[Pkg-voip-commits] r4165 - asterisk/trunk/debian

paravoid at alioth.debian.org paravoid at alioth.debian.org
Mon Aug 20 04:33:39 UTC 2007

Author: paravoid
Date: 2007-08-20 04:33:39 +0000 (Mon, 20 Aug 2007)
New Revision: 4165

Cleanup changelog (aka be a perfectionist...)

Modified: asterisk/trunk/debian/changelog
--- asterisk/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-08-20 04:24:13 UTC (rev 4164)
+++ asterisk/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-08-20 04:33:39 UTC (rev 4165)
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
 asterisk (1: UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+    TODO:
+    - Wait response from submitter of #438702.
+    - Heavily test it (bristuff & postinst changes) before uploading even to
+      unstable.
   [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
   * New upstream release.
-  * Removing build requirement gtk (maybe needed for building the
-    non-usable gtk console. If anybody needs it, please file a bug report.)
+  * Remove libgtk2.0-dev from Build-Depends since the GTK+ console was not
+    getting built anyway.
   [ Kilian Krause ]
   * Add dpkg-dev (>= 1.13.19) to Build-Depends for binary:Version and
@@ -15,10 +19,10 @@
   * Switch to quilt as a patch management system instead of dpatch.
   * Add bristuff 0.4.0-test4 and split into smaller, individual patches
-  * Add HFC-S/HFC-4S support to the Description.
+  * Mention bristuff's HFC-S/HFC-4S support in the Description.
   * Use libpri-bristuffed.so.1 and its respective header
-  * Ship xagi-test.c (from bristuff) to examples.
+  * Ship xagi-test.c from bristuff as an example.
   * Major overhaul of the postinst scripts, completely replacing asterisk_fix.
     - Create Asterisk's directories on asterisk.dirs to track them using dpkg.
     - Add asterisk.postinst which calls adduser, chown, chmod. Improve error
@@ -32,16 +36,16 @@
       (Closes: #408708)
     - Don't depend on adduser from asterisk-config.
   * Remove Suggests to gnomemeeting (it's a dummy package nowdays),
-    asterisk-rate-engine and add for twinkle.
+    asterisk-rate-engine and add one for twinkle.
   * Remove Conflicts for an old version of asterisk-oh323 which was only
     present until sarge.
   * Remove versioned dependency on an ancient (pre-sarge) version of sed.
-  * Patch channels/h323/ast_h323.cxx to add some missing PTRACING guards
+  * Patch channels/h323/ast_h323.cxx to add some missing PTRACING #ifdef
-  * h323-workaround-openh323-segfault patch: workaround libopenh323 bug
+  * h323-workaround-openh323-segfault patch: workaround a libopenh323 bug
     (#438815) which causes Asterisk to segfault on startup. (Closes: #435146)
- -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:48:15 +0300
+ -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Mon, 20 Aug 2007 07:33:06 +0300
 asterisk (1:1.4.10~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low

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