Bug#401000: vim: Vim not handling .gz files anymore

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Tue Dec 5 14:23:43 UTC 2006

On Mon, Dec 04, 2006 at 04:31:18PM -0500, James Vega wrote:
> Ah, you're right.  The /usr/bin/vim binary you have is probably a
> version of Vim 6.3 so it'll be looking for /usr/share/vim/vim63.  The
> URL you posted in a previous email isn't working, but I'll give try a
> stable -> etch upgrade in the next couple days and see if I can
> reproduce your problem.

Ok, after taking a look at this, sarge -> etch upgrades work fine.  It
seems like your series of updates happened to include our initial switch
to alternatives (1:6.4-001+1) which had some problems cleaning up the
old diversions.  I'll setup another sandbox and try upgrading from sarge
to that version and see what goes wrong from there to the current
version in etch.

GPG Key: 1024D/61326D40 2003-09-02 James Vega <jamessan at jamessan.com>
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