[Pkg-voip-commits] r3325 - in zaptel/trunk/debian: . patches

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Mar 24 19:18:32 CET 2007

Author: tzafrir-guest
Date: 2007-03-24 18:18:32 +0000 (Sat, 24 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 3325

* Update standards version to 3.7.2 .
* ztdiag.dpatch: fix the ioctl ZT_CHANDIAG and enable it.
* Use the zaptel perl utilities to simplify zaptel init.
* zaptel_perl.dpatch: use vedorlib rather than an explicit path.
* Fix /etc/init.d/zaptel status .
* Support loading modules from /etc/init.d/zaptel start .

Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/changelog
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/changelog	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
 zaptel (1:1.2.16~dfsg-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
+  * Update standards version to 3.7.2 .
+  * ztdiag.dpatch: fix the ioctl ZT_CHANDIAG and enable it.
+  * Use the zaptel perl utilities to simplify zaptel init.
+  * zaptel_perl.dpatch: use vedorlib rather than an explicit path.
+  * Fix /etc/init.d/zaptel status .
+  * Support loading modules from /etc/init.d/zaptel start .
- -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:14:20 +0000
+ -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  Sat, 24 Mar 2007 20:02:03 +0200
 zaptel (1:1.2.16~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/docs
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/docs	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/docs	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@

Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/00list
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/00list	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@

Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/zaptel_perl.dpatch
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/zaptel_perl.dpatch	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/zaptel_perl.dpatch	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  UDEV_RULES_DIR	= /etc/udev/rules.d
  # Perl disabled by default, until we see it is safe:
 -#PERLLIBDIR	= $(shell eval `perl -V:sitelib`; echo "$$sitelib")
-+PERLLIBDIR	= $(datadir)/perl5
++PERLLIBDIR	= $(shell eval `perl -V:vendorlib`; echo "$$vendorlib")
  XPD_FIRMWARE	= $(wildcard ../firmwares/*.hex)
  XPD_INIT_DATA	= $(XPD_FIRMWARE) init_fxo_modes

