[SCM] vim-scripts packaging branch, master, updated. v20091011-7-g153d936

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Tue Jan 26 22:20:34 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit c6e3d2508fb5ac3bc4814547ca27655223a492ea
Author: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Jan 26 16:37:27 2010 -0500

    Update supertab to 1.0
    Signed-off-by: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 48783f2..c0c43bd 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ vim-scripts (20091012) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Rename "colors sampler pack" to "colors-sampler-pack" so it's easier to
     manage with vim-addon-manager.  (Closes: #555621)
+  * Updated addons:
+    - supertab: Updated to 1.0
  -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>  Sun, 24 Jan 2010 17:10:16 -0500
diff --git a/debian/patches/disabledby-supertab.diff b/debian/patches/disabledby-supertab.diff
index 5e4288a..c2cabc0 100644
--- a/debian/patches/disabledby-supertab.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/disabledby-supertab.diff
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Index: vim-scripts/plugin/supertab.vim
 --- vim-scripts.orig/plugin/supertab.vim
 +++ vim-scripts/plugin/supertab.vim
-@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@
+@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
diff --git a/debian/vim-scripts.status b/debian/vim-scripts.status
index d153d28..09cdc1e 100644
--- a/debian/vim-scripts.status
+++ b/debian/vim-scripts.status
@@ -320,8 +320,9 @@ author:      Eric Van Dewoestine
 author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=6016
 email:       ervandew at gmail.com
 license:     BSD, see /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD
+extras:      doc/supertab.txt
 disabledby:  let loaded_supertab = 1
-version:     0.60
+version:     1.0
 script_name: plugin/lbdbq.vim
 addon:       lbdbq
diff --git a/doc/supertab.txt b/doc/supertab.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eadefe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/supertab.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+  Original: Gergely Kontra <kgergely at mcl.hu>
+  Current:  Eric Van Dewoestine <ervandew at gmail.com> (as of version 0.4)
+  Christophe-Marie Duquesne <chm.duquesne at gmail.com> (documentation)
+Please direct all correspondence to Eric.
+This plugin is licensed under the terms of the BSD License.  Please see
+supertab.vim for the license in its entirety.
+Supertab                                    *supertab*
+1. Introduction                         |supertab-intro|
+2. Supertab Usage                       |supertab-usage|
+3. Supertab Options                     |supertab-options|
+    Default completion type             |supertab-defaultcompletion|
+    Secondary default completion type   |supertab-contextdefault|
+    Completion contexts                 |supertab-completioncontexts|
+        Context text                    |supertab-contexttext|
+        Context Discover                |supertab-contextdiscover|
+        Example                         |supertab-contextexample|
+    Completion Duration                 |supertab-duration|
+    Midword completion                  |supertab-midword|
+    Changing default mapping            |supertab-forwardbackward|
+    Inserting true tabs                 |supertab-mappingtabliteral|
+    Preselecting the first entry        |supertab-longesthighlight|
+1. Introduction                             *supertab-intro*
+Supertab is a plugin which allows you to perform all your insert completion
+(|ins-completion|) using the tab key.
+Supertab requires Vim version 7.0 or above.
+2. Supertab usage                           *supertab-usage*
+Using Supertab is as easy as hitting <Tab> or <S-Tab> (shift+tab) while in
+insert mode, with at least one non whitespace character before the cursor, to
+start the completion and then <Tab> or <S-Tab> again to cycle forwards or
+backwards through the available completions.
+Example ('|' denotes the cursor location):
+b|<Tab>    Hitting <Tab> here will start the completion, allowing you to
+           then cycle through the suggested words ('bar' and 'baz').
+3. Supertab Options                         *supertab-options*
+Supertab is configured via several global variables that you can set in your
+|vimrc| file according to your needs. Below is a comprehensive list of
+the variables available.
+g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType             |supertab-defaultcompletion|
+  The default completion type to use. If you program in languages that support
+  omni or user completions, it is highly recommended setting this to
+  'context'.
+  For help about built in completion types in vim, see |i_CTRL-X_index|.
