Bug#422575: Change in CTRL-C behavior with visual block mode

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Wed Sep 19 19:19:41 UTC 2007


Starting in 7.0 there was a slight bug introduced with the behavior of
using <C-c> to end a visual block insert.  This can be seen via:

  vim -u NONE -N

The y is only inserted on the first line.  Now, the weird part is that
<C-c> reverts back to the expected behavior if you change the above
steps as follows:

  vim -u NONE -N
  :map <C-c> <nop>
  :unmap <C-c>

What <C-c> is mapped to doesn't matter.  For some reason, the simple act
of having mapped <C-c> at some time previous to performing a visual
block insert causes <C-c> to act as expected.

GPG Key: 1024D/61326D40 2003-09-02 James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
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