Bug#520360: undefined variable paste#paste_cmd in /usr/share/vim/vim72/menu.vim

Craig Sanders cas at taz.net.au
Thu Mar 19 01:34:58 UTC 2009

Package: vim-runtime
Version: 2:7.2.130-1

NOTE: this is a duplicate of #388488 from 2006, but i was unable to re-open
that bug because it has been archived.

the problem reported in #388488 still exists, and has done so for as
long as i can remember (i just haven't reported it before because i only
notice it on the one machine that i run icedove on instead of mutt).

it is quite noticable and annoying if you configure icedove and iceweasel
to use gvim as an external editor via the "External Editor" and "It's
All Text" plugins. Every time you click on the Gvim (icedove) or "Edit"
(iceweasel) button, it pops up an Error dialog box to inform you of the
problem....and you then have to click OK before you can start editing.

it also happens when running gvim from the command line.

even after trying 'apt-get purge' and reinstall of all vim packages (vim
vim-common vim-doc vim-gnome vim-gui-common vim-runtime) as suggested in
the original bug report, i still get the following error when running

$ gvim /tmp/foo
Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim72/menu.vim:
line  155:
E121: Undefined variable: paste#paste_cmd
E15: Invalid expression: 'vnoremenu <script> &Edit.&Paste<Tab>"+gP^I' . paste#paste_cmd['v']


craig sanders <cas at taz.net.au>

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