+g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType      |supertab-contextdefault|
+  The default completion type to use when 'context' is the global default, but
+  context completion has determined that neither omni, user, or file
+  completion should be used in the current context.
+g:SuperTabCompletionContexts                |supertab-completioncontexts|
+  Used to configure a list of function names which are used when the global
+  default type is 'context'. These functions will be consulted in order to
+  determine which completion type to use. Advanced users can plug in their own
+  functions here to customize their 'context' completion.
+g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration          |supertab-duration|
+  This setting determines how long a non-default completion type should be
+  retained as the temporary default. By default supertab will retain the
+  alternate completion type until you leave insert mode.
+g:SuperTabMidWordCompletion                 |supertab-midword|
+  This can be used to turn off completion if you are in the middle of a word
+  (word characters immediately preceding and following the cursor).
+g:SuperTabMappingForward                    |supertab-forwardbackward|
+g:SuperTabMappingBackward                   |supertab-forwardbackward|
+  If using the tab key for completion isn't for you, then you can use these to
+  set an alternate key to be used for your insert completion needs.
+g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral                 |supertab-mappingtabliteral|
+  For those rare cases where supertab would normal want to start insert
+  completion, but you just want to insert a tab, this setting is used to
+  define the key combination to use to do just that.  By default Ctrl-Tab is
+  used.
+g:SuperTabLongestHighlight                  |supertab-longesthighlight|
+  When enabled and you have the completion popup enable and 'longest' in your
+  completeopt, supertab will auto highlight the first selection in the popup.
+Default Completion Type             *supertab-defaultcompletion*
+                                    *g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType*
+g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType (default value: "<c-p>")
+Used to set the default completion type. There is no need to escape this
+value as that will be done for you when the type is set.
+  Example: setting the default completion to 'user' completion:
+    let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-x><c-u>"
+Note: a special value of 'context' is supported which will result in
+super tab attempting to use the text preceding the cursor to decide which
+type of completion to attempt.  Currently super tab can recognize method
+calls or attribute references via '.', '::' or '->', and file path
+references containing '/'.
+    let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "context"
+    /usr/l<tab>     # will use filename completion
+    myvar.t<tab>    # will use user completion if completefunc set,
+                    # or omni completion if omnifunc set.
+    myvar-><tab>    # same as above
+When using context completion, super tab will fall back to a secondary default
+completion type set by |g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType|.
+Note: once the buffer has been initialized, changing the value of this setting
+will not change the default complete type used.  If you want to change the
+default completion type for the current buffer after it has been set, perhaps
+in an ftplugin, you'll need to call SuperTabSetDefaultCompletionType like so,
+supplying the completion type you wish to switch to:
+    call SuperTabSetDefaultCompletionType("<c-x><c-u>")
+Secondary default completion type   *supertab-contextdefault*
+                                    *g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType*
+g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType (default value: "<c-p>")
+Sets the default completion type used when g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType is
+set to 'context' and no completion type is returned by any of the configured
+Completion contexts                 *supertab-completioncontexts*
+                                    *g:SuperTabCompletionContexts*
+g:SuperTabCompletionContexts (default value: ['s:ContextText'])
+Sets the list of contexts used for context completion.  This value should
+be a list of function names which provide the context implementation.
+When supertab starts the default completion, each of these contexts will be
+consulted, in the order they were supplied, to determine the completion type
+to use.  If a context returns a completion type, that type will be used,
+otherwise the next context in the list will be consulted.  If after executing
+all the context functions, no completion type has been determined, then the
+value of g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType will be used.
+Built in completion contexts:
+  s:ContextText                     *supertab-contexttext*
+  The text context will examine the text near the cursor to decide which type
+  of completion to attempt.  Currently the text context can recognize method
+  calls or attribute references via '.', '::' or '->', and file path
+  references containing '/'.
+      /usr/l<tab>  # will use filename completion
+      myvar.t<tab> # will use user completion if completefunc set, or
+                   # omni completion if omnifunc set.
+      myvar-><tab> # same as above
+  Supported configuration attributes:
+    g:SuperTabContextTextFileTypeExclusions
+    List of file types for which the text context will be skipped.
