[Pkg-virtualbox-devel] Auto-building out-of-tree kernel modules

Evgeni Golov evgeni at debian.org
Sat Oct 17 16:32:43 UTC 2009


On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 04:55:09PM +0100, Ben Hutchings wrote:
> Due to bug #517130, linux-modules-extra-2.6 must be removed.
> If you want to continue having modules auto-built, we recommend that you
> consider integrating with DKMS.  You can trigger a build on installation
> or upgrade of the module source.  The dkms package then automatically
> rebuilds installed module sources when a new kernel version is
> installed.
> Why DKMS and not module-assistant?  Your packages presumably already
> work with m-a, but m-a doesn't automatically rebuild modules on upgrade.
> Also, DKMS is supported by other distributions, so many out-of-tree
> module sources already include the necessary configuration file.

That means the modules will be "auto-built" on users computers? Wasting 
time and bandwidth (fetching linux-headers etc)? Great...

Are there any docs for how to add DKMS support in a Debian package? For 
people who never touched DKMS before?


Bruce Schneier can read and understand Perl programs.
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