[SCM] vim-scripts packaging branch, master, updated. v20091011-30-gc476b42

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Sun Aug 14 03:27:04 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 62a7d3932f704fa76a97d3337169774a2a654dc3
Author: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 26 14:53:26 2011 -0400

    Update detectindent to revision c6f6e7b
    Signed-off-by: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index f1f0dd1..8d77222 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ vim-scripts (20091012) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
     - xmledit: Update to 1.9.1
       + Remove patches disabledby-xml.diff and xml-nodocs.diff, merged
+    - detectindent: Update to upstream revision c6f6e7b
+      + Remove patch detectindent_fix.diff, merged upstream.
  -- James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>  Sun, 24 Jan 2010 17:10:16 -0500
diff --git a/debian/patches/detectindent_fix.diff b/debian/patches/detectindent_fix.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index 261ffb3..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/detectindent_fix.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-## detectindent_fix.diff by Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>
-Index: vim-scripts/plugin/detectindent.vim
---- vim-scripts.orig/plugin/detectindent.vim
-+++ vim-scripts/plugin/detectindent.vim
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
-     if l:has_leading_tabs && ! l:has_leading_spaces
-         " tabs only, no spaces
-         set noexpandtab
--        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_tabsize")
-+        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_indent")
-             let &shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-             let &tabstop     = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-         endif
-@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@
-         " spaces only, no tabs
-         set expandtab
-         let &shiftwidth  = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
-+        let &tabstop = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
-+        let &softtabstop = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
-     elseif l:has_leading_spaces && l:has_leading_tabs
-         " spaces and tabs
-@@ -109,12 +111,14 @@
-         else
-             let &tabstop = 8
-         endif
-+        let &softtabstop = &tabstop
-     else
-         " no spaces, no tabs
--        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_tabsize")
-+        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_indent")
-             let &shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-             let &tabstop     = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-+            let &softtabstop = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-         endif
-         if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_expandtab")
-             set expandtab
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index f843589..e1b1c94 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ disabledby-pythonindent.diff
diff --git a/debian/vim-scripts.status b/debian/vim-scripts.status
index 1aa055c..382f414 100644
--- a/debian/vim-scripts.status
+++ b/debian/vim-scripts.status
@@ -388,6 +388,7 @@ author:      Ciaran McCreesh
 author_url:  http://www.vim.org/account/profile.php?user_id=4078
 email:       ciaran.mccreesh at googlemail.com
 license:     Vim's license [4], see below
+disabledby:  let loaded_detectindent = 1
 version:     1.0
 script_name: plugin/snippetsEmu.vim
diff --git a/doc/detectindent.txt b/doc/detectindent.txt
index 526e695..ed7e50b 100644
--- a/doc/detectindent.txt
+++ b/doc/detectindent.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 *detectindent.txt*	The Detect Indent Plugin	     1.0, Jan 04, 2005
-Author:  Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm at gentoo dot org>
+Author:  Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccreesh at googlemail.com>
 1. Contents				*detectindent* *detectindent-contents*
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ Author:  Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm at gentoo dot org>
 		:let g:detectindent_preferred_indent = 4
 <       in your |vimrc| file.
+	To set limit for number of lines that will be analysed set: >
+		:let g:detectindent_max_lines_to_analyse = 1024
+<	in your |vimrc| file.
 3. DetectIndent ChangeLog			      *detectindent-changelog*
diff --git a/html/index.html b/html/index.html
index 0bc2455..1108311 100644
--- a/html/index.html
+++ b/html/index.html
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    <li><a href="syntax_mkd.vim.html">syntax/mkd.vim.html</a></li>
-  Page generated on Sat, 25 Jun 2011 23:47:01 -0400
+  Page generated on Sun, 26 Jun 2011 14:32:18 -0400
diff --git a/html/plugin_detectindent.vim.html b/html/plugin_detectindent.vim.html
index 89560f1..ea5673c 100644
--- a/html/plugin_detectindent.vim.html
+++ b/html/plugin_detectindent.vim.html
@@ -46,6 +46,19 @@
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@@ -59,7 +72,7 @@
             <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/index.php">Home</a></td>
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         <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="7"></td>
@@ -153,8 +166,14 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b> script karma </b></td>
-    Rating <b>41/16</b>,
-    Downloaded by 495  </td>
+    Rating <b>94/32</b>,
+    Downloaded by 1057  </td>
+  <td class="lightbg">
+  <b> Comments, bugs, improvements </b>
+  </td>
+  <td>
+    <a href="http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Script:1171">Vim wiki</a>
+  </td>  
@@ -167,7 +186,7 @@
 <tr><td> </td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>This script provides a command which will attempt to guess the correct indent settings for an open file, for use when there is no modeline available. Note that this is a pure vim implementation, and doesn't require any external applications or interpreters.
