[Pkg-voip-commits] r5594 - in /asterisk/branches/etch/debian: changelog patches/00list patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch

tzafrir-guest at alioth.debian.org tzafrir-guest at alioth.debian.org
Wed Apr 23 07:50:06 UTC 2008

Author: tzafrir-guest
Date: Wed Apr 23 07:50:05 2008
New Revision: 5594

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=5594
New upstream bugfix release: AST-2008-006 / CVE-2008-1897 .

    asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch   (with props)

Modified: asterisk/branches/etch/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/etch/debian/changelog?rev=5594&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/etch/debian/changelog (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/etch/debian/changelog Wed Apr 23 07:50:05 2008
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+asterisk (1:1.2.13~dfsg-2etch4) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * New upstream bugfix release: AST-2008-006 / CVE-2008-1897 . 
+ -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  Wed, 23 Apr 2008 10:42:58 +0300
 asterisk (1:1.2.13~dfsg-2etch3) stable-security; urgency=high
   * Fix an authentication bypass vulnerability that could be exploited when

Modified: asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/00list
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/00list?rev=5594&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/00list (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/00list Wed Apr 23 07:50:05 2008
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 # ukcid probably conflicts with bristuff

Added: asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch?rev=5594&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch Wed Apr 23 07:50:05 2008
@@ -1,0 +1,333 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## AST-2008-006.dpatch by Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: A fix for AST-2008-006: Remote amplification attack on Asterisk.
+## DP: CVE Entry: CVE-2008-1897
+## DP: http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2008-006.html
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urNad asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg~/channels/chan_iax2.c asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg/channels/chan_iax2.c
+--- asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg~/channels/chan_iax2.c	2006-10-13 18:18:08.000000000 +0200
++++ asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg/channels/chan_iax2.c	2008-04-23 10:16:33.000000000 +0300
+@@ -958,13 +958,13 @@
+ #define NEW_ALLOW 	1
+ #define NEW_FORCE 	2
+-static int match(struct sockaddr_in *sin, unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct chan_iax2_pvt *cur)
++static int match(struct sockaddr_in *sin, unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct chan_iax2_pvt *cur, int full_frame)
+ {
+ 	if ((cur->addr.sin_addr.s_addr == sin->sin_addr.s_addr) &&
+ 		(cur->addr.sin_port == sin->sin_port)) {
+ 		/* This is the main host */
+-		if ((cur->peercallno == callno) ||
+-			((dcallno == cur->callno) && !cur->peercallno)) {
++		if ( (cur->peercallno == 0 || cur->peercallno == callno) &&
++			 (full_frame ? dcallno == cur->callno : 1) ) {
+ 			/* That's us.  Be sure we keep track of the peer call number */
+ 			return 1;
+ 		}
+@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@
+ 	return res;
+ }
+-static int find_callno(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int new, int lockpeer, int sockfd)
++static int find_callno(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int new, int lockpeer, int sockfd, int full_frame)
+ {
+ 	int res = 0;
+ 	int x;
+@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@
+ 			ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
+ 			if (iaxs[x]) {
+ 				/* Look for an exact match */
+-				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x])) {
++				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x], full_frame)) {
+ 					res = x;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
+ 			ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
+ 			if (iaxs[x]) {
+ 				/* Look for an exact match */
+-				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x])) {
++				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x], full_frame)) {
+ 					res = x;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+@@ -1084,17 +1084,34 @@
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ 	if ((res < 1) && (new >= NEW_ALLOW)) {
++		int start, found = 0;
+ 		if (!iax2_getpeername(*sin, host, sizeof(host), lockpeer))
+ 			snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s:%d", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), sin->sin_addr), ntohs(sin->sin_port));
+ 		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+-		for (x=1;x<TRUNK_CALL_START;x++) {
++		start = 1 + (rand() % (TRUNK_CALL_START - 1));
++		for (x = start; 1; x++) {
++			if (x == TRUNK_CALL_START) {
++				x = 0;
++				continue;
++			}
+ 			/* Find first unused call number that hasn't been used in a while */
+ 			ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
+-			if (!iaxs[x] && ((now.tv_sec - lastused[x].tv_sec) > MIN_REUSE_TIME)) break;
++			if (!iaxs[x] && ((now.tv_sec - lastused[x].tv_sec) > MIN_REUSE_TIME)) {
++				found = 1;
++				break;
++			}
+ 			ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
++			if (x == start - 1) {
++				break;
++			}
+ 		}
