[Pkg-voip-commits] r7759 - in /asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches: AST-2009-001 AST-2009-002 AST-2009-003 AST-2009-006 AST-2009-008
paravoid at alioth.debian.org
paravoid at alioth.debian.org
Sat Nov 7 06:55:51 UTC 2009
Author: paravoid
Date: Sat Nov 7 06:55:50 2009
New Revision: 7759
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=7759
Commit original Digium patches for ASTs (can't be applied yet)
Added: asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-001
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-001?rev=7759&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-001 (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-001 Sat Nov 7 06:55:50 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,256 @@
+Index: channels/chan_iax2.c
+--- a/channels/chan_iax2.c (revision 166591)
++++ b/channels/chan_iax2.c (working copy)
+@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
+ static int authdebug = 1;
+ static int autokill = 0;
+ static int iaxcompat = 0;
++static int last_authmethod = 0;
+ static int iaxdefaultdpcache=10 * 60; /* Cache dialplan entries for 10 minutes by default */
+@@ -228,10 +229,9 @@
+ static ast_cond_t sched_cond;
+ enum {
+- IAX_STATE_STARTED = (1 << 0),
+- IAX_STATE_TBD = (1 << 2),
+- IAX_STATE_UNCHANGED = (1 << 3),
++ IAX_STATE_STARTED = (1 << 0),
++ IAX_STATE_TBD = (1 << 2),
+ } iax2_state;
+ struct iax2_context {
+@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
+ /*! The jitterbuffer */
+ jitterbuf *jb;
+ /*! active jb read scheduler id */
+- int jbid;
++ int jbid;
+ /*! LAG */
+ int lag;
+ /*! Error, as discovered by the manager */
+@@ -568,7 +568,8 @@
+ AST_STRING_FIELD(mohinterpret);
+ AST_STRING_FIELD(mohsuggest);
+ );
++ /*! AUTHREJ all AUTHREP frames */
++ int authrej;
+ /*! permitted authentication methods */
+ int authmethods;
+ /*! permitted encryption methods */
+@@ -5400,6 +5401,18 @@
+ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], secret, user->secret);
+ res = 0;
+ user = user_unref(user);
++ } else {
++ /* user was not found, but we should still fake an AUTHREQ.
++ * Set authmethods to the last known authmethod used by the system
++ * Set a fake secret, it's not looked at, just required to attempt authentication.
++ * Set authrej so the AUTHREP is rejected without even looking at its contents */
++ iaxs[callno]->authmethods = last_authmethod ? last_authmethod : (IAX_AUTH_MD5 | IAX_AUTH_PLAINTEXT);
++ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], secret, "badsecret");
++ iaxs[callno]->authrej = 1;
++ if (!ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[callno]->username)) {
++ /* only send the AUTHREQ if a username was specified. */
++ res = 0;
++ }
+ }
+ ast_set2_flag(iaxs[callno], iax2_getpeertrunk(*sin), IAX_TRUNK);
+ return res;
+@@ -5506,6 +5519,9 @@
+ .name = p->username,
+ };
++ if (p->authrej) {
++ return res;
++ }
+ user = ao2_find(users, &tmp_user, OBJ_POINTER);
+ if (user) {
+ if (ast_test_flag(p, IAX_MAXAUTHREQ)) {
+@@ -5583,7 +5599,7 @@
+ int expire = 0;
+ int res = -1;
+- ast_clear_flag(&iaxs[callno]->state, IAX_STATE_AUTHENTICATED | IAX_STATE_UNCHANGED);
++ ast_clear_flag(&iaxs[callno]->state, IAX_STATE_AUTHENTICATED);
+ /* iaxs[callno]->peer[0] = '\0'; not necc. any more-- stringfield is pre-inited to null string */
+ if (ies->username)
+ ast_copy_string(peer, ies->username, sizeof(peer));
+@@ -5606,8 +5622,29 @@
+ p = find_peer(peer, 1);
+ ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+ if (!p || !iaxs[callno]) {
++ if (iaxs[callno]) {
++ int plaintext = ((last_authmethod & IAX_AUTH_PLAINTEXT) | (iaxs[callno]->authmethods & IAX_AUTH_PLAINTEXT));
++ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], secret, "badsecret");
++ /* An AUTHREQ must be sent in response to a REGREQ of an invalid peer unless
++ * 1. A challenge already exists indicating a AUTHREQ was already sent out.
++ * 2. A plaintext secret is present in ie as result of a previous AUTHREQ requesting it.
++ * 3. A plaintext secret is present in the ie and the last_authmethod used by a peer happened
++ * to be plaintext, indicating it is an authmethod used by other peers on the system.
++ *
++ * If none of these cases exist, res will be returned as 0 without authentication indicating
++ * an AUTHREQ needs to be sent out. */
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[callno]->challenge) &&
++ !(!ast_strlen_zero(secret) && plaintext)) {
++ /* by setting res to 0, an REGAUTH will be sent */
++ res = 0;
++ }
++ }
+ if (authdebug && !p)
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "No registration for peer '%s' (from %s)\n", peer, ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));
+ goto return_unref;
+ }
+@@ -5622,8 +5659,6 @@
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Host %s denied access to register peer '%s'\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), p->name);
+ goto return_unref;
+ }
+- if (!inaddrcmp(&p->addr, sin))
+- ast_set_flag(&iaxs[callno]->state, IAX_STATE_UNCHANGED);
+ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], secret, p->secret);
+ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], inkeys, p->inkeys);
+ /* Check secret against what we have on file */
+@@ -5639,7 +5674,7 @@
+ if (key && !ast_check_signature(key, iaxs[callno]->challenge, rsasecret)) {
+ ast_set_flag(&iaxs[callno]->state, IAX_STATE_AUTHENTICATED);
+ break;
+- } else if (!key)
++ } else if (!key)
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "requested inkey '%s' does not exist\n", keyn);
+ keyn = strsep(&stringp, ":");
+ }
+@@ -5657,7 +5692,7 @@
+ struct MD5Context md5;
+ unsigned char digest[16];
+ char *tmppw, *stringp;
+ tmppw = ast_strdupa(p->secret);
+ stringp = tmppw;
+ while((tmppw = strsep(&stringp, ";"))) {
+@@ -5667,7 +5702,7 @@
+ MD5Final(digest, &md5);
+ for (x=0;x<16;x++)
+ sprintf(requeststr + (x << 1), "%2.2x", digest[x]); /* safe */
+- if (!strcasecmp(requeststr, md5secret))
++ if (!strcasecmp(requeststr, md5secret))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tmppw) {
+@@ -5685,24 +5720,25 @@
+ goto return_unref;
+ } else
+ ast_set_flag(&iaxs[callno]->state, IAX_STATE_AUTHENTICATED);
+- } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(md5secret) || !ast_strlen_zero(secret)) {
+- if (authdebug)
+- ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Inappropriate authentication received\n");
++ } else if (!ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[callno]->challenge) && ast_strlen_zero(md5secret) && ast_strlen_zero(rsasecret)) {
++ /* if challenge has been sent, but no challenge response if given, reject. */
+ goto return_unref;
+ }
+- ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], peer, peer);
+- /* Choose lowest expiry number */
+- if (expire && (expire < iaxs[callno]->expiry))
+- iaxs[callno]->expiry = expire;
+ ast_device_state_changed("IAX2/%s", p->name); /* Activate notification */
++ /* either Authentication has taken place, or a REGAUTH must be sent before verifying registration */
+ res = 0;
++ if (iaxs[callno]) {
++ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], peer, peer);
++ }
++ /* Choose lowest expiry number */
++ if (expire && (expire < iaxs[callno]->expiry)) {
++ iaxs[callno]->expiry = expire;
++ }
+ if (p)
+ peer_unref(p);
+ return res;
+ }
+@@ -6375,24 +6411,33 @@
+ struct iax2_peer *p;
+ char challenge[10];
+ const char *peer_name;
+- int res = -1;
++ int sentauthmethod;
+ peer_name = ast_strdupa(iaxs[callno]->peer);
+ /* SLD: third call to find_peer in registration */
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+- p = find_peer(peer_name, 1);
++ if ((p = find_peer(peer_name, 1))) {
++ last_authmethod = p->authmethods;
++ }
+ ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+ if (!iaxs[callno])
+ goto return_unref;
++ memset(&ied, 0, sizeof(ied));
++ /* The selection of which delayed reject is sent may leak information,
++ * if it sets a static response. For example, if a host is known to only
++ * use MD5 authentication, then an RSA response would indicate that the
++ * peer does not exist, and vice-versa.
++ * Therefore, we use whatever the last peer used (which may vary over the
++ * course of a server, which should leak minimal information). */
++ sentauthmethod = p ? p->authmethods : last_authmethod ? last_authmethod : (IAX_AUTH_MD5 | IAX_AUTH_PLAINTEXT);
+ if (!p) {
+- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No such peer '%s'\n", peer_name);
+- goto return_unref;
++ iaxs[callno]->authmethods = sentauthmethod;
+ }
+- memset(&ied, 0, sizeof(ied));
+- iax_ie_append_short(&ied, IAX_IE_AUTHMETHODS, p->authmethods);
+- if (p->authmethods & (IAX_AUTH_RSA | IAX_AUTH_MD5)) {
++ iax_ie_append_short(&ied, IAX_IE_AUTHMETHODS, sentauthmethod);
++ if (sentauthmethod & (IAX_AUTH_RSA | IAX_AUTH_MD5)) {
+ /* Build the challenge */
+ snprintf(challenge, sizeof(challenge), "%d", (int)ast_random());
+ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], challenge, challenge);
+@@ -6400,12 +6445,12 @@
+ }
+ iax_ie_append_str(&ied, IAX_IE_USERNAME, peer_name);
+- res = 0;
+ return_unref:
+- peer_unref(p);
++ if (p) {
++ peer_unref(p);
++ }
+- return res ? res : send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_REGAUTH, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1);;
++ return iaxs[callno] ? send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_REGAUTH, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1) : -1;
+ }
+ static int registry_rerequest(struct iax_ies *ies, int callno, struct sockaddr_in *sin)
+@@ -8347,8 +8392,9 @@
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+- if ((ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[fr->callno]->secret) && ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[fr->callno]->inkeys)) ||
+- ast_test_flag(&iaxs[fr->callno]->state, IAX_STATE_AUTHENTICATED | IAX_STATE_UNCHANGED)) {
++ if ((ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[fr->callno]->secret) && ast_strlen_zero(iaxs[fr->callno]->inkeys)) ||
++ ast_test_flag(&iaxs[fr->callno]->state, IAX_STATE_AUTHENTICATED)) {
+ if (f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREL)
+ memset(&sin, 0, sizeof(sin));
+ if (update_registry(&sin, fr->callno, ies.devicetype, fd, ies.refresh))
Added: asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-002
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-002?rev=7759&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-002 (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-002 Sat Nov 7 06:55:50 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+Index: channels/chan_sip.c
+--- a/channels/chan_sip.c (revision 174081)
++++ b/channels/chan_sip.c (revision 174082)
+@@ -14012,19 +14012,32 @@
+ */
+ static int sip_uri_params_cmp(const char *input1, const char *input2)
+ {
+- char *params1 = ast_strdupa(input1);
+- char *params2 = ast_strdupa(input2);
++ char *params1 = NULL;
++ char *params2 = NULL;
+ char *pos1;
+ char *pos2;
++ int zerolength1 = 0;
++ int zerolength2 = 0;
+ int maddrmatch = 0;
+ int ttlmatch = 0;
+ int usermatch = 0;
+ int methodmatch = 0;
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(input1)) {
++ zerolength1 = 1;
++ } else {
++ params1 = ast_strdupa(input1);
++ }
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(input2)) {
++ zerolength2 = 1;
++ } else {
++ params2 = ast_strdupa(input2);
++ }
+ /*Quick optimization. If both params are zero-length, then
+ * they match
+ */
+- if (ast_strlen_zero(params1) && ast_strlen_zero(params2)) {
++ if (zerolength1 && zerolength2) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -14139,13 +14152,25 @@
+ */
+ static int sip_uri_headers_cmp(const char *input1, const char *input2)
+ {
+- char *headers1 = ast_strdupa(input1);
+- char *headers2 = ast_strdupa(input2);
+- int zerolength1 = ast_strlen_zero(headers1);
+- int zerolength2 = ast_strlen_zero(headers2);
++ char *headers1 = NULL;