+    g:SuperTabContextTextOmniPrecedence
+    List of omni completion option names in the order of precedence that they
+    should be used if available. By default, user completion will be given
+    precedence over omni completion, but you can use this variable to give
+    omni completion higher precedence by placing it first in the list.
+  s:ContextDiscover                 *supertab-contextdiscover*
+  This context will use the 'g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery' variable to
+  determine the completion type to use.  It will evaluate each value, in the
+  order they were defined, until a variable evaluates to a non-zero or
+  non-empty value, then the associated completion type is used.
+  Supported configuration properties:
+    g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery
+    List of variable:completionType mappings.
+  Example context configuration:    *supertab-contextexample*
+    let g:SuperTabCompletionContexts = ['s:ContextText', 's:ContextDiscover']
+    let g:SuperTabContextTextOmniPrecedence = ['&omnifunc', '&completefunc']
+    let g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery =
+        \ ["&completefunc:<c-x><c-u>", "&omnifunc:<c-x><c-o>"]
+  In addition to the default completion contexts, you can plug in your own
+  implementation by creating a globally accessible function that returns
+  the completion type to use (eg. "\<c-x>\<c-u>").
+    function MyTagContext()
+      if filereadable(expand('%:p:h') . '/tags')
+        return "\<c-x>\<c-]>"
+      endif
+      " no return will result in the evaluation of the next
+      " configured context
+    endfunction
+    let g:SuperTabCompletionContexts =
+        \ ['MyTagContext', 's:ContextText', 's:ContextDiscover']
+  Note: supertab also supports the b:SuperTabCompletionContexts variable
+  allowing you to set the list of contexts separately for the current buffer,
+  like from an ftplugin for example.
+Completion Duration                 *supertab-duration*
+                                    *g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration*
+g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration (default value: 'insert')
+Determines if, and for how long, the current completion type is retained.
+The possible values include:
+'completion' - The current completion type is only retained for the
+               current completion.  Once you have chosen a completion
+               result or exited the completion mode, the default
+               completion type is restored.
+'insert'     - The current completion type is saved until you exit insert
+               mode (via ESC).  Once you exit insert mode the default
+               completion type is restored. (supertab default)
+'session'    - The current completion type is saved for the duration of
+               your vim session or until you enter a different completion
+               mode.
+Midword completion                  *supertab-midword*
+                                    *g:SuperTabMidWordCompletion*
+g:SuperTabMidWordCompletion (default value: 1)
+Sets whether or not mid word completion is enabled. When enabled, <tab> will
+kick off completion when ever a non whitespace character is to the left of the
+cursor.  When disabled, completion will only occur if the char to the left is
+non whitespace char and the char to the right is not a keyword character (you
+are at the end of the word).
+Changing the default mapping        *supertab-forwardbackward*
+                                    *g:SuperTabMappingForward*
+                                    *g:SuperTabMappingBackward*
+g:SuperTabMappingForward  (default value: '<tab>')
+g:SuperTabMappingBackward (default value: '<s-tab>')
+These two variables allow you to set the keys used to kick off the current
+completion.  By default this is <tab> and <s-tab>.  To change to something
+like <c-space> and <s-c-space>, you can add the following to your |vimrc|.
+        let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<c-space>'
+        let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-c-space>'
+Note: if the above does not have the desired effect (which may happen in
+console version of vim), you can try the following mappings.  Although the
+backwards mapping still doesn't seem to work in the console for me, your
+milage may vary.
+        let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<nul>'
+        let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-nul>'
+Inserting true tabs                 *supertab-mappingtabliteral*
+                                    *g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral*
+g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral (default value: '<c-tab>')
+Sets the key mapping used to insert a literal tab where supertab would
+otherwise attempt to kick off insert completion. The default is '<c-tab>'
+(ctrl-tab) which unfortunately might not work at the console. So if you are
+using a console vim and want this functionality, you may have to change it to
+something that is supported.  Alternatively, you can escape the <tab> with
+<c-v> (see |i_CTRL-V| for more infos).
