[Pkg-voip-commits] r1788 - in op-panel/trunk: . debian debian/patches dhtml

Santiago Ruano Rincón santiago at costa.debian.org
Tue May 30 19:52:15 UTC 2006

Author: santiago
Date: 2006-05-30 19:52:01 +0000 (Tue, 30 May 2006)
New Revision: 1788

Load op-panel-0.26.dfsg into op-panel/trunk.

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/README.Debian
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+op-panel for Debian
+Configuration and language files are under /etc/op-panel. Frontend files are under /usr/share/op-panel/. Output is at /var/log/op-panel.
+Developers: the package had to be renamed to replace the '_' with a '-' and to delete upstream shipped '.swf' files, thus the .orig tarball has been renamed as well. Also, the daemon name was copied from op_server.pl to op_server to avoid man page '.pl' ambiguity.
+ -- Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co>, Mon, 15 May 2006 20:29:38 -0500

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/changelog
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+op-panel (0.26.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Initial Release, based on the Tzafrir Cohen's package. Closes: #323689
+ -- Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co>  Mon, 15 May 2006 20:29:55 -0500

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/compat
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/compat	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/compat	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/control
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/control	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/control	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Source: op-panel
+Section: comm
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0), dpatch
+Build-Depends-Indep: perl (>= 5), libswf-perl (>= 0.3), libming-fonts-openoffice (>= 0.1)
+Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Package: op-panel
+Architecture: all
+Depends: perl (>= 5)
+Recommends: asterisk
+Enhances: destar
+Description: switchboard type application for the Asterisk PBX
+ Flash Operator Panel is a switchboard type application for
+ the Asterisk PBX. It runs on a web browser with the flash plugin.
+ .
+ It is able to display information about your PBX activity in real time.
+ The layout is configurable (button sizes and colors, icons, etc). You can 
+ have more than 100 buttons active per screen.
+ .
+ It also supports contexts: you can have one server running and many
+ different client displays (for hosted PBX, different departments,
+ etc). It can integrate with CRM software, by poping up a web page
+ (and passing the CLID) when a specified button is ringing.

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/copyright
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/copyright	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/copyright	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+This package was debianized by Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co> on
+Mon, 15 May 2006 20:29:55 -0500 based on the package for Xorcom by Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com> that can be found at http://updates.xorcom.com/iso/
+It was downloaded from http://www.asternic.org/download.php
+Upstream Author : Nicolás Gudiño <nicolas at house.com.ar>
+   This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June, 1991.
+   This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   GNU General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+   along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
+   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, 
+   MA 02110-1301, USA.
+On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General
+Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'.

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/dirs
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/dirs	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/dirs	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/docs
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/docs	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/docs	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/install
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/install	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/install	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+op_*.cfg /etc/op-panel
+flash /usr/share/op-panel
+dhtml /usr/share/op-panel

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/op-panel.init
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/op-panel.init	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/op-panel.init	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# Author:	Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>.
+#	 	op_panel developers.	
+# Version:	@(#)skeleton  1.9.4  21-Mar-2004  miquels at cistron.nl
+set -e
+DESC="Flash Operator Panel"
+# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
+test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
+# Read config file if it is present.
+#if [ -r /etc/default/$NAME ]
+#	. /etc/default/$NAME
+case "$1" in
+  start)
+	echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
+	start-stop-daemon --start --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS 
+	echo "."
+	;;
+  stop)
+	echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
+	start-stop-daemon --stop --pidfile $PIDFILE
+	echo "."
+	;;
+  restart|force-reload)
+	#
+	#	If the "reload" option is implemented, move the "force-reload"
+	#	option to the "reload" entry above. If not, "force-reload" is
+	#	just the same as "restart".
+	#
+	echo -n "Restarting $DESC: $NAME"
+	start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON
+	sleep 1
+	start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PIDFILE --startas $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS
+	echo "."
+	;;
+  *)
+	echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|force-reload}" >&2
+	exit 1
+	;;
+exit 0

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/01_op_server.pl.dpatch
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/01_op_server.pl.dpatch	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/01_op_server.pl.dpatch	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 01_op_server.pl.dpatch by Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: No description.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad op-panel-0.26.dfsg~/op_server.pl op-panel-0.26.dfsg/op_server.pl
+--- op-panel-0.26.dfsg~/op_server.pl	2006-05-21 00:44:03.000000000 +0000
++++ op-panel-0.26.dfsg/op_server.pl	2006-05-21 00:44:34.000000000 +0000
+@@ -319,7 +319,8 @@
+     defined( my $pid = fork ) or die "Can't Fork: $!";
+     exit if $pid;
+     setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+-    open MYPIDFILE, ">$pidfile";
++    open MYPIDFILE, ">$pidfile"
++       or die "Failed to open PID file $pidfile for writing." ;
+     print MYPIDFILE $$;
+     close MYPIDFILE;
+@@ -9100,7 +9101,7 @@
+ =head1 NAME
+-op_server.pl - Proxy server for the Asterisk Flash Operator Panel
++op_server - Proxy server for the Asterisk Flash Operator Panel
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+@@ -9125,7 +9126,7 @@
+ =item B<--pidfile>
+-Specify the pid file to use when running in daemon mode. Defaults to /var/run/op_panel.pid
++Specify the pid file to use when running in daemon mode. Defaults to /var/run/op_panel.pid. See /etc/init.d/op-panel for Debian defaults.
+ =item B<--confdir>
+@@ -9151,6 +9152,31 @@
+-B<This program> will read the given input file(s) and do someting useful with the contents thereof.
++B<This program> is a proxy server for the Flash Operator Panel. It reads configuration files and updates the data to display on the panel.
++=head1 FILES
++=over 8
++=item B</etc/op-panel>
++The configuration files of the operator panel daemon reside in that directory
++(may differ on other distributions). Those include:
++=item B<op_server.cfg>
++The server's configuration file. See remarks in file for documentation.
++=item B<op_buttons.cfg>
++Defines the layout of the operator panel, and also which phones to track.
++=item B</var/log/op-panel/output.log>
++The standard output of the daemon, including debugging prints and dumps.
++=item B</var/log/op-panel/error.log>
++The standard error of the daemon. Should normally be empty.

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/02_cfgcomments.dpatch
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/02_cfgcomments.dpatch	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/02_cfgcomments.dpatch	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 02_cfgcomments.dpatch by Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios at avatar.com.co>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: No description.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./op_astdb.cfg /tmp/dpep-work.2mpVad/op-panel-0.26/op_astdb.cfg
+--- ./op_astdb.cfg	2006-05-10 07:03:40.000000000 -0500
++++ /tmp/dpep-work.2mpVad/op-panel-0.26/op_astdb.cfg	2006-05-19 13:20:39.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
++; Here you can configure Asterisk Database settings for op-panel.
++; See /usr/share/doc/op-panel/examples
+ ; FOP will ask for the value of the asterisk database families
+ ; specified between brackets. If the value is non empty, it will
+ ; send the commands to the flash client. Note that the family
+diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./op_buttons.cfg /tmp/dpep-work.2mpVad/op-panel-0.26/op_buttons.cfg
+--- ./op_buttons.cfg	2006-05-10 07:03:40.000000000 -0500
++++ /tmp/dpep-work.2mpVad/op-panel-0.26/op_buttons.cfg	2006-05-19 13:20:39.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
++; Here you can configure button settings for op-panel.
++; See /usr/share/doc/op-panel/examples
+ [SIP/10]              ; Channel name
+ Position=1            ; Button number in the console
+ Label="10 Fax"        ; Text label for the button
+diff -urNad --exclude=CVS --exclude=.svn ./op_server.cfg /tmp/dpep-work.2mpVad/op-panel-0.26/op_server.cfg
+--- ./op_server.cfg	2006-05-10 07:03:40.000000000 -0500
++++ /tmp/dpep-work.2mpVad/op-panel-0.26/op_server.cfg	2006-05-19 13:23:12.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ [general]
+ ; host or ip address of asterisk
+ manager_port=5038
+ ; user and secret for connecting to * manager
+ manager_user=user
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
+ ; location of the .swf file in your disk (must reside somewhere
+ ; inside your web root)
+ ; secret code for performing hangups and transfers
+ security_code=dkd4393kld

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/03_libmingfonts.dpatch
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/03_libmingfonts.dpatch	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/patches/03_libmingfonts.dpatch	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## 03_libmingfonts.dpatch by  <root at localhost.localdomain>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: No description.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad op-panel-0.26~/ming-source/operator_panel.pl op-panel-0.26/ming-source/operator_panel.pl
+--- op-panel-0.26~/ming-source/operator_panel.pl	2006-05-10 12:03:40.000000000 +0000
++++ op-panel-0.26/ming-source/operator_panel.pl	2006-05-19 20:29:08.000000000 +0000
+@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
+ sub maketextfield {
+ 	$name = shift;

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/postinst
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/postinst	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/postinst	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# postinst script for op-panel
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+#        * <postinst> `configure' <most-recently-configured-version>
+#        * <old-postinst> `abort-upgrade' <new version>
+#        * <conflictor's-postinst> `abort-remove' `in-favour' <package>
+#          <new-version>
+#        * <deconfigured's-postinst> `abort-deconfigure' `in-favour'
+#          <failed-install-package> <version> `removing'
+#          <conflicting-package> <version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+    configure)
+	touch /usr/share/op-panel/flash/variables.txt
+    ;;
+    abort-upgrade|abort-remove|abort-deconfigure)
+    ;;
+    *)
+        echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+        exit 1
+    ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/prerm
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/prerm	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/prerm	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# prerm script for op-panel
+# see: dh_installdeb(1)
+set -e
+# summary of how this script can be called:
+#        * <prerm> `remove'
+#        * <old-prerm> `upgrade' <new-version>
+#        * <new-prerm> `failed-upgrade' <old-version>
+#        * <conflictor's-prerm> `remove' `in-favour' <package> <new-version>
+#        * <deconfigured's-prerm> `deconfigure' `in-favour'
+#          <package-being-installed> <version> `removing'
+#          <conflicting-package> <version>
+# for details, see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ or
+# the debian-policy package
+case "$1" in
+    remove|upgrade|deconfigure)
+	rm -f /usr/share/op-panel/html/variables.txt
+        ;;
+    failed-upgrade)
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "prerm called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
+        exit 1
+    ;;
+# dh_installdeb will replace this with shell code automatically
+# generated by other debhelper scripts.
+exit 0

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/rules
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/rules	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/rules	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+# -*- makefile -*-
+# debian/rules for op-panel.
+# Based on example file by Joey Hess.
+# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
+export DH_VERBOSE=1
+include /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make
+DEBVERSION:=$(shell head -n 1 debian/changelog \
+                    | sed -e 's/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/')
+UPVERSION:=$(shell echo $(DEBVERSION) | sed -e 's/^.*://' -e 's/-[0-9.]*$$//' -e 's/.dfsg$$//')
+FILENAME := op-panel_$(UPVERSION).dfsg.orig.tar.gz
+UPFILENAME := op-panel_$(UPVERSION).orig.tar.gz
+URL := http://asternic.org/files/op_panel-$(UPVERSION).tar.gz
+CFLAGS = -Wall -g
+ifneq (,$(findstring noopt,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+	CFLAGS += -O0
+	CFLAGS += -O2
+ifeq (,$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+build: build-stamp
+build-stamp: patch-stamp 
+	dh_testdir
+	# Add here commands to compile the package.
+	/usr/bin/perl ming-source/operator_panel.pl
+	chmod +x dhtml/comunicator.pl
+	/usr/bin/perl dhtml/comunicator.pl
+	/usr/bin/pod2man --section 8 op_server.pl debian/op_server.8
+	touch build-stamp
+clean: clean-patched unpatch
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	rm -f build-stamp 
+	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
+	rm -f debian/op_server.8
+	rm *.swf
+	dh_clean 
+install: build
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_clean -k 
+	dh_installdirs
+	# Add here commands to install the package into debian/op-panel.
+	cp -a op_server.pl debian/op-panel/usr/sbin/op_server
+	mkdir -p debian/op-panel/usr/share/op-panel/flash
+	mkdir -p debian/op-panel/usr/share/op-panel/dhtml
+	cp -a operator_panel.swf debian/op-panel/usr/share/op-panel/flash/
+	cp -a comunicator.swf debian/op-panel/usr/share/op-panel/dhtml/
+# Build architecture-independent files here.
+binary-indep: build install
+# Build architecture-dependent files here.
+binary-arch: build install
+	dh_testdir
+	dh_testroot
+	dh_installchangelogs CHANGES
+	dh_installdocs
+	dh_installexamples op_buttons.cfg op_server.cfg op_astdb.cfg op_style.cfg extensions.conf.sample
+	dh_install
+	dh_installinit
+	dh_installman debian/op_server.8
+	dh_compress
+	dh_fixperms
+	dh_installdeb
+	dh_gencontrol
+	dh_md5sums
+	dh_builddeb
+	@@dh_testdir
+	@@[ -d ../tarballs/. ]||mkdir -p ../tarballs
+	@@echo Downloading $(UPFILENAME) from $(URL) ...
+	@@wget -N -nv -T10 -t3 -O ../tarballs/$(UPFILENAME) $(URL)
+	@@echo Repacking as DFSG-free...
+	@@mkdir -p ../tarballs/op_panel-$(UPVERSION).tmp/
+	@@cd ../tarballs/op_panel-$(UPVERSION).tmp ; \
+	tar xfz ../$(UPFILENAME)
+	@@find ../tarballs/op_panel-$(UPVERSION).tmp -type f -name '*.swf'|xargs -r rm
+	@@cd ../tarballs/op_panel-$(UPVERSION).tmp ; \
+	tar cfz ../$(FILENAME) *
+	@@echo Cleaning up...
+	@@$(RM) -rf ../tarballs/op_panel-$(UPVERSION).tmp/
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
+.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install patch unpatch

Property changes on: op-panel/trunk/debian/rules
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: op-panel/trunk/debian/todo
--- op-panel/trunk/debian/todo	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/debian/todo	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+-Arreglar fuentes Arioso.fdb
+-Arreglar descripcion
+-Arreglar init
+-Arreglar parches