++ char *headers2 = NULL;
++ int zerolength1 = 0;
++ int zerolength2 = 0;
+ int different = 0;
+ char *header1;
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(input1)) {
++ zerolength1 = 1;
++ } else {
++ headers1 = ast_strdupa(input1);
++ }
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(input2)) {
++ zerolength2 = 1;
++ } else {
++ headers2 = ast_strdupa(input2);
++ }
+ if ((zerolength1 && !zerolength2) ||
+ (zerolength2 && !zerolength1))
+ return 1;
Added: asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-003
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-003?rev=7759&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-003 (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-003 Sat Nov 7 06:55:50 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,164 @@
+Index: channels/chan_sip.c
+--- a/channels/chan_sip.c (revision 183280)
++++ b/channels/chan_sip.c (working copy)
+@@ -1266,7 +1266,7 @@
+ static int transmit_response_with_unsupported(struct sip_pvt *p, const char *msg, const struct sip_request *req, const char *unsupported);
+ static int transmit_response_with_auth(struct sip_pvt *p, const char *msg, const struct sip_request *req, const char *rand, enum xmittype reliable, const char *header, int stale);
+ static int transmit_response_with_allow(struct sip_pvt *p, const char *msg, const struct sip_request *req, enum xmittype reliable);
+-static void transmit_fake_auth_response(struct sip_pvt *p, struct sip_request *req, enum xmittype reliable);
++static void transmit_fake_auth_response(struct sip_pvt *p, int sipmethod, struct sip_request *req, enum xmittype reliable);
+ static int transmit_request(struct sip_pvt *p, int sipmethod, int inc, enum xmittype reliable, int newbranch);
+ static int transmit_request_with_auth(struct sip_pvt *p, int sipmethod, int seqno, enum xmittype reliable, int newbranch);
+ static int transmit_invite(struct sip_pvt *p, int sipmethod, int sdp, int init);
+@@ -8873,10 +8873,96 @@
+ /*! \brief Send a fake 401 Unauthorized response when the administrator
+ wants to hide the names of local users/peers from fishers
+ */
+-static void transmit_fake_auth_response(struct sip_pvt *p, struct sip_request *req, enum xmittype reliable)
++static void transmit_fake_auth_response(struct sip_pvt *p, int sipmethod, struct sip_request *req, enum xmittype reliable)
+ {
+- ast_string_field_build(p, randdata, "%08lx", ast_random()); /* Create nonce for challenge */
+- transmit_response_with_auth(p, "401 Unauthorized", req, p->randdata, reliable, "WWW-Authenticate", 0);
++ /* We have to emulate EXACTLY what we'd get with a good peer
++ * and a bad password, or else we leak information. */
++ const char *response = "407 Proxy Authentication Required";
++ const char *reqheader = "Proxy-Authorization";
++ const char *respheader = "Proxy-Authenticate";
++ const char *authtoken;
++ struct ast_dynamic_str *buf;
++ char *c;
++ /* table of recognised keywords, and their value in the digest */
++ enum keys { K_NONCE, K_LAST };
++ struct x {
++ const char *key;
++ const char *s;
++ } *i, keys[] = {
++ [K_NONCE] = { "nonce=", "" },
++ [K_LAST] = { NULL, NULL}
++ };
++ if (sipmethod == SIP_REGISTER || sipmethod == SIP_SUBSCRIBE) {
++ response = "401 Unauthorized";
++ reqheader = "Authorization";
++ respheader = "WWW-Authenticate";
++ }
++ authtoken = get_header(req, reqheader);
++ if (ast_test_flag(req, SIP_PKT_IGNORE) && !ast_strlen_zero(p->randdata) && ast_strlen_zero(authtoken)) {
++ /* This is a retransmitted invite/register/etc, don't reconstruct authentication
++ * information */
++ transmit_response_with_auth(p, response, req, p->randdata, 0, respheader, 0);
++ /* Schedule auto destroy in 32 seconds (according to RFC 3261) */
++ sip_scheddestroy(p, DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT);
++ return;
++ } else if (ast_strlen_zero(p->randdata) || ast_strlen_zero(authtoken)) {
++ /* We have no auth, so issue challenge and request authentication */
++ ast_string_field_build(p, randdata, "%08lx", ast_random()); /* Create nonce for challenge */
++ transmit_response_with_auth(p, response, req, p->randdata, 0, respheader, 0);
++ /* Schedule auto destroy in 32 seconds */
++ sip_scheddestroy(p, DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT);
++ return;
++ }
++ if (!(buf = ast_dynamic_str_thread_get(&check_auth_buf, CHECK_AUTH_BUF_INITLEN))) {
++ transmit_response(p, "403 Forbidden (Bad auth)", &p->initreq);
++ return;
++ }
++ /* Make a copy of the response and parse it */
++ if (ast_dynamic_str_thread_set(&buf, 0, &check_auth_buf, "%s", authtoken) == AST_DYNSTR_BUILD_FAILED) {
++ transmit_response(p, "403 Forbidden (Bad auth)", &p->initreq);
++ return;
++ }
++ c = buf->str;
++ while (c && *(c = ast_skip_blanks(c))) { /* lookup for keys */
++ for (i = keys; i->key != NULL; i++) {
++ const char *separator = ","; /* default */
++ if (strncasecmp(c, i->key, strlen(i->key)) != 0) {
++ continue;
++ }
++ /* Found. Skip keyword, take text in quotes or up to the separator. */
++ c += strlen(i->key);
++ if (*c == '"') { /* in quotes. Skip first and look for last */
++ c++;
++ separator = "\"";
++ }
++ i->s = c;
++ strsep(&c, separator);
++ break;
++ }
++ if (i->key == NULL) { /* not found, jump after space or comma */
++ strsep(&c, " ,");
++ }
++ }
++ /* Verify nonce from request matches our nonce. If not, send 401 with new nonce */
++ if (strcasecmp(p->randdata, keys[K_NONCE].s)) {
++ if (!ast_test_flag(req, SIP_PKT_IGNORE)) {
++ ast_string_field_build(p, randdata, "%08lx", ast_random());
++ }
++ transmit_response_with_auth(p, response, req, p->randdata, reliable, respheader, FALSE);
++ /* Schedule auto destroy in 32 seconds */
++ sip_scheddestroy(p, DEFAULT_TRANS_TIMEOUT);
++ } else {
++ transmit_response(p, "403 Forbidden (Bad auth)", &p->initreq);
++ }
+ }
+ /*! \brief Verify registration of user
+@@ -9010,6 +9096,14 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
++ if (!peer && global_alwaysauthreject) {
++ /* If we found a peer, we transmit a 100 Trying. Therefore, if we're
++ * trying to avoid leaking information, we MUST also transmit the same
++ * response when we DON'T find a peer. */
++ transmit_response(p, "100 Trying", req);
++ /* Insert a fake delay between the 100 and the subsequent failure. */
++ sched_yield();
++ }
+ if (!res) {
+ ast_device_state_changed("SIP/%s", peer->name);
+ }
+@@ -9020,7 +9114,7 @@
+ transmit_response(p, "403 Forbidden (Bad auth)", &p->initreq);
+ break;
+- /* Username and digest username does not match.
++ /* Username and digest username does not match.
+ Asterisk uses the From: username for authentication. We need the
+ users to use the same authentication user name until we support
+ proper authentication by digest auth name */
+@@ -9030,7 +9124,7 @@
+ if (global_alwaysauthreject) {
+- transmit_fake_auth_response(p, &p->initreq, XMIT_UNRELIABLE);
++ transmit_fake_auth_response(p, SIP_REGISTER, &p->initreq, XMIT_UNRELIABLE);
+ } else {
+ /* URI not found */
+@@ -14557,7 +14651,7 @@
+ if (res < 0) { /* Something failed in authentication */
+ if (res == AUTH_FAKE_AUTH) {
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Sending fake auth rejection for user %s\n", get_header(req, "From"));
+- transmit_fake_auth_response(p, req, XMIT_RELIABLE);
++ transmit_fake_auth_response(p, SIP_INVITE, req, XMIT_RELIABLE);
+ } else {
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to authenticate user %s\n", get_header(req, "From"));
+ transmit_response_reliable(p, "403 Forbidden", req);
+@@ -15594,7 +15688,7 @@
+ if (res < 0) {
+ if (res == AUTH_FAKE_AUTH) {
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Sending fake auth rejection for user %s\n", get_header(req, "From"));
+- transmit_fake_auth_response(p, req, XMIT_UNRELIABLE);
++ transmit_fake_auth_response(p, SIP_SUBSCRIBE, req, XMIT_UNRELIABLE);
+ } else {
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to authenticate user %s for SUBSCRIBE\n", get_header(req, "From"));
+ transmit_response_reliable(p, "403 Forbidden", req);
Added: asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-006
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-006?rev=7759&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-006 (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-006 Sat Nov 7 06:55:50 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,2195 @@
+Index: channels/iax2-parser.h
+--- a/channels/iax2-parser.h (revision 215999)
++++ b/channels/iax2-parser.h (working copy)
+@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@
+ unsigned short rr_delay;
+ unsigned int rr_dropped;
+ unsigned int rr_ooo;
++ unsigned char calltoken;
++ unsigned char *calltokendata;
+ };
+Index: channels/chan_sip.c
+--- a/channels/chan_sip.c (revision 215999)
++++ b/channels/chan_sip.c (working copy)
+@@ -2661,7 +2661,7 @@
+ if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "host")) {
+ struct hostent *hp;
+ struct ast_hostent ahp;
+- if (!(hp = ast_gethostbyname(tmp->value, &ahp)) || (memcmp(&hp->h_addr, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(hp->h_addr)))) {
++ if (!(hp = ast_gethostbyname(tmp->value, &ahp)) || (memcmp(hp->h_addr, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(hp->h_addr)))) {
+ /* No match */
+ ast_variables_destroy(var);
+ var = NULL;
+Index: channels/chan_iax2.c
+--- a/channels/chan_iax2.c (revision 215999)
++++ b/channels/chan_iax2.c (working copy)
+@@ -276,6 +276,20 @@
+ static int reload_config(void);
+ static int iax2_reload(int fd, int argc, char *argv[]);
++ * \brief Call token validation settings.
++ */
++enum calltoken_peer_enum {
++ /*! \brief Default calltoken required unless the ip is in the ignorelist */
++ /*! \brief Require call token validation. */
++ /*! \brief Require call token validation after a successful registration
++ * using call token validation occurs. */
++ /*! \brief Do not require call token validation. */
+ struct iax2_user {
+@@ -303,6 +317,7 @@
+ struct ast_ha *ha;
+ struct iax2_context *contexts;
+ struct ast_variable *vars;
++ enum calltoken_peer_enum calltoken_required; /*!< Is calltoken validation required or not, can be YES, NO, or AUTO */
+ };
+ struct iax2_peer {
+@@ -353,8 +368,10 @@
+ int pokefreqnotok; /*!< How often to check when the host has been determined to be down */
+ int historicms; /*!< How long recent average responses took */
+ int smoothing; /*!< Sample over how many units to determine historic ms */
++ uint16_t maxcallno; /*!< Max call number limit for this peer. Set on registration */
+ struct ast_ha *ha;
++ enum calltoken_peer_enum calltoken_required; /*!< Is calltoken validation required or not, can be YES, NO, or AUTO */
+ };
+ #define IAX2_TRUNK_PREFACE (sizeof(struct iax_frame) + sizeof(struct ast_iax2_meta_hdr) + sizeof(struct ast_iax2_meta_trunk_hdr))
+@@ -502,6 +519,8 @@
+ struct ast_codec_pref rprefs;
+ /*! Our call number */
+ unsigned short callno;
++ /*! Our callno_entry entry */
++ struct callno_entry *callno_entry;
+ /*! Peer callno */
+ unsigned short peercallno;
+ /*! Negotiated format, this is only used to remember what format was
+@@ -634,13 +653,27 @@
+ int frames_dropped;
+ /*! received frame count: (just for stats) */
+ int frames_received;
++ /*! num bytes used for calltoken ie, even an empty ie should contain 2 */
++ unsigned char calltoken_ie_len;
+ };
++/*! table of available call numbers */
++static struct ao2_container *callno_pool;
++/*! table of available trunk call numbers */
++static struct ao2_container *callno_pool_trunk;
++static const unsigned int CALLNO_POOL_BUCKETS = 2699;
+ static struct ast_iax2_queue {
+ AST_LIST_HEAD(, iax_frame) queue;
+ int count;
+ } iaxq;
++static int randomcalltokendata;
++static const time_t MAX_CALLTOKEN_DELAY = 10;
+ /*!
+ * This module will get much higher performance when doing a lot of
+ * user and peer lookups if the number of buckets is increased from 1.