+Preselecting the first entry        *supertab-longesthighlight*
+                                    *g:SuperTabLongestHighlight*
+g:SuperTabLongestHighlight (default value: 0)
+Sets whether or not to pre-highlight the first match when completeopt has the
+popup menu enabled and the 'longest' option as well. When enabled, <tab> will
+kick off completion and pre-select the first entry in the popup menu, allowing
+you to simply hit <enter> to use it.
diff --git a/html/index.html b/html/index.html
index 7c76be6..ffa2d9d 100644
--- a/html/index.html
+++ b/html/index.html
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    <li><a href="syntax_mkd.vim.html">syntax/mkd.vim.html</a></li>
-  Page generated on Sun, 11 Oct 2009 10:53:39 -0400
+  Page generated on Tue, 26 Jan 2010 16:21:20 -0500
diff --git a/html/plugin_supertab.vim.html b/html/plugin_supertab.vim.html
index b6dc4b5..ede55ec 100644
--- a/html/plugin_supertab.vim.html
+++ b/html/plugin_supertab.vim.html
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>950/289</b>,
-    Downloaded by 17979  </td>
+    Rating <b>1081/332</b>,
+    Downloaded by 21205  </td>
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Supertab aims to provide tab completion to satisfy all your insert completion
<br>needs (:help ins-completion).
<br>This version is a continuation of <a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=182">vimscript #182</a> by Gergely Kontra, who has
<br>asked me to take over support and maintenance.&nbsp;&nbsp;This version contains many
<br>Supertab provides several features to enhance your insert completion
<br>- You can set your favorite insert completion type (keyword, omni, etc.) as
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;supertab's default.
<br>- When using another completion type (ctrl-x ctrl-f), supertab will
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;temporarily make that the default allowing you to continue to use tab for
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;that completion. The duration is configurable to one of 'completion'
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(retained until you exit the current completion mode), 'insert' (retained
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;until you leave insert mode), or 'session' (retained for the remainder of
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;your vim session).
<br>- Supertab provides a 'context' completion type which examines the text
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;preceding the cursor to decide which type of completion should be used
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(omni, user, file, or keyword).&nbsp;&nbsp;You can also plug in your own functions
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;which will be used to determine which completion type to use according to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;your new functionality.
<br>- The 'context' completion can also be used to set the default completion type
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;according to what the file supports, based on a discovery mechanism which
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;you specify.
<br>- For users not yet familiar with all the various insert completion types that
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;vim supports, supertab also provides a :SuperTabHelp command which opens a
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;temporary buffer listing all the available types and the ability to easily
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;switch to that type.
<br>Supertab provides various settings allowing you to fully customize supertab to
<br>your tastes (the &quot;Global Variables&quot; fold in supertab.vim contains more details
<br>and examples):
<br>- g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType - The default completion type to use.&nbsp;&nbsp;If
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;you program in languages that support omni or user completions, I highly
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;recommend setting this to 'context'.
<br>- g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType - The default completion type to use
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;when 'context' is the global default, but context completion has determined
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;that neither omni, user, or file completion should be used in the current
<br>- g:SuperTabCompletionContexts - Used to configure a list of function names
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;which are used when the global default type is 'context'.&nbsp;&nbsp;These functions
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;will be consulted in order to determine which completion type to use.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Advanced users can plug in their own functions here to customize their
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;'context' completion.
<br>- g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration - This setting determines how long a
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;non-default completion type should be retained as the temporary default.&nbsp;&nbsp;By
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;default supertab will retain the alternate completion type until you leave
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;insert mode.
<br>- g:SuperTabMidWordCompletion - This can be used to turn off completion if you
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;are in the middle of a word.
<br>- g:SuperTabMappingForward, g:SuperTabMappingBackward - If using the tab key
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;for completion isn't for you, then you can use these to set an alternate key
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;to be used for your insert completion needs.
<br>- g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral - For those rare cases where supertab would
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;normal want to start insert completion, but you just want to insert a tab,
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;this setting is used to define the key combination to use to do just that.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;By default Ctrl-Tab is used.