<br>May also be used in an autocommand, for example:
<br>:autocmd BufReadPost * :DetectIndent
<br>To prefer 'expandtab' to 'noexpandtab' when no detection is possible: 
<br>:let g:detectindent_preferred_expandtab = 1
<br>To specify a preferred indent level when no detection is possible:
<br>:let g:detectindent_preferred_indent = 4
<br>Detection is by no means perfect. It won't work if files use especially perverse combinations of spaces and tabs, or weird tab widths. Bug reports and patches encouraged...</td></tr>
+<tr><td>This script provides a command which will attempt to guess the correct indent settings for an open file, for use when there is no modeline available. Note that this is a pure vim implementation, and doesn't require any external applications or interpreters.
<br>May also be used in an autocommand, for example:
<br>:autocmd BufReadPost * :DetectIndent
<br>To prefer 'expandtab' to 'noexpandtab' when no detection is possible: 
<br>:let g:detectindent_preferred_expandtab = 1
<br>To specify a preferred indent level when no detection is possible:
<br>:let g:detectindent_preferred_indent = 4
<br>Detection is by no means perfect. It won't work if files use especially perverse combinations of spaces and tabs, or weird tab widths. Bug reports and patches encouraged...
<br>Keeping things up to date on vim.org is a nuisance. For the latest version, visit:
<br>    <a target="_blank" href="http://github.com/ciaranm/detectindent">http://github.com/ciaranm/detectindent</A></td></tr>
 <tr><td> </td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
 <tr><td>Place in ~/.vim/plugin/ and ~/.vim/doc/</td></tr>
@@ -217,6 +236,7 @@ Click on the package to download.
@@ -255,7 +275,7 @@ Click on the package to download.
     <td align="right" valign="top">
-      		<a href="http://sourceforge.net" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8&type=1" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>
+      		<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/vim" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8&type=1" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>
     <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt=""></td>
diff --git a/plugin/detectindent.vim b/plugin/detectindent.vim
index 0bc3463..4801de1 100644
--- a/plugin/detectindent.vim
+++ b/plugin/detectindent.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " Name:          detectindent (global plugin)
 " Version:       1.0
-" Author:        Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm at gentoo.org>
-" Updates:       http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm/vim/
+" Author:        Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccreesh at googlemail.com>
+" Updates:       http://github.com/ciaranm/detectindent
 " Purpose:       Detect file indent settings
 " License:       You may redistribute this plugin under the same terms as Vim
@@ -19,28 +19,48 @@
 " Requirements:  Untested on Vim versions below 6.2
+if exists("loaded_detectindent")
+    finish
+let loaded_detectindent = 1
+if !exists('g:detectindent_verbosity')
+    let g:detectindent_verbosity = 1
+fun! <SID>HasCStyleComments()
+    return index(["c", "cpp", "java", "javascript", "php"], &ft) != -1
 fun! <SID>IsCommentStart(line)
-    " &comments isn't reliable
-    if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp"
-        return -1 != match(a:line, '/\*')
-    else
-        return 0
-    endif
+    " &comments aren't reliable
+    return <SID>HasCStyleComments() && a:line =~ '/\*'
 fun! <SID>IsCommentEnd(line)
-    if &ft == "c" || &ft == "cpp"
-        return -1 != match(a:line, '\*/')
-    else
-        return 0
-    endif
+    return <SID>HasCStyleComments() && a:line =~ '\*/'
+fun! <SID>IsCommentLine(line)
+    return <SID>HasCStyleComments() && a:line =~ '^\s\+//'
 fun! <SID>DetectIndent()
     let l:has_leading_tabs            = 0
     let l:has_leading_spaces          = 0
     let l:shortest_leading_spaces_run = 0
+    let l:shortest_leading_spaces_idx = 0
     let l:longest_leading_spaces_run  = 0
+    let l:max_lines                   = 1024
+    if exists("g:detectindent_max_lines_to_analyse")
+      let l:max_lines = g:detectindent_max_lines_to_analyse
+    endif
+    let verbose_msg = ''
+    if ! exists("b:detectindent_cursettings")
+      " remember initial values for comparison
+      let b:detectindent_cursettings = {'expandtab': &et, 'shiftwidth': &sw, 'tabstop': &ts, 'softtabstop': &sts}
+    endif
     let l:idx_end = line("$")
     let l:idx = 1
@@ -51,13 +71,26 @@ fun! <SID>DetectIndent()
         " settings in c/c++ files especially
         if <SID>IsCommentStart(l:line)
             while l:idx <= l:idx_end && ! <SID>IsCommentEnd(l:line)
-                let l:line = getline(l:idx)
                 let l:idx = l:idx + 1
+                let l:line = getline(l:idx)
             let l:idx = l:idx + 1
+        " Skip comment lines since they are not dependable.