+@@ -660,6 +693,58 @@
+ static struct ao2_container *users;
++/*! Table containing peercnt objects for every ip address consuming a callno */
++static struct ao2_container *peercnts;
++/*! Table containing custom callno limit rules for a range of ip addresses. */
++static struct ao2_container *callno_limits;
++/*! Table containing ip addresses not requiring calltoken validation */
++static struct ao2_container *calltoken_ignores;
++static uint16_t DEFAULT_MAXCALLNO_LIMIT = 2048;
++static uint16_t DEFAULT_MAXCALLNO_LIMIT_NONVAL = 8192;
++static uint16_t global_maxcallno;
++/*! Total num of call numbers allowed to be allocated without calltoken validation */
++static uint16_t global_maxcallno_nonval;
++static uint16_t total_nonval_callno_used = 0;
++/*! peer connection private, keeps track of all the call numbers
++ * consumed by a single ip address */
++struct peercnt {
++ /*! ip address consuming call numbers */
++ unsigned long addr;
++ /*! Number of call numbers currently used by this ip address */
++ uint16_t cur;
++ /*! Max call numbers allowed for this ip address */
++ uint16_t limit;
++ /*! Specifies whether limit is set by a registration or not, if so normal
++ * limit setting rules do not apply to this address. */
++ unsigned char reg;
++/*! used by both callno_limits and calltoken_ignores containers */
++struct addr_range {
++ /*! ip address range for custom callno limit rule */
++ struct ast_ha ha;
++ /*! callno limit for this ip address range, only used in callno_limits container */
++ uint16_t limit;
++ /*! delete me marker for reloads */
++ unsigned char delme;
++struct callno_entry {
++ /*! callno used for this entry */
++ uint16_t callno;
++ /*! was this callno calltoken validated or not */
++ unsigned char validated;
+ static struct ast_firmware_list {
+ struct iax_firmware *wares;
+ ast_mutex_t lock;
+@@ -698,6 +783,7 @@
+ static void reg_source_db(struct iax2_peer *p);
+ static struct iax2_peer *realtime_peer(const char *peername, struct sockaddr_in *sin);
++static struct iax2_user *realtime_user(const char *username, struct sockaddr_in *sin);
+ static int ast_cli_netstats(struct mansession *s, int fd, int limit_fmt);
+@@ -819,7 +905,6 @@
+ /* XXX We probably should use a mutex when working with this XXX */
+ static struct chan_iax2_pvt *iaxs[IAX_MAX_CALLS];
+ static ast_mutex_t iaxsl[ARRAY_LEN(iaxs)];
+-static struct timeval lastused[ARRAY_LEN(iaxs)];
+ /*!
+ * \brief Another container of iax2_pvt structures
+@@ -882,6 +967,9 @@
+ static int encrypt_frame(aes_encrypt_ctx *ecx, struct ast_iax2_full_hdr *fh, unsigned char *poo, int *datalen);
+ static void build_ecx_key(const unsigned char *digest, struct chan_iax2_pvt *pvt);
+ static void build_rand_pad(unsigned char *buf, ssize_t len);
++static struct callno_entry *get_unused_callno(int trunk, int validated);
++static int replace_callno(const void *obj);
++static void sched_delay_remove(struct sockaddr_in *sin, struct callno_entry *callno_entry);
+ static const struct ast_channel_tech iax2_tech = {
+ .type = "IAX2",
+@@ -1346,8 +1434,7 @@
+ retry:
+ pvt = iaxs[callno];
+- gettimeofday(&lastused[callno], NULL);
+ owner = pvt ? pvt->owner : NULL;
+ if (owner) {
+@@ -1427,6 +1514,8 @@
+ struct iax_frame *cur = NULL;
+ iax2_destroy_helper(pvt);
++ sched_delay_remove(&pvt->addr, pvt->callno_entry);
++ pvt->callno_entry = NULL;
+ /* Already gone */
+ ast_set_flag(pvt, IAX_ALREADYGONE);
+@@ -1515,9 +1604,19 @@
+ return new;
+ }
+-#define NEW_PREVENT 0
+-#define NEW_ALLOW 1
+-#define NEW_FORCE 2
++/* keep these defined in this order. They are used in find_callno to
++ * determine whether or not a new call number should be allowed. */
++enum {
++ /* do not allow a new call number, only search ones in use for match */
++ /* search for match first, then allow a new one to be allocated */
++ NEW_ALLOW = 1,
++ /* do not search for match, force a new call number */
++ NEW_FORCE = 2,
++ /* do not search for match, force a new call number. Signifies call number
++ * has been calltoken validated */
+ static int match(struct sockaddr_in *sin, unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct chan_iax2_pvt *cur, int check_dcallno)
+ {
+@@ -1557,7 +1656,7 @@
+ {
+ int x;
+ int res= 0;
+- struct timeval now;
++ struct callno_entry *callno_entry;
+ if (iaxs[callno]->oseqno) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't make trunk once a call has started!\n");
+ return -1;
+@@ -1566,35 +1665,43 @@
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Call %d is already a trunk\n", callno);
+ return -1;
+ }
+- gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
+- for (x = TRUNK_CALL_START; x < ARRAY_LEN(iaxs) - 1; x++) {
+- ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
+- if (!iaxs[x] && ((now.tv_sec - lastused[x].tv_sec) > MIN_REUSE_TIME)) {
+- /* Update the two timers that should have been started */
+- /*!
+- * \note We delete these before switching the slot, because if
+- * they fire in the meantime, they will generate a warning.
+- */
+- AST_SCHED_DEL(sched, iaxs[callno]->pingid);
+- AST_SCHED_DEL(sched, iaxs[callno]->lagid);
+- iaxs[x] = iaxs[callno];
+- iaxs[x]->callno = x;
+- iaxs[callno] = NULL;
+- iaxs[x]->pingid = iax2_sched_add(sched, ping_time * 1000, send_ping, (void *)(long)x);
+- iaxs[x]->lagid = iax2_sched_add(sched, lagrq_time * 1000, send_lagrq, (void *)(long)x);
+- if (locked)
+- ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+- res = x;
+- if (!locked)
+- ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
+- break;
+- }
+- ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
+- }
+- if (x >= ARRAY_LEN(iaxs) - 1) {
++ if (!(callno_entry = get_unused_callno(1, iaxs[callno]->callno_entry->validated))) {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to trunk call: Insufficient space\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
++ x = callno_entry->callno;
++ ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
++ /*!
++ * \note We delete these before switching the slot, because if
++ * they fire in the meantime, they will generate a warning.
++ */
++ AST_SCHED_DEL(sched, iaxs[callno]->pingid);
++ AST_SCHED_DEL(sched, iaxs[callno]->lagid);
++ iaxs[x] = iaxs[callno];
++ iaxs[x]->callno = x;
++ /* since we copied over the pvt from a different callno, make sure the old entry is replaced
++ * before assigning the new one */
++ if (iaxs[x]->callno_entry) {
++ iax2_sched_add(sched, MIN_REUSE_TIME * 1000, replace_callno, iaxs[x]->callno_entry);
++ }
++ iaxs[x]->callno_entry = callno_entry;
++ iaxs[callno] = NULL;
++ /* Update the two timers that should have been started */
++ iaxs[x]->pingid = iax2_sched_add(sched,
++ ping_time * 1000, send_ping, (void *)(long)x);
++ iaxs[x]->lagid = iax2_sched_add(sched,
++ lagrq_time * 1000, send_lagrq, (void *)(long)x);
++ if (locked)
++ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[callno]);
++ res = x;
++ if (!locked)
++ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
+ if (option_debug)
+ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Made call %d into trunk call %d\n", callno, x);
+ /* We move this call from a non-trunked to a trunked call */
+@@ -1603,14 +1710,604 @@
+ return res;
+ }
++static int addr_range_delme_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
++ struct addr_range *lim = obj;
++ lim->delme = 1;
++ return 0;
++static int addr_range_hash_cb(const void *obj, const int flags)
++ const struct addr_range *lim = obj;
++ return abs((int) lim->ha.netaddr.s_addr);
++static int addr_range_cmp_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
++ struct addr_range *lim1 = obj, *lim2 = arg;
++ return ((lim1->ha.netaddr.s_addr == lim2->ha.netaddr.s_addr) &&
++ (lim1->ha.netmask.s_addr == lim2->ha.netmask.s_addr)) ?
++static int peercnt_hash_cb(const void *obj, const int flags)
++ const struct peercnt *peercnt = obj;
++ return abs((int) peercnt->addr);
++static int peercnt_cmp_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
++ struct peercnt *peercnt1 = obj, *peercnt2 = arg;
++ return (peercnt1->addr == peercnt2->addr) ? CMP_MATCH | CMP_STOP : 0;
++static int addr_range_match_address_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
++ struct addr_range *addr_range = obj;
++ struct sockaddr_in *sin = arg;
++ if ((sin->sin_addr.s_addr & addr_range->ha.netmask.s_addr) == addr_range->ha.netaddr.s_addr) {
++ return CMP_MATCH | CMP_STOP;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * \internal
++ *
++ * \brief compares sin to calltoken_ignores table to determine if validation is required.
++ */
++static int calltoken_required(struct sockaddr_in *sin, const char *name, int subclass)
++ struct addr_range *addr_range;
++ struct iax2_peer *peer = NULL;
++ struct iax2_user *user = NULL;
++ /* if no username is given, check for guest accounts */
++ const char *find = S_OR(name, "guest");
++ int res = 1; /* required by default */
++ int optional = 0;
++ enum calltoken_peer_enum calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_DEFAULT;
++ /* There are only two cases in which calltoken validation is not required.
++ * Case 1. sin falls within the list of address ranges specified in the calltoken optional table and
++ * the peer definition has not set the requirecalltoken option.
++ * Case 2. Username is a valid peer/user, and that peer has requirecalltoken set either auto or no.
++ */
++ /* ----- Case 1 ----- */
++ if ((addr_range = ao2_callback(calltoken_ignores, 0, addr_range_match_address_cb, sin))) {
++ ao2_ref(addr_range, -1);
++ optional = 1;
++ }
++ /* ----- Case 2 ----- */
++ if ((subclass == IAX_COMMAND_NEW) && (user = find_user(find))) {
++ calltoken_required = user->calltoken_required;
++ } else if ((subclass == IAX_COMMAND_NEW) && (user = realtime_user(find, sin))) {
++ calltoken_required = user->calltoken_required;
++ } else if ((subclass != IAX_COMMAND_NEW) && (peer = find_peer(find, 0))) {
++ calltoken_required = peer->calltoken_required;
++ } else if ((subclass != IAX_COMMAND_NEW) && (peer = realtime_peer(find, sin))) {
++ calltoken_required = peer->calltoken_required;
++ }
++ if (peer) {
++ peer_unref(peer);
++ }
++ if (user) {
++ user_unref(user);
++ }
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Determining if address %s with username %s requires calltoken validation. Optional = %d calltoken_required = %d \n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), name, optional, calltoken_required);
++ }
++ if (((calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_NO) || (calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_AUTO)) ||
++ (optional && (calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_DEFAULT))) {
++ res = 0;
++ }
++ return res;
++ * \internal
++ *
++ * \brief set peercnt callno limit.
++ *
++ * \details
++ * First looks in custom definitions. If not found, global limit
++ * is used. Entries marked as reg already have
++ * a custom limit set by a registration and are not modified.
++ */
++static void set_peercnt_limit(struct peercnt *peercnt)
++ uint16_t limit = global_maxcallno;
++ struct addr_range *addr_range;
++ struct sockaddr_in sin = {
++ .sin_addr.s_addr = peercnt->addr,
++ };
++ if (peercnt->reg && peercnt->limit) {
++ return; /* this peercnt has a custom limit set by a registration */
++ }
++ if ((addr_range = ao2_callback(callno_limits, 0, addr_range_match_address_cb, &sin))) {
++ limit = addr_range->limit;
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "custom addr_range %d found for %s\n", limit, ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
++ }
++ ao2_ref(addr_range, -1);
++ }
++ peercnt->limit = limit;
++ * \internal
++ * \brief sets limits for all peercnts in table. done on reload to reflect changes in conf.
++ */
++static int set_peercnt_limit_all_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
++ struct peercnt *peercnt = obj;
++ set_peercnt_limit(peercnt);
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Reset limits for peercnts table\n");
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * \internal
++ * \brief returns match if delme is set.
++ */
++static int prune_addr_range_cb(void *obj, void *arg, int flags)
++ struct addr_range *addr_range = obj;
++ return addr_range->delme ? CMP_MATCH : 0;
++ * \internal
++ * \brief modifies peercnt entry in peercnts table. Used to set custom limit or mark a registered ip
++ */
++static void peercnt_modify(unsigned char reg, uint16_t limit, struct sockaddr_in *sin)
++ /* this function turns off and on custom callno limits set by peer registration */
++ struct peercnt *peercnt;
++ struct peercnt tmp = {
++ .addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr,
++ };
++ if ((peercnt = ao2_find(peercnts, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) {
++ peercnt->reg = reg;
++ if (limit) {
++ peercnt->limit = limit;
++ } else {
++ set_peercnt_limit(peercnt);
++ }
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "peercnt entry %s modified limit:%d registered:%d", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), peercnt->limit, peercnt->reg);
++ }
++ ao2_ref(peercnt, -1); /* decrement ref from find */
++ }
++ * \internal
++ * \brief adds an ip to the peercnts table, increments connection count if it already exists
++ *
++ * \details First searches for the address in the peercnts table. If found
++ * the current count is incremented. If not found a new peercnt is allocated
++ * and linked into the peercnts table with a call number count of 1.