<br>- g:SuperTabLongestHighlight - When enabled and you have the completion popup
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;enable and 'longest' in your completeopt, supertab will auto highlight the
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;first selection in the popup.
<br>- g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery - If you have 's:ContextDiscover' in your
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;g:SuperTabCompletionContexts list, then this setting will be consulted for a
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;list of simple variable:completion type pairs which will set the default
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;completion type to the first type whose variable evaluates to a non-zero or
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;non-empty value.
<br>In addition to these settings, be sure to familiarize yourself with vim's own
<br>'completeopt' option (:help 'completeopt') to customize vim's completion
+<tr><td>Supertab aims to provide tab completion to satisfy all your insert completion
<br>needs (:help ins-completion).
<br>This version is a continuation of <a href="/scripts/script.php?script_id=182">vimscript #182</a> by Gergely Kontra, who has
<br>asked me to take over support and maintenance.&nbsp;&nbsp;This version contains many
<br>You can also find supertab in my vimfiles github repository:
<br><a target="_blank" href="http://github.com/ervandew/vimfiles">http://github.com/ervandew/vimfiles</A>
<br>Supertab provides several features to enhance your insert completion
<br>- You can set your favorite insert completion type (keyword, omni, etc.) as
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;supertab's default.
<br>- When using another completion type (ctrl-x ctrl-f), supertab will
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;temporarily make that the default allowing you to continue to use tab for
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;that completion. The duration is configurable to one of 'completion'
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(retained until you exit the current completion mode), 'insert' (retained
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;until you leave insert mode), or 'session' (retained for the remainder of
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;your vim session).
<br>- Supertab provides a 'context' completion type which examines the text
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;preceding the cursor to decide which type of completion should be used
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;(omni, user, file, or keyword).&nbsp;&nbsp;You can also plug in your own functions
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;which will be used to determine which completion type to use according to
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;your new functionality.
<br>- The 'context' completion can also be used to set the default completion type
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;according to what the file supports, based on a discovery mechanism which
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;you specify.
<br>- For users not yet familiar with all the various insert completion types that
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;vim supports, supertab also provides a :SuperTabHelp command which opens a
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;temporary buffer listing all the available types and the ability to easily
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;switch to that type.
<br>After installing, see the supertab help for more information (:h supertab).
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
-<tr><td>Place the file in your plugins directory.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>1. Download supertab.vba to any directory.
<br>2. Open the file in vim ($ vim supertab.vba).
<br>3. Source the file (:so %).</td></tr>
@@ -217,6 +217,22 @@ Click on the package to download.
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=11853">supertab.vba</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.0</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2009-12-03</i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6016">Eric Van Dewoestine</a></i></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">- fixed reverse cycling through result when using &lt;c-n&gt; completion
<br>- now distributed as a vimball with a help file (:h supertab).&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks to Christophe-Marie Duquesne.</td>
+        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=11533">supertab.vim</a></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.61</b></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2009-10-16</i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=6016">Eric Van Dewoestine</a></i></td>
+    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Fixed a possible error that may occur in some rare conditions.</td>
         <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=11386">supertab.vim</a></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>0.60</b></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2009-09-16</i></td>
diff --git a/plugin/supertab.vim b/plugin/supertab.vim
index e646b5c..48efda8 100644
--- a/plugin/supertab.vim
+++ b/plugin/supertab.vim
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 "   Original: Gergely Kontra <kgergely at mcl.hu>
 "   Current:  Eric Van Dewoestine <ervandew at gmail.com> (as of version 0.4)
 "   Please direct all correspondence to Eric.
-" Version: 0.60
+" Version: 1.0
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1643 1 :AutoInstall: supertab.vim
 " Description: {{{
 "   Use your tab key to do all your completion in insert mode!
@@ -62,155 +63,31 @@ if exists('complType') " Integration with other completion functions.
+let s:save_cpo=&cpo
+set cpo&vim
 " Global Variables {{{
-  " Used to set the default completion type.
-  " There is no need to escape this value as that will be done for you when
-  " the type is set.