Added: zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/ztdiag.dpatch
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/ztdiag.dpatch	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/ztdiag.dpatch	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## ztdiag.dpatch by Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: ZT_CHANDIAG (used in ztdiag) is disabled by default, as it allocates
+## DP: a large struct on the stack. This patch allocates it in the heap,
+## DP: and also enables it by default.
+## DP: upstream bug: http://bugs.digium.com/view.php?id=9364 .
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad zaptel-1.4.1~dfsg~/zaptel-base.c zaptel-1.4.1~dfsg/zaptel-base.c
+--- zaptel-1.4.1~dfsg~/zaptel-base.c	2007-03-24 10:20:58.000000000 +0200
++++ zaptel-1.4.1~dfsg/zaptel-base.c	2007-03-24 10:46:38.000000000 +0200
+@@ -2934,11 +2934,7 @@
+ 		struct zt_params param;
+ 	} stack;
+ 	struct zt_chan *chan;
+-	/* This structure is huge and will bork a 4k stack */
+-	struct zt_chan mychan;
+ 	unsigned long flags;
+ 	int i,j;
+ 	int return_master = 0;
+@@ -3147,7 +3145,6 @@
+ 		if (copy_to_user((struct zt_spaninfo *) data,&stack.span,sizeof(stack.span)))
+ 			return -EFAULT;
+ 		break;
+ 	case ZT_CHANDIAG:
+ 		get_user(j, (int *)data); /* get channel number from user */
+ 		/* make sure its a valid channel number */
+@@ -3155,49 +3152,54 @@
+ 			return -EINVAL;
+ 		/* if channel not mapped, not there */
+ 		if (!chans[j]) return -EINVAL;
+-		/* lock irq state */
++                chan = kmalloc(sizeof(struct zt_chan), GFP_KERNEL);
++                if (!chan)
++			return -ENOMEM;
++		/* lock channel */
+ 		spin_lock_irqsave(&chans[j]->lock, flags);
+ 		/* make static copy of channel */
+-		memcpy(&mychan,chans[j],sizeof(struct zt_chan));
+-		/* let irq's go */
++		memcpy(chan,chans[j],sizeof(struct zt_chan));
++		/* release it. */
+ 		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&chans[j]->lock, flags);
+ 		printk("Dump of Zaptel Channel %d (%s,%d,%d):\n\n",j,
+-			mychan.name,mychan.channo,mychan.chanpos);
++			chan->name,chan->channo,chan->chanpos);
+ 		printk("flags: %x hex, writechunk: %08lx, readchunk: %08lx\n",
+-			mychan.flags, (long) mychan.writechunk, (long) mychan.readchunk);
++			chan->flags, (long) chan->writechunk, (long) chan->readchunk);
+ 		printk("rxgain: %08lx, txgain: %08lx, gainalloc: %d\n",
+-			(long) mychan.rxgain, (long)mychan.txgain, mychan.gainalloc);
++			(long) chan->rxgain, (long)chan->txgain, chan->gainalloc);
+ 		printk("span: %08lx, sig: %x hex, sigcap: %x hex\n",
+-			(long)mychan.span, mychan.sig, mychan.sigcap);
++			(long)chan->span, chan->sig, chan->sigcap);
+ 		printk("inreadbuf: %d, outreadbuf: %d, inwritebuf: %d, outwritebuf: %d\n",
+-			mychan.inreadbuf, mychan.outreadbuf, mychan.inwritebuf, mychan.outwritebuf);
++			chan->inreadbuf, chan->outreadbuf, chan->inwritebuf, chan->outwritebuf);
+ 		printk("blocksize: %d, numbufs: %d, txbufpolicy: %d, txbufpolicy: %d\n",
+-			mychan.blocksize, mychan.numbufs, mychan.txbufpolicy, mychan.rxbufpolicy);
++			chan->blocksize, chan->numbufs, chan->txbufpolicy, chan->rxbufpolicy);
+ 		printk("txdisable: %d, rxdisable: %d, iomask: %d\n",
+-			mychan.txdisable, mychan.rxdisable, mychan.iomask);
++			chan->txdisable, chan->rxdisable, chan->iomask);
+ 		printk("curzone: %08lx, tonezone: %d, curtone: %08lx, tonep: %d\n",
+-			(long) mychan.curzone, mychan.tonezone, (long) mychan.curtone, mychan.tonep);
++			(long) chan->curzone, chan->tonezone, (long) chan->curtone, chan->tonep);
+ 		printk("digitmode: %d, txdialbuf: %s, dialing: %d, aftdialtimer: %d, cadpos. %d\n",
+-			mychan.digitmode, mychan.txdialbuf, mychan.dialing,
+-				mychan.afterdialingtimer, mychan.cadencepos);
++			chan->digitmode, chan->txdialbuf, chan->dialing,
++				chan->afterdialingtimer, chan->cadencepos);
+ 		printk("confna: %d, confn: %d, confmode: %d, confmute: %d\n",
+-			mychan.confna, mychan._confn, mychan.confmode, mychan.confmute);
++			chan->confna, chan->_confn, chan->confmode, chan->confmute);
+ 		printk("ec: %08lx, echocancel: %d, deflaw: %d, xlaw: %08lx\n",
+-			(long) mychan.ec, mychan.echocancel, mychan.deflaw, (long) mychan.xlaw);
++			(long) chan->ec, chan->echocancel, chan->deflaw, (long) chan->xlaw);
+ 		printk("echostate: %02x, echotimer: %d, echolastupdate: %d\n",
+-			(int) mychan.echostate, mychan.echotimer, mychan.echolastupdate);
++			(int) chan->echostate, chan->echotimer, chan->echolastupdate);
+ 		printk("itimer: %d, otimer: %d, ringdebtimer: %d\n\n",
+-			mychan.itimer,mychan.otimer,mychan.ringdebtimer);
++			chan->itimer,chan->otimer,chan->ringdebtimer);
+ #if 0
+-		if (mychan.ec) {
++		if (chan->ec) {
+ 			int x;
+ 			/* Dump the echo canceller parameters */
+-			for (x=0;x<mychan.ec->taps;x++) {
+-				printk("tap %d: %d\n", x, mychan.ec->fir_taps[x]);
++			for (x=0;x<chan->ec->taps;x++) {
++				printk("tap %d: %d\n", x, chan->ec->fir_taps[x]);
+ 			}
+ 		}
++		kfree(chan)
+ #endif
+-#endif /* ALLOW_CHAN_DIAG */
+ 		break;
+ 	default:
+ 		return -ENOTTY;