Property changes on: op-panel/trunk/dhtml/comunicator.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Property changes on: op-panel/trunk/op_server.pl
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: op-panel/trunk/op_server.pl2
--- op-panel/trunk/op_server.pl2	2006-05-30 19:48:13 UTC (rev 1787)
+++ op-panel/trunk/op_server.pl2	2006-05-30 19:52:01 UTC (rev 1788)
@@ -0,0 +1,9182 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#  Flash Operator Panel.    http://www.asternic.org
+#  Copyright (c) 2004 Nicolás Gudiño.  All rights reserved.
+#  Nicolás Gudiño <nicolas at house.com.ar>
+#  This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
+#  the GNU General Public License.
+use strict;
+use integer;
+use constant DEBUG         => 1;
+use constant BYTES_TO_READ => 256;
+use IO::Socket;
+use IO::Select;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Fcntl;
+use POSIX qw(setsid EWOULDBLOCK);
+my $FOP_VERSION                = "026.001";
+my %datos                      = ();
+my %sesbot                     = ();
+my %linkbot                    = ();
+my %cache_hit                  = ();
+my %estadoboton                = ();
+my %botonled                   = ();
+my %botonalpha                 = ();
+my %botonregistrado            = ();
+my %boton_ip                   = ();
+my %botonlabel                 = ();
+my %botonlabelonly             = ();
+my %botonsetlabel              = ();
+my %botontimer                 = ();
+my %botontimertype             = ();
+my %botonpark                  = ();
+my %botonmeetme                = ();
+my %botonclid                  = ();
+my %botonqueue                 = ();
+my %botonqueue_count           = ();
+my %botonqueuemember           = ();
+my %botonvoicemail             = ();
+my %botonvoicemailcount        = ();
+my %botonlinked                = ();
+my %parked                     = ();
+my %meetme_pos                 = ();
+my %laststatus                 = ();
+my %autenticado                = ();
+my %auto_conference            = ();
+my %buttons                    = ();
+my %buttons_queue              = ();
+my %buttons_queue_reverse      = ();
+my %buttons_preserve_case      = ();
+my %button_server              = ();
+my %buttons_reverse            = ();
+my %textos                     = ();
+my %iconos                     = ();
+my %urls                       = ();
+my %targets                    = ();
+my %remote_callerid            = ();
+my %remote_callerid_name       = ();
+my %extension_transfer         = ();
+my %extension_transfer_reverse = ();
+my %max_queue_waiting_time_for = ();
+my %flash_contexto             = ();
+my %saved_clidnum              = ();
+my %saved_clidname             = ();
+my %keys_socket                = ();
+my %manager_socket             = ();
+my %start_muted                = ();
+my %timeouts                   = ();
+my %no_rectangle               = ();
+my %background                 = ();
+my %astdbcommands              = ();
+my %client_queue               = ();
+my %manager_queue              = ();
+my %client_queue_nocrypt       = ();
+my %ip_addy                    = ();
+my %count_queue                = ();
+my %is_agent                   = ();
+my %agents_on_queue            = ();
+my %max_lastcall               = ();
+my $config                     = {};
+my $cola                       = {};
+my $language                   = {};
+my $global_verbose             = 1;
+my $help                       = 0;
+my $version                    = 0;
+my $counter_servers            = -1;
+my %bloque_completo;
+my %buferbloque;
+my $bloque_final;
+my $todo;
+my $regexp_buttons     = 0;
+my $queueagent_buttons = 0;
+my $defaultlanguage;
+my @bloque;
+my @respuestas;
+my @all_flash_files;
+my @masrespuestas;
+my @fake_bloque;
+my @flash_clients;
+my @status_active;
+my @panel_contexts;
+my %mailbox;
+my %tovoicemail;
+my %instancias;
+my %agent_to_channel;
+my %agent_label;
+my %togle_action;
+my %togle_response;
+my %channel_to_agent;
+my %reverse_agents;
+my %agents_name;
+my @p;
+my $m;
+my $O;
+my @S;
+my @key;
+my @manager_host        = ();
+my @manager_port        = ();
+my @manager_user        = ();
+my @manager_secret      = ();
+my @event_mask          = ();
+my @astmanproxy_servers = ();
+my @manager_conectado   = ();
+my %manager_desconectado;
+my %mask_hash;
+my $web_hostname;
+my $listen_port;
+my $listen_addr;
+my $security_code;
+my $flash_dir;
+my $astmanproxy_server = "";
+my $restrict_channel   = "";
+my $socketpolicy;
+my $poll_interval;
+my $poll_voicemail;
+my $kill_zombies;
+my $ren_agentlogin;
+my $ren_cbacklogin;
+my $ren_agentname;
+my $agent_status;
+my $ren_queuemember;
+my $ren_wildcard;
+my $clid_privacy;
+my %clid_private;
+my $show_ip;
+my $queue_hide;
+my $enable_restart;
+my $change_led;
+my $cdial_nosecure;
+my $barge_muted;
+my $debuglevel       = -1;
+my $debuglevel_cache = "";
+my $cont_debug_cache = 0;
+my $flash_file;
+my %barge_rooms;
+my %barge_context;
+my $first_room;
+my $last_room;
+my $meetme_context;
+my $clid_format;
+my $directorio       = "";
+my $auth_md5         = 1;
+my $astmanproxy_host = "";
+my $astmanproxy_port = "5038";
+my $md5challenge;
+my $reverse_transfer;
+my %shapes;
+my %legends;
+my %no_encryption = ();
+my %total_shapes;
+my %total_legends;
+my @btninclude   = ();
+my @styleinclude = ();
+my $command      = "";
+my $daemonized   = 0;
+my $pidfile      = "/var/run/op_panel.pid";
+my $logdir       = "";
+my $confdir      = "";
+my $tab          = "";
+my $PADDING = join(
+    '',
+    map( chr,
+        (
+            0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+            0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+            0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+          ) )
+my %a2b = (
+    A   => 000,
+    B   => 001,
+    C   => 002,
+    D   => 003,
+    E   => 004,
+    F   => 005,
+    G   => 006,
+    H   => 007,
+    I   => 010,
+    J   => 011,
+    K   => 012,
+    L   => 013,
+    M   => 014,
+    N   => 015,
+    O   => 016,
+    P   => 017,
+    Q   => 020,
+    R   => 021,
+    S   => 022,
+    T   => 023,
+    U   => 024,
+    V   => 025,
+    W   => 026,
+    X   => 027,
+    Y   => 030,
+    Z   => 031,
+    a   => 032,
+    b   => 033,
+    c   => 034,
+    d   => 035,
+    e   => 036,
+    f   => 037,
+    g   => 040,
+    h   => 041,
+    i   => 042,
+    j   => 043,
+    k   => 044,
+    l   => 045,
+    m   => 046,
+    n   => 047,
+    o   => 050,
+    p   => 051,
+    q   => 052,
+    r   => 053,
+    s   => 054,
+    t   => 055,
+    u   => 056,
+    v   => 057,
+    w   => 060,
+    x   => 061,
+    y   => 062,
+    z   => 063,
+    '0' => 064,
+    '1' => 065,
+    '2' => 066,
+    '3' => 067,
+    '4' => 070,
+    '5' => 071,
+    '6' => 072,
+    '7' => 073,
+    '8' => 074,
+    '9' => 075,
+    '+' => 076,
+    '_' => 077,
+my %b2a                      = reverse %a2b;
+my $rand_byte_already_called = 0;
+$SIG{ALRM} = 'alarma_al_minuto';
+$SIG{INT}  = 'close_all';
+$SIG{HUP}  = 'generate_configs_onhup';
+$SIG{USR1} = 'dump_internal_hashes_to_stdout';
+    'p|pidfile=s'    => \$pidfile,
+    'l|logdir=s'     => \$logdir,
+    'c|confdir=s'    => \$confdir,
+    'd|daemon'       => \$daemonized,
+    'V|version'      => \$version,
+    'x|debuglevel=i' => \$debuglevel,
+    'help|?'         => \$help
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+if ( $version == 1 ) {
+    print "op_server.pl version $FOP_VERSION\n";
+    exit 0;
+if ( $confdir eq "" ) {
+    # if there is no config directory supplied at the command line
+    # use the same directory where op_server.pl lives
+    $directorio = $0;
+    $directorio =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/$1/g;
+else {
+    $directorio = $confdir;
+if ( $logdir ne "" ) {
+    open( STDOUT, ">>$logdir/output.log" )
+      or die "Can't open output log $logdir/error.log";
+    open( STDERR, ">>$logdir/error.log" )
+      or die "Can't open output log $logdir/error.log";
+if ( $daemonized == 1 ) {
+    defined( my $pid = fork ) or die "Can't Fork: $!";
+    exit if $pid;
+    setsid or die "Can't start a new session: $!";
+    open MYPIDFILE, ">$pidfile";
+       or die "Failed to open PID file $pidfile for writing." ;
+    print MYPIDFILE $$;
+    close MYPIDFILE;
+    close(STDIN);
+    if ( $logdir eq "" ) {
+        close STDOUT;
+        close STDERR;
+    }
+sub read_language_config() {
+    $/ = "\n";
+    # tries to read and parse every language file needed
+    foreach my $ctx (@panel_contexts) {
+        if ( !defined( $config->{$ctx}{language} ) ) {
+            $config->{"$ctx"}{language} = $defaultlanguage;
+        }
+        my $lang = $config->{$ctx}{language};
+        $lang =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+        $lang =~ s/\W//g;
+        $config->{$ctx}{language} = $lang;
+        open( CONFIG, "<$directorio/op_lang_$lang.cfg" )
+          or die("Could not open $directorio/op_lang_$lang.cfg. Aborting...");
+        while (<CONFIG>) {
+            chop;
+            $_ =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $_ =~ s/([^;]*)[;](.*)/$1/g;
+            $_ =~ s/\s+$//g;
+            next unless $_ ne "";
+            my ( $variable_name, $value ) = split( /=/, $_ );
+            $variable_name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+            $variable_name =~ s/\s+//g;
+            $value         =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $value         =~ s/\s+$//g;
+            $value         =~ s/\"//g;
+            $language->{$ctx}{$variable_name} = $value;
+        }
+        close(CONFIG);
+    }
+    $/ = "\0";
+sub read_server_config() {
+    my $context = "";
+    $counter_servers = -1;
+    $/ = "\n";
+    open( CONFIG, "<$directorio/op_server.cfg" )
+      or die("Could not open op_server.cfg. Aborting...");
+    while (<CONFIG>) {
+        chomp;
+        $_ =~ s/^\s+//g;
+        $_ =~ s/([^;]*)[;](.*)/$1/g;
+        $_ =~ s/\s+$//g;
+        if ( /^#/ || /^;/ || /^$/ ) {
+            next;
+        }    # Ignores comments and empty lines
+        if (/^\Q[\E/) {
+            s/\[(.*)\]/$1/g;
+            tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+            $context = $_;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( $context ne "" ) {
+                my ( $variable_name, $value ) = split( /=/, $_ );
+                $variable_name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+                $variable_name =~ s/\s+//g;
+                $value         =~ s/^\s+//g;
+                $value         =~ s/\s+$//g;
+                $value         =~ s/\"//g;
+                $config->{$context}{$variable_name} = $value;
+                if ( $variable_name eq "manager_host" ) {
+                    $counter_servers++;
+                    $manager_host[$counter_servers] = $value;
+                }
+                if ( $variable_name eq "manager_user" ) {
+                    $manager_user[$counter_servers] = $value;
+                }
+                if ( $variable_name eq "manager_secret" ) {
+                    $manager_secret[$counter_servers] = $value;
+                }
+                if ( $variable_name eq "manager_port" ) {
+                    $manager_port[$counter_servers] = $value;
+                }
+                if ( $variable_name eq "event_mask" ) {
+                    $event_mask[$counter_servers] = $value;
+                }
+                if ( $variable_name eq "astmanproxy_server" ) {
+                    push @astmanproxy_servers, $value;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    close(CONFIG);
+    $web_hostname     = $config->{GENERAL}{web_hostname};
+    $listen_port      = $config->{GENERAL}{listen_port};
+    $listen_addr      = $config->{GENERAL}{listen_addr};
+    $security_code    = $config->{GENERAL}{security_code};
+    $flash_dir        = $config->{GENERAL}{flash_dir};
+    $poll_interval    = $config->{GENERAL}{poll_interval};
+    $poll_voicemail   = $config->{GENERAL}{poll_voicemail};
+    $kill_zombies     = $config->{GENERAL}{kill_zombies};
+    $reverse_transfer = $config->{GENERAL}{reverse_transfer};
+    $auth_md5         = $config->{GENERAL}{auth_md5};
+    $astmanproxy_host = $config->{GENERAL}{astmanproxy_host};
+    $astmanproxy_port = $config->{GENERAL}{astmanproxy_port};
+    $ren_agentlogin   = $config->{GENERAL}{rename_label_agentlogin};
+    $ren_cbacklogin   = $config->{GENERAL}{rename_label_callbacklogin};
+    $ren_wildcard     = $config->{GENERAL}{rename_label_wildcard};
+    $ren_agentname    = $config->{GENERAL}{rename_to_agent_name};
+    $agent_status     = $config->{GENERAL}{agent_status};
+    $ren_queuemember  = $config->{GENERAL}{rename_queue_member};
+    $change_led       = $config->{GENERAL}{change_led_agent};
+    $cdial_nosecure   = $config->{GENERAL}{clicktodial_insecure};
+    $barge_muted      = $config->{GENERAL}{barge_muted};
+    $clid_privacy     = $config->{GENERAL}{clid_privacy};
+    $show_ip          = $config->{GENERAL}{show_ip};
+    $queue_hide       = $config->{GENERAL}{queue_hide};
+    $enable_restart   = $config->{GENERAL}{enable_restart};
+    $defaultlanguage  = $config->{GENERAL}{language};
+    if ( $debuglevel == -1 ) {
+        $debuglevel = $config->{GENERAL}{debug};
+    }
+    my @todos_los_rooms;
+    foreach my $val ($config) {
+        while ( my ( $aa, $bb ) = each( %{$val} ) ) {
+            while ( my ( $cc, $dd ) = each( %{$bb} ) ) {
+                if ( $cc eq "barge_rooms" ) {
+                    ( $first_room, $last_room ) = split( /-/, $dd );
+                    if ( !defined($last_room) ) {
+                        $last_room = $first_room;
+                    }
+                    my @arrayroom = $first_room .. $last_room;
+                    foreach (@arrayroom) {
+                        $barge_context{"$_"} = $aa;
+                    }
+                    push( @todos_los_rooms, @arrayroom );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    %barge_rooms = map { $todos_los_rooms[$_], 0 } 0 .. $#todos_los_rooms;
+    $meetme_context = $config->{GENERAL}{conference_context};
+    $clid_format    = $config->{GENERAL}{clid_format};
+    $flash_file = $flash_dir . "/variables.txt";
+    push @all_flash_files, $flash_file;
+    if ( !defined $web_hostname ) {
+        $web_hostname = "";
+    }
+    if ( !defined $listen_port ) {
+        $listen_port = 4445;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $listen_addr ) {
+        $listen_addr = "";
+    }
+    if ( !defined $astmanproxy_host ) {
+        $astmanproxy_host = "";
+    }
+    else {
+        @manager_host   = ();
+        @manager_user   = ();
+        @manager_secret = ();
+        push @manager_host,   $astmanproxy_host;
+        push @manager_user,   "astmanproxy";
+        push @manager_secret, "astmanproxy";
+    }
+    if ( defined $astmanproxy_port ) {
+        @manager_port = ();
+        push @manager_port, $astmanproxy_port;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $security_code ) {
+        die("Missing security_code in op_server.cfg!");
+    }
+    if ( !defined $flash_dir ) { die("Missing flash_dir in op_server.cfg!"); }
+    if ( !defined $poll_interval ) {
+        die("Missing poll_interval in op_server.cfg!");
+    }
+    if ( !defined $ren_agentlogin ) {
+        $ren_agentlogin = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $defaultlanguage ) {
+        $defaultlanguage = "en";
+        $config->{DEFAULT}{language} = "en";
+    }
+    if ( !defined $clid_privacy ) {
+        $clid_privacy = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $show_ip ) {
+        $show_ip = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $queue_hide ) {
+        $queue_hide = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $ren_wildcard || $ren_wildcard eq "" ) {
+        $ren_wildcard = 1;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $reverse_transfer || $reverse_transfer eq "" ) {
+        $reverse_transfer = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $barge_muted || $barge_muted eq "" ) {
+        $barge_muted = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $enable_restart || $enable_restart eq "" ) {
+        $enable_restart = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $cdial_nosecure || $cdial_nosecure eq "" ) {
+        $cdial_nosecure = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $agent_status || $agent_status eq "" ) {
+        $agent_status = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $ren_agentname || $ren_agentname eq "" ) {
+        $ren_agentname = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $ren_cbacklogin || $ren_cbacklogin eq "" ) {
+        $ren_cbacklogin = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $ren_queuemember || $ren_queuemember eq "" ) {
+        $ren_queuemember = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $change_led || $change_led eq "" ) {
+        $change_led = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $kill_zombies || $kill_zombies eq "" ) {
+        $kill_zombies = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $poll_voicemail || $poll_voicemail eq "" ) {
+        $poll_voicemail = 0;
+    }
+    if ( !defined $clid_format ) {
+        $clid_format = "(xxx) xxx-xxxx";
+    }
+    if ( !defined $debuglevel ) {
+        $debuglevel = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( $daemonized == 1 && $logdir eq "" ) {
+            $debuglevel = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    $/ = "\0";
+sub collect_includes {
+    my $filename = shift;
+    my $tipo     = shift;
+    my $archivo  = $directorio . "/" . $filename;
+    if ( !-r $archivo ) {
+        log_debug( "** $archivo not readable... skipping", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( $tipo eq "buttons" ) {
+        if ( !inArray( $filename, @btninclude ) ) {
+            push( @btninclude, $filename );
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "** $filename already included", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $tipo eq "style" ) {
+        if ( !inArray( $filename, @styleinclude ) ) {
+            push( @styleinclude, $filename );
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "** $filename already included", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    open( CONFIG, "< $archivo" )
+      or die("Could not open $filename. Aborting...\n\n");
+    my @lineas  = <CONFIG>;
+    my $cuantos = @lineas;
+    foreach my $linea (@lineas) {
+        $linea =~ s/^\s+//g;
+        $linea =~ s/([^;]*)[;](.*)/$1/g;
+        $linea =~ s/\s+$//g;
+        if ( $linea =~ /^include/ ) {
+            # store include lines in an array so we can
+            # process them later excluding duplicates
+            $linea =~ s/^include//g;
+            $linea =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $linea =~ s/^=>//g;
+            $linea =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $linea =~ s/\s+$//g;
+            collect_includes( $linea, $tipo );
+        }
+    }
+    close CONFIG;
+sub read_astdb_config() {
+    $/ = "\n";
+    if ( -e "$directorio/op_astdb.cfg" ) {
+        open( ASTDB, "<$directorio/op_astdb.cfg" )
+          or die("Could not open op_astdb.cfg. Aborting...");
+        my $contador = 0;
+        my $key      = "";
+        while (<ASTDB>) {
+            chomp;
+            $_ =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $_ =~ s/([^;]*)[;](.*)/$1/g;
+            $_ =~ s/\s+$//g;
+            if ( /^#/ || /^;/ || /^$/ ) {
+                next;
+            }    # Ignores comments and empty lines
+            if (/^\Q[\E/) {
+                s/\[(.*)\]/$1/g;
+                $key = $_;
+            }
+            else {
+                push @{ $astdbcommands{$key} }, $_;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    close(ASTDB);
+    $/ = "\0";
+sub read_buttons_config() {
+    my @btn_cfg  = ();
+    my $contador = -1;
+    my @distinct_files;
+    my $no_counter   = 0;
+    my @contextos    = ();
+    my %lastposition = ();
+    $/ = "\n";
+    @distinct_files = unique(@btninclude);
+    foreach my $archivo (@distinct_files) {
+        open( CONFIG, "< $directorio/$archivo" )
+          or die("Could not open $directorio/$archivo. Aborting...");
+        # Read op_buttons.cfg loading it into a hash for easier processing
+        while (<CONFIG>) {
+            chomp;
+            $_ =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $_ =~ s/([^;]*)[;](.*)/$1/g;
+            $_ =~ s/\s+$//g;
+            if ( /^#/ || /^;/ || /^$/ ) {
+                next;
+            }    # Ignores comments and empty lines
+            if (/^\Q[\E/) {
+                $contador++;
+                s/\[(.*)\]/$1/g;
+                my $channel = $_;
+                $btn_cfg[$contador]{'channel_preserve_case'} = $channel;
+                $btn_cfg[$contador]{'channel'}               = $channel;
+            }
+            else {
+                next unless ( $contador >= 0 );
+                my ( $key, $val ) = split( /=/, $_, 2 );
+                $key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+                $key =~ s/^\s+//g;
+                $key =~ s/(.*)\s+/$1/g;
+                if (   $key ne "label"
+                    && $key ne "font_family"
+                    && $key ne "text"
+                    && $key ne "mailbox"
+                    && $key ne "voicemail_context" )
+                {
+                    $val =~ s/^\s+//g;
+                    $val =~ s/(.*)\s+/$1/g;
+                }
+                $btn_cfg[$contador]{$key} = $val;
+                if ( $key eq "panel_context" ) {
+                    push @contextos, $val;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        close(CONFIG);
+    }
+    my @uniq2 = unique(@contextos);
+    @contextos = @uniq2;
+    @uniq2     = grep { !/\*/ } @contextos;
+    @contextos = @uniq2;
+    push @contextos, "DEFAULT";
+    push @contextos, "GENERAL";
+    # Convert every element to uppercase
+    @panel_contexts = map { uc } @contextos;
+    # Pass to replicate panel_context=* configuration
+    my @copy_cfg = ();
+    @copy_cfg = @btn_cfg;
+    foreach (@copy_cfg) {
+        my %tmphash = %$_;
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{panel_context} ) ) {
+            if ( $tmphash{panel_context} eq "*" ) {
+                foreach my $contextoahora (@contextos) {
+                    $contador++;
+                    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%tmphash) ) {
+                        if ( $key eq "panel_context" ) {
+                            $val = $contextoahora;
+                        }
+                        $btn_cfg[$contador]{$key} = $val;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # We finished reading the file, now we populate our
+    # structures with the relevant data
+    my %rectangles_counter;
+    my %legends_counter;
+    foreach (@btn_cfg) {
+        my @positions = ();
+        my %tmphash   = %$_;
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{panel_context} ) ) {
+            if ( $tmphash{panel_context} eq "*" ) {
+                # We skip the * panel_context because we already
+                # expand them to every context possible before
+                next CONFIG;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $tmphash{channel} =~ /^_/ ) {
+            $regexp_buttons = 1;
+        }
+        elsif ( $tmphash{channel} =~ /^QUEUEAGENT\//i ) {
+            $queueagent_buttons = 1;
+        }
+        elsif ( $tmphash{channel} =~ /^legend$/i ) {
+            # Legend config primitive
+            if ( defined( $tmphash{panel_context} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{panel_context} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+                $tmphash{panel_context} =~ s/^DEFAULT$//xms;
+            }
+            else {
+                $tmphash{panel_context} = "";
+            }
+            my $conttemp = $tmphash{panel_context};
+            if ( $conttemp eq "" ) { $conttemp = "GENERAL"; }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{text} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{text} = "LEGEND";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{x} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{x} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{y} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{y} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{font_size} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{font_size} = 16;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{font_color} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{font_color} = "000000";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{use_embed_fonts} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{use_embed_fonts} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{font_family} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{font_family} = "Arial";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{no_base64} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{no_base64} = 0;
+            }
+            if ( $tmphash{no_base64} == 0 ) {
+                $tmphash{text} = encode_base64( $tmphash{text} );
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{url} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{url} = "no";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{target} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{target} = "NONTARFOP";
+            }
+            $legends_counter{$conttemp}++;
+            if ( $legends_counter{$conttemp} > 1 ) {
+                $legends{$conttemp} .= "&";
+            }
+            $total_legends{$conttemp}++;
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= "legend_$legends_counter{$conttemp}=" . $tmphash{x} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{y} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{text} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{font_size} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{font_family} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{font_color} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{use_embed_fonts} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{no_base64} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{url} . ",";
+            $legends{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{target};
+            next CONFIG;
+        }
+        elsif ( $tmphash{channel} =~ /^RECTANGLE$/i ) {
+            # Rectangle config primitive
+            if ( defined( $tmphash{panel_context} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{panel_context} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+                $tmphash{panel_context} =~ s/^DEFAULT$//;
+            }
+            else {
+                $tmphash{panel_context} = "";
+            }
+            my $conttemp = $tmphash{panel_context};
+            if ( $conttemp eq "" ) { $conttemp = "GENERAL"; }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{x} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{x} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{y} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{y} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{width} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{width} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{height} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{height} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{line_width} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{line_width} = 1;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{line_color} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{line_color} = "0x000000";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{fade_color1} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{fade_color1} = "0xd0d0d0";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{fade_color2} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{fade_color2} = "0xd0d000";
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{rnd_border} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{rnd_border} = 3;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{alpha} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{alpha} = 100;
+            }
+            if ( !defined( $tmphash{layer} ) ) {
+                $tmphash{layer} = "bottom";
+            }
+            $rectangles_counter{$conttemp}++;
+            if ( $rectangles_counter{$conttemp} > 1 ) {
+                $shapes{$conttemp} .= "&";
+            }
+            $total_shapes{$conttemp}++;
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= "rect_$rectangles_counter{$conttemp}=" . $tmphash{x} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{y} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{width} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{height} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{line_width} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{line_color} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{fade_color1} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{fade_color2} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{rnd_border} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{alpha} . ",";
+            $shapes{$conttemp} .= $tmphash{layer};
+            next CONFIG;
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $tmphash{position} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "** Ignored button $tmphash{'channel'}, position?", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            next CONFIG;
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $tmphash{url} ) ) {
+            $tmphash{url} = "0";
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $tmphash{target} ) ) {
+            $tmphash{target} = "0";
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $tmphash{server} ) ) {
+            $tmphash{server} = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            $tmphash{server} = $tmphash{server} - 1;
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $tmphash{label} ) ) {
+            $tmphash{label} = $tmphash{channel};
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $tmphash{icon} ) ) {
+            $tmphash{icon} = "0";
+        }
+        # Local channels are case sensitive
+        my $canal_key = "";
+        if ( $tmphash{channel} =~ m/^local/i ) {
+            $canal_key = $tmphash{channel};
+        }
+        else {
+            $canal_key = uc( $tmphash{channel} );
+        }
+        my $canal_key_case = $tmphash{channel_preserve_case};
+        if ( $canal_key =~ m/^PARK\d/ ) {
+            # Change the PARKXXX tu PARK/XXX
+            $canal_key      =~ s/PARK(.*)/PARK\/$1/g;
+            $canal_key_case =~ s/PARK(.*)/PARK\/$1/gi;
+        }
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{panel_context} ) ) {
+            $tmphash{panel_context} =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+            $tmphash{panel_context} =~ s/^DEFAULT$//;
+        }
+        else {
+            $tmphash{panel_context} = "";
+        }
+        if ( $tmphash{panel_context} ne "" ) {
+            # We want to add the context in case we have the same button
+            # repeated in several panel_contexts. If we do not add it, then
+            # only the last panel context will prevail.
+            $canal_key      .= "&" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+            $canal_key_case .= "&" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+        }
+        if (   ( $tmphash{position} !~ /,/ )
+            && ( $tmphash{position} !~ /-/ )
+            && ( $canal_key =~ /^_/ ) )
+        {
+            # If it's a regexp button with just one position
+            # we fake the same position number to populate
+            # the array and make the button work anyways.
+            my $pos = $tmphash{position};
+            $pos =~ s/(\d+),(\d+)/$1/g;
+            $tmphash{position} = "$pos,$pos";
+            $no_counter = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            $no_counter = 0;
+        }
+        if ( $tmphash{position} =~ /[,-]/ ) {
+            my $canalidx = $tmphash{server} . "^" . $tmphash{channel};
+            if ( defined( $tmphash{panel_context} )
+                && $tmphash{panel_context} ne "" )
+            {
+                $canalidx .= "&" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+            }
+            $instancias{ uc($canalidx) }{""} = 0;
+            my @ranges = split( /,/, $tmphash{position} );
+            foreach my $valu (@ranges) {
+                if ( $valu !~ m/-/ ) {
+                    if ( $valu eq "n" ) {
+                        my $lastpos = $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} };
+                        if ( is_number($lastpos) ) {
+                            $lastpos++;
+                            $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} } = $lastpos;
+                            $valu = $lastpos;
+                            push @positions, $valu;
+                            last;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    push @positions, $valu;
+                }
+                else {
+                    my @range2 = split( /-/, $valu );
+                    my $menor = $range2[0] < $range2[1] ? $range2[0] : $range2[1];
+                    my $mayor = $range2[0] > $range2[1] ? $range2[0] : $range2[1];
+                    my @newrange = $menor .. $mayor;
+                    foreach my $valevale (@newrange) {
+                        push @positions, $valevale;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            my $count = 0;
+            foreach my $pos (@positions) {
+                $count++;
+                my $indice_contexto = $pos;
+                my $chan_trunk      = $tmphash{channel} . "=" . $count;
+                my $chan_trunk_case = $tmphash{channel_preserve_case} . "=" . $count;
+                if ( $tmphash{panel_context} ne "" ) {
+                    $chan_trunk      .= "&" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                    $chan_trunk_case .= "&" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                    $indice_contexto .= "@" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                    $pos             .= "@" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                }
+                if ( $chan_trunk =~ m/^QUEUE/i ) {
+                    $buttons_queue{ uc("$tmphash{server}^$chan_trunk") } = $pos;
+                }
+                $buttons_preserve_case{"$tmphash{server}^$chan_trunk_case"} = $pos;
+                $buttons{ uc("$tmphash{server}^$chan_trunk") }              = $pos;
+                $textos{$indice_contexto}                                   = $tmphash{label};
+                if ( $no_counter == 0 ) {
+                    $textos{$indice_contexto} .= " " . $count;
+                }
+                $iconos{$indice_contexto}  = $tmphash{icon};
+                $urls{$indice_contexto}    = $tmphash{url};
+                $targets{$indice_contexto} = $tmphash{target};
+                $button_server{$pos}       = $tmphash{server};
+                # Saves last position for the button at context
+                $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} } = $pos;
+                log_debug( qq[** $tmphash{server}^$chan_trunk in position $pos], 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            my $lastpos = 0;
+            $lastpos = $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} }
+              if defined( $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} } );
+            if ( $tmphash{position} eq "n" ) {
+                if ( is_number($lastpos) ) {
+                    $lastpos++;
+                    $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} } = $lastpos;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                $lastpos = $tmphash{position};
+                $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} } = $lastpos;
+            }
+            log_debug( qq[** $tmphash{channel} in next position $lastpos], 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( $tmphash{panel_context} ne "" ) {
+                if ( $canal_key =~ m/^QUEUE/i ) {
+                    $buttons_queue{ uc("$tmphash{server}^$canal_key") } = $lastpos . "\@" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                }
+                $buttons{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"}                    = $lastpos . "\@" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                $buttons_preserve_case{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key_case"} = $lastpos . "\@" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                $textos{"$lastpos\@$tmphash{panel_context}"}              = $tmphash{label};
+                $iconos{"$lastpos\@$tmphash{panel_context}"}              = $tmphash{icon};
+                $urls{"$lastpos\@$tmphash{panel_context}"}                = $tmphash{url};
+                $targets{"$lastpos\@$tmphash{panel_context}"}             = $tmphash{target};
+                $button_server{ $buttons{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"} } = $tmphash{server};
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( $canal_key =~ /^_/ ) {
+                    $canal_key .= "=1";
+                }
+                if ( $canal_key =~ m/^QUEUE/i ) {
+                    $buttons_queue{ uc("$tmphash{server}^$canal_key") } = $lastpos;
+                }
+                $buttons{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"}                    = $lastpos;
+                $buttons_preserve_case{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key_case"} = $lastpos;
+                $textos{$lastpos}                                          = $tmphash{label};
+                $iconos{$lastpos}                                          = $tmphash{icon};
+                $urls{$lastpos}                                            = $tmphash{url};
+                $targets{$lastpos}                                         = $tmphash{target};
+                $button_server{ $buttons{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"} }  = $tmphash{server};
+            }
+        }
+        @positions = unique(@positions);
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{privacy} ) ) {
+            my $count = @positions;
+            if ( $count == 0 ) {
+                push @positions, $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} };
+            }
+            if ( $tmphash{privacy} eq "true" || $tmphash{privacy} eq "1" ) {
+                my $agre_context = "";
+                if ( $tmphash{panel_context} ne "" ) {
+                    $agre_context = "\@" . $tmphash{panel_context};
+                }
+                foreach my $pos (@positions) {
+                    $clid_private{"$pos$agre_context"} = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{no_rectangle} ) ) {
+            my $count = @positions;
+            if ( $count == 0 ) {
+                push @positions, $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} };
+            }
+            if ( $tmphash{no_rectangle} eq "true" || $tmphash{no_rectangle} eq "1" ) {
+                my $pcont = $tmphash{panel_context};
+                if ( $pcont eq "" ) { $pcont = "GENERAL"; }
+                foreach my $pos (@positions) {
+                    $pos =~ s/\@$pcont//g;
+                    $no_rectangle{$pcont}{$pos} = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{background} ) ) {
+            my $count = @positions;
+            if ( $count == 0 ) {
+                push @positions, $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} };
+            }
+            my $pcont = $tmphash{panel_context};
+            if ( $pcont eq "" ) { $pcont = "GENERAL"; }
+            foreach my $pos (@positions) {
+                $pos =~ s/\@$pcont//g;
+                $background{$pcont} .= "&bg$pos=$tmphash{background}";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{extension} ) ) {
+            if ( defined( $tmphash{context} ) ) {
+                $extension_transfer{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"} = $tmphash{server} . "^" . $tmphash{extension} . "@" . $tmphash{context};
+            }
+            else {
+                $extension_transfer{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"} = $tmphash{server} . "^" . $tmphash{extension};
+            }
+            if ( defined( $tmphash{voicemail_context} ) ) {
+                $mailbox{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"} = $tmphash{extension} . "@" . $tmphash{voicemail_context};
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{mailbox} ) ) {
+            $mailbox{"$tmphash{server}^$canal_key"} = $tmphash{mailbox};
+        }
+        if ( defined( $tmphash{voicemailext} ) ) {
+            my $indicevm = $lastposition{ $tmphash{panel_context} };
+            if ( $tmphash{panel_context} ne "" ) {
+                $indicevm .= "\@$tmphash{panel_context}";
+            }
+            $tovoicemail{$indicevm} = $tmphash{voicemailext};
+        }
+        $/ = "\0";
+    }
+    %extension_transfer_reverse = reverse %extension_transfer;
+    %buttons_reverse            = reverse %buttons;
+    %buttons_queue_reverse      = reverse %buttons_queue;
+sub genera_config {
+    # This sub generates the file variables.txt that is read by the
+    # swf movie on load, with info about buttons, layout, etc.
+    my @textsclients = (
+        'detail_title',      'detail_from',        'detail_to',       'security_code_title',
+        'btn_security_text', 'btn_restart_text',   'btn_reload_text', 'btn_debug_text',
+        'btn_help_text',     'tab_call_text',      'tab_queue_text',  'calls_taken_text',
+        'no_data_text',      'debug_window_title', 'detail_duration', 'clid_label',
+        'version_mismatch'
+    );
+    $/ = "\n";
+    my %style_variables;
+    my @contextos        = ();
+    my @unique_contexts  = ();
+    my $contextoactual   = "";
+    my $highest_position = 0;
+    my @style_include    = ();
+    foreach my $archi (@styleinclude) {
+        open( STYLE, "<$directorio/$archi" )
+          or die("Could not open $archi for reading");
+        while (<STYLE>) {
+            chomp($_);
+            $_ =~ s/^\s+//g;
+            $_ =~ s/([^;]*)[;](.*)/$1/g;
+            $_ =~ s/\s+$//g;
+            next unless $_ ne "";
+            if (/^\Q[\E/) {
+                s/\[(.*)\]/$1/g;
+                $contextoactual = $_;
+                $contextoactual =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+                next;
+            }
+            if (/^include/i) {
+                # Skip include lines
+                next;
+            }
+            $style_variables{$contextoactual} .= $_ . "&";
+        }
+        close(STYLE);
+    }
+    for ( keys %textos ) {
+        if ( $_ =~ /\@/ ) {
+            my @partes = split(/\@/);
+            if ( $partes[1] ne "*" ) {
+                push( @contextos, $partes[1] );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    push @contextos, "GENERAL";
+    @unique_contexts = unique(@contextos);
+    # Writes variables.txt for each context defined
+    foreach my $contexto_iterate (@unique_contexts) {
+        my $directorio   = "";
+        my $host_web     = "";
+        my $contextlower = $contexto_iterate;
+        $contextlower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+        if ( defined( $config->{$contexto_iterate}{flash_dir} ) ) {
+            $directorio = $config->{$contexto_iterate}{flash_dir};
+        }
+        else {
+            $directorio = $config->{GENERAL}{flash_dir};
+        }
+        if ( defined( $config->{$contexto_iterate}{web_hostname} ) ) {
+            $host_web = $config->{$contexto_iterate}{web_hostname};
+        }
+        else {
+            $host_web = $web_hostname;
+        }
+        my $append_filename = "";
+        if ( $contexto_iterate ne "GENERAL" ) {
+            $append_filename = $contexto_iterate;
+        }
+        my $flash_context_file = $directorio . "/variables" . $append_filename . ".txt";
+        push @all_flash_files, $flash_context_file;
+        open( VARIABLES, ">$flash_context_file" )
+          or die("Could not write configuration data $flash_context_file.\nCheck your file permissions\n");
+        if ( $host_web ne "" ) {
+            print VARIABLES "server=$host_web&";
+        }
+        if ( $listen_port ne "4445" ) {
+            print VARIABLES "port=$listen_port&";
+        }
+        print VARIABLES "restart=$enable_restart";
+        if ( defined( $config->{$contexto_iterate}{security_code} ) ) {
+            if ( $config->{"$contexto_iterate"}{security_code} eq "" ) {
+                print VARIABLES "&nosecurity=1";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $config->{"$contexto_iterate"}{transfer_timeout} ) ) {
+            my @partes = split( /\|/, $config->{"$contexto_iterate"}{transfer_timeout} );
+            my $cuantos = @partes;
+            print VARIABLES "&totaltimes=$cuantos";
+            my $contador = 1;
+            foreach my $item_timeout (@partes) {
+                print VARIABLES "&timeout_$contador=$item_timeout";
+                $contador++;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            print VARIABLES "&totaltimes=0";
+        }
+        if ( $no_rectangle{$contexto_iterate} ) {
+            my $pos_no_dibujar = "";
+            while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $no_rectangle{$contexto_iterate} } ) ) {
+                $pos_no_dibujar .= "$key,";
+            }
+            $pos_no_dibujar = substr( $pos_no_dibujar, 0, -1 );
+            print VARIABLES "&nodraw=$pos_no_dibujar";
+        }
+        if ( $background{$contexto_iterate} ) {
+            my $pos_no_dibujar = $background{$contexto_iterate};
+            print VARIABLES "$pos_no_dibujar";
+        }
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%shapes) ) {
+            if ( $key eq $contexto_iterate ) {
+                print VARIABLES "&$val";
+            }
+        }
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%legends) ) {
+            if ( $key eq $contexto_iterate ) {
+                print VARIABLES "&$val";
+            }
+        }
+        $highest_position = 0;
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%textos) ) {
+            $val =~ s/\"(.*)\"/$1/g;
+            my $contextoboton = $key;
+            if ( $contextoboton =~ m/\@/ ) {
+                my @parte = split( /\@/, $contextoboton, 2 );
+                $contextoboton = $parte[1];
+                $contextoboton =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+            }
+            else {
+                $contextoboton = "GENERAL";
+            }
+            if ( $contextoboton eq $contexto_iterate ) {
+                $key =~ s/(\d+)\@.+/$1/g;
+                print VARIABLES "&texto$key=$val";
+                if ( $key > $highest_position ) { $highest_position = $key; }
+            }
+        }
+        print VARIABLES "&highestpos=$highest_position";
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%iconos) ) {
+            $val =~ s/\"(.*)\"/$1/g;
+            my $contextoboton = $key;
+            if ( $contextoboton =~ m/\@/ ) {
+                my @parte = split( /\@/, $contextoboton, 2 );
+                $contextoboton = $parte[1];
+                $contextoboton =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+            }
+            else {
+                $contextoboton = "GENERAL";
+            }
+            if ( $contextoboton eq $contexto_iterate ) {
+                $key =~ s/(\d+)\@.+/$1/g;
+                print VARIABLES "&icono$key=$val";
+            }
+        }
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%urls) ) {
+            $val =~ s/\"(.*)\"/$1/g;
+            if ( $val ne "0" ) {
+                my $base64_url    = encode_base64($val);
+                my $contextoboton = $key;
+                if ( $contextoboton =~ m/\@/ ) {
+                    my @parte = split( /\@/, $contextoboton, 2 );
+                    $contextoboton = $parte[1];
+                    $contextoboton =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+                }
+                else {
+                    $contextoboton = "GENERAL";
+                }
+                if ( $contextoboton eq $contexto_iterate ) {
+                    $key =~ s/(\d+)\@.+/$1/g;
+                    print VARIABLES "&url$key=$base64_url";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%targets) ) {
+            $val =~ s/\"(.*)\"/$1/g;
+            if ( $val ne "0" ) {
+                my $contextoboton = $key;
+                if ( $contextoboton =~ m/\@/ ) {
+                    my @parte = split( /\@/, $contextoboton, 2 );
+                    $contextoboton = $parte[1];
+                    $contextoboton =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+                }
+                else {
+                    $contextoboton = "GENERAL";
+                }
+                if ( $contextoboton eq $contexto_iterate ) {
+                    $key =~ s/(\d+)\@.+/$1/g;
+                    print VARIABLES "&target$key=$val";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( !defined( $style_variables{$contextlower} ) ) {
+            $style_variables{$contextlower} = $style_variables{"general"};
+        }
+        print VARIABLES "&" . $style_variables{$contextlower};
+        if ( !defined( $total_shapes{$contexto_iterate} ) ) {
+            $total_shapes{$contexto_iterate} = 0;
+        }
+        print VARIABLES "total_rectangles=" . $total_shapes{$contexto_iterate};
+        if ( !defined( $total_legends{$contexto_iterate} ) ) {
+            $total_legends{$contexto_iterate} = 0;
+        }
+        print VARIABLES "&total_legends=" . $total_legends{$contexto_iterate};
+        foreach my $val (@textsclients) {
+            if ( defined( $language->{$contexto_iterate}{$val} ) ) {
+                print VARIABLES "&$val=" . $language->{$contexto_iterate}{$val};
+            }
+            else {
+                log_debug( "Language string $val in context $contexto_iterate does not exists", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                print("Language string $val in context $contexto_iterate does not exists\n");
+            }
+        }
+        print VARIABLES "&lang=" . $config->{$contexto_iterate}{language};
+        close(VARIABLES);
+    }
+    $/ = "\0";
+sub dump_internal_hashes_to_stdout {
+    &print_botones(1);
+    &print_instancias(1);
+    if ( keys(%datos) ) {
+        &print_datos(1);
+    }
+    else {
+        print "No data blocks in memory\n";
+    }
+    if ( keys(%sesbot) ) {
+        &print_sesbot(1);
+    }
+    else {
+        print "No data sesiones botones\n";
+    }
+    if ( keys(%linkbot) ) {
+        &print_linkbot();
+    }
+    &print_cachehit();
+    print "\n";
+    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%timeouts) ) {
+        print "Timer($key)=$val\n";
+    }
+    print "\n";
+    &print_status();
+    &print_clients();
+    &print_cola_write();
+    &print_timers();
+sub generate_configs_onhup {
+    %buttons            = ();
+    %background         = ();
+    %sesbot             = ();
+    %linkbot            = ();
+    %instancias         = ();
+    %textos             = ();
+    %iconos             = ();
+    %urls               = ();
+    %targets            = ();
+    %extension_transfer = ();
+    %shapes             = ();
+    %legends            = ();
+    %total_shapes       = ();
+    %total_legends      = ();
+    @all_flash_files    = ();
+    %astdbcommands      = ();
+    %estadoboton         = ();
+    %botonled            = ();
+    %botonvoicemail      = ();
+    %botonvoicemailcount = ();
+    %botonalpha          = ();
+    %botonqueue          = ();
+    %botonqueuemember    = ();
+    %botonpark           = ();