-  " Ex.  let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-x><c-u>"
-  "
-  " Note: a special value of 'context' is supported which will result in
-  " super tab attempting to use the text preceding the cursor to decide which
-  " type of completion to attempt.  Currently super tab can recognize method
-  " calls or attribute references via '.', '::' or '->', and file path
-  " references containing '/'.
-  " Ex. let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = 'context'
-  " /usr/l<tab>  # will use filename completion
-  " myvar.t  # will use user completion if completefunc set, or omni
-  "          # completion if omnifunc set.
-  " myvar->  # same as above
-  "
-  " When using context completion, super tab will fall back to a secondary
-  " default completion type set by g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType.
-  "
-  " Note: once the buffer has been initialized, changing the value of this
-  " setting will not change the default complete type used.  If you want to
-  " change the default completion type for the current buffer after it has
-  " been set, perhaps in an ftplugin, you'll need to call
-  " SuperTabSetDefaultCompletionType like so, supplying the completion type
-  " you wish to switch to:
-  "   call SuperTabSetDefaultCompletionType("<c-x><c-u>")
   if !exists("g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType")
     let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-p>"
-  " Sets the default completion type used when g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType
-  " is set to 'context' and no completion type is returned by any of the
-  " configured contexts.
   if !exists("g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType")
     let g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType = "<c-p>"
-  " Sets the list of contexts used for context completion.  This value should
-  " be a list of function names which provide the context implementation.
-  "
-  " When super tab starts the default completion, each of these contexts will
-  " be consulted in order to determine the completion type to use.  If a
-  " context returns a completion type, that type will be used, otherwise the
-  " next context in the list will be consulted.  If after executing all the
-  " context functions, no completion type has been determined, then the value
-  " of g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType will be used.
-  "
-  " Built in completion contexts:
-  "   s:ContextText - The text context will examine the text near the cursor
-  "     to decide which type of completion to attempt.  Currently the text
-  "     context can recognize method calls or attribute references via '.',
-  "     '::' or '->', and file path references containing '/'.
-  "     Ex.
-  "     /usr/l<tab>  # will use filename completion
-  "     myvar.t      # will use user completion if completefunc set, or omni
-  "                  # completion if omnifunc set.
-  "     myvar->      # same as above
-  "
-  "     Supported configuration attributes:
-  "       g:SuperTabContextTextFileTypeExclusions
-  "         List of file types for which the text context will be skipped.
-  "       g:SuperTabContextTextOmniPrecedence
-  "         List of omni completion option names in the order of precendence
-  "         that they should be used if available. By default, user completion
-  "         will be given precedence over omni completion, but you can use
-  "         this variable to give omni completion higher precedence by placing
-  "         it first in the list.
-  "
-  "  s:ContextDiscover - This context will use the
-  "    'g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery' variable to determine the
-  "    completion type to use.  It will evaluate each value in order until a
-  "    variable evaluates to a non-zero or non-empty value, then the
-  "    associated completion type is used.
-  "
-  "     Supported configuration properties:
-  "       g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery:
-  "         List of variable:completionType mappings.
-  "
-  "  Example context configuration:
-  "    let g:SuperTabCompletionContexts = ['s:ContextText', 's:ContextDiscover']
-  "    let g:SuperTabContextTextOmniPrecedence = ['&omnifunc', '&completefunc']
-  "    let g:SuperTabContextDiscoverDiscovery =
-  "      \ ["&completefunc:<c-x><c-u>", "&omnifunc:<c-x><c-o>"]
-  "
-  "  In addition to the default completion contexts, you can plug in your own
-  "  implementation by creating a globally accessible function that returns
-  "  the completion type to use (eg. "\<c-x>\<c-u>").
-  "
-  "  Ex.
-  "    function MyTagContext()
-  "      if filereadable(expand('%:p:h') . '/tags')
-  "        return "\<c-x>\<c-]>"
-  "      endif
-  "      " no return will result in the evaluation of the next configured context
-  "    endfunction
-  "    let g:SuperTabCompletionContexts =
-  "      \ ['MyTagContext', 's:ContextText', 's:ContextDiscover']
-  "
-  "  Note: supertab also supports the b:SuperTabCompletionContexts variable
-  "  allowing you to set the list of contexts separately for the current
-  "  buffer, like from an ftplugin for example.
