ucf to manage /etc/{,v,gv}imrc
Pierre Habouzit
pierre.habouzit at m4x.org
Thu Jan 19 13:35:08 UTC 2006
we had some ... problems regarding /etc/vimrc upgrade, and I was asking
myself if the solution couldn't be to use ucf.
for those who don't know it, it has a nice --three-way option that allow
the "merge" of the maintainer and user modifications, which very often
« just works »
this would need to put our default configuration files .e.g.
in /usr/share/vim/conffiles/{,v,gv}imrc and :
* in vim-(gui-)?common.install : change the runtime/vimrc install to be
in conffiles instead
* in vim-(gui-)?common.postinst : add
ucf --three-way /usr/share/vim/conffile/$FILE /etc/vim/$FILE
* add vim-(gui-)?common.postrm, and in case of purge do :
ucf --purge /etc/vim/$FILE
rm -f $FILE
and that's all.
that would kept us out of trouble due to the merge problems we
encountered with /etc/vimrc, in an elegant way.
Moreover, I tested such a thing on my machine, and downgrading of
packages still work.
what do you think ?
·O· Pierre Habouzit
··O madcoder at debian.org
OOO http://www.madism.org
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