+        if <SID>IsCommentLine(l:line)
+            let l:idx = l:idx + 1
+            continue
+        endif
+        " Skip lines that are solely whitespace, since they're less likely to
+        " be properly constructed.
+        if l:line !~ '\S'
+            let l:idx = l:idx + 1
+            continue
+        endif
         let l:leading_char = strpart(l:line, 0, 1)
         if l:leading_char == "\t"
@@ -72,6 +105,7 @@ fun! <SID>DetectIndent()
                 if l:shortest_leading_spaces_run == 0 ||
                             \ l:spaces < l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
                     let l:shortest_leading_spaces_run = l:spaces
+                    let l:shortest_leading_spaces_idx = l:idx
                 if l:spaces > l:longest_leading_spaces_run
                     let l:longest_leading_spaces_run = l:spaces
@@ -81,47 +115,86 @@ fun! <SID>DetectIndent()
         let l:idx = l:idx + 1
+        let l:max_lines = l:max_lines - 1
+        if l:max_lines == 0
+            let l:idx = l:idx_end + 1
+        endif
     if l:has_leading_tabs && ! l:has_leading_spaces
         " tabs only, no spaces
-        set noexpandtab
-        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_tabsize")
-            let &shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-            let &tabstop     = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
+        let l:verbose_msg = "Detected tabs only and no spaces"
+        setl noexpandtab
+        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_indent")
+            let &l:shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
+            let &l:tabstop     = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
     elseif l:has_leading_spaces && ! l:has_leading_tabs
         " spaces only, no tabs
-        set expandtab
-        let &shiftwidth  = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
+        let l:verbose_msg = "Detected spaces only and no tabs"
+        setl expandtab
+        let &l:shiftwidth  = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
+        let &l:softtabstop = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
     elseif l:has_leading_spaces && l:has_leading_tabs
         " spaces and tabs
-        set noexpandtab
-        let &shiftwidth = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
+        let l:verbose_msg = "Detected spaces and tabs"
+        setl noexpandtab
+        let &l:shiftwidth = l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
         " mmmm, time to guess how big tabs are
-        if l:longest_leading_spaces_run < 2
-            let &tabstop = 2
-        elseif l:longest_leading_spaces_run < 4
-            let &tabstop = 4
+        if l:longest_leading_spaces_run <= 2
+            let &l:tabstop = 2
+        elseif l:longest_leading_spaces_run <= 4
+            let &l:tabstop = 4
-            let &tabstop = 8
+            let &l:tabstop = 8
         " no spaces, no tabs
-        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_tabsize")
-            let &shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-            let &tabstop     = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
-        endif
-        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_expandtab")
-            set expandtab
+        let l:verbose_msg = "Detected no spaces and no tabs"
+        if exists("g:detectindent_preferred_indent") &&
+                    \ exists("g:detectindent_preferred_expandtab")
+            setl expandtab
+            let &l:shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
+            let &l:softtabstop = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
+        elseif exists("g:detectindent_preferred_indent")
+            setl noexpandtab
+            let &l:shiftwidth  = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
+            let &l:tabstop     = g:detectindent_preferred_indent
+        elseif exists("g:detectindent_preferred_expandtab")
+            setl expandtab
+        else
+            setl noexpandtab
+    if &verbose >= g:detectindent_verbosity
+        echo l:verbose_msg
+                    \ ."; has_leading_tabs:" l:has_leading_tabs
+                    \ .", has_leading_spaces:" l:has_leading_spaces
+                    \ .", shortest_leading_spaces_run:" l:shortest_leading_spaces_run
+                    \ .", shortest_leading_spaces_idx:" l:shortest_leading_spaces_idx
+                    \ .", longest_leading_spaces_run:" l:longest_leading_spaces_run
+        let changed_msg = []
+        for [setting, oldval] in items(b:detectindent_cursettings)
+          exec 'let newval = &'.setting
+          if oldval != newval
+            let changed_msg += [ setting." changed from ".oldval." to ".newval ]
+          end
+        endfor
+        if len(changed_msg)
+          echo "Initial buffer settings changed:" join(changed_msg, ", ")
+        endif
+    endif
-command! -nargs=0 DetectIndent call <SID>DetectIndent()
+command! -bar -nargs=0 DetectIndent call <SID>DetectIndent()

vim-scripts packaging

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