++ */
++static int peercnt_add(struct sockaddr_in *sin)
++ struct peercnt *peercnt;
++ unsigned long addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr;
++ int res = 0;
++ struct peercnt tmp = {
++ .addr = addr,
++ };
++ /* Reasoning for peercnts container lock: Two identical ip addresses
++ * could be added by different threads at the "same time". Without the container
++ * lock, both threads could alloc space for the same object and attempt
++ * to link to table. With the lock, one would create the object and link
++ * to table while the other would find the already created peercnt object
++ * rather than creating a new one. */
++ ao2_lock(peercnts);
++ if ((peercnt = ao2_find(peercnts, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) {
++ ao2_lock(peercnt);
++ } else if ((peercnt = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*peercnt), NULL))) {
++ ao2_lock(peercnt);
++ /* create and set defaults */
++ peercnt->addr = addr;
++ set_peercnt_limit(peercnt);
++ /* guarantees it does not go away after unlocking table
++ * ao2_find automatically adds this */
++ ao2_link(peercnts, peercnt);
++ } else {
++ ao2_unlock(peercnts);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* check to see if the address has hit its callno limit. If not increment cur. */
++ if (peercnt->limit > peercnt->cur) {
++ peercnt->cur++;
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "ip callno count incremented to %d for %s\n", peercnt->cur, ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));
++ }
++ } else { /* max num call numbers for this peer has been reached! */
++ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "maxcallnumber limit of %d for %s has been reached!\n", peercnt->limit, ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));
++ res = -1;
++ }
++ /* clean up locks and ref count */
++ ao2_unlock(peercnt);
++ ao2_unlock(peercnts);
++ ao2_ref(peercnt, -1); /* decrement ref from find/alloc, only the container ref remains. */
++ return res;
++ * \internal
++ * \brief decrements a peercnts table entry
++ */
++static void peercnt_remove(struct peercnt *peercnt)
++ struct sockaddr_in sin = {
++ .sin_addr.s_addr = peercnt->addr,
++ };
++ if (peercnt) {
++ /* Container locked here since peercnt may be unlinked from list. If left unlocked,
++ * peercnt_add could try and grab this entry from the table and modify it at the
++ * "same time" this thread attemps to unlink it.*/
++ ao2_lock(peercnts);
++ peercnt->cur--;
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "ip callno count decremented to %d for %s\n", peercnt->cur, ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
++ }
++ /* if this was the last connection from the peer remove it from table */
++ if (peercnt->cur == 0) {
++ ao2_unlink(peercnts, peercnt);/* decrements ref from table, last ref is left to scheduler */
++ }
++ ao2_unlock(peercnts);
++ }
++ * \internal
++ * \brief called by scheduler to decrement object
++ */
++static int peercnt_remove_cb(const void *obj)
++ struct peercnt *peercnt = (struct peercnt *) obj;
++ peercnt_remove(peercnt);
++ ao2_ref(peercnt, -1); /* decrement ref from scheduler */
++ return 0;
++ * \internal
++ * \brief decrements peercnts connection count, finds by addr
++ */
++static int peercnt_remove_by_addr(struct sockaddr_in *sin)
++ struct peercnt *peercnt;
++ struct peercnt tmp = {
++ .addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr,
++ };
++ if ((peercnt = ao2_find(peercnts, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) {
++ peercnt_remove(peercnt);
++ ao2_ref(peercnt, -1); /* decrement ref from find */
++ }
++ return 0;
++ * \internal
++ * \brief Create callno_limit entry based on configuration
++ */
++static void build_callno_limits(struct ast_variable *v)
++ struct addr_range *addr_range = NULL;
++ struct addr_range tmp;
++ struct ast_ha *ha;
++ int limit;
++ int found;
++ for (; v; v = v->next) {
++ limit = -1;
++ found = 0;
++ ha = ast_append_ha("permit", v->name, NULL);
++ /* check for valid config information */
++ if (!ha) {
++ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Call number limit for %s could not be added, Invalid address range\n.", v->name);
++ continue;
++ } else if ((sscanf(v->value, "%d", &limit) != 1) || (limit < 0)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Call number limit for %s could not be added. Invalid limit %s\n.", v->name, v->value);
++ ast_free_ha(ha);
++ continue;
++ }
++ ast_copy_ha(ha, &tmp.ha);
++ /* find or create the addr_range */
++ if ((addr_range = ao2_find(callno_limits, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) {
++ ao2_lock(addr_range);
++ found = 1;
++ } else if (!(addr_range = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*addr_range), NULL))) {
++ ast_free_ha(ha);
++ return; /* out of memory */
++ }
++ /* copy over config data into addr_range object */
++ ast_copy_ha(ha, &addr_range->ha); /* this is safe because only one ha is possible for each limit */
++ ast_free_ha(ha); /* cleanup the tmp ha */
++ addr_range->limit = limit;
++ addr_range->delme = 0;
++ /* cleanup */
++ if (found) {
++ ao2_unlock(addr_range);
++ } else {
++ ao2_link(callno_limits, addr_range);
++ }
++ ao2_ref(addr_range, -1); /* decrement ref from ao2_find and ao2_alloc, only container ref remains */
++ }
++ * \internal
++ * \brief Create calltoken_ignores entry based on configuration
++ */
++static int add_calltoken_ignore(const char *addr)
++ struct addr_range tmp;
++ struct addr_range *addr_range = NULL;
++ struct ast_ha *ha = NULL;
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(addr)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "invalid calltokenoptional %s\n", addr);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ ha = ast_append_ha("permit", addr, NULL);
++ /* check for valid config information */
++ if (!ha) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Error creating calltokenoptional entry %s\n", addr);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ ast_copy_ha(ha, &tmp.ha);
++ /* find or create the addr_range */
++ if ((addr_range = ao2_find(calltoken_ignores, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) {
++ ao2_lock(addr_range);
++ addr_range->delme = 0;
++ ao2_unlock(addr_range);
++ } else if ((addr_range = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*addr_range), NULL))) {
++ /* copy over config data into addr_range object */
++ ast_copy_ha(ha, &addr_range->ha); /* this is safe because only one ha is possible */
++ ao2_link(calltoken_ignores, addr_range);
++ } else {
++ ast_free_ha(ha);
++ return -1;
++ }
++ ast_free_ha(ha);
++ ao2_ref(addr_range, -1); /* decrement ref from ao2_find and ao2_alloc, only container ref remains */
++ return 0;
++static int iax2_show_callnumber_usage(int fd, int argc, char *argv[])
++ struct ao2_iterator i;
++ struct peercnt *peercnt;
++ struct sockaddr_in sin;
++ int found = 0;
++ if (argc < 4 || argc > 5)
++ ast_cli(fd, "%-15s %-12s %-12s\n", "Address", "Callno Usage", "Callno Limit");
++ i = ao2_iterator_init(peercnts, 0);
++ while ((peercnt = ao2_iterator_next(&i))) {
++ sin.sin_addr.s_addr = peercnt->addr;
++ if (argc == 5 && (!strcasecmp(argv[4], ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr)))) {
++ ast_cli(fd, "%-15s %-12d %-12d\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr), peercnt->cur, peercnt->limit);
++ found = 1;
++ break;
++ } else {
++ ast_cli(fd, "%-15s %-12d %-12d\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr), peercnt->cur, peercnt->limit);
++ }
++ ao2_ref(peercnt, -1);
++ }
++ if (argc == 4) {
++ ast_cli(fd, "\nNon-CallToken Validation Limit: %d\nNon-CallToken Validated: %d\n", global_maxcallno_nonval, total_nonval_callno_used);
++ } else if (argc == 5 && !found) {
++ ast_cli(fd, "No callnumber table entries for %s found\n", argv[4] );
++ }
++static struct callno_entry *get_unused_callno(int trunk, int validated)
++ struct callno_entry *callno_entry = NULL;
++ if ((!ao2_container_count(callno_pool) && !trunk) || (!ao2_container_count(callno_pool_trunk) && trunk)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of CallNumbers\n");
++ /* Minor optimization for the extreme case. */
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* the callno_pool container is locked here primarily to ensure thread
++ * safety of the total_nonval_callno_used check and increment */
++ ao2_lock(callno_pool);
++ /* only a certain number of nonvalidated call numbers should be allocated.
++ * If there ever is an attack, this separates the calltoken validating
++ * users from the non calltoken validating users. */
++ if (!validated && (total_nonval_callno_used >= global_maxcallno_nonval)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "NON-CallToken callnumber limit is reached. Current:%d Max:%d\n", total_nonval_callno_used, global_maxcallno_nonval);
++ ao2_unlock(callno_pool);
++ return NULL;
++ }
++ /* unlink the object from the container, taking over ownership
++ * of the reference the container had to the object */
++ callno_entry = ao2_find((trunk ? callno_pool_trunk : callno_pool), NULL, OBJ_POINTER | OBJ_UNLINK | OBJ_CONTINUE);
++ if (callno_entry) {
++ callno_entry->validated = validated;
++ if (!validated) {
++ total_nonval_callno_used++;
++ }
++ }
++ ao2_unlock(callno_pool);
++ return callno_entry;
++static int replace_callno(const void *obj)
++ struct callno_entry *callno_entry = (struct callno_entry *) obj;
++ /* the callno_pool container is locked here primarily to ensure thread
++ * safety of the total_nonval_callno_used check and decrement */
++ ao2_lock(callno_pool);
++ if (!callno_entry->validated && (total_nonval_callno_used != 0)) {
++ total_nonval_callno_used--;
++ } else if (!callno_entry->validated && (total_nonval_callno_used == 0)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempted to decrement total non calltoken validated callnumbers below zero... Callno is:%d \n", callno_entry->callno);
++ }
++ if (callno_entry->callno < TRUNK_CALL_START) {
++ ao2_link(callno_pool, callno_entry);
++ } else {
++ ao2_link(callno_pool_trunk, callno_entry);
++ }
++ ao2_ref(callno_entry, -1); /* only container ref remains */
++ ao2_unlock(callno_pool);
++ return 0;
++static int callno_hash(const void *obj, const int flags)
++ return abs(ast_random());
++static int create_callno_pools(void)
++ uint16_t i;
++ if (!(callno_pool = ao2_container_alloc(CALLNO_POOL_BUCKETS, callno_hash, NULL))) {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ if (!(callno_pool_trunk = ao2_container_alloc(CALLNO_POOL_BUCKETS, callno_hash, NULL))) {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ /* start at 2, 0 and 1 are reserved */
++ for (i = 2; i <= IAX_MAX_CALLS; i++) {
++ struct callno_entry *callno_entry;
++ if (!(callno_entry = ao2_alloc(sizeof(*callno_entry), NULL))) {
++ return -1;
++ }
++ callno_entry->callno = i;
++ if (i < TRUNK_CALL_START) {
++ ao2_link(callno_pool, callno_entry);
++ } else {
++ ao2_link(callno_pool_trunk, callno_entry);
++ }
++ ao2_ref(callno_entry, -1);
++ }
++ return 0;
+ /*!
++ * \internal
++ * \brief Schedules delayed removal of iax2_pvt call number data
++ *
++ * \note After MIN_REUSE_TIME has passed for a destroyed iax2_pvt, the callno is
++ * avaliable again, and the address from the previous connection must be decremented
++ * from the peercnts table. This function schedules these operations to take place.
++ */
++static void sched_delay_remove(struct sockaddr_in *sin, struct callno_entry *callno_entry)
++ int i;
++ struct peercnt *peercnt;
++ struct peercnt tmp = {
++ .addr = sin->sin_addr.s_addr,
++ };
++ if ((peercnt = ao2_find(peercnts, &tmp, OBJ_POINTER))) {
++ /* refcount is incremented with ao2_find. keep that ref for the scheduler */
++ if (option_debug) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "schedule decrement of callno used for %s in %d seconds\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), MIN_REUSE_TIME);
++ }
++ i = iax2_sched_add(sched, MIN_REUSE_TIME * 1000, peercnt_remove_cb, peercnt);
++ if (i == -1) {
++ ao2_ref(peercnt, -1);
++ }
++ }
++ iax2_sched_add(sched, MIN_REUSE_TIME * 1000, replace_callno, callno_entry);
++ * \internal
++ * \brief returns whether or not a frame is capable of starting a new IAX2 dialog.
++ *
++ * \note For this implementation, inbound pokes should _NOT_ be capable of allocating
++ * a new callno.
++ */
++static inline int attribute_pure iax2_allow_new(int frametype, int subclass, int inbound)
++ if (frametype != AST_FRAME_IAX) {
++ return 0;
++ }
++ switch (subclass) {
++ return 1;
++ if (!inbound) {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ break;
++ }
++ return 0;
+ * \note Calling this function while holding another pvt lock can cause a deadlock.
