a comma separated list of encodings. A special
+name, "ucs-bom" is used to indicate that Vim should check for the presence
+of a byte-order mark; however, it will not be recognised if it comes after
+"utf-8". Normally, "ucs-bom" (if present) should be first in the list.
+When Vim opens a file, it checks it against the encodings listed in
+'fileencodings'. The first one that matches is used. If there is no match,
+then Vim sets 'fileencoding' to the null string, i.e., the value of
+'encoding' will be used.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'fileencodings'
+ :help 'encoding'
+35.8. What is the 'termencoding' option?
+The 'termencoding' option defines how your keyboard encodes the data you
+type. If empty, Vim assumes that it has the same value as 'encoding'.
+Usually it should be set to something that matches your locale.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'termencoding'
+ :help locale
+35.9. What is the 'bomb' option?
+When reading a file with "ucs-bom" present in the 'fileencodings' option,
+Vim will set the 'bomb' option on or off depending on the presence or
+absence of a byte-order mark at the start of the file. When writing, Vim
+will write a byte-order mark if the 'bomb' option is set. You may set or
+unset it manually do make Vim write, or not write, the b.o.m.
+For more information, read
+ :help 'bomb'
+35.10. Where can I find an example of a typical use of all these options?
+There is a "tip", with explains them in different words with an example, at
+http://vim.sourceforge.net/tip_view.php?tip_id=246 .
+35.11. How can I insert Unicode characters into a file using Vim?
+Several methods are available:
+- Characters present on your keyboard can be typed in the usual way, even
+ those which require a "dead-key" prefix, like (for instance) the
+ circumflex on French keyboards.
+- Characters for which a digraph is defined can be typed as two characters
+ prefixed by <Ctrl-K>.
+- If you have set the 'digraph' option, you can enter the characters for
+ which a digrph is defined as <char1><BS><char2>.
+- Any character can be entered by using a <Ctrl-V> prefix (or <Ctrl-Q> if
+ <Ctrl-V> is remapped to paste from the clipboard).
+For more information, read
+ :help digraphs
+ :help 'digraph'
+ :help i_CTRL-V_digit
+35.12. How can I know which digraphs are defined and for which characters?
+First set the 'encoding' option properly (for instance, to utf-8), then use
+the :digraphs command to list the currently defined digraphs.
+For more information, read
+ :help :digraphs
+ :help 'encoding'
+Current Maintainer: Yegappan Lakshmanan
+Last updated on: 17 October 2003
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/NEWS
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/NEWS 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/NEWS 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+vim (1:6.4-004+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * The vim-tiny package is back.
+ It contains a compact version of the vim executable (no GUI, a small
+ subset of Vim features) and does not depend on the Vim runtime (which, in
+ the meantime, has been moved to a separate vim-runtime package). You can
+ now have a 1 Mb installation of your favorite editor!
+ * Vim variants no longer conflict.
+ You can now install at the same time different variants of the Vim editor.
+ The default one is configured via alternatives, with priorities increasing
+ with the amount of features compiled in. Specific variants are available
+ as /usr/bin/vim.variantname.
+ * /usr/bin/gvim as gnome-text-editor.
+ GNOME enabled vim variants (namely "vim-gnome" and "vim-full") provide
+ again alternatives for /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor. Still, their priorities
+ are smaller than gedit's (40 vs 50 and 45 vs 50 respectively), you have to
+ manually choose gvim with update-alternatives if you want to use it as
+ your default GNOME text editor.
+ -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> Sat, 2 Dec 2005 10:03:08 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-068+4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * The kvim patch is unmaintained and has some annoying bugs, so we decided
+ to remove the kvim packages from Debian.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 30 Mar 2005 13:39:52 +0200
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+Patches for Vim - Vi IMproved 6.4
+The files in this directory contain source code changes to fix
+problems in released versions of Vim. Each file also contains an
+explanation of the problem that is fixed, like the message that
+was sent to the vim-dev maillist.
+The best is to apply the patches in sequence. This avoids problems
+when a patch depends on a previous patch. If you did not unpack the
+extra archive, you may want to skip patches marked with "extra:".
+Similarly for the "lang" archive.
+Before patching, change to the top Vim directory, where the "src"
+and "runtime" directories are located.
+Depending on the version of "patch" that you use, you may have add
+an argument to make it patch the right file:
+ patch -p < 6.4.001
+ patch -p0 < 6.4.001
+After applying a patch, you need to compile Vim. There are no
+patches for binaries.
+Checksums for the patch files can be found in the file MD5.
+Individual patches for Vim 6.4:
+ 1705 6.4.001 (extra) Win32: can't compile the global IME code
+ 7802 6.4.002 Unix: may change owner of wrong file in rare cases
+ 1463 6.4.003 (after 6.4.002) build problem on non-Unix system
+ 1581 6.4.004 "go" doesn't work correctly when 'virtualedit' is set
+ 1577 6.4.005 truncating message may write before buffer
+ 2320 6.4.006 ":argedit", "argdel" and ":argadd" used count argument
+ 1717 6.4.007 Unix: crash when expanding backticks
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README.Debian
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README.Debian 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README.Debian 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+VIM for Debian
+1. The current Debian VIM scripts policy can be found in /usr/share/doc/vim
+ and <http://yacoob.dnsalias.net/sakwa/vim-policy.txt>.
+2. Before reporting bugs, check if the bug also exists if you run vim
+ with "vim -u NONE -U NONE". If not, make sure that the "bug" is not
+ a result of a setting in your ~/.vimrc before reporting it.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 12 May 2004 20:33:05 +0200
+ -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:59:41 -0400
+UTF-8 Known issues
+ There are some known problems with using Vim in an UTF-8 environment.
+ It's strongly advised to update the encoding variable when using Vim in UTF-8
+ environment.
+ Putting this line in your vimrc do the trick:
+ set encoding=utf-8
+ This will prevent some known UTF-8 related problems.
+ -- Alexis Sukrieh <sukria at sukria.net> Wed, 16 Mar 2005 10:24:32 +0100
+More VIM documentation
+VIM upstream changelog and FAQ are quite large and therefore not shipped in the
+"vim-common" package. They are available in the "vim-doc" package.
+ -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> Mon, 07 Nov 2005 09:16:00 +0100
+MzScheme Vim variant
+As requested by the current MzScheme maintainer (Ari Pollak <ari at debian.org>),
+a vim-mzscheme variant is not being built. The reasons stated are as follows:
+ 1) MzScheme does not build on many of Debian's supported architectures.
+ 2) The MzScheme package is not versioned based on the library.
+ 3) The MzScheme ABI changes with every upstream version.
+ -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org> Mon, 10 Apr 2006 09:48:25 -0400
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README.quilt
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README.quilt 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/README.quilt 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+Usage samples pack on quilt for VIM maintainers
+ How to configure your quilt
+ ---------------------------
+ have in your ~/.quiltrc :
+ QUILT_DIFF_ARGS="--no-timestamps -p 0"
+ QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="--no-timestamps -p 0"
+ or *always* use --no-timestamps -p 0 when you refresh a patch.
+ How to update fuzzy patches
+ ---------------------------
+ ( set -e; quilt pop -a; \
+ for i in `quilt series`; do quilt push; quilt refresh; done )
+ it helps a lot when upstream filetype.vim changes, and that the patches have
+ to be resynchronize. The previous .quiltrc will make the diff of that
+ changes on the patches minimal
+-- Pierre Habouzit <madcoder at debian.org> Thu, 19 Jan 2006 18:22:43 +0100
+ How to add a new quilt patch
+ ----------------------------
+ 0) unpack the vim sources: fakeroot debian/rules extract
+ 1) position yourself in the patch stack at the patch after which you
+ would like to add the new one: quilt push <reference_patchname>
+ if you don't care about patch ordering just add it at the end of the
+ patch stack using "quilt push -a"
+ $ quilt push 151_sed.vim.diff
+ Applying patch 101_make.vim.diff
+ patching file vim/runtime/syntax/make.vim
+ Applying patch 102_filetype.vim.diff
+ patching file vim/runtime/filetype.vim
+ ...
+ <snip>
+ ...
+ Now at patch 151_sed.vim.diff
+ $
+ 2) create a new patch: quilt new <patchname>
+ $ quilt new 152_javascript.vim.diff
+ Patch 152_javascript.vim.diff is now on top
+ $
+ 3) add the files you would like to change to the new patch _before_
+ modifying them: quilt add <filename>
+ $ quilt add vim/runtime/syntax/javascript.vim
+ File vim/runtime/syntax/javascript.vim added to patch 152_javascript.vim.diff
+ $
+ 4) apply the needed changes to the added files
+ 5) generate the patch: quilt refresh
+ $ quilt refresh
+ Refreshed patch 152_javascript.vim.diff
+ $
+ 6) test, add the new patch to svn, commit, and be happy!
+-- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> Sun, 15 Jan 2006 10:36:46 +0100
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/TODO
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/changelog
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/changelog 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/changelog 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,3988 @@
+vim (1:6.4+7.0e04-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ [ Debian Vim Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream snapshot (7.0e04).
+ + Remove 161_cmake-support.diff, merged upstream.
+ + Recognize zsh-beta as a shell that supports '2>&1| tee' for the
+ 'shellpipe' option. (closes: #362999)
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Screening of patches no longer needed with vim7 & pushing upstream
+ of as many debian-specific patches as possible. Results:
+ + removed patches: 102_pythoncomplete.vim.diff, 104_debchangelog.vim.diff,
+ 106_fstab.vim.diff, 108_automake.vim.diff, 109_xdefaults.vim.diff,
+ 111_fstab.vim.diff, 119_php.vim.diff, 130_fstab.vim.diff,
+ 133_resolv.vim.diff, 136_muttrc.vim.diff, 140_muttrc.vim.diff,
+ 148_debchangelog.vim.diff, 157_slrnrc.vim.diff, 201_fr.po.diff,
+ 203_zh_TW.UTF8.po.diff
+ + The following runtime and translation files are now maintained upstream
+ in a best effort fashion (i.e. they are looking for a new maintainer) by
+ Debian VIM Maintainers: syntax/muttrc.vim, syntax/automake.vim,
+ syntax/php.vim, syntax/slrnrc.vim, syntax/tpp.vim,
+ lang/po/zh_TW.UTF-8.po.
+ + syntax/debchangelog.vim is now officially maintained upstream by Debian
+ VIM Maintainers
+ -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org> Fri, 21 Apr 2006 09:51:20 -0400
+vim (1:6.4+7.0d03-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Debian Vim Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream snapshot (7.0d03).
+ + A lot of new features have been added, most notably: spell checking,
+ omni completion, tabs, undo branches, internal grep, location lists,
+ list/dictionary/funcref types for scripting.
+ See ":help version7" for more information.
+ + bugfixes affecting Debian's BTS:
+ - new version of sh.vim syntax highlighting (closes: #355273, #361813)
+ - respect LC_MESSAGES in menus (closes: #147757, #217217)
+ - consistent behaviour of 'gq' when an external formatter is used
+ (closes: #177735)
+ - improved wildcard expansion of filename patterns
+ (closes: #262645, #258150)
+ - german tutorial now shows instruction on how to proceed in the first
+ page (closes: #289115)
+ - fixed encoding of slovak translation (closes: #257342)
+ - proper escaping of characters in URLs (closes: #353076, #361317)
+ - added g:is_posix flag to sh.vim to enable highlighting of POSIX shell
+ scripts (closes: #361177)
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Screening of patches no longer needed with vim7 & pushing upstream
+ of as many debian-specific patches as possible. Results:
+ + removed patches: 101_make.vim.diff, 103_sh.vim.diff,
+ 117_fortram.vim.diff, 122_html_indent.vim.diff, 135_debsources.vim.diff,
+ 145_fortran.vim.diff, 155_rst.vim.diff
+ + removed updates: debian/updates/debsources.vim
+ -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org> Fri, 14 Apr 2006 13:29:49 -0400
+vim (1:6.4+7.0c05-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Debian Vim Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream snapshot (7.0c05).
+ + Added support for bzr diffs in scripts.vim, thanks to Adeodato Simó.
+ (closes: #355922)
+ + Support python `as' keyword. (closes: #352885)
+ [ James Vega ]
+ * Sync with the work that's been done on the 6.4 vim package.
+ * Add a missing quote in /etc/vim/vimrc's last-position-jump example.
+ (closes: #347597)
+ * Move vimtutor.1 to the same package (vim-runtime) as vimtutor.
+ Fixes a lintian warning.
+ * Add debian/watch.
+ * Cleanup handling of manpages and alternatives.
+ * debian/control:
+ + Remove references to obsolete packages.
+ + Move vim-doc to Section: doc.
+ + Update vim-common to Recommend all the vim variants.
+ + Add Build-Depends on libxpm-dev and unzip.
+ * debian/rules:
+ + Added support for running upstream's tests during the build process.
+ + Automatically generate the necessary .install/.links/.postinst settings
+ for installing the localized manpages.
+ [ Pierre Habouzit ]
+ * Add support for cmake (from cmake.org). (closes: #357705)
+ * debcontrol.vim: add kfreebsd-amd64 to the ports list.
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Screening of patches no longer needed with vim7 & pushing upstream
+ of as many debian-specific patches as possible. Results:
+ + removed patches: 102_filetype.vim.diff, 107_vim.1.diff, 107_xxd.1.diff,
+ 105_recognize-gnumakefile-am.diff, 123_accents.diff,
+ 133_filetype.vim.diff, 142_filetype.vim.diff, 153_filetype.vim.diff,
+ 154_svn.vim.diff, 156_scripts.vim.diff, 158_python.vim.diff,
+ 301_xxd.c.diff, 303_option.c.diff, 305_term.c.diff
+ * Added patch 102_pycomplete.vim: fixes a python omnicompletion bug when the
+ cursor is on an empty line
+ [ Matthijs Mohlmann ]
+ * Updated debsources syntax file.
+ + Use debsources instead of sources.
+ + Make a regexpression of deb, deb-src, main, contrib and non-free.
+ + Remove setlocal iskeyword.
+ + Remove compatibility with vim 5.x.
+ -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org> Fri, 31 Mar 2006 17:50:11 -0500
+vim (1:6.4-007+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream patch (007), see README.gz for details.
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Handle /usr/bin/gvim with alternatives, so that it can be configured
+ to a vim executable with gui support when /usr/bin/vim is configured
+ to one with no such support. (closes: #345765)
+ [ Pierre Habouzit ]
+ * vim's syntax coloring mode should consider .sce extension.
+ (Closes: #338771)
+ * subversion commit log syntax and l10n. (Closes: #341288)
+ * dh_install bug #349070 triggerd our svn.vim problem.
+ (rebuild Closes: #348955).
+ * enhances syntax/rst.vim. (Closes: #323044)
+ [ James Vega ]
+ * Move alternatives handling out of vim-common so that we aren't modifying
+ alternatives when the targets don't yet exist. (closes: #348233)
+ * Add 'armeb' to debcontrol syntax file. (closes: #350513)
+ * debian/rules: Remove all binaries except xxd from vim-common. Handle the
+ rest with alternatives in the variant packages.
+ * debian/control: Changed vim-gui-common to Arch: all
+ * Added patch 156_scripts.vim.diff which adds detection of svk diffs as diff
+ filetype. (closes: #349764)
+ * Added patch 157_slrnrc.vim.diff which adds a few more functions to the
+ slrnrc syntax file. (closes: #347801)
+ * Added commented out example autocmd for last-position-jump to
+ /etc/vim/vimrc. (closes: #347597)
+ * Lintian cleanup:
+ + debian/control: Added a Depends line for vim-common.
+ + debian/rules: Use proper permissions when installing the console font in
+ vim-runtime
+ + debian/rules: Create a symlink to /usr/share/doc/vim-gui-common for each
+ GUI variant package. This fixes a usr-doc-symlink-without-dependency
+ warning.
+ -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org> Wed, 8 Feb 2006 15:11:37 -0500
+vim (1:6.4-006+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Norbert Tretkowski ]
+ * debian/README.Debian: fixed typos (closes: #344608)
+ * patches/148_debchangelog.vim.diff: added sarge-{backports|volatile} to
+ debchangelog hilighting
+ * debian/control: removed build-dependencies added for woody backport
+ * debian/control: build-depend on make (>= 3.80+3.81.b4)
+ [ Matthijs Mohlmann and Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * debian/rules: moved "export DH_OPTIONS" back to the beginning of the
+ file since old versions of make can't cope with it on
+ target-specific variables. Fixes FTBFS on some archs.
+ (closes: #344658)
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * debian/rules: added 'export' target to generate source package
+ * debian/rules: uses quilt to manage debian-specific patches, changed
+ build-deps accordingly
+ * Added patch 152_javascript.vim which fixes JavaScript syntax
+ highlighting (closes: #343402)
+ [ Pierre Habouzit ]
+ * debian/control: fix vim-gui-common description. (closes: #347912)
+ * 304_memline.c.diff causes FTBFS on Hurd, fix it. (closes: #348170)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 15 Jan 2006 19:41:58 +0100
+vim (1:6.4-006+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream patches (005 and 006), see README.gz for details.
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Epoched all 6.4 versioned relationships in debian/control, they were
+ erroneously non-epoched. (closes: #344368, #344414)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Fri, 23 Dec 2005 00:30:20 +0100
+vim (1:6.4-004+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Norbert Tretkowski ]
+ * Applied patch from Adeodato Simó to fix broken syntax hilighting
+ of urgency in debchangelog.vim. (closes: #338557, #343136, #344228)
+ * No longer lists a mailinglist as uploader in changelog, until a consensus
+ about policy items 4.4 and 5.6.4 is found. (closes: #343073)
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Fixed typo in vim-gui-common description. (closes: #343152)
+ * Remove old /usr/share/doc/vim-common symlink during vim-doc and
+ vim-common preinst phase. (closes: #343289)
+ * debian/rules: finally found the karma of target-specific variables,
+ hopefully the file is clearer now ... Fixes FTBFS on hppa.
+ (closes: #344150)
+ * Fixed dangling manpage symlinks in vim-gui-common.
+ (closes: #344179, #343195, #343171)
+ * Moved vimtutor from vim-common to vim-runtime
+ * Added patch 151_sed.vim which improves sed's syntax highlighting.
+ (closes: #336125)
+ * Added patch 305_term.c which fixes 'pastetoggle' for working
+ properly with F1-F4 keys on Debian xterm's. (closes: #342220)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 21 Dec 2005 10:09:37 +0100
+vim (1:6.4-004+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream patches (002 to 004), see README.gz for details.
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Added back vim-tiny package. (closes: #222138)
+ * Reshaped vim packaging as follows:
+ - vim-common -> arch-dependent common files (variants w/o GUI)
+ - vim-gui-common -> arch-dependent common files (variants w GUI)
+ (closes: #338027)
+ - vim-runtime -> vim runtime (arch-independent)
+ - vim -> default variant
+ - vim-* -> other variants
+ - vim-tiny -> tiny variant, no vim-runtime dependency
+ - the above changes additionally got rid of circular dependency
+ vim -> vim-common -> vim (closes: #340037)
+ * Added symlink /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent -> vim64, will be kept
+ proper in future releases. /etc/vim/vimrc no longer version-aware.
+ * Removed duplicate /usr/share/vim/vimfiles entry in vimrc.
+ (closes: #337825)
+ * (Re-)Fixed debian/runtime/vimrc, last version inhibit /usr/bin/ex.
+ * au commands in vimrc executed only if has("autocmd").
+ * No longer try to move configuration files from /etc to /etc/vim
+ (ancient preinst, no longer needed to support upgrades from sarge).
+ * Updated Description-s in debian/control.
+ * Check for and removal of old vim.org diversion in postinst instead
+ of postrm (closes: #341081)
+ * Adds gvim, when compiled with gnome support, as an alternative for
+ gnome-text-editor, with priority lower than gedit (closes: #287202)
+ * Substituted @PKG@ in menu entry for package name (closes: #342074)
+ [ James Vega ]
+ * Added patch 148_debchangelog, update syntax/debchangelog.vim to
+ recognize infrequently used but policy compliant syntax.
+ (closes: #338557)
+ * Fixed patch 304_memline.c.diff to avoid inifinte loops resolving
+ symlinks. (closes: #336560)
+ * Remove the 'p' vmap in /etc/vim/vimrc since it has various bad
+ side-effects such as not being able to paste from a register while
+ in visual mode.
+ [ Matthijs Mohlmann ]
+ * Updated syntax for sshd_config and ssh_config.
+ * Updated syntax highlighting for asterisk.vim (Closes: #338256)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Wed, 7 Dec 2005 22:02:34 +0100
+vim (1:6.4-001+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Fixed debian/runtime/vimrc, last version broke some plugins behaviour
+ (e.g. gzip, netrw) on files specified on cmdline.
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Sun, 23 Oct 2005 16:03:43 +0200
+vim (1:6.4-001+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream patch (001), see README.gz for details.
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Got rid of conflicts among vim-* packages (aka variants) using
+ alternatives for /usr/bin/vim. (closes: #67823, #123959, #280934)
+ * Got rid of removal of /usr/doc/* symlinks.
+ * Added "sources" debian/rules target which downloads upstream tarballs.
+ * Added patch 146_netrw.vim.diff, fixes some issues of netrw.vim with
+ file://* URLs. (closes: #334868)
+ * Added patch 303_option.c.diff, which fixes 'system()' behaviour when
+ $SHELL is empty. (closes: #219386)
+ * Added patch 304_memline.c.diff, which fixes swap file locking wrt
+ symlinks. (closes: #329826)
+ * Changed debian/runtime/vimrc so that /etc/papersize is read without using
+ system(), fixes issues with exotic shells. (closes: #271338)
+ [ James Vega ]
+ * Added patch 147_perl.vim.diff, new upstream syntax file which supersedes
+ 120_perl.vim.diff.
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Sun, 23 Oct 2005 11:21:35 +0200
+vim (1:6.4-000+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New major upstream release (6.4).
+ + Fixed typo in /usr/share/vim/vim63/doc/usr_04.txt. (closes: #328664)
+ [ Norbert Tretkowski ]
+ * Removed patches merged upstream:
+ + 118_ocaml.vim.diff
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Sat, 15 Oct 2005 18:40:22 +0200
+vim (1:6.3+6.4b-003+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream patch (003), see README.gz for details.
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Fri, 14 Oct 2005 18:09:56 +0200
+vim (1:6.3+6.4b-002+2) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
+ * Updated patches for new release:
+ + 118_ocaml.vim.diff
+ + 124_errorformat.vim.diff
+ + 203_zh_TW.UTF8.po.diff
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Thu, 13 Oct 2005 13:09:25 +0200
+vim (1:6.3+6.4b-002+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New upstream patch (002), see README.gz for details.
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Wed, 12 Oct 2005 21:11:22 +0200
+vim (1:6.3+6.4b-001+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Debian VIM Maintainers ]
+ * New major upstream beta release (6.4b).
+ * New upstream patch (001), see README.gz for details.
+ [ Norbert Tretkowski ]
+ * Removed patches merged upstream:
+ + 110_php.vim.diff
+ + 112_prolog.vim.diff
+ + 113_xml.vim.diff
+ + 114_texinfo.vim.diff
+ + 116_sh.vim.diff
+ + 121_perl.vim.diff
+ + 126_filetype.vim.diff
+ + 128_vimdiff.1.diff
+ + 132_bib.vim.diff
+ + 139_perl.vim.diff
+ + 143_eruby.vim.diff
+ + 401_doc_exrc.diff
+ + 403_usr_04.txt.diff
+ [ James Vega ]
+ * Updated patches for new release:
+ + 102_filetype.vim.diff
+ + 120_perl.vim.diff
+ + 142_filetype.vim.diff
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:41:28 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-090+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Fixed %ld typo in debian/patches/203_zh_TW.UTF8.po.diff
+ + Added patch debian/patches/403_usr_04.txt.diff, which fixes a
+ typo in usr_04.txt. (closes: #328664)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Sat, 8 Oct 2005 16:09:41 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-090+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (087 to 090), see README.gz for details.
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Updated Standards-Version to 3.6.2 (no changes needed).
+ + Exec vim with -f parameter in .desktop file. (closes: #329292)
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Set SHELL=/bin/bash in debian/rules since we use bashisms.
+ (closes: #310974)
+ + Added patch 140_muttrc.vim.diff, which improves muttrc
+ highlighting. (closes: #327074)
+ + Added patch 141_asterisk.vim.diff, which adds support for Asterisk
+ configuration files sytnax highlighting. (closes: #322850)
+ + Added patch 142_filetype.vim.diff, which extends dch highlighting
+ to Debian NEWS files. (closes: #328081)
+ + Added patch 143_eruby.vim.diff, which adds support for eruby
+ highlighting. (closes: #315902)
+ + Added patch 144_scripts.vim.diff, which adds support for
+ highlighting tla diffs. (closes: #305677)
+ + Added patch 145_fortran.vim.diff, which fixes a matchit bug with
+ Fortran's "module procedure". (closes: #308865)
+ + Added patch 203_zh_TW.UTF8.po.diff, which fixes a translation
+ error in locale zh_TW.UTF-8. (closes: #319420)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Fri, 30 Sep 2005 17:08:36 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-086+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patch (086), see README.gz for details.
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Corrected wrong capitalization of menu entry. (closes: #320602)
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Added patch 132_bib.vim.diff, which fixes highlighting of bibtex
+ comments. (closes: #316184)
+ + Added patch 133_filetype.vim.diff, which adds filetype recognition
+ for several Zope related file kinds. (closes: #311007)
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Added patch 133_resolv.vim.diff, which fixes highlighting of resolv.conf
+ search entries. (closes: #321081)
+ + Added patch 134_sshconfig.vim.diff, added HashKnownHosts to syn keyword
+ sshconfigKeyword. (closes: #321119)
+ + Added debsources.vim to debian/updates to add syntax highlighting for
+ /etc/apt/sources.list and added this to filetype.vim. (closes: #308947)
+ + Added patch 136_muttrc.vim.diff, added crypt_autosign, crypt_autoencrypt
+ and xterm_set_titles to syn keyword. (closes: #323278)
+ * Pierre Habouzit <madcoder at debian.org>:
+ + Fix patch 105_xmodmap.vim.diff: wrt XF86_ClearGrab. (closes: #322355)
+ + Fix typo in doc/editing.txt. (closes: #322254)
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Added patch 137_filetype.vim.diff, recognize mutt-ng rc/temp files as
+ muttrc/mail filetypes. (closes: #307946)
+ + Added patch 138_filetype.txt.diff, fix a typo in the changelog-plugin
+ section of filetype.txt. (closes: #314595)
+ + Added patch 139_perl.vim.diff, fix recognition of regular expression
+ quantifiers.
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Thu, 1 Sep 2005 18:40:41 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-085+1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream patches (079 to 085), see README.gz for details.
+ + 6.3.081, 6.3.082: Fix arbitrary shell commands execution by wrapping
+ them in glob() or expand() function calls in modelines. (CAN-2005-2368)
+ (closes: #320017)
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Added patch 129_filetype.vim.diff, which sets the filetype to perl for
+ *.plx files. (closes: #314309)
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Added patch 130_fstab.vim.diff, added bind as option. (closes: #308890)
+ + Added patch 131_xxd.1.diff, fixes typo in xxd manpage. (closes: #311234)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:16:06 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-078+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (073 to 078), see README.gz for details.
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Added patch 128_vimdiff.1.diff, which fixes a typo in the vimdiff
+ manpage. (closes: #310331)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Tue, 14 Jun 2005 21:25:00 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-072+1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream patch (072), see README.gz for details.
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Updated patch 125_gzip.vim.diff to match upstream's vim7 patch.
+ Removed compression detection for FileAppendPre since there's no good
+ way to retrieve the necessary information.
+ + Added patch 127_scripts.vim.diff, makes Vim automatically set the proper
+ filetype when editing lua scripts. The patch also enables recognition
+ of "#!/usr/bin/env xxx" hashbang lines. (closes: #309859)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Fri, 20 May 2005 20:41:35 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-071+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Modifications on debian/rules:
+ - Do not invoke dh_installdirs before creating .dirs file for current
+ variant (fixes non-installation of gvim.desktop in all variants).
+ - Optional cmdline parameter PATCH_NAME for make_patch target.
+ - Invoke dh_desktop to register gvim.desktop on postinst.
+ + Modifications on debian/vim-variant.desktop:
+ - Internationalized comment (inspired from gedit's one).
+ - Added MimeType entry.
+ - Uses svg icon.
+ + Added svg icon /usr/share/icons/vim.svg, thanks to
+ Paul Ortman <ortm8574 at uidaho.edu>. (closes: #258669)
+ + Updated patch 118_ocaml.vim.diff (new upstream).
+ + Added patch 124_errorformat.vim.diff, makes vim follow error directories
+ on "make -C". (closes: #276005)
+ + Added patch 126_filetype.vim.diff, set tex filetype on .cls TeX classes,
+ distinguishing them from smalltalk sources. (closes: #169716)
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Build-Depend on debhelper (>= 4.2.21), required for dh_desktop call.
+ + Reverted value of backupcopy to default.
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Added patch for german accents. (closes: #307807)
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Added patch 125_gzip.vim.diff, maintain "max speed" and "max compression"
+ compression levels when editing gzip files. (closes: #280388)
+ -- Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org> Sun, 15 May 2005 19:12:57 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-071+1sarge1) stable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream patches (081 and 082), see README.gz for details.
+ + 6.3.081, 6.3.082: Fix arbitrary shell commands execution by wrapping
+ them in glob() or expand() function calls in modelines. (CAN-2005-2368)
+ (closes: #320017)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 30 Jul 2005 12:16:45 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-071+1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream patches (069 to 071), see README.gz for details.
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Re-add dh_installdirs to vim-variant part in debian/rules, so copying
+ the desktop file no longer fails. (closes: #302830)
+ + Enabled backupcopy in global vimrc. (closes: #158657)
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Added vim-full variant with support for gnome and all interpreters.
+ (closes: #149077)
+ + Added /usr/share/common-licenses/ reference to debian/copyright.
+ + Remove debian/helpztags.1 on debian/rules clean (generated file).
+ + Updated patch 118_ocaml.vim.diff (new upstream).
+ + Added patch 122_html_indent.vim.diff, remove <bs> from indentkeys for
+ html. (closes: #280386)
+ + Added patch 401_doc_exrc.diff, fixes starting doc about "_exrc".
+ (closes: #279378)
+ + Suggests vim-scripts in debian/control.
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Fixes menu entry with icon (wrong syntax used in menu file), thanks to
+ Alexis Sukrieh <sukria at sukria.net>.
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Added patch 120_perl.vim.diff, update $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/perl.vim from
+ the author which fixes block indentation in packages. (closes: #220969)
+ + Added patch 121_perl.vim.diff, which adds syntax recognition for
+ CHECK/INIT blocks (similar to BEGIN/END).
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 24 Apr 2005 17:26:49 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-068+4) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Removed all kvim related packages, the code is no longer maintained.
+ Sorry. (closes: #234455, #237385, #283765, #293110, #194449, #205586,
+ #266431, #272621, #294848, #245006, #194964)
+ + Removed patch 401_gcc4.diff, it modified kvim code which is no longer
+ available.