Property changes on: zaptel/trunk/debian/patches/ztdiag.dpatch
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/rules
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/rules	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/rules	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -122,14 +122,9 @@
 	$(MAKE) install-programs INSTALL_PREFIX=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
 	$(MAKE) -C xpp/utils install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
 	/sbin/ldconfig -n $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/usr/lib
-	install -m 644 zaptel.conf.sample $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/etc/zaptel.conf
 	dh_install -a --sourcedir=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp 
-	# using m_ prefix because the name "zaptel.rules" comes even 
-	# after z99_hal.rules.
-	cp $(CURDIR)/debian/zaptel.udev.rules \
-	  $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PREFIX)/etc/udev/rules.d/m_zaptel.rules
 	cp debian/$(PREFIX).lintian \

Modified: zaptel/trunk/debian/zaptel.init
--- zaptel/trunk/debian/zaptel.init	2007-03-24 17:41:30 UTC (rev 3324)
+++ zaptel/trunk/debian/zaptel.init	2007-03-24 18:18:32 UTC (rev 3325)
@@ -20,6 +20,12 @@
 DESC="Zaptel telephony kernel driver"
+# defined in /etc/default/zaptel
+# ZAPTEL_MODS is a list of modules to be loaded at startup
+# However be aware that chances are that the zaptel hardware will
+# be detected automatically by hotplug/udev . If you want to affect 
+# the order that modules load, add them to /etc/modules.
 # Include am defaults if available
 if [ -f /etc/default/zaptel ] ; then
@@ -36,56 +42,34 @@
 	exit 0
-# defined in /etc/default/zaptel
-# ZAPTEL_MODS is a list of modules to be loaded at startup
-set -e
+# this checks that:
+# A. /dev/zap/pseudo exists (if devfs/udev is in use, it implies zaptel loaded)
+# B. Readable to the user running this script. No poblem if run by root.
+# C. There is an active zaptel timing source. Either a zaptel hardware
+#    device or ztdummy.
+test_zaptel_timing() {
+	head -c 0 /dev/zap/pseudo 2>/dev/null
-zap_reg_xpp() {
-	if [ ! -d /proc/xpp ]; then return; fi
-	# Get a list of connected Astribank devices, sorted by the name of 
-	# the USB connector. That order is rather arbitrary, but will not 
-	# change without changes to the cabling.
-	xbusses=`sort -k 2 /proc/xpp/xbuses | awk -F: '/STATUS=connected/ {print $1}'`
-	# get a list of XPDs that were not yet registered as zaptel spans.
-	# this will be the case if you set the parameter zap_autoreg=0 to
-	# the module xpp
-	# Append /dev/null to provide a valid file name in case of an empty pattern.
-	xbusses_pattern=`echo $xbusses| sed -e 's|XBUS-[0-9]*|/proc/xpp/&/XPD-*/zt_registration|g'`' /dev/null'
-	xpds_to_register=`grep -l 0 $xbusses_pattern 2>/dev/null` || true
-	for file in $xpds_to_register; do
-		echo 1 >$file
-	done
+set -e
-fix_asterisbank_sync() {
-	# do nothing if module not present
-	if [ ! -d /proc/xpp ]; then return; fi
+# Initialize the Xorcom Astribank (xpp/)
+xpp_startup() {
