Bug#859426: vim: Vim 8 cannot handle 'etags' format any more
Alexander Burger
abu at software-lab.de
Tue Apr 4 05:15:15 UTC 2017
Hello James,
thanks for your time!
> > When the file "tags" (or also "TAGS") was created with the 'etags' command, e.g.
> >
> > $ etags file.c
> Which etags is this? There are various packages that provide the etags
> name. “update-alternatives --query etags” will tell you.
It says:
Name: etags
Link: /usr/bin/etags
etags.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/etags.1.gz
Status: auto
Best: /usr/bin/ctags-exuberant
Value: /usr/bin/ctags-exuberant
Alternative: /usr/bin/ctags-exuberant
Priority: 10
etags.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/ctags-exuberant.1.gz
It generates the same format as described in
with a header
and lines formatted as
A typical file is then
#define CCC(<\x7f>CCC<\x01>1,0
In fact, my own use case is not the 'etags' command, but the 'tags' files
contained in (and generated at runtime by) the 'picolisp' package. This also
uses the above format, and the PicoLisp 'vi' command calls 'vim', and broke in
the described way.
Therefore I tested also with the 'etags' command. It makes the problem easier to
'vim' still claims to be compiled with '+emacs_tags'.
In Debian Jessie (and before) it worked without problems.
Best regards,
- Alex
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