hijacking of some vim runtime files

Gerfried Fuchs alfie at ist.org
Thu Apr 27 17:13:09 UTC 2006

* Stefano Zacchiroli <zack at bononia.it> [2006-04-27 12:31]:
> Please understand that we hijacked those only for the sake of including
> patches which were really old and not to miss a deadline for the release
> of vim7. You have better understanding of them than we for sure, so:
> welcome back! :-)

 Yes, thanks for taking care of the deadline, I wasn't aware of it.
I'll join the pkg-vim list for the sake of it. I guess we'll find some
place for me in the team, let's work it out at the debconf, though.

> As a side-note, do you mind maintaining debian related runtime files
> (debchangelog.vim mainly) in the subversion repository of pkg-vim on
> alioth?  This way we can easily cooperate on the files in case of need.

 Not at all. I thought about doing my syntax files in some version
control anyway, and if I can do all of them in there it's fine with me.
Including of kicking my lazy ass and working on the translation to
german again, too.

> We have no problem in giving you back the "formal" maintenance of the
> file of course. What do you think?  If you agree let me know so that I
> can add you to the pkg-vim project and give you the coordinate about
> where are those files on the repo.

 Oh, I guess I'll find my way through the repo, it's not the first time
I'm using version control; might it be cvs, svn or bzr. :)

> For tpp.vim just send a new version to Bram (please start from the one
> we sent to Bram :-)) As soon as I notice that you released a new version
> I will remove the one we have in the repo.

 Alright, but I can't promise anything before mexico, because there is
things to finish, cleanups to do at home (my niece is moving in, quite
some stuff cluttered around, ...), so...

 See you in HEL^H^H^H.mx
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They put their source on a public FTP-server and let the world mirror it.
                                  -- Linus Torvalds
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