+	# do nothing if the module xpp was not loaded
+	if [ ! -d /proc/xpp ]; then return 0; fi
+	echo "Waiting for Astribank devices to initialize:"
+	cat /proc/xpp/XBUS-[0-9]*/waitfor_xpds 2>/dev/null || true
-	#if ! grep -q '^HOST' /proc/xpp/sync 2>/dev/null; then return; fi
+	# overriding locales for the above two, as perl can be noisy
+	# when locales are missing.
+	# No register all the devices if they didn't auto-register:
+	LC_ALL=C zt_registration on
-	case "$XPP_SYNC" in
-	n*|N*) return;;
-	host|HOST) sync_value="HOST";;
-	[0-9]*)sync_value="$XPP_SYNC";;
-	*) 
-	  # find the number of the first bus, and sync from it:
-	  fxo_pat=`awk -F: '/STATUS=connected/{print $1}' /proc/xpp/xbuses | sed -e 's|.*|/proc/xpp/&/*/fxo_info|'`
-	  # find the first FXO unit, and set it as the sync master
-	  bus=`ls -1 $fxo_pat 2> /dev/null | head -n1 | cut -d- -f2 | cut -d/ -f1` 
-	  # do nothing if there is no bus:
-	  case "$bus" in [0-9]*):;; *) return;; esac
-	  sync_value="$bus 0"
-	  ;;
-	esac
-	# the built-in echo of bash fails to print a proper error on failure
-	if ! /bin/echo "$sync_value" >/proc/xpp/sync
-	then 
-	  echo >&2 "Updating XPP sync source failed (used XPP_SYNC='$XPP_SYNC')"
-	fi
+	# this one could actually be run after ztcfg:
+	LC_ALL=C xpp_sync "$XPP_SYNC"
 # recursively unload a module and its dependencies, if possible.
@@ -100,8 +84,7 @@
 	set -- $line
 	# $1: the original module, $2: size, $3: refcount, $4: deps list
 	mods=`echo $4 | tr , ' '`
-	# xpd_fxs actually sort of depends on xpp:
-	case "$module" in xpd_*) mods="xpp_usb $mods";; esac
 	for mod in $mods; do
 		# run in a subshell, so it won't step over our vars:
 		(unload_module $mod) 
@@ -110,36 +93,14 @@
 	set -e
-# sleep a while until the xpp modules fully register
-wait_for_xpp() {
-	if [ -d /proc/xpp ] && \
-	   [ "`cat /sys/module/xpp/parameters/zap_autoreg`" = 'Y' ]
-	then
-		# wait for the XPDs to register:
-		# TODO: improve error reporting and produce a messagee here
-		cat /proc/xpp/XBUS-*/waitfor_xpds 2>/dev/null >/dev/null  || true
-	fi
-# this checks that:
-# A. /dev/zap/pseudo exists (if devfs/udev is in use, it implies zaptel loaded)
-# B. Readable to the user running this script. No poblem if run by root.
-# C. There is an active zaptel timing source. Either a zaptel hardware
-#    device or ztdummy.
-test_zaptel_timing() {
-	head -c 0 /dev/zap/pseudo 2>/dev/null
 case "$1" in
 		echo -n "$DESC: "
-		#for module in $ZAPTEL_MODS
-		#do
-		#	modprobe $module
-		#done
-		wait_for_xpp
-		zap_reg_xpp
-		fix_asterisbank_sync
+		for module in $ZAPTEL_MODS
+		do
+			modprobe $module
+		done
+		xpp_startup
 		# If there is no zaptel timing source, load
 		# ztdummy. Other modules should have been loaded by
@@ -162,7 +123,7 @@
 		unload_module zaptel
-		check_zaptel_timing
+		test_zaptel_timing
 		# there's no 'stop'
@@ -170,7 +131,7 @@
-		echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status|unload}" >&2
+		echo "Usage: $N {start|stop|restart|force-reload|status|unload|status}" >&2
 	exit 1

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