
Stefano Zacchiroli zack at
Sat Jun 3 15:54:00 UTC 2006

On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 10:46:27AM -0400, James Vega wrote:
> I think this is a bit more complex solution than we need.  Having
> vim-tiny be 'compatible' when invoked as vi is required for base.  I
> think most people will want the default behavior of vi to be
> 'nocompatible' if they install another variant.
> Why not apply the virc patch only when we are building vim-tiny and
> build the other variants normally?  This seems like it would be an
> easier approach than using debconf and sed to modify debian.vim and
> is similar to how other distributions handle it (e.g., vim-minimal in
> RH).

I thought about that solution as well, but the resulting behaviour
sounded a big strange to me. Namely: vim.tiny choose dynamically on the
basis of how it has been invoked, vim.whatever does not. Thus changing
the 'vim' alternative from vim-tiny to anything else or vice versa can
puzzle users a lot!

Nonetheless I'm not a big fan of debconf.

The argument of the other distros make me be more in favour of your
solution, James.

In this case we can use more intuitive names for the configuration
files, e.g.: /etc/vim/vimrc.tiny instead of /etc/vim/virc.

Comment from others? Nobse?

In the meantime, beware of not uploading the current debconf changes if
we are not sure about them!


Stefano Zacchiroli -*- Computer Science PhD student @ Uny Bologna, Italy
zack@{,,} -%-
If there's any real truth it's that the entire multidimensional infinity
of the Universe is almost certainly being run by a bunch of maniacs. -!-
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