+ + Added NEWS file, so people upgrading to this version getting informed
+ about the kvim removal.
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Fixed up a patch for xml.vim.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 2 Apr 2005 18:31:19 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-068+3) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Add a replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1) to every (k)vim-* package, required
+ for menu-icon-missing fix from 1:6.3-068+2. (closes: #301866)
+ + Urgency medium because above modification fixes regular upgrade with
+ apt-get.
+ + Fixed broken rgvim manpage. (closes: #301881)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 29 Mar 2005 01:00:23 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-068+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Pierre Habouzit <pierre.habouzit at m4x.org>:
+ + Enhance the es.po. (closes: #206782)
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Modified patch 113_xml.vim.diff that fixes #196001 has introduced
+ another syntax error. (closes: #301736)
+ + Fixed menu-icon-missing on vim-* packages.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Mon, 28 Mar 2005 19:26:35 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-068+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patch (068), see README.gz for details.
+ + 6.3.068: When editing a compressed file xxx.gz which is a symbolic link
+ to the actual file a ":write" no longer renames the link (patch by James
+ Vega). (closes: #281630)
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Added James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com> to uploaders.
+ + Fixed wrong executable registration in /usr/lib/mime/packages/kvim,
+ thanks to Robin Verduijn for the patch. (closes: #295471)
+ + Fixed synchronisation of syntax highlighting in fortran 90 programs.
+ (closes: #301452)
+ + Removed vim-doc's dependency on vim, so it's possible to install vim-doc
+ without also installing vim.
+ * Pierre Habouzit <pierre.habouzit at m4x.org>:
+ + Fix php indent plugin, thanks to the ITLab at MUSC. (closes: #282135)
+ + Fix prolog syntax file. (closes: #269692)
+ + Fix xml syntax ('\' has no special meaning for xml). (closes: #196001)
+ + Fix texinfo syntax file warning. (closes: #286763)
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Fix lintian warning packages-installs-file-to-usr-x11r6:
+ - Moving xpm files to /usr/share/pixmaps.
+ - Edited the menu files.
+ + Removed prerm-does-not-call-installdocs from lintian/vim.
+ + Added patch 111_fstab.vim.diff to fix highlighting in fstab.
+ (closes: #300108)
+ + Removed Suggests: vim from vim-doc in debian/control.
+ + Fixed binary-without-manpage for several packages.
+ + Fixed pkg-not-in-package-test in kvim-tcl, kvim-ruby, kvim-python and
+ kvim-perl.
+ + Fixed the errors postinst-does-not-call-updatemenus and
+ postrm-does-not-call-updatemenus.
+ * James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>:
+ + Fixed wrong highlighting of comments in syntax/sh.vim when comments
+ occur between switches of case. (closes: #269325)
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Added patch 302_message.c.diff to fix CTRL-C quit loops in range commands.
+ (closes: #295639)
+ + Added patch 118_ocaml.vim.diff to ship latest version of ocaml runtime
+ support files: {syntax,ftplugin,ident}/ocaml.vim.
+ + Modifications on debian/rules:
+ - Uses debian/compat in place of debian/rules' DH_COMPAT.
+ - Ignores diff error in "make_patch" target since diff usually returns 1.
+ - Added support for command line VARIANT variable to override VARIANTS.
+ * Pepijn de Langen <pepijn at ce.et.tudelft.nl>:
+ + Added patch 119_php.vim.diff to php syntax highlighting backticks.
+ (closes: #144754)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 26 Mar 2005 16:32:25 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-067+2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Disabled dh_installchangelogs and dh_installdocs for vim-doc.
+ + Raised urgency to medium because of upstream patch 6.3.066.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 20 Mar 2005 22:05:36 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-067+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (065 to 067), see README.gz for details.
+ + 6.3.065: Entering Euro char via digraph doesn't always work.
+ (closes: #298162)
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + Added Pierre Habouzit, Torsten Landschoff, Matthijs Mohlmann, Stefano
+ Zacchiroli, Alexis Sukrieh and Pepijn de Langen to uploaders.
+ (closes: #299446)
+ + Added a new patch from Christian Hammers which adds additional keywords
+ to /etc/fstab syntax hilighting. (closes: #299704)
+ + Modified --with-compiledby value to use $DEBFULLNAME and $DEBEMAIL.
+ + Updated tpp syntax file, thanks to Gerfried Fuchs.
+ + Changed priority of vim-common package from extra to optional.
+ * Pierre Habouzit <pierre.habouzit at m4x.org>:
+ + Documented the /etc/vim/{g,}vimrc.local files in README.Debian.
+ + Fixed some debcontrol.vim issues:
+ - Don't search emails in fields that have not one. (closes: #114508)
+ - Fix debcontrolName according to Policy. (closes: #148144)
+ + Fixed tutor.vim to use usual locale envvars semantics. (closes: #289113)
+ + Added a 16px icon for menu entries too
+ (taken from http://www.vim.org/images/vim16x16.xpm). (closes: #39250)
+ + Fixed changelog.Debian.gz detection. (closes: #263740)
+ + Manpages various fixes:
+ - Escape some dashes in vim(1). (closes: #279606)
+ - Various fixes for xxd(1). (closes: #281124)
+ + Fixed french translation. (closes: #277502)
+ * Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>:
+ + Add syntax highlighting for xmodmap. (closes: #296759)
+ + Fixed lintian warning unquoted-string-in-menu-item in kvim.menu.
+ + Fixed lintian warning spelling-error-in-readme-debian (adviced should
+ be advised).
+ + Changed current maintainer in copyright file.
+ + Fixed lintian warning package-relation-with-self in kvim.
+ + Fixed lintian warning binary-has-unneeded-section in vim (added
+ dh_strip).
+ + Added depends on vim in vim-doc.
+ * Alexis Sukrieh <sukria at sukria.net>:
+ + Added a note about UTF-8 related issues in README.Debian.
+ + Added debian/patches/108_automake.vim.diff (thanks to Alexander Kogan)
+ which enables highlighting of _CPPFLAGS in automake files.
+ (closes: #196212)
+ + Added debian/patches/109_xdefaults.vim.diff (thanks to Peter De Wachter)
+ which fixes bad highlighting when putting a FONT directive in xdefaults.
+ (closes: #264284)
+ * Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>:
+ + Added #DEBHELPER# tag to debian/vim-{doc,common}.preinst.
+ + Minor cleanup of debian/rules so vim-{doc,common} uses dh_install
+ instead of dh_movefiles ("binary" target could now be invoked twice
+ after a single "install" invocation), let dh_compress compress README.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 20 Mar 2005 10:56:11 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-064+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + New upstream patches (062 to 064), see README.gz for details.
+ + Set maintainer address to project mailinglist on alioth and added myself to
+ uploaders.
+ + Added a new patch which sets automake syntax recognition for files named
+ GNUmakefile.am. (closes: #277596)
+ + Added a new patch which adds testing-proposed-updates to debchangelog
+ syntax hilighting.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:58:49 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-061+1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream patches (059 to 061), see README.gz for details.
+ * Kudos to Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pena, he discovered the usage of
+ insecure $$ constructs in vimspell.sh and tcltags.sh which have been
+ fixed with the last upload.
+ * Removed vimspell.sh and tcltags.sh, these scripts are no longer supported
+ upstream.
+ * Removed patch which was added in 1:6.3-058+1, it's no longer required.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 01 Feb 2005 22:39:26 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-058+1) unstable; urgency=high
+ * New upstream patches (055 to 058), see README.gz for details.
+ * Added a new patch (stolen from Ubuntu) which modifies vimspell.sh and
+ tcltags.sh so they use mktemp instead of insecure $$ construction to
+ create temporary files. (CAN-2005-0069) (closes: #289560)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 18 Jan 2005 20:12:25 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-054+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (047 to 054), see README.gz for details.
+ * Source /etc/vim/gvimrc.local if available. (closes: #272001)
+ * Added a new patch which fixes ftbfs on amd64 with gcc-4.0, thanks to
+ Andreas Jochens. (closes: #288731)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 05 Jan 2005 20:51:36 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-046+0sarge1) testing-proposed-updates; urgency=high
+ * Built on testing for testing-proposed-updates because patch 045 fixes
+ several vulnerabilities found by Ciaran McCreesh related to the use of
+ options in modelines. (CAN-2004-1138)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 19 Dec 2004 20:06:53 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-046+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (032 to 046), see README.gz for details.
+ * Added a desktop entry under /usr/share/applications/ for all variants.
+ (closes: #285065)
+ * Added farsi fonts to vim-common package. (closes: #258773)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 12 Dec 2004 02:36:11 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-031+3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Really add Brandens patch which adds XXX and FIXME comment hilighting
+ to sh.vim. (closes: #280471)
+ * Updated debcontrol.vim syntax file, which adds debcontrolArchitecture
+ for s390, thanks to Gerfried Fuchs. (closes: #281127)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 14 Nov 2004 01:14:35 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-031+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fixed broken vim-doc.preinst. (closes: #280824, #280825)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Thu, 11 Nov 2004 23:56:12 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-031+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (026 to 031), see README.gz for details.
+ * Add symlink replacing from vim-common also to vim-doc. (closes: #279058)
+ * Added a new patch which adds XXX and FIXME comment hilighting to sh.vim,
+ thanks to Branden Robinson. (closes: #280471)
+ * Added a new patch which allows multiple spaces as arguments for xxd,
+ thanks to Glyn Kennington. (closes: #279709)
+ * Updated tpp and debcontrol syntax files, thanks to Gerfried Fuchs.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 09 Nov 2004 18:56:42 +0100
+vim (1:6.3-025+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (020 to 025), see README.gz for details.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 05 Sep 2004 21:13:04 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-019+1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream patches (016 to 019), see README.gz for details.
+ * Added a new patch which adds some more sections to debcontrol.vim,
+ thanks to Branden Robinson. (closes: #258547)
+ * Removed setting the guifont in gvimrc. (closes: #267399, #268253)
+ * Compress README file. (closes: #267532)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Mon, 30 Aug 2004 21:06:01 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-015+1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream patches (014 and 015), see README.gz for details.
+ * Removed Luca from Uploaders, thanks for your work! (closes: #266476)
+ * Added a workaround for setting papersize when running vim in restricted
+ mode, thanks to Alexey Marinichev. (closes: #260452, #265227)
+ * Added a new patch which fixes broken else syntax hilighting in make.vim,
+ thanks to Steinar H. Gunderson. (closes: #260473, #259819)
+ * Fixed spelling error in vim-common description. (closes: #264279)
+ * Added a patch from 1:6.2-532+1 which got lost with the update to 6.3
+ and fixes svn commit file highlighting.
+ * Added a new patch which adds s390 and amd64 to debcontrol.vim.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 17 Aug 2004 19:34:13 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-013+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Empty vim-common directory before rmdir it. (closes: #258809)
+ * Add symlink replacing from vim-common also to vim-variant.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 11 Jul 2004 18:11:45 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-013+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patches (012 and 013), see README.gz for details.
+ * More modifications on /usr/share/doc/vim-common symlink detection.
+ (closes: #257810)
+ * Source /etc/vim/vimrc.local if available. (closes: #257779)
+ * Added a virtual package gvim.
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Fri, 09 Jul 2004 22:56:33 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-011+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Modify detection of /usr/share/doc/vim-common symlink. (closes: #257623)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 04 Jul 2004 19:35:16 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-011+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream patch (011), see README.gz for details
+ * Disabled libgpm-dev build-dependency for kfreebsd-i386 (closes: #257230)
+ * Fixed vim-common's dependency on vim (closes: #257359, #257428, #257547)
+ * No longer compress version6.txt in documentation. (closes: #257338, #257445)
+ * Force replacing empty directories in /usr/share/doc with a symlink.
+ (closes: #257449)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 04 Jul 2004 11:21:36 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-010+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (005 to 010), see README.gz for details
+ + temporary disabled vim-tiny package, will be re-added with the next
+ upload
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Thu, 30 Jun 2004 18:35:26 +0200
+vim (1:6.3-004+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new major upstream release (6.3)
+ + new upstream patches (001 to 004), see README.gz for details
+ + merged changes from 1:6.2-532+6
+ + fixed broken changelog symlink (closes: #253319)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Fri, 11 Jun 2004 21:31:25 +0200
+vim (1:6.2+6.3b-016+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (008 to 016), see README.gz for details
+ + made vim depend on vim-common in the same upstream version, so upgrading
+ to experimental vim will also install new vim-common (closes: #251736)
+ + merged changes from 1:6.2-532+5
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 30 May 2004 16:45:02 -0300
+vim (1:6.2+6.3b-007+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (002 to 007), see README.gz for details
+ + applied patch from Thomas de Grenier de Latour which fixes problems with
+ non-builtin icons and gtk+ 2.4
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 26 May 2004 19:09:21 -0300
+vim (1:6.2+6.3b-001+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new major upstream beta release (6.3b)
+ + new upstream patch (001), see README.gz for details
+ + modified runtime path in global vimrc
+ + merged changes from 1:6.2-532+3 and 1:6.2-532+4
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 19 May 2004 19:19:26 +0200
+vim (1:6.2+6.3a-018+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (007 to 018), see README.gz for details
+ + merged changes from 1:6.2-532+2
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 12 May 2004 22:05:31 +0200
+vim (1:6.2+6.3a-006+1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new major upstream beta release (6.3a)
+ - removed second -X option from vim(1) (closes: #231504)
+ - added evim to executables in vim(1) (closes: #223866)
+ - fixed typo in man.vim plugin (closes: #256951)
+ + new upstream patches (001 to 006), see README.gz for details
+ + removed most debian specific patches, because they got merged upstream
+ now
+ + modified runtime path in global vimrc
+ + modified directories in vim.links and vim.install
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ beta release
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 08 May 2004 23:29:31 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-532+6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + applied a patch from Eduard Bloch which makes gvim load the UTF-8
+ version of fixed font when the $LANG or $LC_CTYPE environment variables
+ are set for the Unicode environment (closes: #177599)
+ + added a patch which enhances detection of html files (closes: #211263)
+ + removed c part from maze macro, looks like it doesn't work any longer
+ (closes: #121837)
+ + updated perl syntax file (closes: #232660)
+ + suggest 'ssh' instead of 'rsh' in tagsrch.txt (closes: #229634)
+ + capitalized 'unicode' string in description (closes: #172065)
+ + fixed broken removal of vim-gnome diversion (closes: #252248)
+ + fixed small typo in kvim mime files (closes: #250585)
+ + fixed small mistake in global vimrc (closes: #165964)
+ + added /usr/share/bug/vim/presubj file with some informations for
+ submitters of bugs
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 05 Jun 2004 16:42:42 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-532+5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + re-added a vim-tiny package, looks like it got lost somewhere between
+ potato and woody (closes: #222138)
+ + added a patch which adds 'UsePAM' directive to sshdconfig.vim syntax file
+ (closes: #250064)
+ + added a patch from Doug Winter which add recognition of 'as' keyword in
+ python syntax file (closes: #247326)
+ + added a patch from Dirk Proesdorf which corrects new 'alternates' keyword
+ behaviour in mutt syntax file (closes: #247098)
+ + added a patch which adds syntax highlighting for whitespace files
+ (closes: #226352)
+ + added a patch from Brian M. Carlson which adds highlighting for 'lldiv_t'
+ in c syntax file (closes: #202316)
+ + added a patch which fixes a typo in map.txt (closes: #198667)
+ + modified gvim and kvim menu entry, so they are started with -f now
+ (closes: #153112)
+ + added -f to mailcap view rules (closes: #101377)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 29 May 2004 22:43:11 -0300
+vim (1:6.2-532+4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + used --with-features=big also for vim-basic variant (closes: #228485)
+ + binaries now including debugging information (closes: #249602)
+ + added support for "nostrip" in $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS
+ + removed patch from Uli Martens introduced in 1:6.2-214+1 which modifies
+ runtime path in macros/less.sh, it's no longer needed since 1:6.2-532+3
+ + modified link to upstream changelog, it's no longer gzipped since
+ 1:6.2-532+1
+ + added version (>= 2.2) to libgtk2.0-dev build-dependency
+ + added priority to kvim package in control file
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 19 May 2004 16:30:25 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-532+3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + added a patch from Peter Jay Salzman which fixes a typo in
+ hebrewp_utf-8.vim (closes: #197932)
+ + added a syntax file from Luca De Vitis which adds support for debconf
+ templates (closes: #168731)
+ + moved macros and tools back into runtime directory (closes: #190181)
+ + moved runtimepath above inclusion of filetype.vim in /etc/vim/vimrc
+ (closes: #248402)
+ + really added a patch from Jeff Layton with a syntax correction for
+ quoted here-documents (closes: #248562)
+ + less.sh is now executable (closes: #244599)
+ + modified new versioned dependencies from 1:6.2-532+2 so the dependency
+ is only on upstream release (closes: #248949)
+ + corrected version number in kvim conflicts/replaces, the epoche was
+ missing
+ + made /usr/share/doc/vim-common a symlink to /usr/share/doc/vim
+ + modified some overrides to shut up installer at ftp-master
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 15 May 2004 16:22:56 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-532+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + changes in debian/control from Michaels patch for hurd-i386 build got
+ lost (really closes: #244769)
+ + reenabled python package build for hurd-i386 build
+ + added versioned dependency on vim to vim-common and vice versa
+ (closes: #248423, #248563)
+ + build-conflict with libperl-dev (= 5.8.4-1) because it's broken
+ (see #247291 for details)
+ + added a patch from Jeff Layton with a syntax correction for quoted
+ here-documents (closes: #248562)
+ + updated netrw plugin (closes: #248623)
+ + updated squid syntax file (closes: #247810)
+ + added menu hints (closes: #82322)
+ + added background for syntax highlighting in vimrc (closes: #99762)
+ + disabled regenerating of tags file (closes: #244852)
+ + case-insensitive field names in debcontrol.vim (closes: #102232)
+ + added some notes about reporting bugs against this package to
+ README.Debian
+ + removed note about modelines from README.Debian
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 12 May 2004 20:42:56 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-532+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (427 to 532), see README.gz for details
+ + no longer compress helpfiles, it breaks :helpg (closes: #244114)
+ + added a patch which fixes svn commit file highlighting
+ (closes: #239320, #242286)
+ + added a patch from Jan Minar which fixes a documentation error in
+ cmdline.txt (closes: #241907)
+ + added a patch from Roland Stigge which adds "Enhances" keyword to
+ debcontrol syntax highlighting (closes: #235524)
+ + added a patch from Domenico Andreoli which adds "reiserfs4" keyword to
+ fstab syntax highlighting (closes: #236571)
+ + applied a patch from Michael Bank which adds some exceptions for
+ hurd-i386 build (closes: #244769)
+ + added alternative for gnome-text-editor to vim-gnome (closes: #243443)
+ + added alternative for gvim.1.gz to vim.1.gz (closes: #231503, #238181)
+ + added vim-policy.txt to vim package (closes: #246174)
+ + cleaned up debian/rules file and files in debian/patches a bit
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 08 May 2004 22:42:16 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-426+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (365 to 426), see README.gz for details
+ + updated 01ruby_mkmf.diff to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Thu, 01 Apr 2004 17:14:13 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-364+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (354 to 364), see README.gz for details
+ + reenabled modelines in default vimrc (closes: #205501)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 16 Mar 2004 19:09:35 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-353+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (317 to 353), see README.gz for details
+ (closes: #188640)
+ + removed second /etc/vim from global runtime patch (closes: #237197)
+ + added vimrc_example.vim to $VIMRUNTIME (closes: #127141)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 13 Mar 2004 16:25:06 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-316+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (295 to 316), see README.gz for details
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Thu, 04 Mar 2004 22:27:35 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-294+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (271 to 294), see README.gz for details
+ + moved arch independant data in a separate vim-common package
+ (closes: #233454)
+ + added a patch to recognize new keywords for java 1.5 in java syntax
+ file, thanks to Seneca Cunningham (closes: #231916)
+ + added a provides: kvim to kvim-packages (closes: #234690)
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 29 Feb 2004 14:48:45 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-270+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new upstream patches (215 to 270), see README.gz for details
+ + updated 01ruby_mkmf.diff and 11allow-threaded-perl.diff to apply without
+ conflicts to new vim upstream patches
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 18 Feb 2004 00:22:01 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-214+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + add support for kvim-python, kvim-perl, kvim-tcl and kvim-ruby
+ (closes: #228865)
+ + add /etc/vim/gvimrc to kvim* packages
+ -- Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org> Fri, 30 Jan 2004 00:52:11 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-214+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>:
+ + new Co-Maintainer Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>
+ + new upstream patches (182 to 214), see README.gz for details
+ + added a patch which adds sysfs to fstab keywords, thanks to Iain
+ Broadfoot (closes: #228475)
+ + added a patch which modifies runtime path in macros/less.sh, thanks
+ to Uli Martens (closes: #228779)
+ * Mickael Marchand <marchand at kde.org>:
+ + updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream
+ patches
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 28 Jan 2004 20:18:52 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-181+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (174 to 181), see README.gz for details
+ * added gvim to GNOME application menu, thanks to Lee Maguire
+ (closes: #226848)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Fri, 16 Jan 2004 01:48:32 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-173+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (171 to 173), see README.gz for details
+ * added some more replaces to vim and kvim to avoid problems when upgrading
+ from older kvim (closes: #226735)
+ * added a patch which adds usbdevfs to fstab keywords, thanks to Ludovit
+ Hamaj (closes: #226714)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Thu, 08 Jan 2004 19:19:01 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-170+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (155 to 170), see README.gz for details
+ * updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream patches,
+ thanks to Mickael Marchand
+ * updated 01ruby_mkmf.diff and 11allow-threaded-perl.diff to apply without
+ conflicts to new vim upstream patches
+ * new Maintainer: Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>
+ * new Co-Maintainer: Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org>
+ * added FAQ.gz to vim package (closes: #221909)
+ * added additional php keywords to syntax file, thanks to Tobias Olsson and
+ Jill Vogel (closes: #148757, #176448)
+ * added german umlauts to keymap file, thanks to Marco Herrn
+ (closes: #217633)
+ * added filetypes for php4
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 30 Dec 2003 14:48:31 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-154+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (150 to 154), see README.gz for details
+ * added new variant for a lesstif package, thanks to Bernd Westphal
+ * added a patch to recognize reply-hook keyword in the muttrc syntax file,
+ thanks to Marco Herrn (closes: #221350)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 10 Dec 2003 00:18:35 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-149+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (146 to 149), see README.gz for details
+ * added a patch to fix wrong highlighting in makefiles, thanks to Cyrille
+ Dunant (closes: #133323)
+ * added another patch to add '.' to debcontrolName highlighting, thanks to
+ David Weinehall (closes: #117038)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 9 Nov 2003 21:21:39 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-145+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (140 to 145), see README.gz for details
+ * added arabic support, thanks to Mohammed Elzubeir and Anmar Oueja
+ (closes: #216012)
+ * updated kvim patch to apply without conflicts to new vim upstream patches,
+ thanks to Mickael Marchand
+ * updated 01ruby_mkmf.diff and 11allow-threaded-perl.diff to apply without
+ conflicts to new vim upstream patches
+ * renamed ruby1.8 build-dependency to ruby
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 5 Nov 2003 22:51:15 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-139+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (128 to 139), see README.gz for details
+ * merge with kvim source package, thanks to Mickael Marchand
+ (closes: #214076)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 2 Nov 2003 19:51:14 +0100
+vim (1:6.2-127+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (107 to 127), see README.gz for details
+ * used suggests instead of depends on vim for vim-doc
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Fri, 17 Oct 2003 12:45:15 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-106+4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * vim-gnome now conflict with vim-gtk, and vice versa (closes: #214580)
+ * using pre-depends to fix #211710 and to handle overwriting of moved gvimrc
+ was a really bad idea, used replaces instead (closes: #214759)
+ * added a ttf-bitstream-vera suggests to gui packages because it seems to be
+ the only font which works fine with gtk2 gui
+ * added a note about gui support to perl, python, ruby and tcl package
+ description
+ * corrected short description in vim-gnome package
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 8 Oct 2003 23:52:27 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-106+3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * moved vim-usermanual and vim-referencemanual to vim-doc package
+ (closes: #214462, #214556)
+ * removed perl, python, ruby, tcl support from vim-gtk and vim-gnome
+ (closes: #214422)
+ * gzipped /usr/share/vim/vim62/doc/help.txt (closes: #214115)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Tue, 7 Oct 2003 14:43:23 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-106+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * really removed html documentation from vim package (closes: #211710)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Mon, 29 Sep 2003 19:09:11 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-106+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches (99 to 106), see README.gz for details
+ * added a note to README.Debian about new modeline behaviour
+ (closes: #212696)
+ * helpztags update, fixes production of tag files in improper format which
+ vim can't understand (closes: #213032)
+ * temporary disabled copying debian/vim-install into vim package, waiting
+ for an update (see #213034 for details)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sat, 27 Sep 2003 23:26:43 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-098+5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * added a several requested vim-gnome package (closes: #211820)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Fri, 26 Sep 2003 20:19:51 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-098+4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * the "Happy Birthday Norbert" release
+ * corrected buggy Depends line in debian/control for packages depending on
+ vim, which should fix build problems (closes: #212686)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:36:47 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-098+3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * yet another helpztags update
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 24 Sep 2003 15:30:41 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-098+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * added a pre-depends on vim to vim-doc (closes: #211710)
+ * updated helpztags and modified debian/rules to create a manpage,
+ thanks again to Artur R. Czechowski (closes: #211763)
+ * compiled in runtime path extension and removed entry from vimrc
+ * changed build-depends from tcl8.3 to tcl8.4
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Wed, 24 Sep 2003 12:19:26 +0200
+vim (1:6.2-098+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new major upstream release (6.2) (closes: #196411, #205204)
+ * new upstream patches (1 to 98), see README.gz for details
+ * new Co-Maintainer: Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>
+ * started putting upstream changes in a separate file
+ * added a patch that adds s390 support for control file syntax
+ highlighting (closes: #114750)
+ * moved to ruby1.8 (closes: #211539)
+ * enabled cscope functionality in vim package (closes: #159728)
+ * reenabled perl support in vim-perl package (closes: #200410)
+ * modified runtimepath in vimrc, added a README.Debian, helpztags and
+ vim-install to vim package, thanks Artur R. Czechowski
+ * added a Pre-Depends to packages depending on vim for a smooth upgrade
+ from older releases
+ * updated slrnrc syntax highlighting file, thanks to Sebastian Krause
+ * modified Build-Depends for an easier build on woody
+ * bumped up Standards-Version (no changes)
+ * moved config file and symlinks for gui version from vim package to each
+ of the additional packages (closes: #114944, #153068, #155711)
+ * fixed debchangelog syntax match, thanks to Gerfried Fuchs and Uli
+ Martens (closes: #153426)
+ * moved html documentation to new vim-doc package (closes: #121075)
+ -- Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org> Sun, 14 Sep 2003 22:48:51 +0200
+vim (1:6.1-474+2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/patches/07scripts.vim: fix typo that causes all files to be syntax
+ highlighed as though they were cvs diff files (closes: #194583)
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Mon, 26 May 2003 08:01:06 -0700
+vim (1:6.1-474+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/vim.postinst + debian/vim-variant.postinst: delete symlinks located
+ in /usr/doc (closes: #189858, #190022)
+ * debian/rules + debain/runtime/vimrc: applied a patch that causes build
+ system to not compress the top level vim documenation file, help.txt; this
+ is needed so that plugin documentation can be merged into the online help
+ (closes: #186673) [thanks to: Recai Oktas]
+ * debian/patches/02debcontrol.vim: applied a patch that prevents vim syntax
+ erroneous highlighting of email addresses in Debian control files
+ (closes: #186673) [thanks to: Dmitry Borodaenko]
+ * debian/patches/03debcontrol.vim: applied a patch that makes the syntax
+ highlighter recongize the new Debian sections: embedded, gnome, kde,
+ libdevel, perl, python
+ (closes: #193235) [thanks to: Branden Robinson]
+ * debian/patches/04vim.1: applied a patch that documents -X flag
+ (closes: #141804) [thanks to: Guido Guenther]
+ * debian/patches/05muttrc.vim: applied a patch that adds several keywords
+ starting with 'crypt-', reflecting recent changes in muttrc syntax
+ (closes: #190864) [thanks to: Marco Herrn]
+ * debian/patches/06tasm.vim: applied a patch that fixes minor typo
+ (closes: #165819) [thanks to: David Weinehall]
+ * debian/patches/07scripts.vim.diff: applied a patch that helps vim correctly
+ highlight cvs diff output
+ (closes: #152721) [thanks to: Guido Guenther]
+ * debian/patches/08sh.vim.diff: applied a patch that increases the strictness
+ of Bourne shell syntax highlighting with respect to "if [ ]" constructs
+ (closes: #140203) [thanks to: Malcolm Parsons]
+ * debian/patches/09c.vim.diff: applied a patch that adds additional signal
+ names to the list of recognized signals for syntax highlighting
+ (closes: #173797) [thanks to: Wolfram Quester]
+ * debian/patches/10apache.vim.diff: applied a patch that adds SSLEnable
+ to the list of recognized keyworkds (closes: #135243)
+ * debian/runtime/vimrc: applied a patch that makes vim set printoptions
+ paper to /etc/papersize as per Debian standards
+ (closes: #127830) [thanks to: Ken Shan]
+ * new upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.321: When 'mouse' includes 'n' but not 'v', don't allow starting
+ Visual mode with the mouse.
+ + 6.1.322: Win32: The host name is always "PC " plus the real host
+ name.
+ + 6.1.323: ":registers" doesn't stop listing for a "q" at the more
+ prompt.
+ + 6.1.324: Crash when dragging a vertical separator when <LeftMouse>
+ is remapped to jump to another window.
+ + 6.1.325: Shift-Tab is not automatically recognized in an xterm.
+ + 6.1.326: Using a search pattern may read from uninitialized data
+ (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+ + 6.1.327: When opening the "mbyte.txt" help file the utf-8 characters
+ are unreadable, because the fileencoding is forced to be latin1.
+ + 6.1.328: Prototype for enc_canon_search() is missing.
+ + 6.1.329: When editing a file "a b c" replacing "%" in ":Cmd %" or
+ ":next %" does not work properly.
+ + 6.1.330: GTK, Motif and Athena: Keypad keys produce the same code
+ as non-keypad keys, making it impossible to map them separately.
+ + 6.1.331: When translating the help files, "LOCAL ADDITIONS" no
+ longer marks the spot where help files from plugins are to be listed.
+ + 6.1.332: Win32: Loading Perl dynamically doesn't work with Perl
+ 5.8. Perl 5.8 also does not work with Cygwin and Ming.
+ + 6.1.333: Win32: Can't handle Unicode text on the clipboard. Can't
+ pass NUL byte, it becomes a line break.
+ + 6.1.334: Problem with drawing Hebrew characters.
+ + 6.1.335: Failure of obtaining the cursor position and window size
+ is ignored.
+ + 6.1.336: Warning for use of function prototypes of smsg().
