Bug#346089: NetRW resets split window sizes
Charles Campbell
Charles.E.Campbell at nasa.gov
Thu Mar 5 15:28:35 UTC 2009
James Vega wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 09:15:21PM -0500, Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:
>> James Vega wrote:
>>> Charles,
>>> Since various parts of autoload/netrw.vim uses :new to handle
>>> transferring the remote file, users with 'equalalways' set and non-equal
>>> window sizes will see the windows change size when using NetRW.
>>> To reproduce:
>>> vim -u NORC -N
>>> :wincmd s
>>> :4wincmd -
>>> :e sftp://user@host/file
>>> :put _
>>> :w
>> What version of netrw are you using? I tried both ftp and sftp and
>> didn't see the effect with v136b.
> I just tried it with v136b and still see the problem. Maybe you just
> didn't notice the window size change since it's only a few lines
> different? Changing ":4wincmd -" to ":wincmd _" makes it very apparent.
Oh, I was quite able to discern the difference before -- and it works
both ways (with 4wincmd and with wincmd _).
I've attached two files:
* put prblm21.tst in your home directory
* put prblm21 wherever you want
vim -u NORC -N prblm21
:so %
I've also attached a screen grab.
Also tried:
* xterm, gnome-terminal
* sftp, ftp, ssh
So, there appears to be a mystery here...
Chip Campbell
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