r547 - in trunk/vim7: debian patches
Stefano Zacchiroli
zack at costa.debian.org
Tue Mar 28 15:50:03 UTC 2006
Author: zack
Date: 2006-03-28 15:50:00 +0000 (Tue, 28 Mar 2006)
New Revision: 547
ported to snapshot 7.0c01
Modified: trunk/vim7/debian/changelog
--- trunk/vim7/debian/changelog 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/debian/changelog 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-vim (1:6.4+7.0b02-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+vim (1:6.4+7.0c01-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
[ Debian Vim Maintainers ]
- * New upstream version (7.0 beta) and its snapshot (02).
+ * New upstream snapshot (7.0c01).
[ James Vega ]
* Sync with the work that's been done on the 6.4 vim package.
@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
[ Stefano Zacchiroli ]
* Screening of patches no longer needed with vim7 & pushing upstream
of as many debian-specific patches as possible. Results:
- + removed patches: 102_filetype.vim.diff,
+ + removed patches: 102_filetype.vim.diff, 107_vim.1.diff, 107_xxd.1.diff,
105_recognize-gnumakefile-am.diff, 133_filetype.vim.diff,
- 142_filetype.vim.diff, 153_filetype.vim.diff, 156_scripts.vim.diff,
- 301_xxd.c.diff, 303_option.c.diff, 305_term.c.diff
+ 142_filetype.vim.diff, 153_filetype.vim.diff, 154_svn.vim.diff,
+ 156_scripts.vim.diff, 301_xxd.c.diff, 303_option.c.diff, 305_term.c.diff
-- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org> Mon, 27 Mar 2006 16:14:40 -0500
Modified: trunk/vim7/debian/rules
--- trunk/vim7/debian/rules 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/debian/rules 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
SRCDIR=$(NAME)$(subst .,,$(VERSION))
Deleted: trunk/vim7/patches/107_vim.1.diff
--- trunk/vim7/patches/107_vim.1.diff 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/patches/107_vim.1.diff 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Index: vim/runtime/doc/vim.1
---- vim/runtime/doc/vim.1.orig
-+++ vim/runtime/doc/vim.1
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
- name.
- The effect is that the file containing that function becomes the current file
- and the cursor is positioned on the start of the function.
--See ":help tag-commands".
-+See ":help tag\-commands".
- .TP
- \-q [errorfile]
- Start in quickFix mode.
-@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
- +/{pat}
- For the first file the cursor will be positioned on the
- first occurrence of {pat}.
--See ":help search-pattern" for the available search patterns.
-+See ":help search\-pattern" for the available search patterns.
- .TP
- +{command}
- .TP
-@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
- Use the commands in the file {gvimrc} for GUI initializations.
- All the other GUI initializations are skipped.
- It can also be used to skip all GUI initializations by giving the name "NONE".
--See ":help gui-init" within vim for more details.
-+See ":help gui\-init" within vim for more details.
- .TP
- \-V[N]
- Verbose. Give messages about which files are sourced and for reading and
-@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@
- to get started.
- Type ":help subject" to get help on a specific subject.
- For example: ":help ZZ" to get help for the "ZZ" command.
--Use <Tab> and CTRL\-D to complete subjects (":help cmdline\-completion").
-+Use <Tab> and CTRL-D to complete subjects (":help cmdline\-completion").
- Tags are present to jump from one place to another (sort of hypertext links,
- see ":help").
- All documentation files can be viewed in this way, for example
Deleted: trunk/vim7/patches/107_xxd.1.diff
--- trunk/vim7/patches/107_xxd.1.diff 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/patches/107_xxd.1.diff 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-Index: vim/runtime/doc/xxd.1
---- vim/runtime/doc/xxd.1.orig
-+++ vim/runtime/doc/xxd.1
-@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@
- If
- .I infile
- is specified as a
--.RB \` \- '
-+.RB ` \- '
- character, then input is taken from standard input.