+    %botonlinked         = ();
+    %botonclid           = ();
+    %botonmeetme         = ();
+    %botontimer          = ();
+    %botontimertype      = ();
+    %botonlabel          = ();
+    %botonsetlabel       = ();
+    %botonregistrado     = ();
+    @astmanproxy_servers = ();
+    &read_buttons_config();
+    &read_server_config();
+    &read_language_config();
+    &read_astdb_config();
+    &genera_config();
+    &send_initial_status();
+sub get_next_trunk_button {
+    my $canalid        = shift;
+    my $contexto       = shift;
+    my $server         = shift;
+    my $canalsesion    = shift;
+    my $canal_tipo_fop = "";
+    my $canal;
+    my $sesion;
+    my $return = "";
+    my @uniq;
+    my $trunk_pos;
+    my $heading = "** GET_NEXT_TRUNK";
+    # This routine mantains and returns the position of each channel inside
+    # a trunk button.
+    log_debug( "$heading START SUB canalid $canalid contexto $contexto server $server canalsesion $canalsesion", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $canalid eq "" ) {
+        log_debug( "!! ERROR empty canalid ", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( $canalsesion =~ /</ ) {
+        # We want to remove <ZOMBIE> or <MASQ>
+        $canalsesion =~ s/([^<]*).*/$1/g;
+    }
+    if ( $canalid !~ /\^/ ) {
+        $canal_tipo_fop = $server . "^" . $canalid;
+    }
+    else {
+        $canal_tipo_fop = $canalid;
+        $canalid =~ s/(.*)\^(.*)/$2/g;
+    }
+    if ( $canal_tipo_fop =~ /\QCAPI[\E/ ) {
+        $canal_tipo_fop =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $canalid        =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+    }
+    $canal_tipo_fop =~ s/(.*)<(.*)>/$1/g;
+    $canal_tipo_fop =~ s/\s+//g;
+    $canal_tipo_fop =~ s/(.*)[-\/](.*)/$1/g;
+    if ( defined($2) ) {
+        $sesion = $2;
+    }
+    else {
+        $sesion = "XXXX";
+    }
+    $sesion         =~ s/(.*)\&(.*)/$1/g;                               # removes context if it has any
+    $canal_tipo_fop =~ s/(\d+\^IAX2\/)([^@]*)(.*)/$1\U$2\E/g;
+    $canal_tipo_fop =~ s/(\d+\^IAX2)\[(.*)?@?(.*)?\]?/$1\[\U$2\E\]/g;
+    log_debug( "$heading canal_tipo_fop 1 $canal_tipo_fop", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $canalid =~ /^_.*/ ) {
+        $canal_tipo_fop = $canalid;
+        if ( $canal_tipo_fop =~ /=/ ) {
+            $canal_tipo_fop =~ /([^=].*)(=\d+)(.*)/;
+            $canal_tipo_fop = $1;
+            if ( defined($3) ) {
+                $contexto = $3;
+            }
+        }
+        log_debug( "$heading contexto $contexto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        my ( $nada, $ses ) = separate_session_from_channel($canalsesion);
+        $sesion = $ses;
+    }
+    $canal_tipo_fop =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+    log_debug( "$heading canal_tipo_fop 2 $canal_tipo_fop", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+    my $canalconcontexto = "";
+    if ( $contexto ne "" ) {
+        $canalconcontexto = "$canal_tipo_fop$contexto";
+    }
+    else {
+        $canalconcontexto = $canal_tipo_fop;
+        $contexto         = "";
+    }
+    if ( $sesion eq "XXXX" ) {
+        # Si la sesion es XXXX devuelve siempre el 1er boton
+        log_debug( "$heading return $canal_tipo_fop=1$contexto (1st one)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        return "$canal_tipo_fop=1$contexto";
+    }
+    my $canalconcontextosinserver = $canalconcontexto;
+    $canalconcontextosinserver =~ s/(\d+)\^(.*)/$2/g;
+    if ( $canalconcontexto !~ /\^/ ) {
+        $canalconcontexto = $server . "^" . $canalconcontexto;
+    }
+    if ( exists( $instancias{"$canalconcontexto"} ) ) {
+        if ( exists( $instancias{"$canalconcontexto"}{"$server^$canalsesion"} ) ) {
+            log_debug(
+"$heading Found instancias($canalconcontexto)($server^$canalsesion)=$instancias{\"$canalconcontexto\"}{\"$server^$canalsesion\"}",
+                64
+              )
+              if DEBUG;
+            $trunk_pos = $instancias{"$canalconcontexto"}{"$server^$canalsesion"};
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading Not Found instancias($canalconcontexto)($server^$canalsesion)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+            my %busy_slots = ();
+            foreach my $key1 ( sort ( keys(%instancias) ) ) {
+                if ( $key1 eq $canalconcontexto ) {
+                    foreach my $key2 ( sort ( keys( %{ $instancias{$key1} } ) ) ) {
+                        my $indice = $instancias{$key1}{$key2};
+                        $busy_slots{$indice} = 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            for ( $trunk_pos = 1 ; ; $trunk_pos++ ) {
+                last if ( !exists( $busy_slots{$trunk_pos} ) );
+            }
+            $instancias{"$canalconcontexto"}{"$server^$canalsesion"} = $trunk_pos;
+        }
+        $return = "$canal_tipo_fop=${trunk_pos}$contexto";
+    }
+    return $return;
+sub separate_session_from_channel {
+    my $elemento = shift;
+    my $heading  = "** SEPARATE_SESSION_FROM_CHAN";
+    log_debug( "$heading elemento1 $elemento", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $elemento !~ /.*[-\/].*[-\/].+$/ ) {
+        if ( $elemento =~ /^OH323/ || $elemento =~ /^\QMODEM[I4l]\E/i ) {
+            $elemento =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/\U$1\E\/${2}-${2}/g;
+        }
+        elsif ( $elemento =~ m/^\d+/ ) {
+            # If the channel is a meetme, do nothing;
+        }
+        else {
+            $elemento .= "-XXXX";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $elemento =~ /^mISDN/i ) {
+        $elemento .= "-XXXX";
+        #    $elemento =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/\U$1\E\/${2}-${2}/g;
+    }
+    if ( $elemento =~ /^SRX/i ) {
+        $elemento =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/\U$1\E\/${2}-1/g;
+    }
+    $elemento =~ s/(.*)[-\/](.*)/$1\t$2/g;
+    log_debug( "$heading elemento2 $elemento", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    my $canal  = $1;
+    my $sesion = $2;
+    log_debug( "$heading canal $canal sesion $sesion", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( defined($canal) && defined($sesion) ) {
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $elemento = $canal . "\t" . $sesion;
+    }
+    $elemento =~ s/IAX2\[(.*)@(.*)\]\t(.*)/IAX2\[$1\]\t$3/;
+    $elemento =~ s/IAX2\/(.*)@(.*)\t(.*)/IAX2\/$1\t$3/;
+    my @partes = split( /\t/, $elemento );
+    return @partes;
+sub peerinfo {
+    my $sock  = shift;
+    my $short = shift;
+    if ( $sock eq "" ) {
+        return "";
+    }
+    if ( defined( $sock->peeraddr ) ) {
+        if ( defined($short) ) {
+            return $sock->peerhost;
+        }
+        else {
+            return sprintf( "%s:%s", $sock->peerhost, $sock->peerport );
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        return "";
+    }
+sub erase_instances_for_trunk_buttons {
+    my $canalid          = shift;
+    my $canal            = shift;
+    my $server           = shift;
+    my $canalidsinserver = "";
+    my $canalglobal;
+    my $valor;
+    my @new     = ();
+    my $heading = "** ERASE_INSTANCE_TRUNK";
+    $canalidsinserver = $canalid;
+    $canalid          = "$server^$canalid";
+    $canalid =~ s/(.*)<(.*)>/$1/g;    #discards ZOMBIE or MASQ
+    log_debug( "$heading canalid $canalid canal $canal", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    $canalglobal = $canalid;
+    $canalglobal =~ s/(.*)[-\/](.*)/$1/g;
+    $canalglobal =~ s/IAX2\/(.*)@(.*)/IAX2\/$1/g;
+    $canalglobal =~ s/IAX2\[(.*)@(.*)\]/IAX2\[$1\]/g;
+    my ( $nada, $contexto ) = split( /\&/, $canal );
+    if ( !defined($contexto) ) { $contexto = ""; }
+    my $canalconcontexto = "";
+    if ( $contexto ne "" ) {
+        $canalconcontexto = "$canalglobal&$contexto";
+        $contexto         = "&$contexto";
+    }
+    else {
+        $canalconcontexto = $canalglobal;
+        $contexto         = "";
+    }
+    my $sesiontemp = $canalid;
+    if ( $canalid =~ /^Zap/i && $canal =~ /\*/ ) {
+        # Si es un Zap y ademas wildcard, cambio el canalid para
+        # que tenga la sesion modificada
+        # $sesiontemp =~ s/Zap/ZAP/g;
+        $sesiontemp =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)-(.*)/\U$1\/$2-${2}\E${3}/g;
+    }
+    if ( $canalid =~ /^MGCP/i && $canal =~ /\*/ ) {
+        # Si es un MGCP y ademas wildcard, cambio el canalid para
+        # que tenga la sesion modificada
+        my $sesiontemp2 = $sesiontemp;
+        $sesiontemp2 =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)-(.*)/$2/g;
+        $sesiontemp2 = substr( $sesiontemp2, -3 );
+        $sesiontemp =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)-(.*)/\U$1\E\/${2}-${sesiontemp2}${3}/g;
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading looking for $canalid on instancias to erase it", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+    foreach my $key1 ( sort ( keys(%instancias) ) ) {
+        foreach my $key2 ( sort ( keys( %{ $instancias{$key1} } ) ) ) {
+            if ( $key2 eq $canalid ) {
+                delete $instancias{$key1}{$key2};
+                log_debug( "$heading Erasing $canalid from instanacias!", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub generate_linked_buttons_list {
+    my $nroboton     = shift;
+    my $server       = shift;
+    my @botonas      = ();
+    my $listabotones = "";
+    my $heading      = "** GEN_LINK_LIST ";
+    log_debug( "$heading canal $nroboton server $server", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $nroboton !~ /\^/ ) {
+        $nroboton = "$server^$nroboton";
+    }
+    my ( $nada1, $contexto1 ) = split( /\&/, $nroboton );
+    if ( !defined($contexto1) ) { $contexto1 = ""; }
+    if ( defined( @{ $linkbot{"$nroboton"} } ) ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading Esta definido linkbot {$nroboton}", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        foreach ( @{ $linkbot{"$nroboton"} } ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading y contiene $_", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            my ( $canal1, $sesion1 ) = separate_session_from_channel($_);
+            log_debug( "$heading luego de separate canal1 = $canal1 y sesion1 = $sesion1", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $canalsesion = $_;
+            if ( !defined($sesion1) ) {
+                $canalsesion = $canal1 . "-XXXX";
+            }
+            log_debug( "$heading canal1 = $canal1 y sesion1 = $sesion1 canalsesion=$canalsesion", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my @linkbotones = find_panel_buttons( $canal1, $canalsesion, $server );
+            foreach my $cual (@linkbotones) {
+                my ( $nada2, $contexto2 ) = split( /\&/, $cual );
+                if ( !defined($contexto2) ) { $contexto2 = ""; }
+                if ( $contexto1 eq $contexto2 ) {
+                    if ( defined( $buttons{"$server^$cual"} ) ) {
+                        my $botinro = $buttons{"$server^$cual"};
+                        push @botonas, $botinro;
+                        log_debug( "$heading Agrego $botinro", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        #my %seen2 = ();
+        #my @uniq2 = grep { !$seen2{$_}++ } @botonas;
+        #@botonas = \@uniq2;
+        @botonas = unique(@botonas);
+        foreach my $val (@botonas) {
+            if ( defined($val) ) {
+                $listabotones .= "$val,";
+                log_debug( "$heading devuelve $val", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+        $listabotones = substr( $listabotones, 0, -1 );
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug( "$heading NO ESTA DEFINIDO linkbot {$nroboton}", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    return $listabotones;
+sub erase_all_sessions_from_queues {
+    my $canalid     = shift;
+    my $canal       = shift;
+    my $server      = shift;
+    my $canalsesion = $canalid;
+    my $heading     = "** ERASE SESSION QUEUE ";
+    log_debug( "$heading erase queue $canalid $canal $server", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+    for my $mnroboton ( keys %sesbot ) {
+        if ( !exists( $buttons_queue_reverse{$mnroboton} ) ) {
+            next;
+        }
+        my @final = ();
+        foreach my $msesion ( @{ $sesbot{$mnroboton} } ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading $msesion ne $canalsesion?", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( $msesion ne $canalsesion ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading sesbot es distinto dejo $msesion en sesbot($mnroboton)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                push @final, $msesion;
+            }
+        }
+        $sesbot{$mnroboton} = [@final];
+    }
+sub erase_all_sessions_from_channel {
+    my $canalid     = shift;
+    my $canal       = shift;
+    my $server      = shift;
+    my $canalsesion = $canalid;
+    my @final;
+    my @return;
+    my $heading = "** ERASE_ALL_SESS_FROM";
+    log_debug( "$heading canal $canal canalid $canalid", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    my $indice_cache = $canalid . "-" . $canal . "-" . $server;
+    log_debug( "$heading borro cache_hit($indice_cache)", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+    delete $cache_hit{$indice_cache};
+    if ( keys(%cache_hit) ) {
+        for ( keys %cache_hit ) {
+            if ( defined( @{ $cache_hit{$_} } ) ) {
+                foreach my $val ( @{ $cache_hit{$_} } ) {
+                    if ( $val eq $canal ) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading borro cache $_", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                        delete $cache_hit{$_};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $canal =~ /^QUEUE/ ) {
+        # QUEUE buttons have a special treatment with sessions (sesbot).
+        # we dont want to remove a session (sesbot) from a real button when
+        # the channel leaves the queue
+        erase_all_sessions_from_queues( $canalid, $canal, $server );
+        return;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( $canal =~ /=/ ) {
+            # If its a trunk button, erase instances
+            erase_instances_for_trunk_buttons( $canalsesion, $canal, $server );
+        }
+        $canalsesion =~ s/\t/-/g;
+        $canalid     =~ s/(.*)<(.*)>/$1/g;    # Removes <zombie><masq>
+        for my $mnroboton ( keys %sesbot ) {
+            @final = ();
+            foreach my $msesion ( @{ $sesbot{$mnroboton} } ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading $msesion ne $canalsesion?", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                if ( $msesion ne $canalsesion ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading sesbot es distinto dejo $msesion a \@final", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                    push @final, $msesion;
+                }
+            }
+            $sesbot{$mnroboton} = [@final];
+        }
+        if ( keys(%linkbot) ) {
+            for ( keys %linkbot ) {
+                if ( defined( @{ $linkbot{$_} } ) ) {
+                    my @final = ();
+                    foreach my $val ( @{ $linkbot{$_} } ) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading linkbot($_) ne $val ?", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                        if ( $val ne $canalsesion ) {
+                            push @final, $val;
+                            log_debug( "$heading No es igual lo dejo $_", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            push @return, $_;
+                            log_debug( "$heading Es igual lo AGREGO RETURN $_", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    log_debug( "$heading delete linkbot($_)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                    delete $linkbot{$_};
+                    $linkbot{$_} = [@final];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        my $quehay = "";
+        for $quehay ( keys %datos ) {
+            while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$quehay} } ) ) {
+                if ( $key eq "Channel" ) {
+                    $val =~ s/(.*)[-\/](.*)/$1\t$2/g;
+                    $val =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+                    if ( $canalid eq $val ) {
+                        log_debug( "** Found a match $canalid=$val ($quehay) - Cleared!", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                        delete $datos{$quehay};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for my $valores (@return) {
+            log_debug( "$heading devuleve $valores", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        return @return;
+    }
+sub extraer_todas_las_sesiones_de_un_canal {
+    my $canal         = shift;
+    my $canalbase     = "";
+    my $sesion_numero = "";
+    my $sesion        = "";
+    my $key           = "";
+    my $val           = "";
+    my $quehay        = "";
+    my @result        = ();
+    my $heading       = "** EXTRAER_TODAS ";
+    log_debug( "$heading from the channel $canal", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    # Removes the context if its set
+    my @pedazos = split( /&/, $canal );
+    $canal = $pedazos[0];
+    # Checks if the channel name has an equal sign
+    # (its a trunk button channel)
+    if ( $canal =~ /(.*)=(\d+)/ ) {
+        ( $canalbase, $sesion_numero ) = split( /\=/, $canal );
+        log_debug( "** Its a trunk $canalbase button number $sesion_numero!", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        foreach my $key1 ( sort ( keys(%instancias) ) ) {
+            foreach my $key2 ( sort ( keys( %{ $instancias{$key1} } ) ) ) {
+                if ( $key2 eq $canalbase ) {
+                    push @result, $key2;
+                    log_debug( "$heading encontro sesion $canalbase", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $cuantos = @result;
+    if ( $cuantos == 0 ) {
+        # If there is no results for a trunk button, look into the %datos
+        # hash.
+        for $quehay ( keys %datos ) {
+            while ( ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$quehay} } ) ) {
+                if ( defined($val) ) {
+                    my $vel = $val;
+                    if ( $vel =~ /^IAX2/ ) {
+                        $vel =~ s/IAX2\/(.*)@(.*)\/(.*)/IAX2\/$1\/$3/g;
+                        $vel =~ s/IAX2\[(.*)@(.*)\](.*)/IAX2\[$1\]$3/g;
+                    }
+                    if ( $vel =~ /^\Q$canal\E[-\/]/i && $key eq "Channel" ) {
+                        push( @result, $val );
+                        log_debug( "** Sesion: $val", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return @result;
+sub extracts_exten_from_active_channel {
+    my $canal   = shift;
+    my $quehay  = "";
+    my @result  = ();
+    my $heading = "** EXTRACT_EXTEN ";
+    my $server  = "";
+    my @pedazos = split( /&/, $canal );
+    $canal = $pedazos[0];
+    if ( $canal =~ /\^/ ) {
+        @pedazos = split( /\^/, $canal );
+        $server  = $pedazos[0];
+        $canal   = $pedazos[1];
+    }
+    for $quehay ( keys %datos ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading turno de $quehay", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $canalaqui  = 0;
+        my $serveraqui = 0;
+        my $linkeado   = "";
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$quehay} } ) ) {
+            if ( $val =~ /^$canal-/i && ( $key =~ /^Chan/i || $key =~ /^Link/i ) ) {
+                $canalaqui = 1;
+            }
+            if ( $key =~ /^Server/i && $val == $server ) {
+                $serveraqui = 1;
+            }
+            if ( $key =~ /^Exten/i ) {
+                $linkeado = $val;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $canalaqui == 1 && $linkeado ne "" && $serveraqui == 1 ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading devuelvo $linkeado\n", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+            push( @result, $linkeado );
+        }
+    }
+    return @result;
+sub extraer_todos_los_enlaces_de_un_canal {
+    my $canal   = shift;
+    my $server  = shift;
+    my $quehay  = "";
+    my @result  = ();
+    my $heading = "** EXTRACT_LINKS_CHAN";
+    print_datos(1);
+    my @pedazos = split( /&/, $canal );
+    $canal = $pedazos[0];
+    if ( $canal =~ /\^/ ) {
+        @pedazos = split( /\^/, $canal );
+        $server  = $pedazos[0];
+        $canal   = $pedazos[1];
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading canal $canal server $server", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+    for $quehay ( keys %datos ) {
+        my $canalaqui  = 0;
+        my $serveraqui = 0;
+        my $linkeado   = "";
+        my $todo       = "";
+        my $eventob    = "";
+        log_debug( "$heading turno de $quehay", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        log_debug( "",                          128 ) if DEBUG;
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$quehay} } ) ) {
+            $todo .= "$key = $val\n";
+            log_debug( "$heading buscando $canal en $key=$val", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( ( $val =~ /^$canal-/i || $val =~ /^$canal$/ ) && $key =~ /^Chan/i ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading canal coincide $canal = $val\n", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                $canalaqui = 1;
+            }
+            if ( $key =~ /^Server/i && $val eq $server ) {
+                $serveraqui = 1;
+                log_debug( "$heading server coincide $server = $val\n", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+            if ( $key =~ /^Link/i ) {
+                $linkeado = $val;
+            }
+            if ( $key =~ /^Event/i ) {
+                $eventob = $val;
+                log_debug( "$heading eventob = $val\n", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $canalaqui == 1 && $linkeado ne "" && $serveraqui == 1 && $eventob !~ /agent/i ) {
+            push( @result, $linkeado );
+            log_debug( "$heading Agrego $linkeado a la lista", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            log_debug( $todo, 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+    }
+    return @result;
+sub find_panel_buttons {
+    # *****************************************************************
+    # Based on a CHANNEL name returned by Asterisk, we try to match
+    # one or more of our buttons to show status. Returns array with list
+    # of channel names as set in op_buttons.cfg
+    my $canal       = shift;
+    my $canalsesion = shift;
+    my $server      = shift;
+    my $pos         = 0;
+    my $sesion      = "";
+    my @canales     = ();
+    my @multicanal;
+    my $quehay        = "";
+    my $canalfinal    = "";
+    my $contextoindex = "";
+    my $server_boton  = 0;
+    my $heading       = "** FIND_PANEL_BUT";
+    my $calleridnum   = "noexiste";
+    my %trunk_matched = ();
+    $tab = $tab . "\t" if DEBUG;
+    log_debug( "$heading canal $canal canalsesion $canalsesion server $server", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $canal eq "" ) {
+        $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    my $uniqueid = find_uniqueid( $canalsesion, $server );
+    if ( $uniqueid ne "" ) {
+        if ( defined( $datos{$uniqueid}{"CallerID"} ) ) {
+            $calleridnum = $datos{$uniqueid}{"CallerID"};
+        }
+    }
+    # XXXXX We have to try hard to find a match for the channel
+    # There are several posibilities:
+    #
+    # Exact match:      SIP/jo       (no panel context, not trunk, no wildcard)
+    # Panel Ctxt match: SIP/jo&SIP   (exact name, not trunk, no wildcard, panel context)
+    # Trunk match:      SIP/jo=1     (exact name, trunk, no wildcard, no panel context)
+    # Ctxt&Trunk match: SIP/jo=1&SIP (exact name, trunk, no wildcard, panel context)
+    # Wildcard          SIP/*=1      (wildcard name, trunk)
+    #
+    # The key to match syntax is server^[chan_name|wildcard](=trunk_position)(&panel_context)
+    #
+    # Here I first will try to match any $buttons that might match the given channel name
+    if ( $canalsesion =~ /</ ) {
+        # "<" Is an invalid character for a channel name, unless its a zombie
+        # or masq, in that case we should discard them
+        log_debug( "$heading canalsesion $canalsesion (Se supone que no debo tratar zombies?)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    $canal = uc($canal);
+    # Pass for QUEUEAGENT buttons
+    # We should check it no matter the cache because we match also on queue, not only channel
+    push @multicanal, $canal;
+    if ( defined( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"} ) ) {
+        $canal = uc( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"} );
+    }
+    if ( $queueagent_buttons == 1 ) {
+        my $canalsindumy = $canal;
+        $canalsindumy =~ s/-FOPdummy$//g;
+        log_debug( "$heading trying with QUEUEAGENT buttons", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        if ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) {
+            foreach my $valor ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) {
+                my $cont = 0;
+                foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $agents_on_queue{$valor} } ) {
+                    $cont++;
+                    log_debug( "$heading in queue $valor is '$vvalor' equal to '$server^$canalsindumy'?", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                    if ( uc("$server^$canalsindumy") eq uc($vvalor) ) {
+                        my $queuename = $valor;
+                        $queuename =~ s/(\d+)\^(.*)/$2/g;
+                        my $fake_channel_agent = uc("QUEUEAGENT/$queuename=$cont");
+                        foreach my $ctx (@panel_contexts) {
+                            my $ctxp = "";
+                            if ( $ctx eq "DEFAULT" ) {
+                                $ctxp = "";
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                $ctxp = "&$ctx";
+                            }
+                            my $idx = "$server^$fake_channel_agent" . $ctxp;
+                            if ( exists( $buttons{$idx} ) ) {
+                                # We have a match! add to return canales
+                                push @canales, "$fake_channel_agent$ctxp";
+                                log_debug( "$heading we have a winner! $fake_channel_agent $ctxp", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    push @multicanal, $canal;
+    if ( $canal =~ /^AGENT/i ) {
+        my $canalag = $canal;
+        $canalag =~ s/^AGENT/Agent/g;
+        if ( defined( $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalag"} ) ) {
+            push @multicanal, uc( $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalag"} );
+            log_debug( "$heading HAY UN AGENTE " . $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalag"}, 32 );
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( $canal =~ /-FOPdummy$/ ) {
+                $canal =~ s/-FOPdummy$//g;
+                @multicanal = ($canal);
+            }
+            print_agents();
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( defined( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"} ) ) {
+            push @multicanal, $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"};
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $canal =~ m/^Local/i ) {
+        my $canalsinlocal = $canal;
+        $canalsinlocal =~ s/^LOCAL\///gi;
+        $canalsinlocal =~ s/(,*)\/n$/$1/gi;
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%extension_transfer_reverse) ) {
+            if ( uc($key) eq "$server^$canalsinlocal" ) {
+                my $canalfin = $val;
+                $canalfin =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+                push @multicanal, $canalfin;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    my $indice_cache = "";
+    @multicanal = unique(@multicanal);
+    foreach my $canal (@multicanal) {
+        # Attemp to match a button from cache
+        $indice_cache = $canalsesion . "-" . $canal . "-" . $server;
+        if ( !defined( $cache_hit{$indice_cache} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading CACHE MISS $indice_cache", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            for ( keys %buttons ) {
+                $canalfinal = "";
+                my ( $nada, $contexto ) = split( "\&", $_ );
+                if ( !defined($contexto) ) { $contexto = ""; }
+                if ( $contexto ne "" ) { $contexto = "&" . $contexto; }
+                if ( $_ =~ /^\Q$server^$canal\E$/i ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading exact match buttons ( $_ )  $canal $contexto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $canalfinal = $canal;
+                }
+                elsif ( $_ =~ /^\Q$server^$canal\E\&/i ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading context match buttons ( $_ )  $canal $contexto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $canalfinal = $canal;
+                }
+                elsif ( $_ =~ /^\Q$server^$canal\E=/i ) {
+                    if ( !exists( $trunk_matched{"$server^$canal"} ) ) {
+                        $canalfinal = get_next_trunk_button( $canalsesion, $contexto, $server, $canalsesion );
+                        if ( $canalfinal ne "" ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading trunk match ( $_ )  $canal $contexto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            $trunk_matched{"$server^$canal"} = 1;
+                            $canalfinal =~ s/(.*)\^(.*)/$2/g;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                elsif ( $_ =~ /^$server\^CLID\/\Q$calleridnum\E\&?/ ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading clid match ( $_ )  $canal $contexto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $canalfinal = "CLID/$calleridnum";
+                }
+                if ( $canalfinal ne "" ) {
+                    my $indicefin             = "";
+                    my $canalfinalconcontexto = $canalfinal;
+                    if ( $canalfinal =~ /\^/ ) {
+                        $indicefin = "${canalfinal}";
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $indicefin = "$server^${canalfinal}";
+                    }
+                    if ( $indicefin !~ /(.*)\&(.*)$/ ) {
+                        $indicefin             = "$indicefin$contexto";
+                        $canalfinalconcontexto = "${canalfinal}${contexto}";
+                    }
+                    if ( exists( $buttons{$indicefin} ) ) {
+                        my $posicion = $buttons{$indicefin};
+                        $server_boton = $button_server{$posicion};
+                        log_debug( "$heading server para $canalfinal = $server_boton", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                    push @canales, "${canalfinalconcontexto}";
+                }
+            }
+            $canalfinal = "";
+            my $nada1      = "";
+            my $contextemp = "";
+            my %contextosencontrados;
+            for my $val (@canales) {
+                ( $nada1, $contextemp ) = split( "&", $val );
+                if ( !defined($contextemp) ) { $contextemp = ""; }
+                $contextosencontrados{"&$contextemp"} = 1;
+            }
+            # Pass for REGEXP buttons
+            my $canal_sin_server_ni_contexto = $canal;
+            $canal_sin_server_ni_contexto =~ s/(^\d+\^)(.*)(\&.*)?(=\d+)?/$2/;
+            if ( $regexp_buttons == 1 ) {
+                for ( keys %buttons_preserve_case ) {
+                    my $regexp = "";
+                    if ( $_ =~ /^\d+\^_/ ) {
+                        $regexp = $_;
+                        $regexp =~ /^(\d+)\^_([^=&]*)(=[^&]*)?(\&.*)?/;
+                        my $serverb = $1;
+                        $regexp = $2;
+                        my $posicion = $3;
+                        my $contexto = "";
+                        if ( defined($4) ) {
+                            $contexto = $4;
+                            if ( defined( $contextosencontrados{$contexto} ) ) {
+                                next;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $canal_sin_server_ni_contexto =~ m/$regexp/i
+                            && !exists( $trunk_matched{"$canal_sin_server_ni_contexto^$regexp"} ) )
+                        {
+                            if ( defined($posicion) ) {
+                                # Es un trunk
+                                $canalfinal = get_next_trunk_button( $_, $contexto, $server, $canalsesion );
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                # No es un trunk
+                                $canalfinal = $_;
+                            }
+                            if ( $canalfinal ne "" ) {
+                                $trunk_matched{"$canal_sin_server_ni_contexto^$regexp"} = 1;
+                                push @canales, $canalfinal;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            # We have a cache match, retrieve the buttons from cache
+            my @canales2 = @{ $cache_hit{$indice_cache} };
+            # and add the matches from queueagents we might have
+            push @canales, @canales2;
+            log_debug( "$heading CACHE HIT Retrieving buttons from cache ($indice_cache)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+    }    # end foreach multicanal
+    @canales = unique(@canales);
+    my $cuantoscanales = @canales;
+    if ( $cuantoscanales > 0 ) {
+        $cache_hit{$indice_cache} = [@canales];
+    }
+    my $cuantos = $#canales + 1;
+    log_debug( "$heading returns $cuantos", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    foreach (@canales) {
+        log_debug( "$heading cache button $_", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 );
+    return @canales;
+sub procesa_bloque {
+    my $blaque             = shift;
+    my $socket             = shift;
+    my $astmanproxy_server = shift;
+    my %bloque             = %$blaque if defined(%$blaque);
+    my %hash_temporal = ();
+    my $evento        = "";
+    my $canal         = "";
+    my $sesion        = "";
+    my $texto         = "";
+    my $estado_final  = "";
+    my $unico_id      = "";
+    my $exten         = "";
+    my $clid          = "";
+    my $clidnum       = "";
+    my $clidname      = "";
+    my $canalid       = "";
+    my $key           = "";
+    my $val           = "";
+    my @return        = ();
+    my $conquien      = "";
+    my $enlazado      = "";
+    my $viejo_nombre  = "";
+    my $nuevo_nombre  = "";
+    my $quehay        = "";
+    my $elemento      = "";
+    my $state         = "";
+    my $exists        = 0;
+    my $fakecounter   = 1;
+    my $fill_datos    = 0;
+    my $server        = 0;
+    my $timeout       = 0;
+    my $heading       = "** PROCESA_BLOQUE";
+    $tab = $tab . "\t";
+    $hash_temporal{"Event"} = "";
+    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%bloque) ) {
+        if ( defined($val) ) {
+            $val =~ s/(.*)\s+$/$1/g;
+        }
+        else {
+            $val = "";
+        }
+        $hash_temporal{$key} = $val;
+    }
+    if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Channel} ) ) {
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Channel} =~ /^Agent/ ) {
+            # If the channel is Agent/XXXX and we have a real channel
+            # in memory, duplicate the event using the real channel
+            my $uniagentid = "YYYY";
+            my $canalcompara = $hash_temporal{"Channel"};
+            $canalcompara =~ s/Agent\/(.*)/$1/g;
+            for $quehay ( keys %agent_to_channel ) {
+                my $conque = $quehay;
+                $conque =~ s/(\d+)\^(.*)/$2/g;
+                if ( $canalcompara eq $conque ) {
+                    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+                        if ( $key ne "Channel" ) {
+                            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{$key} = $val;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Channel"} = $agent_to_channel{$quehay} . "-XXXX";    # We dont want to add a sesbot
+                    $fakecounter++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $hash_temporal{"Event"} =~ /^UserEvent/ ) {
+        # This blocks checks if we have an UserEvent
+        # and splits every key value pair if it haves
+        # a caret as a delimiter
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+            if ( defined($val) && $val =~ /\^/ ) {
+                my @partes = split( /\^/, $val, 2 );
+                $hash_temporal{$key} = $partes[0];
+                my $resto_de_parametros = $partes[1];
+                @partes = split( /\^/, $resto_de_parametros );
+                foreach my $value (@partes) {
+                    my @partes2 = split( /: /, $value );
+                    if ( !defined( $partes2[0] ) ) { next; }
+                    if ( !defined( $partes2[1] ) ) { $partes2[1] = ""; }
+                    $hash_temporal{ $partes2[0] } = $partes2[1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    $canalid = "";
+    $canalid = $hash_temporal{"Channel"}
+      if defined( $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+    $server = 0;
+    $server = $hash_temporal{"Server"}
+      if defined( $hash_temporal{"Server"} );
+    if ( defined( $hash_temporal{"Uniqueid"} ) ) {
+        $unico_id   = $hash_temporal{"Uniqueid"};
+        $fill_datos = 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $unico_id = "YYYY";
+    }
+    $enlazado = "";
+    if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id} ) ) {
+        if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{"Link"} ) ) {
+            $enlazado = $datos{$unico_id}{"Link"};
+        }
+        if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{"Application"} ) ) {
+            $enlazado .= " - " . $datos{$unico_id}{"Application"};
+        }
+        if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{"AppData"} ) ) {
+            $enlazado .= ":" . $datos{$unico_id}{"AppData"};
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $unico_id !~ /-\d+$/ ) {
+        # Add the server at the end of the uniqueid
+        # if its not already there
+        $unico_id .= "-" . $server;
+    }
+    $evento = "";
+    if ( defined( $hash_temporal{"Event"} ) ) {
+        $evento = $hash_temporal{"Event"};
+    }
+    if ( defined( $hash_temporal{"ActionID"} ) ) {
+        if ( $hash_temporal{"ActionID"} =~ /^timeout/i ) {
+            my @partes = split( /\|/, $hash_temporal{"ActionID"} );
+            $canalid  = $partes[1];
+            $timeout  = $partes[2];
+            $evento   = "Timeout";
+            $unico_id = "YYYY-$server";
+        }
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading canalid $canalid unico_id $unico_id evento $evento enlazado $enlazado", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+    # Populates a global hash to keep track of
+    # 'active' channels, the ones that are not
+    # state down.
+    if ( defined($unico_id) ) {
+        if ( $unico_id !~ /^YYYY/ ) {
+            if ($fill_datos) {    # Ignores blocks without Uniqueid
+                log_debug( "$heading LLENANDO el global datos $unico_id", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                delete $datos{$unico_id}{"State"};
+                while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+                    if ( $key eq "Uniqueid" ) {
+                        if ( $val !~ /-/ ) {
+                            $val .= "-" . $server;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( !defined($val) ) {
+                        $val = "";
+                    }
+                    $datos{$unico_id}{"$key"} = $val;
+                    log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($unico_id){ $key } = $val", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading NO LLENO el global datos $unico_id", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+    }
+    $evento =~ s/UserEvent//g;
+    if    ( $evento =~ /Newchannel/ )           { $evento = "newchannel"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /Newcallerid/ )          { $evento = "newcallerid"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Status$/ )             { $evento = "status"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^StatusComplete/ )      { $evento = "statuscomplete"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /Newexten/ )             { $evento = "newexten"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^ParkedCall$/ )         { $evento = "parkedcall"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^UnParkedCall$/ )       { $evento = "unparkedcall"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /Newstate/ )             { $evento = "newstate"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /Hangup/ )               { $evento = "hangup"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /Rename/ )               { $evento = "rename"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /MessageWaiting/ )       { $evento = "voicemail"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /Regstatus/ )            { $evento = "regstatus"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Unlink/ )              { $evento = "unlink"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueParams/ )          { $evento = "queueparams"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueEntry/ )           { $evento = "queueentry"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^QueueMember$/ )        { $evento = "queuemember"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^QueueMemberStatus$/ )  { $evento = "queuememberstatus"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueMemberAdded/ )     { $evento = "queuememberadded"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueMemberRemoved/ )   { $evento = "queuememberremoved"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueMemberPaused/ )    { $evento = "queuememberpaused"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueStatus$/ )         { $evento = "queuestatus"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /QueueStatusComplete/ )  { $evento = "queuestatuscomplete"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Link/ )                { $evento = "link"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Join/ )                { $evento = "join"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^MeetmeJoin/ )          { $evento = "meetmejoin"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^MeetmeLeave/ )         { $evento = "meetmeleave"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^meetmemute/ )          { $evento = "meetmemute"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^meetmeunmute/ )        { $evento = "meetmeunmute"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Agentlogin/ )          { $evento = "agentlogin"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^RefreshQueue/ )        { $evento = "refreshqueue"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Timeout/ )             { $evento = "timeout"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^AgentCalled/ )         { $evento = "agentcalled"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^AgentConnect/ )        { $evento = "agentconnect"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^AgentComplete/ )       { $evento = "agentcomplete"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Agentcallbacklogin/ )  { $evento = "agentcblogin"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Agentcallbacklogoff/ ) { $evento = "agentlogoff"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Agentlogoff/ )         { $evento = "agentlogoff"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^IsMeetmeMember/ )      { $evento = "fakeismeetmemember"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^PeerStatus/ )          { $evento = "peerstatus"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Leave/ )               { $evento = "leave"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^FOP_Popup/i )          { $evento = "foppopup"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^FOP_LedColor/i )       { $evento = "fopledcolor"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^Dial/ )                { $evento = "dial"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^ASTDB/ )               { $evento = "astdb"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^DNDState/ )            { $evento = "zapdndstate"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^ZapShowChannels$/ )    { $evento = "zapdndstate"; }
+    elsif ( $evento =~ /^ExtensionStatus$/ )    { $evento = "extensionstatus"; }
+    else { log_debug( "$heading No event match ($evento)", 32 ); }
+    if ( defined( $hash_temporal{"Link"} ) ) {
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{"Seconds"} ) ) {
+            my $unid = find_uniqueid( $hash_temporal{"Link"}, $server ) if DEBUG;
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}    = "Newexten";
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Channel}  = $hash_temporal{Link};
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{State}    = "Up";
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Seconds}  = $hash_temporal{Seconds};
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{CallerID} = $hash_temporal{CallerID};
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Uniqueid} = $unid;
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server}   = $hash_temporal{Server};
+            $fakecounter++;
+            log_debug( "$heading Fake bloque canal $hash_temporal{Link} con seconds $hash_temporal{Seconds}", 128 )
+              if DEBUG;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "agentcomplete" ) {
+        # Hook for queue statistics?
+        #Event: AgentComplete
+        #Privilege: agent,all
+        #Queue: soporte
+        #Uniqueid: 1130872017.1364
+        #Channel: SIP/16-6b1b
+        #HoldTime: 17
+        #TalkTime: 557
+        #Reason: agent
+        my ( $canal, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{Channel} );
+        request_queue_status( $socket, $canal );
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "agentcalled" ) {
+        # We use this event to send the ringing state for an Agent
+        $estado_final = "ringing";
+        $canal        = $hash_temporal{"AgentCalled"};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $canalid  = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        $clidnum  = $hash_temporal{"CallerID"};
+        $clidname = $hash_temporal{"CallerIDName"};
+        $texto    = "&incoming,[" . format_clid( $clidnum, $clid_format ) . "]";
+        my $base64_clidnum  = encode_base64( $clidnum . " " );
+        my $base64_clidname = encode_base64( $clidname . " " );
+        push @return, "$canal|clidnum|$base64_clidnum|$canalid-$server|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal|clidname|$base64_clidname|$canalid-$server|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$canalid-$server|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "agentconnect" ) {
+        # We use this event to fake the ringing state
+        $estado_final = "ocupado";
+        $texto        = "Taking call from $hash_temporal{\"Queue\"}";
+        $canal        = $hash_temporal{"Channel"};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$canalid-$server|$canalid";    #NEW
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "dial" ) {
+        # We use this hashes to store the remote callerid for CVS-HEAD
+        my $key      = "$server^$hash_temporal{'Destination'}";
+        my $dorigen  = "";
+        my $ddestino = "";
+        my $dnada    = "";
+        $remote_callerid{$key}      = $hash_temporal{"CallerID"};
+        $remote_callerid_name{$key} = $hash_temporal{"CallerIDName"};
+        # We also look for Dial from Local/XX at context to TECH/XX for
+        # matching agentcallbacklogins exten at context to real channels
+        # so we can map outgoing calls to Agent buttons
+        # It will only work after the agent receives at least one call
+        ( $dorigen,  $dnada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{'Source'} );
+        ( $ddestino, $dnada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{'Destination'} );
+        if ( exists( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$dorigen"} ) ) {
+            my $agente = $channel_to_agent{"$server^$dorigen"};
+            # delete $channel_to_agent{$dorigen};
+            $channel_to_agent{"$server^$ddestino"} = $agente;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "zapdndstate" ) {
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{"Channel"};
+        my $zstatus = "";
+        if ( $canal !~ m/Zap/i ) {
+            $canal = "Zap/$canal";
+        }
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Status} ) ) {
+            $zstatus = $hash_temporal{Status};
+        }
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{DND} ) ) {
+            $zstatus = $hash_temporal{DND};
+        }
+        if ( $zstatus =~ /disabled/i ) {
+            $zstatus = "";
+        }
+        # If we receive a zap dnd state, we fake the ASTDB
+        # event with family 'dnd'. So it will execute the
+        # actions listed on op_astdb.cfg inside [dnd]
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}   = "ASTDB";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Channel} = $canal;
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Family}  = "dnd";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server}  = $hash_temporal{Server};
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Value}   = $zstatus;
+        $fakecounter++;
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "astdb" ) {
+        my $valor = "";
+        $estado_final = "astdb";
+        ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+        $canalid = $hash_temporal{"Channel"} . "-XXXX";
+        my $clave = $hash_temporal{"Family"};
+        if ( !defined( $hash_temporal{"State"} ) ) {
+            $valor = "";
+        }
+        else {
+            $valor = $hash_temporal{"State"};
+        }
+        foreach my $item ( @{ $astdbcommands{$clave} } ) {
+            my $item_temp = $item;
+            $item_temp =~ s/\${value}/$valor/g;
+            my ( $comando, $datos ) = split( /=/, $item_temp );
+            if ( $valor ne "" ) {
+                push @return, "$canal|$comando|$datos|$canalid-$server|$canalid";
+            }
+            else {
+                push @return, "$canal|$comando||$canalid-$server|$canalid";
+            }
+        }
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "timeout" ) {
+        $estado_final = "timeout";
+        $texto        = $timeout;
+        my $ahora = time();
+        my $unique = find_uniqueid( $canalid, $server );
+        $datos{$unique}{"Timeout"} = $ahora + $timeout;
+        $timeouts{$canalid} = $ahora + $timeout;
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unique|$canalid";    #NEW
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "regstatus" ) {
+        # Sends the IP address of the peer to the flash client
+        # XXXX It will have to store this value internally in future version
+        # to avoid polling asterisk every time
+        ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+        $texto = $hash_temporal{"IP"};
+        my $serv = $hash_temporal{"Server"};
+        if ($show_ip) {
+            # $estado_final = "ip";
+            $estado_final = "settext";
+            $boton_ip{$canalid} = $texto;
+            push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            # $evento = "";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "fopledcolor" ) {
+        my $color = "";
+        my $state = "";