+ + 6.1.337: When using "finish" in debug mode in function B() for
+ ":call A(B())" does not stop after B() is finished.
+ + 6.1.338: When using a menu that checks out the current file from
+ Insert mode, there is no warning for the changed file until exiting
+ Insert mode.
+ + 6.1.339: Completion doesn't allow "g:" in ":let g:did_<Tab>". (Benji
+ Fisher)
+ + 6.1.340: Win32: Can't compile the Perl interface with nmake.
+ + 6.1.341: In Insert mode with 'rightleft' set the cursor is drawn
+ halfway a double-wide character. For CTRL-R and CTRL-K in Insert
+ mode the " or ? is not displayed.
+ + 6.1.342: With 'rightleft' set typing "c" on a double-wide character
+ causes the cursor to be displayed one cell to the left.
+ + 6.1.343: Cannot compile with the +multi_byte feature but without
+ +rightleft. Cannot compile without the GUI.
+ + 6.1.344: When using ":silent filetype" the output is still put in
+ the message history.
+ + 6.1.345: Win32: 'imdisable' doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.346: The scroll wheel can only scroll the current window.
+ + 6.1.347: When using cscope to list matching tags, the listed number
+ is sometimes not equal to what cscope uses.
+ + 6.1.348: Wildmode with wildmenu: ":set wildmode=list,full",
+ ":colorscheme <tab>" results in "zellner" instead of the first
+ entry. (Anand Hariharan)
+ + 6.1.349: "vim --serverlist" when no server was ever started gives
+ an error message without "\n". "vim --serverlist" doesn't exit when
+ the X server can't be contacted, it starts Vim unexpectedly.
+ + 6.1.350: When entering a buffer with ":bnext" for the first time,
+ using an autocommand to restore the last used cursor position
+ doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.351: Crash when starting Vim the first time in an X server. (John
+ McGowan)
+ + 6.1.352: Win32: Crash when setting "imdisable" in _vimrc.
+ + 6.1.353: Problem with drawing Arabic characters.
+ + 6.1.354: MS-Windows 98: Notepad can't paste text copied from Vim when
+ 'encoding' is "utf-8".
+ + 6.1.355: In a regexp '\n' will never match anything in a string.
+ + 6.1.356: Compiler warnings for using convert_setup() and a few
+ other things.
+ + 6.1.357: CR in the quickfix window jumps to the error under the
+ cursor, but this doesn't work in Insert mode.
+ + 6.1.358: The tutor doesn't select another locale version properly.
+ + 6.1.359: Mac Carbon: Vim doesn't get focus when started from the
+ command line. Crash when using horizontal scroll bar.
+ + 6.1.360: In Insert mode CTRL-K ESC messes up a multi-byte character.
+ + 6.1.361: Cannot jump to a file mark with ":'M".
+ + 6.1.362: tgetent() may return zero for success. tgetflag() may
+ return -1 for an error.
+ + 6.1.363: byte2line() can return one more than the number of lines.
+ + 6.1.364: That the FileChangedShell autocommand event never nests
+ makes it difficult to reload a file in a normal way.
+ + 6.1.365: Setting a breakpoint in a sourced file with a relative
+ path name doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.366: Can't use Vim with Netbeans.
+ + 6.1.367: Setting a breakpoint in a function doesn't work. For
+ a sourced file it doesn't work when symbolic links are
+ involved. (Servatius Brandt)
+ + 6.1.368: Completion for ":map" does not include <silent> and
+ <script>. ":mkexrc" do not save the <silent> attribute of mappings.
+ + 6.1.369: VMS: Vim hangs when attempting to edit a read-only file
+ in the terminal. Problem with VMS filenames for quickfix.
+ + 6.1.370: #ifdef nesting is unclear.
+ + 6.1.371: "%V" in 'statusline' doesn't show "0-1" in an empty line.
+ + 6.1.372: With 16 bit ints there are compiler warnings.
+ + 6.1.373: The default page header for printing is not translated.
+ + 6.1.374: MS-Windows: Cannot build GvimExt with MingW or Cygwin.
+ + 6.1.375: MS-Windows: ':!dir "%"' does not work for a file name
+ with spaces.
+ + 6.1.376: "vim --version" and "vim --help" have a non-zero exit
+ code. That is unusual.
+ + 6.1.377: Can't add words to 'lispwords' option.
+ + 6.1.378: When two buffer-local user commands are ambiguous, a full
+ match with a global user command isn't found.
+ + 6.1.379: Linux with kernel 2.2 can't use the alternate stack in
+ combination with threading, causes an infinite loop.
+ + 6.1.380: When 'winminheight' is zero and the quickfix window is
+ zero lines, entering the window doesn't make it highter. (Christian
+ J. Robinson)
+ + 6.1.381: When a BufWriteCmd is used and it leaves the buffer
+ modified, the window may still be closed.
+ + 6.1.382: Win32 GUI: When using two monitors, the code that
+ checks/fixes the window size and position (e.g. when a font changes)
+ doesn't work properly.
+ + 6.1.383: The filling of the status line doesn't work properly for
+ multi-byte characters. There is no check for going past the end of
+ the buffer.
+ + 6.1.384: It is not possible to find if a certain patch has been
+ included.
+ + 6.1.385: Can't compile without the multi-byte feature.
+ + 6.1.386: Get duplicate tags when running ":helptags".
+ + 6.1.387: Compiler warning for pointer cast.
+ + 6.1.388: Compiler warning for pointer cast.
+ + 6.1.389: Balloon evaluation doesn't work for GTK. has("balloon_eval")
+ doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.390: It's not possible to tell Vim to save and exit through the
+ Netbeans interface. Would still try to send balloon eval text after
+ the connection is closed. Can't use Unicode characters for sign text.
+ + 6.1.391: ml_get
+ + 6.1.392: Highlighting in the 'statusline' is in the wrong position
+ when an item is tructated.
+ + 6.1.393: When compiled with Python and threads, detaching the
+ terminal may cause Vim to loop forever.
+ + 6.1.394: The netbeans interface doesn't recognize multibyte glyph
+ names.
+ + 6.1.395: VMS: OLD_VMS is never defined. Missing function prototype.
+ + 6.1.396: Compiler warnings for using enum.
+ + 6.1.397: The install program may use a wrong path for the diff
+ command if there is a space in the install directory path.
+ + 6.1.398: Saving the typeahead for debug mode causes trouble for a
+ test script.
+ + 6.1.399: Warning for unused variable.
+ + 6.1.400: When a BufWriteCmd wipes out the buffer it may still
+ be accessed.
+ + 6.1.401: Building the Win16 version with Borland 5.01 doesn't
+ work. "make test" doesn't work with Make_dos.mak.
+ + 6.1.402: When evaluating a function name with curly braces, an
+ error is not handled consistently.
+ + 6.1.403: MS-Windows 16 bit: compiler warnings.
+ + 6.1.404: Various small problems.
+ + 6.1.405: A few files are missing from the toplevel Makefile.
+ + 6.1.406: When a statusline item doesn't fit arbitrary text appears.
+ + 6.1.407: ":set scrollbind | help" scrollbinds the help
+ window. (Andrew Pimlott)
+ + 6.1.408: When 'rightleft' is set unprintable character 0x0c is
+ displayed as ">c0<".
+ + 6.1.409: Generating tags for the help doesn't work for some locales.
+ + 6.1.410: Linking error when compiling with Netbeans but without
+ sign icons.
+ + 6.1.411: When 'virtualedit' is set, highlighting a Visual block
+ beyond the end of a line may be wrong.
+ + 6.1.412: When swapping terminal screens and using ":gui" to start
+ the GUI, the shell prompt may be after a hit-enter prompt.
+ + 6.1.413: When 'clipboard' contains "unnamed", "p" in Visual mode
+ doesn't work correctly.
+ + 6.1.414: VMS: Vim busy waits when waiting for input.
+ + 6.1.415: When there is a vertical split and a quickfix window,
+ reducing the size of the Vim window may result in a wrong window
+ layout and a crash.
+ + 6.1.416: When using the Netbeans interface, a line with a sign
+ cannot be changed.
+ + 6.1.417: Unprintable multi-byte characters are not handled
+ correctly. Multi-byte characters above 0xffff are displayed as
+ another character.
+ + 6.1.418: The result of strftime() is in the current locals. Need
+ to convert it to 'encoding'.
+ + 6.1.419: Vim doesn't compile on AIX 5.1.
+ + 6.1.420: convert_input() has an unnecessary STRLEN(). Conversion
+ from UCS-2 to a codepage uses word count instead of byte count.
+ + 6.1.421: MS-Windows 9x: When putting text on the clipboard it can
+ be in the wrong encoding.
+ + 6.1.422: Error in .vimrc doesn't cause hit-enter prompt when
+ swapping screens.
+ + 6.1.423: Can't find arbitrary text in help files.
+ + 6.1.424: Win32: Gvim compiled with VC++ 7.0 run on Windows 95 does
+ not show menu items.
+ + 6.1.425: ":helptags $VIMRUNTIME/doc" does not add the "help-tags"
+ tag.
+ + 6.1.426: "--remote-wait +cmd file" waits forever.
+ + 6.1.427: Several error messages for regexp patterns are not
+ translated.
+ + 6.1.428: FreeBSD: wait() may hang when compiled with Python support
+ and doing a system() call in a startup script.
+ + 6.1.429: Crash when using showmarks.vim plugin.
+ + 6.1.430: In Lisp code backslashed parens should be ignored for "%".
+ + 6.1.431: Debug commands end up in redirected text.
+ + 6.1.432: MS-Windows: ":make %:p" inserts extra backslashes.
+ + 6.1.433: ":popup" only works for Win32.
+ + 6.1.434: Win32: When there are more than 32767 lines, the scrollbar
+ has a roundoff error.
+ + 6.1.435: ":winsize x" resizes the Vim window to the minimal
+ size. (Andrew Pimlott)
+ + 6.1.436: When a long UTF-8 file contains an illegal byte it's hard
+ to find out where it is.
+ + 6.1.437: Using multi-byte functions when they are not available.
+ + 6.1.438: When Perl has thread support Vim cannot use the Perl
+ interface.
+ + 6.1.439: Netbeans: A "create" function doesn't actually create a
+ buffer, following functions may fail.
+ + 6.1.440: The "@*" command doesn't obtain the actual contents of
+ the clipboard.
+ + 6.1.441: "zj" and "zk" cannot be used as a motion command after
+ an operator.
+ + 6.1.442: Unicode 3.2 defines more space and punctuation characters.
+ + 6.1.443: Win32: The gvimext.dll build with Borland 5.5 requires
+ another DLL.
+ + 6.1.444: Win32: Enabling a build with gettext support is not
+ consistant.
+ + 6.1.445: DJGPP: get warning for argument of putenv()
+ + 6.1.446: Win32: The MingW makefile uses a different style of
+ arguments than other makefiles. Dynamic IME is not supported
+ for Cygwin.
+ + 6.1.447: "make install" uses "make" directly for generating help
+ tags.
+ + 6.1.448: 'titlestring' has a default maximum width of 50 chars
+ per item.
+ + 6.1.449: When "1" and "a" are in 'formatoptions', auto-formatting
+ always moves a newly added character to the next line.
+ + 6.1.450: Termcap entry "kB" for back-tab is not recognized.
+ + 6.1.451: GUI: When text in the find dialog contains a slash,
+ a backslash is inserted the next time it is opened.
+ + 6.1.452: Win32: IME support doesn't work for MSVC.
+ + 6.1.453: When compiled without sign icons but with sign support,
+ adding a sign may cause a crash.
+ + 6.1.454: Win32: pasting Russian text in Vim with 'enc' set to cp1251
+ results in utf-8 bytes. Conversion from DBCS to UCS2 does not work
+ when 'encoding' is not the active codepage.
+ + 6.1.455: Some Unicode characters can be one or two character
+ cells wide.
+ + 6.1.456: Win32: IME doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.457: An empty register in viminfo causes conversion to fail.
+ + 6.1.458: Compiler warning for pointer.
+ + 6.1.459: Win32: libcall() may return an invalid pointer and cause
+ Vim to crash.
+ + 6.1.460: GTK: after scrolling the text one line with a key, clicking
+ the arrow of the scrollbar does not always work.
+ + 6.1.461: When a keymap is active, typing a character in Select mode
+ does not use it.
+ + 6.1.462: When autocommands wipe out a buffer, a crash may
+ happen. (Hari Krishna Dara)
+ + 6.1.463: When writing a compressed file, the file name that gzip
+ stores in the file is the weird temporary file name.
+ + 6.1.464: Crash when using C++ syntax highlighting.
+ + 6.1.465: Compile error when using cygwin.
+ + 6.1.466: The "-f" argument is a bit obscure.
+ + 6.1.467: Setting the window title doesn't work for Chinese.
+ + 6.1.468: ":mksession" also stores folds for buffers which will not
+ be restored.
+ + 6.1.469: 'listchars' cannot contain multi-byte characters.
+ + 6.1.470: Polish messages don't show up correctly on MS-Windows.
+ + 6.1.471: ":jumps" output continues after pressing "q" at the
+ more-prompt.
+ + 6.1.472: When there is an authentication error when connecting to
+ the X server Vim exits.
+ + 6.1.473: Referring to $curwin or $curbuf in Perl 5.6 causes a crash.
+ + 6.1.474: When opening the command-line window in Ex mode it's
+ impossible to go back.
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Sun, 6 Apr 2003 20:35:12 -0700
+vim (1:6.1-320+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.291: Win32: CTRL-@ doesn't work. Don't even get a message for it.
+ + 6.1.292: Win32: Can't compile with new MingW compiler. Borland 5
+ makefile doesn't generate pathdef.c.
+ + 6.1.293: byte2line() returns a wrong result for some values.
+ + 6.1.294: Can't include a multi-byte character in a string by its
+ hex value.
+ + 6.1.295: Processing the cs.po file generates an error.
+ + 6.1.296: Win32: When cancelling the font dialog 'guifont' remains
+ set to "*".
+ + 6.1.297: "make test" fails in test6 in an UTF-8 environment.
+ + 6.1.298: When using signs and the first line of a closed fold has
+ a sign it can be redrawn as if the fold was open.
+ + 6.1.299: ":edit +set\ ro file" doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.300: Handling of ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE is confusing.
+ + 6.1.301: French translation of file-save dialog doesn't show
+ file name.
+ + 6.1.302: Counting lines of the Visual area is incorrect for closed
+ folds.
+ + 6.1.303: The Top/Bottom/All text does not always fit in the ruler
+ when translated to Japanese. Problem with a character being wider
+ when in a bold font.
+ + 6.1.304: Win32: Postscript is always enabled in the
+ MingW Makefile. Pathdef.c isn't generated properly with
+ Make_bc5.mak. (Yasuhiro Matsumoto)
+ + 6.1.305: When 'verbose' is 14 or higher, a function call may cause
+ reading uninitialized data.
+ + 6.1.306: The AIX VisualAge cc compiler doesn't define __STDC__.
+ + 6.1.307: When a double-byte character has an illegal tail byte the
+ display is messed up.
+ + 6.1.308: Can't reset the Visual mode returned by visualmode().
+ + 6.1.309: The tutor doesn't select German if the locale name is
+ "German_Germany.1252".
+ + 6.1.310: All double-byte characters are displayed as "XX".
+ + 6.1.311: VMS: path in window title doesn't include necessary
+ separator. file version doesn't always work properly with
+ Unix. Crashes because of memory overwrite in GUI. Didn't always
+ handle files with lowercase and correct path.
+ + 6.1.312: When using ":silent" debugging is also done silently.
+ + 6.1.313: When a ":drop fname" command is used and "fname" is open
+ in another window, it is also opened in the current window.
+ + 6.1.314: Missing backslash in "Generic Config file" syntax menu.
+ + 6.1.315: A very long hostname may lead to an unterminated
+ string. Failing to obtain a hostname may result in garbage.
+ + 6.1.316: When exiting with "wq" and there is a hidden buffer, after
+ the "file changed" dialog there is a warning for a changed buffer.
+ + 6.1.317: Closing a window may cause some of the remaining windows
+ to be positioned wrong if there is a mix of horizontal and vertial
+ splits.
+ + 6.1.318: auto/pathdef.c can include wrong quotes when a compiler
+ flag includes quotes.
+ + 6.1.319: Using "--remote +cmd file" does not execute "cmd".
+ + 6.1.320: When a ":drop one\ file" command is used the file "one\
+ file" is opened, the backslash is not removed.
+ * debian/patches/01ruby_mkmf: fixes an FTBFS that impacts ia64 but should
+ probably have affected all archs (closes: Bug#174375)
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Sat, 8 Feb 2003 12:28:24 -0800
+vim (1:6.1-290+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.267: Using "p" to paste into a Visual selected area may cause
+ a crash.
+ + 6.1.268: When triggering an abbreviation with a multi-byte character,
+ this character is not correctly inserted after expanding the
+ abbreviation.
+ + 6.1.269: After using input() text written with ":redir" gets
+ extra indent.
+ + 6.1.270: GCC 3.2.1 still seems to have an optimizer problem.
+ + 6.1.271: When compiling without the +syntax feature there are errors.
+ + 6.1.272: After using ":set define<" a crash may happen.
+ + 6.1.273: When the cursor doesn't blink, redrawing an exposed area
+ may hide the cursor.
+ + 6.1.274: Resetting the iconv() state after each error is wrong for
+ an incomplete sequence.
+ + 6.1.275: When using "v" in a startup script, get warning message
+ that terminal cannot highlight.
+ + 6.1.276: "gvim --remote file" doesn't prompt for an encryption key.
+ + 6.1.277: Compilation error when building without GUI.
+ + 6.1.278: When using signs the line number of a closed fold doesn't
+ line up with the other line numbers.
+ + 6.1.279: The prototype for smsg() and smsg_attr() do not match the
+ function definition. This may cause trouble for some compilers.
+ + 6.1.280: It's possible to use an argument "firstline" or "lastline"
+ for a function but using "a:firstline" or "a:lastline" in the
+ function won't work.
+ + 6.1.281: In Insert mode CTRL-X CTRL-G leaves the cursor after
+ the ruler.
+ + 6.1.282: Elvis uses "se" in a modeline, Vim doesn't recognize this.
+ + 6.1.283: For ":sign" the icon file name cannot contain a space.
+ + 6.1.284: On Solaris there is a warning for "struct utimbuf".
+ + 6.1.285: Can't wipe out a buffer with 'bufhidden' option.
+ + 6.1.286: 'showbreak' cannot contain multi-byte characters.
+ + 6.1.287: Effect of "delete" and "wipe" in 'bufhide' were mixed up.
+ + 6.1.288: ":silent function F" hangs.
+ + 6.1.289: Compiler warning for pointer.
+ + 6.1.290: Truncating long text for message box may break multi-byte
+ character.
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Thu, 16 Jan 2003 21:37:13 -0800
+vim (1:6.1-266+1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new epoch: change package version numbering so that new upstream patches
+ don't generate new source packages
+ * new upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.264: exists() does not work for built-in functions
+ + 6.1.265: libcall() can be used in 'foldexpr' to call any system
+ function. rename(), delete() and remote_send() can also be used in
+ 'foldexpr'. These are security problems.
+ + 6.1.266: Win32: compile error in eval.c.
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Tue, 24 Dec 2002 14:06:30 -0800
+vim (6.1.263-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * debian/control: fix Build-Depends to include bzip2 (closes: Bug#171078)
+ * debian/patches: 00os_unix.h - set default runtime path to include /etc/vim
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Thu, 28 Nov 2002 09:15:32 -0800
+vim (6.1.263-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New maintainer
+ * New debian build scripts
+ * debian/runtime/vimrc: added 'set nomodeline' to address potential
+ security issue wherein malicious persons author files with hazardous
+ modelines, users unwittingly open said files and vim evaluates the
+ dangerous modelines
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.207: Indenting a Java file hangs below a line with a comment
+ after a command.
+ + 6.1.208: Can't use the buffer number from the Python interface.
+ + 6.1.209: Printing doesn't work on Mac OS classic.
+ + 6.1.210: When there is an iconv() conversion error when reading a
+ file there can be an error the next time iconv() is used.
+ + 6.1.211: The message "use ! to override" is confusing.
+ + 6.1.212: When Vim was started with "-R" ":new" creates a buffer
+ 'noreadonly' while ":enew" has 'readonly' set.
+ + 6.1.213: Using CTRL-W H may cause a big gap to appear below the
+ last window.
+ + 6.1.214: When installing Vim and the runtime files were checked
+ out from CVS the CVS directories will also be installed.
+ + 6.1.215: Win32: ":pwd" uses backslashes even when 'shellslash'
+ is set.
+ + 6.1.216: When dynamically loading the iconv library, the error
+ codes may be confused.
+ + 6.1.217: When sourcing the same Vim script using a different name
+ (symbolic link or MS-Windows 8.3 name) it is listed twice with
+ ":scriptnames". (Tony Mechelynck)
+ + 6.1.218: No error message for using the function argument
+ "5+". (Servatius Brandt)
+ + 6.1.219: When using ":amenu :b 1<CR>" with a Visual selection and
+ 'insertmode' is set, Vim does not return to Insert mode. (Mickael
+ Marchand)
+ + 6.1.220: When using a BufReadPost autocommand that changes the line
+ count, e.g., "$-1join", reloading a file that was changed outside
+ Vim does not work properly.
+ + 6.1.221: Changing case may not work properly, depending on the
+ current locale.
+ + 6.1.222: Patch 6.1.219 was incomplete.
+ + 6.1.223: Win32: When IME is activated 'iminsert' is set, but it
+ might never be reset when IME is disabled. All systems: 'iminsert' is
+ set to 2 when leaving Insert mode, even when langmap is being used.
+ + 6.1.224: "expand('$VAR')" returns an empty string when the expanded
+ $VAR is not an existing file.
+ + 6.1.225: Using <C-O><C-^> in Insert mode has a delay when starting
+ "vim -u NONE" and ":set nocp hidden". (Emmanuel) do_ecmd() uses
+ fileinfo(), the redraw is done after a delay to give the user time
+ to read the message.
+ + 6.1.226: Using ":debug" with a ":normal" command may cause a
+ hang. (Colin Keith)
+ + 6.1.227: It is possible to use a variable name "asdf:asdf" and
+ ":let j:asdf = 5" does not give an error message.
+ + 6.1.228: Win32: The special output function for Hangul is used
+ too often, causing special handling for other situations
+ to be skipped. bInComposition is always FALSE, causing
+ ImeGetTempComposition() always to return NULL.
+ + 6.1.229: Win32: Conversion to/from often used codepages requires
+ the iconv library, which is not always available.
+ + 6.1.230: Win16: building doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.231: Double clicking with the mouse to select a word does not
+ work for multi-byte characters.
+ + 6.1.232: Using ex_normal_busy while it might not be available. (Axel
+ Kielhorn)
+ + 6.1.233: ":help expr-||" does not work.
+ + 6.1.234: Get a warning for using a negative value for st_dev.
+ + 6.1.235: 'iminsert' is changed from 1 to 2 when leaving Insert
+ mode. (Peter Valach)
+ + 6.1.236: Memory leaks when appending lines for ":diffget" or
+ ":diffput" and when reloading a changec buffer.
+ + 6.1.237: Putting in Visual block mode does not work correctly when
+ "$" was used or when the first line is short.
+ + 6.1.238: Win32: The "icon=" argument for the ":menu" command does
+ not search for the bitmap file.
+ + 6.1.239: Giving an error for missing :endif or :endwhile when
+ being interrupted.
+ + 6.1.240: Win32 with BCC 5: CPU may be defined in the environment,
+ which causes a wrong argument for the compiler.
+ + 6.1.241: Something goes wrong when drawing or undrawing the cursor.
+ + 6.1.242: When pasting a large number of lines on the command line
+ it is not possible to interrupt.
+ + 6.1.243: Win32: When the OLE version is started and wasn't
+ registered, a message pops up to suggest registering, even when
+ this isn't possible (when the registry is not writable).
+ + 6.1.244: Patch 6.1.237 was missing the diff for vim.h.
+ + 6.1.245: Comparing with ignored case does not work properly for
+ Unicode with a locale where case folding an ASCII character results
+ in a multi-byte character.
+ + 6.1.246: ":blast" goes to the first buffer if the last one is
+ unlisted.
+ + 6.1.247: ACL support doesn't always work properly.
+ + 6.1.248: Typing 'q' at the more-prompt for ":let" does not quit
+ the listing.
+ + 6.1.249: Can't expand a path on the command line if it includes a
+ "|" as a trail byte of a multi-byte character.
+ + 6.1.250: When changing the value of 'lines' inside the expression
+ set with 'diffexpr' Vim might crash.
+ + 6.1.251: Can't use completion for ":lcd" and ":lchdir" like ":cd".
+ + 6.1.252: "vi}" does not include a line break when the "}" is at
+ the start of a following line.
+ + 6.1.253: Win32 with Cygwin: Changes the path of arguments in a
+ wrong way.
+ + 6.1.254: exists("foo{bar}") does not work. ':unlet v{"a"}r' does
+ not work. ":let v{a}r1 v{a}r2" does not work. ":func F{(1)}" does
+ not work. ":delfunc F{" does not give an error message. ':delfunc
+ F{"F"}' does not work.
+ + 6.1.255: Crash when loading menu.vim a second time. ":unlet garbage
+ foo" tries unletting "foo" after an error message. Very long function
+ arguments cause very long messages when 'verbose' is 14 or higher.
+ + 6.1.256: Defining a function after ":if 0" could still cause an
+ error message for an existing function. Leaking memory when there
+ are trailing characters for ":delfunc".
+ + 6.1.257: ":cwindow" always sets the previous window to the last
+ but one window.
+ + 6.1.258: Buffers menu doesn't work properly for multibyte buffer
+ names.
+ + 6.1.259: Mac: with 'patchmode' is used filenames are truncated.
+ + 6.1.260: GCC 3.2 still seems to have an optimizer problem.
+ + 6.1.261: When deleting a line in a buffer which is not the current
+ buffer, using the Perl interface Delete(), the cursor in the current
+ window may move.
+ + 6.1.262: When jumping over folds with "z[", "zj" and "zk" the
+ previous position is not remembered.
+ + 6.1.263: When typing a multi-byte character that triggers an
+ abbreviation it is not inserted properly.
+ -- Luca Filipozzi <lfilipoz at debian.org> Tue, 26 Nov 2002 09:46:26 -0800
+vim (6.1.206-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Change priority of vim package back to optional
+ * Switch to tcl8.4-dev
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.166: When 'autoindent' is set and mswin.vim has been sourced,
+ pasting with CTRL-V just after auto-indenting removes the
+ indent.
+ + 6.1.167: When giving a negative argument to ":retab" strange things
+ start happening.
+ + 6.1.168: Pressing CTRL-C at the hit-enter prompt doesn't end
+ the prompt.
+ + 6.1.169: bufexists() finds a buffer by using the name of a symbolic
+ link to it, but bufnr
+ + 6.1.170: Using ":mksession" uses the default session file name,
+ but "vim -S" doesn't.
+ + 6.1.171: When opening a line just above a closed fold with "O"
+ and the comment leader is automatically inserted, the cursor is
+ displayed in the first column.
+ + 6.1.172: Command line completion of ":tag /pat" does not show the
+ same results as the tags the command actually finds.
+ + 6.1.173: When using remote control to edit a position in a file
+ and this file is the current buffer and it's modified, the window
+ is split and the ":drop" command fails.
+ + 6.1.174: It is difficult to know in a script whether an option not
+ only exists but really works.
+ + 6.1.175: When reading commands from a pipe and a CTRL-C is pressed,
+ Vim will hang.
+ + 6.1.176: When the stack limit is very big a false out-of-stack
+ error may be detected.
+ + 6.1.177: ":wincmd" does not allow a following command.
+ + 6.1.178: When 'expandtab' is set "r<C-V><Tab>" still expands the Tab.
+ + 6.1.179: When using X11R5 XIMPreserveState is undefined.
+ + 6.1.180: Use of the GUI code for forking is inconsistent.
+ + 6.1.181: If the terminal doesn't wrap from the last char in a line
+ to the next line, the last column is blanked out.
+ + 6.1.182: It is not possible to auto-format comments only.
+ + 6.1.183: When 'fencs' is empty and 'enc' is utf-8, reading a file
+ with illegal bytes gives "CONVERSION ERROR" even though no conversion
+ is done. 'readonly' is set, even though writing the file results
+ in an unmodified file.
+ + 6.1.184: The extra mouse buttons found on some mice don't work.
+ + 6.1.185: Can't compile without +comments feature.
+ + 6.1.186: ":wincmd" does not allow a following comment.
+ + 6.1.187: Using ":doarg" with 'hidden' set and the current file is
+ the only argument and was modified gives an error message.
+ + 6.1.188: Unused variable in the small version.
+ + 6.1.189: inputdialog() doesn't work when 'c' is in 'guioptions'.
+ + 6.1.190: VMS: doesn't build with GTK GUI. Various other problems.
+ + 6.1.191: When using "vim -s script" and redirecting the output,
+ the delay for the "Output is not to a terminal" warning slows Vim
+ down too much.
+ + 6.1.192: ":diffsplit" doesn't add "hor" to 'scrollopt'.
+ + 6.1.193: Crash in in_id_list() for an item with a "containedin" list.
+ + 6.1.194: When "t_ti" is set but it doesn't cause swapping terminal
+ pages, "ZZ" may cause the shell prompt to appear on top of the
+ file-write message.
+ + 6.1.195: The quickfix and preview windows always keep their height,
+ while other windows can't fix their height.
+ + 6.1.196: On Mac OS X 10.2 generating osdef.h fails.
+ + 6.1.197: ":help <C-V><C-\><C-V><C-N>" (resulting in <1c><0e>)
+ gives an error message.
+ + 6.1.198: Mac OS X: Dialogues don't work.
+ + 6.1.199: 'guifontwide' doesn't work on Win32.
+ + 6.1.200: ":syn sync fromstart" is not skipped after ":if 0". This
+ can make syntax highlighting very slow.
+ + 6.1.201: Warning for illegal pointer combination.
+ + 6.1.202: Win32: filewritable() doesn't work properly on directories.
+ + 6.1.203: ":%s/~//" causes a crash after ":%s/x//".
+ + 6.1.204: Warning for an illegal pointer on Solaris.
+ + 6.1.205: The gzip plugin changes the alternate file when editing
+ a compressed file.
+ + 6.1.206: The script generated with ":mksession" doesn't work properly
+ when some commands are mapped.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 1 Oct 2002 23:20:57 +0200
+vim (6.1.165-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Change priority to extra
+ * Build-Depend on libperl-dev >= 5.8.0-7 in order to force perl transition
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.152: When $LANG is iso8859-1 translated menus are not used.
+ + 6.1.153: Searching in included files may search recursively when
+ the path starts with "../".
+ + 6.1.154: DJGPP: "vim -h" leaves the cursor in a wrong position.
+ + 6.1.155: Win32: Cursor may sometimes disappear in Insert mode.
+ + 6.1.156: Conversion between DBCS and UCS-2 isn't implemented cleanly.