+ 		/* We've still got lock held if we found a spot */
+-		if (x >= TRUNK_CALL_START) {
++		if (x == start - 1 && !found) {
+ 			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No more space\n");
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
+@@ -6421,7 +6438,7 @@
+ 		}
+ 		/* This is a video frame, get call number */
+-		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(vh->callno) & ~0x8000, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd);
++		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(vh->callno) & ~0x8000, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd, 0);
+ 		minivid = 1;
+ 	} else if ((meta->zeros == 0) && !(ntohs(meta->metacmd) & 0x8000)) {
+ 		unsigned char metatype;
+@@ -6479,7 +6496,7 @@
+ 				/* Stop if we don't have enough data */
+ 				if (len > res)
+ 					break;
+-				fr->callno = find_callno(callno & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, 0, &sin, NEW_PREVENT, 1, fd);
++				fr->callno = find_callno(callno & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, 0, &sin, NEW_PREVENT, 1, fd, 0);
+ 				if (fr->callno) {
+ 					ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+ 					/* If it's a valid call, deliver the contents.  If not, we
+@@ -6582,7 +6599,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	if (!fr->callno)
+-		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd);
++		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd, ntohs(mh->callno) & IAX_FLAG_FULL);
+ 	if (fr->callno > 0) 
+ 		ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+@@ -7749,7 +7766,7 @@
+ 	if (!reg->callno) {
+ 		if (option_debug)
+ 			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Allocate call number\n");
+-		reg->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &reg->addr, NEW_FORCE, 1, defaultsockfd);
++		reg->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &reg->addr, NEW_FORCE, 1, defaultsockfd, 0);
+ 		if (reg->callno < 1) {
+ 			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create call for registration\n");
+ 			return -1;
+@@ -7809,7 +7826,7 @@
+ 	memset(&ied, 0, sizeof(ied));
+ 	iax_ie_append_raw(&ied, IAX_IE_PROVISIONING, provdata.buf, provdata.pos);
+-	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd);
++	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd, 0);
+ 	if (!callno)
+ 		return -1;
+@@ -7927,7 +7944,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	if (heldcall)
+ 		ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[heldcall]);
+-	peer->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &peer->addr, NEW_FORCE, 0, peer->sockfd);
++	peer->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &peer->addr, NEW_FORCE, 0, peer->sockfd, 0);
+ 	if (heldcall)
+ 		ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[heldcall]);
+ 	if (peer->callno < 1) {
+@@ -7995,7 +8012,7 @@
+ 	if (pds.port)
+ 		sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(pds.port));
+-	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd);
++	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd, 0);
+ 	if (callno < 1) {
+ 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create call\n");
+@@ -9034,7 +9051,7 @@
+ 	ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "peer: %s, username: %s, password: %s, context: %s\n",
+ 		pds.peer, pds.username, pds.password, pds.context);
+-	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd);
++	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd, 0);
+ 	if (callno < 1) {
+ 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create call\n");
+ 		return -1;
+diff -urNad asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg~/diff asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg/diff
+--- asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg~/diff	1970-01-01 02:00:00.000000000 +0200
++++ asterisk-1.2.13~dfsg/diff	2008-04-23 10:16:01.000000000 +0300
+@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
++Index: channels/chan_iax2.c
++--- channels/chan_iax2.c	(revision 114560)
+++++ channels/chan_iax2.c	(revision 114561)
++@@ -967,13 +967,13 @@
++ #define NEW_ALLOW 	1
++ #define NEW_FORCE 	2
++-static int match(struct sockaddr_in *sin, unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct chan_iax2_pvt *cur)
+++static int match(struct sockaddr_in *sin, unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct chan_iax2_pvt *cur, int full_frame)
++ {
++ 	if ((cur->addr.sin_addr.s_addr == sin->sin_addr.s_addr) &&
++ 		(cur->addr.sin_port == sin->sin_port)) {
++ 		/* This is the main host */
++-		if ((cur->peercallno == callno) ||
++-			((dcallno == cur->callno) && !cur->peercallno)) {
+++		if ( (cur->peercallno == 0 || cur->peercallno == callno) &&
+++			 (full_frame ? dcallno == cur->callno : 1) ) {
++ 			/* That's us.  Be sure we keep track of the peer call number */
++ 			return 1;
++ 		}
++@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@
++ 	return res;
++ }
++-static int find_callno(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int new, int lockpeer, int sockfd)
+++static int find_callno(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int new, int lockpeer, int sockfd, int full_frame)
++ {
++ 	int res = 0;
++ 	int x;
++@@ -1075,7 +1075,7 @@
++ 			ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
++ 			if (iaxs[x]) {
++ 				/* Look for an exact match */
++-				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x])) {
+++				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x], full_frame)) {