-  "
   if !exists("g:SuperTabCompletionContexts")
     let g:SuperTabCompletionContexts = ['s:ContextText']
-  " Determines if, and for how long, the current completion type is retained.
-  " The possible values include:
-  " 'completion' - The current completion type is only retained for the
-  "                current completion.  Once you have chosen a completion
-  "                result or exited the completion mode, the default
-  "                completion type is restored.
-  " 'insert'     - The current completion type is saved until you exit insert
-  "                mode (via ESC).  Once you exit insert mode the default
-  "                completion type is restored. (supertab default)
-  " 'session'    - The current completion type is saved for the duration of
-  "                your vim session or until you enter a different completion
-  "                mode.
   if !exists("g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration")
     let g:SuperTabRetainCompletionDuration = 'insert'
-  " Sets whether or not mid word completion is enabled.
-  " When enabled, <tab> will kick off completion when ever a non whitespace
-  " character is to the left of the cursor.  When disabled, completion will
-  " only occur if the char to the left is non whitespace char and the char to
-  " the right is not a keyword character (you are at the end of the word).
   if !exists("g:SuperTabMidWordCompletion")
     let g:SuperTabMidWordCompletion = 1
-  " The following two variables allow you to set the key mapping used to kick
-  " off the current completion.  By default this is <tab> and <s-tab>.  To
-  " change to something like <c-space> and <s-c-space>, you can add the
-  " following to your vimrc.
-  "
-  "   let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<c-space>'
-  "   let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-c-space>'
-  "
-  " Note: if the above does not have the desired effect (which may happen in
-  " console version of vim), you can try the following mappings.  Although the
-  " backwards mapping still doesn't seem to work in the console for me, your
-  " milage may vary.
-  "
-  "   let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<nul>'
-  "   let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-nul>'
-  "
   if !exists("g:SuperTabMappingForward")
     let g:SuperTabMappingForward = '<tab>'
@@ -218,19 +95,10 @@ endif
     let g:SuperTabMappingBackward = '<s-tab>'
-  " Sets the key mapping used to insert a literal tab where supertab would
-  " otherwise attempt to kick off insert completion.
-  " The default is '<c-tab>' (ctrl-tab) which unfortunately might not work at
-  " the console.  So if you are using a console vim and want this
-  " functionality, you'll have to change it to something that is supported.
   if !exists("g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral")
     let g:SuperTabMappingTabLiteral = '<c-tab>'
-  " Sets whether or not to pre-highlight first match when completeopt has
-  " the popup menu enabled and the 'longest' option as well.
-  " When enabled, <tab> will kick off completion and pre-select the first
-  " entry in the popup menu, allowing you to simply hit <enter> to use it.
   if !exists("g:SuperTabLongestHighlight")
     let g:SuperTabLongestHighlight = 0
@@ -411,7 +279,8 @@ endfunction " }}}
 " s:SetDefaultCompletionType() {{{
 function! s:SetDefaultCompletionType()
-  if exists('b:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType') && !b:complCommandLine
+  if exists('b:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType') &&
+  \ (!exists('b:complCommandLine') || !b:complCommandLine)
     call SuperTabSetCompletionType(b:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType)
 endfunction " }}}
@@ -439,6 +308,11 @@ function! s:SuperTab(command)
       \   (b:complType == 'context' &&
       \    tolower(g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType) == '<c-p>'))
       return "\<c-n>"
+    elseif a:command == 'p' &&
+      \ (b:complType == "\<c-n>" ||
+      \   (b:complType == 'context' &&
+      \    tolower(g:SuperTabContextDefaultCompletionType) == '<c-n>'))
+      return "\<c-p>"
     " handle 'context' completion.
@@ -631,4 +505,6 @@ endfunction " }}}
 call s:Init()
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
 " vim:ft=vim:fdm=marker

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