+        ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+        $color        = $hash_temporal{"Color"};
+        $state        = $hash_temporal{"State"};
+        $estado_final = "fopledcolor";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$color^$state|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "foppopup" ) {
+        ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+        my $url    = $hash_temporal{"URL"};
+        my $target = $hash_temporal{"Target"};
+        my $button = $hash_temporal{"Button"};
+        if ( !defined($button) ) { $button = ""; }
+        my $data = "$url^$target^$button";
+        $estado_final = "foppopup";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$data|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "refreshqueue" ) {
+        ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+        # Turns off led of the agent that generated the refresh
+        if ( $change_led == 1 ) {
+            $estado_final = "changelabel" . $change_led;
+            push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        request_queue_status( $socket, $hash_temporal{"Channel"} );
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "agentcblogin" ) {
+        my $canal      = "";
+        my $canallocal = "";
+        my $labeltext  = ".";
+        my $texto      = $hash_temporal{"Agent"};
+        if ( $canalid eq "" ) {
+            $canalid = "Agent/$texto-XXXX";
+        }
+        if ( defined( $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$texto"} ) ) {
+            # The agent was already logged in, fake a logout event
+            if ( $ren_agentlogin == 1 || $ren_cbacklogin == 1 || $change_led == 1 ) {
+                $canal        = $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$texto"};
+                $estado_final = "changelabel" . $change_led;
+                if ( $canal =~ /^AGENT/i ) {
+                    push @return, "AGENT/$texto|setalpha|100|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                }
+                else {
+                    push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                    # Change back the label to the old localtion/button
+                }
+                delete $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$texto"};
+                delete $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"};
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $datos{$unico_id}{"Channel"} ) ) {
+            # If we have this defined, its a REAL and LIVE event!
+            # so we populate some internal structures. If not, its a fake
+            # callbacklogin from the show agents cli command
+            ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $datos{$unico_id}{Channel} );
+            $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        }
+        else {
+            # It is a fake login, probably from a first run (show agents)
+            # or a queuemember event. We have the extension at context but not
+            # the real channel. In order to monitor OUTBOUND calls, we need
+            # to find out the real channel. There is no easy way around this
+            # problem. We have to make some assumptions.
+            my $ext_transf_key = $hash_temporal{"Server"} . "^" . $hash_temporal{"Loginchan"};
+            if ( defined( $extension_transfer_reverse{$ext_transf_key} ) ) {
+                # Our first assumption would be to look for a button definition
+                # that has the same extension at context and extract the channel name
+                # from there. Drawback: there has to be a butotn with the same exten at context
+                # in op_buttons.cfg.
+                $canal = $extension_transfer_reverse{$ext_transf_key};
+                $canal =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                if ( $canal =~ /\^/ ) {
+                    my @pedacete = split( /\^/, $canal );
+                    $canal = $pedacete[1];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        # We also add a Local channel just in case. It will be used to match but
+        # not to keep track of sessions. We skip the agent_to_channel, we dont
+        # mind on local channels as monitoring buttons.
+        $canallocal = "Local/$hash_temporal{'Loginchan'}";
+        $canallocal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canallocal"} = "Agent/$texto";
+        if ( $canal ne "" ) {
+            # So, we find a channel. Lets send the responses and fill the hashes
+            $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"}       = "Agent/$texto";
+            $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$texto"} = $canal;
+            print_agents();
+            $estado_final = "changelabel" . $change_led;
+            if ( $ren_cbacklogin == 1 ) {
+                $labeltext = "Agent/$texto";
+                if ( $ren_agentname == 1 ) {
+                    if ( defined( $agents_name{"$server^$texto"} ) ) {
+                        $labeltext = $agents_name{"$server^$texto"};
+                    }
+                }
+                push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$labeltext|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            }
+            if ( $agent_status == 1 ) {
+                push @return, "$canal|isagent|0|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                push @return, "$canal|settimer|0\@IDLE|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                push @return, "$canal|settext|Idle|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            }
+        }
+        # Now send AGENT/ events
+        if ( $ren_cbacklogin == 1 ) {
+            $labeltext = "Agent/$texto";
+            if ( $ren_agentname == 1 ) {
+                if ( defined( $agents_name{"$server^$texto"} ) ) {
+                    $labeltext = $agents_name{"$server^$texto"};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        push @return, "AGENT/$texto|changelabel$change_led|$labeltext|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        if ( $agent_status == 1 ) {
+            push @return, "AGENT/$texto|isagent|0|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queuememberpaused" && $agent_status == 1 ) {
+        my $canal   = $hash_temporal{Location};
+        my $cola    = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        my $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        # Paused
+        #  Event: QueueMemberPaused
+        #  Privilege: agent,all
+        #  Queue: soporte
+        #  Location: SIP/17
+        #  Paused: 1
+        #  Server: 0
+        # Unpaused
+        #  Event: QueueMemberPaused
+        #  Privilege: agent,all
+        #  Queue: soporte
+        #  Location: SIP/17
+        #  Paused: 0
+        #  Server: 0
+        my $color = "";
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Paused} eq "1" ) {
+            my ( $text, $textriginal, $buttontext ) = translate( $canal, "&paused", "", "" );
+            $texto = $text;
+            $texto = "&paused";
+            $color = "ledcolor_paused";
+        }
+        else {
+            my ( $text, $textriginal, $buttontext ) = translate( $canal, "&idle", "", "" );
+            $texto = $text;
+            $texto = "&idle";
+            $color = "ledcolor_agent";
+        }
+        $boton_ip{$canalid} = $texto;
+        push @return, "$canal|settext|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal|settimer|1\@UP|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal|settimer|0\@IDLE|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal|fopledcolor|$color^2|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal|state|free|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queuememberremoved" ) {
+        my $cola  = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        my $canal = $hash_temporal{Location};
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}   = "Agentlogoff";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Channel} = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Agent}   = $canal;
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Queue}   = $cola;
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Fake}    = "removed";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server}  = $hash_temporal{Server};
+        $fakecounter++;
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queuememberadded" ) {
+        my $cola  = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        my $canal = $hash_temporal{Location};
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}   = "Agentlogin";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Channel} = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Agent}   = $canal;
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Queue}   = $cola;
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server}  = $hash_temporal{Server};
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Addhash} = 1;
+        $fakecounter++;
+        $evento = "";
+        # Add the channel to the agents_on_queue hash
+        ( $server, $canal ) = local_channels_are_driving_me_mad( $server, $canal );
+        reserve_next_available_agent_button( $server, $canal, $hash_temporal{Queue} );
+        # Remove cache hit to force find panel buttons to look for new positions
+        foreach my $kkey ( keys %cache_hit ) {
+            if ( $kkey =~ /^$canal/ ) {
+                delete $cache_hit{$kkey};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "agentlogin" ) {
+        my $labeltext = ".";
+        my $texto     = $hash_temporal{"Agent"};
+        if ( defined( $datos{$unico_id}{Channel} ) ) {
+            # This catches a live real Agentlogin event
+            ( my $canalreal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $datos{$unico_id}{Channel} );
+            $canalreal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+            $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canalreal"}   = "Agent/$texto";
+            $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$texto"} = $canalreal;
+            log_debug( "channel_to_agent($server^$canalreal) = " . $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canalreal"}, 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        ( $canal, my $sess ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{Channel} );
+        $estado_final = "changelabel" . $change_led;
+        if ( $sess ne "XXXX" ) {
+            # If we have a real session, its an agentlogin on op_server startup (from show agents)
+            $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"}       = "Agent/$texto";
+            $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$texto"} = $canal;
+        }
+        if ( defined( $agent_label{$canal} ) && ( $ren_agentlogin == 1 || $ren_cbacklogin == 1 ) ) {
+            $labeltext = $agent_label{$canal};
+        }
+        if ( $canalid eq "" ) {
+            $canalid = "AGENT/$texto-XXXX";
+        }
+        if ( $ren_agentlogin == 1 && !defined( $hash_temporal{'Fake'} ) ) {
+            if ( $texto !~ /\// ) {
+                $labeltext = "Agent/$texto";
+            }
+            else {
+                $labeltext = $texto;
+            }
+            if ( $ren_agentname == 1 ) {
+                if ( defined( $agents_name{"$server^$texto"} ) ) {
+                    $labeltext = $agents_name{"$server^$texto"};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $ren_queuemember == 1 ) {
+            if ( $texto !~ /\// ) {
+                $labeltext = "Agent/$texto";
+            }
+            else {
+                $labeltext = $texto;
+            }
+            if ( $ren_agentname == 1 ) {
+                if ( defined( $agents_name{"$server^$texto"} ) ) {
+                    $labeltext = $agents_name{"$server^$texto"};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $labeltext eq "original" ) {
+            $labeltext = ".";
+        }
+        if ( $canal =~ m/^AGENT/i ) {
+            push @return, "$canal-FOPdummy|setalpha|100|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            my $agent_num = $texto;
+            $agent_num =~ s/^Agent\///gi;
+            if ( $ren_agentname == 1 ) {
+                if ( defined( $agents_name{"$server^$agent_num"} ) ) {
+                    $labeltext = $agents_name{"$server^$agent_num"};
+                }
+                else {
+                    $labeltext = $texto;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                # If its an Agent channel, and rename to agent name is not
+                # set, rename it anyways to Agent/XXXX
+                $labeltext = "Agent/$agent_num";
+            }
+            # push @return, "$canal-FOPdummy|setlabel|$labeltext|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        else {
+            push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$labeltext|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            push @return, "$canal|corto||$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        if ( $agent_status == 1 ) {
+            my $textopaused = "&idle";
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Paused} ) ) {
+                $textopaused = $hash_temporal{Paused};
+            }
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{LastCall} ) ) {
+                if ( $hash_temporal{LastCall} > 0 ) {
+                    # Max_lastcall saves the maximum epoch time, so I can
+                    # show only the lowest lastcall time if an agent is member
+                    # or more than one queue
+                    if ( !defined( $max_lastcall{$canal} ) ) {
+                        $max_lastcall{$canal} = $hash_temporal{LastCall};
+                    }
+                    if ( $hash_temporal{LastCall} > $max_lastcall{$canal} ) {
+                        $max_lastcall{$canal} = $hash_temporal{LastCall} + 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            push @return, "$canal|isagent|0|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            push @return, "$canal|settext|$textopaused|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        $evento = "";
+        $is_agent{ uc("$server^$texto") } = 1;
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Queue} ) ) {
+            if ( keys(%count_queue) ) {
+                my $contaconta = 0;
+                my %temp_queue = ();
+                my $valor      = "$server^$hash_temporal{Queue}";
+                push @{ $count_queue{$valor} }, "$server^$texto";
+                my %count;
+                my @unique_queues = grep { ++$count{$_} < 2 } @{ $count_queue{$valor} };
+                @{ $count_queue{$valor} } = @unique_queues;
+                if ( exists( $count_queue{$valor} ) && $count_queue{$valor} ne "" ) {
+                    my $texto3 = "";
+                    foreach my $qmem ( @{ $count_queue{$valor} } ) {
+                        $texto3 .= "$qmem\n";
+                    }
+                    $contaconta = @{ $count_queue{$valor} };
+                    my $texto2 = "Agents Logged: $contaconta\n" . $texto3 . "  ";
+                    $texto2 = encode_base64($texto2);
+                    push @return, "QUEUE/" . uc( $hash_temporal{Queue} ) . "|infoqstat2|$texto2|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                    print_countqueue("final de agentlogin tenia queue");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "agentlogoff" ) {
+        $canal = "Agent/" . $hash_temporal{Agent};
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Agent} !~ /^Agent/ ) {
+            $canal = $hash_temporal{Agent};
+        }
+        my $texto = $hash_temporal{Agent};
+        $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        if ( $ren_agentlogin == 1 || $ren_cbacklogin == 1 || $change_led == 1 ) {
+            $estado_final = "changelabel" . $change_led;
+            if ( defined( $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$canal"} ) || defined( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"} ) ) {
+                if ( defined( $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$canal"} ) ) {
+                    #                    ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$canal"} );
+                    $canal = $agent_to_channel{"$server^Agent/$canal"};
+                }
+                else {
+                    #                    ( $canal, my $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"} );
+                    $canal = $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canal"};
+                }
+                if ( defined( $agent_label{$canal} ) ) {
+                    delete $agent_label{$canal};
+                }
+                if ( $canalid eq "" ) {
+                    $canalid = "AGENT/$texto-XXXX";
+                }
+                #delete $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canal"};
+                #delete $agent_to_channel{"$server^$agente"};
+                delete $reverse_agents{$texto};
+                delete $reverse_agents{$canal};
+                push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                push @return, "$canal|agentlogoff|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            }
+            else {
+                log_debug( "No esta definido agente $server^$canal", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                push @return, "$canal|agentlogoff|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            }
+            #    if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Fake} ) ) {
+            # We dont want queueagent buttons to be renamed back to the orignal label
+            #       push @return, "AGENT/$texto|$estado_final|original|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            #  }
+            if ( $agent_status == 1 ) {
+                push @return, "$canal|isagent|-1|$unico_id|$canalid" if ( $canal ne "" );
+                push @return, "AGENT/$texto|isagent|-1|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            }
+            # Its form a removequeuemember, we have to mantain the agents_on_queue hash
+            # after finding buttons in digest_event_block, so the led and label go back
+            # to normal. If we do it here, we will always have the AGENTQUEUE button marked
+            # as an agent even if its removed
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Fake} ) && $canal ne "" ) {
+                if ( $hash_temporal{Fake} eq "removed" ) {
+                    push @return, "$canal|queueremoved|$hash_temporal{Queue}|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                }
+            }
+            $evento = "";
+        }
+        delete( $is_agent{ uc("$server^$texto") } );
+        if ( keys(%count_queue) ) {
+            print_countqueue("agentlogoff principio count_queue");
+            my $contaconta = 0;
+            my %temp_queue = ();
+            my $valor      = "";
+            foreach $valor ( sort ( keys(%count_queue) ) ) {
+                foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $count_queue{$valor} } ) {
+                    if ( $vvalor !~ /^$server\^$canal$/i && $vvalor !~ /^$server\^AGENT\/$texto$/i ) {
+                        push @{ $temp_queue{$valor} }, $vvalor;
+                    }
+                    my %count;
+                    my @unique_queues = grep { ++$count{$_} < 2 } @{ $temp_queue{$valor} };
+                    @{ $temp_queue{$valor} } = @unique_queues;
+                }
+            }
+            %count_queue = %temp_queue;
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Queue} ) ) {
+                $valor = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+                if ( exists( $count_queue{"$server^$valor"} ) && $count_queue{"$server^$valor"} ne "" ) {
+                    my $texto3 = "";
+                    foreach my $qmem ( @{ $count_queue{"$server^$valor"} } ) {
+                        $texto3 .= "$qmem\n";
+                    }
+                    $contaconta = @{ $count_queue{"$server^$valor"} };
+                    my $texto2 = "Agents Logged: $contaconta\n" . $texto3 . "  ";
+                    $texto2 = encode_base64($texto2);
+                    push @return, "QUEUE/" . uc( $hash_temporal{Queue} ) . "|infoqstat2|$texto2|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                    print_countqueue("al final");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queueentry" ) {
+        if ( defined( $max_queue_waiting_time_for{"$hash_temporal{Queue}-$hash_temporal{Server}"} ) ) {
+            if ( $hash_temporal{Wait} > $max_queue_waiting_time_for{"$hash_temporal{Queue}-$hash_temporal{Server}"} ) {
+                $max_queue_waiting_time_for{"$hash_temporal{Queue}-$hash_temporal{Server}"} = $hash_temporal{Wait};
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            $max_queue_waiting_time_for{"$hash_temporal{Queue}-$hash_temporal{Server}"} = $hash_temporal{Wait};
+        }
+        foreach my $keyh ( keys(%hash_temporal) ) {
+            if ( $keyh eq "Event" ) {
+                $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{$keyh} = "Join";
+            }
+            elsif ( $keyh eq "Position" ) {
+                $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Count}    = $hash_temporal{$keyh};
+                $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Position} = $hash_temporal{$keyh};
+            }
+            else {
+                $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{$keyh} = $hash_temporal{$keyh};
+            }
+        }
+        $fakecounter++;
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queuestatuscomplete" ) {
+        for my $cola_server ( keys %max_queue_waiting_time_for ) {
+            my ( $cola, $server ) = ( $cola_server =~ m/(.*)-(.*)/ );
+            push @return, "QUEUE/$cola|settimer|" . $max_queue_waiting_time_for{"$cola-$server"} . "|$cola-$server|QUEUE/$cola-XXXX";
+        }
+        # Sends the lowest lastcall time of all possible queues
+        for my $canala ( keys %max_lastcall ) {
+            my $idleseconds = time() - $max_lastcall{$canala};
+            push @return, "$canala|settimer|$idleseconds\@IDLE|$unico_id|$canala-XXXX";
+        }
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queuemember" || $evento eq "queuememberstatus" ) {
+        my $canalag = $hash_temporal{"Location"};
+        $canalag =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        my $canalagid  = $canalag . "-XXXX";
+        my $unicoag_id = "$canalag-$server";
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{"Location"};
+        ( $server, $canal ) = local_channels_are_driving_me_mad( $server, $canal );
+        if ( $canal =~ /^AGENT/i ) {
+            my $temp = $canal;
+            $temp =~ s/^AGENT\///gi;
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Status} ) && $evento eq "queuemember" ) {
+                if ( $hash_temporal{Status} == 5 ) {
+                    # If its logged off, fake the event, but only for queuemember
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}  = "Agentlogoff";
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Agent}  = $temp;
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server} = $server;
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Fake}   = "1";
+                    $fakecounter++;
+                    push @return, "$canalag|changelabel$change_led|original|$unicoag_id|$canal-XXXX";
+                }
+                else {
+                    # Generates Fake Agent Login to change led color and label renaming
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}   = "Agentlogin";
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Channel} = $canal . "-XXXX";
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Agent}   = $canal;
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Fake}    = "1";
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server}  = $server;
+                    $fakecounter++;
+                    #    push @return, "$canalag|changelabel$change_led|.|$unicoag_id|$canal-XXXX";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $evento eq "queuemember" ) {
+            # We only want to reserve positions on queuemember (initial query status) and
+            # to AGENT channels
+            reserve_next_available_agent_button( $server, $canal, $hash_temporal{Queue} );
+            $is_agent{ uc("$server^$canalag") } = 1;
+            #if ( $agent_status == 1 ) {
+            #    if ( $hash_temporal{Paused} eq "1" ) {
+            #        push @return, "$canal|settext|&paused|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            #        push @return, "$canal|settimer|0\@IDLE|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            #    }
+            #    else {
+            #        push @return, "$canal|settext|&idle|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            #        push @return, "$canal|settimer|0\@IDLE|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            #    }
+            #}
+        }
+        if ( $canal !~ /^Local/ ) {
+            $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        }
+        $estado_final = "info";
+        $texto        = "";
+        my $contaconta        = 0;
+        my $vval              = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        my $has_status_ast_12 = 0;
+        while ( ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+            if ( !defined($val) ) { $val = " "; }
+            $texto .= "$key = $val\n";
+            if ( $key eq "Status" && $val != 5 ) {
+                $estado_final .= $vval;
+                push @{ $count_queue{"$server^$vval"} }, "$server^$canal";
+                $has_status_ast_12 = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $has_status_ast_12 == 0 ) {
+            # If there is no status on the events, is asterisk stable, count the agent in
+            $estado_final .= $vval;
+            push @{ $count_queue{"$server^$vval"} }, "$server^$canal";
+        }
+        my %count;
+        my @unique_queues = grep { ++$count{$_} < 2 } @{ $count_queue{"$server^$vval"} };
+        @{ $count_queue{"$server^$vval"} } = @unique_queues;
+        $contaconta = @{ $count_queue{"$server^$vval"} };
+        my $texto3 = "";
+        foreach my $qmem ( @{ $count_queue{"$server^$vval"} } ) {
+            $texto3 .= "$qmem\n";
+        }
+        $unico_id = "$canal-$server";
+        my $texto2 = "Agents Logged: $contaconta\n" . $texto3 . "  ";
+        $texto .= " ";
+        $texto = encode_base64($texto);
+        print_countqueue("en queuemember");
+        $texto2  = encode_base64($texto2);
+        $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        if ( $canal !~ /$canalag/i ) {
+            push @return, "$canalag|$estado_final|$texto|$unicoag_id|$canalagid";
+        }
+        push @return, "QUEUE/" . uc( $hash_temporal{Queue} ) . "|infoqstat2|$texto2|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        if ( $canal !~ /^Local/i && $canal !~ /^Agent/i && $evento eq "queuemember" ) {
+            #if (!exists($is_agent{"$server^$canal"})) {
+            # If we have a queuemember event and is not recorded as agent, fake login
+            my $pausetext = "";
+            if ( $hash_temporal{Paused} eq "1" ) {
+                $pausetext = "&paused";
+            }
+            else {
+                $pausetext = "&idle";
+            }
+            # Generates Fake Agent Login to change led color and label renaming
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event}   = "Agentlogin";
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Channel} = $canal . "-XXXX";
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Agent}   = $canal;
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Fake}    = "1";
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Server}  = $server;
+            # we sent the folowing two headers (paused,lastcall) to the fake agentlogin
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Paused}   = $pausetext;
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{LastCall} = $hash_temporal{LastCall};
+            $fakecounter++;
+        }
+        #}
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queuestatus" ) {
+        $canal   = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        print_countqueue("en queuestatus");
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $canal        = "QUEUE/$canal";
+        $estado_final = "infoqstat";
+        $texto        = "";
+        while ( ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+            $texto .= "$key = $val\n";
+        }
+        $unico_id = "$canal-$server";
+        $texto .= " ";
+        $texto = encode_base64($texto);
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "meetmemute" || $evento eq "meetmeunmute" ) {
+        my ( $canal, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel($canalid);
+        $estado_final = $evento;
+        push @return, "$canal|$evento||$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "queueparams" ) {
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $estado_final = "ocupado";
+        my $plural = "";
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Calls} > 0 ) {
+            if ( $hash_temporal{Calls} > 1 ) { $plural = "s"; }
+            $texto    = "&waitingonqueue," . $hash_temporal{Calls} . ",$plural&";
+            $unico_id = "$canal-$server";
+            push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        else {
+            # If the queue has no users waiting, delete the hash element
+            delete $max_queue_waiting_time_for{"$hash_temporal{Queue}-$hash_temporal{Server}"};
+        }
+        # Generates a Fake Block/Event for sending info status to queues
+        while ( ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{$key} = $val;
+        }
+        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Event} = "QueueStatus";
+        $fakecounter++;
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "join" ) {
+        my $qclidnum  = "";
+        my $qclidname = "";
+        $canal = "QUEUE/" . $hash_temporal{Queue};
+        my $position = $hash_temporal{Position};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $estado_final = "ocupado1";
+        my $plural = "";
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Count} > 1 ) { $plural = "s"; }
+        $texto    = "&waitingonqueue," . $hash_temporal{Count} . ",$plural&";
+        $unico_id = "$canal-$server";
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{CallerIDName} ) ) {
+            $qclidnum  = $hash_temporal{CallerID};
+            $qclidname = $hash_temporal{CallerIDName};
+        }
+        elsif ( defined( $hash_temporal{CalleridName} ) ) {
+            $qclidnum  = $hash_temporal{Callerid};
+            $qclidname = $hash_temporal{CalleridName};
+        }
+        else {
+            ( $qclidnum, $qclidname ) = split_callerid( $hash_temporal{CallerID} );
+        }
+        my $texto_pos = "[$qclidname $qclidnum]";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal=$position|$estado_final|$texto_pos|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        push @return, "$canal=$position|setalpha|100|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+        my $tiempo = time();
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Wait} ) ) {
+            $tiempo = $tiempo - $hash_temporal{Wait};
+            push @return, "$canal=$position|settimer|$hash_temporal{Wait}\@UP|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        }
+        $cola->{$canalid}{POSITION} = $position;
+        $cola->{$canalid}{QUEUE}    = $canal;
+        $cola->{$canalid}{CLID}     = $qclidnum;
+        $cola->{$canalid}{CLIDNAME} = $qclidname;
+        $cola->{$canalid}{SERVER}   = $server;
+        $cola->{$canalid}{TIME}     = $tiempo;
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "meetmejoin" ) {
+        my $originate = "no";
+        my $nada      = "";
+        my $contexto  = "";
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Channel} =~ /^Local/ ) {
+            # We have to ignore Local channels when counting users
+            $hash_temporal{Fake} = 1;
+        }
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{Meetme};
+        my $uni_id = $hash_temporal{Uniqueid} . "-" . $server;
+        log_debug( "$heading MEETMEJOIN uni_id = $uni_id y canal = $canal", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        $datos{$uni_id}{Extension} = $canal;
+        log_debug( "$heading 2 BORRO datos $uni_id { link }", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        delete $datos{$uni_id}{Link};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        for $quehay ( keys %auto_conference ) {
+            if ( $quehay eq $hash_temporal{Channel} ) {
+                $originate = $auto_conference{"$quehay"};
+                $contexto  = $barge_context{$canal};
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $originate ne "no" ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading origino a meetme en el contexto $contexto!", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $comando = "Action: Originate\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Channel: $originate\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Exten: $canal\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Context: " . $config->{$contexto}{'conference_context'} . "\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n";
+            $comando .= "\r\n";
+            send_command_to_manager( $comando, $socket, 0, $astmanproxy_server );
+            if ($barge_muted) {
+                $start_muted{"$server^$originate"} = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        $estado_final = "ocupado9";    # 9 for conference
+        my $plural = "";
+        if ( !defined( $hash_temporal{Fake} ) ) {
+            if ( !defined( $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count} ) ) {
+                $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count} = 0;
+                log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($canal-$server){ count } = 0", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+            if ( exists( $meetme_pos{"$server^$canal"}{ $hash_temporal{Usernum} } ) ) {
+                # Already logged in, buggy channed driver! (SCCP?)
+                log_debug( "$heading ignoring already joined channel", 16 );
+            }
+            else {
+                $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count}++;
+            }
+            log_debug( "$heading pongo DATOS ($canal-$server) {count} en $datos{\"$canal-$server\"}{Count}", 16 )
+              if DEBUG;
+        }
+        # Its a fake meetmejoin generated from the meetme status at startup
+        my ( $canalsinses, $pedses ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{Channel} );
+        push @return, "$hash_temporal{Meetme}|setlink|$hash_temporal{Channel}|YYYY-$server|$hash_temporal{Channel}";
+        push @return, "$canalsinses|setlink|$hash_temporal{Meetme}|$hash_temporal{Meetme}-$server|$hash_temporal{Channel}";
+        push @return, "$canalsinses|meetmeuser|$hash_temporal{Usernum},$hash_temporal{Meetme}|YYYY-$server|$hash_temporal{Channel}";
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{Total} ) ) {
+            $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count} = $hash_temporal{Total};
+            log_debug( "$heading pongo DATOS de ($canal-$server) {count} en $hash_temporal{Total}", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        $barge_rooms{"$canal"} = $datos{"$canal-$server"}{"Count"};
+        if ( defined( $datos{"$canal-$server"}{"Count"} ) ) {
+            if ( $datos{"$canal-$server"}{"Count"} > 1 ) { $plural = "s"; }
+            $texto = "&memberonconference," . $datos{"$canal-$server"}{"Count"} . ",$plural&";
+        }
+        if ( exists( $start_muted{"$server^$canalsinses"} ) ) {
+            my $boton_con_contexto = $buttons{"$server^$canalsinses"};
+            my $comando            = "Action: Command\r\n";
+            $comando .= "ActionID: meetmemute$boton_con_contexto\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Command: meetme mute $hash_temporal{Meetme} $hash_temporal{Usernum}\r\n\r\n";
+            send_command_to_manager( $comando, $socket, 0, $astmanproxy_server );
+            delete $start_muted{"$server^$canalsinses"};
+        }
+        $unico_id = $canal . "-" . $server;
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+        # From here we send MEETME=POS button responses
+        my $position   = $hash_temporal{Usernum};
+        my $realunique = "";
+        if ( $hash_temporal{Uniqueid} =~ m/(.*)-\d+/ ) {
+            $realunique = $hash_temporal{Uniqueid};
+        }
+        else {
+            $realunique = $hash_temporal{Uniqueid} . "-" . $server;
+        }
+        my $qclidnum  = "";
+        my $qclidname = "";
+        if ( defined( $datos{$realunique}{CallerIDName} ) ) {
+            $qclidname = $datos{$realunique}{CallerIDName};
+            $qclidnum  = $datos{$realunique}{CallerID};
+        }
+        elsif ( defined( $datos{$realunique}{CalleridName} ) ) {
+            $qclidname = $datos{$realunique}{CalleridName};
+            $qclidnum  = $datos{$realunique}{Callerid};
+        }
+        else {
+            print_datos(99);
+            ( $qclidnum, $qclidname ) = split_callerid( $datos{$realunique}{CallerID} );
+        }
+        my $texto_pos = "[$qclidnum]";
+        if ( $qclidnum ne $qclidname ) {
+            $texto_pos = "[$qclidname $qclidnum]";
+        }
+        my $canalfin = get_meetme_pos( $server, $canal, $position );
+        push @return, "$canalfin|$estado_final|$texto_pos|YYYY-$server|$hash_temporal{Channel}";
+        push @return, "$canalfin|meetmeuser|$hash_temporal{Usernum},$hash_temporal{Meetme}|YYYY-$server|$hash_temporal{Channel}";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "meetmeleave" ) {
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{Meetme};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $estado_final = "ocupado9";    # 9 for meetme
+        my $plural = "";
+        $datos{"$canal-$server"}{"Count"}--;
+        log_debug( "$heading pongo DATOS ( $canal-$server) (count) en $datos{\"$canal-$server\"}{'Count'} leave", 64 )
+          if DEBUG;
+        $barge_rooms{$canal} = $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count};
+        if ( $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count} > 1 )  { $plural       = "s"; }
+        if ( $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count} <= 0 ) { $estado_final = "corto"; }
+        $texto    = "&memberonconference," . $datos{"$canal-$server"}{Count} . ",$plural&";
+        $unico_id = $canal . "-" . $server;
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        my $canaleja = $hash_temporal{Channel};
+        delete $auto_conference{$canaleja};
+        log_debug( "$heading Erasing auto_conference $canaleja", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        for $quehay ( keys %auto_conference ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading Remaining conferences: $quehay", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        my ( $canal1, $nada1 ) = separate_session_from_channel($canaleja);
+        push @return, "$canal1|unsetlink|$canal|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+        my $canalfin = get_meetme_pos( $server, $canal, $hash_temporal{Usernum} );
+        delete $meetme_pos{"$server^$canal"}{ $hash_temporal{Usernum} };
+        push @return, "$canalfin|corto||$hash_temporal{Uniqueid}-$server|$canaleja";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "leave" ) {
+        $canal = "QUEUE/" . $hash_temporal{"Queue"};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $estado_final = "ocupado";
+        my $plural = "";
+        if ( $hash_temporal{"Count"} > 1 )  { $plural       = "s"; }
+        if ( $hash_temporal{"Count"} == 0 ) { $estado_final = "corto"; }
+        $texto    = "&waitingonqueue," . $hash_temporal{"Count"} . ",$plural&";
+        $unico_id = "$canal-$server";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+        print_sesbot(1);
+        my @queue_events = recompute_queues($canalid);
+        foreach my $valor (@queue_events) {
+            push @return, $valor;
+        }
+        print_sesbot(2);
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "voicemail" ) {
+        my @canalesvoicemail = ();
+        while ( my ( $ecanal, $eextension ) = each(%mailbox) ) {
+            if ( $eextension eq $hash_temporal{"Mailbox"} ) {
+                $canal = $ecanal;
+                $canal =~ s/(.*)\&(.*)/$1/g;    # Remove &context
+                $canal =~ s/(.*)\^(.*)/$2/g;    # Remove Server
+                push @canalesvoicemail, $canal;
+            }
+        }
+        foreach my $canal (@canalesvoicemail) {
+            $unico_id = $canal;
+            $canalid  = $canal . "-XXXX";
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{"Waiting"} ) ) {
+                $estado_final = "voicemail";
+                $texto        = $hash_temporal{"Waiting"};
+                #$texto        = 1;
+                if ( $texto eq "1" ) {
+                    # If it has new voicemail, ask for mailboxcount
+                    send_command_to_manager( "Action: MailboxCount\r\nMailbox: $hash_temporal{Mailbox}\r\n\r\n",
+                        $socket, 0, $astmanproxy_server );
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                $estado_final = "voicemailcount";
+                my $nuevos = $hash_temporal{"NewMessages"};
+                my $viejos = $hash_temporal{"OldMessages"};
+                $texto   = "&newold,$nuevos,$viejos";
+                $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+            }
+            push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id-$server|$canalid";
+        }
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "link" ) {
+        my $uniqueid1 = $hash_temporal{"Uniqueid1"};
+        my $uniqueid2 = $hash_temporal{"Uniqueid2"};
+        if ( $uniqueid1 !~ /-\d+$/ ) {
+            $uniqueid1 .= "-" . $server;
+        }
+        if ( $uniqueid2 !~ /-\d+$/ ) {
+            $uniqueid2 .= "-" . $server;
+        }
+        my $channel1 = $hash_temporal{"Channel1"};
+        my $channel2 = $hash_temporal{"Channel2"};
+        log_debug( "$heading DATOS de $uniqueid1 { link } en $channel2", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        log_debug( "$heading DATOS de $uniqueid2 { link } en $channel1", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        $datos{$uniqueid1}{"Link"} = $channel2;
+        $datos{$uniqueid2}{"Link"} = $channel1;
+        my ( $canal1, $sesion1 ) = separate_session_from_channel($channel1);
+        my ( $canal2, $sesion2 ) = separate_session_from_channel($channel2);
+        my $channel1conses = $channel1;
+        if ( $channel1 !~ /${sesion1}$/ ) {
+            $channel1conses = "$canal1-$sesion1";
+        }
+        my $channel2conses = $channel2;
+        if ( $channel2 !~ /${sesion2}$/ ) {
+            my $channel2conses = "$canal2-$sesion2";
+        }
+        # push @return, "$canal1|link|$canal2|$uniqueid2|${canal1}-XXXX";
+        # delete $datos{$unico_id};
+        # print "3 BORRO datos $unico_id \n";
+        $evento       = "";
+        $canal        = $canal1;
+        $estado_final = "ocupado7";    # 7 for linked channel, start billing
+        if ( exists( $parked{"$server^$channel1"} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading EXISTE parked{$server^$channel1} ", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $parkexten = $parked{"$server^$channel1"};
+            delete $parked{"$server^$channel1"};
+            push @return, "PARK/$parkexten|corto||YYYY-$server|$channel1conses";
+            push @return, "$canal1|ocupado5||$uniqueid1|$channel1conses";
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading NO EXISTE parked{$server^$channel1}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        if ( exists( $parked{"$server^$channel2"} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading EXISTE parked{$server^$channel2} ", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            log_debug( "$heading SI EXISTE!",                        128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $parkexten = $parked{"$server^$channel2"};
+            delete $parked{"$server^$channel2"};
+            push @return, "PARK/$parkexten|corto||YYYY-$server|$channel2conses";
+            push @return, "$canal2|ocupado5||$uniqueid2|$channel2conses";
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading NO EXISTE parked{$server^$channel2}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        my $clid1 = "";
+        my $clid2 = "";
+        if ( defined( $datos{$uniqueid2}{"Callerid"} ) ) {
+            $clid1 = $datos{$uniqueid2}{"Callerid"};
+        }
+        if ( defined( $datos{$uniqueid2}{"CallerID"} ) ) {
+            $clid1 = $datos{$uniqueid2}{"CallerID"};
+        }
+        if ( defined( $datos{$uniqueid1}{"Callerid"} ) ) {
+            $clid2 = $datos{$uniqueid1}{"Callerid"};
+        }
+        if ( defined( $datos{$uniqueid1}{"CallerID"} ) ) {
+            $clid2 = $datos{$uniqueid1}{"CallerID"};
+        }
+        if ( $clid1 ne "" && $channel2 ne "" ) {
+            my $clid_with_format = format_clid( $clid1, $clid_format );
+            push @return, "$canal1|settext|[$clid_with_format]|$uniqueid1|$channel1conses";
+        }
+        if ( $clid2 ne "" && $channel1 ne "" ) {
+            my $clid_with_format = format_clid( $clid2, $clid_format );
+            push @return, "$canal2|settext|[$clid_with_format]|$uniqueid2|$channel2conses";
+        }
+        push @return, "$canal1|setlink|$channel2|$uniqueid1|$channel1conses";
+        push @return, "$canal2|setlink|$channel1|$uniqueid2|$channel2conses";
+        $evento = "";    #NEW
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "unlink" ) {
+        my $uniqueid1 = $hash_temporal{Uniqueid1};
+        my $uniqueid2 = $hash_temporal{Uniqueid2};
+        my $channel1  = $hash_temporal{Channel1};
+        my $channel2  = $hash_temporal{Channel2};
+        my ( $canal1, $sesion1 ) = separate_session_from_channel($channel1);
+        my ( $canal2, $sesion2 ) = separate_session_from_channel($channel2);
+        my $channel1conses = $channel1;
+        if ( $channel1 !~ /${sesion1}$/ ) {
+            my $channel1conses = "$canal1-$sesion1";
+        }
+        my $channel2conses = $channel2;
+        if ( $channel2 !~ /${sesion2}$/ ) {
+            my $channel2conses = "$canal2-$sesion2";
+        }
+        log_debug( "$heading Unlink $canal1 and $canal2", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        $evento = "";
+        $estado_final = "unsetlink";
+        $canal        = $canal1;
+        my $boton1 = 0;
+        my $boton2 = 0;
+        for my $mnroboton ( keys %sesbot ) {
+            foreach my $msesion ( @{ $sesbot{$mnroboton} } ) {
+                if ( $msesion eq $channel1 ) {
+                    $boton1 = $mnroboton;
+                }
+                if ( $msesion eq $channel2 ) {
+                    $boton2 = $mnroboton;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        #push @return, "$boton1|unsetlink|$boton2|$uniqueid1|$channel2";
+        #push @return, "$boton2|unsetlink|$boton1|$uniqueid2|$channel1";
+        push @return, "$canal1|unsetlink|$channel2|$uniqueid1-$server|$channel1conses";
+        push @return, "$canal2|unsetlink|$channel1|$uniqueid2-$server|$channel2conses";
+        $evento = "";    #NEW
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "rename" ) {
+        my $nuevo_nombre = "";
+        my $viejo_nombre = "";
+        log_debug( "$heading RENAME Event", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        $evento = "";
+        while ( ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+            if ( $key =~ /newname/i ) {
+                $nuevo_nombre = $val;
+            }
+            if ( $key =~ /oldname/i ) {
+                $viejo_nombre = $val;
+            }
+        }
+        log_debug( "$heading RENAME $viejo_nombre por $nuevo_nombre (id $unico_id)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        if ( $nuevo_nombre =~ /<ZOMBIE>/ ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading $nuevo_nombre, asterisk bug, sometimes misses the hangup, so we fake it", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+            my ( $canalnuevo, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel($nuevo_nombre);
+            push @return, "$canalnuevo|corto||$unico_id|$nuevo_nombre";
+        }
+        # Directamente borra la sesion que se debe renombrar
+        #if ( ( $nuevo_nombre !~ /</ ) && ( $viejo_nombre !~ /</ ) ) {
+        my @final = ();
+        # A rename means that the channel was masqueraded, or going somewhere else
+        # we dont want to fiddle with sesbot variables. Because the new/old names
+        # maybe we want to REMOVE the old name from sesbot
+        for my $mnroboton ( keys %sesbot ) {
+            @final = ();
+            foreach my $msesion ( @{ $sesbot{$mnroboton} } ) {
+                if ( $msesion ne $viejo_nombre ) {
+                    push @final, $msesion;
+                }
+            }
+            $sesbot{$mnroboton} = [@final];
+        }
+        # We need to remove the channel from the cola hash
+        $cola->{$nuevo_nombre} = $cola->{$viejo_nombre};
+        delete $cola->{$viejo_nombre};
+        for my $mnroboton ( keys %linkbot ) {
+            @final = ();
+            foreach my $msesion ( @{ $linkbot{$mnroboton} } ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading RENAME iteracion cada linkbot($mnroboton)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                if ( $msesion ne $viejo_nombre ) {
+                    push @final, $msesion;
+                    log_debug( "$heading RENAME dejo $msesion en linkbot($mnroboton)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                }
+                else {
+                    &print_sesbot(20);
+                    log_debug( "$heading RENAME viejo $viejo_nombre no va, en realidad va $nuevo_nombre", 32 )
+                      if DEBUG;
+                    push @final, $nuevo_nombre;
+                    $estado_final = "setlink";
+                    my $botoncambiado = $buttons{"$mnroboton"};
+                    log_debug( "$heading RENAME buttons($mnroboton)",       32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    log_debug( "$heading RENAME sesbot($botoncambiado)[0]", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    my $canalcambiado = $sesbot{$botoncambiado}[0];
+                    if ( defined($canalcambiado) ) {
+                        my ( $canalito, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel($canalcambiado);
+                        push @return, "$canalito|$estado_final|$nuevo_nombre|$unico_id|$canalcambiado";
+                        ( $canalito, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel($nuevo_nombre);
+                        push @return, "$canalito|$estado_final|$canalcambiado|$unico_id|$nuevo_nombre";
+                        $canal = $canalito;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $linkbot{$mnroboton} = [@final];
+        }
+        for $quehay ( keys %datos ) {
+            while ( ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$quehay} } ) ) {
+                if ( ( $key eq "Channel" ) && ( $val eq $viejo_nombre ) ) {
+                    $datos{"$quehay"}{"$key"} = $nuevo_nombre;
+                    log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($quehay){ $key } = $nuevo_nombre", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for $quehay ( keys %parked ) {