- If no
- .I outfile
- is given (or a
--.RB \` \- '
-+.RB ` \- '
- character is in its place), results are sent to standard output.
- .PP
- Note that a "lazy" parser is used which does not check for more than the first
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
- .TP
- .IR \-b " | " \-bits
- Switch to bits (binary digits) dump, rather than hexdump.
--This option writes octets as eight digits "1"s and "0"s instead of a normal
-+This option writes bytes as eight digits "1"s and "0"s instead of a normal
- hexadecimal dump. Each line is preceded by a line number in hexadecimal and
- followed by an ascii (or ebcdic) representation. The command line switches
- \-r, \-p, \-i do not work with this mode.
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
- .IR "\-c cols " | " \-cols cols"
- format
- .RI < cols >
--octets per line. Default 16 (\-i: 12, \-ps: 30, \-b: 6). Max 256.
-+bytes per line. Default 16 (\-i: 12, \-ps: 30, \-b: 6). Max 256.
- .TP
- .IR \-E " | " \-EBCDIC
- Change the character encoding in the righthand column from ASCII to EBCDIC.
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
- .IR "\-l len " | " \-len len"
- stop after writing
- .RI < len >
- .TP
- .IR \-p " | " \-ps " | " \-postscript " | " \-plain
- output in postscript continuous hexdump style. Also known as plain hexdump
-@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
- .br
- \fI% xxd \-i < file\fR
- .PP
--.I xxd \-s \+seek
-+.I xxd \-s +seek
- may be different from
- .IR "xxd \-s seek" ,
- as lseek(2) is used to "rewind" input. A '+'
-@@ -172,17 +172,17 @@
- Rewind stdin before reading; needed because the `cat' has already read to the
- end of stdin.
- .br
--\fI% sh \-c 'cat > plain_copy; xxd \-s 0 > hex_copy' < file
-+\fI% sh \-c "cat > plain_copy; xxd \-s 0 > hex_copy" < file
- .PP
- Hexdump from file position 0x480 (=1024+128) onwards.
- The `+' sign means "relative to the current position", thus the `128' adds to
- the 1k where dd left off.
- .br
--\fI% sh \-c 'dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +128 > hex_snippet' < file
-+\fI% sh \-c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +128 > hex_snippet" < file
- .PP
- Hexdump from file position 0x100 ( = 1024\-768) on.
- .br
--\fI% sh \-c 'dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +-768 > hex_snippet' < file
-+\fI% sh \-c "dd of=plain_snippet bs=1k count=1; xxd \-s +\-768 > hex_snippet" < file
- .PP
- However, this is a rare situation and the use of `+' is rarely needed.
- The author prefers to monitor the effect of xxd with strace(1) or truss(1), whenever \-s is used.
-@@ -190,20 +190,18 @@
- .PP
- .br
- Print everything but the first three lines (hex 0x30 bytes) of
--.B file
-+.BR file .
- .br
- \fI% xxd \-s 0x30 file
- .PP
- .br
- Print 3 lines (hex 0x30 bytes) from the end of
--.B file
-+.BR file .
- .br
- \fI% xxd \-s \-0x30 file
- .PP
- .br
--Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 40 octets per line.
-+Print 120 bytes as continuous hexdump with 40 bytes per line.
- .br
- \fI% xxd \-l 120 \-ps \-c 20 xxd.1\fR
- .br
-@@ -221,7 +219,7 @@
- .br
- .br
--Hexdump the first 120 bytes of this man page with 12 octets per line.
-+Hexdump the first 120 bytes of this man page with 12 bytes per line.
- .br
- \fI% xxd \-l 120 \-c 12 xxd.1\fR
- .br
-@@ -259,13 +257,13 @@
- .B output_file
- and prepend 100 bytes of value 0x00.