+ */
+ static int __find_callno(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno, struct sockaddr_in *sin, int new, int sockfd, int return_locked, int check_dcallno)
+ {
+ int res = 0;
+ int x;
+- struct timeval now;
++ /* this call is calltoken validated as long as it is either NEW_FORCE
++ int validated = (new > NEW_ALLOW) ? 1 : 0;
+ char host[80];
+ if (new <= NEW_ALLOW) {
+@@ -1707,8 +2404,7 @@
+ #endif
+ }
+ if (!res && (new >= NEW_ALLOW)) {
+- int start, found = 0;
++ struct callno_entry *callno_entry;
+ /* It may seem odd that we look through the peer list for a name for
+ * this *incoming* call. Well, it is weird. However, users don't
+ * have an IP address/port number that we can match against. So,
+@@ -1718,36 +2414,28 @@
+ if (!iax2_getpeername(*sin, host, sizeof(host)))
+ snprintf(host, sizeof(host), "%s:%d", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), ntohs(sin->sin_port));
+- now = ast_tvnow();
+- start = 2 + (ast_random() % (TRUNK_CALL_START - 1));
+- for (x = start; 1; x++) {
+- if (x == TRUNK_CALL_START) {
+- x = 1;
+- continue;
+- }
++ if (peercnt_add(sin)) {
++ /* This address has hit its callnumber limit. When the limit
++ * is reached, the connection is not added to the peercnts table.*/
++ return 0;
++ }
+- /* Find first unused call number that hasn't been used in a while */
+- ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
+- if (!iaxs[x] && ((now.tv_sec - lastused[x].tv_sec) > MIN_REUSE_TIME)) {
+- found = 1;
+- break;
+- }
+- ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
+- if (x == start - 1) {
+- break;
+- }
+- }
+- /* We've still got lock held if we found a spot */
+- if (x == start - 1 && !found) {
++ if (!(callno_entry = get_unused_callno(0, validated))) {
++ /* since we ran out of space, remove the peercnt
++ * entry we added earlier */
++ peercnt_remove_by_addr(sin);
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "No more space\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
++ x = callno_entry->callno;
++ ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[x]);
+ iaxs[x] = new_iax(sin, host);
+ update_max_nontrunk();
+ if (iaxs[x]) {
+ if (option_debug && iaxdebug)
+ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Creating new call structure %d\n", x);
++ iaxs[x]->callno_entry = callno_entry;
+ iaxs[x]->sockfd = sockfd;
+ iaxs[x]->addr.sin_port = sin->sin_port;
+ iaxs[x]->addr.sin_family = sin->sin_family;
+@@ -1771,6 +2459,7 @@
+ } else {
+ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Out of resources\n");
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[x]);
++ replace_callno(callno_entry);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!return_locked)
+@@ -2523,6 +3212,10 @@
+ ast_cli(fd, " Context : %s\n", peer->context);
+ ast_cli(fd, " Mailbox : %s\n", peer->mailbox);
+ ast_cli(fd, " Dynamic : %s\n", ast_test_flag(peer, IAX_DYNAMIC) ? "Yes":"No");
++ ast_cli(fd, " Callnum limit: %d\n", peer->maxcallno);
++ ast_cli(fd, " Calltoken req: %s\n", (peer->calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_YES) ? "Yes" : ((peer->calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_AUTO) ? "Auto" : "No"));
+ ast_cli(fd, " Trunk : %s\n", ast_test_flag(peer, IAX_TRUNK) ? "Yes" : "No");
+ ast_cli(fd, " Callerid : %s\n", ast_callerid_merge(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), peer->cid_name, peer->cid_num, "<unspecified>"));
+ ast_cli(fd, " Expire : %d\n", peer->expire);
+@@ -2998,7 +3691,7 @@
+ if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "host")) {
+ struct ast_hostent ahp;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+- if (!(hp = ast_gethostbyname(tmp->value, &ahp)) || (memcmp(&hp->h_addr, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(hp->h_addr)))) {
++ if (!(hp = ast_gethostbyname(tmp->value, &ahp)) || (memcmp(hp->h_addr, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(hp->h_addr)))) {
+ /* No match */
+ ast_variables_destroy(var);
+ var = NULL;
+@@ -3112,7 +3805,7 @@
+ if (!strcasecmp(tmp->name, "host")) {
+ struct ast_hostent ahp;
+ struct hostent *hp;
+- if (!(hp = ast_gethostbyname(tmp->value, &ahp)) || (memcmp(&hp->h_addr, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(hp->h_addr)))) {
++ if (!(hp = ast_gethostbyname(tmp->value, &ahp)) || (memcmp(hp->h_addr, &sin->sin_addr, sizeof(hp->h_addr)))) {
+ /* No match */
+ ast_variables_destroy(var);
+ var = NULL;
+@@ -3334,16 +4027,250 @@
+ static int send_apathetic_reply(unsigned short callno, unsigned short dcallno,
+ struct sockaddr_in *sin, int command, int ts, unsigned char seqno,
+- int sockfd)
++ int sockfd, struct iax_ie_data *ied)
+ {
+- struct ast_iax2_full_hdr f = { .scallno = htons(0x8000 | callno), .dcallno = htons(dcallno),
+- .ts = htonl(ts), .iseqno = seqno, .oseqno = 0, .type = AST_FRAME_IAX,
+- .csub = compress_subclass(command) };
++ struct {
++ struct ast_iax2_full_hdr f;
++ struct iax_ie_data ied;
++ } data;
++ size_t size = sizeof(struct ast_iax2_full_hdr);
+- return sendto(sockfd, &f, sizeof(f), 0, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin));
++ if (ied) {
++ size += ied->pos;
++ memcpy(&data.ied, ied->buf, ied->pos);
++ }
++ data.f.scallno = htons(0x8000 | callno);
++ data.f.dcallno = htons(dcallno);
++ data.f.ts = htonl(ts);
++ data.f.iseqno = seqno;
++ data.f.oseqno = 0;
++ data.f.type = AST_FRAME_IAX;
++ data.f.csub = compress_subclass(command);
++ return sendto(sockfd, &data, size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)sin, sizeof(*sin));
+ }
++static void add_empty_calltoken_ie(struct chan_iax2_pvt *pvt, struct iax_ie_data *ied)
++ /* first make sure their are two empty bytes left in ied->buf */
++ if (pvt && ied && (2 < ((int) sizeof(ied->buf) - ied->pos))) {
++ ied->buf[ied->pos++] = IAX_IE_CALLTOKEN; /* type */
++ ied->buf[ied->pos++] = 0; /* data size, ZERO in this case */
++ pvt->calltoken_ie_len = 2;
++ }
++static void resend_with_token(int callno, struct iax_frame *f, const char *newtoken)
++ struct chan_iax2_pvt *pvt = iaxs[callno];
++ int frametype = f->af.frametype;
++ int subclass = f->af.subclass;
++ struct {
++ struct ast_iax2_full_hdr fh;
++ struct iax_ie_data ied;
++ } data = {
++ .ied.buf = { 0 },
++ .ied.pos = 0,
++ };
++ /* total len - header len gives us the frame's IE len */
++ int ie_data_pos = f->datalen - sizeof(struct ast_iax2_full_hdr);
++ if (!pvt) {
++ return; /* this should not be possible if called from socket_process() */
++ }
++ /*
++ * Check to make sure last frame sent is valid for call token resend
++ * 1. Frame should _NOT_ be encrypted since it starts the IAX dialog
++ * 2. Frame should _NOT_ already have a destination callno
++ * 3. Frame must be a valid iax_frame subclass capable of starting dialog
++ * 4. Pvt must have a calltoken_ie_len which represents the number of
++ * bytes at the end of the frame used for the previous calltoken ie.
++ * 5. Pvt's calltoken_ie_len must be _LESS_ than the total IE length
++ * 6. Total length of f->data must be _LESS_ than size of our data struct
++ * because f->data must be able to fit within data.
++ */
++ if (f->encmethods || f->dcallno || !iax2_allow_new(frametype, subclass, 0)
++ || !pvt->calltoken_ie_len || (pvt->calltoken_ie_len > ie_data_pos) ||
++ (f->datalen > sizeof(data))) {
++ return; /* ignore resend, token was not valid for the dialog */
++ }
++ /* token is valid
++ * 1. Copy frame data over
++ * 2. Redo calltoken IE, it will always be the last ie in the frame.
++ * NOTE: Having the ie always be last is not protocol specified,
++ * it is only an implementation choice. Since we only expect the ie to
++ * be last for frames we have sent, this can no way be affected by
++ * another end point.
++ * 3. Remove frame from queue
++ * 4. Free old frame
++ * 5. Clear previous seqnos
++ * 6. Resend with CALLTOKEN ie.
++ */
++ /* ---1.--- */
++ memcpy(&data, f->data, f->datalen);
++ data.ied.pos = ie_data_pos;
++ /* ---2.--- */
++ /* move to the beginning of the calltoken ie so we can write over it */
++ data.ied.pos -= pvt->calltoken_ie_len;
++ iax_ie_append_str(&data.ied, IAX_IE_CALLTOKEN, newtoken);
++ /* make sure to update token length incase it ever has to be stripped off again */
++ pvt->calltoken_ie_len = data.ied.pos - ie_data_pos; /* new pos minus old pos tells how big token ie is */
++ /* ---3.--- */
++ AST_LIST_LOCK(&iaxq.queue);
++ AST_LIST_REMOVE(&iaxq.queue, f, list);
++ AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&iaxq.queue);
++ /* ---4.--- */
++ iax2_frame_free(f);
++ /* ---5.--- */
++ pvt->oseqno = 0;
++ pvt->rseqno = 0;
++ pvt->iseqno = 0;
++ pvt->aseqno = 0;
++ if (pvt->peercallno) {
++ remove_by_peercallno(pvt);
++ pvt->peercallno = 0;
++ }
++ /* ---6.--- */
++ send_command(pvt, AST_FRAME_IAX, subclass, 0, data.ied.buf, data.ied.pos, -1);
++static void requirecalltoken_mark_auto(const char *name, int subclass)
++ struct iax2_user *user = NULL;
++ struct iax2_peer *peer = NULL;
++ if (ast_strlen_zero(name)) {
++ return; /* no username given */
++ }
++ if ((subclass == IAX_COMMAND_NEW) && (user = find_user(name)) && (user->calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_AUTO)) {
++ user->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_YES;
++ } else if ((subclass != IAX_COMMAND_NEW) && (peer = find_peer(name, 1)) && (peer->calltoken_required == CALLTOKEN_AUTO)) {
++ peer->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_YES;
++ }
++ if (peer) {
++ peer_unref(peer);
++ }
++ if (user) {
++ user_unref(user);
++ }
+ /*!
++ * \internal
++ *
++ * \brief handles calltoken logic for a received iax_frame.
++ *
++ * \note frametype must be AST_FRAME_IAX.
++ *
++ * \note
++ * Three different cases are possible here.
++ * Case 1. An empty calltoken is provided. This means the client supports
++ * calltokens but has not yet received one from us. In this case
++ * a full calltoken IE is created and sent in a calltoken fullframe.
++ * Case 2. A full calltoken is received and must be checked for validity.
++ * Case 3. No calltoken is received indicating that the client does not
++ * support calltokens. In this case it is up to the configuration
++ * to decide how this should be handled (reject or permit without calltoken)
++ */
++static int handle_call_token(struct ast_iax2_full_hdr *fh, struct iax_ies *ies,
++ struct sockaddr_in *sin, int fd)
++#define CALLTOKEN_HASH_FORMAT "%s%d%u%d" /* address + port + ts + randomcalldata */
++#define CALLTOKEN_IE_FORMAT "%u?%s" /* time + ? + (40 char hash) */
++ char buf[256] = { 0 };
++ time_t t = time(NULL);
++ char hash[41]; /* 40 char sha1 hash */
++ int subclass = uncompress_subclass(fh->csub);
++ /* ----- Case 1 ----- */
++ if (ies->calltoken && !ies->calltokendata) { /* empty calltoken is provided, client supports calltokens */
++ struct iax_ie_data ied = {
++ .buf = { 0 },
++ .pos = 0,
++ };
++ /* create the hash with their address data and our timestamp */
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), CALLTOKEN_HASH_FORMAT, ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), sin->sin_port, (unsigned int) t, randomcalltokendata);
++ ast_sha1_hash(hash, buf);
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), CALLTOKEN_IE_FORMAT, (unsigned int) t, hash);
++ iax_ie_append_str(&ied, IAX_IE_CALLTOKEN, buf);
++ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), sin, IAX_COMMAND_CALLTOKEN, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd, &ied);
++ return 1;
++ /* ----- Case 2 ----- */
++ } else if (ies->calltoken && ies->calltokendata) { /* calltoken received, check to see if it is valid */
++ char *rec_hash = NULL; /* the received hash, make sure it matches with ours. */
++ char *rec_ts = NULL; /* received timestamp */
++ unsigned int rec_time; /* received time_t */
++ /* split the timestamp from the hash data */
++ rec_hash = strchr((char *) ies->calltokendata, '?');
++ if (rec_hash) {
++ *rec_hash++ = '\0';
++ rec_ts = (char *) ies->calltokendata;
++ }
++ /* check that we have valid data before we do any comparisons */
++ if (!rec_hash || !rec_ts) {
++ goto reject;
++ } else if (sscanf(rec_ts, "%u", &rec_time) != 1) {
++ goto reject;
++ }
++ /* create a hash with their address and the _TOKEN'S_ timestamp */
++ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), CALLTOKEN_HASH_FORMAT, ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), sin->sin_port, (unsigned int) rec_time, randomcalltokendata);
++ ast_sha1_hash(hash, buf);
++ /* compare hashes and then check timestamp delay */
++ if (strcmp(hash, rec_hash)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Address %s failed CallToken hash inspection\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));
++ goto reject; /* received hash does not match ours, reject */
++ } else if ((t < rec_time) || ((t - rec_time) >= MAX_CALLTOKEN_DELAY)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too much delay in IAX2 calltoken timestamp from address %s\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr));
++ goto reject; /* too much delay, reject */
++ }
++ /* at this point the call token is valid, returning 0
++ * will allow socket_process to continue as usual */
++ requirecalltoken_mark_auto(ies->username, subclass);
++ return 0;
++ /* ----- Case 3 ----- */
++ } else { /* calltokens are not supported for this client, how do we respond? */
++ if (calltoken_required(sin, ies->username, subclass)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address %s in the calltokenignore list or setting user %s requirecalltoken=no\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), ies->username);
++ goto reject;
++ }
++ return 0; /* calltoken is not required for this addr, so permit it. */
++ }
++ /* received frame has failed calltoken inspection, send apathetic reject messages */
++ if (subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREQ || subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREL) {
++ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), sin, IAX_COMMAND_REGREJ, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd, NULL);
++ } else {
++ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), sin, IAX_COMMAND_REJECT, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd, NULL);
++ }
++ return 1;
+ * \brief Parses an IAX dial string into its component parts.