+ + 6.1.157: 'hlsearch' highlights only the second comma in ",,,,,"
+ with "/,\@<=[^,]*".
+ + 6.1.158: "zs" and "ze" don't work correctly with ":set nowrap
+ siso=1".
+ + 6.1.159: When expanding an abbreviation that includes a multi-byte
+ character too many characters are deleted.
+ + 6.1.160: ":$read file.gz" doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.161: Warning for signed/unsigned compare. Can set 'siso' to a
+ negative value.
+ + 6.1.162: Python interface: Didn't initialize threads properly.
+ + 6.1.163: Win32: Can't compile with Python after 6.1.162.
+ + 6.1.164: If 'modifiable' is off, converting to xxd fails and
+ 'filetype' is changed to "xxd" anyway.
+ + 6.1.165: Making changes in several lines and then a change in one
+ of these lines that splits it in two or more lines, undo information
+ was corrupted. May cause a crash.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 27 Aug 2002 17:10:44 +0000
+vim (6.1.152-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.049: On a 32 bit display a valid color may cause an error
+ message, because its pixel value is negative.
+ + 6.1.050: After patch 6.1.049 the non-GUI version doesn't compile.
+ + 6.1.051: Doesn't compile with GUI and small features.
+ + 6.1.052: Unix: The executable() function doesn't work when the
+ "which" command isn't available.
+ + 6.1.053: When 'sessionoptions' contains "globals", or "localoptions"
+ and an option value contains a line break, the resulting script
+ is wrong.
+ + 6.1.054: GUI: A mouse click is not recognized at the more prompt,
+ even when 'mouse' includes 'r'.
+ + 6.1.055: When editing a compressed file, Vim will inspect the
+ contents to guess the filetype.
+ + 6.1.056: Loading the Syntax menu can take quite a bit of time.
+ + 6.1.057: An ESC inside a mapping doesn't work as documented when
+ 'insertmode' is set, it does go from Visual or Normal mode to
+ Insert mode.
+ + 6.1.058: When there is a closed fold just above the first line in
+ the window, using CTRL-X CTRL-Y in Insert mode will show only one
+ line of the fold.
+ + 6.1.059: ":redir > ~/file" doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.060: When 'virtualedit' is set and 'selection' is "exclusive",
+ deleting a character just before a tab changes the tab into
+ spaces. Undo doesn't restore the tab.
+ + 6.1.061: When 'virtualedit' is set and 'selection' is "exclusive",
+ a Visual selection that ends just after a tab doesn't include that
+ tab in the highlighting.
+ + 6.1.062: The "man" filetype plugin doesn't work properly on
+ Solaris 5.
+ + 6.1.063: Java indenting doesn't work properly.
+ + 6.1.064: The URLs that the netrw plugin recognized for ftp and rcp
+ did not conform to the standard method://[user@]host[:port]/path.
+ + 6.1.065: VMS: The colorscheme, keymap and compiler menus are not
+ filled in.
+ + 6.1.066: When calling system() in a plugin reading stdin hangs.
+ + 6.1.067: ":set viminfo+=f0" is not working.
+ + 6.1.068: When a file is reloaded after it was changed outside of Vim,
+ diff mode isn't updated.
+ + 6.1.069: When 'showmatch' is set and "$" is in 'cpoptions', using
+ "C}<Esc>" may forget to remove the "$".
+ + 6.1.070: Compiler warning for signed/unsigned mismatch.
+ + 6.1.071: When 'selection' is exclusive, g CTRL-G in Visual mode
+ counts one character too much.
+ + 6.1.072: When a file name in a tags file starts with http://
+ or something else for which there is a BufReadCmd autocommand,
+ the file isn't opened anyway.
+ + 6.1.073: BC5: Can't easily specify a tiny, small, normal, big or
+ huge version.
+ + 6.1.074: When 'cdpath' includes "../..", changing to a directory
+ in which we currently already are doesn't work. ff_check_visited()
+ adds the directory both when using it as the root for searching
+ and for the actual matches.
+ + 6.1.075: Can't compile fileio.c on MS-Windows.
+ + 6.1.076: Macintosh: explorer plugin doesn't work on Mac Classic. IME
+ doesn't work. Dialog boxes don't work on Mac OS X
+ + 6.1.077: On a Debian system wht ACL linking fails.
+ + 6.1.078: When using 'foldmethod' "marker" and the end marker appears
+ before the start marker in the file, no fold is found.
+ + 6.1.079: When using "s" in Visual block mode with 'virtualedit'
+ set, when the selected block is after the end of some lines the
+ wrong text is inserted and some lines are skipped.
+ + 6.1.080: When using gcc with /usr/local already in the search path,
+ adding it again causes problems.
+ + 6.1.081: ":help CTRL-\_CTRL-N" doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.082: On MS-Windows the vimrc_example.vim script is sourced
+ and then mswin.vim. This enables using select mode, but since "p"
+ is mapped it doesn't replace the selection.
+ + 6.1.083: When $LANG is "sk" or "sk_sk", the Slovak menu file
+ isn't found.
+ + 6.1.084: "include" and "lib" are mixed up when checking the
+ directories gcc already searches.
+ + 6.1.085: When using CTRL-O CTRL-\ CTRL-N from Insert mode, the
+ displayed mode "
+ + 6.1.086: The guifg color for CursorIM doesn't take effect.
+ + 6.1.087: A thesaurus with Japanese characters has problems with
+ characters in different word classes.
+ + 6.1.088: Win32: no debugging info is generated. Tags file excludes
+ .cpp files.
+ + 6.1.089: On BSDI systems there is no ss_sp field in stack_t.
+ + 6.1.090: CTRL-F gets stuck when 'scrolloff' is non-zero and there
+ is a mix of long wrapping lines and a non-wrapping line.
+ + 6.1.091: GTK: Can't change preeditstate without setting
+ 'imactivatekey'.
+ + 6.1.092: ":mapclear <buffer>" doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.093: Mac and MS-Windows GUI: when scrolling while ":s" is
+ working the results can be messed up, because the cursor is moved.
+ + 6.1.094: Cygwin: Passing a file name that has backslashes isn't
+ handled very well.
+ + 6.1.095: When using signs can free an item on the stack. Overruling
+ sign colors doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.096: When erasing the right halve of a double-byte character,
+ it may cause further characters to be erased.
+ + 6.1.097: When 'scrolloff' is set to a huge value, CTRL-F at the
+ end of the file scrolls one line.
+ + 6.1.098: MS-Windows: When the xxd program is under "c:\program files"
+ the "Convert to Hex" menu doesn't work.
+ + 6.1.099: Memory corrupted when closing a fold with more than
+ 99999 lines.
+ + 6.1.100: Win32: VC5 and earlier don't support the /mapinfo option.
+ + 6.1.101: After using ":options" the tabstop of a new window is
+ 15. Entry in ":options" window for 'autowriteall' is wrong. (Antoine
+ J Mechelynck) Can't insert a space in an option value.
+ + 6.1.102: Unprintable and multi-byte characters in a statusline item
+ are not truncated correctly.
+ + 6.1.103: A function returning from a while loop, with 'verbose'
+ set to 12 or higher, doesn't mention the return value. A function
+ with the 'abort' attribute may return -1 while the verbose message
+ says something else.
+ + 6.1.104: GCC 3.1 appears to have an optimizer problem that makes
+ test 3 crash.
+ + 6.1.105: Win32: The default for 'shellpipe' doesn't redirect
+ stderr. (Dion Nicolaas)
+ + 6.1.106: The maze program crashes.
+ + 6.1.107: When 'list' is set the current line in the error window
+ may be displayed wrong.
+ + 6.1.108: When interrupting a filter command such as "!!sleep 20"
+ the file becomes read-only.
+ + 6.1.109: When 'eadirection' is "hor", using CTRL-W = doesn't equalize
+ the window heights.
+ + 6.1.110: When using ":badd file" when "file" is already present
+ but not listed, it stays unlisted.
+ + 6.1.111: It's not possible to detect using the Unix sources on
+ Win32 or Mac.
+ + 6.1.112: When using ":argdo", ":bufdo" or ":windo", CTRL-O doesn't
+ go to the cursor position from before this command but every position
+ where the argument was executed.
+ + 6.1.113: ":bufdo bwipe" only wipes out half the buffers.
+ + 6.1.114: ":python import vim", ":python vim.current.buffer[0:0] =
+ []" gives a lalloc
+ + 6.1.115: "das" on the white space at the end of a paragraph does
+ not delete the "." the sentence ends with.
+ + 6.1.116: When 'endofline' is changed while 'binary' is set a file
+ should be considered modified.
+ + 6.1.117: Small problem with editing a file over ftp: and with Cygwin.
+ + 6.1.118: When a file in diff mode is reloaded because it changed
+ outside of Vim, other windows in diff mode are not always updated.
+ + 6.1.119: With the Sniff interface, using Sniff 4.0.X on HP-UX,
+ there may be a crash when connecting to Sniff.
+ + 6.1.120: When 'scrolloff' is non-zero and there are folds, CTRL-F
+ at the end of the file scrolls part of a closed fold.
+ + 6.1.121: When starting Select mode from Insert mode, then using
+ the Paste menu entry, the cursor is left before the laste pasted
+ character.
+ + 6.1.122: ":file name" creates a new buffer to hold the old buffer
+ name, which becomes the alternate file. This buffer is unexpectedly
+ listed.
+ + 6.1.123: A ":match" command with more than one argument doesn't
+ report an error.
+ + 6.1.124: When trying to exit and there is a hidden buffer that had
+ 'eol' off and 'bin' set exiting isn't possible.
+ + 6.1.125: Explorer plugin asks for saving a modified buffer even
+ when it's open in another window as well.
+ + 6.1.126: Adding the choices in the syntax menu is consuming much
+ of the startup time of the GUI while it's not often used.
+ + 6.1.127: When using "--remote file" and the server has 'insertmode'
+ set, commands are inserted instead of being executed.
+ + 6.1.128: The expression "input('very long prompt')" puts the cursor
+ in the wrong line (column is OK).
+ + 6.1.129: On Solaris editing "file/" and then "file" results in
+ using the same buffer.
+ + 6.1.130: The documentation for some of the 'errorformat' items
+ is unclear.
+ + 6.1.131: X11 GUI: when expanding a CSI byte in the input stream to
+ K_CSI, the CSI byte itself isn't copied.
+ + 6.1.132: Executing a register in Ex mode may cause commands to
+ be skipped.
+ + 6.1.133: When drawing double-wide characters in the statusline,
+ may clear half of a character.
+ + 6.1.134: An error for a trailing argument of ":match" should not
+ be given after ":if 0".
+ + 6.1.135: Passing a command to the shell that includes a newline
+ always has a backslash before the newline.
+ + 6.1.136: When $TERM is "linux" the default for 'background' is
+ "dark", even though the GUI uses a light background.
+ + 6.1.137: Converting to HTML has a clumsy way of dealing with tabs
+ which may change the highlighting.
+ + 6.1.138: Adding extra items to the Syntax menu can't be done when
+ the "Show individual choices" menu is used.
+ + 6.1.139: Cygwin: PATH_MAX is not defined.
+ + 6.1.140: Cygwin: ":args `ls *.c`" does not work if the shell command
+ produces CR NL line separators.
+ + 6.1.141: ":wincmd gx" may cause problems when mixed with other
+ commands. ":wincmd c" doesn't close the window immediately.
+ + 6.1.142: Defining paragraphs without a separating blank line isn't
+ possible. Paragraphs can't be formatted automatically.
+ + 6.1.143: Auto formatting near the end of the file moves the cursor
+ to a wrong position. In Insert mode some lines are made one char
+ too narrow. When deleting a line undo might not always work properly.
+ + 6.1.144: Obtaining the size of a line in screen characters can be
+ wrong. A pointer may wrap around zero.
+ + 6.1.145: GTK: Drag&drop with more than 3 files may cause a
+ crash. (Mickael Marchand)
+ + 6.1.146: MS-Windows: When $HOME is constructed from $HOMEDRIVE and
+ $HOMEPATH, it is not used for storing the _viminfo file. (Normal
+ Diamond)
+ + 6.1.147: MS-Windows: When a dialog has no default button, pressing
+ Enter ends it anyway and all buttons are selected.
+ + 6.1.148: MS-Windows: ACL is not properly supported.
+ + 6.1.149: MS-Windows: Can't use diff mode from the file explorer.
+ + 6.1.150: OS/2, MS-Windows and MS-DOS: When 'shellslash' is set
+ getcwd() still uses backslash.
+ + 6.1.151: Win32: The NTFS substream isn't copied.
+ + 6.1.152: When $LANG is iso8859-1 translated menus are not used.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 13 Aug 2002 10:54:13 +0200
+vim (6.1.048-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Bump Standards-Version. Closes: Bug#145062
+ * Sync cscope support and dependencies. Closes: Bug#143205
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.019: Win32: File name is messed up when editing just a drive
+ name.
+ + 6.1.020: col("'>") returns a huge number after using Visual line
+ mode.
+ + 6.1.021: Vim crashes when using a huge number for the minwid value
+ in a statusline.
+ + 6.1.022: Grabbing the status line above the command-line window
+ works like the bottom status line was grabbed.
+ + 6.1.023: VMS: running tests doesn't work properly.
+ + 6.1.024: When header files use a new syntax for declaring functions,
+ Vim can't figure out missing prototypes properly.
+ + 6.1.025: Five messages for "vim --help" don't start with a
+ capital.
+ + 6.1.026: *.patch files are not recognized as diff files. In a script
+ a "VAR=val" argument after "env" isn't ignored. PHP scripts are
+ not recognized.
+ + 6.1.027: When 'foldcolumn' is non-zero, a special character
+ that wraps to the next line disturbs the foldcolumn
+ highlighting.
+ + 6.1.028: Client-server: When a --remote-expr fails, Vim still exits
+ with status zero.
+ + 6.1.029: When 'encoding' is an 8-bit encoding other than "latin1",
+ editing a utf-8 or other Unicode file uses the wrong conversion. (Jan
+ Fedak)
+ + 6.1.030: When CTRL-N is mapped in Insert mode, it is also mapped
+ after CTRL-X CTRL-N, while it is not mapped after CTRL-X CTRL-F.
+ + 6.1.031: Cygwin: Xxd could read a file in text mode intead of
+ binary mode.
+ + 6.1.032: Can't specify a quickfix file without jumping to the
+ first error.
+ + 6.1.033: GUI: When the selection is lost and the Visual highlighting
+ is changed to underlining, the cursor is left in a different
+ position.
+ + 6.1.034: A CVS diff file isn't recognized as diff filetype.
+ + 6.1.035: Win32: Outputting Hebrew or Arabic text might have a
+ problem with reversing on MS-Windows 95/98/ME.
+ + 6.1.036: This command may cause a crash: ":v/./,//-j".
+ + 6.1.037: When 'lazyredraw' is set, pressing "q" at the hit-enter
+ prompt causes an incomplete redraw and the cursor isn't positioned.
+ + 6.1.038: Multi-byte: When a ":s" command contains a multi-byte
+ character where the trail byte is '~' the text is messed up.
+ + 6.1.039: When folds are defined and the file is changed outside
+ of Vim, reloading the file doesn't update the folds. (Anders
+ Schack-Nielsen)
+ + 6.1.040: When changing directory for expanding a file name fails
+ there is no error message.
+ + 6.1.041: ":mkvimrc" doesn't handle a mapping that has a leading
+ space in the rhs.
+ + 6.1.042: "vim -r" doesn't show all matches when 'wildignore'
+ removes swap files.
+ + 6.1.043: After patch 6.1.040 a few warnings are produced.
+ + 6.1.044: GUI: When using the find/replace dialog with text that
+ contains a slash, an invalid substitute command is generated. On
+ Win32 a find doesn't work when 'insertmode' is set.
+ + 6.1.045: In Visual mode, with lots of folds and 'scrolloff' set
+ to 999, moving the cursor down near the end of the file causes the
+ text to jump up and down.
+ + 6.1.046: X11 GUI: ":set lsp=2 gcr=n-v-i:hor1-blinkon0" draws a
+ black rectangle. ":set lsp=2 gcr=n-v-i:hor10-blinkon0" makes the
+ cursor disappear.
+ + 6.1.047: When skipping commands after an error was encountered,
+ expressions for ":if", ";elseif" and ":while" are still evaluated.
+ + 6.1.048: Unicode 3.2 changes were missing a few Hangul Jamo
+ characters.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 4 May 2002 17:57:01 +0200
+vim (6.1.018-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.012: A system() call might fail if fread() does CR-LF to LF
+ translation.
+ + 6.1.013: Win32: The default for 'printexpr' doesn't work when there
+ are special characters in 'printdevice'.
+ + 6.1.014: An operator like "r" used in Visual block mode doesn't use
+ 'virtualedit' when it's set to "block".
+ + 6.1.015: After patch 6.1.014 can't compile with tiny
+ features.
+ + 6.1.016: Win32: Outputting Hebrew or Arabic text might have a
+ problem with reversing.
+ + 6.1.017: Cygwin: After patch 6.1.012 Still doesn't do binary
+ file I/O.
+ + 6.1.018: Error message when using cterm highlighting. Closes: Bug#142663
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 14 Apr 2002 20:38:53 +0200
+vim (6.1.011-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Enable langmap and keymap in all builds. Closes: Bug#141127
+ * Apply upstream patches:
+ + 6.1.001: When formatting UTF-8 text it might be wrapped at a space
+ that is followed by a composing character. Also correct a display
+ error for removing a composing char on top of a space.
+ + 6.1.002: Win32: after a ":popup" command the mouse pointer stays
+ hidden.
+ + 6.1.003: When 'laststatus' is zero and there is a vertical split, the
+ vertical separator is drawn in the command line.
+ + 6.1.004: Unicode 3.2 changes width and composing of a few characters.
+ + 6.1.005: When using more than 50 items in 'statusline' Vim might
+ crash.
+ + 6.1.006: When using "P" in Visual mode to put linewise selected text,
+ the wrong text is deleted.
+ + 6.1.007: Using ":filetype plugin off" when filetype plugins were
+ never enabled causes an error message.
+ + 6.1.008: The "%" command doesn't ignore \" inside a string, it's
+ seen as the end of the string.
+ + 6.1.009: Vim crashes when using a huge number for the maxwid value
+ in a statusline.
+ + 6.1.010: Searching backwards for a question mark with "?\?" doesn't
+ work. Same problem in ":s?\??" and ":g?\??".
+ + 6.1.011: XIM: doesn't work correctly when 'number' is set. Also,
+ a focus problem when selecting candidates.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 4 Apr 2002 14:49:27 +0200
+vim (6.1.000-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix version number
+ * Update copyright the uganda.txt version. Closes: Bug#139780
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 25 Mar 2002 13:42:03 +0100
+vim (6.1.-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Small fixes to default vimrc
+ * New upstream version.
+ + includes 6.1b.033: When using a count after a ":s" command may get
+ ml_get errors. Closes: Bug#139403
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 24 Mar 2002 18:24:35 +0100
+vim (6.0.270-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Switch to copyright from vim 6.1BETA which is fully GPL compatible
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.227: The RISC OS port has several problems.
+ + 6.0.228: After putting text in Visual mode the '] mark is not at
+ the end of the put text. Undo doesn't work properly when putting
+ a word into a Visual selection that spans more than one line.
+ + 6.0.229: Multi-byte: With 'm' in 'formatoptions', formatting
+ doesn't break at a multi-byte char followed by an ASCII char,
+ and the other way around. When joining lines a space is inserted
+ between multi-byte characters, which is not always wanted.
+ + 6.0.230: The ":" used as a motion after an operator is exclusive,
+ but sometimes it should be inclusive.
+ + 6.0.231: "gd" and "gD" don't work when the variable matches in a
+ comment just above the match to be found.
+ + 6.0.232: "vim --version" prints on stderr while "vim --help" prints
+ on stdout.
+ + 6.0.233: "\1\{,8}" in a regexp is not allowed, but it should work,
+ because there is an upper limit.
+ + 6.0.234: It's not easy to set the cursor position without modifying
+ marks.
+ + 6.0.235: When writing a file and renaming the original file to make
+ the backup, permissions could change when setting the owner.
+ + 6.0.236: ":edit" without argument should move cursor to line 1 in
+ Vi compatible mode.
+ + 6.0.237: In a C file, using the filetype plugin, re-indenting a
+ comment with two spaces after the middle "*" doesn't align properly.
+ + 6.0.238: Using a ":subsitute" command with a substitute() call in
+ the substitution expression causes errors.
+ + 6.0.239: Using "A" to append after a Visually selected block which
+ is after the end of the line, spaces are inserted in the wrong line
+ and other unexpected effects.
+ + 6.0.240: Win32: building with Python 2.2 doesn't work.
+ + 6.0.241: Win32: Expanding the old value of an option that is a path
+ that starts with a backslash, an extra backslash is inserted.
+ + 6.0.242: GUI: On a system with an Exceed X server sometimes get a
+ "Bad Window" error.
+ + 6.0.243: Unix: "vim --version" outputs a NL before the last line
+ instead of after it.
+ + 6.0.244: Multi-byte: Problems with (illegal) UTF-8 characters in
+ menu and file name (e.g., icon text, status line).
+ + 6.0.245: After using a color scheme, setting the 'background'
+ option might not work.
+ + 6.0.246: ":echomsg" didn't use the highlighting set by
+ ":echohl". (Gary Holloway)
+ + 6.0.247: GTK GUI: Can't use gvim in a kpart widget.
+ + 6.0.248: When using compressed help files and 'encoding' isn't
+ "latin1", Vim converts the help file before decompressing.
+ + 6.0.249: "vim -t edit -c 'sta ex_help'" doesn't move cursor to
+ edit().
+ + 6.0.250: Macintosh: Various problems when compiling.
+ + 6.0.251: Macintosh: menu shortcuts are not very clear.
+ + 6.0.252: When a user function was defined with "abort", an error that
+ is not inside if/endif or while/endwhile doesn't abort the function.
+ + 6.0.253: When 'insertmode' is set, after "<C-O>:edit file" the next
+ <C-O> doesn't work. (Benji Fisher) <C-L> has the same problem.
+ + 6.0.254: Borland C++ 5.5: Checking for stack overflow doesn't work
+ correctly. Matters when using a complicated regexp.
+ + 6.0.255: Win32: ACL support doesn't work well on Samba drives.
+ + 6.0.256: Win32: ":highlight Comment guifg=asdf" does not give an
+ error message. (Randall W. Morris) Also for other systems.
+ + 6.0.257: Win32: When 'mousefocus' is set and there is a BufRead
+ autocommand, after the dialog for permissions changed outside of Vim:
+ 'mousefocus' stops working.
+ + 6.0.258: When 'scrolloff' is 999 and there are folds, the text
+ can jump up and down when moving the cursor down near the end of
+ the file.
+ + 6.0.259: MS-DOS: after editing the command line the cursor shape
+ may remain like in Insert mode.
+ + 6.0.260: GUI: May crash while starting up when giving an error
+ message for missing color.
+ + 6.0.261: nr2char() and char2nr() don't work with multi-byte
+ characters.
+ + 6.0.262: Win32: IME doesn't work properly. OnImeComposition()
+ isn't used at all.
+ + 6.0.263: GTK: When a dialog is closed by the window manager,
+ Vim hangs.
+ + 6.0.264: The amount of virtual memory is used to initialize
+ 'maxmemtot', which may be much more than the amount of physical
+ memory, resulting in a lot of swapping.
+ + 6.0.265: Win32: Using backspace while 'fkmap' is set causes a crash.
+ + 6.0.266: The rename() function deletes the file if the old and the
+ new name are the same.
+ + 6.0.267: UTF-8: Although 'isprint' says a character is printable,
+ utf_char2cells() still considers it unprintable.
+ + 6.0.268: Win32: ACL check crashes when using forward slash in
+ file name.
+ + 6.0.269: Unprintable characters in a file name may cause problems
+ when using the 'statusline' option or when 'buftype' is "nofile".
+ + 6.0.270: A tab causes UTF-8 text to be displayed in the wrong
+ position.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 24 Feb 2002 23:16:17 +0100
+vim (6.0.226-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Don't abort if update-alternatives reports an error
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.223: When splitting a window that contains the explorer, hitting CR
+ on a file name gives error messages.
+ + 6.0.224: When 'sidescroll' and 'sidescrolloff' are set in a narrow
+ window the text may jump left-right and the cursor is displayed in the
+ wrong position.
+ + 6.0.225: In Visual mode "gk" gets stuck in a closed fold. /
+ + 6.0.226: When doing ":recover file" get the ATTENTION prompt. After
+ recovering the same file five times get a read error or a crash.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 17 Feb 2002 15:08:03 +0100
+vim (6.0.222-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Do not Build-Depend on libgpmg1-dev for hurd-i386. Closes: Bug#117313
+ * chown a file before we chmod it so we don't lose s[ug]id bits
+ * Set compiled-by flag in configure
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.202: The "icon=" argument for the menu command to define a toolbar
+ icon with a file didn't work for GTK. For Motif and Athena a full path
+ was required.
+ + 6.0.203: Can change 'fileformat' even though 'modifiable is off.
+ + 6.0.204: ":unlet" doesn't work for variables with curly braces.
+ + 6.0.205: "gvim -f" still forks when using the batch script to start Vim.
+ + 6.0.206: Unix: if expanding a wildcard in a file name results in a
+ wildcard character and there are more parts in the path with a wildcard,
+ it is expanded again. Windows: ":edit \[abc]" could never edit the file
+ "[abc]".
+ + 6.0.207: Win32: The shortcuts and start menu entries let Vim startup in
+ the desktop directory, which is not very useful.
+ + 6.0.208: GUI: When using a keymap and the cursor is not blinking, CTRL-^
+ in Insert mode doesn't directly change the cursor color.
+ + 6.0.209: GUI GTK: After selecting a 'guifont' with the font dialog there
+ are redraw problems for multi-byte characters.
+ + 6.0.210: After patch 6.0.167 it's no longer possible to edit a help file
+ in another encoding than latin1.
+ + 6.0.211: When reading a file fails, the buffer is empty, but it might
+ still be possible to write it with ":w" later. The original file is lost
+ then.
+ + 6.0.212: GUI GTK: confirm("foo", "") causes a crash.
+ + 6.0.213: When a file name contains unprintable characters, CTRL-G and
+ other commands don't work well.
+ + 6.0.214: When there is a buffer without a name, empty entries appear in
+ the jumplist saved in the viminfo file.
+ + 6.0.215: After using "/" from Visual mode the Paste menu and Toolbar
+ entries don't work. Pasting with the middle mouse doesn't work and
+ modeless selection doesn't work.
+ + 6.0.216: After reloading a file, displayed in another window than the
+ current one, which was changed outside of Vim the part of the file around
+ the cursor set by autocommands may be displayed, but jumping back to the
+ original cursor position when entering the window again.
+ + 6.0.217: When getting help from a help file that was used before, an
+ empty unlisted buffer remains in the buffer list.
+ + 6.0.218: With explorer plugin: "vim -o filename dirname" doesn't load the
+ explorer window until entering the window.
+ + 6.0.219: ":setlocal" and ":setglobal", without arguments, display
+ terminal options.
+ + 6.0.220: After patch 6.0.218 get a beep on startup.
+ + 6.0.221: When using ":bdel" and all other buffers are unloaded the lowest
+ numbered buffer is jumped to instead of the most recent one.
+ + 6.0.222: When 'virtualedit' is set and using autoindent, pressing Esc
+ after starting a new line leaves behind part of the autoindent.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 16 Feb 2002 00:15:24 +0100
+vim (6.0.201-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.157: When defining a user command with "-complete=dir" files will
+ also be expanded. Also, "-complete=mapping" doesn't appear to work.
+ + 6.0.158: When getting the warning for a file being changed outside of Vim
+ and reloading the file, the 'readonly' option is reset, even when the
+ permissions didn't change.
+ + 6.0.159: Wildcard expansion for ":emenu" also shows separators.
+ + 6.0.160: When compiling with GCC 3.0.2 and using the "-O2" argument, the
+ optimizer causes a problem that makes Vim crash.
+ + 6.0.161: Win32: Bitmaps don't work with signs.
+ + 6.0.162: Client-server: An error message for a wrong expression appears
+ in the server instead of the cient.
+ + 6.0.163: When using a GUI dialog, a file name is sometimes used like it
+ was a directory.
+ + 6.0.164: After patch 6.0.135 the menu entries for pasting don't work in
+ Insert and Visual mode.
+ + 6.0.165: Using --remote and executing locally gives unavoidable error
+ messages.
+ + 6.0.166: GUI: There is no way to avoid dialogs to pop up.
+ + 6.0.167: When 'fileencodings' is "latin2" some characters in the help
+ files are displayed wrong.
+ + 6.0.168: ":%s/\n/#/" doesn't replace at an empty line.
+ + 6.0.169: When run as evim and the GUI can't be started we get stuck in a
+ terminal without menus in Insert mode.
+ + 6.0.170: When printing double-width characters the size of tabs after
+ them is wrong.
+ + 6.0.171: With 'keymodel' including "startsel", in Insert mode after the
+ end of a line, shift-Left does not move the cursor.
+ + 6.0.172: CTRL-Q doesn't replace CTRL-V after CTRL-X in Insert mode while
+ it does in most other situations.
+ + 6.0.173: When using "P" to insert a line break the cursor remains past
+ the end of the line.
+ + 6.0.174: After using "gd" or "gD" the search direction for "n" may still
+ be backwards.
+ + 6.0.175: ":help /\z(\)" doesn't work
+ + 6.0.176: When killed by a signal autocommands are still triggered as if
+ nothing happened.
+ + 6.0.177: When 'commentstring' is empty and 'foldmethod' is "marker", "zf"
+ doesn't work.
+ + 6.0.178: Uninitialized memory read from xp_backslash field.
+ + 6.0.179: Win32: When displaying UTF-8 characters may read uninitialized
+ memory.
+ + 6.0.180: Expanding environment variables in a string that ends in a
+ backslash could go past the end of the string.
+ + 6.0.181: When using ":cd dir" memory was leaked.
+ + 6.0.182: When using a regexp on multi-byte characters, could try to read
+ a character before the start of the line.
+ + 6.0.183: Leaking memory when ":func!" redefines a function.
+ + 6.0.184: Leaking memory when expanding option values.
+ + 6.0.185: Crash in Vim when pasting a selection in another application, on
+ a 64 bit machine.
+ + 6.0.186: X11: Three warnings when compiling the client-server code.
+ + 6.0.187: "I" in Visual mode and then "u" reports too many changes. "I" in
+ Visual linewise mode adjusts the indent for no apparent reason.
+ + 6.0.188: After patch 6.0.161 signs defined in the vimrc file don't work.
+ + 6.0.189: The size of the Visual area isn't always displayed when
+ scrolling ('ruler' off, 'showcmd' on). Also not when using a search
+ command.
+ + 6.0.190: GUI: when 'mouse' is empty a click with the middle button still
+ moves the cursor.
+ + 6.0.191: When no servers are available serverlist() gives an error
+ instead of returning an empty string.
