[Pkg-voip-commits] r1087 - zaptel/trunk/debian/patches
Tzafrir Cohen
tzafrir-guest at costa.debian.org
Fri Dec 30 17:07:51 UTC 2005
Author: tzafrir-guest
Date: 2005-12-30 17:07:51 +0000 (Fri, 30 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 1087
* reduced back the targets patch
* don't build sethdlc (and nither makefw and torisatool) until someone
actually asks for them
Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/Makefile_deps_utils.dpatch
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/Makefile_deps_utils.dpatch 2005-12-22 18:31:58 UTC (rev 1086)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/Makefile_deps_utils.dpatch 2005-12-30 17:07:51 UTC (rev 1087)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-BINS=ztcfg torisatool makefw ztmonitor ztspeed $(ZTTOOL) zttest fxotune
-+BINS:=ztcfg sethdlc-new ztmonitor ztspeed $(ZTTOOL) zttest fxotune
++BINS:=ztcfg ztmonitor ztspeed $(ZTTOOL) zttest fxotune
+UTILS:=tor2ee ztspeed zttool ztmonitor sethdlc-new \
+ usbfxstest fxstest fxotune fxsdump ztdiag
Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/Makefile_targets.dpatch
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/Makefile_targets.dpatch 2005-12-22 18:31:58 UTC (rev 1086)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/Makefile_targets.dpatch 2005-12-30 17:07:51 UTC (rev 1087)
@@ -6,94 +6,11 @@
## DP: allow separate installation of the programs and the modules
-diff -urNad zaptel-1.2.0~/Makefile zaptel-1.2.0/Makefile
---- zaptel-1.2.0~/Makefile 2005-11-30 16:24:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ zaptel-1.2.0/Makefile 2005-11-30 16:24:29.000000000 +0000
-@@ -7,11 +7,6 @@
- BASEADDR=0xd0000
- HOSTCC=gcc
--ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_GNU_TYPE),)
--UNAME_M:=$(shell uname -m)
- # If you want to build for a kernel other than the current kernel, set KVERS
- ifndef KVERS
- KVERS:=$(shell uname -r)
-@@ -24,16 +19,11 @@
- KSRC:=$(shell for dir in $(KSRC_SEARCH_PATH); do if [ -d $$dir ]; then echo $dir; break; fi; done)
- endif
+diff -urNad zaptel-1.2.1/Makefile /tmp/dpep.hnX6Yg/zaptel-1.2.1/Makefile
+--- zaptel-1.2.1/Makefile 2005-12-22 00:01:06.000000000 +0200
++++ /tmp/dpep.hnX6Yg/zaptel-1.2.1/Makefile 2005-12-22 00:09:25.000000000 +0200
+@@ -122,6 +122,16 @@
--KVERS_MAJ:=$(shell echo $(KVERS) | cut -d. -f1-2)
- KINCLUDES:=$(KSRC)/include
--ifneq (,$(findstring ppc,$(UNAME_M)))
--ifneq (,$(findstring x86_64,$(UNAME_M)))
-+CFLAGS_PPC:=$(shell if uname -m | grep -q ppc; then echo "-fsigned-char"; fi)
-+CFLAGS_X86-64:=$(shell if uname -m | grep -q x86_64; then echo "-m64"; fi)
-@@ -42,15 +32,9 @@
- ifneq (,$(wildcard $(KINCLUDES)/linux/modversions.h))
- KFLAGS+=-DMODVERSIONS -include $(KINCLUDES)/linux/modversions.h
- endif
--ifneq (,$(findstring ppc,$(UNAME_M)))
--KFLAGS_PPC:=-msoft-float -fsigned-char
-+KFLAGS_PPC:=$(shell if uname -m | grep -q ppc; then echo "-msoft-float -fsigned-char"; fi)
--ifeq ($(KVERS_MAJ),2.4)
-- ifneq (,$(findstring x86_64,$(UNAME_M)))
-- KFLAGS+=-mcmodel=kernel
-- endif
-+KFLAGS+=$(shell if uname -r | grep -q 2.4; then if uname -m | grep -q x86_64; then echo "-mcmodel=kernel"; fi; fi)
- #
- # Features are now configured in zconfig.h
-@@ -65,10 +49,10 @@
- CONFIG_FILE=$(INSTALL_PREFIX)/etc/zaptel.conf
--ifeq ($(KVERS_MAJ),2.4)
-- BUILDVER:=linux24
-+ifeq (2.6,$(shell echo $(KVERS) | cut -d. -f1-2))
- BUILDVER:=linux26
-+ BUILDVER:=linux24
- endif
- ifeq ($(BUILDVER),linux26)
-@@ -93,11 +77,14 @@
- endif
- endif
--# This is not related to the version that we build. Rather, to the
--# version that we runs. If we build for 2.4 using 2.4 headers on a 2.6
--# system with udev mounted on /dev , no point in installing files to /dev
--# because they'll be wiped at next reboot.