++ 					res = x;
++ 				}
++ 			}
++@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@
++ 			ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
++ 			if (iaxs[x]) {
++ 				/* Look for an exact match */
++-				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x])) {
+++				if (match(sin, callno, dcallno, iaxs[x], full_frame)) {
++ 					res = x;
++ 				}
++ 			}
++@@ -1093,6 +1093,8 @@
++ 		}
++ 	}
++ 	if ((res < 1) && (new >= NEW_ALLOW)) {
+++		int start, found = 0;
++ 		if (!iax2_getpeername(*sin, host, sizeof(host), lockpeer))
++ 			snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s:%d", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), sin->sin_addr), ntohs(sin->sin_port));
++ 		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
++@@ -1101,15 +1103,30 @@
++ 		 * correct, but it will be changed if needed after authentication. */
++ 		if (!iax2_getpeername(*sin, host, sizeof(host), lockpeer))
++ 			snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s:%d", ast_inet_ntoa(iabuf, sizeof(iabuf), sin->sin_addr), ntohs(sin->sin_port));
++ 		gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
++-		for (x=1;x<TRUNK_CALL_START;x++) {
+++		start = 1 + (rand() % (TRUNK_CALL_START - 1));
+++		for (x = start; 1; x++) {
+++			if (x == TRUNK_CALL_START) {
+++				x = 0;
+++				continue;
+++			}
++ 			/* Find first unused call number that hasn't been used in a while */
++ 			ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
++-			if (!iaxs[x] && ((now.tv_sec - lastused[x].tv_sec) > MIN_REUSE_TIME)) break;
+++			if (!iaxs[x] && ((now.tv_sec - lastused[x].tv_sec) > MIN_REUSE_TIME)) {
+++				found = 1;
+++				break;
+++			}
++ 			ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
+++			if (x == start - 1) {
+++				break;
+++			}
++ 		}
++ 		/* We've still got lock held if we found a spot */
++-		if (x >= TRUNK_CALL_START) {
+++		if (x == start - 1 && !found) {
++ 			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No more space\n");
++ 			return 0;
++ 		}
++@@ -6521,7 +6538,7 @@
++ 		}
++ 		/* This is a video frame, get call number */
++-		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(vh->callno) & ~0x8000, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd);
+++		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(vh->callno) & ~0x8000, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd, 0);
++ 		minivid = 1;
++ 	} else if ((meta->zeros == 0) && !(ntohs(meta->metacmd) & 0x8000)) {
++ 		unsigned char metatype;
++@@ -6579,7 +6596,7 @@
++ 				/* Stop if we don't have enough data */
++ 				if (len > res)
++ 					break;
++-				fr->callno = find_callno(callno & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, 0, &sin, NEW_PREVENT, 1, fd);
+++				fr->callno = find_callno(callno & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, 0, &sin, NEW_PREVENT, 1, fd, 0);
++ 				if (fr->callno) {
++ 					ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
++ 					/* If it's a valid call, deliver the contents.  If not, we
++@@ -6682,7 +6699,7 @@
++ 	}
++ 	if (!fr->callno)
++-		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd);
+++		fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, new, 1, fd, ntohs(mh->callno) & IAX_FLAG_FULL);
++ 	if (fr->callno > 0) 
++ 		ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
++@@ -7879,7 +7896,7 @@
++ 	if (!reg->callno) {
++ 		if (option_debug)
++ 			ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Allocate call number\n");
++-		reg->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &reg->addr, NEW_FORCE, 1, defaultsockfd);
+++		reg->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &reg->addr, NEW_FORCE, 1, defaultsockfd, 0);
++ 		if (reg->callno < 1) {
++ 			ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create call for registration\n");
++ 			return -1;
++@@ -7939,7 +7956,7 @@
++ 	memset(&ied, 0, sizeof(ied));
++ 	iax_ie_append_raw(&ied, IAX_IE_PROVISIONING, provdata.buf, provdata.pos);
++-	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd);
+++	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd, 0);
++ 	if (!callno)
++ 		return -1;
++@@ -8057,7 +8074,7 @@
++ 	}
++ 	if (heldcall)
++ 		ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[heldcall]);
++-	peer->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &peer->addr, NEW_FORCE, 0, peer->sockfd);
+++	peer->callno = find_callno(0, 0, &peer->addr, NEW_FORCE, 0, peer->sockfd, 0);
++ 	if (heldcall)
++ 		ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[heldcall]);
++ 	if (peer->callno < 1) {
++@@ -8125,7 +8142,7 @@
++ 	if (pds.port)
++ 		sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(pds.port));
++-	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd);
+++	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd, 0);
++ 	if (callno < 1) {
++ 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create call\n");
++@@ -9216,7 +9233,7 @@
++ 	ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "peer: %s, username: %s, password: %s, context: %s\n",
++ 		pds.peer, pds.username, pds.password, pds.context);
++-	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd);
+++	callno = find_callno(0, 0, &sin, NEW_FORCE, 1, cai.sockfd, 0);
++ 	if (callno < 1) {
++ 		ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to create call\n");
++ 		return -1;

Propchange: asterisk/branches/etch/debian/patches/AST-2008-006.dpatch
    svn:executable = *

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