+ + 6.0.192: When 'virtualedit' is set, "ylj" goes to the wrong column.
+ + 6.0.193: When 'virtualedit' is set, col(".") after the end of the line
+ should return one extra.
+ + 6.0.194: "--remote-silent" tries to send a reply to the client, like it
+ was "--remote-wait".
+ + 6.0.195: When 'virtualedit' is set and a search starts in virtual space
+ ":call search
+ + 6.0.196: When 'virtualedit' is set, 'selection' is "exclusive" and
+ visually selecting part of a tab at the start of a line, "x" joins it
+ with the previous line. Also, when the selection spans more than one line
+ the whole tab is deleted.
+ + 6.0.197: When 'virtualedit' is set and 'selection' is "exclusive", "v$x"
+ doesn't delete the last character in the line.
+ + 6.0.198: When 'virtualedit' is set and 'showbreak' is not empty, moving
+ the cursor over the line break doesn't work properly.
+ + 6.0.199: Multi-byte: could use iconv() after calling iconv_end().
+ + 6.0.200: A script that starts with "#!perl" isn't recognized as a Perl
+ filetype.
+ + 6.0.201: When scrollbinding and doing a long jump, switching windows
+ jumps to another position in the file. Scrolling a few lines at a time
+ is OK.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 7 Feb 2002 22:14:09 +0100
+vim (6.0.156-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo in comment in vimrc. Closes: Bug#129815
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.119: VMS: filewritable() doesn't work properly.
+ + 6.0.120: The conversion to html isn't compatible with XHTML.
+ + 6.0.121: Win32: After patch 6.0.116 Vim doesn't compile with mingw32.
+ + 6.0.122: Win16: Same resize problems as patch 6.0.117 fixed for
+ Win32. And dialog textfield problem from patch 6.0.115.
+ + 6.0.123: Win16: Compilation problems.
+ + 6.0.124: When using a ":substitute" command that starts with "\="
+ (evaluated as an expression), "~" was still replaced with the
+ previous substitute string.
+ + 6.0.125: Win32: When using the multi_byte_ime feature pressing the
+ shift key would be handled as if a character was entered, thus
+ mappings with a shifted key didn't work.
+ + 6.0.126: The python library was always statically linked.
+ + 6.0.127: When using a terminal that swaps screens and the Normal
+ background color has a different background, using an external
+ command may cause the color of the wrong screen to be changed.
+ + 6.0.128: When moving a vertically split window to the far left or
+ right, the scrollbars are not adjusted. (Scott E Lee) When
+ 'mousefocus' is set the mouse pointer wasn't adjusted.
+ + 6.0.129: When using a very long file name, ":ls" (repeated a few
+ times) causes a crash. Test with "vim `perl -e 'print "A"x1000'`".
+ + 6.0.130: When using ":cprev" while the error window is open, and the
+ new line at the top wraps, the window isn't correctly drawn.
+ + 6.0.131: When using bufname() and there are two matches for listed
+ buffers and one match for an unlisted buffer, the unlisted buffer is
+ used.
+ + 6.0.132: When setting 'iminsert' in the vimrc and using an xterm with
+ two screens the ruler is drawn in the wrong screen.
+ + 6.0.133: When opening another buffer while 'keymap' is set and
+ 'iminsert' is zero, 'iminsert' is set to one unexpectedly.
+ + 6.0.134: When completing ":set tags=" a path with an embedded space
+ causes the completion to stop.
+ + 6.0.135: Menus that are not supposed to do anything used "<Nul>",
+ which still produced an error beep. When CTRL-O is mapped for Insert
+ mode, ":amenu" commands didn't work in Insert mode. Menu language
+ falls back to English when $LANG ends in "@euro".
+ + 6.0.136: When completing in Insert mode, a mapping could be
+ unexpectedly applied.
+ + 6.0.137: GUI: When using the find or find/replace dialog from Insert
+ mode, the input mode is stopped.
+ + 6.0.138: GUI: When using the find or find/replace dialog from Insert
+ mode, the text is inserted when CTRL-O is mapped. When opening the
+ dialog again, a whole word search isn't recognized. When doing
+ "replace all" a whole word search was never done.
+ + 6.0.139: When stopping 'wildmenu' completion, the statusline of the
+ bottom-left vertically split window isn't redrawn.
+ + 6.0.140: Memory allocated for local mappings and abbreviations is
+ leaked when the buffer is wiped out.
+ + 6.0.141: When using ":enew" in an empty buffer, some buffer-local
+ things are not cleared. b:keymap_name is not set.
+ + 6.0.142: When Python is linked statically, loading dynamic extensions
+ might fail.
+ + 6.0.143: When a syntax item includes a line break in a pattern, the
+ syntax may not be updated properly when making a change.
+ + 6.0.144: After patch 6.0.088 redoing "veU" doesn't work.
+ + 6.0.145: When Vim can't read any input it might get stuck. When
+ redirecting stdin and stderr Vim would not read commands from a file.
+ + 6.0.146: When 'statusline' contains "%{'-'}" this results in a zero.
+ + 6.0.147: It's not easy to mark a Vim version as being modified. The
+ new license requires this.
+ + 6.0.148: After "p" in an empty line, `[ goes to the second character.
+ + 6.0.149: The pattern "\(.\{-}\)*" causes a hang. When using a search
+ pattern that causes a stack overflow to be detected Vim could still
+ hang.
+ + 6.0.150: When using a multi-byte encoding, patch 6.0.148 causes "p"
+ to work like "P".
+ + 6.0.151: Redrawing the status line and ruler can be wrong when it
+ contains multi-byte characters.
+ + 6.0.152: strtrans() could hang on an illegal UTF-8 byte sequence.
+ + 6.0.153: When using (illegal) double-byte characters and Vim syntax
+ highlighting Vim can crash.
+ + 6.0.154: MS-DOS and MS-Windows: The menu entries for xxd don't work
+ when there is no xxd in the path. When converting back from Hex the
+ filetype may remain "xxd" if it is not detected.
+ + 6.0.155: Mac: compilation problems in ui.c after patch 6.0.145.
+ + 6.0.156: Starting Vim with the -b argument and two files, ":next"
+ doesn't set 'binary' in the second file, like Vim 5.7.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 30 Jan 2002 15:26:04 +0100
+vim (6.0.118-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Re-bump alternative priority, change got lost in the move to vim6
+ * Update comment in vimrc about filetype indents
+ * Update autocommand for reportbug. Closes: Bug#127838
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.094: Athena: When clicking in the horizontal scrollbar Vim crashes.
+ + 6.0.095: Perl: Deleting lines may leave the cursor beyond the
+ end of the file.
+ + 6.0.096: When ":saveas fname" fails because the file already
+ exists, the file name is changed anyway and a following ":w"
+ will overwrite the file.
+ + 6.0.097: Re-indenting in Insert mode with CTRL-F may cause a
+ crash with a multi-byte encoding.
+ + 6.0.098: GTK: When using Gnome the "Search" and "Search and
+ Replace" dialog boxes are not translated.
+ + 6.0.099: Cygwin: When running Vi compatible MS-DOS line endings
+ cause trouble.
+ + 6.0.100: ":badd +0 test%file" causes a crash.
+ + 6.0.101: ":mksession" doesn't restore editing a file that has a
+ '#' or '%' in its name.
+ + 6.0.102: When changing folds the cursor may appear halfway a
+ closed fold.
+ + 6.0.103: When using 'scrollbind' a large value of 'scrolloff'
+ will make the scroll binding stop near the end of the file.
+ + 6.0.104: Multi-byte: When '$' is in 'cpoptions', typing a
+ double-wide character that overwrites the left halve of an old
+ double-wide character causes a redraw problem and the cursor stops
+ blinking.
+ + 6.0.105: Multi-byte: In a window of one column wide, with syntax
+ highlighting enabled a crash might happen.
+ + 6.0.106: Win32: When the printer font is wrong, there is no
+ error message.
+ + 6.0.107: VisVim: When editing another file, a modified file may
+ be written unexpectedly and without warning.
+ + 6.0.108: When using folding could try displaying line zero,
+ resulting in an error for a NULL pointer.
+ + 6.0.109: XIM: When the input method is enabled, repeating an
+ insertion with "." disables it.
+ + 6.0.110: Using undo after executing "OxjAxkdd" from a
+ register in an empty buffer gives an error message.
+ + 6.0.111: The virtcol() function doesn't take care of 'virtualedit'.
+ + 6.0.112: The explorer plugin doesn't sort directories with a
+ space or special character after a directory with a shorter name.
+ + 6.0.113: ":edit ~/fname" doesn't work if $HOME includes a space.
+ Also, expanding wildcards with the shell may fail.
+ + 6.0.114: Using ":p" with fnamemodify() didn't expand "~/" or
+ "~user/" to a full path. For Win32 the current directory was
+ prepended.
+ + 6.0.115: Win32: When using a dialog with a textfield it cannot
+ scroll the text.
+ + 6.0.116: MS-Windows NT/2000/XP: filewritable() doesn't work
+ correctly for filesystems that use ACLs.
+ + 6.0.117: Win32: when disabling the menu, "set lines=999" doesn't
+ use all the available screen space.
+ + 6.0.118: When $TMPDIR is a relative path, the temp directory is
+ missing a trailing slash and isn't deleted when Vim exits.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 7 Jan 2002 00:03:23 +0100
+vim (6.0.093-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Remove stray comments from default vimrc
+ * No longer enable filetype indenting by default on popular request
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 6 Dec 2001 14:28:24 +0100
+vim (6.0.093-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.062: Crash when 'verbose' is > 3 and using ":shell".
+ + 6.0.063: When 'cpoptions' includes "$", using "cw" to type a ')'
+ on top of the + "$" doesn't update syntax highlighting after it.
+ + 6.0.064: The NSIS install script doesn't work with newer
+ versions of NSIS. The diff feature doesn't work when there isn't
+ a good diff.exe on the system.
+ + 6.0.065: When using ":normal" in 'indentexpr' it may use redo
+ characters before its argument.
+ + 6.0.066: Sometimes undo for one command is split into two undo actions.
+ + 6.0.067: if_xcmdsrv.c doesn't compile on systems where fd_set
+ isn't defined in the usual header file
+ + 6.0.068: When formatting a Visually selected area with "gq" and
+ the number of lines increases the last line may not be redrawn
+ correctly.
+ + 6.0.069: Using "K" on a word that includes a "!" causes a
+ "No previous command" error, because the "!" is expanded.
+ + 6.0.070: Win32: The error message for a failed dynamic
+ linking of a Perl, Ruby, Tcl and Python library is unclear
+ about what went wrong.
+ + 6.0.071: The "iris-ansi" builtin termcap isn't very good.
+ + 6.0.072: When 'lazyredraw' is set, a mapping that stops
+ Visual mode, moves the cursor and starts Visual mode again
+ causes a redraw problem.
+ + 6.0.073: DJGPP: When using CTRL-Z to start a shell, the
+ prompt is halfway the text.
+ + 6.0.074: When using "&" in a substitute string a multi-byte
+ character with a trailbyte 0x5c is not handled correctly.
+ + 6.0.075: When closing a horizontally split window while
+ 'eadirection' is "hor" another horizontally split window is
+ still resized.
+ + 6.0.076: Warning for wrong pointer type when compiling.
+ + 6.0.077: Patch 6.0.075 was incomplete.
+ + 6.0.078: Using "daw" at the end of a line on a single-character
+ word didn't include the white space before it. At the end of the
+ file it didn't work at all.
+ + 6.0.079: When "W" is in 'cpoptions' and 'backupcopy' is "no" or
+ "auto", can still overwrite a read-only file, because it's
+ renamed.
+ + 6.0.080: When using a session file that has the same file in two
+ windows, the fileinfo() call in do_ecmd() causes a scroll and a
+ hit-enter prompt.
+ + 6.0.081: After using ":saveas" the new buffer name is added to
+ the Buffers menu with a wrong number.
+ + 6.0.082: When swapping screens in an xterm and there is an
+ (error) message from the vimrc script, the shell prompt is after
+ the message.
+ + 6.0.083: GTK: When compiled without menu support the buttons in
+ a dialog don't have any text.
+ + 6.0.084: UTF-8: a "r" command with an argument that is a keymap
+ for a character with a composing character can't be repeated
+ with ".".
+ + 6.0.085: When 'mousefocus' is set, using "s" to go to Insert
+ mode and then moving the mouse pointer to another window stops
+ Insert mode, while this doesn't happen with "a" or "i".
+ + 6.0.086: When using "gu" the message says "~ed".
+ + 6.0.087: Message translations are incorrect, which may cause a
+ crash. The Turkish translations needed more work and the
+ maintainer didn't have time.
+ + 6.0.088: "." doesn't work after using "rx" in Visual mode.
+ + 6.0.089: In a C file, using "==" to align a line starting with
+ "* " after a line with "* -" indents one space too few.
+ + 6.0.090: When a wrapping line does not fit in a window and
+ 'scrolloff' is bigger than half the window height, moving the
+ cursor left or right causes the screen to flash badly.
+ + 6.0.091: Using CTRL-O in Insert mode, while 'virtualedit' is
+ "all" and the cursor is after the end-of-line, moves the cursor
+ left.
+ + 6.0.092: The explorer plugin doesn't ignore case of 'suffixes'
+ on MS-Windows.
+ + 6.0.093: When the Tcl library couldn't be loaded dynamically,
+ get an error message when closing a buffer or window.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 12 Nov 2001 14:35:08 +0100
+vim (6.0.061-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add build to binary-arch dependencies. Closes: Bug#117619
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.037: When the user has set "did_install_syntax_menu" to avoid
+ the default Syntax menu it still appears.
+ + 6.0.038: When 'selection' is "exclusive", deleting a block of text
+ at the end of a line can leave the cursor beyond the end of the line.
+ + 6.0.039: "gP" leaves the cursor in the wrong position when
+ 'virtualedit' is used. Using "c" in blockwise Visual mode leaves the
+ cursor in a strange position.
+ + 6.0.040: When 'fileencoding' is invalid and writing fails because of
+ this, the original file is gone.
+ + 6.0.041: Using ":language messages en" when LC_MESSAGES is undefined
+ results in setting LC_CTYPE.
+ + 6.0.042: ":mksession" can't handle file names with a space.
+ + 6.0.043: Patch 6.0.041 was wrong.
+ + 6.0.044: Using a "containedin" list for a syntax item doesn't work
+ for an item that doesn't have a "contains" argument. Also,
+ "containedin" doesn't ignore a transparent item.
+ + 6.0.045: After creating a fold with a Visual selection, another
+ window with the same buffer still has inverted text.
+ + 6.0.046: When getrlimit() returns an 8 byte number the check for
+ running out of stack may fail.
+ + 6.0.047: Using a regexp with "\(\)" inside a "\%[]" item causes a
+ crash.
+ + 6.0.048: Win32: In the console the mouse doesn't always work
+ correctly. Sometimes after getting focus a mouse movement is
+ interpreted like a button click.
+ + 6.0.049: When using evim the intro screen is misleading.
+ + 6.0.050: UTF-8: "viw" doesn't include non-ASCII characters before
+ the cursor.
+ + 6.0.051: UTF-8: Using CTRL-R on the command line doesn't insert
+ composing characters.
+ + 6.0.052: The check for rlim_t in patch 6.0.046 does not work on some
+ systems.
+ + 6.0.053: Various problems with QNX.
+ + 6.0.054: When using mswin.vim, CTRL-V pastes a block of text like it
+ is normal text. Using CTRL-V in blockwise Visual mode leaves "x"
+ characters behind.
+ + 6.0.055: GTK: The selection isn't copied the first time.
+ + 6.0.056: Using "CTRL-O cw" in Insert mode results in a nested Insert
+ mode. <Esc> doesn't leave Insert mode then.
+ + 6.0.057: Using ":wincmd g}" in a function doesn't work.
+ + 6.0.058: When a Cursorhold autocommand moved the cursor, the ruler
+ wasn't updated.
+ + 6.0.059: Highlighting for 'hlsearch' isn't visible in lines that are
+ highlighted for diff highlighting.
+ + 6.0.060: Motif: When the tooltip is to be popped up, Vim crashes.
+ + 6.0.061: The toolbar buttons to load and save a session do not
+ correctly use v:this_session.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 1 Nov 2001 17:16:37 +0100
+vim (6.0.036-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.028: Can't compile without +virtualedit and with +visualextra.
+ + 6.0.029: When making a change in line 1, then in line 2 and then
+ deleting line 1, undo info could be wrong. Only when the
+ changes are undone at once.
+ + 6.0.030: Using ":source! file" doesn't work inside a loop or after
+ ":argdo".
+ + 6.0.031: Nextstep doesn't have setenv() or putenv().
+ + 6.0.032: When changing a setting that affects all folds, they are not
+ displayed immediately.
+ + 6.0.033: Using 'wildmenu' on MS-Windows, file names that include a
+ space are only displayed starting with that space.
+ + 6.0.034: Calling searchpair() with three arguments could result in a
+ crash or strange error message.
+ + 6.0.035: The menu item Edit/Global_Settings/Toggle_Toolbar doesn't
+ work when 'ignorecase' is set.
+ + 6.0.036: OS/2, MS-DOS and MS-Windows: Using a path that starts with a
+ slash in 'tags' doesn't work as expected.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 29 Oct 2001 20:09:06 +0100
+vim (6.0.027-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.012: Polish translations contains printf format errors, this can
+ result in a crash when using one of them.
+ + 6.0.013: Using ":silent! cmd" still gives some error messages, like
+ for an invalid range.
+ + 6.0.014: When 'modifiable' is off and 'virtualedit' is "all", "rx"
+ on a TAB still changes the buffer.
+ + 6.0.015: When 'cpoptions' includes "S" and "filetype plugin on" has
+ been used, can get an error for deleting the b:did_ftplugin
+ variable.
+ + 6.0.016: bufnr(), bufname() and bufwinnr() don't find unlisted
+ buffers when the argument is a string. Also for
+ setbufvar() and getbufvar().
+ + 6.0.017: When 'ttybuiltin' is set and a builtin termcap entry defines
+ t_Co and the external one doesn't, it gets reset to empty.
+ + 6.0.018: Initializing 'encoding' may cause a crash when setlocale()
+ is not used.
+ + 6.0.019: Converting a string with multi-byte characters to a
+ printable string, e.g., with strtrans(), may cause a crash.
+ + 6.0.020: When obtaining the value of a global variable internally,
+ could get the function-local value instead. Applies to
+ using <Leader> and <LocalLeader> and resetting highlighting
+ in a function.
+ + 6.0.021: The 'cscopepathcomp' option didn't work.
+ + 6.0.022: When using the 'langmap' option, the second character of a
+ command starting with "g" isn't adjusted.
+ + 6.0.023: Loading the lhaskell syntax doesn't work.
+ + 6.0.024: Using "CTRL-V u 9900" in Insert mode may cause a crash.
+ + 6.0.025: The pattern "\vx(.|$)" doesn't match "x" at the end of a
+ line.
+ + 6.0.026: GTK: When using arrow keys to navigate through the menus,
+ the separators are selected.
+ + 6.0.027: VMS: Printing doesn't work, the file is deleted too
+ quickly. No longer need the VMS specific printing menu.
+ gethostname() is not available with VAXC. The makefile was
+ lacking selection of the tiny-huge feature set.
+ * Add a new icon based on vim32x32.xpm with colours remapped to the
+ menu packages' cmap.xpm.
+ * Move gvim MIME entries to vim-variant packages only
+ * Fix packagename in vim menu entry (vim-rt no longer exists)
+ * Move gvim menu entry to vim-variant packages only
+ * Properly install menu and mime entries for all packages and make sure
+ failure cases are handled correctly.
+ * Add lintian overrides to make it stop complaining about perfectly
+ correct things.
+ * Fix debcontrol.vim: allow variable substitution in multiline fields
+ as well. Closes: Bug#116741
+ * Fix inconsistent printf format strings in translations
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 28 Oct 2001 13:44:50 +0900
+vim (6.0.011-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Always enable multibyte support
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 3 Oct 2001 17:01:46 +0200
+vim (6.0.011-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Create a new vim-ruby package. Closes: Bug#114053
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 1 Oct 2001 17:25:06 +0200
+vim (6.0.011-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add Build-Depends for libperl-dev. Closes: Bug#114011
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.0.009: Nextstep doesn't have S_ISBLK.
+ + 6.0.010: Using "gf" on a file name starting with "./" or "../" in
+ a buffer without a name causes a crash.
+ + 6.0.011: Python: After replacing or deleting lines get an ml_get error.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 1 Oct 2001 00:35:55 +0200
+vim (6.0.008-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream patches:
+ + 6.004: The find/replace dialog doesn't reuse a previous argument properly.
+ + 6.005: Insert mode, "CTRL-O :ls" has a delay before redrawing.
+ + 6.006: With a vertical split, 'number' set and 'scrolloff' non-zero,
+ making the window width very small causes a crash.
+ + 6.007: When setting 'filetype' while there is no FileType autocommand, a
+ following ":setfiletype" would set 'filetype' again.
+ + 6.008: 'imdisable' is missing from the options window.
+ * Fix typo in debian/rules which accidentily disabled perl interpreter
+ support in vim-perl
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 29 Sep 2001 17:03:42 +0200
+vim (6.0.003-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Merge three upstream patches:
+ + 6.001: Loading the sh.vim syntax file causes error messages
+ + 6.002: The configure check for ACLs on AIX doesn't work
+ + 6.003: Using a '@' item in 'viminfo' doesn't work
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 27 Sep 2001 22:37:45 +0200
+vim (6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Merge changelog entries from 5.* packages
+ * Rework debian/rules further
+ * Add Build-Depends on dpkg >> 1.7.0 since we use dpkg:Version in
+ debian/control
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:40:15 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.99-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version
+ * Restore vim-{gtk,perl,python,tcl} packages
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 26 Sep 2001 20:40:15 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60aw.006-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add 6 upstream bugfixes
+ * Add doc symlinks
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:14:43 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60aw-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Seventh and hopefully last beta release
+ * Enable signs feature
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 16 Sep 2001 23:14:43 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60av-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Sixth beta release
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 10 Sep 2001 03:19:54 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60au-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fifth `golden' beta release
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 4 Sep 2001 11:32:35 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60at-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fourth beta release
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 27 Aug 2001 15:43:24 -0700
+vim (6.0-0.60ar-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Third beta release
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 13 Aug 2001 14:05:23 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60aq-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Second beta release
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 5 Aug 2001 23:25:28 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ap-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Oops, vimrc and gvimrc are not normal runtime files, so do symlink
+ them.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 30 Jul 2001 10:16:15 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ap-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * First beta release
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 29 Jul 2001 18:03:48 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ao-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ * Symlink /usr/share/vim/vimfiles to /etc/vim and drop vim and gvimrc
+ symlinks. This means we no longer need any patches to the upstream
+ source now.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 23 Jul 2001 16:17:03 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60an-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:12:17 -0700
+vim (6.0-0.60am-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 1 Jul 2001 21:42:56 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60al-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 25 Jun 2001 00:05:28 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ak-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 17 Jun 2001 23:09:43 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60aj-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 10 Jun 2001 23:35:47 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ai-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 3 Jun 2001 22:02:40 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ag-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ * Use DESTDIR to install.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 20 May 2001 23:55:36 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60af-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 14 May 2001 19:42:22 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ae-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 6 May 2001 22:14:25 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ad-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 30 Apr 2001 22:36:49 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ac-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ * Update Debian syntax files with copy from Michael Pfiefel
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 22 Apr 2001 22:09:00 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60ab-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 16 Apr 2001 22:30:12 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60aa-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 8 Apr 2001 16:54:34 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60z-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 26 Mar 2001 17:45:23 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60x-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 14 Mar 2001 16:25:04 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60w-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release. Closes: Bug#86574
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 27 Feb 2001 17:59:34 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60v-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 16 Feb 2001 23:04:32 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60u-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add patch to memline.c to fix redraw on double-editing error message
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 9 Feb 2001 23:48:09 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60u-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 5 Feb 2001 23:17:38 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60t-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 3 Feb 2001 17:11:23 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60s-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 19 Jan 2001 15:53:05 +1100
+vim (6.0-0.60r-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 8 Jan 2001 05:44:55 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60q-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release.
+ * Print newline after moving a {g,}vimrc
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 20 Dec 2000 01:45:23 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60p-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new alpha release. We're slowly starting to run out of letters!
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 15 Dec 2000 01:05:58 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60o-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * You guessed it, another new upstream alpha release for vim6
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 4 Dec 2000 00:25:33 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60m-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Update Ray's email address in vimrc
+ * Remove handling of compressed files in vimrc since that is now
+ done by the gzip plugin
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 3 Dec 2000 02:42:13 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60m-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new upstream alpha release for vim6
+ * Fix fixup of tags-file: we don't compress the tags file itself
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 26 Nov 2000 16:29:30 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60k-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add patch to fix partial renaming of rpchf to rcphf in netrw.vim
+ * Add patch to handle double-byte charactres properly
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 30 Oct 2000 17:33:24 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60k-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new upstream alpha release for vim6
+ * Use libgtk1.2-dev instead of libgtk-dev for Build-Depends
+ * Update default vimrc to use new plugins
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 29 Oct 2000 23:57:24 +0100
+vim (6.0-0.60j-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another new upstream alpha release for vim6
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 22 Oct 2000 22:40:21 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60h-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release, eighth alpha for vim6
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 1 Sep 2000 17:24:45 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60g-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release, seventh alpha for vim6
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 26 Aug 2000 22:59:48 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60f-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release, sixth alpha for vim6
+ * Add /etc/vim to DFLT_RUNTIMEPATH so sysadmins can customize stuff
+ in there
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 19 Aug 2000 17:25:33 -0700
+vim (6.0-0.60e-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release, fifth alpha for vim6
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 6 Aug 2000 18:38:56 -0700
+vim (6.0-0.60d-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Small fix for xim_reset to fix segfaults on mouseclick in gvim
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 4 Aug 2000 22:28:20 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60d-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release, fourth alpha for vim6
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 4 Aug 2000 00:20:40 +0200
+vim (6.0-0.60b-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release, second alpha for vim6
+ * Include lang sources as well now
+ * Repackaged from scratch:
+ + vim-rt merged back into vim package
+ + seperate versions now only include the {g,}vim binary.
+ * Create html-version of documentation as well
+ * Move configuration files to /etc/vim/. Closes: Bug#61574
+ * Closes: Bug#68502
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 22 Jul 2000 22:53:40 +0200
+vim (5.8.007-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Stupid, I moved a file over but forgot to add a Replaces
+ to vim-rt. Fixed now.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 16 Aug 2001 20:33:39 +0200
+vim (5.8.007-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Don't Build-Depend on libgmpg1-dev on hurd. Closes: Bug#108239
+ * Enable filename modifiers in vim-tiny since we use them in the
+ default vimrc to read compressed files (such as the documentation).
+ Closes: Bug#108737
+ * We handle spaces in architecture fields now. Closes: Bug#103257
+ * Force vimtutor to use /etc/vimrc so it can load compressed files
+ Closes: Bug#83915
+ * Move vimtutor to vim-rt package. Closes: Bug#78783
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 15 Aug 2001 13:18:09 +0200
+vim (5.8.007-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo in debcontrol.vim
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 15 Jul 2001 21:38:02 +0200
+vim (5.8.007-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Merge upstream bugfixes:
+ + When including a syntax cluster in itself, Vim crashes.
+ + With the GTK GUI, when 'shell' is not a valid program, ":make"
+ causes Vim to exit.
+ + ":hi def link" adds a link to a highlight group while it already
+ has attributes for the GUI.
+ + With syntax highlighting, synchronizing on a C-comment failed
+ after "//*/".
+ * Update debcontrol.vim. Closes: Bug#105306
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 15 Jul 2001 15:32:40 +0200
+vim (5.8.003-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Use the debchangelog filetype for changelog.dch
+ * Use a versioned Recommends for vim-rt. Note that this will not help
+ if you use apt-get. Use a proper frontend instead.
+ Closes: Bug#100105,#55812,#100021
+ * Add Build-Depends on dpkg >= 1.7.0 since we use ${dpkg:Version} now.
+ * Update debcontrol.vim:
+ + the section is `doc', not `docs'
+ + Add non-US/{main,contrib,non-free}
+ + Accept both `tex' and `text' as sections (ordering problem in regexp)
+ Closes: Bug#99995
+ * Merge upstream bugfixes:
+ + When exiting and 'cmdheight' is 2 or bigger and 'showcmd' is set,
+ the cursor is left in the wrong place. (Sascha Blank)
+ + The dtd.vim syntax file contained a few items that require Vim 6.0.
+ Closes: Bug#100338,#100348
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:42:30 +0200
+vim (5.8-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream bugfix version. Closes: Bug#98731,#74105,#67438,#66882,#65244
+ * Use libgtk1.2-dev in the Build-Depends.
+ Closes: Bug#98101,#67737,#83825,#87291,#93882,#95227,#92065
+ * doc symlinks were fixed earlier already. Closes: Bug#48587
+ * exuberant-tags is no longer part of the vim source, update debian/rules
+ accordingly
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 3 Jun 2001 23:28:21 +0200
+vim (5.7.028-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Apply more upstream bugfixes
+ * Use libperl-dev instead of perl5 as Build-Depends. Closes: Bug#92367
+ * Add #DEBHELPER# to vim postinst
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 14 Apr 2001 16:47:39 +0200
+vim (5.7.019-3) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Change spaces to tabs in tags file for documentation. Gotta love
+ cut & paste. Closes: Bug#80802
+ * Teach debhelper to handle the doc-symlink. Closes: Bug#80834
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 29 Dec 2000 17:20:11 +0100
+vim (5.7.019-2) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Fix postinst.. silly cut&paste error. Closes: Bug#80610
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 28 Dec 2000 00:45:58 +0100
+vim (5.7.019-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream bugfixes merged. Closes: Bug#74664
+ * Add syntax styles for debian control and changelog files
+ * Fix alternatives in postinst. Closes: Bug#65066,#74347,#79424,#65843
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.2.1. Closes: Bug#79982
+ * Remove mention of Linux in copyright, this works on other OSes just as
+ well.
+ * Update location of upstream sources, they are at ftp.vim.org now
+ * Teach src/Makefile to quote quotes in pathdef.c so things compile with
+ the current perl as well.
+ * Fix handling of xterm clipboard, this should fix the X BadAccess errors
+ when running gvim remotely with ssh X11 forwarding
+ * Fix menu icon. Closes: Bug#63622,#69364,#61838,#34404,#79838
+ * Actually move manpages to /usr/share
+ * Bump alternative priority to be the same as elvis
+ * Fix fixup of tags-file: we don't compress the tags file itself.