+            if ( $quehay eq "$server^$viejo_nombre" ) {
+                $parked{"$server^$nuevo_nombre"} = $parked{"$quehay"};
+                delete $parked{"$quehay"};
+                my ( $rcanal, $rses ) = separate_session_from_channel($nuevo_nombre);
+                $texto = "&parked," . $parked{"$server^$nuevo_nombre"} . "&";
+                push @return, "$rcanal|ocupado3|$texto|$unico_id|$nuevo_nombre";
+            }
+        }
+        $evento = "";    #NEW
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "peerstatus" ) {
+        my $tiempo = 0;
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{Peer};
+        $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        $state = $hash_temporal{PeerStatus};
+        if ( defined $hash_temporal{Time} ) {
+            $tiempo = $hash_temporal{Time};
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Registered" ) {
+            $estado_final = "registrado";
+            $texto        = "&registered";
+        }
+        elsif ( $state eq "Reachable" ) {
+            $estado_final = "registrado";
+            $texto        = "&reachable,$tiempo";
+        }
+        elsif ( $state eq "Unreachable" ) {
+            $estado_final = "unreachable";
+            $texto        = "&unreachable,$tiempo";
+        }
+        elsif ( $state eq "Lagged" ) {
+            $estado_final = "noregistrado";
+            $texto        = "&lagged,$tiempo";
+        }
+        $canalid = $canal . "-XXXX";
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "extensionstatus" ) {
+        $canal = $hash_temporal{"Exten"};
+        $canal =~ s/(\d+)/SCCP\/$1/g;
+        $state = $hash_temporal{"Status"};
+        if ( $hash_temporal{"Status"} == 0 ) {
+            $estado_final = "registrado";
+            $texto        = "&registered";
+        }
+        elsif ( $hash_temporal{"Status"} == 4 ) {
+            $estado_final = "unreachable";
+            $texto        = "&unreachable";
+        }
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "status" ) {
+        $evento = "";
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "statuscomplete" ) {
+        # When done with the status retrieval, generate events to send to
+        # flash clients. Do it only when finishing receiving status from
+        # all asterisk servers monitored
+        my @ids = ();
+        if ( keys(%datos) ) {
+            my $hay_activos = 0;
+            for ( keys %datos ) {
+                my $ignorame       = 0;
+                my @pedazote       = split( /-/, $_ );
+                my $current_server = $pedazote[1];
+                if ( "$server" ne "$current_server" ) {
+                    next;
+                }
+                log_debug( "$heading STATUSCOMPLETE datos { $_ }", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                push @ids, $_;
+                my $myevent = "Newexten";
+                while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$_} } ) ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading STATUSCOMPLETE datos { $key } = $val", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                    if ( defined($val) ) {
+                        $hay_activos = 1;
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{$key} = $val;
+                        if ( $key eq "Extension" ) {
+                            $myevent = "Ring";
+                            $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{Origin} = "true";
+                        }
+                        if ( $key eq "Channel" ) {
+                            if ( $timeouts{$val} ) {
+                                $datos{$_}{Timeout} = $timeouts{$val};
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $key eq "Link" && $val =~ /^Agent/ ) {
+                            $ignorame = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $hay_activos == 1 ) {
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Event"} = $myevent;
+                    if ( $ignorame == 1 ) {
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Event"} = "Ignoreme-Bad-CLID";
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"State"} = "Ignoreme";
+                    }
+                    log_debug( "$heading fake bloque de $fakecounter (evento) lo pongo en $myevent", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $fakecounter++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading En statuscomplete datos esta vacio!", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        foreach my $valor (@ids) {
+            log_debug( "$heading foreach statuscomplete $valor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( exists( $datos{"$valor"} ) ) {
+                if ( exists( $datos{"$valor"}{Link} ) ) {
+                    if ( $datos{"$valor"}{Link} !~ /^Agent/ ) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading datos de $valor tiene defined Link genero un Fake bloque", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                        my $channel1 = $datos{$valor}{"Channel"};
+                        my $channel2 = $datos{$valor}{"Link"};
+                        my $unique1  = $datos{$valor}{"Uniqueid"};
+                        my $unique2  = find_uniqueid( $channel2, $server );
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Event"}     = "Link";
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Channel1"}  = $channel1;
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Channel2"}  = $channel2;
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Uniqueid1"} = $unique1;
+                        $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"Uniqueid2"} = $unique2;
+                        while ( my ( $quey, $vail ) = each( %{ $fake_bloque[$fakecounter] } ) ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading FAKEBLOQUE contiene $quey = $vail", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        $fakecounter++;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        log_debug( "$heading datos de $valor linked to Agent, IGNORE", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( exists( $datos{"$valor"}{"Timeout"} ) ) {
+                    my $calltimeout = $datos{"$valor"}{"Timeout"} - time();
+                    $fake_bloque[$fakecounter]{"ActionID"} = "timeout|$datos{$valor}{'Channel'}|$calltimeout";
+                    $fakecounter++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $evento = "";    #NEW (estaba comentado)
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "fakeismeetmemember" ) {
+        my @bot1 = ();
+        my $bot2 = 0;
+        $estado_final = "meetmeuser";
+        $texto        = $hash_temporal{"Usernum"} . "," . $hash_temporal{"Meetme"};
+        my ( $chan1, $nada1 ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{'Channel'} );
+        push @return, "$hash_temporal{'Meetme'}|setlink|$hash_temporal{'Channel'}||$hash_temporal{'Channel'}";
+        push @return, "$chan1|setlink|$hash_temporal{'Meetme'}||$hash_temporal{'Channel'}";
+        $evento = "";    #NEW
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "newexten" ) {
+        # If its a new extension without state, defaults to 'Up'
+        if ( !defined( $datos{$unico_id}{'State'} ) && $fill_datos ) {
+            $datos{$unico_id}{'State'} = "Up";
+            log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($unico_id){ State } = Up", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        # If its a parked channel, set the PARK button to 'Down'
+        if ( exists( $parked{"$server^$canalid"} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading EXISTE parked{$server^$canalid}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $parkexten = $parked{"$server^$canalid"};
+            delete $parked{"$server^$canalid"};
+            push @return, "PARK/$parkexten|corto||YYYY-$server|$canalid";
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading NO EXISTE parked{$server^$canalid}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "hangup" ) {
+        if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id} ) ) {
+            $datos{$unico_id}{'State'} = "Down";
+            log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($unico_id){ State } = down", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        else {
+            $hash_temporal{'State'} = "Down";
+        }
+        # Look if the channel was parked and clear that button too
+        if ( exists( $parked{"$server^$canalid"} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading 2 EXISTE parked{$server^$canalid}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $parkexten = $parked{"$server^$canalid"};
+            delete $parked{"$server^$canalid"};
+            push @return, "PARK/$parkexten|corto||YYYY-$server|$canalid";
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading NO EXISTE parked{$server^$canalid}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "unparkedcall" ) {
+        my $channel1 = $hash_temporal{"Channel"};
+        if ( exists( $parked{"$server^$channel1"} ) ) {
+            my $unidchan = find_uniqueid( $hash_temporal{'Channel'}, $server );
+            log_debug( "$heading EXISTE parked{$server^$channel1} ", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $parkexten = $parked{"$server^$channel1"};
+            delete $parked{"$server^$channel1"};
+            push @return, "PARK/$parkexten|corto||YYYY-$server|$channel1";
+            my ( $canal1, $sesion1 ) = separate_session_from_channel($channel1);
+            push @return, "$canal1|ocupado5||$unidchan|$channel1";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "parkedcall" ) {
+        $texto        = "&parked," . $hash_temporal{'Exten'} . "&";
+        $estado_final = "ocupado3";
+        my ( $canal, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel( $hash_temporal{'Channel'} );
+        my $textid   = "";
+        my $timeout  = "";
+        my $unidchan = find_uniqueid( $hash_temporal{'Channel'}, $server );
+        $textid = $datos{$unidchan}{'Callerid'}
+          if ( defined( $datos{$unidchan}{'Callerid'} ) );
+        $textid = $datos{$unidchan}{'CallerID'}
+          if ( defined( $datos{$unidchan}{'CallerID'} ) );
+        $timeout = "(" . $hash_temporal{'Timeout'} . ")";
+        $textid =~ s/\"//g;
+        $textid =~ s/\<//g;
+        $textid =~ s/\>//g;
+        push @return, "$canal|ocupado3|$texto|$unidchan|$canalid";
+        push @return, "PARK/$hash_temporal{'Exten'}|park|[$textid]$timeout|$hash_temporal{'Timeout'}-$server|$hash_temporal{'Channel'}";
+        log_debug( "$heading pongo parked($server^$hash_temporal{'Channel'}) en $hash_temporal{'Exten'}", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        $parked{"$server^$hash_temporal{'Channel'}"} = $hash_temporal{'Exten'};
+        $evento = "";    #NEW
+    }
+    if ( $evento eq "newcallerid" ) {
+        $estado_final = "setstatus";
+        $state        = "Newcallerid";
+        my $save_clidnum  = "";
+        my $save_clidname = "";
+        if ( defined( $hash_temporal{'CallerIDName'} ) ) {
+            $save_clidnum  = $hash_temporal{'CallerID'};
+            $save_clidname = $hash_temporal{'CallerIDName'};
+        }
+        elsif ( defined( $hash_temporal{'CalleridName'} ) ) {
+            $save_clidnum  = $hash_temporal{'Callerid'};
+            $save_clidname = $hash_temporal{'CalleridName'};
+        }
+        else {
+            ( $save_clidnum, $save_clidname ) = split_callerid( $hash_temporal{'CallerID'} );
+        }
+        $saved_clidnum{"$server^$hash_temporal{'Channel'}"}  = $save_clidnum;
+        $saved_clidname{"$server^$hash_temporal{'Channel'}"} = $save_clidname;
+    }
+    # From now on, we only look for the State of the datos block
+    # Dont check for $evento bellow this line!
+    if ( $evento ne "" ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading Event $evento, canal '$canal'", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        # De acuerdo a los datos de la extension genera
+        # la linea con info para el flash
+        $elemento = $canalid;
+        if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id} ) ) {
+            if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{'Channel'} ) ) {
+                $elemento = $datos{$unico_id}{'Channel'};
+                # Old IAX naming convention
+                if ( $elemento =~ /^IAX2\[/ && $elemento =~ /\@/ ) {
+                    # The channel is IAX2 and has the @context
+                    # I will remove the @context/host because it varies
+                    $elemento =~ s/IAX2\[(.*)@(.*)\](.*)/IAX2\[$1\]$3/g;
+                }
+                if ( $elemento =~ /^IAX2\// && $elemento =~ /\@/ ) {
+                    $elemento =~ s/IAX2\/(.*)@(.*)\/(.*)/IAX2\/$1\/$3/g;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        ( $canal, $sesion ) = separate_session_from_channel($elemento);
+        if ( defined($canal) ) {
+            $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading canal not defined!! END $elemento", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%hash_temporal) ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading hash_temporal $key = $val", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        if ( $canal =~ m/^Local/i ) {    # ZZ nico
+                                         # return;
+        }
+        if ( defined($sesion) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading canal $canal sesion $sesion", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id} ) ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading EXISTE datos($unico_id) ", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{'Extension'} ) ) {
+                $exten = $datos{$unico_id}{'Extension'};
+            }
+            if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{'State'} ) ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading EXISTE datos($unico_id){state}", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                $state = $datos{$unico_id}{'State'};
+            }
+            if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{'Callerid'} ) ) {
+                $clid = $datos{$unico_id}{'Callerid'};
+            }
+            if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{'CallerID'} ) ) {
+                $clid = $datos{$unico_id}{'CallerID'};
+            }
+            if ( $clid ne "" ) {
+                ( $clidnum, $clidname ) = split_callerid($clid);
+            }
+            if ( exists( $datos{$unico_id}{'CallerIDName'} ) ) {
+                $clidname = $datos{$unico_id}{'CallerIDName'};
+            }
+            # The ones below are for catching the callerid from the
+            # Dial event on CVS-HEAD
+            if ( exists( $remote_callerid{"$server^$canalid"} ) ) {
+                $clidnum = $remote_callerid{"$server^$canalid"};
+            }
+            if ( exists( $remote_callerid_name{"$server^$canalid"} ) ) {
+                $clidname = $remote_callerid_name{"$server^$canalid"};
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading NO EXISTE datos($unico_id)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "" ) {
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{'State'} ) ) {
+                $state = $hash_temporal{'State'};
+            }
+            else {
+                $state = "";
+            }
+        }
+        my $clid_with_format = format_clid( $clidnum, $clid_format );
+        if ( $state eq "Ringing" ) {
+            my $ret = "";
+            if ( $clidnum ne "" ) {
+                my $base64_clidnum = encode_base64( $clidnum . " " );
+                $ret = "$canal|clidnum|$base64_clidnum|$unico_id|$hash_temporal{'Channel'}";
+                push @return, $ret;
+            }
+            if ( defined($clidname) ) {
+                my $base64_clidname = encode_base64( $clidname . " " );
+                $ret = "$canal|clidname|$base64_clidname|$unico_id|$hash_temporal{'Channel'}";
+                push @return, $ret;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Rsrvd" ) {
+            $state = "Ring";
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Ring" ) {
+            $texto                      = "&calling";
+            $estado_final               = "ring";
+            $datos{$unico_id}{'Origin'} = "true";
+            log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($unico_id){ Origin } = true", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Dialing" ) {
+            $texto        = "&dialing";
+            $estado_final = "ring";
+            if ( $canal =~ /^OH323/ ) {
+                # OH323 use a random channel name when Dialing
+                # that later changes its name. So we just discard
+                # this event/name to avoid getting Dialing channels
+                # foerever (because we never receive a Down status)
+                $estado_final = "";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "OffHook" ) {
+            $texto                      = "&calling";
+            $estado_final               = "ring";
+            $datos{$unico_id}{'Origin'} = "true";
+            log_debug( "$heading POPULATES datos($unico_id){ Origin } = true", 128 );
+        }
+        if ( $state =~ /^UNK/ ) {
+            $texto        = "&notregistered";
+            $estado_final = "noregistrado";
+            $unico_id     = "YYYY-$server";
+            if ( $canalid !~ /(.*)-XXXX$/ ) {
+                $canalid = $canalid .= "-XXXX";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $state =~ /^UNR/ ) {
+            $texto        = "&unreachable";
+            $estado_final = "unreachable";
+            $unico_id     = "YYYY-$server";
+            if ( $canalid !~ /(.*)-XXXX$/ ) {
+                $canalid = $canalid .= "-XXXX";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $state =~ /^Unm/ ) {
+            $texto        = "&registered";
+            $estado_final = "registrado";
+            $unico_id     = "YYYY-$server";
+            if ( $canalid !~ /(.*)-XXXX$/ ) {
+                $canalid = $canalid .= "-XXXX";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $state =~ /^OK/ ) {
+            $texto        = "&registered";
+            $estado_final = "registrado";
+            $unico_id     = "YYYY-$server";
+            if ( $canalid !~ /(.*)-XXXX$/ ) {
+                $canalid = $canalid .= "-XXXX";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Newcallerid" ) {
+            $texto = "&incoming,[" . $clid_with_format . "]";
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Ringing" ) {
+            $texto        = "&incoming,[" . $clid_with_format . "]";
+            $estado_final = "ringing";
+        }
+        if ( $state eq "Down" ) {
+            if ( $evento eq "hangup" ) {
+                # Solo nos interesa mandar a flash los down por hangup
+                # para evitar enviar eventos redundantes
+                $estado_final = "corto";
+                if ( $agent_status == 1 ) {
+                    if ( exists( $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canal"} ) || exists( $reverse_agents{$canal} ) ) {
+                        push @return, "$canal|isagent|0|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            delete $timeouts{$canalid};
+            delete $remote_callerid{"$server^$canalid"};
+            delete $remote_callerid_name{"$server^$canalid"};
+            delete $saved_clidname{"$server^$canalid"};
+            delete $saved_clidnum{"$server^$canalid"};
+            #erase_instances_for_trunk_buttons($canalsesion);
+        }
+        my $exclude    = 0;
+        my $exten_clid = "";
+        if ( $state eq "Up" ) {
+            if ( $exten ne "" ) {
+                if ( is_number($exten) ) {
+                    $exten_clid = format_clid( $exten, $clid_format );
+                    if ( defined( $saved_clidnum{"$server^$canalid"} ) ) {
+                        $exten_clid = format_clid( $saved_clidnum{"$server^$canalid"}, $clid_format );
+                    }
+                    if ($clid_privacy) {
+                        $exten_clid = "n/a";
+                    }
+                    $conquien = "[" . $exten_clid . "]";
+                }
+                else {
+                    if ( length($exten) == 1 ) {
+                        $conquien = $exten;
+                        $exclude  = 1;        # We ignore events that have letter extensions 's', 'h', etc
+                        $exclude  = 0;        # Do we? UserEvent fake events dont work if we ignore them
+                        log_debug( "$heading CLID is not a number! $exten", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $conquien = $exten;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                $conquien = $clid_with_format;
+            }
+            if ( defined( $hash_temporal{'Seconds'} ) ) {
+                # $conquien .= " (" . $hash_temporal{'Seconds'} . ")";
+                push @return, "$canal|settimer|$hash_temporal{'Seconds'}\@UP|$unico_id|$canalid";
+                push @return, "$canal|state|busy|$unico_id|$canalid";
+            }
+            if ( defined( $datos{$unico_id}{'Origin'} ) ) {
+                if ( $datos{$unico_id}{'Origin'} eq "true" ) {
+                    if ( $exclude == 1 ) {
+                        $texto = "skip";
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $texto = "&calling,[$exten_clid]";
+                    }
+                    $estado_final = "ocupado2";    # 2 for origin button
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                $texto        = "&incoming,[$conquien]";
+                $estado_final = "ocupado1";                # 1 for destination button
+            }
+        }
+        # Remove special character from Caller ID string
+        $texto =~ s/\"/'/g;
+        $texto =~ s/</[/g;
+        $texto =~ s/>/]/g;
+        $texto =~ s/\|/ /g;
+        push @return, "$canal|$estado_final|$texto|$unico_id|$canalid";
+    }
+    @return = unique(@return);
+    my $cuantos = $#return + 1;
+    log_debug( "$heading returns $cuantos", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    foreach (@return) {
+        log_debug( "$heading END SUB returns $_", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 );
+    return @return;
+sub local_channels_are_driving_me_mad {
+    # This tidbit checks if the channel is Local and we happen to have a regular
+    # channel button with the same ext @ context, if so, we replace the Local
+    # !$##@ channel to the regular/basic channel.
+    my $server = shift;
+    my $canal  = shift;
+    my @return = ();
+    log_debug( "** LOCAL_CHANNELS entra server $server canal $canal", 32 );
+    if ( $canal =~ /^Local/i ) {
+        my $local_channel = $canal;
+        $local_channel =~ s/Local\///gi;
+        if ( defined( $extension_transfer_reverse{"$server^$local_channel"} ) ) {
+            if ( $extension_transfer_reverse{"$server^$local_channel"} !~ /\d+\^CLID/ ) {
+                # We dont want to return CLID buttons
+                $canal = $extension_transfer_reverse{"$server^$local_channel"};
+                if ( $canal =~ /(\d+)\^(.*)/ ) {
+                    $server = $1;
+                    $canal  = $2;
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                log_debug( "** LOCAL_CHANNELS ignoro el CLID button $canal", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Remove &context from $canal
+    $canal =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+    #	if( $canal =~ m/^CLID/ ) {
+    #   		my $extr = $extension_transfer{"$server^$canal"};
+    #		$extr =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+    #		$canal = "Local/$extr";
+    #	}
+    log_debug( "** LOCAL_CHANNELS devuelvo $server canal $canal", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    push @return, $server;
+    push @return, $canal;
+    return @return;
+sub digest_event_block {
+    my $bleque             = shift;
+    my $tipo               = shift;
+    my $socket             = shift;
+    my $astmanproxy_server = shift;
+    my @blique             = @$bleque;
+    my @respuestas         = ();
+    my $canal              = "";
+    my $quehace            = "";
+    my $dos                = "";
+    my $uniqueid           = "";
+    my $canalid            = "";
+    my $quehay             = "";
+    my @mensajes           = ();
+    my $interno            = "";
+    my $todo               = "";
+    my @mensajefinal;
+    my $cuantas;
+    my $server = 0;
+    my %cambiaron;
+    my $heading = "** DIGEST_EVENT:";
+    $tab = $tab . "\t" if DEBUG;
+    log_debug( "$heading start", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    @fake_bloque = ();
+    delete $datos{""};
+    foreach my $blaque (@blique) {
+        if (DEBUG) {
+            if ( $tipo eq "fake" ) {
+                $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 );
+                my $totdebug = "";
+                while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{$blaque} ) ) {
+                    if ( $key ne "" ) {
+                        $totdebug .= sprintf( "%-15s <- %s\n", "fake", "$key: $val" );
+                    }
+                }
+                log_debug( $totdebug, 1 );
+                $tab = $tab . "\t";
+            }
+        }
+        @mensajes = procesa_bloque( $blaque, $socket, $astmanproxy_server );
+        foreach my $mensaje (@mensajes) {
+            if ( defined($mensaje) && $mensaje ne "" ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading GOT $mensaje", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                delete $datos{""};    # Erase the hash with no uniqueid
+                ( $canal, $quehace, $dos, $uniqueid, $canalid ) =
+                  split( /\|/, $mensaje );
+                if ( !defined($dos) )     { $dos     = ""; }
+                if ( !defined($quehace) ) { $quehace = ""; }
+                if ( $canal =~ /\/PSEUDO/ ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading Ignoring pseudo channel $canal", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    next;
+                }
+                if ( $dos eq "skip" ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading SALTEO $canal tiene skip", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    next;
+                }
+                if ( $quehace eq "" ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading SALTEO $canal no tiene quehace", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    next;
+                }
+                log_debug( "$heading canal:    $canal",    32 ) if DEBUG;
+                log_debug( "$heading quehace:  $quehace",  32 ) if DEBUG;
+                log_debug( "$heading dos:      $dos",      32 ) if DEBUG;
+                log_debug( "$heading uniqueid: $uniqueid", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                log_debug( "$heading canalid:  $canalid",  32 ) if DEBUG;
+                #                if ( !defined($canal) )   { $canal   = ""; }
+                #                if ( !defined($quehace) ) { $quehace = ""; }
+                #                if ( !defined($dos) )     { $dos     = ""; }
+                $canalid =~ s/\s+//g;    # Removes whitespace from CHANNEL-ID
+                my $canalidzombie = $canalid;    # Removes whitespace from CHANNEL-ID
+                $canalid =~ s/(.*)<(.*)>/$1/g;   # discards ZOMBIE or MASQ
+                if ( $canal =~ /^vpb\//i ) {
+                    # For vpb channels, we fake a session number
+                    $canal = $canalid;
+                    $canal =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+                    $canalid = $canalid .= "-VPB1";
+                }
+                $server = $uniqueid;
+                $server =~ s/(.*)-(.*)/$2/g;
+                log_debug( "$heading Quehace $quehace", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                my $buttontext = $dos;
+                if ( $buttontext =~ /\Q[\E/ ) {
+                    $buttontext =~ s/.*\Q[\E(.*)\Q]\E.*/$1/g;
+                }
+                else {
+                    $buttontext = "";
+                }
+                my @canaleja = find_panel_buttons( $canal, $canalid, $server );
+                my $cuantos  = @canaleja;
+                if ( $quehace eq "corto" || $quehace eq "info" ) {
+                    # We collect the last state of the channel on hangup
+                    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$uniqueid} } ) ) {
+                        $todo .= "$key = $val\n"
+                          if ( $key ne "E" ) && ( defined($val) );
+                        log_debug( "$heading \tAgrego $key = $val", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                    $todo .= " ";
+                    $todo = encode_base64($todo);
+                    delete $datos{$uniqueid};
+                    delete $cola->{$canalidzombie};
+                    log_debug( "$heading erasing datos{$uniqueid}", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                    if ( $cuantos == 0 ) {
+                        # We delete all appeareance in sesbot because the channel without
+                        # a button might occupy one slot in sesbot. If we have a button
+                        # match then skip this step for later
+                        erase_all_sessions_from_channel( $canalid, $canal, $server );
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $quehace eq "queueremoved" ) {
+                    # Remove the agent from the agents_on_queue hash
+                    my $colita    = $dos;
+                    my @elementos = ();
+                    if ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) {
+                        # remove from agents_on_queue hash only if it has anything on it
+                        foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $agents_on_queue{"$server^$colita"} } ) {
+                            if ( $vvalor ne "$server^$canal" ) {
+                                push @elementos, $vvalor;
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                push @elementos, "!" . $vvalor;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        @{ $agents_on_queue{"$server^$colita"} } = @elementos;
+                    }
+                    #Remove cache hit to force find panel buttons to look for new positions
+                    foreach my $kkey ( keys %cache_hit ) {
+                        if ( $kkey =~ /^$canal/ ) {
+                            delete $cache_hit{$kkey};
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                my $dosoriginal = "";
+                foreach $canal (@canaleja) {
+                    log_debug( "",                                       32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    log_debug( "$heading canaleja LOOP; is $canal turn", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    if ( $dosoriginal ne "" ) {
+                        $dos = $dosoriginal;
+                    }
+                    # Try to find the text string in the lang conf hash
+                    if ( $dos =~ m/^\&/ ) {
+                        ( $dos, $dosoriginal, $buttontext ) = translate( $canal, $dos, $dosoriginal, $buttontext );
+                    }
+                    if ( !defined( $buttons{"$server^$canal"} ) ) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading \tNo tengo botones para $server^$canal, END FUNCTION", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                        for ( keys %buttons ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading \t\tKey $_", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        next;
+                    }
+                    # If its a REGEXP button, we have to ignore all events
+                    # except ocupado*, corto, setlink and unsetlink
+                    if ( $canal =~ /^_/ ) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading canal $canal es un WILD y quehace vale $quehace", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        if (   $quehace =~ /registr/
+                            || $quehace =~ /reacha/
+                            || $quehace =~ /^inf/ )
+                        {
+                            log_debug( "$heading IGNORO $quehace porque es un wildcard", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            next;
+                        }
+                        if (   $quehace !~ /^ocupado/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^corto/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^state/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^settext/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^setlabel/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^setlink/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^meetme/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^ring/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^settimer/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^clidnum/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^clidname/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^setstatus/
+                            && $quehace !~ /^unsetlink/ )
+                        {
+                            my ( $nada, $elcontexto ) = split( /\&/, $canal );
+                            if ( !defined($elcontexto) ) { $elcontexto = ""; }
+                            if ( $elcontexto ne "" ) {
+                                $elcontexto = "&" . $elcontexto;
+                            }
+                            my ( $canalsolo, $nrotrunk ) = split( /=/, $canal );
+                            $canal = $canalsolo . "=1" . $elcontexto;
+                            log_debug( "$heading quehace=$quehace, elijo el 1ero del trunk $canal", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            #next;
+                        }
+                        # If we have a wildcard button with changelabel
+                        # and change led_color (the 1 after changelabel)
+                        # change it so to not change the led color.
+                        if ( $quehace =~ /changelabel1/ ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading el wildcard tiene changelabel1, lo cambio por changelabel0!", 32 )
+                              if DEBUG;
+                            $quehace = "changelabel0";
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $canal ne "" ) {
+                        if ( $quehace eq 'corto' || $quehace eq 'info' ) {
+                            my @linked = erase_all_sessions_from_channel( $canalid, $canal, $server );
+                            push @linked, $canal;
+                            my $btnorinum = "";
+                            foreach my $canaleje (@linked) {
+                                if ( $canaleje =~ /\^/ ) {
+                                    $btnorinum = $buttons{$canaleje};
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                    $btnorinum = $buttons{"$server^$canaleje"};
+                                }
+                                log_debug( "$heading call GEN_LINKED 1", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                my $listabotones = generate_linked_buttons_list( $canaleje, $server );
+                                push @respuestas, "$btnorinum|linked|$listabotones";
+                            }
+                            delete $datos{$uniqueid};
+                            log_debug( "$heading REMOVING datos { $uniqueid }", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "setlink" ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading IF quehace = SETLINK", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            my ( $nada1, $contexto1 ) = split( /\&/, $canal );
+                            if ( !defined($contexto1) ) { $contexto1 = ""; }
+                            my $listabotones = "";
+                            if ( !defined( @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} } ) ) {
+                                push @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} }, "";
+                                pop @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} };
+                                log_debug( "$heading DEFINIENDO linkbot ($server^$canal)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            }
+                            my ( $canal1, $sesion1 ) = separate_session_from_channel($dos);
+                            my @linkbotones = find_panel_buttons( $canal1, $dos, $server );
+                            foreach (@linkbotones) {
+                                my ( $nada2, $contexto2 ) = split( /\&/, $_ );
+                                if ( !defined($contexto2) ) { $contexto2 = ""; }
+                                if ( $contexto1 eq $contexto2 ) {
+                                    push @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} }, $dos;
+                                    log_debug( "$heading AGREGO a linkbot{ $server^$canal} el valor $dos", 32 )
+                                      if DEBUG;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            #my %seen = ();
+                            #my @uniq =
+                            #  grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} };
+                            #$linkbot{"$server^$canal"} = \@uniq;
+                            my @uniq = unique( @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} } );
+                            $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} = \@uniq;
+                            foreach my $valorad (@uniq) {
+                                log_debug( "$heading linkbot ($server^$canal) = $valorad", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            }
+                            my $btnorinum = $buttons{"$server^$canal"};
+                            log_debug( "$heading llamo a GENERATE_LINKED", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            $listabotones = generate_linked_buttons_list( $canal, $server );
+                            push @respuestas, "$btnorinum|linked|$listabotones";
+                            $botonlinked{$btnorinum} = $listabotones;
+                            log_debug( "$heading linkeado con $listabotones", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            log_debug( "$heading ENDIF quehace = SETLINK",    32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "unsetlink" ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading IF quehace = UNSETLINK", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            my @final = ();
+                            foreach my $msesion ( @{ $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} } ) {
+                                if ( $msesion ne $dos ) {
+                                    push @final, $msesion;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $linkbot{"$server^$canal"} = [@final];
+                            log_debug( "$heading ENDIF quehace = UNSETLINK", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        $interno = $buttons{"$server^$canal"};
+                        $interno = "" if ( !defined($interno) );
+                        if ( $interno ne "" ) {
+                            if ( defined( $clid_private{$interno} ) && $clid_private{$interno} == 1 ) {
+                                if ( $dos =~ m/\[/ ) {
+                                    $dos =~ s/([^\[]*)?(\[.*\])/$1 \[n\/a\]/g;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "queueremoved" ) {
+                            delete $botonvoicemail{$interno};
+                            delete $botonvoicemailcount{$interno};
+                            delete $botonpark{$interno};
+                            delete $botonmeetme{$interno};
+                            delete $botonclid{$interno};
+                            delete $botonlinked{$interno};
+                            delete $botontimer{$interno};
+                            delete $botontimertype{$interno};
+                            delete $botonqueue_count{$interno};
+                            delete $botonqueue{$interno};
+                            delete $botonled{$interno};
+                            push @mensajefinal, "$interno|voicemail|0";
+                        }
+                        if ( $interno eq "" ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading NO HAY INTERNO buttons($server^$canal), ABORTO", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            next;
+                        }
+                        log_debug( "$heading EL INTERNO es $interno", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        if ( !defined( $laststatus{$interno} ) ) {
+                            $laststatus{$interno} = "";
+                        }
+                        if ( !defined( $estadoboton{$interno} ) ) {
+                            $estadoboton{$interno} = "";
+                        }
+                        # Mantains hash of arrays with sessions for each button number
+                        # %sesbot{key}=value where:
+                        #
+                        # key is the button number (anything after '@' is the panel context)
+                        # value is an array containing the sessions Eg: SIP/mary-43xZ
+                        #
+                        # The rename manager event also modifies this hash
+                        #
+                        # There are other hashes to maintain a 'view' of the status:
+                        #
+                        # %estadoboton{key}   = shows busy, free or ringing
+                        #
+                        if ( $canalid eq "" || $canalid =~ /zombie/i || $canalid =~ /(.*)-XXXX$/ ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading ATENCION canalid es $canalid, NO PROCESAR?", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            if ( $quehace eq "corto" ) {
+                                log_debug( "$heading CORTO interno $interno canal $canal", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                delete $botonpark{$interno};
+                                delete $botonmeetme{$interno};
+                                delete $botonclid{$interno};
+                                delete $botonlinked{$interno};
+                                delete $botontimer{$interno};
+                                delete $botontimertype{$interno};
+                                delete $togle_action{$interno};
+                                delete $togle_response{$interno};
+                                my $canalbotonreverse = $buttons_reverse{$interno};
+                                if ( $canal =~ /^_/ && $ren_wildcard == 1 ) {
+                                    push @respuestas, "$interno|changelabel0|labeloriginal";
+                                }
+                                delete $linkbot{$interno};
+                                delete $linkbot{$canalbotonreverse};
+                                if ( !defined( $sesbot{$interno} ) ) {
+                                    push @{ $sesbot{$interno} }, "";
+                                    pop @{ $sesbot{$interno} };
+                                }
+                                my $cuantos = @{ $sesbot{$interno} };
+                                if ( $cuantos == 0 ) {
+                                    log_debug( "$heading CORTO y SE DESOCUPO estadoboton($interno) = free, sesbot($interno) esta vacio",
+                                        32 )
+                                      if DEBUG;
+                                    $cambiaron{$interno}   = 1;
+                                    $estadoboton{$interno} = "free";
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                    log_debug( "$heading CORTO y SIGUE OCUPADO estadoboton($interno) = busy, sesbot($interno) tiene algo",
+                                        32 )
+                                      if DEBUG;
+                                    &print_sesbot(3);
+                                    if ( $laststatus{$interno} ne "busy|${buttontext}" ) {
+                                        $cambiaron{$interno} = 1;
+                                        push @respuestas, "$interno|state|busy";
+                                        # Justin from Fry's has prolems with callerid being cleared while a call is connected
+                                        # from a queue using Local channels, so commnet these out
+                                        #push @respuestas, "$interno|settext|";
+                                        #push @respuestas, "$interno|setstatus|";
+                                        $laststatus{$interno} = "busy|${buttontext}";
+                                        log_debug(
+                                            "$heading Y es distinto al ultimo estado $laststatus{$interno} ne $estadoboton{$interno}", 32 )
+                                          if DEBUG;
+                                    }
+                                    $estadoboton{$interno} = "busy|${buttontext}";
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                # quehace no es "corto"
+                                #
+                                # MAINTAINS SESBOT HASH
+                                if ( $canalid !~ /^Agent/ ) {
+                                    # settimer agent needs to be discarded
+                                    if ( !defined( @{ $sesbot{$interno} } ) ) {
+                                        push @{ $sesbot{$interno} }, "";
+                                        pop @{ $sesbot{$interno} };
+                                    }
+                                    push @{ $sesbot{$interno} }, "$canalid";
+                                    log_debug( "$heading AGREGO a sesbot($interno) el valor $canalid", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    my @uniq = unique( @{ $sesbot{$interno} } );
+                                    $sesbot{$interno} = [@uniq];
+                                    foreach my $vavi ( @{ $sesbot{$interno} } ) {
+                                        log_debug( "$heading sesbot($interno) tiene $vavi", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                        log_debug( "$heading --------------------",         32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( $canal =~ /^_/ && $quehace =~ /^ring/ ) {
+                                    log_debug( "$heading TENGO UN WILDCARD ORIGINANDO LLAMADO! $canal $quehace $canalid", 32 )
+                                      if DEBUG;
+                                    if ( $quehace eq "ring" ) {
+                                        # $quehace = "ocupado1";
+                                    }
+                                    if ( $ren_wildcard == 1 ) {
+                                        push @respuestas, "$interno|changelabel0|$canalid";
+                                        $botonlabel{$interno} = $canalid;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( $quehace eq "ringing" ) {
+                                    if ( $laststatus{$interno} ne "ringing|${buttontext}" ) {
+                                        $cambiaron{$interno} = 1;
+                                    }
+                                    $estadoboton{$interno} = "ringing|${buttontext}";
+                                    if ( $dos =~ m/(.*)?\[(.*)\].*?/ ) {
+                                        my $clidtext = $2;
+                                        $botonclid{$interno} = $clidtext;
+                                    }
+                                    # We dont want a timer when ringing - Local channels
+                                    # generate a previous state and timer
+                                    push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|0\@STOP";
+                                }
+                                elsif ( $quehace =~ /^ocupado/ ) {
+                                    if ( $laststatus{$interno} ne "busy|${buttontext}" ) {
+                                        $cambiaron{$interno} = 1;
+                                    }
+                                    $estadoboton{$interno} = "busy|${buttontext}";
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        log_debug( "$heading Continuo proceso...", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        if ( $quehace =~ /changelabel/ ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading quehace = changelabel", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            # Mantains state of label and led
+                            my $cambia_el_led = $quehace;
+                            $cambia_el_led =~ s/changelabel//g;
+                            my $labdos = "";
+                            if ( $canal =~ /^QUEUEAGENT/ ) {
+                                $labdos = $canalid;
+                                $labdos = substr( $labdos, 0, -5 );
+                                $labdos =~ s/(.*)\&(.*)/$1/g;
+                                if ( $labdos =~ m/^Agent/i && $ren_agentname == 1 ) {
+                                    $labdos =~ s/^Agent\///g;
+                                    if ( defined( $agents_name{"$server^$labdos"} ) ) {
+                                        $labdos = $agents_name{"$server^$labdos"};
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                $botonled{$interno} = $cambia_el_led;
+                                if ( defined( $botonlabelonly{$interno} ) ) {
+                                    $labdos = $botonlabelonly{$interno};
+                                }
+                                $botonlabel{$interno}     = $dos;
+                                $botonlabelonly{$interno} = $labdos;
+                                $agent_label{$canal}      = $dos;
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|setlabel|$labdos";
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                $botonled{$interno}   = $cambia_el_led;
+                                $botonlabel{$interno} = $dos;
+                                $agent_label{$canal}  = $dos;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "park" ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading quehace = park", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            $dos =~ m/(.*)\((.*)\)/;
+                            my $texto   = $1;
+                            my $timeout = $2;
+                            $timeout = time() + $timeout;
+                            $botonpark{$interno} = "$texto|$timeout";
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "meetmeuser" ) {
+                            $botonmeetme{$interno} = $dos;
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "infoqstat" ) {
+                            $botonqueue{$interno} = $dos;
+                        }
+                        elsif ( $quehace eq "infoqstat2" ) {
+                            $botonqueue_count{$interno} = $dos;
+                        }
+                        elsif ( $quehace =~ /info/ ) {
+                            my $mcola = $quehace;
+                            $mcola =~ s/^info//g;
+                            push @{ $botonqueuemember{$interno} }, "$mcola|$dos";
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "settext" ) {
+                            $botonclid{$interno} = $dos;
+                            push @respuestas, "$interno|settext|$dos";
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "setalpha" ) {
+                            $botonalpha{$interno} = $dos;
+                            push @respuestas, "$interno|setalpha|$dos";
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "flip" ) {
+                            push @respuestas, "$interno|flip|$dos";
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "setlabel" ) {
+                            if (   $dos ne "."