- .br
--\fI% xxd input_file | xxd \-r \-s 100 \> output_file\fR
-+\fI% xxd input_file | xxd \-r \-s 100 > output_file\fR
- .br
- .br
- Patch the date in the file xxd.1
- .br
--\fI% echo '0000037: 3574 68' | xxd \-r \- xxd.1\fR
-+\fI% echo "0000037: 3574 68" | xxd \-r \- xxd.1\fR
- .br
- \fI% xxd \-s 0x36 \-l 13 \-c 13 xxd.1\fR
- .br
-@@ -275,7 +273,7 @@
- Create a 65537 byte file with all bytes 0x00,
- except for the last one which is 'A' (hex 0x41).
- .br
--\fI% echo '010000: 41' | xxd \-r \> file\fR
-+\fI% echo "010000: 41" | xxd \-r > file\fR
- .PP
- .br
- Hexdump this file with autoskip.
-@@ -292,7 +290,7 @@
- The number after '\-r \-s' adds to the linenumbers found in the file;
- in effect, the leading bytes are suppressed.
- .br
--\fI% echo '010000: 41' | xxd \-r \-s \-0x10000 \> file\fR
-+\fI% echo "010000: 41" | xxd \-r \-s \-0x10000 > file\fR
- .PP
- Use xxd as a filter within an editor such as
- .B vim(1)
-@@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
- .br
- (c) 1990-1997 by Juergen Weigert
- .br
--<jnweiger at informatik.uni-erlangen.de>
-+<jnweiger at informatik.uni\-erlangen.de>
- .LP
- Distribute freely and credit me,
- .br
Deleted: trunk/vim7/patches/154_svn.vim.diff
--- trunk/vim7/patches/154_svn.vim.diff 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/patches/154_svn.vim.diff 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Index: vim/runtime/syntax/svn.vim
---- vim/runtime/syntax/svn.vim.orig
-+++ vim/runtime/syntax/svn.vim
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- finish
- endif
--syn region svnRegion start="--This line, and those below, will be ignored--" end="\%$" contains=ALL
-+syn region svnRegion start="^--.*--$" end="\%$" contains=ALL
- syn match svnRemoved "^D .*$" contained
- syn match svnAdded "^A[ M] .*$" contained
- syn match svnModified "^M[ M] .*$" contained
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
- " Synchronization.
- syn sync clear
--syn sync match svnSync grouphere svnRegion "--This line, and those below, will be ignored--"me=s-1
-+syn sync match svnSync grouphere svnRegion "^--.*--$"me=s-1
- " Define the default highlighting.
- " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already.
Modified: trunk/vim7/patches/pushed-upstream.txt
--- trunk/vim7/patches/pushed-upstream.txt 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/patches/pushed-upstream.txt 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -13,12 +13,6 @@
Signaled to Bram and maintainer
Sun, 26 Mar 2006 11:38:13 -0500 zack
- Signaled to Bram
- Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:22:30 -0500 zack
Signaled to maintainer and Bram
@@ -37,11 +31,6 @@
Signaled to wichert
Sat, 25 Mar 2006 20:26:57 -0500 zack
- Signaled to maintainer and Bram
- Sun, 26 Mar 2006 16:15:00 -0500 zack
Signaled to maintainer and Bram
Modified: trunk/vim7/patches/series
--- trunk/vim7/patches/series 2006-03-27 21:21:19 UTC (rev 546)
+++ trunk/vim7/patches/series 2006-03-28 15:50:00 UTC (rev 547)
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
103_sh.vim.diff -p0
104_debchangelog.vim.diff -p0
106_fstab.vim.diff -p0
-107_vim.1.diff -p0
-107_xxd.1.diff -p0
108_automake.vim.diff -p0
109_xdefaults.vim.diff -p0
111_fstab.vim.diff -p0
@@ -18,7 +16,6 @@
140_muttrc.vim.diff -p0
145_fortran.vim.diff -p0
148_debchangelog.vim.diff -p0
-154_svn.vim.diff -p0
155_rst.vim.diff -p0
157_slrnrc.vim.diff -p0
201_fr.po.diff -p0
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