+ * Install tags with mode 644. Closes: Bug#63742
+ Closes: Bug#77506
+ * Use mail highlightning for SLRN files. Closes: Bug#50206
+ * Fix typo in extended descriptions. Closes: Bug#66332
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 26 Dec 2000 18:14:21 +0100
+vim (5.7.002-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upstream bugfix merged
+ * Fix typo in build-depends
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 29 Jun 2000 16:10:43 +0200
+vim (5.7.001-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upstream bugfix merged
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 27 Jun 2000 11:29:20 +0200
+vim (5.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version
+ * Suggest cscope
+ * Update Build Dependencies
+ * Fix alternatives
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 24 Jun 2000 23:47:45 +0200
+vim (5.6.090-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another upstream bugfix merged, Closes:Bug#65236
+ * Compiled with the Debian libgtk, not the helixcode version
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 6 Jun 2000 10:58:54 +0200
+vim (5.6.089-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream bugfixes merged
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 5 Jun 2000 20:40:47 +0200
+vim (5.6.080-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Enable cscope support
+ * More upstream bugfixes merged
+ * Add some build-depends. The list is probably not complete though.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 5 Jun 2000 18:13:25 +0200
+vim (5.6.072-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream bugfixes merged
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 16 May 2000 18:34:10 +0200
+vim (5.6.070-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * More upstream bugfixes merged
+ * Use vim-rt package in menu entries. Without this change vim would
+ never show up in menus. Closes: Bug#63100
+ * Change update-alternatives call to reflect that manpages are now in
+ /usr/share/man. Closes: Bug#63320
+ * Add Pre-Depends and check in a new preinst to make sure the running dpkg
+ supports multiple conflicts & replaces
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 1 May 2000 13:51:11 +0200
+vim (5.6.052-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another 21 new upstream bugfixes merged
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 3 Apr 2000 17:16:59 +0200
+vim (5.6.031-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Figures that in the 24 hours after I release an update 16 upstream
+ patches are released..
+ * Enable gpm support (except in vim-tiny of course) on popular request.
+ * Enable rightleft support in packages with gvim
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 26 Mar 2000 17:18:54 +0200
+vim (5.6.015-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * 3 more upstream bugfixes applied
+ * Fix menu entries so we don't mention gvim for vim and vim-tiny
+ * Link dynamically to libpython
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 24 Mar 2000 15:13:33 +0100
+vim (5.6.012-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Another bugfix patch applied (hang with zsh)
+ * Fooled by debhelper again.. restore maintainer scripts
+ which were suddenly gone missing, Closes: Bug# 57491, #57500
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 10 Feb 2000 17:22:37 +0100
+vim (5.6.011-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Seven more bugfix patches applied
+ * Don't include all the gvim stuff in the standard vim package
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 27 Jan 2000 03:05:23 +0100
+vim (5.6.000-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * No longer beta. There are no changes from the previous package except
+ that this version is no longer marked as a beta version.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 17 Jan 2000 00:28:15 +0100
+vim (5.6-0.5.6a.028-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include more upstream bugfixes
+ * Add Debian-specific filetypes to default vimrc, Closes: Bug#54339
+ * Make vim-rt only recommend vim
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sat, 15 Jan 2000 16:38:17 +0100
+vim (5.6-0.5.6a.019-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.6a.019
+ * Rebuild to get VIMRUNTIME correct
+ * Fix description for vim-gtk, Closes: Bug#54748
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <Wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 11 Jan 2000 10:14:10 +0100
+vim (5.6-0.5.6a.018-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version, pre-release for 5.6, patchlevel 018
+ * Provide editor
+ * vim no longer has any X support
+ * Add vim-gtk with the GTK frontend
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <Wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 10 Jan 2000 03:00:44 +0100
+vim (5.5.033-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.5.033
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 18 Oct 1999 16:14:21 +0200
+vim (5.5.009-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.5.009
+ * Fix paths in manpages
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 28 Sep 1999 02:08:28 +0200
+vim (5.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 21 Sep 1999 04:07:57 +0200
+vim (5.4.49-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.4.49
+ * Build with multibyte and xim support, Closes:Bug#43245
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 2 Sep 1999 15:50:12 +0200
+vim (5.4.21-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.4.21
+ * Fix asnother concatenated line in vimrc
+ * Don't register gvim for vim-tty
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 11 Aug 1999 01:18:01 +0200
+vim (5.4.17-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.4.17
+ * Make vim-tty provide vim, Closes:Bug#42659
+ * Fix accidentily joined lines in vimrc, Closes:Bug#42663
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 9 Aug 1999 04:30:37 +0200
+vim (5.4.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.4.12
+ * Add a new package: vim-tty. This is a build with all the normal
+ features, but without any X support.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 5 Aug 1999 21:31:13 +0200
+vim (5.4.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.4.11
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 2 Aug 1999 03:03:02 +0200
+vim (5.4.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include patches up to 5.4.7
+ * Fix replaces, dpkg can't handle multiple replaces-lines in control
+ * Fix typo in debian/rules causing vim-tiny to get X11 support
+ * Only change extension in second column of documentation tags-file
+ * Remove [ce]tags, they are packaged seperately
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 29 Jul 1999 17:17:05 +0200
+vim (5.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Finally, vim 5.4 has arrived!
+ * Lets build vim-rt only in binary-indep now
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 25 Jul 1999 23:19:03 +0200
+vim (5.4-0.5.4p-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Yet-another-last-beta for vim 5.4
+ * Make vim-* replace vim-rt since we moved some stuff around
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 19 Jul 1999 17:29:49 +0200
+vim (5.4-0.5.4o.6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Patched up to version 5.4o.6 beta
+ * Default vimrc clean on request of the Cistron crew: :)
+ + Change default vimrc to be more compatible with upstream defaults
+ + Turn backup off by default
+ + Don't map Q to gq anymore
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 15 Jul 1999 23:18:28 +0200
+vim (5.4-0.5.4o.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Third upstream beta-version
+ * Patched up to version 5.4o.1 beta
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 12 Jul 1999 17:26:01 +0200
+vim (5.4-0.5.4n.18) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Second upstream beta-version
+ * Patched up to version 5.4n.18 beta
+ * Fix vimrc: we should explicitly use expand now
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 8 Jul 1999 01:56:55 +0200
+vim (5.4-0.5.4m.17) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Lets upload this somewhere as well
+ * Patched up to version 5.4m.17 beta
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 29 Jun 1999 00:21:52 +0200
+vim (5.4m-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Experimental package to test vim 5.4 packaging
+ * Patched up to version 5.4m.5
+ * Use GTK 1.2 frontend by default now
+ * Merge src and runtime tarballs from upstream, since they need eachother
+ in order to compile.
+ * Rewritten debian/rules to make it more manageable
+ * Take advantage of new location for runtime-support so we no longer need
+ a patch to relocate the system-wide configfiles
+ * Don't make vim-rt depend on a versioned vim
+ * Bumb standards-version to 2.5.1
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 22 Jun 1999 01:17:16 +0200
+vim (5.3-13) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Compile vim-python with python-dev installed so it actually works
+ * Note to release-manager: no new code since previous version in slink,
+ only simple bugfixes
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Sun, 14 Feb 1999 21:06:16 +0100
+vim (5.3-12) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New license: vim is now fully DFSG-free!
+ * Run gvim with -f from mailcap so it doesn't background and confuse
+ the hell out of metamail (Bug# 32141)
+ * Remove */* entry that was accidently left in the mailcap for vim-tiny
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 26 Jan 1999 23:58:50 +0100
+vim (5.3-11) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added langmap support for all packages, except vim-tiny (Bug# 28118).
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 26 Nov 1998 20:55:47 +0100
+vim (5.3-10) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add autocmd support to vim-tiny so it can read the online help again.
+ (this adds 12Kb to the memory usage).
+ * Rebuild with ncurses4
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 2 Nov 1998 16:34:56 +0100
+vim (5.3-9) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Downgraded vim-rt Recommend to Suggest for vim-tiny (Bug# 27436)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 13 Oct 1998 15:53:33 +0200
+vim (5.3-8) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Update mime-support
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 29 Sep 1998 01:56:06 +0200
+vim (5.3-7) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Recompiled with python-dev installed
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 18 Sep 1998 13:57:52 +0200
+vim (5.3-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix mime-support somewhat:
+ + change test for $DISPLAY
+ + use (g)view when only viewing files
+ * Create multiple vim-packages (vim, vim-tiny, vim-perl, vim-python and
+ vim-tcl)
+ * Removed empty /usr/share/vim directory, it's now completely in the vim-rt
+ package anyway.
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 14 Sep 1998 01:13:31 +0200
+vim (5.3-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Added support for update-mime, based on sample from
+ Brian White <bcwhite at verisim.com> (Bug# 26550)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Thu, 10 Sep 1998 20:56:04 +0200
+vim (5.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Revamped postinst not to override alternatives (Bug# 26186)
+ * Be lazy and let debhelper add the update-menus call
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 9 Sep 1998 12:02:14 +0200
+vim (5.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo on control-file (found by Matt McLean <keys at yikes.com>)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 1 Sep 1998 19:04:45 +0200
+vim (5.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix typo in changelog (noted by Ruud de Rooij)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 31 Aug 1998 13:11:13 +0200
+vim (5.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version (bugfix release)
+ * Recommend vim-rt instead of only suggesting it
+ * Put menu-file back in this package
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 31 Aug 1998 11:41:37 +0200
+vim (5.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add email-address to maintainer-field in debian/control
+ * Added patch to fix some small errors for certain commands
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Wed, 26 Aug 1998 01:09:09 +0200
+vim (5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version
+ + package split in 2: vim and vim-rt
+ + UNICODE support
+ * Make vim honour TMPDIR on all systems except OS/2 and win32
+ * Update debian/control to reflect new maintainer :)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 25 Aug 1998 13:33:26 +0200
+vim (5.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New maintainer
+ * Fix ex alternative (Bug# 23675)
+ * Fix copyright (Bug# 24984)
+ * Don't install sample macros twice
+ * Clean debian/rules some more
+ * Move tools to the examples-subdirectory
+ * Fix location of perl in examples
+ * Fix some filemodes of examples
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Mon, 17 Aug 1998 02:34:01 +0200
+vim (5.1-0.4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Yet another non-maintainer upload
+ * Fixed alignment trap on alpha's (Bug# 23590)
+ * Added some example-vimrc code
+ * Also provide alternatives for ex and /usr/bin/editor (Bug# 22310)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 16 Jun 1998 15:58:07 +0200
+vim (5.1-0.3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Yet another non-maintainer upload
+ * Added support for editing bzip2'ed files (from Vaclav Hula)
+ * Added octave to the syntax-menu
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Fri, 24 Apr 1998 16:28:42 +0200
+vim (5.1-0.2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Previous upload didn't include .orig.tar.gz .
+ * Modified /etc/vimrc: included some recommendations for more
+ user-friendly behaviour (commented out as they deviate from standard vi
+ behaviour)
+ -- J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen at wi.LeidenUniv.nl> Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:33:34 +0200
+vim (5.1-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload
+ * New upstream release.
+ * Bumped Standards-Version.
+ * Re-enabled athena GUI (fixes #21194).
+ * Made /etc/gvimrc a conffile.
+ * Added syntax highlighting for Octave (fixes #18817).
+ * Disable syntax hightlighting for vim & enable it for gvim
+ * Revamped building process (debhelper)
+ * Modified & commented vimrc
+ * Enhanced menu-support (include gvim & icons)
+ -- Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> Tue, 21 Apr 1998 16:18:02 +0200
+vim (5.0-0.2) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * Switched to the .gz autocommands from vimrc_example, so that :help works
+ again (fixes #20897).
+ -- J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen at wi.LeidenUniv.nl> Mon, 13 Apr 1998 15:50:46 +0200
+vim (5.0-0.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Merged in the patches from the mailing list
+ * Non-maintainer release
+ * New upstream version
+ -- Alexey Marinichev <lyosha at math.uu.se> Sun, 15 Mar 1998 02:41:37 +0100
+vim (4.6-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Built with libc6, ncurses3.4, and xlib6g
+ * Updated menu entry
+ -- Galen Hazelwood <galenh at micron.net> Thu, 9 Sep 1997 12:44:30 -0600
+vim (4.6-1) frozen unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version (fixes #8674)
+ * Enabled right-to-left support
+ -- Galen Hazelwood <galenh at micron.net> Sat, 12 Apr 1997 11:11:00 -0600
+vim (4.5-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New maintainer
+ * Menu entry /usr/lib/menu/vim included
+ * No longer Provides: editor (fixes bug #5602)
+ -- Galen Hazelwood <galenh at micron.net> Thu, 20 Feb 1997 13:44:36 -0700
+vim (4.5-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * GUI support is back in now.
+ * modified postinst to put gvim into fvwm's menus, not normal vim.
+ -- Stuart Lamble <lamble at yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Tue, 19 Nov 1996 21:51:28 +1100
+vim (4.5-3) unstable frozen; urgency=low
+ * Last release without GUI support - I've finally downloaded the 3.2 .deb
+ files.
+ * added view and view.1.gz to /etc/alternatives.
+ * changed CFLAGS to compile with -g -O2 (instead of -g -O)
+ * modified the default vimrc to allow full read/writing of text files
+ compressed with gzip.
+ * added "version 4.0" to the default vimrc (so much for getting people
+ to RTFM :-)
+ * Ray Dassen sent me some email about not capturing stderr by default;
+ after thinking about it, I decided against this. It's useful for
+ programmers when compiling from within vim, and besides, it's easy to
+ configure (look at the shellredir setting :)
+ -- Stuart Lamble <lamble at yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Tue, 19 Nov 1996 19:43:56 +1100
+vim (4.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * merged in patches from Bram into both source trees (the new version is
+ also called 4.5 ... go figure. :-)
+ * removed ctags from the distribution, pending further discussion on it:
+ it's the same as the ctags found elsewhere in the distribution.
+ * fixed a small typo in the copyright: referred to 4.4 instead of 4.5.
+ Oops. :)
+ -- Stuart Lamble <lamble at yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Sun, 20 Oct 1996 19:20:36 +1000
+vim (4.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version
+ * merged in the patches from 4.4-2 into the new source tree
+ -- Stuart Lamble <lamble at yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Fri, 11 Oct 1996 19:10:13 +1000
+vim (4.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * uncompressed doc/vim_tags to allow vim to handle gzipped docs, and
+ modified the installed version to direct help to those gzipped docs.
+ * added an empty gvimrc to /etc
+ * added a vimrc capable of reading the gzipped docs
+ * merged in Lars' patches for install-fvwm2menu
+ -- Stuart Lamble <lamble at yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Thu, 26 Sep 1996 19:46:11 +1000
+vim (4.4-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * added calls to install-fvwm2menu to postinst and prerm
+ -- Lars Wirzenius <liw at iki.fi> Thu, 3 Oct 1996 21:28:42 +0300
+vim (4.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * new upstream version (considered beta, but seems pretty stable to
+ me.)
+ * modified Makefile to allow for installation to .../debian/tmp rather
+ than /usr/ (otherwise, man pages would have been sorta fubar..)
+ * redirected global vimrc/gvimrc to /etc
+ * modified configure to look for termcap _last_, ncurses first
+ (upstream version: termcap, then ncurses.)
+ * added a "Provides: editor" (don't know if this is still current, but
+ it won't hurt if it isn't.)
+ -- Stuart Lamble <lamble at yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> Sun, 22 Sep 1996 17:38:15 +1000
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/compat
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/compat 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/compat 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/control
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/control 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/control 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+Source: vim
+Section: editors
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Norbert Tretkowski <nobse at debian.org>, Pierre Habouzit <madcoder at debian.org>, Matthijs Mohlmann <matthijs at cacholong.nl>, Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org>, Alexis Sukrieh <sukria at sukria.net>, Pepijn de Langen <pepijn at ce.et.tudelft.nl>, James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
+Standards-Version: 3.6.2
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.2.21), dpkg (>> 1.7.0), unzip, perl (>= 5.6), libgpmg1-dev [!hurd-i386] | not+linux-gnu, libperl-dev (>= 5.6), tcl8.4-dev [!hurd-i386], python-dev, libxpm-dev, libncurses5-dev, ruby, ruby1.8-dev, libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.2), libgnomeui-dev [!hurd-i386], lesstif2-dev, quilt, make (>= 3.80+3.81.b4)
+Build-Conflicts: libperl-dev (= 5.8.4-1)
+Package: vim-common
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: any
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
+Conflicts: vim (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Recommends: vim | vim-gnome | vim-gtk | vim-lesstif | vim-perl | vim-python | vim-ruby | vim-tcl | vim-full | vim-tiny
+Description: Vi IMproved - Common files
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains files shared by all non GUI-enabled vim
+ variants (vim and vim-tiny currently) available in Debian.
+ Examples of such shared files are: manpages, common executables
+ like vimtutor and xxd, and configuration files.
+Package: vim-gui-common
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: all
+Depends: vim-common (= ${Source-Version})
+Conflicts: vim (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Recommends: vim-gnome | vim-gtk | vim-lesstif | vim-perl | vim-python | vim-ruby | vim-tcl | vim-full
+Description: Vi IMproved - Common GUI files
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains files shared by all GUI-enabled vim
+ variants (vim-perl, vim-gnome, ...) available in Debian.
+ Examples of such shared files are: icons,
+ desktop environments settings, and menu entries.
+Package: vim-runtime
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: all
+Conflicts: vim-common (<< 1:6.4-007+2), vim (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim-common (<< 1:6.4-007+2), vim (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Recommends: vim | vim-gnome | vim-gtk | vim-lesstif | vim-perl | vim-python | vim-ruby | vim-tcl | vim-full | vim-tiny
+Enhances: vim-tiny
+Description: Vi IMproved - Runtime files
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains the architecture independent runtime
+ files, used, if available, by all vim variants available in
+ Debian. Example of such runtime files are: online documentation,
+ rules for language-specific syntax highlighting and indentation,
+ color schemes, and standard plugins.
+Package: vim-doc
+Section: doc
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: all
+Description: Vi IMproved - HTML documentation
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains the HTML version of the online
+ documentation.
+Package: vim-tiny
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-common (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Provides: editor
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a minimal version of vim compiled with no
+ GUI and a small subset of features in order to keep small the
+ package size. This package does not depend on the vim-runtime
+ package, but installing it you will get its additional benefits
+ (online documentation, plugins, ...).
+Package: vim
+Priority: optional
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: ctags, vim-doc, vim-scripts
+Provides: editor
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contain a version of vim compiled with a rather
+ standard set of features. See the other vim-* packages if you
+ need more (or less).
+Package: vim-perl
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with Perl support
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with Perl
+ scripting support and the GTK2 GUI.
+Package: vim-python
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with Python support
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with Python
+ scripting support and the GTK2 GUI.
+Package: vim-ruby
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with Ruby support
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with Ruby
+ scripting support and the GTK2 GUI.
+Package: vim-tcl
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with TCL support
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with TCL
+ scripting support and the GTK2 GUI.
+Package: vim-gtk
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with support for
+Package: vim-lesstif
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with LessTif GUI
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with support for
+ LessTif GUI.
+Package: vim-gnome
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-full (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with support for
+Package: vim-full
+Priority: extra
+Architecture: any
+Depends: vim-gui-common (= ${Source-Version}), vim-runtime (= ${Source-Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}
+Suggests: cscope, vim-doc, ttf-bitstream-vera
+Provides: gvim
+Conflicts: vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-common (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Replaces: vim (<= 1:6.3-068+1), vim-gnome (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-gtk (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-lesstif (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-perl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-python (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-ruby (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tcl (<< 1:6.4-001+3), vim-tiny (<< 1:6.4-001+3)
+Description: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - full fledged version
+ Vim is an almost compatible version of the UNIX editor Vi.
+ .
+ Many new features have been added: multi level undo, syntax
+ highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+ completion, block operations, folding, Unicode support, etc.
+ .
+ This package contains a version of vim compiled with support for
+ the GNOME2 GUI and scripting support for Perl, Python, Ruby, and
+ TCL.
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/copyright
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/copyright 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/copyright 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+This is the Debian pre-packaged version of vim. Vim is an almost compatible
+version of the UNIX editor Vi. Many new features have been added: multi level
+undo, syntax highlighting, command line history, on-line help, filename
+completion, block operations, etc.
+This package was put together by Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org> from
+sources obtained from: ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unix/. The current maintainer
+is Debian VIM Maintainers <pkg-vim-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>.
+Vim was written by Bram Moolenaar. The following copying conditions are taken
+from the online documentation.
+I) There are no restrictions on distributing unmodified copies of Vim except
+ that they must include this license text. You can also distribute
+ unmodified parts of Vim, likewise unrestricted except that they must
+ include this license text. You are also allowed to include executables
+ that you made from the unmodified Vim sources, plus your own usage
+ examples and Vim scripts.
+II) It is allowed to distribute a modified (or extended) version of Vim,
+ including executables and/or source code, when the following four
+ conditions are met:
+ 1) This license text must be included unmodified.
+ 2) The modified Vim must be distributed in one of the following five ways:
+ a) If you make changes to Vim yourself, you must clearly describe in
+ the distribution how to contact you. When the maintainer asks you
+ (in any way) for a copy of the modified Vim you distributed, you
+ must make your changes, including source code, available to the
+ maintainer without fee. The maintainer reserves the right to
+ include your changes in the official version of Vim. What the
+ maintainer will do with your changes and under what license they
+ will be distributed is negotiable. If there has been no negotiation
+ then this license, or a later version, also applies to your changes.
+ The current maintainer is Bram Moolenaar <Bram at vim.org>. If this
+ changes it will be announced in appropriate places (most likely
+ vim.sf.net, www.vim.org and/or comp.editors). When it is completely
+ impossible to contact the maintainer, the obligation to send him
+ your changes ceases. Once the maintainer has confirmed that he has
+ received your changes they will not have to be sent again.
+ b) If you have received a modified Vim that was distributed as
+ mentioned under a) you are allowed to further distribute it
+ unmodified, as mentioned at I). If you make additional changes the
+ text under a) applies to those changes.
+ c) Provide all the changes, including source code, with every copy of
+ the modified Vim you distribute. This may be done in the form of a
+ context diff. You can choose what license to use for new code you
+ add. The changes and their license must not restrict others from
+ making their own changes to the official version of Vim.
+ d) When you have a modified Vim which includes changes as mentioned
+ under c), you can distribute it without the source code for the
+ changes if the following three conditions are met:
+ - The license that applies to the changes permits you to distribute
+ the changes to the Vim maintainer without fee or restriction, and
+ permits the Vim maintainer to include the changes in the official
+ version of Vim without fee or restriction.
+ - You keep the changes for at least three years after last
+ distributing the corresponding modified Vim. When the maintainer
+ or someone who you distributed the modified Vim to asks you (in
+ any way) for the changes within this period, you must make them
+ available to him.
+ - You clearly describe in the distribution how to contact you. This
+ contact information must remain valid for at least three years
+ after last distributing the corresponding modified Vim, or as long
+ as possible.
+ e) When the GNU General Public License (GPL) applies to the changes,
+ you can distribute the modified Vim under the GNU GPL version 2 or
+ any later version.
+ 3) A message must be added, at least in the output of the ":version"
+ command and in the intro screen, such that the user of the modified Vim
+ is able to see that it was modified. When distributing as mentioned
+ under 2)e) adding the message is only required for as far as this does
+ not conflict with the license used for the changes.
+ 4) The contact information as required under 2)a) and 2)d) must not be
+ removed or changed, except that the person himself can make
+ corrections.
+III) If you distribute a modified version of Vim, you are encouraged to use
+ the Vim license for your changes and make them available to the
+ maintainer, including the source code. The preferred way to do this is
+ by e-mail or by uploading the files to a server and e-mailing the URL.
+ If the number of changes is small (e.g., a modified Makefile) e-mailing a
+ context diff will do. The e-mail address to be used is
+ <maintainer at vim.org>
+IV) It is not allowed to remove this license from the distribution of the Vim
+ sources, parts of it or from a modified version. You may use this
+ license for previous Vim releases instead of the license that they came
+ with, at your option.
+On Debian systems the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2 is located on
+the filesystem at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2.
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/gvim.desktop
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/gvim.desktop 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/gvim.desktop 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=GVim Text Editor
+Comment=Edit text files
+Comment[af]=Redigeer tekslêers
+Comment[am]=á¨á½áá áááá½ á«áµá°á«áá
+Comment[ar]=ØرÙر Ù
ÙÙات ÙصÙØ©
+Comment[az]=MÉtn fayllarını redaktÉ edin
+Comment[be]=Ð ÑдагаванÑне ÑÑкÑÑавÑÑ
+Comment[bg]=РедакÑиÑане на ÑекÑÑови Ñайлове
+Comment[bn]=à¦à§à¦à§à¦¸à§à¦ ফাà¦à¦² à¦à¦¡à¦¿à¦ à¦à¦°à§à¦¨
+Comment[bs]=Izmijeni tekstualne datoteke
+Comment[ca]=Edita fitxers de text
+Comment[cs]=Ãprava textových souborů
+Comment[cy]=Golygu ffeiliau testun
+Comment[da]=Redigér tekstfiler
+Comment[de]=Textdateien bearbeiten
+Comment[el]=ÎÏεξεÏγαÏία αÏÏείÏν κειμÎνοÏ
+Comment[en_CA]=Edit text files
+Comment[en_GB]=Edit text files
+Comment[es]=Edita archivos de texto
+Comment[et]=Redigeeri tekstifaile
+Comment[eu]=Editatu testu-fitxategiak
+Comment[fa]=ÙÛراÛØ´ پرÙÙدÙâÙØ§Û Ù
+Comment[fi]=Muokkaa tekstitiedostoja
+Comment[fr]=Ãdite des fichiers texte
+Comment[ga]=Eagar comhad Téacs
+Comment[gu]=લàªàª¾àª£ ફાàªàª²à«àª®àª¾àª ફà«àª°àª«àª¾àª° àªàª°à«
+Comment[he]=ער×× ×§××¦× ×קס×
+Comment[hi]=पाठफ़ाà¤à¤²à¥à¤ सà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¿à¤¤ à¤à¤°à¥à¤
+Comment[hr]=UreÄivanje tekstualne datoteke
+Comment[hu]=Szövegfájlok szerkesztése
+Comment[id]=Edit file teks
+Comment[it]=Modifica file di testo
+Comment[kn]=ಪಠà³à²¯ à²à²¡à²¤à²à²³à²¨à³à²¨à³ ಸà²à²ªà²¾à²¦à²¿à²¸à³
ì¤í¸ íì¼ì í¸ì§í©ëë¤
+Comment[lt]=Redaguoti tekstines bylas
+Comment[lv]=RediÄ£Ät teksta failus
+Comment[mk]=УÑеди ÑекÑÑÑални ÑаÑлови
+Comment[ml]=വാà´à´ à´°à´à´¨à´à´³àµ തിരàµà´¤àµà´¤àµà´
+Comment[mn]=ТекÑÑ Ñайл боловÑÑÑÑлаÑ
+Comment[mr]=à¤à¤¦à¥à¤¯ फाà¤à¤² सà¤à¤ªà¤¾à¤¦à¤¿à¤¤ à¤à¤°à¤¾
+Comment[ms]=Edit fail teks
+Comment[nb]=Rediger tekstfiler
+Comment[ne]=पाठफाà¤à¤²à¤²à¤¾à¤ सà¤à¤¶à¥à¤§à¤¨ à¤à¤°à¥à¤¨à¥à¤¹à¥à¤¸à¥
+Comment[nl]=Tekstbestanden bewerken
+Comment[nn]=Rediger tekstfiler
+Comment[no]=Rediger tekstfiler
+Comment[or]=ପାଠàଯ ଫାà¬à¬²à¬àଡ଼ିà¬à ସମàପାଦନ à¬à¬°à¬¨àତà
+Comment[pa]=ਪਾਠਫਾà¨à¨²à¨¾à¨ ਸੰਪਾਦਨ
+Comment[pl]=Edytor plików tekstowych
+Comment[pt]=Editar ficheiros de texto
+Comment[pt_BR]=Edite arquivos de texto
+Comment[ro]=Editare fiÅiere text
+Comment[ru]=РедакÑÐ¾Ñ ÑекÑÑовÑÑ
+Comment[sk]=Ãprava textových súborov
+Comment[sl]=Urejanje datotek z besedili
+Comment[sq]=Përpuno files teksti
+Comment[sr]=Ðзмени ÑекÑÑÑалне даÑоÑеке
+Comment[sr at Latn]=Izmeni tekstualne datoteke
+Comment[sv]=Redigera textfiler
+Comment[ta]=à®à®°à¯ à®à¯à®ªà¯à®ªà¯à®à®³à¯ தà¯à®à¯à®à¯à®à®µà¯à®®à¯
+Comment[tk]=Metin faýllary editle
+Comment[tr]=Metin dosyalarını düzenle
+Comment[uk]=РедакÑÐ¾Ñ ÑекÑÑовиÑ
+Comment[vi]=Soạn thảo táºp tin vÄn bản
+Comment[wa]=Asspougnî des fitchîs tecses
+Exec=gvim -f %U
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/helpztags
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/helpztags 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/helpztags 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# helpztags generates tags for Vim helpfiles, for both .txt and .txt.gz files
+# Author: Jakub Turski <yacoob at chruptak.plukwa.net>
+# Artur R. Czechowski <arturcz at hell.pl>
+# Version: 0.4
+# Please use following command for generate a manual file:
+# pod2man -c "User Commands" -s 1 -q none -r "vim 6.2" -d "September 2003" helpztags helpztags.1
+=head1 NAME
+helpztags - generate the help tags file for directory
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+helpztags F<DIRS>...
+F<helpztags> scans given directories for F<*.txt> and F<*.txt.gz> files.
+Each file is scanned for tags used in F<vim> help files. For each directory
+proper F<tags> file is generated.
+There should be at least one directory given. In other case program exits
+with error.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Written by Jakub Turski and Artur R. Czechowski based on idea
+contained in C<vim> sources for its C<:helptags command>.
+Please use a Debian C<reportbug> command or procedure described at
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Read C<:help helptags> in F<vim> for detailed information about helptags.
+use File::Glob ':globally';
+use POSIX qw(getcwd);
+($#ARGV==-1)&& die "Error: no directories given. Check manpage for details.\n";
+foreach $dir (@ARGV) {
+ chdir $dir || die "Error: $dir: no such directory\n";
+ print "Processing ".$dir."\n";
+ open(TAGSFILE,">tags") || die "Error: Cannot open $dir/tags for writing.\n";
+ foreach $file (<*.{gz,txt}>) {
+ do { open(GZ, "zcat $file|") if ($file =~ /\.gz$/) } or open(GZ,$file);
+ while (<GZ>) {
+ # From vim61/src/ex_cmds.c, lines 5034-5036
+ #
+ # Only accept a *tag* when it consists of valid
+ # characters, there is no '-' before it and is followed
+ # by a white character or end-of-line.