+                                && $dos ne "original"
+                                && $dos ne "labeloriginal" )
+                            {
+                                $botonsetlabel{$interno} = $dos;
+                                push @respuestas, "$interno|setlabel|$dos";
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "voicemail" ) {
+                            $botonvoicemail{$interno} = $dos;
+                        }
+                        if ( $quehace eq "voicemailcount" ) {
+                            $botonvoicemailcount{$interno} = $dos;
+                        }
+                        # linkbot{key} hash mantains the list of linked channels
+                        # for a button. key is the button number, the value is the
+                        # channel-session, like SIP/jose-AxiD
+                        if (   ( $quehace !~ /^corto/ )
+                            && ( $quehace !~ /^ocupado/ )
+                            && ( $quehace !~ /link/ ) )
+                        {
+                            $cambiaron{$interno} = 1;
+                            log_debug( "$heading es distinto de corto,ocupado,link pongo cambiaron=1", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        if ( !defined( $sesbot{$interno} ) ) {
+                            push @{ $sesbot{$interno} }, "";
+                            pop @{ $sesbot{$interno} };
+                        }
+                        if ( @{ $sesbot{$interno} } > 0 && $quehace eq 'corto' ) {
+                            log_debug( "$heading Still busy...sesbot($interno) is not empty,  ignoring hangup", 32 )
+                              if DEBUG;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            # This block is for the voicemail client
+                            if ( $quehace =~ "^voicemail" ) {
+                                my $canalsincontexto = $canal;
+                                $canalsincontexto =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$canalsincontexto\@$canalsincontexto|$quehace|$dos";
+                            }
+                            # This block is for the voicemail client, popups
+                            if ( $quehace =~ "^ringing" ) {
+                                my $canalsincontexto = $canal;
+                                $canalsincontexto =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                                my $calleridpop = $dos;
+                                $calleridpop =~ s/(.*)\Q[\E(.*)/$2/g;
+                                $calleridpop =~ s/\]//g;
+                                $calleridpop =~ s/\s+//g;
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$canalsincontexto\@$canalsincontexto|$quehace|$calleridpop";
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace eq "corto" ) {
+                                my $canalsincontexto = $canal;
+                                $canalsincontexto =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$canalsincontexto\@$canalsincontexto|$quehace|corto!";
+                            }
+                            my $quehace2 = $quehace;
+                            if ( $quehace2 eq "ring" ) {
+                                #$quehace2 = "ocupado";
+                            }
+                            next unless ( $quehace2 ne "setlink" );
+                            next unless ( $quehace2 ne "unsetlink" );
+                            log_debug( "$heading sigo quehace quehace2", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            if ( $quehace2 eq "isagent" && $dos == -1 ) {
+                                log_debug( "$heading quehace2 = isagent", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|changelabel1|original";
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|0\@STOP";
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settext|";
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|corto|";
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace2 eq "agentlogoff" ) {
+                                # clear the agent helper hashes. We do it here because we first need to map
+                                log_debug( "$heading quehace2 = agentlogoff", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                my $canalag = $canalid;
+                                $canalag = substr( $canalag, 0, -5 );
+                                if ( $canalag !~ /^Agent/ ) {
+                                    $canalag = "Agent/" . $canalag;
+                                }
+                                print_agents();
+                                my %temp_channel_to_agent = %channel_to_agent;
+                                while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%temp_channel_to_agent) ) {
+                                    if ( $val eq $canalag ) {
+                                        delete $channel_to_agent{$key};
+                                        log_debug( "$heading borro channel_to_agent($key)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                undef %temp_channel_to_agent;
+                                if ( defined( $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalag"} ) ) {
+                                    delete $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalag"};
+                                    log_debug( "$heading borro agent_to_channel($server^$canalag)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                                }
+                                $quehace2 = "corto";
+                                delete $estadoboton{$interno};
+                                delete $botonpark{$interno};
+                                delete $botonmeetme{$interno};
+                                delete $botonclid{$interno};
+                                delete $botonlinked{$interno};
+                                delete $botontimer{$interno};
+                                delete $botontimertype{$interno};
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace2 !~ /isagent/ && $quehace2 !~ /^agentlogoff/ ) {
+                                log_debug( "$heading pushing respuestas $interno|$quehace2|$dos", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                # Discard events that we dont want to send
+                                # to flash clients
+                                # "isagent". "agentlogoff"
+                                # everything else is pushed
+                                push @respuestas, "$interno|$quehace2|$dos";
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace2 =~ /ocupado/ ) {
+                                if ( $dos =~ m/(.*)?\[(.*)\].*?/ ) {
+                                    my $clidtext = $2;
+                                    $botonclid{$interno} = $clidtext;
+                                }
+                                #push @mensajefinal, "$interno|state|busy";
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|0\@UP";
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace2 eq "settimer" ) {
+                                my $tiempo = $dos;
+                                my $nada   = "";
+                                if ( $tiempo =~ /\@/ ) {
+                                    ( $tiempo, $nada ) = split( /\@/, $tiempo );
+                                }
+                                if ( $nada ne "" ) {
+                                    $botontimertype{$interno} = $nada;
+                                    $nada = "\@" . $nada;
+                                }
+                                $botontimer{$interno} = time() - $tiempo;
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|$tiempo$nada";
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace eq "ring" || $quehace eq "ocupado1" || $quehace eq "ocupado9" ) {
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|0\@UP";
+                                if ( !defined( $botontimer{$interno} ) ) {
+                                    $botontimer{$interno}     = time();
+                                    $botontimertype{$interno} = "UP";
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace2 eq "ring" ) {
+                                push @mensajefinal, "$interno|state|busy";
+                                #push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settext|$dos";
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace2 =~ /corto/ ) {
+                                log_debug( "$heading quehace2 corto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                my $canalsincontexto = $canal;
+                                $canalsincontexto =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                                $canalsincontexto =~ s/^AGENT/Agent/g;
+                                if (
+                                    (
+                                           exists( $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalsincontexto"} )
+                                        || exists( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canalsincontexto"} )
+                                        || exists( $is_agent{"$server^$canalsincontexto"} )
+                                        #  || ( $canalsincontexto =~ /^QUEUEAGENT/i )
+                                    )
+                                    && $agent_status == 1
+                                  )
+                                {
+                                    my $valip    = "";
+                                    my $iniagent = "";
+                                    if ( defined( $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalsincontexto"} ) ) {
+                                        $iniagent = $agent_to_channel{"$server^$canalsincontexto"};
+                                    }
+                                    elsif ( defined( $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canalsincontexto"} ) ) {
+                                        $iniagent = $channel_to_agent{"$server^$canalsincontexto"};
+                                    }
+                                    log_debug( "$heading quehace2 corto y es agente, pushing settimer y settext to idle", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    $botontimer{$interno}     = time();
+                                    $botontimertype{$interno} = "IDLE";
+                                    push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|0\@IDLE";
+                                    if ( exists( $boton_ip{"$iniagent-XXXX"} ) ) {
+                                        $valip = $boton_ip{"$iniagent-XXXX"};
+                                    }
+                                    if ( $valip eq "" ) { $valip = "Idle"; }
+                                    $botonclid{$interno} = $valip;
+                                    push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settext|$valip";
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                    my $valip = "";
+                                    log_debug( "$heading quehace2 corto, no es agente, pongo timer en cero", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    print_agents();
+                                    push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settimer|0\@STOP";
+                                    if ( defined( $boton_ip{"$canal-XXXX"} ) ) {
+                                        $valip = $boton_ip{"$canal-XXXX"};
+                                        push @mensajefinal, "$interno|settext|$valip";
+                                        $botonclid{$interno} = $valip;
+                                    }
+                                    else {
+                                        $botonclid{$interno} = "";
+                                    }
+                                    if ( defined( $botonalpha{$interno} ) ) {
+                                        if ( $botonalpha{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                                            push @mensajefinal, "$interno|setalpha|$botonalpha{$interno}";
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace eq "registrado" ) {
+                                if ( defined( $botonalpha{$interno} ) ) {
+                                    if ( $botonalpha{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                                        push @mensajefinal, "$interno|setalpha|50";
+                                    }
+                                    else {
+                                        push @mensajefinal, "$interno|setalpha|100";
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $quehace eq "registrado" || $quehace eq "noregistrado" || $quehace eq "unreachable" ) {
+                                $botonregistrado{$interno} = "$quehace|$dos";
+                            }
+                            log_debug( "$heading Agrego mensaje final $interno|$quehace2|$dos", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                            #if (defined($mensajefinal) && $interno ne "")
+                            $cuantas = @mensajefinal;
+                            if ( $cuantas > 0 && $interno ne "" ) {
+                                if ( exists $cambiaron{$interno} ) {
+                                    log_debug( "$heading Existe cambiaron($interno) = $cambiaron{$interno}", 32 )
+                                      if DEBUG;
+                                    #push(@respuestas, $mensajefinal);
+                                    foreach (@mensajefinal) {
+                                        push @respuestas, $_;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                    log_debug( "$heading No existe cambiaron($interno)", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    foreach (@mensajefinal) {
+                                        # If the last status was not modified, avoid sending info
+                                        # push @respuestas, $_;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                if ( $todo ne "" ) {
+                                    my $otromensajefinal = "$interno|info|$todo";
+                                    push( @respuestas, $otromensajefinal );
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        $laststatus{$interno} = $estadoboton{$interno};
+                    }
+                    else {    # endif canal distinto de nada
+                        log_debug( "$heading There is no command defined", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @respuestas = unique(@respuestas);
+    $cuantas    = $#respuestas + 1;
+    log_debug( "$heading end, return $cuantas", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    foreach my $valor (@respuestas) {
+        log_debug( "$heading END SUB: returns $valor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+    return @respuestas;
+sub translate {
+    my $canal       = shift;
+    my $dos         = shift;
+    my $dosoriginal = shift;
+    my $buttontext  = shift;
+    my @return;
+    # Try to find the text string in the lang conf hash
+    my $ctx = "";
+    if ( $canal =~ m/.*\&(.*)/ ) {
+        $ctx = $1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $ctx = "DEFAULT";
+    }
+    my ( $partstring, $varsub ) = split( /,/, $dos, 2 );
+    $partstring =~ s/&(.*)/$1/g;
+    if ( !defined($varsub) ) { $varsub = ""; }
+    my $traduc = $language->{$ctx}{$partstring};
+    if ( $varsub =~ m/.*&/ ) {
+        # Horrible hack, if variable ends in &, set the text
+        # between brackets so it will be displayed as a whole in the
+        # button's clid area
+        $varsub = substr( $varsub, 0, -1 );
+        my ( $var1, $var2 ) = split( /,/, $varsub );
+        $traduc =~ s/\$1/$var1/g if defined $var1;
+        $traduc =~ s/\$2/$var2/g if defined $var2;
+        $traduc =~ s/\$1//g;
+        $traduc =~ s/\$2//g;
+        $dosoriginal = $dos;
+        $dos         = "[" . $traduc . "]";
+        $buttontext  = $dos;
+    }
+    else {
+        my ( $var1, $var2 ) = split( /,/, $varsub );
+        $traduc =~ s/\$1/$var1/g if defined $var1 && $var1 ne "";
+        $traduc =~ s/\$2/$var2/g if defined $var2 && $var1 ne "";
+        $traduc =~ s/\$1//g;
+        $traduc =~ s/\$2//g;
+        $dosoriginal = $dos;
+        $dos         = $traduc;
+    }
+    push @return, $dos;
+    push @return, $dosoriginal;
+    push @return, $buttontext;
+    return @return;
+sub nonblock {
+    my $socket = shift;
+    my $flags;
+    $flags = fcntl( $socket, F_GETFL, 0 )
+      or die "Can't get flags for socket: $!\n";
+    fcntl( $socket, F_SETFL, $flags | O_NONBLOCK )
+      or die "Can't make socket nonblocking: $!\n";
+sub clean_inmemory_state_for_server {
+    my $server = shift;
+    my @botones_a_limpiar;
+    log_debug( "CLEAN_INMEMORY from server $server)", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    foreach ( keys(%buttons) ) {
+        my $btn_server = $_;
+        $btn_server =~ s/^(\d+)\^.*/$1/g;
+        if ( $btn_server eq $server ) {
+            push @botones_a_limpiar, $buttons{$_};
+        }
+    }
+    foreach (@botones_a_limpiar) {
+        delete $estadoboton{$_};
+        delete $botonled{$_};
+        delete $botonlabelonly{$_};
+        delete $botonvoicemail{$_};
+        delete $botonvoicemailcount{$_};
+        delete $botonalpha{$_};
+        delete $botonqueue{$_};
+        delete $botonqueuemember{$_};
+        delete $botonqueue_count{$_};
+        delete $botonpark{$_};
+    }
+sub manager_connection {
+    my $host       = "";
+    my $user       = "";
+    my $pass       = "";
+    my $heading    = "** MANAGER CONNECTION";
+    my $temphandle = "";
+    my $contador   = 0;
+    my $port       = "5038";
+    foreach my $mhost (@manager_host) {
+        if ( defined($mhost) ) {
+            $host = $mhost;
+            $user = $manager_user[$contador];
+            $pass = $manager_secret[$contador];
+            $port = $manager_port[$contador] if defined( $manager_port[$contador] );
+            if ( defined( $manager_conectado[$contador] ) ) {
+                if ( $manager_conectado[$contador] == 1 ) {
+                    $contador++;
+                    next;
+                }
+            }
+            log_debug( "$heading Connecting to $mhost:$port (Server $contador)", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+            $p[$contador] = new IO::Socket::INET->new(
+                PeerAddr => $manager_host[$contador],
+                PeerPort => $port,
+                Proto    => "tcp",
+                Type     => SOCK_STREAM
+            );
+            if ( !$p[$contador] ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading Couldn't connect to $mhost:$port (Server $contador)", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                $p[$contador]                    = "";
+                $manager_conectado[$contador]    = 0;
+                $manager_desconectado{$contador} = time();
+                $contador++;
+                next;
+            }
+            else {
+                log_debug( "$heading Connected  to $mhost:$port (Server $contador)", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                $manager_conectado[$contador] = 1;
+                if ( defined( $manager_desconectado{$contador} ) ) {
+                    delete $manager_desconectado{$contador};
+                }
+                $p[$contador]->autoflush(1);
+                $ip_addy{ $p[$contador] } = peerinfo( $p[$contador], 1 );
+                clean_inmemory_state_for_server($contador);
+            }
+            my $mask = "";
+            if ( defined( $event_mask[$contador] ) ) {
+                $mask_hash{ $p[$contador] } = $event_mask[$contador];
+            }
+            $manager_socket{ $p[$contador] } = $manager_host[$contador] . "|" . $manager_user[$contador] . "|" . $manager_secret[$contador];
+            my $command = "";
+            # If using astmanproxy, override authentication
+            if ( $astmanproxy_host ne "" ) {
+                $autenticado{ $p[$contador] } = 1;
+                send_eventmask( $p[$contador] );
+                send_initial_status( $p[$contador] );
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( $auth_md5 == 1 ) {
+                    $command = "Action: Challenge\r\n";
+                    $command .= "AuthType: MD5\r\n\r\n";
+                }
+                else {
+                    $command = "Action: Login\r\n";
+                    $command .= "Username: $user\r\n";
+                    $command .= "Secret: $pass\r\n\r\n";
+                }
+                send_command_to_manager( $command, $p[$contador], 1 );
+            }
+        }
+        $contador++;
+    }
+    # Adds AMI handles into IO::Select
+    foreach (@p) {
+        if ( defined($_) ) {
+            $O->add($_);
+        }
+    }
+sub send_eventmask {
+    my $socket = shift;
+    if ( defined( $mask_hash{$socket} ) ) {
+        my $comando = "Action: Events\r\n";
+        $comando .= "EventMask: " . $mask_hash{$socket} . "\r\n\r\n";
+        send_command_to_manager( $comando, $socket );
+    }
+sub clean_socket {
+    my $socket  = shift;
+    my $heading = "** CLEAN SOCKET ";
+    log_debug( "$heading connection lost removing socket $socket", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+    $O->remove($socket);
+    $socket->close;
+    delete $ip_addy{$socket};
+    if ( exists( $manager_socket{$socket} ) ) {
+        delete $manager_queue{$socket};
+        # The closed connections belong to an asterisk manager port
+        my @partes  = split( /\|/, $manager_socket{$socket} );
+        my @pp      = ();
+        my $counter = 0;
+        foreach my $cual (@p) {
+            if ( defined($cual) ) {
+                if ( $cual eq $_ ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading Connection lost to server $counter", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $manager_conectado[$counter] = 0;
+                    $manager_desconectado{$counter} = time();
+                    delete $autenticado{$_};
+                    push @pp, "";
+                }
+                else {
+                    log_debug( "$heading still connected to $ip_addy{$cual}", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                    push @pp, $cual;
+                }
+            }
+            $counter++;
+        }
+        @p = @pp;
+    }
+    else {
+        # The closed socket was from a client
+        log_debug( "$heading flash client connection lost", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+        delete $client_queue{$socket};
+        delete $client_queue_nocrypt{$socket};
+        my $cualborrar = $socket;
+        my @temp = grep( !/\Q$cualborrar\E/, @flash_clients );
+        @flash_clients = @temp;
+        delete $keys_socket{$socket};
+        &print_clients();
+    }
+collect_includes( "op_buttons.cfg", "buttons" );
+collect_includes( "op_style.cfg",   "style" );
+# Tries to open the listening socket
+$m = new IO::Socket::INET( Listen => 1, LocalAddr => $listen_addr, LocalPort => $listen_port, ReuseAddr => 1, Blocking => 0 )
+  or die "\nCan't listen to port $listen_port\n";
+$O = new IO::Select();
+# Connects to the asterisk boxes
+$/ = "\0";
+# Endless loop
+while (1) {
+    my $heading = "** MAIN";
+    # Attempt reconnections to dead asterisk servers  every 10 seconds
+    if (%manager_desconectado) {
+        while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%manager_desconectado) ) {
+            my $seconds_to_go = ( time() - $val ) % 10;
+            if ( $seconds_to_go == 9 ) {
+                manager_connection();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    while ( @S = $O->can_read(0.1) )    # profile
+    {
+        foreach (@S) {
+            my $handle = $_;
+            if ( $_ == $m ) {
+                # New client connection
+                my $C = $m->accept;
+                $ip_addy{$C} = peerinfo( $C, 1 );
+                log_debug( "$heading New client connection $ip_addy{$C}", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                push( @flash_clients, $C );
+                $O->add($C);
+                nonblock($C);
+            }
+            else {
+                # Its not a new client connection
+                my %i;
+                my $R;
+                $R = sysread( $_, $i{$handle}, BYTES_TO_READ );    # profile
+                if ( defined($R) && $R == 0 ) {
+                    # Could not read.. close the socket
+                    log_debug( "$heading closing $ip_addy{$_}", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    clean_socket($_);
+                }
+                else {
+                    $bloque_completo{$handle} = ""
+                      if ( !defined( $bloque_completo{$handle} ) );
+                    $buferbloque{$handle} = ""
+                      if ( !defined( $buferbloque{$handle} ) );
+                    if ( $buferbloque{$handle} ne "" ) {
+                        $bloque_completo{$handle} = $buferbloque{$handle};
+                        $buferbloque{$handle}     = "";
+                    }
+                    $bloque_completo{$handle} .= $i{$handle};
+                    next
+                      if ( $bloque_completo{$handle} !~ /\r\n\r\n/
+                        && $bloque_completo{$handle} !~ /\0/ );
+                    # From here we have one or more Event block
+                    # to process. The last one might be incomplete
+                    # so we have to buffer it for the next can_read
+                    my @event_blocks = ();
+                    if ( $bloque_completo{$handle} =~ /\0/ ) {
+                        $bloque_completo{$handle} =~ s/\0/\$\$\$\0/g;
+                        @event_blocks = split /\0/, $bloque_completo{$handle};
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $bloque_completo{$handle} =~ s/\r\n\r\n/\$\$\$\r\n\r\n/g;
+                        @event_blocks = split /\r\n\r\n/, $bloque_completo{$handle};
+                    }
+                    foreach my $block (@event_blocks) {
+                        if ( $block !~ /\$\$\$/ ) {
+                            # if there is no end, buffer the block
+                            $buferbloque{$handle} = $block;
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            $block =~ s/\$\$\$/\n/g;
+                            # process an individual manager block stored in $block
+                            if ( exists( $manager_socket{$handle} ) ) {
+                                my @part = split( /\|/, $manager_socket{$handle} );
+                                log_debug( "$heading End of block from $part[0]", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                            }
+                            $bloque_final = $block;
+                            $bloque_final =~ s/([^\r])\n/$1\r\n/g;    # Reemplaza \n solo por \r\n
+                            $bloque_final =~ s/\r\n\r\n/\r\n/g;
+                            $bloque_completo{$handle} = "";
+                            ##################################################
+                            # If we have a Server header, asume this is comming from astmanproxy
+                            # and replace the server address to the server index number that FOP uses
+                            # and that is specified in op_server.cfg file with the astmanproxy_server
+                            # keyword
+                            if ( $bloque_final =~ /.*?^Server: .*$/xms ) {
+                                $astmanproxy_server = $bloque_final;
+                                $astmanproxy_server =~ s/.*?^Server: \s ([\.\w]*) .*? \z/$1/xms;
+                                my $que_manager = 0;
+                                foreach my $address (@astmanproxy_servers) {
+                                    if ( $address eq $astmanproxy_server ) {
+                                        $bloque_final =~ s/(.*?^Server: \s)([\.\w]*)( .*? \z)/${1}${que_manager}${3}/xms;
+                                    }
+                                    $que_manager++;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                # Add the asterisk server number as a part of the event block
+                                my $que_manager = 0;
+                                foreach my $handle_manager_connected (@p) {
+                                    if ( $handle_manager_connected eq $handle ) {
+                                        $bloque_final = $bloque_final . "Server: $que_manager";
+                                    }
+                                    $que_manager++;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            ####################################################
+                            # This block is just for logging in the event
+                            # to stdout
+                            if ( ( $debuglevel & 1 ) && DEBUG ) {
+                                my @lineas = split( "\r\n", $bloque_final );
+                                foreach my $linea (@lineas) {
+                                    if ( exists( $manager_socket{$handle} ) ) {
+                                        my $linea_formato = sprintf( "%-15s <- %s", $ip_addy{$handle}, $linea );
+                                        log_debug( $linea_formato, 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                $global_verbose = 'separator';
+                            }
+                            ##################################################
+                            foreach my $C ( $O->handles ) {
+                                if ( $C == $handle ) {
+                                    log_debug( "$heading AST event received...", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                                    # Asterisk event received
+                                    # Read the info and arrange it into blocks
+                                    # for processing in 'procesa_bloque'
+                                    if (   $bloque_final =~ /Event:/
+                                        || $bloque_final =~ /Message: Mailbox/
+                                        || $bloque_final =~ /Message: Timeout/ )
+                                    {
+                                        log_debug( "$heading There's an 'Event' in the event block", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                        my @lineas = split( /\r\n/, $bloque_final );
+                                        @bloque = ();
+                                        my $block_count = -1;
+                                        foreach my $p (@lineas) {
+                                            my $my_event = "";
+                                            if ( $p =~ /Event:/ ) {
+                                                $block_count++;
+                                                log_debug( "$heading Event detected block_count = $block_count", 128 )
+                                                  if DEBUG;
+                                            }
+                                            elsif ( $p =~ /Message: Mailbox/ ) {
+                                                $my_event = "MessageWaiting";    # Fake event
+                                                $block_count++;
+                                                log_debug( "$heading Event mailbox detected block_count = $block_count", 128 )
+                                                  if DEBUG;
+                                            }
+                                            my ( $atributo, $valor ) = split( /: /, $p, 2 );
+                                            if ( defined $atributo && $atributo ne "" ) {
+                                                if ( $my_event ne "" ) {
+                                                    $atributo = "Event";
+                                                    $valor    = $my_event;
+                                                    log_debug( "$heading Fake event generated $atributo=$valor", 128 )
+                                                      if DEBUG;
+                                                }
+                                                if ( length($atributo) >= 1 ) {
+                                                    if ( $block_count < 0 ) {
+                                                        $block_count = 0;
+                                                    }
+                                                    $bloque[$block_count]{"$atributo"} = $valor;
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        log_debug( "$heading There are $block_count blocks for processing", 128 )
+                                          if DEBUG;
+                                        @respuestas = ();
+                                        log_debug( "$heading Answer block cleared", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                        @respuestas = digest_event_block( \@bloque, "real", $C, $astmanproxy_server );
+                                        @masrespuestas = ();
+                                        while (@fake_bloque) {
+                                            my @respi = digest_event_block( \@fake_bloque, "fake", $C, $astmanproxy_server );
+                                            foreach (@respi) {
+                                                push @masrespuestas, $_;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    elsif ( $bloque_final =~ /--END COMMAND--/ ) {
+                                        log_debug( "$heading There's an 'END' in the event block", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                        $todo .= $bloque_final;
+                                        process_cli_command($todo);
+                                        my $cuantos = @bloque;
+                                        log_debug( "$heading There are $cuantos blocks for processing", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                                        @respuestas = digest_event_block( \@bloque, "real", $C, $astmanproxy_server );
+                                        @masrespuestas = ();
+                                        while (@fake_bloque) {
+                                            my @respi = digest_event_block( \@fake_bloque, "fake", $C, $astmanproxy_server );
+                                            foreach (@respi) {
+                                                push @masrespuestas, $_;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        $todo = "";
+                                    }
+                                    elsif ( $bloque_final =~ /<msg/ ) {
+                                        $bloque_final =~ s/\n//g;
+                                        log_debug( "$heading Processing command received from flash clients...", 32 )
+                                          if DEBUG;
+                                        process_flash_command( $bloque_final, $_ );
+                                        @respuestas   = ();
+                                        $bloque_final = "";
+                                        $todo         = "";
+                                    }
+                                    elsif ( $bloque_final =~ /Challenge:/ ) {
+                                        my @lineas = split( /\r\n/, $bloque_final );
+                                        foreach my $p (@lineas) {
+                                            if ( $p =~ /Challenge:/ ) {
+                                                $p =~ s/^Challenge: (.*)/$1/g;
+                                                $md5challenge = $p;
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        manager_login_md5( $md5challenge, $C );
+                                    }
+                                    elsif ( $bloque_final =~ /Message: Authentication ac/i ) {
+                                        # Authentication Accepted, enable sending commands
+                                        $autenticado{$C} = 1;
+                                        send_eventmask($C);
+                                        send_initial_status($C);
+                                    }
+                                    else {
+                                        log_debug( "$heading No 'Event' nor 'End'. Erasing block...", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                                        # No Event in the block. Lets clear it up...
+                                        @bloque = ();
+                                        $todo .= $bloque_final;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                else {
+                                    # Send messages to Flash clients
+                                    @respuestas    = ( @respuestas, @masrespuestas );
+                                    @masrespuestas = ();
+                                    @respuestas    = unique(@respuestas);
+                                    if ( !defined( $autenticado{$C} ) ) {    # try to exclude manager connections
+                                        foreach my $valor (@respuestas) {
+                                            if ( defined( $flash_contexto{$C} ) ) {
+                                                send_status_to_flash( $C, $valor, 0 );
+                                            }
+                                        }                                    # end foreach respuestas
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }    # end foreach handles
+                        }
+                    }
+                }    # end else the handle is readable
+            }    # end else for active connections
+        }    # end foreach @S -> can read
+    }    # while can read
+    foreach my $sacket ( $O->can_write(0.1) )    # profile
+    {
+        if ( defined( $client_queue{$sacket} ) ) {
+            # Loop through command buffer to send to  clients
+            while ( my $comd = shift @{ $client_queue{$sacket} } ) {
+                my $tolog = shift @{ $client_queue_nocrypt{$sacket} };
+                my $ret = actual_syswrite( $sacket, $comd, "isclient", $tolog );
+                if ( $ret == -1 ) {
+                    log_debug( "Partial syswrite, buffering for client $ip_addy{$sacket}", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( defined( $manager_queue{$sacket} ) ) {
+            # Loop through command buffer to send to managers
+            while ( my $comd = shift @{ $manager_queue{$sacket} } ) {
+                my $cuantos = @{ $manager_queue{$sacket} };
+                my $ret = actual_syswrite( $sacket, $comd, "ismanager", $comd );
+                if ( $ret == -1 ) {
+                    log_debug( "Partial syswrite, buffering for server $ip_addy{$sacket}", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    last;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+}    # endless loop
+sub actual_syswrite {
+    my ( $socket, $encriptadofinal, $whom, $log ) = @_;
+    my $largo = length($encriptadofinal);
+    my $res   = syswrite( $socket, $encriptadofinal, $largo );
+    if ( defined $res && $res > 0 ) {
+        if ( $res != $largo ) {
+            # Could not write the whole command, buffer
+            # the rest for later
+            my $offset = $largo - $res;
+            $offset = $offset * -1;
+            my $buf = substr( $encriptadofinal, $offset );
+            unshift( @{ $client_queue{$socket} },         $buf );
+            unshift( @{ $client_queue_nocrypt{$socket} }, $log );
+            log_debug( "Partial syswrite, len $res but $largo written", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $cuantos = @{ $client_queue{$socket} };
+            if ( $cuantos > 200 ) {
+                &clean_socket($socket);
+            }
+            return -1;
+        }
+        else {
+            # Write succesfull, log to stdout
+            $log = substr( $log, 0, -1 );
+            if ( $debuglevel > 0 ) {
+                if ( $whom eq "isclient" ) {
+                    my $linea_formato = sprintf( "%-15s => %s", $ip_addy{$socket}, $log );
+                    log_debug( "$linea_formato", 8 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $global_verbose = "separador";
+                }
+                else {
+                    $log =~ s/\r//g;
+                    $log =~ s/\n//g;
+                    if ( $log ne "" ) {
+                        my $linea_formato = sprintf( "%-15s -> %s", $ip_addy{$socket}, $log );
+                        log_debug( "$linea_formato", 2 ) if DEBUG;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $global_verbose = "separador";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $! == EWOULDBLOCK ) {
+        # would block: not an error
+        # handle blocking, by trying again later
+        log_debug( "Write wouldblock, buffering for $ip_addy{$socket}", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+        push( @{ $client_queue{$socket} },         $encriptadofinal );
+        push( @{ $client_queue_nocrypt{$socket} }, $log );
+        my $cuantos = @{ $client_queue{$socket} };
+        if ( $cuantos > 200 ) {
+            &clean_socket($socket);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug( "Write error on $ip_addy{$socket}", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+        &clean_socket($socket);
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub get_transfer_channel {
+    my $origin_channel = shift;
+    my $datosflash     = shift;
+    my @cuales_transferir = ();
+    my $local_reverse = $reverse_transfer;
+    if ( $origin_channel =~ m/^PARK/i || $origin_channel =~ m/^QUEUE/i || $origin_channel =~ m/^\d/ ) {
+        $local_reverse = 0;
+        log_debug("** GET TRANSFER Disable reverse transfer for $origin_channel!",16) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    if ( $local_reverse == 1 ) {
+        log_debug( "** !! REVERSE TRANSFER", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        # Transfer the session from the *other* button
+        @cuales_transferir = extraer_todos_los_enlaces_de_un_canal( $origin_channel, $button_server{$datosflash} );
+		if (@cuales_transferir == 0) {
+        	log_debug( "** !! REVERSE TRANSFER No reverse available, using regular sesbot", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        	if ( @{ $sesbot{$datosflash} } ) {
+            	@cuales_transferir = @{ $sesbot{$datosflash} };
+	        }
+		}
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug( "** !! NORMAL TRANSFER", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        # Transfer the session from the same button
+        if ( @{ $sesbot{$datosflash} } ) {
+            @cuales_transferir = @{ $sesbot{$datosflash} };
+        }
+        else {
+            @cuales_transferir = ();
+        }
+    }
+    return @cuales_transferir;
+sub process_flash_command {
+    # This function process a command received from a Flash client
+    # Including request of transfers, hangups, etc
+    my $comando        = shift;
+    my $socket         = shift;
+    my $datosflash     = "";
+    my $accion         = "";
+    my $password       = "";
+    my $valor          = "";
+    my $origin_channel = "";
+    my $origin_server  = "";
+    my $canal_destino  = "";
+    my $destin_server  = "";
+    my $contexto       = "";
+    my $btn_destino    = "0";
+    my $extension_destino;
+    my $origin_context = "";
+    my $canal;
+    my $nroboton;
+    my $destino;
+    my $sesion;
+    my @partes;
+    my $ultimo;
+    my $clid;
+    my $myclave;
+    my $md5clave;
+    my @pedazos;
+    my $panelcontext;
+    my $auto_conf_exten;
+    my $conference_context;
+    my $bargerooms;
+    my $found_room;
+    my $servidor_dial = "";
+    my $heading       = "-- PROCESS_FLASH_COMMAND";
+    my $calltimeout   = 0;
+    my $linea_formato = sprintf( "%-15s <= %s", $ip_addy{$socket}, $comando );
+    log_debug( "$linea_formato", 4 ) if DEBUG;
+    $tab = $tab . "\t" if DEBUG;
+    $comando =~ s/<msg data=\"(.*)\"\s?\/>/$1/g;    # Removes XML markup
+    ( $datosflash, $accion, $password ) = split( /\|/, $comando );
+    chop $password;
+    log_debug( "$heading datosflash $datosflash accion $accion password $password", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $accion =~ /\+/ ) {
+        # The command has a timeout for the call
+        $accion =~ s/(.*)\+(.*)\+(.*)/$1$3/g;
+        $calltimeout = $2;
+    }
+    my $elementname = $datosflash;
+    $elementname =~ s/(.*)\.(.*)/$2/g;
+    $elementname =~ s/([^\@]*)(.*)/$1/g;
+    $elementname =~ s/\d//g;
+    if ( $datosflash =~ /_level0\.casilla/ ) {
+        $datosflash =~ s/_level0\.casilla(\d+)/$1/g;
+    }
+    if ( $datosflash =~ /_level0\.rectangulo/ ) {
+        $datosflash =~ s/_level0\.rectangulo(\d+).*/$1/g;
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading datosflash before context $datosflash", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+    # Appends context if defined because my crappy regexp only extracts digits
+    # FIXME make a regexp that extract digits and digits at context
+    if ( defined( $flash_contexto{$socket} ) ) {
+        if ( $flash_contexto{$socket} ne "" ) {
+            if ( $datosflash =~ /\@/ ) {
+                # No need to append context
+            }
+            else {
+                $datosflash .= "\@" . $flash_contexto{$socket};
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading datosflash after context $datosflash", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+    undef $origin_channel;
+    # Flash clients send a "contexto" command on connect indicating
+    # the panel context they want to receive. We populate a hash with
+    # sockets/contexts in order to send only the events they want
+    # And because this is an initial connection, it triggers a status
+    # request to Asterisk
+    if ( $accion =~ /^contexto\d+/ ) {
+        my ( $nada, $contextoenviado ) = split( /\@/, $datosflash );
+        if ( defined($contextoenviado) ) {
+            $flash_contexto{$socket} = $contextoenviado;
+        }
+        else {
+            $flash_contexto{$socket} = "";
+        }
+        if ( $datosflash =~ /^1/ ) {
+            $no_encryption{$socket} = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            $no_encryption{$socket} = 0;
+        }
+        sends_key($socket);
+        sends_version($socket);
+        # send_initial_status();
+        first_client_status($socket);
+        $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( defined( $flash_contexto{$socket} ) ) {
+        $panelcontext = $flash_contexto{$socket};
+    }
+    else {
+        $panelcontext = "";
+    }
+    if ( $panelcontext eq "" ) { $panelcontext = "GENERAL"; }
+    if ( defined( $config->{$panelcontext}{conference_context} ) ) {
+        $conference_context = $config->{$panelcontext}{conference_context};
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( defined( $config->{GENERAL}{conference_context} ) ) {
+            $conference_context = $config->{GENERAL}{conference_context};
+        }
+        else {
+            $conference_context = "";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( defined( $config->{$panelcontext}{barge_rooms} ) ) {
+        $bargerooms = $config->{$panelcontext}{barge_rooms};
+        ( $first_room, $last_room ) = split( /-/, $bargerooms );
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( defined( $config->{GENERAL}{barge_rooms} ) ) {
+            $bargerooms = $config->{GENERAL}{barge_rooms};
+            ( $first_room, $last_room ) = split( /-/, $bargerooms );
+        }
+        else {
+            $bargerooms = "";
+        }
+    }
+    # We have the origin button number from the drag&drop in the 'datos'
+    # variable. We need to traverse the %buttons hash in order to extract
+    # the channel name and the panel context, used to find the destination
+    # button of the command if any
+    if (   $accion =~ /^meetmemute/
+        || $accion =~ /^meetmeunmute/
+        || $accion =~ /^bogus/
+        || $accion =~ /^restart/ )
+    {
+        $origin_channel = "bogus";
+    }
+    else {
+        my $datosflash_sincontexto = $datosflash;
+        $datosflash_sincontexto =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+        if ( is_number($datosflash_sincontexto) ) {
+            # If the originator is a number, assume button position
+            # on fop, extract the channel name from the button_reverse hash
+            $canal = $buttons_reverse{$datosflash};
+            # A button key with an & is for a context channel
+            # A button key with an = is for a trunk   channel
+            # This bit of code just cleans the channel name and context
+            if ( $canal =~ m/&/ ) {
+                @pedazos = split( /&/, $canal );
+                $origin_context = $pedazos[1];
+                my @pedazos2 = split( /\^/, $pedazos[0] );
+                $origin_server  = $pedazos2[0];
+                $origin_channel = $pedazos2[1];
+            }
+            else {
+                my @pedazos2 = split( /\^/, $canal );
+                $origin_server  = $pedazos2[0];
+                $origin_channel = $pedazos2[1];
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            # The origin has letters, assume its a channel name
+            # with a possible extensions.conf context after '@'
+            # (We have already removed the '@fop_context')
+            if ( $datosflash_sincontexto =~ /\@/ ) {
+                $contexto = $datosflash_sincontexto;
+                $datosflash_sincontexto =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                $contexto               =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$2/g;
+            }
+            $origin_channel = $datosflash_sincontexto;
+            # If we receive a channel name for the dial command
+            # we default to server number 1 to send the command
+            $servidor_dial = "default";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $origin_channel =~ m/^clid/i ) {
+        $contexto = $datosflash;
+        if ( $contexto =~ m/\@/ ) {
+            $contexto =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$2/g;
+            if ( defined($contexto) && $contexto ne "" ) {
+                $contexto = "&" . $contexto;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            $contexto = "";
+        }
+        my $local_channel_for_clid_buttons = $extension_transfer{"$origin_server^$origin_channel$contexto"};
+        $local_channel_for_clid_buttons =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+        $origin_channel = "Local/" . $local_channel_for_clid_buttons;
+        # Add the reverse transfer extension to make the callerid in originate work
+        $extension_transfer{"$origin_server^$origin_channel$contexto"} = "Local/$local_channel_for_clid_buttons";
+    }
+    if ( $accion =~ /^restrict/ && defined($origin_channel) ) {
+        my $contextoaagregar = "";
+        if ( $panelcontext ne "GENERAL" ) {
+            $contextoaagregar = "&$panelcontext";
+        }
+        $restrict_channel = $origin_channel;
+        log_debug( "$heading RESTRICT commands to channel $restrict_channel", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $indice = "0^$restrict_channel$contextoaagregar";
+        log_debug( "$heading RESTRICT indice $indice", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $btn_num = "0";
+        if ( defined( $buttons{$indice} ) ) {
+            $btn_num = $buttons{$indice};
+            $btn_num =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+        }
+        if ( $btn_num ne "0" ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading RESTRICT btn_num $btn_num", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            my $manda = "$btn_num|restrict|0";
+            send_status_to_flash( $socket, $manda, 0 );
