Bug#832631: Please ship spell files

alberto fuentes pajaro at gmail.com
Sat May 19 14:49:09 BST 2018

On Wed, 27 Jul 2016 13:43:58 -0700 Josh Triplett <josh at joshtriplett.org>
> Package: neovim
> Version: 0.1.4-1
> Severity: normal
> vim-runtime ships spelling files for English.  Neovim strips those out,
> only offers a mechanism to download the spell files at runtime.  Please
> consider packaging current versions of the spell files for various
languages in
> Debian, so people can obtain those files through the package manager,
> than assuming connectivity at the time they first try to enable the
> option.

Warning: Cannot find word list "en.utf-8.spl" or "en.ascii.spl"

$ locate en.utf-8.spl

$ dpkg -S  /usr/share/vim/vim80/spell/en.utf-8.spl
vim-runtime: /usr/share/vim/vim80/spell/en.utf-8.spl

The package could "suggest" vim-runtime and use them if they are already

If could not even suggest vim-runtime if you are against that, but use them
anyway if they are there :P

Maybe its not optimal, but I mean, why not. 80% of benefit with 20% of the
work, right?

To save some time to those coming after me trying to use spell files
already shipped with debian on neovim

$ ln -s /usr/share/vim/vim80/spell/ ~/.config/nvim/

on nvim

:set spell
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