+ while (/(?<!-)\*([^*\s]+?)\*\s+?/g) {
+ $tags{$+}=$file;
+ }
+ }
+ close(GZ);
+ }
+ map { print TAGSFILE "$_\t$tags{$_}\t/*"; s'\\'\\\\'g; s'/'\/'g; print TAGSFILE "$_*\n" } sort keys %tags;
+ close TAGSFILE;
+ chdir $startdir;
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/icons/vim-16.xpm
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+" .. "};
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/icons/vim.svg
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/icons/vim.svg 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
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+ d="M 329.57316,565.57076 C 328.42945,565.36374 327.26323,565.42664 326.20949,565.55702 C 325.79712,565.52706 325.63577,566.19587 325.78573,566.66073 L 326.22323,567.53573 C 326.27967,568.24166 326.63347,568.98513 323.12948,575.34823 C 322.78458,576.10550 323.24720,576.88698 324.00448,576.87948 L 327.09823,576.84823 C 327.45768,576.84007 328.09372,576.02274 327.81698,575.44198 L 327.16073,574.62948 C 326.86234,574.11207 327.49811,572.58470 328.25448,571.03573 C 329.34795,569.60002 330.61047,569.51877 331.41073,569.50448 C 331.64943,569.55893 331.74631,569.83269 331.81698,570.12948 C 331.41239,571.23985 330.89339,572.54228 329.34823,575.34823 C 329.00333,576.10550 329.43471,576.88698 330.19198,576.87948 L 333.31698,576.84823 C 333.67643,576.84007 334.31248,576.02274 334.03573,575.44198 L 333.37948,574.62948 C 333.07677,574.10457 333.73292,572.54576 334.50448,570.97323 C 335.51570,569.52403 336.74067,569.50448 337.50448,569.50448 C 337.80939,569.59831 337.87934,569.98334 337.87948,570.37948 C 337.45729,571.49363 337.03667,572.67936 335.56698,575.34823 C 335.22208,576.10550 335.65347,576.88699 336.41073,576.87948 L 339.50448,576.84823 C 339.86393,576.84007 340.53124,576.02275 340.25448,575.44198 L 339.59823,574.62948 C 338.98060,573.55851 341.46384,570.43775 342.18837,568.48405 C 342.63824,567.08947 341.09462,565.86952 340.23988,565.59960 L 337.88634,565.56337 C 337.46185,565.66019 337.37295,565.90474 337.25619,566.34960 L 335.64596,566.33587 C 335.67764,565.92408 335.57023,565.65210 335.26701,565.62210 L 332.80101,565.58587 C 332.00550,565.56953 332.08418,565.85563 331.98215,566.34462 L 329.58072,566.34566 C 329.71316,566.08736 329.71064,565.73908 329.57316,565.57076 z "
+ id="path960"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc"
+ transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-4041.013,-7266.029)" />
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:5.0000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1.0000000;stroke-dasharray:none;"
+ d="M 437.69950,457.10784 C 429.96544,457.19177 422.39586,457.84243 415.19950,458.73284 C 409.56706,458.32362 407.36999,467.44595 409.41825,473.79534 L 415.38700,485.76409 C 416.15790,495.40618 420.99698,505.53985 373.13700,592.45159 C 369.62352,600.16588 370.84654,606.23509 374.86142,612.46336 C 379.32681,615.91683 384.54177,618.94358 390.04325,618.88909 L 432.29325,618.48284 C 437.20287,618.37138 445.88566,607.19652 442.10575,599.26409 L 433.13700,588.17034 C 429.06138,581.10319 437.74346,560.23352 448.07450,539.07659 C 462.83321,519.69862 478.89634,515.66421 489.84398,515.44752 C 488.80994,524.24494 479.17939,554.12593 458.07450,592.45159 C 454.52436,600.24637 456.07746,607.30439 460.56069,613.01612 C 464.46988,616.42005 469.08013,618.94320 474.54325,618.88909 L 517.23075,618.48284 C 522.14037,618.37138 530.82330,607.19652 527.04325,599.26409 L 518.07450,588.17034 C 513.93987,581.00075 522.91099,559.71157 533.44950,538.23284 C 547.02951,518.77104 562.44357,516.37971 572.90648,516.36555 C 570.65997,538.04217 563.08607,555.99827 543.01200,592.45159 C 539.46185,600.24637 540.55597,606.84540 545.49819,612.55711 C 549.40740,615.96106 554.01770,618.94327 559.48075,618.88909 L 601.73075,618.48284 C 606.64037,618.37138 615.76093,607.19666 611.98075,599.26409 L 603.01200,588.17034 C 594.57597,573.54227 624.85001,534.13094 634.74616,507.44592 C 639.31935,492.90196 637.38543,484.78521 630.85982,475.99461 C 623.00119,467.16850 613.13776,461.28902 606.82450,459.29534 L 574.66825,458.82659 C 568.87026,460.14902 567.66929,463.46913 566.07450,469.54534 C 566.07450,469.54534 546.87731,468.66591 544.40851,468.38342 C 543.91302,465.17365 541.90491,459.90333 538.91825,459.60784 L 505.23075,459.10784 C 494.36511,458.88465 495.43685,462.80387 494.04325,469.48284 C 494.04325,469.48284 465.24859,470.69919 464.26970,469.50071 C 463.08503,469.28628 462.11593,460.11887 461.13700,458.92034 C 453.32620,457.50653 445.43356,457.02391 437.69950,457.10784 z "
+ id="path934"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc" />
+ <g
+ id="g937">
+ <path
+ style="fill:#c6c3c6;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.50000000;"
+ d="M 316.99474,575.20102 C 320.66113,568.54302 320.12130,567.98070 320.09880,567.23842 C 320.04632,566.24872 320.26375,565.86633 321.35842,565.88882 L 323.02292,565.84384 C 324.03512,565.79885 324.37252,566.15874 324.10260,566.92351 C 323.67049,568.08991 320.40726,573.39163 321.02489,574.46260 L 321.68105,575.28008 C 321.95780,575.86082 321.31206,576.69605 320.95261,576.70421 L 317.84948,576.73056 C 317.09221,576.73806 316.64984,575.95829 316.99474,575.20102 z "
+ id="path955"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="cccccccccc"
+ transform="matrix(13.65871,0.000000,0.000000,13.65871,-4041.013,-7266.029)" />
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:5.0000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1.0000000;stroke-dasharray:none;"
+ d="M 372.96653,462.63909 L 350.21653,463.26409 C 335.26475,462.95691 332.31222,468.18355 333.02903,481.70159 C 333.33635,491.84017 340.70095,499.51190 290.62278,590.45159 C 281.58148,608.76634 297.20888,616.45311 307.27903,616.85784 L 349.65403,616.51409 C 354.56365,616.40264 363.37157,604.97750 359.59153,597.04534 L 350.62278,585.88909 C 342.18675,571.26102 384.02914,500.22888 389.93121,484.29737 C 392.38677,477.33999 391.53557,473.33846 389.57205,469.45159 C 386.26357,464.53542 382.57594,462.21197 372.96653,462.63909 z "
+ id="path935"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="ccccccccccc" />
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g940">
+ <path
+ sodipodi:type="arc"
+ style="fill:#c6c3c6;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.47456792;"
+ id="path866"
+ sodipodi:cx="383.73456"
+ sodipodi:cy="513.51428"
+ sodipodi:rx="2.0693774"
+ sodipodi:ry="2.2493234"
+ d="M 385.80394 513.51428 A 2.0693774 2.2493234 0 1 0 381.66518,513.51428 A 2.0693774 2.2493234 0 1 0 385.80394 513.51428 z"
+ transform="matrix(14.39068,0.000000,0.000000,14.39068,-5150.331,-6971.059)" />
+ <path
+ style="fill:none;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke-width:5.0000000;stroke:#000000;stroke-opacity:1.0000000;stroke-dasharray:none;"
+ d="M 372.93976,388.65290 C 359.88015,388.65290 344.99456,404.26234 344.99456,418.27383 C 344.99457,432.28532 345.89815,435.11510 351.07043,444.71336 C 355.78370,454.31162 363.48358,456.18008 376.53148,456.18008 C 389.57937,456.18008 406.31273,438.72412 406.31273,424.72310 C 404.47669,411.18108 402.00710,405.92604 396.10575,399.26409 C 389.85250,392.20488 385.99937,388.65290 372.93976,388.65290 z "
+ id="path936"
+ sodipodi:nodetypes="czzzzsz" />
+ </g>
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian/vim
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian/vim 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian/vim 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+vim: binary-without-manpage vim.basic
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian/vim-variant
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian/vim-variant 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/lintian/vim-variant 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ at PKG@: binary-without-manpage vim. at VARIANT@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/rules
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/rules 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/rules 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+export SHELL=/bin/bash
+export DH_OPTIONS
+DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM)
+BUILDER := $(shell echo $${DEBEMAIL:-$${EMAIL:-$$(echo $$LOGNAME@$$(cat /etc/mailname 2> /dev/null))}})
+ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ifeq (,$(findstring nocheck,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ MAKETEST = yes
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+CFLAGS+=$(if $(findstring nodebug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)),,-g -Wall)
+# "vim-tiny" features: in addition to those coming from the --with-features=xxx,
+# "vim-tiny" is built with those listed in debian/tiny/features.txt
+# add -DFEAT_* from debian/tiny/features.txt
+TINYCFLAGS:=$(patsubst %,-D%,$(shell grep ^FEAT_ debian/tiny/features.txt | cut -f 1))
+# Each vim-xxx package is said to be a vim variant and contains only a vim
+# binary built with some compile-time options. Makefile VARIANTS below are
+# one-to-one with those packages with the exception of "vim-basic". In this
+# Makefile vim-basic is used to built 4 packages: "vim", "vim-runtime",
+# "vim-common", "vim-gui-common". "vim-tiny" is the only variant package not
+# depending on vim-runtime.
+# vim-basic must be the last one
+ifneq ($(DEB_HOST_GNU_SYSTEM),gnu)
+ VARIANTS+=vim-tiny
+ VARIANTS+=vim-ruby
+ VARIANTS+=vim-tcl
+ VARIANTS+=vim-gtk
+ VARIANTS+=vim-lesstif
+ VARIANTS+=vim-perl
+ VARIANTS+=vim-python
+ VARIANTS+=vim-gnome
+ VARIANTS+=vim-full
+ VARIANTS+=vim-basic
+ VARIANTS+=vim-tiny
+ VARIANTS+=vim-ruby
+ VARIANTS+=vim-gtk
+ VARIANTS+=vim-python
+ VARIANTS+=vim-lesstif
+ VARIANTS_SKIP+=vim-perl
+ VARIANTS_SKIP+=vim-gnome
+ VARIANTS_SKIP+=vim-tcl
+ VARIANTS_SKIP+=vim-full
+ VARIANTS+=vim-basic
+ifeq ($(origin VARIANT), command line)
+ VARIANTS = $(VARIANT) vim-basic
+CFGFLAGS_vim-basic=$(CFGFLAGS) $(OPTFLAGS) --without-x --enable-gui=no
+SRCDIR=$(NAME)$(subst .,,$(VERSION))
+CHANGELOG=$(VIMCUR)/runtime/doc/version7.txt # latest version upstream changelog
+PER_VARIANT_FILES = install postinst postrm prerm links
+LANGS += fr fr.ISO8859-1 fr.UTF-8
+LANGS += it it.ISO8859-1 it.UTF-8
+LANGS += pl pl.ISO8859-2 pl.UTF-8
+LANGS += ru.KOI8-R ru.UTF-8
+# nothing to do per default
+export: clean
+ test -d ../build-area # this dir is in the svn repo
+ rm -rf ../build-area/vim-$(DEBVERSION)
+ mkdir ../build-area/vim-$(DEBVERSION)
+ svn export debian ../build-area/vim-$(DEBVERSION)/debian
+ svn export patches ../build-area/vim-$(DEBVERSION)/patches
+ svn export upstream ../build-area/vim-$(DEBVERSION)/upstream
+ cp upstream/tarballs/vim-7*.zip \
+ ../build-area/vim-$(DEBVERSION)/upstream/tarballs/ ;
+ cd ../build-area && \
+ tar cvzf vim_$(DEBVERSION).orig.tar.gz \
+ vim-$(DEBVERSION)/upstream/tarballs/
+ cd ../build-area && \
+ dpkg-source -b vim-$(DEBVERSION)
+extract: extract-stamp
+extract-stamp: $(foreach s,$(SOURCES),extract-stamp-$(s))
+ if [ ! -L vim -o "`readlink vim`" != "$(VIMCUR)" ]; then \
+ ln -fs $(SRCDIR) vim; \
+ fi
+ @for f in `find upstream/patches -type f -name '$(VERSION).*' -printf "%P\n" | grep -v .svn | sort -n` ; do\
+ echo "applying upstream patch: $$f" ;\
+ cat upstream/patches/$$f | patch -s -d$(SRCDIR) -p0 ;\
+ done
+ quilt push -a
+ touch $@
+# {{{1 hackish way of updating to latest unstable snapshot
+ zipurl=`uscan --report | tail -2 | head -1` \
+ && test ! -z "$$zipurl" \
+ && zipbasename=`basename $$zipurl` \
+ && wget -O upstream/tarballs/$$zipbasename $$zipurl \
+ && noext=`echo $$zipbasename | sed 's/.zip//'` \
+ && rulesversion=`echo $$noext | cut -c5-8` \
+ && rulessnapshot=`echo $$noext | cut -c9-10` \
+ && sedcmd="s/^VERSION=.*/VERSION=$$rulesversion/;s/^SNAPSHOT=.*/SNAPSHOT=$$rulessnapshot/" \
+ && sed -i.bak "$$sedcmd" debian/rules \
+ && sed -i.bak "1{s/+.*-/+$$rulesversion$$rulessnapshot-/};4{s/(......)/($$rulesversion$$rulessnapshot)/}" debian/changelog
+# }}}
+ bunzip2 -c upstream/tarballs/$(*).bz2 | tar -x
+ touch $@
+ gunzip -c upstream/tarballs/$(*).gz | tar -x
+ touch $@
+ unzip -d $(SRCDIR) upstream/tarballs/$(*).zip
+ touch $@
+clean: $(foreach v,$(VARIANTS),clean-$(v))
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -f extract-stamp* build-stamp* install-stamp*
+ rm -f debian/helpztags.1
+ - quilt pop -a
+ rm -rf $(SRCDIR)
+ rm -f vim
+ dh_clean
+ for x in $(PER_VARIANT_FILES) ; do \
+ rm -f debian/vim.$$x ; \
+ done
+ for x in vim-gui-common.{install,links} vim-common.{install,links} \
+ vim-runtime.install; do \
+ rm -f debian/$$x; \
+ done
+ for x in $(PER_VARIANT_FILES) ; do \
+ rm -f debian/$*.$$x ; \
+ done
+ rm -f debian/vim.links
+ rm -f debian/lintian/$*
+build: extract
+build: build-stamp
+build-stamp: $(foreach v,$(VARIANTS),build-stamp-$(v))
+ $(MAKE) -C $(SRCDIR)/runtime/doc html # gen html docs (destroys tags)
+# (re)generate the tags file
+# $(SRCDIR)/src/vim-common -u /dev/null \
+# -c "helptags $(SRCDIR)/runtime/doc" -c quit
+ touch $@
+ dh_testdir
+ $(MAKE) -C $(SRCDIR) clean
+ cd $(SRCDIR) \
+ && make distclean \
+ && CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_$(*))" ./configure $(CFGFLAGS_$(*))
+ touch $@
+build-stamp-%: CURCFLAGS=$(CFLAGS_$*)
+build-stamp-%: configure-stamp-%
+ dh_testdir
+ @echo "*** DEBIAN *** BUILDING VARIANT $*"
+ mv $(SRCDIR)/src/vim $(SRCDIR)/src/$(subst -,.,$*)
+ touch $@
+install: build
+install: install-stamp
+install-stamp: $(foreach v,$(VARIANTS),install-stamp-$(v))
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ touch $@
+install-stamp-vim-basic: export DH_OPTIONS=-pvim-runtime -pvim-common -pvim-gui-common -pvim -pvim-doc
+install-stamp-vim-basic: DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
+install-stamp-vim-basic: build-stamp-vim-basic
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ @echo "*** DEBIAN *** INSTALLING VARIANT vim-basic"
+ dh_clean -k
+ dh_installdirs
+ cp $(SRCDIR)/src/{vim.basic,vim}
+ $(MAKE) -C $(SRCDIR)/src DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) installvimbin \
+ installtutorbin \
+ installruntime \
+ installtools \
+ install-icons \
+ install-languages
+ if [ $(MAKETEST) = "yes" ]; then \
+ $(MAKE) -C $(SRCDIR)/src DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR) test; \
+ fi
+ # disabled, waiting for an update
+ #cp debian/vim-install $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
+ mv $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/{vim,vim.basic} # use variant name
+ ln -fs $(VIMCUR) $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent # vimcur symlink
+ # rm stuff handled by alternatives
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/{ex,view}
+ @for f in `find $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man -name view.1 -o -name ex.1`; do \
+ rm -f $$f; \
+ done
+ # rm C part of maze (no longer working)
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/macros/maze/{*.c,Makefile}
+ # fix for CAN-2005-0069
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/tools/vimspell.*
+ # helpztags manpage
+ pod2man -c "User Commands" -s 1 -q none -r "vim 7.0aa" \
+ -d "September 2003" debian/helpztags debian/helpztags.1
+ # variant-related installations for package "vim"
+ # to be kept in sync with those in "install-stamp-%" target
+ for x in $(PER_VARIANT_FILES) ; do \
+ sed -e "s:@PKG@:vim:;s:@VARIANT@:basic:" \
+ -e "s:@DESTDIR@:debian/tmp/usr/bin:" \
+ -e "s:@COMMON@:vim-common:" \
+ debian/vim-variant.$$x > debian/vim.$$x ;\
+ done
+ for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ sed -e "s:\(.*\)@LANG_ALTS@:\1--slave \$$mandir/$$L/man1/\$$i.1.gz \$$i.$$L.1.gz \$$mandir/$$L/man1/vim.1.gz \\\\\n&:" \
+ -i debian/vim.postinst; \
+ done
+ sed -i "/@LANG_ALTS@/d" debian/vim.postinst
+ sed -e "s:@PKG@:vim:;s:@VARIANT@:basic:" \
+ debian/lintian/vim-variant > debian/lintian/vim
+ # Generate language-specific sections of
+ # vim-{runtime,common,gui-common}.install files
+ cp debian/vim-runtime.install{.in,}
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ echo debian/tmp/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/vimtutor.1 \
+ usr/share/man/$$L/man1/ >>debian/vim-runtime.install; \
+ done
+ cp debian/vim-common.install{.in,}
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ echo debian/tmp/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/\* \
+ usr/share/man/$$L/man1/ >>debian/vim-common.install; \
+ done
+ cp debian/vim-gui-common.install{.in,}
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ echo debian/tmp/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/evim.1 \
+ usr/share/man/$$L/man1/ >>debian/vim-gui-common.install; \
+ done
+ dh_installman
+ dh_install -X.svn --fail-missing
+ # adjust things for vim-gui-common
+ cp debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/man1/vim.1 \
+ debian/vim-gui-common/usr/share/man/man1/gvim.1
+ cp debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/man1/vimdiff.1 \
+ debian/vim-gui-common/usr/share/man/man1/gvimdiff.1
+ rm -f debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/man1/evim.1
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ cp debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/vim.1 \
+ debian/vim-gui-common/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/gvim.1; \
+ cp debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/vimdiff.1 \
+ debian/vim-gui-common/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/gvimdiff.1; \
+ rm -f debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/evim.1; \
+ done
+ # remove things that are in vim-runtime
+ rm -f debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/man1/vimtutor.1
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ rm -f debian/vim-common/usr/share/man/$$L/man1/vimtutor.1; \
+ done
+ rmdir debian/vim-gui-common/usr/bin
+ # Generate language-specific sections of
+ # vim-{common,gui-common}.links files
+ cp debian/vim-common.links{.in,}
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ for p in rvim rview; do \
+ echo usr/share/man/$$L/man1/vim.1 \
+ usr/share/man/$$L/man1/$$p.1 >>debian/vim-common.links; \
+ done; \
+ done
+ cp debian/vim-gui-common.links{.in,}
+ @for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ for p in gview rgvim rgview; do \
+ echo usr/share/man/$$L/man1/gvim.1 \
+ usr/share/man/$$L/man1/$$p.1 >>debian/vim-gui-common.links; \
+ done; \
+ echo usr/share/man/$$L/man1/evim.1 \
+ usr/share/man/$$L/man1/eview.1 >>debian/vim-gui-common.links; \
+ done
+ dh_link
+ # all excepts vim
+ dh_installchangelogs -Nvim
+ dh_installdocs
+ dh_installmenu
+ dh_installmime
+ touch $@
+# the other variants only include the binary
+install-stamp-%: export DH_OPTIONS=-p$*
+install-stamp-%: DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/$*
+install-stamp-%: build-stamp-%
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ @echo "*** DEBIAN *** INSTALLING VARIANT $*"
+ dh_clean -k
+ dh_installdirs
+ # variant-related installations
+ # to be kept in sync with those in "install-stamp-vim-basic" target
+ for x in $(PER_VARIANT_FILES) ; do \
+ if [ "$*" = "vim-tiny" ]; then \
+ sed -e "s:@PKG@:$*:" -e "s:@VARIANT@:$(patsubst vim-%,%,$*):" \
+ -e "s:@DESTDIR@:$(SRCDIR)/src:" -e "s:@COMMON@:vim-common:" \
+ debian/vim-variant.$$x > debian/$*.$$x ;\
+ else \
+ sed -e "s:@PKG@:$*:" -e "s:@VARIANT@:$(patsubst vim-%,%,$*):" \
+ -e "s:@DESTDIR@:$(SRCDIR)/src:" -e "s:@COMMON@:vim-gui-common:" \
+ debian/vim-variant.$$x > debian/$*.$$x ;\
+ fi \
+ done
+ sed -e "s:@PKG@:$*:;s:@VARIANT@:$(patsubst vim-%,%,$*):" \
+ debian/lintian/vim-variant > debian/lintian/$*
+ for L in $(LANGS); do \
+ sed -e "s:\(.*\)@LANG_ALTS@:\1--slave \$$mandir/$$L/man1/\$$i.1.gz \$$i.$$L.1.gz \$$mandir/$$L/man1/vim.1.gz \\\\\n&:" \
+ -i debian/$*.postinst; \
+ done
+ sed -i "/@LANG_ALTS@/d" debian/$*.postinst
+ # fake help installation for vim-tiny
+ if [ "$*" = "vim-tiny" ]; then \
+ echo "debian/tiny/doc/ usr/share/vim/" >> debian/$*.install; \
+ fi
+ dh_install -X.svn
+ dh_link
+ touch $@
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ rm -f install-stamp*
+ dh_clean
+binary-indep: export DH_OPTIONS=-i
+binary-indep: build install
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_compress
+ dh_fixperms
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_shlibdeps
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+binary-arch: build install
+binary-arch: $(foreach v,$(VARIANTS),binary-arch-$(v))
+binary-arch-vim-basic: export DH_OPTIONS=-pvim-common -pvim
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_desktop
+ dh_strip
+ dh_compress
+ dh_fixperms
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_shlibdeps
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+binary-arch-%: export DH_OPTIONS=-p$* $(foreach v,$(VARIANTS_SKIP),-N$(v))
+binary-arch-%: build install
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_desktop
+ dh_strip
+ dh_compress
+ dh_fixperms
+ dh_installdeb
+ dh_shlibdeps
+ dh_gencontrol
+ dh_md5sums
+ dh_builddeb
+binary: beginlog binary-indep binary-arch endlog
+.PHONY: extract clean build install uninstall binary-indep binary-arch binary
+.PHONY: beginlog endlog
+ @echo "*** DEBIAN *** BUILD STARTED"
+ @echo "*** DEBIAN *** BUILD COMPLETED"
+# vim: set foldmethod=marker:
Property changes on: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/rules
Name: svn:executable
+ *
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime/gvimrc
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime/gvimrc 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime/gvimrc 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+" Configuration file for gvim
+" Written for Debian GNU/Linux by W.Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org>
+" Make external commands work through a pipe instead of a pseudo-tty
+"set noguipty
+" Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors
+" Make shift-insert work like in Xterm
+map <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
+map! <S-Insert> <MiddleMouse>
+" Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern.
+if has("syntax") && (&t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running"))
+ syntax on
+ set hlsearch
+" Extensions by i18n teams
+if filereadable( "/etc/vim/langrc/" . $LANG . ".vim" )
+ exe "so " . "/etc/vim/langrc/" . $LANG . ".vim"
+" You can also specify a different font, overriding the default font and the
+" one from the hooks above:
+" set guifont=-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-130-75-75-c-70-iso8859-1
+if filereadable("/etc/vim/gvimrc.local")
+ source /etc/vim/gvimrc.local
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime/vimrc
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime/vimrc 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/runtime/vimrc 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+" Configuration file for vim
+set runtimepath=~/.vim,/usr/share/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vimcurrent,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/usr/share/vim/addons/after,~/.vim/after
+" Normally we use vim-extensions. If you want true vi-compatibility
+" remove change the following statements
+set nocompatible " Use Vim defaults instead of 100% vi compatibility
+set backspace=indent,eol,start " more powerful backspacing
+" Now we set some defaults for the editor
+set autoindent " always set autoindenting on
+" set linebreak " Don't wrap words by default
+set textwidth=0 " Don't wrap lines by default
+set viminfo='20,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more than
+ " 50 lines of registers
+set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history
+set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
+" Suffixes that get lower priority when doing tab completion for filenames.
+" These are files we are not likely to want to edit or read.
+set suffixes=.bak,~,.swp,.o,.info,.aux,.log,.dvi,.bbl,.blg,.brf,.cb,.ind,.idx,.ilg,.inx,.out,.toc
+" We know xterm-debian is a color terminal
+if &term =~ "xterm-debian" || &term =~ "xterm-xfree86"
+ set t_Co=16
+ set t_Sf=[3%dm
+ set t_Sb=[4%dm
+" Vim5 and later versions support syntax highlighting. Uncommenting the next
+" line enables syntax highlighting by default.
+" syntax on
+" If using a dark background within the editing area and syntax highlighting
+" turn on this option as well
+" set background=dark
+if has("autocmd")
+ " Enabled file type detection
+ " Use the default filetype settings. If you also want to load indent files
+ " to automatically do language-dependent indenting add 'indent' as well.
+ filetype plugin on
+endif " has ("autocmd")
+" Some Debian-specific things
+if has("autocmd")
+ augroup filetype
+ au BufRead reportbug.* set ft=mail
+ au BufRead reportbug-* set ft=mail
+ augroup END
+" Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when
+" reopening a file
+" if has("autocmd")
+" au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
+" \| exe "normal g'\"" | endif
+" endif
+" Set paper size from /etc/papersize if available (Debian-specific)
+if filereadable("/etc/papersize")
+ try
+ let s:shellbak = &shell
+ let &shell="/bin/sh"
+ let s:papersize = matchstr(system("cat /etc/papersize"), "\\p*")
+ let &shell=s:shellbak
+ if strlen(s:papersize)
+ let &printoptions = "paper:" . s:papersize
+ endif
+ catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E145/
+ endtry
+" The following are commented out as they cause vim to behave a lot
+" different from regular vi. They are highly recommended though.
+"set showcmd " Show (partial) command in status line.
+"set showmatch " Show matching brackets.
+"set ignorecase " Do case insensitive matching
+"set incsearch " Incremental search
+"set autowrite " Automatically save before commands like :next and :make
+" Source a global configuration file if available
+if filereadable("/etc/vim/vimrc.local")
+ source /etc/vim/vimrc.local
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/README.Debian
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/README.Debian 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/README.Debian 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+This directory contains Debian-specific fake help files and tags used by
+the "vim-tiny" package. Their only purpose is to tell the user how to
+install the real VIM online help on Debian if she wants to (i.e.
+installing the "vim-runtime" package).
+ -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> Thu, 03 Nov 2005 22:16:23 +0100
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/help.txt
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/help.txt 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/help.txt 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+*help.txt* For Vim version 6.4. Last change: 2004 Aug 29
+ VIM - fake help file for vim-tiny
+The Vim online help is not installed on this Debian GNU/Linux system.
+WHY ?
+Because the "vim-runtime" package containing it is not installed.
+This may happen if your administrator has chosen to install as only Vim variant
+the "vim-tiny" package. The "vim-tiny" package contains a minimal version of
+Vim compiled with no graphical user interface and only a small subset of
+features in order to keep small the package size.
+Since the "vim-runtime" package is rather huge when compared to "vim-tiny",
+installing the latter does not automatically install the former.
+either browse the Vim online help via web starting at
+ http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/help.html#help.txt
+or ask your administrator to install the "vim-doc" package, which contains the
+ HTML version of the online help and browse it starting at
+ /usr/share/doc/vim/html/index.html
+or ask your administrator to install the "vim-runtime" package, re-run vim and
+ access the online help again. Note that all Vim variants other then
+ "vim-tiny" automatically install the "vim-runtime" package, if you don't
+ suffer from disk space shortage using one of them is recommended.
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/tags
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/tags 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/doc/tags 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+help.txt help.txt /*help.txt*
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/features.txt
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/features.txt 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/tiny/features.txt 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+vim-tiny is compiled using --with-features=small. Since there a lot of features
+one-can-t-live-without which are missing from the "small" features subsed, extra
+features are built in. This file describes them and is parsed during the
+vim-tiny build process by debian/rules. Information extracted from this file are
+then used to patch src/features.h so that the desired features are actually
+Each line which does not begin with "FEAT_" is ignored. Each line which is not
+ignored must have the following format:
+ <C feature name from src/feature.h>
+ <feature description as per :help +feature-list>
+ <Newline>
+In order to add an extra feature for "vim-tiny":
+1) have a look at the features described in ":help +feature-list"
+2) lookup them in src/feature.h to find the C feature name
+3) add it below using the format described above
+Extra features compiled in vim tiny:
+FEAT_AUTOCMD N *+autocmd* |:autocmd|, automatic commands
+FEAT_BYTEOFF N *+byte_offset* support for 'o' flag in 'statusline' option, "go"
+FEAT_CMDL_COMPL N *+cmdline_compl* command line completion |cmdline-completion|
+FEAT_CMDHIST N *+cmdline_hist* command line history |cmdline-history|
+FEAT_CMDL_INFO N *+cmdline_info* |'showcmd'| and |'ruler'|
+FEAT_COMMENTS N *+comments* |'comments'| support
+FEAT_DIFF N *+diff* |vimdiff| and 'diff'
+FEAT_DIGRAPHS N *+digraphs* |digraphs| *E196*
+FEAT_EVAL N *+eval* expression evaluation |eval.txt|
+FEAT_EX_EXTRA N *+ex_extra* Vim's extra Ex commands: |:center|, |:left|,
+FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA N *+extra_search* |'hlsearch'| and |'incsearch'| options.