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading RESTRICT channel not found $indice!", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( defined($origin_channel) ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading origin_channel = $origin_channel", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        if ( defined( $config->{$panelcontext}{security_code} ) ) {
+            $myclave = $config->{$panelcontext}{security_code} . $keys_socket{$socket};
+            log_debug( "$heading usando key " . $keys_socket{$socket}, 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        else {
+            $myclave = "";
+            $myclave = $config->{GENERAL}{security_code} . $keys_socket{$socket};
+            log_debug( "$heading usando key " . $keys_socket{$socket}, 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        if ( $myclave ne "" ) {
+            $md5clave = MD5HexDigest($myclave);
+        }
+        if (   ( "$password" eq "$md5clave" )
+            || ( $accion =~ /^dial/ && $cdial_nosecure == 1 ) )
+        {
+            sends_correct($socket);
+            log_debug( "** The channel selected is $origin_channel and the security code matches", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            sends_key($socket);
+            if ( $accion =~ /^restart/ ) {
+                $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Command: restart when convenient\r\n\r\n";
+                log_debug( "!! Command received: restart when convenient", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[0], 0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                # FIXME restart only works for the 1st server defined
+                alarm(10);
+                $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+                return;
+            }
+            if ( $accion =~ /-/ ) {
+                #if action has an "-" the command has clid text to pass
+                @partes = split( /-/, $accion );
+                $ultimo = @partes;
+                $ultimo--;
+                $btn_destino = $partes[$ultimo];
+                $ultimo--;
+                $clid = $partes[$ultimo];
+                if ( defined($origin_context) ) {
+                    if ( length($origin_context) > 0 ) {
+                        $btn_destino = $btn_destino . "@" . $origin_context;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                #strips the destination button (number at the end)
+                $btn_destino = $accion;
+                $btn_destino =~ s/[A-Za-z- ]//g;
+                if ( $btn_destino eq "" ) { $btn_destino = "0"; }
+                if ( defined($origin_context) ) {
+                    if ( length($origin_context) > 0 ) {
+                        $btn_destino = $btn_destino . "@" . $origin_context;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $btn_destino eq "" ) { $btn_destino = "0"; }
+            if ( $btn_destino eq "0" ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading btn_destino es igual a cero!", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+            else {
+                log_debug( "$heading btn_destino = $btn_destino", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                if ( defined( $buttons_reverse{$btn_destino} ) ) {
+                    $canal = $buttons_reverse{$btn_destino};
+                    $canal =~ s/(.*)=(.*)/$1/g;
+                }
+                else {
+                    $canal = "";
+                }
+                $destino = $canal;
+            }
+            if ( defined($destino) && $destino ne "" ) {
+                if ( $destino ne "0" ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading destino es igual a $destino", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    my @pedazos2 = split( /\^/, $destino );
+                    $destin_server = $pedazos2[0];
+                    $destino       = $pedazos2[1];
+                    ( $destino, my $nada ) = split( /\&/, $pedazos2[1] );
+                    log_debug( "$heading El boton de destino es $destino en el server $destin_server", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $accion =~ /^tovoicemail/ ) {
+                my $keyext = "$origin_server^$origin_channel";
+                my $exttran = $tovoicemail{$btn_destino};
+                my ( $extx, $contextx ) = split( /\@/, $exttran, 2 );
+                my @cuales_transferir = get_transfer_channel( $origin_channel, $datosflash );
+                my $cuantos = @cuales_transferir;
+                if ( $cuantos > 0 ) {
+                    $comando = "Action: Redirect\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Channel: $cuales_transferir[0]\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Exten: $extx\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "ActionID: 1234\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Context: $contextx\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n\r\n";
+                }
+                else {
+                    $comando = "Action: Originate\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Channel: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Exten: $extx\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "ActionID: 1234\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Context: $contextx\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n\r\n";
+                }
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                    0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                return;
+            }
+            if ( $accion =~ /^voicemail/ ) {
+                my $vext     = "";
+                my $vcontext = "";
+                if ( defined( $config->{$panelcontext}{voicemail_extension} ) ) {
+                    my $voicemailext = $config->{$panelcontext}{voicemail_extension};
+                    ( $vext, $vcontext ) = split( /\@/, $voicemailext );
+                }
+                else {
+                    log_debug( "There is no voicemail_extension defined in op_server.cfg!", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    return;
+                }
+                my $keyext = "$origin_server^$origin_channel";
+                if ( $contexto ne "" ) { $keyext .= "\&$contexto"; }
+                my $vclid = $extension_transfer{$keyext};
+                $vclid =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+                $vclid =~ s/^Local\///g;
+                $vclid =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                $comando = "Action: Originate\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Channel: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Callerid: $vclid <$vclid>\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Async: True\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Exten: $vext\r\n";
+                if ( defined($vcontext) ) {
+                    $comando .= "Context: $vcontext\r\n";
+                }
+                $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n";
+                $comando .= "\r\n";
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                    0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+                return;
+            }
+            if ( is_number($destino) ) {
+                # If the selected channel name is only digits, its a
+                # conference. So treat a conference command as a regular
+                # transfer or redirect. (We do not want to send into a
+                # meetme conference another ongoing meetme conference)
+                my @sesiones_del_canal = extraer_todas_las_sesiones_de_un_canal($origin_channel);
+                my $cuantos            = @sesiones_del_canal;
+                if ( $accion =~ /^conference/ ) {
+                    if ( $cuantos == 0 ) {
+                        $accion =~ s/conference/originate/g;
+                    }
+                    elsif ( $cuantos > 0 ) {
+                        $accion =~ s/conference/transferir/g;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $accion eq "cortar" ) {
+                my $buton_number = $datosflash;
+                log_debug( "$heading Will try to hangup channel para el boton $buton_number", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                foreach ( @{ $sesbot{$buton_number} } ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading hanging up channel $_", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $comando = "Action: Hangup\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Channel: $_\r\n\r\n";
+                    log_debug( "-- Command received: $accion chan $_", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                        0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                    # $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                    # $comando .= "Command: soft hangup $_\r\n\r\n";
+                    # send_command_to_manager($comando, $p[$button_server{$datosflash}]);
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ( $accion =~ /^meetmemute/ ) {
+                my $conference   = $btn_destino;
+                my $meetmemember = $datosflash;
+                $conference   =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                $meetmemember =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                my $boton_con_contexto = $clid;
+                $boton_con_contexto =~ s/^meetmemute//g;
+                $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                $comando .= "ActionID: meetmemute$boton_con_contexto\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Command: meetme mute $conference $meetmemember\r\n\r\n";
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$boton_con_contexto} ],
+                    0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$boton_con_contexto} ] );
+            }
+            elsif ( $accion =~ /^meetmeunmute/ ) {
+                my $conference   = $btn_destino;
+                my $meetmemember = $datosflash;
+                $conference   =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                $meetmemember =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                my $boton_con_contexto = $clid;
+                $boton_con_contexto =~ s/^meetmeunmute//g;
+                $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                $comando .= "ActionID: meetmeunmute$boton_con_contexto\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Command: meetme unmute $conference $meetmemember\r\n\r\n";
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$boton_con_contexto} ],
+                    0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$boton_con_contexto} ] );
+            }
+            elsif ( $accion =~ /^conference/ ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading CONFERENCE extension_transfer($origin_channel)", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                my $indice    = $origin_server . "^" . $origin_channel;
+                my $originate = $extension_transfer{$indice};
+                $originate =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/;
+                foreach ( keys(%buttons) ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading comparo $buttons{$_} con btn_destino $btn_destino", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    if ( $buttons{$_} eq $btn_destino ) {
+                        if ( $canal =~ /^_/ ) {
+                            my @canalarray = @{ $sesbot{$btn_destino} };
+                            my $canalses   = $canalarray[0];
+                            my ( $newcanal, $newses ) = separate_session_from_channel($canalses);
+                            $canal = $newcanal;
+                        }
+                        $canal =~ s/(.*)=(.*)/$1/g;
+                        log_debug( "$heading coincidencia para btn_destino $btn_destino el canal es $canal", 1 )
+                          if DEBUG;
+                        my @links = extraer_todos_los_enlaces_de_un_canal( $canal, $button_server{$datosflash} );
+                        my @canal_transferir = @{ $sesbot{$btn_destino} };
+                        my $cuantos = @links;
+                        if ( $cuantos <= 0 ) {
+                            my @extensiondialed = extracts_exten_from_active_channel($canal);
+                            $comando = "Action: Originate\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Channel: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Exten: $extensiondialed[0]\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n\r\n";
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            log_debug( "** $canal_transferir[0] $links[0] will be conferenced together with $origin_channel ($originate)",
+                                16 )
+                              if DEBUG;
+                            # Try to find an empty conference
+                            my $empty_room = $first_room;
+                            for ( my $at = $first_room ; $at <= $last_room ; $at++ ) {
+                                log_debug( "room $at = " . $barge_rooms{"$at"}, 128 ) if DEBUG;
+                                if ( $barge_rooms{"$at"} == 0 ) {
+                                    $found_room = 1;
+                                    $empty_room = $at;
+                                    last;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ( $found_room == 1 ) {
+                                $comando = "Action: Redirect\r\n";
+                                $comando .= "Channel: $canal_transferir[0]\r\n";
+                                $comando .= "ExtraChannel: $links[0]\r\n";
+                                $comando .= "Exten: $empty_room\r\n";
+                                $comando .= "ActionID: 1234\r\n";
+                                $comando .= "Context: $conference_context\r\n";
+                                $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n\r\n";
+                                $auto_conference{ $canal_transferir[0] } = $origin_channel;
+                            }
+                            else {
+                                log_debug( "$heading No hay meetme vacio!", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                                $comando = "";
+                            }
+                        }
+                        send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                            0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                        last;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ( $accion =~ /transferir/ ) {
+                if ( $accion =~ /^ctransferir/ ) {
+                    # Sets db variable to set callerid on dialplan
+                    $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Command: database put clid $destino ";
+                    $comando .= "\"$clid\"\r\n\r\n";
+                    send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                        0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                }
+                $canal_destino = retrieve_extension($btn_destino);
+                if ( $origin_channel =~ /\*/ ) {
+                    my @canalarray = @{ $sesbot{$datosflash} };
+                    my $canalses   = $canalarray[0];
+                    my ( $newcanal, $newses ) = separate_session_from_channel($canalses);
+                    $origin_channel = $newcanal;
+                }
+                if ( $canal_destino ne "-1" ) {
+                    if ( $canal_destino =~ /\@/ ) {
+                        @pedazos       = split( /\@/, $canal_destino );
+                        $canal_destino = $pedazos[0];
+                        $contexto      = $pedazos[1];
+                    }
+                    my @cuales_transferir = get_transfer_channel( $origin_channel, $datosflash );
+                    foreach my $valor (@cuales_transferir) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading Will try to transfer $valor to extension number $canal_destino!", 16 )
+                          if DEBUG;
+                        $comando = "Action: Redirect\r\n";
+                        $comando .= "Channel: $valor\r\n";
+                        $comando .= "Exten: $canal_destino\r\n";
+                        if ( $contexto ne "" ) {
+                            $comando .= "Context: $contexto\r\n";
+                        }
+                        $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n\r\n";
+                        send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                            0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                        if ( $calltimeout > 0 ) {
+                            $comando = "Action: AbsoluteTimeout\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Channel: $valor\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Timeout: $calltimeout\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "ActionID: timeout|$valor|$calltimeout\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "\r\n";
+                            send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                                , 0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    log_debug( "** Untransferable destination! ($origin_channel)", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ( $accion =~ /originate/ ) {
+                if ( $origin_channel =~ /\*/ ) {
+                    log_debug( "** Cannot originate from wildcard buttons ($origin_channel)", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                    $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+                    return;
+                }
+                if ( $accion =~ /^coriginate/ ) {
+                    $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Command: database put clid $destino ";
+                    $comando .= "\"$clid\"\r\n\r\n";
+                    send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                        0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+                }
+                $extension_destino = retrieve_extension($btn_destino);
+                $destino = "";
+                while ( my ( $canloop, $nrobotonloop ) = each(%buttons_preserve_case) ) {
+                    if ( $nrobotonloop eq $btn_destino ) {
+                        $destino = $canloop;
+                    }
+                }
+                if ( $destino ne "" ) {
+                    $destino =~ s/(.*)=(.*)/$1/g;
+                    $destino =~ s/^\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+                }
+                if ( $destino =~ m/QUEUE\//i ) {
+                    $destino =~ s/^QUEUE\/(.*)/$1/g;
+                    $destino =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                    my $member = 0;
+                    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%count_queue) ) {
+                        if ( $key eq "$button_server{$datosflash}^$destino" ) {
+                            foreach my $qmember (@$val) {
+                                my $canal_compara = "$button_server{$datosflash}^$origin_channel";
+                                if ( uc($qmember) eq uc($canal_compara) ) {
+                                    $member++;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if ( $origin_channel !~ /^QUEUEAGENT/ ) {
+                        if ( $member > 0 ) {
+                            $comando = "Action: QueueRemove\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Queue: $destino\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Interface: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "\r\n";
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            $comando = "Action: QueueAdd\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Queue: $destino\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "Interface: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                            $comando .= "\r\n";
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                else {
+                    if ( $extension_destino =~ /\@/ ) {
+                        @pedazos           = split( /\@/, $extension_destino );
+                        $extension_destino = $pedazos[0];
+                        $contexto          = $pedazos[1];
+                    }
+                    log_debug( "$heading Originate from $origin_channel to extension $extension_destino!", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+                    my $keyext = "$origin_server^$origin_channel";
+                    if ( $panelcontext ne "" && $panelcontext ne "GENERAL" ) { $keyext .= "\&$panelcontext"; }
+                    my $dclid = $extension_transfer{$keyext};
+                    $dclid =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+                    $dclid =~ s/^Local\///g;
+                    $dclid =~ s/(.*)\@(.*)/$1/g;
+                    $clid = $textos{"$datosflash"} . " <$dclid>";
+                    if ( $origin_channel =~ /^IAX2\[/ ) {
+                        $origin_channel =~ s/^IAX2\[(.*)\]/IAX2\/$1/g;
+                    }
+                    $comando = "Action: Originate\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Channel: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Async: True\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Callerid: $clid\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "Exten: $extension_destino\r\n";
+                    if ( $contexto ne "" ) {
+                        $comando .= "Context: $contexto\r\n";
+                    }
+                    $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n";
+                    $comando .= "\r\n";
+                }
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ],
+                    0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+            }
+            elsif ( $accion =~ /^dial/ ) {
+                if ( $servidor_dial eq "default" ) {
+                    $servidor_dial = $p[0];
+                }
+                else {
+                    $servidor_dial = $p[ $button_server{$datosflash} ];
+                }
+                my $numero_a_discar = $accion;
+                $numero_a_discar =~ s/^dial//g;
+                $comando = "Action: Originate\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Channel: $origin_channel\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Async: True\r\n";
+                $comando .= "Exten: $numero_a_discar\r\n";
+                if ( $contexto ne "" ) {
+                    $comando .= "Context: $contexto\r\n";
+                }
+                $comando .= "Priority: 1\r\n";
+                $comando .= "\r\n";
+                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $servidor_dial, 0, $astmanproxy_servers[ $button_server{$datosflash} ] );
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            log_debug( "$heading Password mismatch -$password-$md5clave-!", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+            sends_key($socket);
+            sends_incorrect($socket);
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug( "$heading There is no channel selected ?", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    $tab = substr( $tab, 0, -1 ) if DEBUG;
+sub retrieve_extension {
+    my $param         = shift;
+    my $canal         = "";
+    my $canal_destino = "";
+    my $heading       = "** RETRIEVE_EXTEN";
+    my $contexto      = "";
+    my $param_sin_contexto = $param;
+    $param_sin_contexto =~ s/(.*)(\@.*)/$1/g;
+    if ( defined($2) ) {
+        $contexto = $2;
+        $contexto =~ s/\@/&/g;
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading param $param param_sin_con $param_sin_contexto", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( is_number($param_sin_contexto) ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading I guess its a button number", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        # If the parameter is a number, assume button number
+        foreach ( keys(%buttons) ) {
+            if ( $buttons{$_} eq $param ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading coincide con $param", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                $canal = $_;
+                $canal =~ s/(.*)=(.*)/$1/g;
+                $canal =~ s/(.*)&(.*)/$1/g;
+                log_debug( "$heading canal $canal contexto $contexto", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                $canal_destino = $extension_transfer{"$canal$contexto"};
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug( "$heading I guess its a channel name", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        # If its not a number, asume channel name (technology/name)
+        foreach ( keys(%buttons) ) {
+            my $linealog = sprintf( "%-20s %-10s", $_, $buttons{$_} );
+            # log_debug("$heading $linealog",64) if DEBUG;
+            if ( $_ eq $param ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading coincide con $param", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+                $canal = $_;
+                $canal =~ s/(.*)=(.*)/$1/g;
+                $canal_destino = $extension_transfer{"$canal"};
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading canal_destino =  $canal_destino", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    $canal_destino =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+    log_debug( "$heading La extension para $param es $canal_destino", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    return $canal_destino;
+sub request_astdb_status {
+    for my $key ( keys %astdbcommands ) {
+        my $nro_servidor = 0;
+        foreach my $socket (@p) {
+            if ( defined($socket) && $socket ne "" ) {
+                for ( keys %buttons_preserve_case ) {
+                    my $canal = $_;
+                    $canal =~ m/(\d+)\^([^&]*)(.*)/g;
+                    my $servidor = $1;
+                    my $canalito = $2;
+                    if ( $canalito !~ m/^_/ && $nro_servidor == $servidor && $canalito !~ m/=/ ) {
+                        my $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+                        $comando .= "ActionID: astdb-$key-$canalito\r\n";
+                        $comando .= "Command: database get $key $canalito\r\n\r\n";
+                        if ( defined( $autenticado{$socket} ) ) {
+                            if ( $autenticado{$socket} == 1 ) {
+                                send_command_to_manager( $comando, $socket );
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            $nro_servidor++;
+        }
+    }
+sub request_queue_status {
+    my $socket     = shift;
+    my $canalid    = shift;
+    my $member     = "";
+    my $nada       = "";
+    my $showagents = 0;
+    if ( defined($canalid) ) {
+        if ( $canalid eq "initialrequest" ) {
+            # We only ask for agents on startup
+            $showagents = 1;
+        }
+        else {
+            ( $member, $nada ) = separate_session_from_channel($canalid);
+        }
+    }
+    my @todos = ();
+    if ( $socket eq "all" ) {
+        @todos = @p;
+    }
+    else {
+        push @todos, $socket;
+    }
+    foreach my $socket2 (@todos) {
+        if ( defined($socket2) && $socket2 ne "" ) {
+            if ( $showagents == 1 ) {
+                send_command_to_manager( "Action: Command\r\nActionId: agents\r\nCommand: show agents\r\n\r\n", $socket2 );
+            }
+            if ( defined($member) ) {
+                my @agentes = ();
+                push @agentes, $member;
+                if ( exists( $reverse_agents{$member} ) ) {
+                    push @agentes, "Agent/" . $reverse_agents{$member};
+                }
+                foreach my $cual (@agentes) {
+                    send_command_to_manager( "Action: QueueStatus\r\nMember: $cual\r\n\r\n", $socket2 );
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                send_command_to_manager( "Action: QueueStatus\r\nActionID: QueueStatus\r\n", $socket2 );
+            }
+            #		if($showagents==1) {
+            #           send_command_to_manager( "Action: Command\r\nActionId: agents\r\nCommand: show agents\r\n\r\n", $socket2 );
+            #		}
+        }
+    }
+sub first_client_status {
+    # This functions traverses all FOP internal hashes and send the proper
+    # commands to the flash client to reflect the status of each button.
+    my $socket  = shift;
+    my $interno = "";
+    if ( $queue_hide == 1 ) {
+        # If queue_hide is set, hide queue positions
+        for my $key ( keys %buttons ) {
+            if ( $key =~ m/\d+\^QUEUE\/[^=]*=\d/i ) {
+                $interno = $buttons{$key};
+                send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|setalpha|00", 0 );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( keys(%estadoboton) ) {
+        for $interno ( keys %botonled ) {
+            if ( $botonled{$interno} == 1 ) {
+                send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|changelabel1|$botonlabel{$interno}", 0 );
+            }
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %botonlabelonly ) {
+            send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|setlabel|$botonlabelonly{$interno}", 0 );
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %botonvoicemail ) {
+            if ( $botonvoicemail{$interno} >= 0 ) {
+                send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|voicemail|$botonvoicemail{$interno}", 0 );
+            }
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %botonvoicemailcount ) {
+            send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|voicemailcount|$botonvoicemailcount{$interno}", 0 );
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %botonalpha ) {
+            if ( $botonalpha{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|setalpha|$botonalpha{$interno}", 0 );
+            }
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %botonqueue ) {
+            send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|infoqstat|$botonqueue{$interno}", 0 );
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %botonqueue_count ) {
+            send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|infoqstat2|$botonqueue_count{$interno}", 0 );
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botonqueuemember) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botonqueuemember ) {
+                if ( defined( @{ $botonqueuemember{$interno} } ) ) {
+                    my %temphash = ();
+                    foreach my $val ( @{ $botonqueuemember{$interno} } ) {
+                        my @datos = split( /\|/, $val );
+                        $temphash{ $datos[0] } = $datos[1];
+                        #                        send_status_to_flash($socket, "$interno|info$datos[0]|$datos[1]", 0);
+                    }
+                    while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%temphash) ) {
+                        send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|info$key|$val", 0 );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botonpark) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botonpark ) {
+                $botonpark{$interno} =~ m/(.*)\|(.*)/;
+                my $texto   = $1;
+                my $timeout = $2;
+                my $diftime = $timeout - time();
+                if ( $diftime > 0 ) {
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|park|$texto($diftime)", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for $interno ( keys %estadoboton ) {
+            #if ( $estadoboton{$interno} !~ /^free/ ) {
+            if ( $estadoboton{$interno} =~ /^busy/ ) {
+                send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|state|busy", 0 );
+                if ( defined( $botonlabel{$interno} ) ) {
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|changelabel0|$botonlabel{$interno}", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+            elsif ( $estadoboton{$interno} =~ /ringi/ ) {
+                send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|state|ringing", 0 );
+            }
+            if ( defined( $botonclid{$interno} ) ) {
+                if ( $botonclid{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|settext|$botonclid{$interno}", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+            #}
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botonlinked) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botonlinked ) {
+                if ( $botonlinked{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|linked|$botonlinked{$interno}", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botonmeetme) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botonmeetme ) {
+                if ( $botonmeetme{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|meetmeuser|$botonmeetme{$interno}", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botontimer) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botontimer ) {
+                if ( $botontimer{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                    my $diftime = time() - $botontimer{$interno};
+                    my $type    = "";
+                    if ( defined( $botontimertype{$interno} ) ) {
+                        $type = "\@" . $botontimertype{$interno};
+                    }
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|settimer|$diftime$type", 0 );
+                    if ( $type eq "\@UP" ) {
+                        send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|state|busy", 0 );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botonsetlabel) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botonsetlabel ) {
+                if (   $botonsetlabel{$interno} ne ""
+                    && $botonsetlabel{$interno} ne "."
+                    && $botonsetlabel{$interno} ne "original"
+                    && $botonsetlabel{$interno} ne "labeloriginal" )
+                {
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|setlabel|$botonsetlabel{$interno}", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%botonregistrado) ) {
+            for $interno ( keys %botonregistrado ) {
+                if ( $botonregistrado{$interno} ne "" ) {
+                    my ( $quehace, $dos ) = split( /\|/, $botonregistrado{$interno} );
+                    send_status_to_flash( $socket, "$interno|$quehace|$dos", 0 );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub send_initial_status {
+    %datos = ();
+    my $nro_servidor = 0;
+    my $heading      = "** SEND INITIAL STATUS";
+    my $cual         = shift;
+    my @socket_manager;
+    if ( defined($cual) ) {
+        push @socket_manager, $cual;
+    }
+    else {
+        @socket_manager = @p;
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading START SUB", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+    request_astdb_status();
+    foreach my $socket (@socket_manager) {
+        if ( defined($socket) && $socket ne "" ) {
+            my @pedazos = split( /\|/, $manager_socket{$socket} );
+            if ( $pedazos[0] eq $ip_addy{$socket} ) {
+                my $contador = 0;
+                foreach my $valor (@manager_host) {
+                    if ( $valor eq $pedazos[0] ) {
+                        $nro_servidor = $contador;
+                    }
+                    $contador++;
+                }
+            }
+            # If we send the channel status after the queue status, the agentlogin will be displayed as busy
+            # when they are actually waiting for a call, trying to put it at the end
+            request_queue_status( $socket, "initialrequest" );
+            send_command_to_manager( "Action: Status\r\n\r\n", $socket );
+            send_command_to_manager( "Action: ZapShowChannels\r\n\r\n", $socket );
+            send_command_to_manager( "Action: Command\r\nActionID: parkedcalls\r\nCommand: show parkedcalls\r\n\r\n", $socket );
+            #        request_queue_status( $socket, "initialrequest" );
+            # Send commands to check the mailbox status for each mailbox defined
+            while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%mailbox) ) {
+                my @pedacitos = split( /\^/, $key );
+                my $servidormbox = $pedacitos[0];
+                if ( "$servidormbox" eq "$nro_servidor" ) {
+                    log_debug( "$heading mailbox $ip_addy{$socket} $key $val", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                    send_command_to_manager( "Action: MailboxStatus\r\nMailbox: $val\r\n\r\n", $socket );
+                }
+            }
+            my @all_meetme_rooms = ();
+            # generates an array with all meetme rooms to check on init
+            for my $valor ( keys %barge_rooms ) {
+                push( @all_meetme_rooms, $valor );
+            }
+            for my $key ( keys %buttons ) {
+                if ( $key =~ /^\d+\^\d+$/ ) {
+                    push( @all_meetme_rooms, $key );
+                }
+            }
+            my %count               = ();
+            my @unique_meetme_rooms =
+              grep { ++$count{$_} < 2 } @all_meetme_rooms;
+            foreach my $valor (@unique_meetme_rooms) {
+                my $servidormeetme = 0;
+                my $meetmeroom     = "";
+                if ( $valor =~ /\^/ ) {
+                    my @pedacitos = split( /\^/, $valor );
+                    $servidormeetme = $pedacitos[0];
+                    $meetmeroom     = $pedacitos[1];
+                }
+                else {
+                    # If there is no server defined (its a barge_room)
+                    # we will query all servers - quick hack FIX IT or
+                    # try to figure out a way to have barge-rooms separated
+                    # in panel_contexts (as it is now) and also asterisk
+                    # servers.
+                    $servidormeetme = $nro_servidor;
+                    $meetmeroom     = $valor;
+                }
+                if ( "$servidormeetme" eq "$nro_servidor" ) {
+                    send_command_to_manager( "Action: Command\r\nActionID: meetme_$meetmeroom\r\nCommand: meetme list $meetmeroom\r\n\r\n",
+                        $socket );
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    alarm(2);
+sub process_cli_command {
+    # This subroutine process the output for a manager "Command"
+    # sent, as 'sip show peers'
+    my $texto = shift;
+    @bloque = ();
+    my @lineas     = split( "\r\n", $texto );
+    my $contador   = 0;
+    my $interno    = "";
+    my $estado     = "";
+    my $nada       = "";
+    my $conference = 0;
+    my $usernum    = 0;
+    my $canal      = "";
+    my $sesion     = "";
+    my $heading    = "** PROCESS_CLI";
+    my $server     = 0;
+    foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+        if ( $valor =~ /^Server/ ) {
+            $server = $valor;
+            $server =~ s/Server: (.*)/$1/g;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $texto =~ /ActionID: meetme_/ ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process meetme", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        # Its a meetme status report
+        foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+            $valor =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+            my ( $key, $value ) = split( /: /, $valor, 2 );
+            if ( defined($key) ) {
+                if ( $key eq "ActionID" ) {
+                    $value =~ s/meetme_(\d+)$/$1/g;
+                    $conference = $value;
+                }
+                if ( $key eq "User #" ) {
+                    my @partes = split( /Channel:/, $value );
+                    $usernum = $partes[0];
+                    $usernum =~ s/(\d+)(.*)/$1/g;
+                    $usernum = $usernum * 1;
+                    $usernum =~ s/\s+//g;
+                    $canal = $partes[1];
+                    $canal =~ s/^\s+//g;
+                    $canal =~ s/(.*?)\((.*)/$1/g;
+                    my $uniqueid = find_uniqueid( $canal, $server );
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}    = "MeetmeJoin";
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Meetme"}   = $conference;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Count"}    = $contador;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Channel"}  = $canal;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Usernum"}  = $usernum;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Fake"}     = "hola";
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Server"}   = "$server";
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Uniqueid"} = $uniqueid;
+                    $contador++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        my $cuentamenos = $contador - 1;
+        if ( $cuentamenos >= 0 ) {
+            $bloque[$cuentamenos]{"Total"} = $contador;
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $texto =~ "ActionID: agents" ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process agents", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $agent_number;
+        my $agent_state;
+        my $agent_name;
+        # Show Agents CLI command, generates fake events
+        foreach (@lineas) {
+            $_ =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+            /(\d+) \((.*)\) (.*) (\(.*\))/;
+            if ( defined($1) ) {
+                $agent_number                         = $1;
+                $agent_name                           = $2;
+                $agent_state                          = $3;
+                $agents_name{"$server^$agent_number"} = $agent_name;
+            }
+            if ( defined($3) ) {
+                if ( $agent_state =~ /available at/ ) {
+                    # Agent callback login
+                    $agent_state =~ s/.*'(.*)'.*/$1/g;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}     = "Agentcallbacklogin";
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Loginchan"} = $agent_state;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Agent"}     = $agent_number;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{"Server"}    = "$server";
+                    $contador++;
+                }
+                if ( $agent_state =~ /logged in on/ ) {
+                    # Agent login
+                    $agent_state =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+                    $agent_state =~ s/logged in on //g;
+                    $agent_state =~ s/([^ ]*).*/$1/g;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Event}   = "Agentlogin";
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Channel} = $agent_state;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Agent}   = $agent_number;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Server}  = $server;
+                    $contador++;
+                }
+                if ( $agent_state =~ /not logged in/ ) {
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Event}  = "Agentlogoff";
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Agent}  = $agent_number;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Server} = $server;
+                    $bloque[$contador]{Fake}   = 1;
+                    $contador++;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $texto =~ /ActionID: astdb-/ ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process astdb", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $astdbk = "";
+        my $canalk = "";
+        my $valork = "";
+        foreach (@lineas) {
+            if (/^ActionID/) {
+                $_ =~ m/ActionID: astdb-([^-]*)-(.*)/;
+                $astdbk = $1;
+                $canalk = $2;
+            }
+            if (/^Value:/) {
+                $valork = $_;
+                $valork =~ s/Value: //g;
+            }
+        }
+        if ( $valork ne "" ) {
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}   = "ASTDB";
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Channel"} = $canalk;
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Value"}   = $valork;
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Family"}  = $astdbk;
+            $contador++;
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $texto =~ /ActionID: meetmeun/ || $texto =~ /ActionID: meetmemute/ ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process meetmemute/meetmeunmute", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $quecomando = "";
+        my $quecanal   = "";
+        foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+            if ( $valor =~ /^ActionID:/ ) {
+                $quecomando = $valor;
+                $quecomando =~ s/^ActionID: //g;
+                if ( $quecomando =~ /meetmemute/ ) {
+                    $quecanal = $quecomando;
+                    $quecanal =~ s/meetmemute//g;
+                    $quecomando = "meetmemute";
+                }
+                else {
+                    $quecanal = $quecomando;
+                    $quecanal =~ s/meetmeunmute//g;
+                    $quecomando = "meetmeunmute";
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        my $canal_a_mutear = $buttons_reverse{$quecanal};
+        my @pedazos = split /\^/, $canal_a_mutear;
+        $canal_a_mutear = $pedazos[1];
+        $canal_a_mutear =~ s/(.*)\&(.*)/$1/g;
+        $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}   = $quecomando;
+        $bloque[$contador]{"Channel"} = $canal_a_mutear . "-XXXX";
+        $bloque[$contador]{"Server"}  = "$server";
+        $contador++;
+    }
+    elsif ( $texto =~ "ActionID: iaxpeers" ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process iaxpeers", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $info    = 0;
+        my $statPos = 74;
+        foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+            log_debug( "$heading Line iaxpeers: $valor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( $valor =~ /^Name\/User/i ) {
+                $statPos = index( $valor, "Status" );
+                $info = 1;
+                next;
+            }
+            last if $valor =~ /^--End/i;
+            next unless $info;
+            next unless ( length($valor) > $statPos );
+            my $estado = substr( $valor, $statPos );
+            $valor =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+            my @parametros = split( " ", $valor );
+            my $interno    = $parametros[0];
+            if ( $interno =~ /\// ) {
+                my @partecitas = split( /\//, $interno );
+                $interno = $partecitas[0];
+            }
+            my $dirip = $parametros[1];
+            if ( defined($estado) && $estado ne "" ) {
+                $interno = "IAX2/" . $interno . "-XXXX";
+                log_debug( "$heading State: $estado Extension: $interno", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}   = "Regstatus";
+                $bloque[$contador]{"Channel"} = $interno;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"State"}   = $estado;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"IP"}      = $dirip;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"Server"}  = "$server";
+                $contador++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $texto =~ "ActionID: sccppeers" ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process sccppeers", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $info = 0;
+        foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+            log_debug( "$heading Line sccppeers: $valor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            last if $valor =~ /^--END/i;
+            next unless ( $valor =~ /(.*?)\t+|\s+(.*?)\t+|\s+.*?O.*/ );
+            $valor =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+            my @parametros = split( " ", $valor );
+            my $status = 0;
+            if ( $parametros[1] eq "--" ) {
+                $status = 4;
+            }
+            log_debug( "$heading State: 4 Extension: $interno", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}  = "ExtensionStatus";
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Exten"}  = $parametros[0];
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Status"} = $status;
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Server"} = "$server";
+            $contador++;
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ( $texto =~ "ActionID: parkedcalls" ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading process parkedcalls", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        my $info = 0;
+        foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+            log_debug( "$heading Line parkedcalls: $valor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( $valor =~ /Timeout/ ) {
+                $info = 1;
+                next;
+            }
+            last if $valor =~ /^--End/i;
+            last if $valor =~ /^\d+ parked/i;
+            next unless $info;
+            $valor =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+            my @parametros = split( " ", $valor );
+            my $timeout = $parametros[6];
+            $timeout =~ s/(\d+)s/$1/;
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}   = "ParkedCall";
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Channel"} = $parametros[1];
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Exten"}   = $parametros[0];
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Timeout"} = $timeout;
+            $bloque[$contador]{"Server"}  = "$server";
+            $contador++;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        my $info    = 0;
+        my $statPos = 74;
+        log_debug( "$heading process sip peers", 16 ) if DEBUG;
+        # Its a sip show peers report
+        foreach my $valor (@lineas) {
+            if ( $valor =~ /^Name\/User/i ) {
+                $statPos = index( $valor, "Status" );
+                $info = 1;
+                next;
+            }
+            last if $valor =~ /^--End/i;
+            next unless $info;
+            next unless ( length($valor) > $statPos );
+            log_debug( "$heading Line: $valor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            if ( length($valor) < $statPos ) {
+                log_debug( "$heading SIP PEER line $valor does not match $statPos!", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                next;
+            }
+            my $estado = substr( $valor, $statPos );
+            $valor =~ s/\s+/ /g;
+            if ( $valor eq "" ) { next; }
+            my @parametros = split( " ", $valor );
+            my $interno    = $parametros[0];
+            my $dirip      = $parametros[1];
+            $interno =~ s/(.*)\/(.*)/$1/g;
+            if ( defined($interno) ) {
+                if ( $interno =~ /(.*)\/(.*)/ ) {
+                    if ( $1 eq $2 ) {
+                        $interno = $1 . "-XXXX";
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        $interno .= "-XXXX";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if ( defined($estado)
+                && $estado ne "" )    # If set, is the status of 'sip show peers'
+            {
+                $interno = "SIP/" . $interno;
+                log_debug( "$heading State: $estado Extension: $interno", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"Event"}   = "Regstatus";
+                $bloque[$contador]{"Channel"} = $interno . "-XXXX";
+                $bloque[$contador]{"State"}   = $estado;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"IP"}      = $dirip;
+                $bloque[$contador]{"Server"}  = "$server";
+                $contador++;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub get_meetme_pos {
+    my $server     = shift;
+    my $meetmeroom = shift;
+    my $userpos    = shift;
+    my $trunk_pos = 1;