+ * \param data the string to be parsed
+ * \param pds pointer to a \c struct \c parsed_dial_string to be filled in
+@@ -3540,6 +4467,7 @@
+ iaxs[callno]->sockfd = cai.sockfd;
+ /* Transmit the string in a "NEW" request */
++ add_empty_calltoken_ie(iaxs[callno], &ied); /* this _MUST_ be the last ie added */
+ send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_NEW, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1);
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+@@ -6167,6 +7095,12 @@
+ return -1;
+ }
+ remove_by_transfercallno(pvt);
++ /* since a transfer has taken place, the address will change.
++ * This must be accounted for in the peercnts table. Remove
++ * the old address and add the new one */
++ peercnt_remove_by_addr(&pvt->addr);
++ peercnt_add(&pvt->transfer);
++ /* now copy over the new address */
+ memcpy(&pvt->addr, &pvt->transfer, sizeof(pvt->addr));
+ memset(&pvt->transfer, 0, sizeof(pvt->transfer));
+ /* Reset sequence numbers */
+@@ -6373,6 +7307,8 @@
+ if (ast_test_flag((&globalflags), IAX_RTUPDATE) && (ast_test_flag(peer, IAX_TEMPONLY|IAX_RTCACHEFRIENDS)))
+ realtime_update_peer(peer->name, &peer->addr, 0);
+ manager_event(EVENT_FLAG_SYSTEM, "PeerStatus", "Peer: IAX2/%s\r\nPeerStatus: Unregistered\r\nCause: Expired\r\n", peer->name);
++ /* modify entry in peercnts table as _not_ registered */
++ peercnt_modify(0, 0, &peer->addr);
+ /* Reset the address */
+ memset(&peer->addr, 0, sizeof(peer->addr));
+ /* Reset expiry value */
+@@ -6489,8 +7425,13 @@
+ if (inaddrcmp(&p->addr, sin)) {
+ if (iax2_regfunk)
+ iax2_regfunk(p->name, 1);
++ /* modify entry in peercnts table as _not_ registered */
++ peercnt_modify(0, 0, &p->addr);
+ /* Stash the IP address from which they registered */
+ memcpy(&p->addr, sin, sizeof(p->addr));
+ snprintf(data, sizeof(data), "%s:%d:%d", ast_inet_ntoa(sin->sin_addr), ntohs(sin->sin_port), p->expiry);
+ if (!ast_test_flag(p, IAX_TEMPONLY) && sin->sin_addr.s_addr) {
+ ast_db_put("IAX/Registry", p->name, data);
+@@ -6512,8 +7453,13 @@
+ /* Update the host */
+ /* Verify that the host is really there */
+ iax2_poke_peer(p, callno);
+- }
++ }
++ /* modify entry in peercnts table as registered */
++ if (p->maxcallno) {
++ peercnt_modify(1, p->maxcallno, &p->addr);
++ }
+ /* Make sure our call still exists, an INVAL at the right point may make it go away */
+ if (!iaxs[callno]) {
+ res = -1;
+@@ -6666,6 +7612,7 @@
+ res = authenticate(challenge, reg->secret, NULL, authmethods, &ied, sin, NULL);
+ if (!res) {
+ reg->regstate = REG_STATE_AUTHSENT;
++ add_empty_calltoken_ie(iaxs[callno], &ied); /* this _MUST_ be the last ie added */
+ return send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_REGREQ, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1);
+ } else
+ return -1;
+@@ -7292,6 +8239,7 @@
+ int new = NEW_PREVENT;
+ void *ptr;
+ int dcallno = 0;
++ char decrypted = 0;
+ struct ast_iax2_full_hdr *fh = (struct ast_iax2_full_hdr *)thread->buf;
+ struct ast_iax2_mini_hdr *mh = (struct ast_iax2_mini_hdr *)thread->buf;
+ struct ast_iax2_meta_hdr *meta = (struct ast_iax2_meta_hdr *)thread->buf;
+@@ -7468,6 +8416,25 @@
+ /* Get the destination call number */
+ dcallno = ntohs(fh->dcallno) & ~IAX_FLAG_RETRANS;
++ /* check to make sure this full frame isn't encrypted before we attempt
++ * to look inside of it. If it is encrypted, decrypt it first. Its ok if the
++ * callno is not found here, that just means one hasn't been allocated for
++ * this connection yet. */
++ if ((dcallno != 1) && (fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, NEW_PREVENT, fd, 1))) {
++ ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
++ if (iaxs[fr->callno] && ast_test_flag(iaxs[fr->callno], IAX_ENCRYPTED)) {
++ if (decrypt_frame(fr->callno, fh, &f, &res)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Packet Decrypt Failed!\n");
++ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ decrypted = 1;
++ }
++ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
++ }
+ /* Retrieve the type and subclass */
+ f.frametype = fh->type;
+ if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_VIDEO) {
+@@ -7479,17 +8446,51 @@
+ /* Deal with POKE/PONG without allocating a callno */
+ if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX && f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_POKE) {
+ /* Reply back with a PONG, but don't care about the result. */
+- send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), &sin, IAX_COMMAND_PONG, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd);
++ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), &sin, IAX_COMMAND_PONG, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd, NULL);
+ return 1;
+ } else if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX && f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_ACK && dcallno == 1) {
+ /* Ignore */
+ return 1;
+ }
+- if ((f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX) && ((f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_NEW) || (f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREQ) ||
+- (f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_POKE) || (f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_FWDOWNL) ||
+- (f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREL)))
+- new = NEW_ALLOW;
++ f.datalen = res - sizeof(*fh);
++ if (f.datalen) {
++ if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX) {
++ if (iax_parse_ies(&ies, thread->buf + sizeof(*fh), f.datalen)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Undecodable frame received from '%s'\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
++ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
++ return 1;
++ }
++ f.data = NULL;
++ f.datalen = 0;
++ } else {
++ f.data = thread->buf + sizeof(*fh);
++ memset(&ies, 0, sizeof(ies));
++ }
++ } else {
++ if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX)
++ f.data = NULL;
++ else
++ f.data = empty;
++ memset(&ies, 0, sizeof(ies));
++ }
++ if (!dcallno && iax2_allow_new(f.frametype, f.subclass, 1)) {
++ /* only set NEW_ALLOW if calltoken checks out */
++ if (handle_call_token(fh, &ies, &sin, fd)) {
++ return 1;
++ }
++ if (ies.calltoken && ies.calltokendata) {
++ /* if we've gotten this far, and the calltoken ie data exists,
++ * then calltoken validation _MUST_ have taken place. If calltoken
++ * data is provided, it is always validated reguardless of any
++ * calltokenoptional or requirecalltoken options */
++ } else {
++ new = NEW_ALLOW;
++ }
++ }
+ } else {
+ /* Don't know anything about it yet */
+ f.frametype = AST_FRAME_NULL;
+@@ -7515,7 +8516,14 @@
+ check_dcallno = f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX ? (f.subclass != IAX_COMMAND_PING && f.subclass != IAX_COMMAND_LAGRQ) : 1;
+ }
+- fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, new, fd, check_dcallno);
++ if (!(fr->callno = find_callno(ntohs(mh->callno) & ~IAX_FLAG_FULL, dcallno, &sin, new, fd, check_dcallno))) {
++ if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX && f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_NEW) {
++ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), &sin, IAX_COMMAND_REJECT, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd, NULL);
++ } else if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX && (f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREQ || f.subclass == IAX_COMMAND_REGREL)) {
++ send_apathetic_reply(1, ntohs(fh->scallno), &sin, IAX_COMMAND_REGREJ, ntohl(fh->ts), fh->iseqno + 1, fd, NULL);
++ }
++ return 1;
++ }
+ }
+ if (fr->callno > 0)
+@@ -7538,17 +8546,19 @@
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+- if (ast_test_flag(iaxs[fr->callno], IAX_ENCRYPTED)) {
++ if (ast_test_flag(iaxs[fr->callno], IAX_ENCRYPTED) && !decrypted) {
+ if (decrypt_frame(fr->callno, fh, &f, &res)) {
+ ast_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Packet Decrypt Failed!\n");
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+ return 1;
+- }
++ }
++ decrypted = 1;
++ }
+- else if (iaxdebug)
+- iax_showframe(NULL, fh, 3, &sin, res - sizeof(*fh));
++ if (decrypted && iaxdebug) {
++ iax_showframe(NULL, fh, 3, &sin, res - sizeof(*fh));
++ }
+ #endif
+- }
+ /* count this frame */
+ iaxs[fr->callno]->frames_received++;
+@@ -7642,12 +8652,6 @@
+ (f.frametype != AST_FRAME_IAX))
+ iaxs[fr->callno]->iseqno++;
+ }
+- /* A full frame */
+- if (res < sizeof(*fh)) {
+- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "midget packet received (%d of %zd min)\n", res, sizeof(*fh));
+- ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+- return 1;
+- }
+ /* Ensure text frames are NULL-terminated */
+ if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_TEXT && thread->buf[res - 1] != '\0') {
+ if (res < thread->buf_size)
+@@ -7655,7 +8659,6 @@
+ else /* Trims one character from the text message, but that's better than overwriting the end of the buffer. */
+ thread->buf[res - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+- f.datalen = res - sizeof(*fh);
+ /* Handle implicit ACKing unless this is an INVAL, and only if this is
+ from the real peer, not the transfer peer */
+@@ -7717,25 +8720,6 @@
+ return 1;
+ }
+- if (f.datalen) {
+- if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX) {
+- if (iax_parse_ies(&ies, thread->buf + sizeof(*fh), f.datalen)) {
+- ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Undecodable frame received from '%s'\n", ast_inet_ntoa(sin.sin_addr));
+- ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[fr->callno]);
+- return 1;
+- }
+- f.data = NULL;
+- f.datalen = 0;
+- } else
+- f.data = thread->buf + sizeof(*fh);
+- } else {
+- if (f.frametype == AST_FRAME_IAX)
+- f.data = NULL;
+- else
+- f.data = empty;
+- memset(&ies, 0, sizeof(ies));
+- }
+ /* when we receive the first full frame for a new incoming channel,
+ it is safe to start the PBX on the channel because we have now
+ completed a 3-way handshake with the peer */
+@@ -8749,6 +9733,26 @@
+ return 1;
+ }
+ break;
++ {
++ struct iax_frame *cur;
++ AST_LIST_LOCK(&iaxq.queue);
++ AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(&iaxq.queue, cur, list) {
++ /* find the last sent frame in our frame queue for this callno.
++ * There are many things to take into account before resending this frame.