+FEAT_SEARCHPATH N *+file_in_path* |gf|, |CTRL-W_f| and |<cfile>|
+FEAT_FOLDING N *+folding* |folding|
+FEAT_INS_EXPAND N *+insert_expand* |insert_expand| Insert mode completion
+FEAT_LISTCMDS N *+listcmds* Vim commands for the list of buffers |buffer-hidden|
+FEAT_QUICKFIX N *+quickfix* |:make| and |quickfix| commands
+FEAT_SCROLLBIND N *+scrollbind* |'scrollbind'|
+FEAT_SMARTINDENT N *+smartindent* |'smartindent'|
+FEAT_TEXTOBJ N *+textobjects* |text-objects| selection
+FEAT_USR_CMDS N *+user_commands* User-defined commands. |user-commands|
+FEAT_VERTSPLIT N *+vertsplit* Vertically split windows |:vsplit|
+FEAT_VIMINFO N *+viminfo* |'viminfo'|
+FEAT_VISUALEXTRA N *+visualextra* extra Visual mode commands |blockwise-operators|
+If we do not want vimdiff in vim-tiny, we can remove from above: _AUTOCMD,
+All remaining features from the "normal" features subset.
+ N *+autocmd* |:autocmd|, automatic commands
+ N *+browse* |:browse| command
+ N *+builtin_terms* some terminals builtin |builtin-terms|
+ N *+byte_offset* support for 'o' flag in 'statusline' option, "go"
+ N *+cindent* |'cindent'|, C indenting
+ N *+clientserver* Unix and Win32: Remote invocation |clientserver|
+ N *+cmdline_compl* command line completion |cmdline-completion|
+ N *+cmdline_hist* command line history |cmdline-history|
+ N *+cmdline_info* |'showcmd'| and |'ruler'|
+ N *+comments* |'comments'| support
+ N *+cryptv* encryption support |encryption|
+ N *+dialog_gui* Support for |:confirm| with GUI dialog.
+ N *+dialog_con* Support for |:confirm| with console dialog.
+ N *+dialog_con_gui* Support for |:confirm| with GUI and console dialog.
+ N *+diff* |vimdiff| and 'diff'
+ N *+digraphs* |digraphs| *E196*
+ N *+eval* expression evaluation |eval.txt|
+ N *+ex_extra* Vim's extra Ex commands: |:center|, |:left|,
+ N *+extra_search* |'hlsearch'| and |'incsearch'| options.
+ N *+file_in_path* |gf|, |CTRL-W_f| and |<cfile>|
+ N *+find_in_path* include file searches: |[I|, |:isearch|,
+ N *+folding* |folding|
+ N *+gettext* message translations |multi-lang|
+ N *+insert_expand* |insert_expand| Insert mode completion
+ N *+jumplist* |jumplist|
+ N *+libcall* |libcall()|
+ N *+linebreak* |'linebreak'|, |'breakat'| and |'showbreak'|
+ N *+lispindent* |'lisp'|
+ N *+listcmds* Vim commands for the list of buffers |buffer-hidden|
+ N *+localmap* Support for mappings local to a buffer |:map-local|
+ N *+menu* |:menu|
+ N *+mksession* |:mksession|
+ N *+modify_fname* |filename-modifiers|
+ N *+mouse* Mouse handling |mouse-using|
+ N *+mouseshape* |'mouseshape'|
+ N *+mouse_gpm* Unix only: Linux console mouse handling |gpm-mouse|
+ N *+mouse_pterm* QNX only: pterm mouse handling |qnx-terminal|
+ N *+mouse_xterm* Unix only: xterm mouse handling |xterm-mouse|
+ N *+multi_lang* non-English language support |multi-lang|
+ N *+path_extra* Up/downwards search in 'path' and 'tags'
+ N *+printer* |:hardcopy| command
+ N *+quickfix* |:make| and |quickfix| commands
+ N *+scrollbind* |'scrollbind'|
+ N *+smartindent* |'smartindent'|
+ N *+statusline* Options 'statusline', 'rulerformat' and special
+ N *+syntax* Syntax highlighting |syntax|
+ N *+tag_binary* binary searching in tags file |tag-binary-search|
+ N *+tag_old_static* old method for static tags |tag-old-static|
+ N *+termresponse* support for |t_RV| and |v:termresponse|
+ N *+textobjects* |text-objects| selection
+ N *+title* Setting the window title |'title'|
+ N *+toolbar* |gui-toolbar|
+ N *+user_commands* User-defined commands. |user-commands|
+ N *+viminfo* |'viminfo'|
+ N *+vertsplit* Vertically split windows |:vsplit|
+ N *+virtualedit* |'virtualedit'|
+ N *+visualextra* extra Visual mode commands |blockwise-operators|
+ N *+vreplace* |gR| and |gr|
+ N *+wildignore* |'wildignore'|
+ N *+wildmenu* |'wildmenu'|
+ N *+xterm_clipboard* Unix only: xterm clipboard handling
+ N *+X11* Unix only: can restore window title |X11|
+ -- Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at debian.org> Tue, 01 Nov 2005 10:38:59 +0100
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates/debcontrol.vim
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates/debcontrol.vim 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates/debcontrol.vim 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Debian control files
+" Maintainer: Gerfried Fuchs <alfie at debian.org>
+" Last Change: 15. March 2005
+" URL: http://alfie.ist.org/projects/vim/syntax/debcontrol.vim
+" Original Version: Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma at debian.org>
+" Comments are very welcome - but please make sure that you are commenting on
+" the latest version of this file.
+" SPAM is _NOT_ welcome - be ready to be reported!
+" Standard syntax initialization
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+" Everything that is not explicitly matched by the rules below
+syn match debcontrolElse "^.*$"
+" Common seperators
+syn match debControlComma ", *"
+syn match debControlSpace " "
+" Define some common expressions we can use later on
+syn match debcontrolArchitecture contained "\(all\|any\|alpha\|amd64\|arm\|armeb\|hppa\|i386\|ia64\|m68k\|mipsel\|mips\|powerpc\|s390\|sheb\|sh\|sparc64\|sparc\|hurd-i386\|kfreebsd-\(i386\|amd64\)\|knetbsd-i386\|netbsd-i386\)"
+syn match debcontrolName contained "\<\([0-9+-.]*[a-z][a-z0-9+-.]*\)\>"
+syn match debcontrolPriority contained "\(extra\|important\|optional\|required\|standard\)"
+syn match debcontrolSection contained "\(\(contrib\|non-free\|non-US/main\|non-US/contrib\|non-US/non-free\)/\)\=\(admin\|base\|comm\|devel\|doc\|editors\|electronics\|embedded\|games\|gnome\|graphics\|hamradio\|interpreters\|kde\|libs\|libdevel\|mail\|math\|misc\|net\|news\|oldlibs\|otherosfs\|perl\|python\|science\|shells\|sound\|text\|tex\|utils\|web\|x11\|debian-installer\)"
+syn match debcontrolVariable contained "\${.\{-}}"
+" An email address
+syn match debcontrolEmail "[_=[:alnum:]\.+-]\+@[[:alnum:]\./\-]\+"
+syn match debcontrolEmail "<.\{-}>"
+" List of all legal keys
+syn match debcontrolKey contained "^\(Source\|Package\|Section\|Priority\|Maintainer\|Uploaders\|Build-Depends\|Build-Conflicts\|Build-Depends-Indep\|Build-Conflicts-Indep\|Standards-Version\|Pre-Depends\|Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Essential\|Architecture\|Description\|Bugs\|Origin\|Enhances\): *"
+" Fields for which we do strict syntax checking
+syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Architecture" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolArchitecture,debcontrolSpace oneline
+syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^\(Package\|Source\)" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolName oneline
+syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Priority" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolPriority oneline
+syn region debcontrolStrictField start="^Section" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolSection oneline
+" Catch-all for the other legal fields
+syn region debcontrolField start="^\(Build-Depends\|Build-Conflicts\|Build-Depends-Indep\|Build-Conflicts-Indep\|Standards-Version\|Pre-Depends\|Depends\|Recommends\|Suggests\|Provides\|Replaces\|Conflicts\|Essential\|Origin\|Enhances\):" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolVariable oneline
+syn region debcontrolField start="^\(Maintainer\|Bugs\):" end="$" contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolVariable,debcontrolEmail oneline
+syn region debcontrolMultiField start="^\(Uploaders\|Description\):" skip="^ " end="^$"me=s-1 end="^[^ ]"me=s-1 contains=debcontrolKey,debcontrolEmail,debcontrolVariable
+" Associate our matches and regions with pretty colours
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_debcontrol_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_debcontrol_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink debcontrolKey Keyword
+ HiLink debcontrolField Normal
+ HiLink debcontrolStrictField Error
+ HiLink debcontrolMultiField Normal
+ HiLink debcontrolArchitecture Normal
+ HiLink debcontrolName Normal
+ HiLink debcontrolPriority Normal
+ HiLink debcontrolSection Normal
+ HiLink debcontrolVariable Identifier
+ HiLink debcontrolEmail Identifier
+ HiLink debcontrolElse Special
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "debcontrol"
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates/tpp.vim
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates/tpp.vim 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/updates/tpp.vim 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: tpp - Text Presentation Program
+" Maintainer: Gerfried Fuchs <alfie at ist.org>
+" Filenames: *.tpp
+" Last Change: 24. February 2005
+" URL: http://alfie.ist.org/projects/vim/syntax/tpp.vim
+" License: BSD
+" Comments are very welcome - but please make sure that you are commenting on
+" the latest version of this file.
+" SPAM is _NOT_ welcome - be ready to be reported!
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+ syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+if !exists("main_syntax")
+ let main_syntax = 'tpp'
+"" list of the legal switches/options
+syn match tppAbstractOptionKey contained "^--\%(author\|title\|date\|footer\) *" nextgroup=tppString
+syn match tppPageLocalOptionKey contained "^--\%(heading\|center\|right\|huge\|sethugefont\|exec\) *" nextgroup=tppString
+syn match tppPageLocalSwitchKey contained "^--\%(horline\|-\|\%(begin\|end\)\%(\%(shell\)\?output\|slide\%(left\|right\|top\|bottom\)\)\|\%(bold\|rev\|ul\)\%(on\|off\)\|withborder\)"
+syn match tppNewPageOptionKey contained "^--newpage *" nextgroup=tppString
+syn match tppColorOptionKey contained "^--\%(\%(bg\|fg\)\?color\) *"
+syn match tppTimeOptionKey contained "^--sleep *"
+syn match tppString contained ".*"
+syn match tppColor contained "\%(white\|yellow\|red\|green\|blue\|cyan\|magenta\|black\|default\)"
+syn match tppTime contained "\d\+"
+syn region tppPageLocalSwitch start="^--" end="$" contains=tppPageLocalSwitchKey oneline
+syn region tppColorOption start="^--\%(\%(bg\|fg\)\?color\)" end="$" contains=tppColorOptionKey,tppColor oneline
+syn region tppTimeOption start="^--sleep" end="$" contains=tppTimeOptionKey,tppTime oneline
+syn region tppNewPageOption start="^--newpage" end="$" contains=tppNewPageOptionKey oneline
+syn region tppPageLocalOption start="^--\%(heading\|center\|right\|huge\|sethugefont\|exec\)" end="$" contains=tppPageLocalOptionKey oneline
+syn region tppAbstractOption start="^--\%(author\|title\|date\|footer\)" end="$" contains=tppAbstractOptionKey oneline
+if main_syntax != 'sh'
+ " shell command
+ if version < 600
+ syn include @tppShExec <sfile>:p:h/sh.vim
+ else
+ syn include @tppShExec syntax/sh.vim
+ endif
+ unlet b:current_syntax
+ syn region shExec matchgroup=tppPageLocalOptionKey start='^--exec *' keepend end='$' contains=@tppShExec
+syn match tppComment "^--##.*$"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_tpp_syn_inits")
+ if version < 508
+ let did_tpp_syn_inits = 1
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+ else
+ command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+ endif
+ HiLink tppAbstractOptionKey Special
+ HiLink tppPageLocalOptionKey Keyword
+ HiLink tppPageLocalSwitchKey Keyword
+ HiLink tppColorOptionKey Keyword
+ HiLink tppTimeOptionKey Comment
+ HiLink tppNewPageOptionKey PreProc
+ HiLink tppString String
+ HiLink tppColor String
+ HiLink tppTime Number
+ HiLink tppComment Comment
+ HiLink tppAbstractOption Error
+ HiLink tppPageLocalOption Error
+ HiLink tppPageLocalSwitch Error
+ HiLink tppColorOption Error
+ HiLink tppNewPageOption Error
+ HiLink tppTimeOption Error
+ delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "tpp"
+" vim: ts=8 sw=2
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.dirs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.dirs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.dirs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.docs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.docs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.docs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.install.in
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.install.in 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.install.in 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+debian/tmp/usr/bin/xxd usr/bin/
+debian/helpztags usr/bin/
+debian/runtime/vimrc etc/vim/
+debian/vim.presubj usr/share/bug/vim/
+debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/* usr/share/man/man1/
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.links.in
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.links.in 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.links.in 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+etc/vim usr/share/vim/vimfiles
+etc/vim/vimrc usr/share/vim/vimrc
+usr/share/man/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/fr/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/fr/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/fr/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/fr/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/fr.ISO8859-1/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/fr.ISO8859-1/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/fr.ISO8859-1/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/fr.ISO8859-1/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/fr.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/fr.UTF-8/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/fr.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/fr.UTF-8/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/it/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/it/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/it/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/it/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/it.ISO8859-1/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/it.ISO8859-1/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/it.ISO8859-1/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/it.ISO8859-1/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/it.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/it.UTF-8/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/it.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/it.UTF-8/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/pl.ISO8859-2/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/pl.ISO8859-2/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/pl.ISO8859-2/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/pl.ISO8859-2/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/pl.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/pl.UTF-8/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/pl.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/pl.UTF-8/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/ru.KOI8-R/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/ru.KOI8-R/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/ru.KOI8-R/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/ru.KOI8-R/man1/rview.1
+usr/share/man/ru.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/ru.UTF-8/man1/rvim.1
+usr/share/man/ru.UTF-8/man1/vim.1 usr/share/man/ru.UTF-8/man1/rview.1
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.manpages
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.manpages 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.manpages 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.mime
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.mime 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.mime 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+text/plain; view %s; edit=vim %s; compose=vim %s; needsterminal; priority=4
+text/*; view %s; edit=vim %s; compose=vim %s; needsterminal; priority=2
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.preinst
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.preinst 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-common.preinst 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+remove_symlink () {
+ if [ -L $1 ]; then
+ rm $1
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ upgrade)
+ remove_symlink /usr/share/doc/vim-common
+ ;;
+exit 0
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.dirs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.dirs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.dirs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.doc-base.referencemanual
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.doc-base.referencemanual 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.doc-base.referencemanual 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Document: vim-referencemanual
+Title: VIM reference manual
+Author: Bram Moolenaar <bram at vim.org>
+Section: Apps/Tools
+Abstract: The vim reference manual
+ This document contains a detailed list of all commands for
+ each mode as well as all configurable options.
+Format: html
+Index: /usr/share/doc/vim-common/html/index.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/vim-common/html/*.html
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.doc-base.usermanual
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.doc-base.usermanual 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.doc-base.usermanual 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Document: vim-usermanual
+Title: VIM user manual
+Author: Bram Moolenaar <bram at vim.org>
+Section: Apps/Tools
+Abstract: The vim user manual.
+ Contains task oriented explanations from simplex to complex
+ on using vim.
+Format: html
+Index: /usr/share/doc/vim-common/html/usr_01.html
+Files: /usr/share/doc/vim-common/html/usr_*.html
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.install
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.install 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.install 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+vim/runtime/doc/*.html usr/share/doc/vim-common/html/
+debian/vim-policy.txt usr/share/doc/vim-common/
+debian/FAQ usr/share/doc/vim-common/
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.links
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.links 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.links 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+usr/share/doc/vim-common usr/share/doc/vim-doc/doc
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.preinst
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.preinst 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-doc.preinst 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+remove_symlink () {
+ if [ -L $1 ]; then
+ rm $1
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ upgrade)
+ remove_symlink /usr/share/doc/vim-common
+ ;;
+exit 0
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.dirs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.dirs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.dirs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.install.in
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.install.in 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.install.in 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+debian/gvim.desktop usr/share/applications/
+debian/icons/* usr/share/pixmaps/
+debian/runtime/gvimrc etc/vim/
+debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/evim.1 usr/share/man/man1/
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.links.in
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.links.in 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.links.in 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+etc/vim/gvimrc usr/share/vim/gvimrc
+usr/share/doc/vim-common usr/share/doc/vim-gui-common
+usr/share/man/man1/gvim.1 usr/share/man/man1/gview.1
+usr/share/man/man1/gvim.1 usr/share/man/man1/rgvim.1
+usr/share/man/man1/gvim.1 usr/share/man/man1/rgview.1
+usr/share/man/man1/evim.1 usr/share/man/man1/eview.1
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.menu
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.menu 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.menu 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+?package(vim-gui-common):needs="x11" \
+ section="Apps/Editors" \
+ title="GVIM" \
+ longtitle="GVIM, graphical Vi IMproved" \
+ command="/usr/bin/gvim -f" \
+ icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/vim-32.xpm" \
+ icon32x32="/usr/share/pixmaps/vim-32.xpm" \
+ icon16x16="/usr/share/pixmaps/vim-16.xpm"
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.mime
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.mime 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-gui-common.mime 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+text/plain; gview -f %s; edit=gvim -f %s; compose=gvim -f %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != ""; priority=4
+text/*; gview -f %s; edit=gvim -f %s; compose=gvim -f %s; test=test "$DISPLAY" != "" ; priority=2
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-install
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-install 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-install 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use File::Path;
+my $db = "/var/lib/dpkg/info";
+my $vim = "$ENV{HOME}/.vim";
+sub install_script {
+ # is there a parameter to take care of?
+ if (!($_[0]))
+ { die "Please specify the name of script to install.\n" };
+ # is there ~/.vim?
+ mkdir $vim;
+ if ($! and ! -d $vim)
+ { die "Something is wrong with your ~/.vim/ directory:\n$!\n" };
+ # get the list of files and link them
+ open(F,$db . "/vim-" . $_[0] . ".list")
+ or die "Script $_[0] has not been found.\nPerhaps it has not been installed site-wide from .deb package?\n";
+ while (<F>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (m#^/usr/share/vim/addons/#) {
+ ($lf = $_) =~ s#^/usr/share/vim/addons/##; $lf = "$vim/$lf";
+ ($ld = $lf) =~ s#/[^/]*?$##;
+ mkpath $ld;
+ if ($! and ! -d $ld)
+ { die "Something is wrong with your $ld directory:\n$!\n" };
+ symlink $_, $lf;
+ if ($! and ! -l $lf)
+ { die "Something is wrong with your $lf symlink:\n$!\n" };
+ if (readlink $lf ne $_)
+ { unlink $lf; symlink $_, $lf };
+ print "$_ linked OK.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ print "Script $_[0] has been installed.\n";
+sub remove_script {
+ # is there a parameter to take care of?
+ if (!($_[0]))
+ { die "Please specify the name of script to remove.\n" };
+ # get the list of files and link them
+ open(F,$db . "/vim-" . $_[0] . ".list")
+ or die "Script $_[0] has not been found.\nPerhaps it has not been installed site-wide from .deb package?\n";
+ my $count=0;
+ while (<F>) {
+ chomp;
+ if (m#^/usr/share/vim/addons/#) {
+ ($lf = $_) =~ s#^/usr/share/vim/addons/##; $lf = "$vim/$lf";
+ ($ld = $lf) =~ s#/[^/]*?$##;
+ if (-l $lf) {
+ $!=0;
+ unlink $lf;
+ if ($!) { die "Something went wrong while removing $lf link:\n$!\n" };
+ $count++;
+ $dirs{$ld}++;
+ print "$lf link removed OK.\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print "WARNING: $lf is NOT a symlink, please check it!\n";
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ close(F);
+ if ($count) {
+ print "Script $_[0] has been removed. $count links removed.\n";
+ if (%dirs) {
+ print "Please check following dirs, they may have been emptied:\n", join "\n", sort(keys %dirs), "\n" };
+ }
+ else {
+ print "Script $_[0] has NOT been removed.\nEither $_[0] wasn't installed in ~/.vim or you have messed something up...\n";
+ };
+for ($ARGV[0] || "help") {
+ if (/^install$/) { install_script($ARGV[1]) }
+ elsif (/^remove$/) { remove_script($ARGV[1]) }
+ else { print
+"A script to manage ~/.vim -> /usr/share/vim/addons links.
+$0 command [options] where available commands are:
+\tinstall foo\tcreates links from ~/.vim/ to /usr/share/vim/addons for script foo
+\tremove foo\tremoves links from ~/.vim/ to /usr/share/vim/addons for script foo
+\thelp\t\tget this help message
+"; }
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-policy.txt
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-policy.txt 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-policy.txt 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+$Id: vim-policy.txt,v 1.2 2003/10/11 19:42:39 arturcz Exp $
+$Source: /var/lib/cvs/vsp/vim-policy.txt,v $
+Debian Vim Scripts Policy
+This document describes the packaging of Vim scripts within the Debian
+GNU/Linux distribution and the policy requirements for such packages.
+Copyright © 2003 Artur R. Czechowski, Jakub Turski
+This manual is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+This is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+A copy of the GNU General Public License is available as
+/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL in the Debian GNU/Linux
+distribution or on the World Wide Web at http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+You can also obtain it by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
+Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+1. Separation of additional scripts
+All scripts introduced by other packages should be installed under
+/usr/share/vim/addons/ directory. This directory should be present in
+'runtimepath' setting of vim. We recommend either setting it in global vimrc or
+(better) compiling it in (if such solution is possible). New runtimepath should
+look like this:
+ runtimepath=~/.vim,/etc/vim,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/addons,/usr/share/vim/vim62,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,~/.vim/after
+This separation is proposed in order to get rid of versioning problem. Right
+now, scripts should go in /usr/share/vim/vimXY dir, which can change with vim
+package version.
+Note that new directory is added before standard directory, in order for
+scripts files to take precedency.
+2. Vim startup.
+Vim should automatically source all scripts added into /usr/share/vim/addons.
+We believe that IF site administrator is installing a script system-wide, from
+a package, THEN this script is considered important and is meant to be sourced
+automatically. Therefore, administrators should think twice before installing
+a script in this way.
+If the particular user does not share this point of view, he has the option to
+change this behaviour, by removing /usr/share/vim/addons from the runtimepath.
+It can be accomplished by setting runtimepath in his or her ~/.vimrc.
+If the user has removed /usr/share/vim/addons from runtimepath, but still wants
+to user *some* of scripts installed there, he can use vim-install utility,
+which will help in creating set of symlinks, from user's ~/.vim/ directory to
+adequate files in /usr/share/vim/addons directory. This utility is available
+It should be included into vim package.
+3. Dependencies.
+The script package should depend on vim package. It may also specify version
+number if such dependency is needed. If package contains script with
+documentation, it should pre-depend on vim package.
+4. Help files handling and helptags generation.
+All scripts documentation should be put in compressed form in
+/usr/share/vim/addons/doc directory. A script that will generate helptags file
+for this directory has been written and is available at:
+It should be included into vim package. All packages containing vim scripts
+with documentation should pre-depend on vim.
+5. Naming.
+All packages that contain vim scripts and adhere to this policy must be named
+in following pattern:
+ vim-script-name
+Currently, only vim-latexsuite conforms to this point.
+6. Conflict resolving.
+There are two possible cases:
+If package introduces the same file as in standard vim distribution, the
+package version takes precedence. It is put in /usr/share/vim/addons/ directory
+which appears before standard vim dir.
+If package introduces the same file as another package with another vim
+scripts, both packages should use update-alternatives in order to solve this
+conflict. Priority should be calculated as follows:
+ * Start with a priority of 20.
+ * If package allows user customization, add 10.
+ * Judge about amount of provided features.
+7. vim-scripts package.
+This package is intended to act as a 'bag of scripts'. Scripts in this package
+are NOT put into /usr/share/vim/addons/, and thus are NOT enabled by default.
+If user (or administrator) wants to enable one of the scripts from vim-scripts
+package, he should copy it to specific directory (i.e. ~/.vim/).
+If you are going to package a script with conformance to this policy, please
+check if it is included in vim-scripts package. If it is, please inform the
+vim-scripts package maintainer that he should remove this scipt from
+vim-scripts package.
+Please also note, that most of 'one-file' scripts should rather remain in
+vim-scripts than be packaged in their own package. Candidates for separate
+packages are set of scripts (like latexSuite) or scripts that introduce some
+sort of infrastructure (perl-support, with templates and dictionary file) or
+simply scripts that consist of more than one vim file.
+This policy is open for discussion!
+Authors can be reached at:
+Artur R. Czechowski <arturcz at hell dot pl>
+Jakub Turski <yacoob at chruptak dot plukwa dot net>
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-runtime.dirs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-runtime.dirs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-runtime.dirs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-runtime.install.in
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-runtime.install.in 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-runtime.install.in 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+debian/tmp/usr/bin/vimtutor usr/bin/
+debian/tmp/usr/share/consolefonts/* usr/share/consolefonts/
+debian/tmp/usr/share/vim/ usr/share/
+debian/updates/*.vim usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/syntax/
+debian/tmp/usr/share/man/man1/vimtutor.1 usr/share/man/man1/
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-tiny.dirs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-tiny.dirs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-tiny.dirs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.install
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.install 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.install 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+debian/lintian/@PKG@ usr/share/lintian/overrides/
+ at DESTDIR@/vim. at VARIANT@ usr/bin/
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.links
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.links 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.links 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+usr/share/doc/@COMMON@ usr/share/doc/@PKG@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.postinst
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.postinst 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.postinst 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# two things to do:
+# 1) add /usr/bin/vim.variant as alternative for /usr/bin/vim. Priority are
+# chosen accordingly to the principle: ``more features, higher priority''
+# 2) add /usr/bin/gvim as an alternative for gnome-text-editor for variants
+# built with gnome support. Same principle for the priority above, with the
+# additional constraint that priority should not be higher than gedit's
+remove_old_diversion () {
+ if [ -f /usr/bin/vim.org ]; then
+ dpkg-divert --package $pkg --remove --rename \
+ --divert /usr/bin/vim.org /usr/bin/vim
+ fi
+add_gnome_alternative () {
+ if [ -f /usr/bin/gvim ]; then
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor \
+ gnome-text-editor /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1
+ fi
+add_variant_alternative () {
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vim vim /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/vimdiff vimdiff /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/rvim rvim /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/rview rview /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1
+ # Since other packages provide these commands, we'll setup alternatives for
+ # their manpages, too.
+ for i in vi view ex editor ; do
+ update-alternatives \
+ --install /usr/bin/$i $i /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1 \
+ --slave $mandir/man1/$i.1.gz $i.1.gz \
+ $mandir/man1/vim.1.gz
+ done
+ case "$variant" in
+ gtk|lesstif|perl|python|ruby|tcl|gnome|full) # gui enabled variants
+ add_gui_variant_alternative $1
+ ;;
+ esac
+add_gui_variant_alternative () {
+ for i in gvim gview rgview rgvim evim eview gvimdiff ; do
+ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/$i $i /usr/bin/vim.$variant $1
+ done
+replace_dir_w_symlink () {
+ if [ -d $1 -a ! -L $1 ]; then
+ (rmdir $1 && ln -fs $2 $1) || true
+ fi
+case "$1" in
+ configure)
+ remove_old_diversion
+ case "$pkg" in
+ vim-tiny)
+ add_variant_alternative 10
+ ;;
+ vim)
+ add_variant_alternative 20
+ replace_dir_w_symlink /usr/share/doc/vim vim-common
+ ;;
+ vim-gtk|vim-lesstif)
+ add_variant_alternative 40
+ ;;
+ vim-gnome) # gnome enabled variant
+ add_variant_alternative 40
+ add_gnome_alternative 40
+ ;;
+ vim-perl|vim-python|vim-ruby|vim-tcl)
+ add_variant_alternative 50
+ ;;
+ vim-full) # gnome enabled variant
+ add_variant_alternative 60
+ add_gnome_alternative 45
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+exit 0
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.postrm
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.postrm 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.postrm 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+exit 0
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.prerm
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.prerm 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim-variant.prerm 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+# Order is important for 1). If 1a) and 1b) are swapped, there will be stale
+# alternatives left behind on the system
+# two things to do:
+# 1) remove /usr/bin/vim.variant as alternative for /usr/bin/vim
+# 1a) first remove alternatives that link to /usr/bin/(g)vim
+# 1b) then remove /usr/bin/(g)vim alternative
+# 2) remove /usr/bin/gvim as an alternative for gnome-text-editor for
+# variants built with gnome support
+remove_gnome_alternative () {
+ if [ -f /usr/bin/gvim ]; then
+ update-alternatives --remove gnome-text-editor /usr/bin/vim.$variant
+ fi
+remove_variant_alternative () {
+ for i in vi view ex editor rvim rview vimdiff vim; do
+ update-alternatives --remove $i /usr/bin/vim.$variant
+ done
+ case "$variant" in
+ gtk|lesstif|perl|python|ruby|tcl|gnome|full) # gui enabled variants
+ remove_gui_variant_alternative
+ ;;
+ esac
+remove_gui_variant_alternative () {
+ for i in eview evim gview gvimdiff rgview rgvim gvim; do
+ update-alternatives --remove $i /usr/bin/vim.$variant
+ done
+case "$1" in
+ remove)
+ case "$pkg" in
+ vim-gnome|vim-full) # gnome enabled variants
+ remove_gnome_alternative
+ ;;
+ esac
+ remove_variant_alternative
+ ;;
+exit 0
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim.dirs
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim.dirs 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim.dirs 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim.presubj
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim.presubj 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/vim.presubj 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Please use "vim -u NONE -U NONE" to verify that the bug you want to report
+isn't caused by a configuration error.
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/watch
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/watch 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/debian/watch 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+opts="uversionmangle=s/^7\./6.4+7./" \
+ ftp://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/unstable/snapshot/vim-(7\.0[a-z]\d*).zip
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/109_xdefaults.vim.diff
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/109_xdefaults.vim.diff 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/109_xdefaults.vim.diff 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: vim/runtime/syntax/xdefaults.vim
+--- vim/runtime/syntax/xdefaults.vim.orig
++++ vim/runtime/syntax/xdefaults.vim
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
+ syn match xdefaultsIncluded contained "<[^>]*>"
+ syn match xdefaultsInclude "^\s*#\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=xdefaultsIncluded
+ syn cluster xdefaultsPreProcGroup contains=xdefaultsPreProc,xdefaultsIncluded,xdefaultsInclude,xdefaultsDefine
+-syn region xdefaultsDefine start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=ALLBUT, at xdefaultsPreProcGroup,xdefaultsCommentH,xdefaultsErrorLine
++syn region xdefaultsDefine start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" contains=ALLBUT, at xdefaultsPreProcGroup,xdefaultsCommentH,xdefaultsErrorLine,xdefaultsCppOut2
+ syn region xdefaultsPreProc start="^\s*#\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT, at xdefaultsPreProcGroup,xdefaultsCommentH,xdefaultsErrorLine
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/pushed-upstream.txt
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/pushed-upstream.txt 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/pushed-upstream.txt 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Documenting the attempt of pushing patches upstream.
Added: branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/series
--- branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/series 2006-04-21 15:11:34 UTC (rev 612)
+++ branches/packages/vim/vim7/patches/series 2006-04-21 15:44:52 UTC (rev 613)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+109_xdefaults.vim.diff -p0
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