Bug#370082: Netrw's handling of file:// paths

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Mon Jun 18 14:10:17 UTC 2007


NetRW's handling of file:// paths (as opposed to the other paths is
supports) causes Vim to use multiple buffers to open the file.  For
example, "vim file://.vimrc" will show two buffers -- an empty one for
"file://.vimrc" and the actual vimrc in the ".virmc" buffer.

This exacerbates itself if the user uses the "file://localhost/..."
syntax supported by NetRW.  In that case, 3 buffers are used -- the two
mentioned above as well as an empty "localhost/.vimrc" buffer that
causes Vim to display a "[New DIRECTORY]" message.

Is it possible to adjust this so that file:// URIs behave as the others
or is this simply an unavoidable limitation?


GPG Key: 1024D/61326D40 2003-09-02 James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
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