Bug#440843: vim-addon-manager: add bash completion for vim-addons

Stefano Zacchiroli zack at debian.org
Sat Sep 22 17:43:40 UTC 2007

On Mon, Sep 10, 2007 at 11:39:20AM -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> Done. The current implementation makes a workaround to check installed
> and non-installed addons, and searches for the presence or absence of
> the "installed" string in the output of $(vim-addons status). When 
> such a query mode is implemented in vim-addons I can rework that part.

Uhm, sorry to bother again, but I think your current implementation is
sub-optimal and actually worst than no installation checking (as it was
in your first version).  Let's consider the install command, you do
"vim-addons status" and then grep out (using -v) addons for which the
output of status contains an "install". But then if the addon is
installed for me as a user (for example assume I'm root) the completion
will not offer it as an alternative when trying to install it system
wide.  Similarly removing an addon which is already removed system wide
will not be proposed for per-user removal.

I'm mentioning this just for the record in the bug report. The best
solution is probably to implement the query command I've mentioned
earlier in this bug report.

Alternatively I think you can pass to vim-addons status all the -flags
that have been currently passed to vim-addons itself. Ugly hack or smart
idea? If you think the latter is the case feel free to provide a new
completion implementation supporting it ...

Many thanks (again) for this, Cheers.

Stefano Zacchiroli -*- PhD in Computer Science ............... now what?
zack@{cs.unibo.it,debian.org,bononia.it} -%- http://www.bononia.it/zack/
(15:56:48)  Zack: e la demo dema ?    /\    All one has to do is hit the
(15:57:15)  Bac: no, la demo scema    \/    right keys at the right time
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