++ * All of these are taken care of in resend_with_token() */
++ if (cur->callno == fr->callno) {
++ break;
++ }
++ }
++ AST_LIST_UNLOCK(&iaxq.queue);
++ /* find last sent frame */
++ if (cur && ies.calltoken && ies.calltokendata) {
++ resend_with_token(fr->callno, cur, (char *) ies.calltokendata);
++ }
++ break;
++ }
+ default:
+ if (option_debug)
+ ast_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Unknown IAX command %d on %d/%d\n", f.subclass, fr->callno, iaxs[fr->callno]->peercallno);
+@@ -9055,6 +10059,7 @@
+ memset(&ied, 0, sizeof(ied));
+ iax_ie_append_str(&ied, IAX_IE_USERNAME, reg->username);
+ iax_ie_append_short(&ied, IAX_IE_REFRESH, reg->refresh);
++ add_empty_calltoken_ie(iaxs[reg->callno], &ied); /* this _MUST_ be the last ie added */
+ send_command(iaxs[reg->callno],AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_REGREQ, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1);
+ reg->regstate = REG_STATE_REGSENT;
+ return 0;
+@@ -9278,7 +10283,12 @@
+ /* And send the poke */
+ ast_mutex_lock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+ if (iaxs[callno]) {
+- send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_POKE, 0, NULL, 0, -1);
++ struct iax_ie_data ied = {
++ .buf = { 0 },
++ .pos = 0,
++ };
++ add_empty_calltoken_ie(iaxs[callno], &ied); /* this _MUST_ be the last ie added */
++ send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_POKE, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1);
+ }
+ ast_mutex_unlock(&iaxsl[callno]);
+@@ -9702,6 +10712,9 @@
+ peer->smoothing = 0;
+ peer->pokefreqok = DEFAULT_FREQ_OK;
+ peer->pokefreqnotok = DEFAULT_FREQ_NOTOK;
++ peer->maxcallno = 0;
++ peercnt_modify(0, 0, &peer->addr);
++ peer->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_DEFAULT;
+ ast_string_field_set(peer,context,"");
+ ast_string_field_set(peer,peercontext,"");
+ ast_clear_flag(peer, IAX_HASCALLERID);
+@@ -9855,7 +10868,24 @@
+ ast_string_field_set(peer, zonetag, v->value);
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "adsi")) {
+ peer->adsi = ast_true(v->value);
+- }/* else if (strcasecmp(v->name,"type")) */
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maxcallnumbers")) {
++ if (sscanf(v->value, "%10hu", &peer->maxcallno) != 1) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "maxcallnumbers must be set to a valid number. %s is not valid at line %d.\n", v->value, v->lineno);
++ } else {
++ peercnt_modify(1, peer->maxcallno, &peer->addr);
++ }
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "requirecalltoken")) {
++ /* default is required unless in optional ip list */
++ if (ast_false(v->value)) {
++ peer->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_NO;
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "auto")) {
++ peer->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_AUTO;
++ } else if (ast_true(v->value)) {
++ peer->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_YES;
++ } else {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "requirecalltoken must be set to a valid value. at line %d\n", v->lineno);
++ }
++ } /* else if (strcasecmp(v->name,"type")) */
+ /* ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring %s\n", v->name); */
+ v = v->next;
+ if (!v) {
+@@ -9937,6 +10967,7 @@
+ user->capability = iax2_capability;
+ user->encmethods = iax2_encryption;
+ user->adsi = adsi;
++ user->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_DEFAULT;
+ ast_string_field_set(user, name, name);
+ ast_string_field_set(user, language, language);
+@@ -10075,7 +11106,18 @@
+ user->maxauthreq = 0;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "adsi")) {
+ user->adsi = ast_true(v->value);
+- }/* else if (strcasecmp(v->name,"type")) */
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "requirecalltoken")) {
++ /* default is required unless in optional ip list */
++ if (ast_false(v->value)) {
++ user->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_NO;
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->value, "auto")) {
++ user->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_AUTO;
++ } else if (ast_true(v->value)) {
++ user->calltoken_required = CALLTOKEN_YES;
++ } else {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "requirecalltoken must be set to a valid value. at line %d\n", v->lineno);
++ }
++ } /* else if (strcasecmp(v->name,"type")) */
+ /* ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring %s\n", v->name); */
+ v = v->next;
+ if (!v) {
+@@ -10206,10 +11248,12 @@
+ ast_clear_flag((&globalflags), IAX_USEJITTERBUF);
+ ast_clear_flag((&globalflags), IAX_FORCEJITTERBUF);
+ delete_users();
++ ao2_callback(callno_limits, OBJ_NODATA, addr_range_delme_cb, NULL);
++ ao2_callback(calltoken_ignores, OBJ_NODATA, addr_range_delme_cb, NULL);
+ }
+ /*! \brief Load configuration */
+-static int set_config(char *config_file, int reload)
++static int set_config(const char *config_file, int reload)
+ {
+ struct ast_config *cfg, *ucfg;
+ int capability=iax2_capability;
+@@ -10251,6 +11295,8 @@
+ min_reg_expire = IAX_DEFAULT_REG_EXPIRE;
+ max_reg_expire = IAX_DEFAULT_REG_EXPIRE;
++ global_maxcallno = DEFAULT_MAXCALLNO_LIMIT;
++ global_maxcallno_nonval = DEFAULT_MAXCALLNO_LIMIT_NONVAL;
+ maxauthreq = 3;
+@@ -10448,7 +11494,19 @@
+ maxauthreq = 0;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "adsi")) {
+ adsi = ast_true(v->value);
+- } /*else if (strcasecmp(v->name,"type")) */
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maxcallnumbers")) {
++ if (sscanf(v->value, "%10hu", &global_maxcallno) != 1) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "maxcallnumbers must be set to a valid number. %s is not valid at line %d\n", v->value, v->lineno);
++ }
++ } else if (!strcasecmp(v->name, "maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated")) {
++ if (sscanf(v->value, "%10hu", &global_maxcallno_nonval) != 1) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated must be set to a valid number. %s is not valid at line %d.\n", v->value, v->lineno);
++ }
++ } else if(!strcasecmp(v->name, "calltokenoptional")) {
++ if (add_calltoken_ignore(v->value)) {
++ ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Invalid calltokenoptional address range - '%s' line %d\n", v->value, v->lineno);
++ }
++ }/*else if (strcasecmp(v->name,"type")) */
+ /* ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Ignoring %s\n", v->name); */
+ v = v->next;
+ }
+@@ -10539,7 +11597,9 @@
+ while(cat) {
+ if (strcasecmp(cat, "general")) {
+ utype = ast_variable_retrieve(cfg, cat, "type");
+- if (utype) {
++ if (!strcasecmp(cat, "callnumberlimits")) {
++ build_callno_limits(ast_variable_browse(cfg, cat));
++ } else if (utype) {
+ if (!strcasecmp(utype, "user") || !strcasecmp(utype, "friend")) {
+ user = build_user(cat, ast_variable_browse(cfg, cat), NULL, 0);
+ if (user) {
+@@ -10581,12 +11641,15 @@
+ }
+ static int reload_config(void)
+ {
+- char *config = "iax.conf";
++ static const char config[] = "iax.conf";
+ struct iax2_registry *reg;
+ if (set_config(config, 1) > 0) {
+ prune_peers();
+ prune_users();
++ ao2_callback(callno_limits, OBJ_NODATA | OBJ_UNLINK | OBJ_MULTIPLE, prune_addr_range_cb, NULL);
++ ao2_callback(calltoken_ignores, OBJ_NODATA | OBJ_UNLINK | OBJ_MULTIPLE, prune_addr_range_cb, NULL);
++ ao2_callback(peercnts, OBJ_NODATA, set_peercnt_limit_all_cb, NULL);
+ AST_LIST_LOCK(®istrations);
+ AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(®istrations, reg, entry)
+ iax2_do_register(reg);
+@@ -10678,6 +11741,7 @@
+ if (pds.key)
+ ast_string_field_set(iaxs[callno], outkey, pds.key);
+ /* Start the call going */
++ add_empty_calltoken_ie(iaxs[callno], &ied); /* this _MUST_ be the last ie added */
+ send_command(iaxs[callno], AST_FRAME_IAX, IAX_COMMAND_NEW, 0, ied.buf, ied.pos, -1);
+ return callno;
+@@ -11112,6 +12176,10 @@
+ "Usage: iax2 show peer <name>\n"
+ " Display details on specific IAX peer\n";
++static char show_callnumber_usage[] =
++"Usage: iax2 show callnumber usage <ip optional>\n"
++" Show current entries in the ip Call Number Limit table.\n";
+ static char prune_realtime_usage[] =
+ "Usage: iax2 prune realtime [<peername>|all]\n"
+ " Prunes object(s) from the cache\n";
+@@ -11274,6 +12342,10 @@
+ iax2_show_peer, "Show details on specific IAX peer",
+ show_peer_usage, complete_iax2_show_peer },
++ { { "iax2", "show", "callnumber", "usage", NULL },
++ iax2_show_callnumber_usage, "Show current entries in ip Call number limit table",
++ show_callnumber_usage, NULL },
+ { { "iax2", "set", "debug", NULL },
+ iax2_do_debug, "Enable IAX debugging",
+ debug_usage },
+@@ -11406,6 +12478,11 @@
+ ao2_ref(users, -1);
+ ao2_ref(iax_peercallno_pvts, -1);
+ ao2_ref(iax_transfercallno_pvts, -1);
++ ao2_ref(peercnts, -1);
++ ao2_ref(callno_limits, -1);
++ ao2_ref(calltoken_ignores, -1);
++ ao2_ref(callno_pool, -1);
++ ao2_ref(callno_pool_trunk, -1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -11461,35 +12538,77 @@
+ return match(&pvt2->transfer, pvt2->transfercallno, pvt2->callno, pvt,
+ pvt2->frames_received) ? CMP_MATCH | CMP_STOP : 0;
+ }
++static int load_objects(void)
++ peers = users = iax_peercallno_pvts = iax_transfercallno_pvts = NULL;
++ peercnts = callno_limits = calltoken_ignores = callno_pool = callno_pool_trunk = NULL;
++ if (!(peers = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_PEER_BUCKETS, peer_hash_cb, peer_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (!(users = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_USER_BUCKETS, user_hash_cb, user_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (!(iax_peercallno_pvts = ao2_container_alloc(IAX_MAX_CALLS, pvt_hash_cb, pvt_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (!(iax_transfercallno_pvts = ao2_container_alloc(IAX_MAX_CALLS, transfercallno_pvt_hash_cb, transfercallno_pvt_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (!(peercnts = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_PEER_BUCKETS, peercnt_hash_cb, peercnt_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (!(callno_limits = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_PEER_BUCKETS, addr_range_hash_cb, addr_range_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (!(calltoken_ignores = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_PEER_BUCKETS, addr_range_hash_cb, addr_range_cmp_cb))) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ } else if (create_callno_pools()) {
++ goto container_fail;
++ }
++ return 0;
++ if (peers) {
++ ao2_ref(peers, -1);
++ }
++ if (users) {
++ ao2_ref(users, -1);
++ }
++ if (iax_peercallno_pvts) {
++ ao2_ref(iax_peercallno_pvts, -1);
++ }
++ if (iax_transfercallno_pvts) {
++ ao2_ref(iax_transfercallno_pvts, -1);
++ }
++ if (peercnts) {
++ ao2_ref(peercnts, -1);
++ }
++ if (callno_limits) {
++ ao2_ref(callno_limits, -1);
++ }
++ if (calltoken_ignores) {
++ ao2_ref(calltoken_ignores, -1);
++ }
++ if (callno_pool) {
++ ao2_ref(callno_pool, -1);
++ }
++ if (callno_pool_trunk) {
++ ao2_ref(callno_pool_trunk, -1);
++ }
+ /*! \brief Load IAX2 module, load configuraiton ---*/
+ static int load_module(void)
+ {
+- char *config = "iax.conf";
++ static const char config[] = "iax.conf";
+ int res = 0;
+ int x;
+ struct iax2_registry *reg = NULL;
+- peers = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_PEER_BUCKETS, peer_hash_cb, peer_cmp_cb);
+- if (!peers)
++ if (load_objects()) {
+- users = ao2_container_alloc(MAX_USER_BUCKETS, user_hash_cb, user_cmp_cb);
+- if (!users) {
+- ao2_ref(peers, -1);
+ }
+- iax_peercallno_pvts = ao2_container_alloc(IAX_MAX_CALLS, pvt_hash_cb, pvt_cmp_cb);
+- if (!iax_peercallno_pvts) {
+- ao2_ref(peers, -1);
+- ao2_ref(users, -1);
+- }
+- iax_transfercallno_pvts = ao2_container_alloc(IAX_MAX_CALLS, transfercallno_pvt_hash_cb, transfercallno_pvt_cmp_cb);
+- if (!iax_transfercallno_pvts) {
+- ao2_ref(peers, -1);
+- ao2_ref(users, -1);
+- ao2_ref(iax_peercallno_pvts, -1);
+- }
++ randomcalltokendata = ast_random();
+ ast_custom_function_register(&iaxpeer_function);
+ iax_set_output(iax_debug_output);
+Index: channels/iax2.h
+--- a/channels/iax2.h (revision 215999)
++++ b/channels/iax2.h (working copy)
+@@ -73,7 +73,9 @@
+ #define IAX_COMMAND_FWDOWNL 36 /* Download firmware */
+ #define IAX_COMMAND_FWDATA 37 /* Firmware Data */
+ #define IAX_COMMAND_TXMEDIA 38 /* Transfer media only */
++#define IAX_COMMAND_CALLTOKEN 40 /*! Call number token */
+ #define IAX_DEFAULT_REG_EXPIRE 60 /* By default require re-registration once per minute */
+ #define IAX_LINGER_TIMEOUT 10 /* How long to wait before closing bridged call */
+@@ -133,6 +135,7 @@
+ #define IAX_IE_RR_DELAY 49 /* Max playout delay for received frames (in ms) u16 */
+ #define IAX_IE_RR_DROPPED 50 /* Dropped frames (presumably by jitterbuf) u32 */
+ #define IAX_IE_RR_OOO 51 /* Frames received Out of Order u32 */
++#define IAX_IE_CALLTOKEN 54 /* Call number security token */
+ #define IAX_AUTH_PLAINTEXT (1 << 0)
+Index: channels/iax2-parser.c
+--- a/channels/iax2-parser.c (revision 215999)
++++ b/channels/iax2-parser.c (working copy)
+@@ -442,7 +442,9 @@
+ "FWDATA ",
++ "RTKEY ",
++ "CTOKEN ",
+ };
+ if ((copylen > len) || !subclass || (subclass < 0)) {
+ str[0] = '\0';
+@@ -959,6 +961,12 @@
+ ies->rr_ooo = ntohl(get_unaligned_uint32(data + 2));
+ }
+ break;
++ if (len) {
++ ies->calltokendata = (unsigned char *) data + 2;
++ }
++ ies->calltoken = 1;
++ break;
+ default:
+ snprintf(tmp, (int)sizeof(tmp), "Ignoring unknown information element '%s' (%d) of length %d\n", iax_ie2str(ie), ie, len);
+ outputf(tmp);
+Index: include/asterisk/acl.h
+--- a/include/asterisk/acl.h (revision 215999)
++++ b/include/asterisk/acl.h (working copy)
+@@ -35,11 +35,17 @@
+ #define AST_SENSE_ALLOW 1
+ /* Host based access control */
++struct ast_ha {
++ /* Host access rule */
++ struct in_addr netaddr;
++ struct in_addr netmask;
++ int sense;
++ struct ast_ha *next;
+-struct ast_ha;
+ void ast_free_ha(struct ast_ha *ha);
+-struct ast_ha *ast_append_ha(char *sense, char *stuff, struct ast_ha *path);
++void ast_copy_ha(const struct ast_ha *from, struct ast_ha *to);
++struct ast_ha *ast_append_ha(char *sense, const char *stuff, struct ast_ha *path);
+ int ast_apply_ha(struct ast_ha *ha, struct sockaddr_in *sin);
+ int ast_get_ip(struct sockaddr_in *sin, const char *value);
+ int ast_get_ip_or_srv(struct sockaddr_in *sin, const char *value, const char *service);
+Index: include/asterisk/astobj2.h
+--- a/include/asterisk/astobj2.h (revision 215999)
++++ b/include/asterisk/astobj2.h (working copy)
+@@ -290,6 +290,16 @@
+ * This implies that it can be passed to the object's hash function
+ * for optimized searching. */
+ OBJ_POINTER = (1 << 3),
++ /*!