--DYNFS=$(shell ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -qw 'devfsd\|udevd' && echo "yes")
-+ifeq (${BUILDVER},linux24)
-+#We only support DEVFS in linux 2.4 kernels, since its considered obsolete post 2.4
-+DYNFS:=$(shell ps ax | grep -v grep | grep -q devfsd && echo "yes")
-+ifeq (${BUILDVER},linux26)
-+#Tests for newer linux-2.6 udev support
-+DYNFS:=$(shell ps ax | grep -v grep | grep udevd && echo "yes")
- CHKCONFIG:=$(shell sh -c 'type -p chkconfig' 2> /dev/null)
- ifndef CHKCONFIG
-@@ -118,21 +105,32 @@
- endif
+ifeq ($(BUILDVER),linux26)
@@ -109,15 +26,7 @@
ifneq (,$(wildcard /usr/include/newt.h))
- endif
--BINS:=ztcfg sethdlc-new ztmonitor ztspeed $(ZTTOOL) zttest fxotune
--UTILS:=tor2ee ztspeed zttool ztmonitor sethdlc-new \
-- usbfxstest fxstest fxotune fxsdump ztdiag
-+BINS=ztcfg torisatool makefw ztmonitor ztspeed $(ZTTOOL) zttest fxotune
- #PRIMARY=wcfxsusb
- PRIMARY=torisa
+@@ -136,7 +146,11 @@
PWD:=$(shell pwd)
@@ -130,140 +39,8 @@
linux24: $(MODULESO) $(BINS)
-@@ -153,30 +151,47 @@
- tests: patgen pattest patlooptest hdlcstress hdlctest hdlcgen hdlcverify timertest
--tor2.o: tor2-hw.h tor2fw.h
-+tor2.o: tor2-hw.h tor2fw.h zaptel.h
--zaptel.o: digits.h arith.h sec.h mec.h sec-2.h mec2.h mec3.h zconfig.h
-+zaptel.o: zaptel.h digits.h arith.h sec.h mec.h sec-2.h mec2.h mec3.h zconfig.h
--torisa.o: torisa.h
-+torisa.o: zaptel.h torisa.h
--wcusb.o: wcusb.h
-+wcusb.o: wcusb.h zaptel.h
--wcfxsusb.o: wcfxsusb.h
-+wcfxsusb.o: wcfxsusb.h zaptel.h
--wctdm.o: wctdm.h
-+wcfxo.o: zaptel.h
--wctdm24xxp.o: wctdm.h
-+wct1xxp.o: zaptel.h
--pciradio.o: radfw.h
-+wcte11xp.o: zaptel.h
-+ztd-loc.o: zaptel.h
-+wct4xxp.o: zaptel.h
-+wctdm.o: zaptel.h wctdm.h
-+wctdm24xxp.o: zaptel.h wctdm.h
-+pciradio.o: zaptel.h radfw.h
-+wcs3200p.o: zaptel.h
- ztdummy.o: ztdummy.h
-+ztdynamic.o: zaptel.h
-+ztd-eth.o: zaptel.h
- $(MODULESO): %.o: %.c zaptel.h
- $(HOSTCC) $(KFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
- tor2ee.o: tor2-hw.h
--tor2ee: LDFLAGS+=-lpci
-+tor2ee: tor2ee.o
-+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lpci
- zonedata.lo: zonedata.c
- $(CC) -c $(LCFLAGS) -o $@ $^
-@@ -196,7 +211,8 @@
- radfw.h: makefw pciradio.rbt
- ./makefw pciradio.rbt radfw > radfw.h
--gendigits: LDFLAGS+=-lm
-+gendigits: gendigits.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -lm
- zaptel.c: tones.h
-@@ -208,10 +224,23 @@
- ztmonitor.o: ztmonitor.c zaptel.h
--ztspeed: CFLAGS=
--ztspeed.o: CFLAGS=
--zttool: LDFLAGS+=-lnewt
--sethdlc-new.o: CFLAGS+=-I$(KINCLUDES)
-+ztspeed.o: ztspeed.c
-+ $(CC) -o $@ -c $^
-+zttool: zttool.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -lnewt
-+ztmonitor: ztmonitor.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^
-+ztspeed: ztspeed.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^
-+sethdlc-new: sethdlc-new.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^
-+sethdlc-new.o: sethdlc-new.c
-+ $(CC) -o $@ -c $(CFLAGS) -I$(KINCLUDES) $^
- libtonezone.a: $(TZOBJS)
- ar rcs libtonezone.a $^
-@@ -236,20 +265,26 @@
- complex.o: complex.cc
- $(CC) -o $@ -c $^
--usbfxstest: LDFLAGS+=-lzap
--fxstest: $(LIBTONEZONE_SO)
--fxstest: LDFLAGS+=-lm
--fxotune: LDFLAGS+=-lm
--fxsdump: LDFLAGS+=-lm
-+usbfxstest.o: usbfxstest.c
-+ $(CC) -o $@ -g -c $^
-+usbfxstest: usbfxstest.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -lzap
-+fxstest: fxstest.o $(LIBTONEZONE_SO)
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -lm
-+fxotune: fxotune.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -lm
-+fxsdump: fxsdump.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^ -lm
- stackcheck: checkstack $(BUILDVER)
- ./checkstack *.o
--$(UTILS): %: %.o
-- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS)
--$(UTILSO): %.o: %.c
-- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ -c $<
-+ztdiag: ztdiag.o
-+ $(CC) -o $@ $^
- devices:
- ifndef DYNFS
-@@ -380,6 +415,21 @@
- echo "Not CVS"; \
+@@ -387,6 +401,21 @@
+ echo "Not under version control"; \
+# make should *fail* and not silently succeed if a program did not build
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