vim-gui-common Arch: all?

Pierre Habouzit madcoder at
Mon Feb 6 17:51:21 UTC 2006

Le Lun 6 Février 2006 18:30, James Vega a écrit :
> Over the weekend, I changed vim-gui-common to Arch: all since it
> seems like everything in it is architecture independent.  I realized
> afterwards that we have a mime file under /usr/lib in vim-gui-common.
> Is there any reason these need to be under /usr/lib instead of
> /usr/share?  It seems like they're architecture-indepent to me.
> James

it looks like it's not only vim:

[madcoder mad] pwd ; ls
debianutils  html2text    less          tetex-bin       vorbis-tools
elinks       imagemagick  mime-support  util-linux      w3m
firefox      kspread      mplayer       vim-common      xmms
groff-base   kword        tar           vim-gui-common  xpdf-reader

I don't know what uses it though.
·O·  Pierre Habouzit
··O                                                madcoder at
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