++ * \brief Continue if a match is not found in the hashed out bucket
++ *
++ * This flag is to be used in combination with OBJ_POINTER. This tells
++ * the ao2_callback() core to keep searching through the rest of the
++ * buckets if a match is not found in the starting bucket defined by
++ * the hash value on the argument.
++ */
++ OBJ_CONTINUE = (1 << 4),
+ };
+ /*!
+Index: main/acl.c
+--- a/main/acl.c (revision 215999)
++++ b/main/acl.c (working copy)
+@@ -72,14 +72,6 @@
+ #include "asterisk/lock.h"
+ #include "asterisk/srv.h"
+-struct ast_ha {
+- /* Host access rule */
+- struct in_addr netaddr;
+- struct in_addr netmask;
+- int sense;
+- struct ast_ha *next;
+ /* Default IP - if not otherwise set, don't breathe garbage */
+ static struct in_addr __ourip = { .s_addr = 0x00000000, };
+@@ -261,7 +253,7 @@
+ }
+ /* Copy HA structure */
+-static void ast_copy_ha(struct ast_ha *from, struct ast_ha *to)
++void ast_copy_ha(const struct ast_ha *from, struct ast_ha *to)
+ {
+ memcpy(&to->netaddr, &from->netaddr, sizeof(from->netaddr));
+ memcpy(&to->netmask, &from->netmask, sizeof(from->netmask));
+@@ -303,7 +295,7 @@
+ return ret; /* Return start of list */
+ }
+-struct ast_ha *ast_append_ha(char *sense, char *stuff, struct ast_ha *path)
++struct ast_ha *ast_append_ha(char *sense, const char *stuff, struct ast_ha *path)
+ {
+ struct ast_ha *ha;
+ char *nm = "";
+Index: main/astobj2.c
+--- a/main/astobj2.c (revision 215999)
++++ b/main/astobj2.c (working copy)
+@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
+ const enum search_flags flags,
+ ao2_callback_fn cb_fn, void *arg)
+ {
+- int i, last; /* search boundaries */
++ int i, start, last; /* search boundaries */
+ void *ret = NULL;
+ if (INTERNAL_OBJ(c) == NULL) /* safety check on the argument */
+@@ -483,14 +483,16 @@
+ * (this only for the time being. We need to optimize this.)
+ */
+ if ((flags & OBJ_POINTER)) /* we know hash can handle this case */
+- i = c->hash_fn(arg, flags & OBJ_POINTER) % c->n_buckets;
++ start = i = c->hash_fn(arg, flags & OBJ_POINTER) % c->n_buckets;
+ else /* don't know, let's scan all buckets */
+ i = -1; /* XXX this must be fixed later. */
+ /* determine the search boundaries: i..last-1 */
+ if (i < 0) {
+- i = 0;
++ start = i = 0;
+ last = c->n_buckets;
++ } else if ((flags & OBJ_CONTINUE)) {
++ last = c->n_buckets;
+ } else {
+ last = i + 1;
+ }
+@@ -545,6 +547,17 @@
+ }
+ }
++ if (ret) {
++ /* This assumes OBJ_MULTIPLE with !OBJ_NODATA is still not implemented */
++ break;
++ }
++ if (i == c->n_buckets - 1 && (flags & OBJ_POINTER) && (flags & OBJ_CONTINUE)) {
++ /* Move to the beginning to ensure we check every bucket */
++ i = -1;
++ last = start;
++ }
+ }
+ ao2_unlock(c);
+ return ret;
+Index: configs/iax.conf.sample
+--- a/configs/iax.conf.sample (revision 215999)
++++ b/configs/iax.conf.sample (working copy)
+@@ -268,6 +268,62 @@
+ ; has expired based on its registration interval, used the stored
+ ; address information regardless. (yes|no)
++; The following two options are used to disable call token validation for the
++; purposes of interoperability with IAX2 endpoints that do not yet support it.
++; Call token validation can be set as optional for a single IP address or IP
++; address range by using the 'calltokenoptional' option. 'calltokenoptional' is
++; only a global option.
++; In a peer/user/friend definition, the 'requirecalltoken' option may be used.
++; By setting 'requirecalltoken=no', call token validation becomes optional for
++; that peer/user. By setting 'requirecalltoken=auto', call token validation
++; is optional until a call token supporting peer registers successfully using
++; call token validation. This is used as an indication that from now on, we
++; can require it from this peer. So, requirecalltoken is internally set to yes.
++; By default, 'requirecalltoken=yes'.
++; These options are used to limit the amount of call numbers allocated to a
++; single IP address. Before changing any of these values, it is highly encouraged
++; to read the user guide associated with these options first. In most cases, the
++; default values for these options are sufficient.
++; The 'maxcallnumbers' option limits the amount of call numbers allowed for each
++; individual remote IP address. Once an IP address reaches it's call number
++; limit, no more new connections are allowed until the previous ones close. This
++; option can be used in a peer definition as well, but only takes effect for
++; the IP of a dynamic peer after it completes registration.
++; The 'maxcallnumbers_nonvalidated' is used to set the combined number of call
++; numbers that can be allocated for connections where call token validation
++; has been disabled. Unlike the 'maxcallnumbers' option, this limit is not
++; separate for each individual IP address. Any connection resulting in a
++; non-call token validated call number being allocated contributes to this
++; limit. For use cases, see the call token user guide. This option's
++; default value of 8192 should be sufficient in most cases.
++; The [callnumberlimits] section allows custom call number limits to be set
++; for specific IP addresses and IP address ranges. These limits take precedence
++; over the global 'maxcallnumbers' option, but may still be overridden by a
++; peer defined 'maxcallnumbers' entry. Note that these limits take effect
++; for every individual address within the range, not the range as a whole.
++; = 24
++; = 32
+ ; Guest sections for unauthenticated connection attempts. Just specify an
+ ; empty secret, or provide no secret section.
+ ;
+Index: contrib/scripts/iax-friends.sql
+--- a/contrib/scripts/iax-friends.sql (revision 215999)
++++ b/contrib/scripts/iax-friends.sql (working copy)
+@@ -4,51 +4,54 @@
+ CREATE TABLE `iaxfriends` (
+ `name` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `username` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `secret` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `dbsecret` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `context` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `regcontext` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `host` varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'dynamic',
+- `ipaddr` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `port` int(6) NOT NULL default '0',
+- `defaultip` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `sourceaddress` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `mask` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `regexten` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `regseconds` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
+- `accountcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `mohinterpret` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `mohsuggest` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `inkeys` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `outkey` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `language` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `callerid` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `cid_number` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `sendani` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `fullname` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `trunk` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `auth` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `maxauthreq` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
+- `encryption` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `transfer` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `jitterbuffer` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `forcejitterbuffer` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `disallow` varchar(40) NOT NULL default 'all',
+- `allow` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `codecpriority` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',
+- `qualify` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `qualifysmoothing` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `qualifyfreqok` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `qualifyfreqnotok` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `timezone` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `adsi` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',
+- `amaflags` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
+- `setvar` varchar(200) NOT NULL default '',
++ `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL default 'friend', -- friend/user/peer
++ `username` varchar(40) NULL, -- username to send as peer
++ `mailbox` varchar(40) NULL, -- mailbox at context
++ `secret` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `dbsecret` varchar(40) NULL, -- In AstDB, location to store/retrieve secret
++ `context` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `regcontext` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `host` varchar(40) NULL default 'dynamic',
++ `ipaddr` varchar(20) NULL, -- Must be updateable by Asterisk user
++ `port` int(5) NULL, -- Must be updateable by Asterisk user
++ `defaultip` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `sourceaddress` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `mask` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `regexten` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `regseconds` int(11) NULL, -- Must be updateable by Asterisk user
++ `accountcode` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `mohinterpret` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `mohsuggest` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `inkeys` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `outkey` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `language` varchar(10) NULL,
++ `callerid` varchar(100) NULL, -- The whole callerid string, or broken down in the next 3 fields
++ `cid_number` varchar(40) NULL, -- The number portion of the callerid
++ `sendani` varchar(10) NULL, -- yes/no
++ `fullname` varchar(40) NULL, -- The name portion of the callerid
++ `trunk` varchar(3) NULL, -- Yes/no
++ `auth` varchar(20) NULL, -- RSA/md5/plaintext
++ `maxauthreq` varchar(5) NULL, -- Maximum outstanding AUTHREQ calls {1-32767}
++ `requirecalltoken` varchar(4) NULL, -- yes/no/auto
++ `encryption` varchar(20) NULL, -- aes128/yes/no
++ `transfer` varchar(10) NULL, -- mediaonly/yes/no
++ `jitterbuffer` varchar(3) NULL, -- yes/no
++ `forcejitterbuffer` varchar(3) NULL, -- yes/no
++ `disallow` varchar(40) NULL, -- all/{list-of-codecs}
++ `allow` varchar(40) NULL, -- all/{list-of-codecs}
++ `codecpriority` varchar(40) NULL,
++ `qualify` varchar(10) NULL, -- yes/no/{number of milliseconds}
++ `qualifysmoothing` varchar(10) NULL, -- yes/no
++ `qualifyfreqok` varchar(10) NULL, -- {number of milliseconds}|60000
++ `qualifyfreqnotok` varchar(10) NULL, -- {number of milliseconds}|10000
++ `timezone` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `adsi` varchar(10) NULL, -- yes/no
++ `amaflags` varchar(20) NULL,
++ `setvar` varchar(200) NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (`name`),
+ INDEX name (name, host),
+ INDEX name2 (name, ipaddr, port),
+ INDEX ipaddr (ipaddr, port),
+- INDEX host (host, port),
++ INDEX host (host, port)
Added: asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-008
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-008?rev=7759&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-008 (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/lenny/debian/patches/AST-2009-008 Sat Nov 7 06:55:50 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+Index: channels/chan_sip.c
+--- a/channels/chan_sip.c (revision 226137)
++++ b/channels/chan_sip.c (working copy)
+@@ -9346,8 +9346,6 @@
+ Asterisk uses the From: username for authentication. We need the
+ users to use the same authentication user name until we support
+ proper authentication by digest auth name */
+- transmit_response(p, "403 Authentication user name does not match account name", &p->initreq);
+- break;
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