+    my $heading   = "** GET MEETME ";
+    # This routine gets the usernum for a meetmejoin/meetmeleave event
+    # and coverts it to a button position for meetme=1 channels.
+    # Meetme's usernum starts from one, but if there are already members
+    # in the conference, then it counts for the last members number up.
+    # (no matter if some participants left the room)
+    if ( exists( $meetme_pos{"$server^$meetmeroom"}{"$userpos"} ) ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading Found meetme_pos($server^$meetmeroom)($userpos)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        $trunk_pos = $meetme_pos{"$server^$meetmeroom"}{"$userpos"};
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug( "$heading Not Found meetme_pos($server^$meetmeroom)($userpos)", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+        my %busy_slots = ();
+        foreach my $key1 ( sort ( keys(%meetme_pos) ) ) {
+            if ( $key1 eq "$server^$meetmeroom" ) {
+                foreach my $key2 ( sort ( keys( %{ $meetme_pos{$key1} } ) ) ) {
+                    my $indice = $meetme_pos{$key1}{$key2};
+                    $busy_slots{$indice} = 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        for ( $trunk_pos = 1 ; ; $trunk_pos++ ) {
+            last if ( !exists( $busy_slots{$trunk_pos} ) );
+        }
+        $meetme_pos{"$server^$meetmeroom"}{"$userpos"} = $trunk_pos;
+    }
+    log_debug( "$heading devuelve $meetmeroom=$trunk_pos", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+    return "$meetmeroom=$trunk_pos";
+sub reserve_next_available_agent_button {
+    my $server = shift;
+    my $canal  = shift;
+    my $queue  = shift;
+    my @temparray = ();
+    my $done      = 0;
+    if ( $queueagent_buttons != 1 ) {
+        # Do not waste memory or cpu cicles if we do not have queueagent buttons
+        return;
+    }
+    # agents_on_queue stores every agent that is member of that queue
+    # no matter if its logged in or not. We only need to add/remove items
+    # from here when queuememberadded or queuememberremoved events
+    if ( $canal =~ m/^CLID/ ) {
+        my $extr = $extension_transfer{"$server^$canal"};
+        $extr =~ s/\d+\^(.*)/$1/g;
+        $canal = "Local/$extr";
+    }
+    log_debug( "RESERVE_AGENT_BUTTON server $server, canal $canal, queue $queue", 16 );
+    foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $agents_on_queue{"$server^$queue"} } ) {
+        if ( $vvalor eq "$server^$canal" ) {
+            log_debug( "RESERVE_AGENT_BUTTON no thanks, we already have it", 32 );
+            # We already have it here, return
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $agents_on_queue{"$server^$queue"} } ) {
+        if ( $vvalor =~ /^!/ ) {
+            # If it starts with ! it is available
+            log_debug( "RESERVE_AGENT_BUTTON yes please, we have a previous reservation", 32 );
+            push @temparray, "$server^$canal";
+            $done = 1;
+            last;
+        }
+        else {
+            push @temparray, $vvalor;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $done == 0 ) {
+        # if there is no empty slot, insert at the end
+        push @temparray, "$server^$canal";
+        log_debug( "RESERVE_AGENT_BUTTON yes, but you will have to wait at the end of the line", 32 );
+    }
+    @temparray = unique(@temparray);
+    @{ $agents_on_queue{"$server^$queue"} } = @temparray;
+    print_agentonqueue("en reserve");
+sub find_uniqueid {
+    # returns the uniqueid of a given channel
+    my $canal = shift;
+    $canal =~ s/\s//g;
+    my $server = shift;
+    my $uniqid = "";
+    my $match  = 0;
+    if ( keys(%datos) ) {
+        for ( keys %datos ) {
+            $match = 0;
+            while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$_} } ) ) {
+                if ( $key eq "Channel" && $val =~ m/\Q$canal\E/ ) {
+                    $match++;
+                }
+                if ( $key eq "Server" && $val eq $server ) {
+                    $match++;
+                }
+            }
+            if ( $match > 1 ) {
+                $uniqid = $_;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return $uniqid;
+sub log_debug {
+    my $texto   = shift;
+    my $nivel   = shift;
+    my $verbose = "0";
+    if ( !defined($nivel) ) { $nivel = 1; }
+    if ( !defined($texto) ) { return }
+    if ( $debuglevel & $nivel ) {
+        $texto =~ s/\0//g;
+        if ( $texto !~ m/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ ) {
+            $verbose = $texto;
+            $verbose =~ s/^\*\* ([^\s]*).*/$1/g;
+        }
+        else {
+            my $parte = $texto;
+            $parte =~ s/(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\s+(.*)/$1/g;
+            $verbose = $parte;
+        }
+        if ( $debuglevel == -1 ) {
+            # Debug log Cache
+            $debuglevel_cache .= "$texto\n";
+            $cont_debug_cache++;
+            if ( $cont_debug_cache > 1000 ) {
+                $debuglevel_cache = "";
+                $debuglevel       = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( $debuglevel_cache ne "" ) {
+                print $debuglevel_cache. "\n";
+                $debuglevel_cache = "";
+            }
+            if ( $verbose ne $global_verbose ) {
+                print "\n";
+            }
+            $global_verbose = $verbose;
+            print "$tab$texto\n";
+        }
+    }
+sub alarma_al_minuto {
+    my $nro_servidor = 0;
+    my $heading      = "** ALARM ";
+    manager_connection();
+    # %cache_hit = ();   # Clears button cache
+    foreach (@p) {
+        if ( defined($_) && $_ ne "" ) {
+            log_debug( "$heading Enviando status a " . $ip_addy{$_}, 16 ) if DEBUG;
+            my @pedazos = split( /\|/, $manager_socket{$_} );
+            if ( $pedazos[0] eq $ip_addy{$_} ) {
+                my $contador = 0;
+                foreach my $valor (@manager_host) {
+                    if ( $valor eq $pedazos[0] ) {
+                        $nro_servidor = $contador;
+                    }
+                    $contador++;
+                }
+            }
+            my $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Command: sip show peers\r\n\r\n";
+            send_command_to_manager( $comando, $_ );
+            $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+            $comando .= "ActionID: iaxpeers\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Command: iax2 show peers\r\n\r\n";
+            send_command_to_manager( $comando, $_ );
+            $comando = "Action: Command\r\n";
+            $comando .= "ActionID: sccppeers\r\n";
+            $comando .= "Command: sccp show lines\r\n\r\n";
+            send_command_to_manager( $comando, $_ );
+            if ( $poll_voicemail == 1 ) {
+                # Send commands to check the mailbox status for each mailbox defined
+                while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each(%mailbox) ) {
+                    my @pedacitos = split( /\^/, $key );
+                    my $servidormbox = $pedacitos[0];
+                    if ( "$servidormbox" eq "$nro_servidor" ) {
+                        log_debug( "$heading mailbox $ip_addy{$_} $key $val", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+                        send_command_to_manager( "Action: MailboxStatus\r\nMailbox: $val\r\n\r\n", $_ );
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    alarm($poll_interval);
+sub send_status_to_flash {
+    my $socket       = shift;
+    my $status       = shift;
+    my $nocrypt      = shift;
+    my $encriptado   = $status;
+    my $but_no       = 0;
+    my $heading      = "** SEND_STATUS_TO_FLASH ";
+    my $contexto     = "";
+    my $cmd          = "";
+    my $cmd_crypt    = "";
+    my $data         = "";
+    my $data_crypt   = "";
+    my $noencriptado = "";
+    if ( !defined($socket) ) {
+        log_debug( "$heading socket $socket not open!!!", 64 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    if ( $encriptado =~ /key\|0/ ) {
+        $but_no = '0';
+        $encriptado =~ m/(.*)\|(.*)\|(.*)/;
+        $cmd  = $2;
+        $data = $1;
+    }
+    else {
+        $but_no = $status;
+        $but_no =~ s/(\d+)(.*)\|(.*)/$1/g;
+        $contexto = $status;
+        $contexto =~ s/([^\|]*).*/$1/g;
+        $contexto =~ m/(.*)\@(.*)/;
+        if ( defined($2) ) {
+            $contexto = $2;
+        }
+        else {
+            $contexto = "";
+        }
+        $status =~ m/(.*)\|(.*)\|(.*)/;
+        $cmd  = $2;
+        $data = $3;
+        if ( $contexto ne "" && $cmd ne "restrict" ) {
+            $but_no .= "\@$contexto";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( $flash_contexto{$socket} ne $contexto && $but_no ne "0" ) {
+        # If the context does not match, exit without queueing anything
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( !defined( $no_encryption{"$socket"} ) ) {
+        $no_encryption{"$socket"} = 0;
+    }
+    $noencriptado = "<response btn=\"$but_no\" cmd=\"$cmd\" data=\"$data\"/>\0";
+    if ( !defined( $keys_socket{$socket} ) || $nocrypt == 1 || $no_encryption{$socket} == 1 ) {
+        $encriptado = "<response btn=\"$but_no\" cmd=\"$cmd\" data=\"$data\"/>\0";
+        if ( $cmd eq "key" ) {
+            $keys_socket{$socket} = $data;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $cmd_crypt  = &TEAencrypt( $cmd,  $keys_socket{"$socket"} );
+        $data_crypt = &TEAencrypt( $data, $keys_socket{"$socket"} );
+        $encriptado = "<response btn=\"$but_no\" cmd=\"$cmd_crypt\" data=\"$data_crypt\">\0";
+        if ( $cmd eq "key" ) {
+            $keys_socket{$socket} = $data;
+        }
+    }
+    if ( !defined( $ip_addy{$socket} ) ) {
+        log_debug( "Skip actual_syswrite to $socket cause it does not exists!", 128 ) if DEBUG;
+    }
+    else {
+        actual_syswrite( $socket, $encriptado, "isclient", $noencriptado );
+    }
+sub manager_login_md5 {
+    my $challenge = shift;
+    my $handle    = shift;
+    my @partes    = split( /\|/, $manager_socket{$handle} );
+    my $md5clave = MD5HexDigest( $challenge . $partes[2] );
+    $command = "Action: Login\r\n";
+    $command .= "Username: $partes[1]\r\n";
+    $command .= "AuthType: MD5\r\n";
+    $command .= "Key: $md5clave\r\n\r\n";
+    send_command_to_manager( $command, $handle, 1 );
+sub send_command_to_manager {
+    my $comando            = shift;
+    my $socket             = shift;
+    my $noneedtoauth       = shift;
+    my $astmanproxy_server = shift;
+    my @todos_sockets      = ();
+    if ( !defined($socket) && $astmanproxy_server eq "" ) {
+        log_debug( "No socket defined nor astmanproxy", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( !defined($noneedtoauth) ) {
+        $noneedtoauth = 0;
+    }
+    if ( defined($astmanproxy_server) ) {
+        $comando = "Server: $astmanproxy_server\r\n" . $comando;
+    }
+    if ( !defined($astmanproxy_server) ) {
+        $astmanproxy_server = "";
+    }
+    if ( !defined( $autenticado{$socket} ) && $noneedtoauth == 0 && $astmanproxy_server eq "" ) {
+        log_debug( "Cannot send command to " . $ip_addy{$socket} . " (unauthenticated or connection failed)", 1 )
+          if DEBUG;
+        return;
+    }
+    #    my @partes = split( /\|/, $manager_socket{$socket} );
+    #    $comando = "";
+    if ( $comando eq "" ) {
+        return;
+    }
+    if ( !defined($socket) ) {
+        @todos_sockets = @p;
+    }
+    else {
+        push @todos_sockets, $socket;
+    }
+    foreach (@todos_sockets) {
+        my $sockwrite = $_;
+        if ( !defined($sockwrite) || $sockwrite eq "" ) { next; }
+        my @lineas = split( "\r\n", $comando );
+        foreach my $linea (@lineas) {
+            push @{ $manager_queue{$sockwrite} }, "$linea\r\n";
+        }
+        $global_verbose = "separator";
+        push @{ $manager_queue{$sockwrite} }, "\r\n";
+    }
+sub recompute_queues {
+    my $canalid = shift;
+    my @return_corto;
+    my @return_ocupado;
+    my $maxtime = 0;
+    my $header = "**RECOMP QUEUE";
+    log_debug( "$header canalid $canalid", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+    my $queue_to_recompute = $cola->{$canalid}{QUEUE};
+    my $position_removed   = $cola->{$canalid}{POSITION};
+    log_debug( "$header queue_to_recompute $queue_to_recompute", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+    log_debug( "$header position removed $position_removed",     1 ) if DEBUG;
+    if ( $queue_hide == 1 ) {
+        push @return_corto,
+          $cola->{$canalid}{QUEUE} . "="
+          . $cola->{$canalid}{POSITION}
+          . "|setalpha|000|"
+          . $cola->{$canalid}{QUEUE} . "-"
+          . $cola->{$canalid}{SERVER}
+          . "|$canalid";
+    }
+    push @return_corto,
+      $cola->{$canalid}{QUEUE} . "="
+      . $cola->{$canalid}{POSITION}
+      . "|corto||"
+      . $cola->{$canalid}{QUEUE} . "-"
+      . $cola->{$canalid}{SERVER}
+      . "|$canalid";
+    delete $cola->{$canalid};
+    my $save_id;
+    foreach my $id ( keys %{$cola} ) {
+        if ( $queue_to_recompute eq $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} ) {
+            $save_id = $id;
+            my $diftime = time() - $cola->{$id}{TIME};
+            if ( $diftime > $maxtime ) {
+                $maxtime = $diftime;
+            }
+            if ( $cola->{$id}{POSITION} > $position_removed ) {
+                my $clidtext = $cola->{$id}{CLIDNAME} . " " . $cola->{$id}{CLID};
+                if ( $queue_hide == 1 ) {
+                    push @return_corto,
+                      $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "="
+                      . $cola->{$id}{POSITION}
+                      . "|setalpha|000|"
+                      . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-"
+                      . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+                }
+                push @return_corto,
+                  $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "="
+                  . $cola->{$id}{POSITION}
+                  . "|corto||"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+                $cola->{$id}{POSITION}--;
+                push @return_ocupado,
+                  $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "="
+                  . $cola->{$id}{POSITION}
+                  . "|settimer|$diftime|"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+                push @return_ocupado,
+                  $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "="
+                  . $cola->{$id}{POSITION}
+                  . "|state|busy|"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+                push @return_ocupado, $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "|state|busy|" . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-" . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+                push @return_ocupado,
+                  $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "|settimer|0\@STOP|" . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-" . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+                push @return_ocupado,
+                  $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "="
+                  . $cola->{$id}{POSITION}
+                  . "|settext|[$clidtext]|"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{QUEUE} . "-"
+                  . $cola->{$id}{SERVER} . "|$id";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( defined($save_id) ) {
+        push @return_ocupado,
+          $cola->{$save_id}{QUEUE} . "|settimer|$maxtime\@UP|" . $cola->{$save_id}{QUEUE} . "-" . $cola->{$save_id}{SERVER} . "|$save_id";
+    }
+    @return_ocupado = unique(@return_ocupado);
+    if (@return_corto) {
+        my @todos = ();
+        push @todos, @return_corto;
+        push @todos, @return_ocupado;
+        return @todos;
+    }
+    # TEST|corto|&waitingonqueue,0,&|TEST-0|SIP/16-ea0c
+sub split_callerid {
+    my $clid         = shift;
+    my @return       = ();
+    my $calleridname = "";
+    my $calleridnum  = "";
+    if ( $clid =~ /</ ) {
+        #$clid =~ /"?(.*)<(.*)>/;
+        $clid =~ /"?'?([^"']*)"?'?\s+?<(.*)>/;
+        $calleridname = $1;
+        $calleridnum  = $2;
+        if ( !defined($calleridname) ) { $calleridname = ""; }
+        if ( !defined($calleridnum) )  { $calleridnum  = ""; }
+        if ( $calleridname eq $calleridnum ) {
+            $calleridname = "";
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        $calleridnum  = $clid;
+        $calleridname = "";
+    }
+    push @return, $calleridnum;
+    push @return, $calleridname;
+    return @return;
+sub is_number {
+    my $num = shift;
+    if ( !defined($num) ) { return 1; }
+    if ( $num =~ /[^0-9]/ ) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        return 1;
+    }
+sub close_all {
+    foreach my $file (@all_flash_files) {
+        log_debug( "Removing $file...", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+        unlink($file);
+    }
+    foreach my $hd ( $O->handles ) {
+        my $peer_ip = $ip_addy{$hd};
+        if ( defined($peer_ip) ) {
+            log_debug( "Closing " . $peer_ip, 1 ) if DEBUG;
+        }
+        $O->remove($hd);
+        close($hd);
+    }
+    log_debug( "Exiting...", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+    exit(0);
+sub inArray {
+    my $val = shift;
+    for my $elem (@_) {
+        if ( $val eq $elem ) {
+            return 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return 0;
+sub encode_base64 {
+    my $res = "";
+    my $eol = "\n";
+    pos( $_[0] ) = 0;
+    while ( $_[0] =~ /(.{1,45})/gs ) {
+        $res .= substr( pack( "u", $1 ), 1 );
+        chop($res);
+    }
+    $res =~ tr|` -_|AA-Za-z0-9+/|;    # `
+    my $padding = ( 3 - length( $_[0] ) % 3 ) % 3;
+    $res =~ s/.{$padding}$/"=" x $padding/e if $padding;
+    return $res;
+sub format_clid {
+    # Subroutine to format the caller id number
+    # The format string is in the form "(xxx) xxx-xxxx"
+    # Every x is counted as a digit, any other text is
+    # displayed as is. The digits are replaced from right
+    # to left. If there are digits left, they are discarded
+    my $numero       = shift;
+    my $format       = shift;
+    my @chars_number = ();
+    my @chars_format = ();
+    my @result       = ();
+    my $devuelve     = "";
+    if ( !is_number($numero) ) {
+        return $numero;
+    }
+    if ($clid_privacy) {
+        return "n/a";
+    }
+    @chars_number = split( //, $numero );
+    @chars_format = split( //, $format );
+    @chars_format = reverse @chars_format;
+    my $parate = 0;
+    foreach (@chars_format) {
+        if (@chars_number) {
+            if ( $_ eq "x" or $_ eq "X" ) {
+                push( @result, pop @chars_number );
+            }
+            else {
+                push( @result, $_ );
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            if ($parate) { last; }
+            if ( $_ eq "x" or $_ eq "X" or $_ ne "(" ) {
+                $parate = 1;
+                next;
+            }
+            else {
+                push( @result, $_ );
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @result = reverse @result;
+    $devuelve = join( "", @result );
+    return $devuelve;
+sub generate_random_password {
+    my $passwordsize = shift;
+    my @alphanumeric = ( 'a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z', 0 .. 9 );
+    my $randpassword = join '', map $alphanumeric[ rand @alphanumeric ], 0 .. $passwordsize;
+    return $randpassword;
+sub sends_incorrect {
+    my $socket = shift;
+    my $manda  = "0|incorrect|0";
+    my $T      = send_status_to_flash( $socket, $manda, 0 );
+sub sends_correct {
+    my $socket = shift;
+    my $manda  = "0|correct|0";
+    my $T      = send_status_to_flash( $socket, $manda, 0 );
+sub sends_version {
+    my $socket   = shift;
+    my $nocrypt  = 0;
+    my $contexto = $flash_contexto{$socket};
+    my $boton    = "0";
+    if ( $contexto ne "" ) {
+        $boton .= "\@$contexto";
+    }
+    my $version_string = "$boton|version|$FOP_VERSION";
+    if ( !$keys_socket{"$socket"} ) {
+        $nocrypt = 1;
+    }
+    send_status_to_flash( $socket, $version_string, $nocrypt );
+sub sends_key {
+    # Generate random key por padding the password
+    # and write it to the client
+    my $socket  = shift;
+    my $keylen  = int( rand(22) );
+    my $nocrypt = 0;
+    $keylen += 15;
+    my $randomkey = generate_random_password($keylen);
+    my $mandakey  = "$randomkey|key|0";
+    if ( !$keys_socket{"$socket"} ) {
+        $nocrypt = 1;
+    }
+    if ( !defined( $keys_socket{$socket} ) ) {
+        $keys_socket{$socket} = $randomkey;
+    }
+    send_status_to_flash( $socket, $mandakey, $nocrypt );
+sub unique {
+    my %seen;
+    my @return = ();
+    return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
+    #@return = grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_;
+    #@return = sort ( @return );
+    #return @return;
+sub MD5Digest {
+    my $context = &MD5Init();
+    # security feature: uncomment and put your own "magic string"
+    # note: MD5test.pl will not work with your magic string, of course
+    # my $magicString = '!@#$%^';
+    # &MD5Update($context, $magicString, length($magicString));
+    # this should be done always
+    &MD5Update( $context, $_[0], length( $_[0] ) );
+    return &MD5Final($context);
+# same as Digest but returns digest in a printable (hex) form
+sub MD5HexDigest {
+    return unpack( "H*", &MD5Digest(@_) );
+# MD5 implementation is below
+# derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
+# Original context structure
+# typedef struct {
+#       UINT4 state[4];                                   /* state (ABCD) */
+#       UINT4 count[2];        /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */
+#       unsigned char buffer[64];                         /* input buffer */
+# } MD5_CTX;
+# Constants for MD5Transform routine.
+sub S11 { 7 }
+sub S12 { 12 }
+sub S13 { 17 }
+sub S14 { 22 }
+sub S21 { 5 }
+sub S22 { 9 }
+sub S23 { 14 }
+sub S24 { 20 }
+sub S31 { 4 }
+sub S32 { 11 }
+sub S33 { 16 }
+sub S34 { 23 }
+sub S41 { 6 }
+sub S42 { 10 }
+sub S43 { 15 }
+sub S44 { 21 }
+# F, G, H and I are basic MD5 functions.
+sub F { my ( $x, $y, $z ) = @_; ( ( ($x) & ($y) ) | ( ( ~$x ) & ($z) ) ); }
+sub G { my ( $x, $y, $z ) = @_; ( ( ($x) & ($z) ) | ( ($y) & ( ~$z ) ) ); }
+sub H { my ( $x, $y, $z ) = @_; ( ($x) ^ ($y) ^ ($z) ); }
+sub I { my ( $x, $y, $z ) = @_; ( ($y) ^ ( ($x) | ( ~$z ) ) ); }
+# ROTATE_LEFT rotates x left n bits.
+# Note: "& ~(-1 << $n)" is not in C version
+    my ( $x, $n ) = @_;
+    ( $x << $n ) | ( ( $x >> ( 32 - $n ) & ~( -1 << $n ) ) );
+# FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4.
+# Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation.
+sub FF {
+    my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s, $ac ) = @_;
+    $a += &F( $b, $c, $d ) + $x + $ac;
+    $a = &ROTATE_LEFT( $a, $s );
+    $a += $b;
+    return $a;
+sub GG {
+    my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s, $ac ) = @_;
+    $a += &G( $b, $c, $d ) + $x + $ac;
+    $a = &ROTATE_LEFT( $a, $s );
+    $a += $b;
+    return $a;
+sub HH {
+    my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s, $ac ) = @_;
+    $a += &H( $b, $c, $d ) + $x + $ac;
+    $a = &ROTATE_LEFT( $a, $s );
+    $a += $b;
+    return $a;
+sub II {
+    my ( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x, $s, $ac ) = @_;
+    $a += &I( $b, $c, $d ) + $x + $ac;
+    $a = &ROTATE_LEFT( $a, $s );
+    $a += $b;
+    return $a;
+# MD5 initialization. Begins an MD5 operation, writing a new context.
+sub MD5Init {
+    my $context = {};
+    @{ $context->{count} } = 2;
+    $context->{count}[0] = $context->{count}[1] = 0;
+    $context->{buffer} = '';
+    # Load magic initialization constants.
+    @{ $context->{state} } = 4;
+    $context->{state}[0] = 0x67452301;
+    $context->{state}[1] = 0xefcdab89;
+    $context->{state}[2] = 0x98badcfe;
+    $context->{state}[3] = 0x10325476;
+    return $context;
+# MD5 block update operation. Continues an MD5 message-digest
+# operation, processing another message block, and updating the context.
+sub MD5Update {
+    my ( $context, $input, $inputLen ) = @_;
+    # Compute number of bytes mod 64
+    my $index = ( ( $context->{count}[0] >> 3 ) & 0x3F );
+    # Update number of bits
+    if ( ( $context->{count}[0] += ( $inputLen << 3 ) ) < ( $inputLen << 3 ) ) {
+        $context->{count}[1]++;
+        $context->{count}[1] += ( $inputLen >> 29 );
+    }
+    my $partLen = 64 - $index;
+    # Transform as many times as possible.
+    my $i;
+    if ( $inputLen >= $partLen ) {
+        substr( $context->{buffer}, $index, $partLen ) = substr( $input, 0, $partLen );
+        &MD5Transform( \@{ $context->{state} }, $context->{buffer} );
+        for ( $i = $partLen ; $i + 63 < $inputLen ; $i += 64 ) {
+            &MD5Transform( $context->{state}, substr( $input, $i ) );
+        }
+        $index = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        $i = 0;
+    }
+    # Buffer remaining input
+    substr( $context->{buffer}, $index, $inputLen - $i ) = substr( $input, $i, $inputLen - $i );
+# MD5 finalization. Ends an MD5 message-digest operation, writing the
+# the message digest and zeroizing the context.
+sub MD5Final {
+    my $context = shift;
+    # Save number of bits
+    my $bits = &Encode( \@{ $context->{count} }, 8 );
+    # Pad out to 56 mod 64.
+    my ( $index, $padLen );
+    $index  = ( $context->{count}[0] >> 3 ) & 0x3f;
+    $padLen = ( $index < 56 ) ? ( 56 - $index ) : ( 120 - $index );
+    &MD5Update( $context, $PADDING, $padLen );
+    # Append length (before padding)
+    MD5Update( $context, $bits, 8 );
+    # Store state in digest
+    my $digest = &Encode( \@{ $context->{state} }, 16 );
+    # &MD5_memset ($context, 0);
+    return $digest;
+# MD5 basic transformation. Transforms state based on block.
+sub MD5Transform {
+    my ( $state, $block ) = @_;
+    my ( $a, $b, $c, $d ) = @{$state};
+    my @x = 16;
+    &Decode( \@x, $block, 64 );
+    # Round 1
+    $a = &FF( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[0],  S11, 0xd76aa478 );    # 1
+    $d = &FF( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[1],  S12, 0xe8c7b756 );    # 2
+    $c = &FF( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[2],  S13, 0x242070db );    # 3
+    $b = &FF( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[3],  S14, 0xc1bdceee );    # 4
+    $a = &FF( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[4],  S11, 0xf57c0faf );    # 5
+    $d = &FF( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[5],  S12, 0x4787c62a );    # 6
+    $c = &FF( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[6],  S13, 0xa8304613 );    # 7
+    $b = &FF( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[7],  S14, 0xfd469501 );    # 8
+    $a = &FF( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[8],  S11, 0x698098d8 );    # 9
+    $d = &FF( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[9],  S12, 0x8b44f7af );    # 10
+    $c = &FF( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[10], S13, 0xffff5bb1 );    # 11
+    $b = &FF( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[11], S14, 0x895cd7be );    # 12
+    $a = &FF( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[12], S11, 0x6b901122 );    # 13
+    $d = &FF( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[13], S12, 0xfd987193 );    # 14
+    $c = &FF( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[14], S13, 0xa679438e );    # 15
+    $b = &FF( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[15], S14, 0x49b40821 );    # 16
+    # Round 2
+    $a = &GG( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[1],  S21, 0xf61e2562 );    # 17
+    $d = &GG( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[6],  S22, 0xc040b340 );    # 18
+    $c = &GG( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[11], S23, 0x265e5a51 );    # 19
+    $b = &GG( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[0],  S24, 0xe9b6c7aa );    # 20
+    $a = &GG( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[5],  S21, 0xd62f105d );    # 21
+    $d = &GG( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[10], S22, 0x2441453 );     # 22
+    $c = &GG( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[15], S23, 0xd8a1e681 );    # 23
+    $b = &GG( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[4],  S24, 0xe7d3fbc8 );    # 24
+    $a = &GG( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[9],  S21, 0x21e1cde6 );    # 25
+    $d = &GG( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[14], S22, 0xc33707d6 );    # 26
+    $c = &GG( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[3],  S23, 0xf4d50d87 );    # 27
+    $b = &GG( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[8],  S24, 0x455a14ed );    # 28
+    $a = &GG( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[13], S21, 0xa9e3e905 );    # 29
+    $d = &GG( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[2],  S22, 0xfcefa3f8 );    # 30
+    $c = &GG( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[7],  S23, 0x676f02d9 );    # 31
+    $b = &GG( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[12], S24, 0x8d2a4c8a );    # 32
+    # Round 3
+    $a = &HH( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[5],  S31, 0xfffa3942 );    # 33
+    $d = &HH( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[8],  S32, 0x8771f681 );    # 34
+    $c = &HH( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[11], S33, 0x6d9d6122 );    # 35
+    $b = &HH( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[14], S34, 0xfde5380c );    # 36
+    $a = &HH( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[1],  S31, 0xa4beea44 );    # 37
+    $d = &HH( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[4],  S32, 0x4bdecfa9 );    # 38
+    $c = &HH( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[7],  S33, 0xf6bb4b60 );    # 39
+    $b = &HH( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[10], S34, 0xbebfbc70 );    # 40
+    $a = &HH( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[13], S31, 0x289b7ec6 );    # 41
+    $d = &HH( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[0],  S32, 0xeaa127fa );    # 42
+    $c = &HH( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[3],  S33, 0xd4ef3085 );    # 43
+    $b = &HH( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[6],  S34, 0x4881d05 );     # 44
+    $a = &HH( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[9],  S31, 0xd9d4d039 );    # 45
+    $d = &HH( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[12], S32, 0xe6db99e5 );    # 46
+    $c = &HH( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[15], S33, 0x1fa27cf8 );    # 47
+    $b = &HH( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[2],  S34, 0xc4ac5665 );    # 48
+    # Round 4
+    $a = &II( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[0],  S41, 0xf4292244 );    # 49
+    $d = &II( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[7],  S42, 0x432aff97 );    # 50
+    $c = &II( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[14], S43, 0xab9423a7 );    # 51
+    $b = &II( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[5],  S44, 0xfc93a039 );    # 52
+    $a = &II( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[12], S41, 0x655b59c3 );    # 53
+    $d = &II( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[3],  S42, 0x8f0ccc92 );    # 54
+    $c = &II( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[10], S43, 0xffeff47d );    # 55
+    $b = &II( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[1],  S44, 0x85845dd1 );    # 56
+    $a = &II( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[8],  S41, 0x6fa87e4f );    # 57
+    $d = &II( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[15], S42, 0xfe2ce6e0 );    # 58
+    $c = &II( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[6],  S43, 0xa3014314 );    # 59
+    $b = &II( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[13], S44, 0x4e0811a1 );    # 60
+    $a = &II( $a, $b, $c, $d, $x[4],  S41, 0xf7537e82 );    # 61
+    $d = &II( $d, $a, $b, $c, $x[11], S42, 0xbd3af235 );    # 62
+    $c = &II( $c, $d, $a, $b, $x[2],  S43, 0x2ad7d2bb );    # 63
+    $b = &II( $b, $c, $d, $a, $x[9],  S44, 0xeb86d391 );    # 64
+    $state->[0] += $a;
+    $state->[1] += $b;
+    $state->[2] += $c;
+    $state->[3] += $d;
+    # Zeroize sensitive information.
+    # MD5_memset ((POINTER)x, 0, sizeof (x));
+# Encodes input (UINT4) into output (unsigned char). Assumes len is
+# a multiple of 4.
+sub Encode {
+    my ( $input, $len ) = @_;
+    my $output = '';
+    my ( $i, $j );
+    for ( $i = 0, $j = 0 ; $j < $len ; $i++, $j += 4 ) {
+        substr( $output, $j + 0, 1 ) = chr( $input->[$i] & 0xff );
+        substr( $output, $j + 1, 1 ) = chr( ( $input->[$i] >> 8 ) & 0xff );
+        substr( $output, $j + 2, 1 ) = chr( ( $input->[$i] >> 16 ) & 0xff );
+        substr( $output, $j + 3, 1 ) = chr( ( $input->[$i] >> 24 ) & 0xff );
+    }
+    return $output;
+# Decodes input (unsigned char) into output (UINT4). Assumes len is
+# a multiple of 4.
+sub Decode {
+    my ( $output, $input, $len ) = @_;
+    my ( $i, $j );
+    for ( $i = 0, $j = 0 ; $j < $len ; $i++, $j += 4 ) {
+        $output->[$i] =
+          ( ord( substr( $input, $j + 0, 1 ) ) ) | ( ord( substr( $input, $j + 1, 1 ) ) << 8 ) |
+          ( ord( substr( $input, $j + 2, 1 ) ) << 16 ) | ( ord( substr( $input, $j + 3, 1 ) ) << 24 );
+    }
+# TEA Encryption algorithm
+#        This Perl module is Copyright (c) 2000, Peter J Billam         #
+#               c/o P J B Computing, www.pjb.com.au                     #
+sub binary2ascii {
+    return &str2ascii( &binary2str(@_) );
+sub ascii2binary {
+    return &str2binary( &ascii2str( $_[$[] ) );
+sub str2binary {
+    my @str      = split //, $_[$[];
+    my @intarray = ();
+    my $ii       = $[;
+    while (1) {
+        last unless @str;
+        $intarray[$ii] = ( 0xFF & ord shift @str ) << 24;
+        last unless @str;
+        $intarray[$ii] |= ( 0xFF & ord shift @str ) << 16;
+        last unless @str;
+        $intarray[$ii] |= ( 0xFF & ord shift @str ) << 8;
+        last unless @str;
+        $intarray[$ii] |= 0xFF & ord shift @str;
+        $ii++;
+    }
+    return @intarray;
+sub binary2str {
+    my @str = ();
+    foreach my $i (@_) {
+        push @str, chr( 0xFF & ( $i >> 24 ) ), chr( 0xFF & ( $i >> 16 ) ), chr( 0xFF & ( $i >> 8 ) ), chr( 0xFF & $i );
+    }
+    return join '', @str;
+sub ascii2str {
+    my $a = $_[$[];    # converts pseudo-base64 to string of bytes
+    $a =~ tr#A-Za-z0-9+_##cd;
+    my $ia = $[ - 1;
+    my $la = length $a;    # BUG not length, final!
+    my $ib = $[;
+    my @b  = ();
+    my $carry;
+    while (1) {            # reads 4 ascii chars and produces 3 bytes
+        $ia++;
+        last if ( $ia >= $la );
+        $b[$ib] = $a2b{ substr $a, $ia + $[, 1 } << 2;
+        $ia++;
+        last if ( $ia >= $la );
+        $carry = $a2b{ substr $a, $ia + $[, 1 };
+        $b[$ib] |= ( $carry >> 4 );
+        $ib++;
+        # if low 4 bits of $carry are 0 and its the last char, then break
+        $carry = 0xF & $carry;
+        last if ( $carry == 0 && $ia == ( $la - 1 ) );
+        $b[$ib] = $carry << 4;
+        $ia++;
+        last if ( $ia >= $la );
+        $carry = $a2b{ substr $a, $ia + $[, 1 };
+        $b[$ib] |= ( $carry >> 2 );
+        $ib++;
+        # if low 2 bits of $carry are 0 and its the last char, then break
+        $carry = 03 & $carry;
+        last if ( $carry == 0 && $ia == ( $la - 1 ) );
+        $b[$ib] = $carry << 6;
+        $ia++;
+        last if ( $ia >= $la );
+        $b[$ib] |= $a2b{ substr $a, $ia + $[, 1 };
+        $ib++;
+    }
+    return pack 'c*', @b;
+sub str2ascii {
+    my $b  = $_[$[];      # converts string of bytes to pseudo-base64
+    my $ib = $[;
+    my $lb = length $b;
+    my @s  = ();
+    my $b1;
+    my $b2;
+    my $b3;
+    my $carry;
+    while (1) {           # reads 3 bytes and produces 4 ascii chars
+        if ( $ib >= $lb ) { last; }
+        $b1 = ord substr $b, $ib + $[, 1;
+        $ib++;
+        push @s, $b2a{ $b1 >> 2 };
+        $carry = 03 & $b1;
+        if ( $ib >= $lb ) { push @s, $b2a{ $carry << 4 }; last; }
+        $b2 = ord substr $b, $ib + $[, 1;
+        $ib++;
+        push @s, $b2a{ ( $b2 >> 4 ) | ( $carry << 4 ) };
+        $carry = 0xF & $b2;
+        if ( $ib >= $lb ) { push @s, $b2a{ $carry << 2 }; last; }
+        $b3 = ord substr $b, $ib + $[, 1;
+        $ib++;
+        push @s, $b2a{ ( $b3 >> 6 ) | ( $carry << 2 ) }, $b2a{ 077 & $b3 };
+        if ( !$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} && ( ( $ib % 36 ) == 0 ) ) { push @s, "\n"; }
+    }
+    return join( '', @s );
+sub asciidigest {    # returns 22-char ascii signature
+    return &binary2ascii( &binarydigest( $_[$[] ) );
+sub binarydigest {
+    my $str = $_[$[];    # returns 4 32-bit-int binary signature
+                         # warning: mode of use invented by Peter Billam 1998, needs checking !
+    return '' unless $str;
+    # add 1 char ('0'..'15') at front to specify no of pad chars at end ...
+    my $npads = 15 - ( ( length $str ) % 16 );
+    $str = chr($npads) . $str;
+    if ($npads) { $str .= "\0" x $npads; }
+    my @str = &str2binary($str);
+    my @key = ( 0x61626364, 0x62636465, 0x63646566, 0x64656667 );
+    my ( $cswap, $v0, $v1, $v2, $v3 );
+    my $c0 = 0x61626364;
+    my $c1 = 0x62636465;    # CBC Initial Value. Retain !
+    my $c2 = 0x61626364;
+    my $c3 = 0x62636465;    # likewise (abcdbcde).
+    while (@str) {
+        # shift 2 blocks off front of str ...
+        $v0 = shift @str;
+        $v1 = shift @str;
+        $v2 = shift @str;
+        $v3 = shift @str;
+        # cipher them XOR'd with previous stage ...
+        ( $c0, $c1 ) = &tea_code( $v0 ^ $c0, $v1 ^ $c1, @key );
+        ( $c2, $c3 ) = &tea_code( $v2 ^ $c2, $v3 ^ $c3, @key );
+        # mix up the two cipher blocks with a 4-byte left rotation ...
+        $cswap = $c0;
+        $c0    = $c1;
+        $c1    = $c2;
+        $c2    = $c3;
+        $c3    = $cswap;
+    }
+    return ( $c0, $c1, $c2, $c3 );
+sub TEAencrypt {
+    my ( $str, $key ) = @_;    # encodes with CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)
+    use integer;
+    return '' unless $str;
+    return '' unless $key;
+    @key = &binarydigest($key);
+    # add 1 char ('0'..'7') at front to specify no of pad chars at end ...
+    my $npads = 7 - ( ( length $str ) % 8 );
+    $str = chr( $npads | ( 0xF8 & &rand_byte ) ) . $str;
+    if ($npads) {
+        my $padding = pack 'CCCCCCC', &rand_byte, &rand_byte, &rand_byte, &rand_byte, &rand_byte, &rand_byte, &rand_byte;
+        $str = $str . substr( $padding, $[, $npads );
+    }
+    my @pblocks = &str2binary($str);
+    my $v0;
+    my $v1;
+    my $c0 = 0x61626364;
+    my $c1 = 0x62636465;    # CBC Initial Value. Retain !
+    my @cblocks;
+    while (1) {
+        last unless @pblocks;
+        $v0 = shift @pblocks;
+        $v1 = shift @pblocks;
+        ( $c0, $c1 ) = &tea_code( $v0 ^ $c0, $v1 ^ $c1, @key );
+        push @cblocks, $c0, $c1;
+    }
+    my $btmp = &binary2str(@cblocks);
+    return &str2ascii( &binary2str(@cblocks) );
+sub TEAdecrypt {
+    my ( $acstr, $key ) = @_;    # decodes with CBC
+    use integer;
+    return '' unless $acstr;
+    return '' unless $key;
+    @key = &binarydigest($key);
+    my $v0;
+    my $v1;
+    my $c0;
+    my $c1;
+    my @pblocks = ();
+    my $de0;
+    my $de1;
+    my $lastc0  = 0x61626364;
+    my $lastc1  = 0x62636465;                          # CBC Init Val. Retain!
+    my @cblocks = &str2binary( &ascii2str($acstr) );
+    while (1) {
+        last unless @cblocks;
+        $c0 = shift @cblocks;
+        $c1 = shift @cblocks;
+        ( $de0, $de1 ) = &tea_decode( $c0, $c1, @key );
+        $v0 = $lastc0 ^ $de0;
+        $v1 = $lastc1 ^ $de1;
+        push @pblocks, $v0, $v1;
+        $lastc0 = $c0;
+        $lastc1 = $c1;
+    }
+    my $str = &binary2str(@pblocks);
+    # remove no of pad chars at end specified by 1 char ('0'..'7') at front
+    my $npads = 0x7 & ord $str;
+    substr( $str, $[, 1 ) = '';
+    if ($npads) { substr( $str, 0 - $npads ) = ''; }
+    return $str;
+sub triple_encrypt {
+    my ( $plaintext, $long_key ) = @_;    # not yet ...
+sub triple_decrypt {
+    my ( $cyphertext, $long_key ) = @_;    # not yet ...
+sub tea_code {
+    my ( $v0, $v1, $k0, $k1, $k2, $k3 ) = @_;
+    # TEA. 64-bit cleartext block in $v0,$v1. 128-bit key in $k0..$k3.
+    # &prn("tea_code: v0=$v0 v1=$v1");
+    use integer;
+    my $sum = 0;
+    my $n   = 32;
+    while ( $n-- > 0 ) {
+        $sum += 0x9e3779b9;                                                                          # TEA magic number delta
+        $v0  += ( ( $v1 << 4 ) + $k0 ) ^ ( $v1 + $sum ) ^ ( ( 0x07FFFFFF & ( $v1 >> 5 ) ) + $k1 );
+        $v1  += ( ( $v0 << 4 ) + $k2 ) ^ ( $v0 + $sum ) ^ ( ( 0x07FFFFFF & ( $v0 >> 5 ) ) + $k3 );
+    }
+    return ( $v0, $v1 );
+sub tea_decode {
+    my ( $v0, $v1, $k0, $k1, $k2, $k3 ) = @_;
+    # TEA. 64-bit cyphertext block in $v0,$v1. 128-bit key in $k0..$k3.
+    use integer;
+    my $sum = 0;
+    my $n   = 32;
+    $sum = 0x9e3779b9 << 5;    # TEA magic number delta
+    while ( $n-- > 0 ) {
+        $v1 -= ( ( $v0 << 4 ) + $k2 ) ^ ( $v0 + $sum ) ^ ( ( 0x07FFFFFF & ( $v0 >> 5 ) ) + $k3 );
+        $v0 -= ( ( $v1 << 4 ) + $k0 ) ^ ( $v1 + $sum ) ^ ( ( 0x07FFFFFF & ( $v1 >> 5 ) ) + $k1 );
+        $sum -= 0x9e3779b9;
+    }
+    return ( $v0, $v1 );
+sub rand_byte {
+    if ( !$rand_byte_already_called ) {
+        srand( time() ^ ( $$ + ( $$ << 15 ) ) );    # could do better, but its only padding
+        $rand_byte_already_called = 1;
+    }
+    int( rand 256 );
+# End TEA
+sub print_agentonqueue {
+    my $valor = shift;
+    if ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) {
+        log_debug( $valor, 1 ) if DEBUG;
+        foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) ) {
+            foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $agents_on_queue{$valor} } ) {
+                log_debug( "agents_on_queue{$valor} = $vvalor", 1 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub print_countqueue {
+    my $valor = shift;
+    if ( keys(%count_queue) ) {
+        foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%count_queue) ) ) {
+            foreach my $vvalor ( @{ $count_queue{$valor} } ) {
+                log_debug( "\t| count_queue{$valor} = $vvalor", 32 ) if DEBUG;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub print_datos {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        my $num = shift;
+        if ( keys(%datos) ) {
+            print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+            print "DATOS $num\n";
+            print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+            for ( keys %datos ) {
+                print $_. "\n";
+                while ( my ( $key, $val ) = each( %{ $datos{$_} } ) ) {
+                    if ( defined($val) ) {
+                        print "\t$key = $val\n";
+                    }
+                }
+                print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            print "NO DATOS TO DISPLAY\n";
+        }
+    }
+sub print_cachehit {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        print "CACHE HIT\n";
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        if ( keys(%cache_hit) ) {
+            for ( keys %cache_hit ) {
+                print "key $_\n";
+                if ( defined( @{ $cache_hit{$_} } ) ) {
+                    my @final = ();
+                    foreach my $val ( @{ $cache_hit{$_} } ) {
+                        print "\tcache_hit($_) = $val\n";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            print "NO CACHE HITS TO DISPLAY\n";
+        }
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+    }
+sub print_linkbot {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        print "LINKS BOTONES\n";
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        if ( keys(%linkbot) ) {
+            for ( keys %linkbot ) {
+                if ( defined( @{ $linkbot{$_} } ) ) {
+                    my @final = ();
+                    foreach my $val ( @{ $linkbot{$_} } ) {
+                        print "\tlinkbot($_) = $val\n";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            print "NO DATOS TO DISPLAY\n";
+        }
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+    }
+sub print_sesbot {
+    my $quien = shift;
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        print "SESIONES BOTONES $quien\n";
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        if ( keys(%sesbot) ) {
+            for ( keys %sesbot ) {
+                if ( defined( @{ $sesbot{$_} } ) ) {
+                    my @final = ();
+                    foreach my $val ( @{ $sesbot{$_} } ) {
+                        print "\tsesbot($_) = $val\n";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            print "NO DATOS TO DISPLAY\n";
+        }
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+    }
+sub print_instancias {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        my $num = shift;
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        print "Instancias 2 $num\n";
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        foreach my $caca ( sort ( keys(%instancias) ) ) {
+            print $caca. "\n";
+            foreach my $pipu ( sort ( keys( %{ $instancias{$caca} } ) ) ) {
+                print "\t$pipu = $instancias{$caca}{$pipu}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+    }
+sub print_botones {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        my $num = shift;
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        print "Botones $num\n";
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        foreach ( sort ( keys(%buttons) ) ) {
+            printf( "%-20s %-10s %-10s\n", $_, $buttons{$_}, $button_server{ $buttons{$_} } );
+        }
+    }
+sub print_cola_write {
+    my $socket = shift;
+    if ( !defined($socket) ) {
+        for ( keys %client_queue ) {
+            my $contame = 0;
+            foreach my $val ( @{ $client_queue{$_} } ) {
+                $contame++;
+                print "cola $contame $_ comando $val\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        my $contame = 0;
+        foreach my $val ( @{ $client_queue{$socket} } ) {
+            $contame++;
+            print "cola $contame $socket comando $val\n";
+        }
+    }
+sub print_timers {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        if ( keys(%botontimer) ) {
+            for my $interno ( keys %botontimer ) {
+                print "botontimer $interno = $botontimer{$interno}, type $botontimertype{$interno}\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub print_clients {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        my $number_of_flash_clients_connected = @flash_clients;
+        if ( $number_of_flash_clients_connected > 0 ) {
+            print "\nFlash clients connected: $number_of_flash_clients_connected\n";
+            print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+            foreach my $C (@flash_clients) {
+                print peerinfo($C) . " $C\n";
+            }
+            print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        }
+        else {
+            print "No flash clients connected\n";
+        }
+    }
+sub print_agents {
+    if ( $debuglevel & 1 ) {
+        if ( keys(%agent_to_channel) ) {
+            print "Agent_to_channel: \n";
+            foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%agent_to_channel) ) ) {
+                print "agent_to_channel{$valor} = $agent_to_channel{$valor}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%reverse_agents) ) {
+            print "Reverse Agents: \n";
+            foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%reverse_agents) ) ) {
+                print "reverse_agents{$valor} = $reverse_agents{$valor}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%channel_to_agent) ) {
+            print "Channel to Agent: \n";
+            foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%channel_to_agent) ) ) {
+                print "channel_to_agent{$valor} = $channel_to_agent{$valor}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) {
+            print "Agents on queue: \n";
+            foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%agents_on_queue) ) ) {
+                print "agents_on_queue{$valor} = $agents_on_queue{$valor}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%is_agent) ) {
+            print "is Agents: \n";
+            foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%is_agent) ) ) {
+                print "is_agent{$valor} = $is_agent{$valor}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        if ( keys(%count_queue) ) {
+            print "Count on queue: \n";
+            foreach my $valor ( sort ( keys(%count_queue) ) ) {
+                print "count_queue{$valor} = $count_queue{$valor}\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub print_status {
+    if ( keys(%estadoboton) ) {
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        print "ESTADO BOTONES\n";
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+        for ( keys %estadoboton ) {
+            my $separador = 0;
+            my $nroboton  = $_;
+            print "$nroboton\t $estadoboton{$nroboton}\t \n";
+        }
+        print "---------------------------------------------------\n";
+    }
+    else {
+        print "No estadoboton populated\n";
+    }
+    if ( keys(%botonled) ) {
+        print "----- LEDS --------\n";
+        for ( keys %botonled ) {
+            print "$_ = $botonled{$_} $botonlabel{$_}\n";
+        }
+    }
+    if ( keys(%botonvoicemail) ) {
+        print "----- VOICEMAIL --------\n";
+        for ( keys %botonvoicemail ) {
+            print "$_ = $botonvoicemail{$_}\n";
+        }
+    }
+=head1 NAME
+op_server - Proxy server for the Asterisk Flash Operator Panel
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+op_server.pl [options] 
+ Options:
+   -?, --help
+   -p, --pidfile
+   -c, --confdir
+   -l, --logdir
+   -d, --daemon  
+   -v, --version
+   -X, --debuglevel
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<--help>
+Print a brief help message and exits
+=item B<--pidfile>
+Specify the pid file to use when running in daemon mode. Defaults to /var/run/op_panel.pid. See /etc/init.d/op-panel for Debian defaults.
+=item B<--confdir>
+Specify where to look for the configuration files. If omited, it will look for them in the same directory where op_server.pl resides
+=item B<--logdir>
+If specified, will write the log files to that directory. If not, it will output to STDOUT and STDERR
+=item B<--daemon>
+Run the server in daemon mode, detaching itself from the console
+=item B<--version>
+Display the version and exits
+=item B<--debuglevel>
+Sets the debug level for the logs. It overrides the value inside op_server.cfg
+B<This program> is a proxy server for the Flash Operator Panel. It reads configuration files and updates the data to display on the panel.
+=head1 FILES
+=over 8
+=item B</etc/op-panel>
+The configuration files of the operator panel daemon reside in that directory
+(may differ on other distributions). Those include:
+=item B<op_server.cfg>
+The server's configuration file. See remarks in file for documentation.
+=item B<op_buttons.cfg>
+Defines the layout of the operator panel, and also which phones to track.
+=item B</var/log/op-panel/output.log>
+The standard output of the daemon, including debugging prints and dumps.
+=item B</var/log/op-panel/error.log>
+The standard error of the daemon. Should normally be empty.

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