[Pkg-voip-commits] r8685 - in /asterisk/branches/experimental/debian: README.Debian asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage.install asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage.install asterisk-voicemail.install changelog control patches/hack-multiple-app-voicemail rules
tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
Fri Dec 24 16:25:17 UTC 2010
Author: tzafrir
Date: Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
New Revision: 8685
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=8685
* Separate sub-packages for voicemail backends:
- asterisk-voicemail{,-{imap,odbc}storage}
- And rename the modules accordingly.
Modified: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/README.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/README.Debian?rev=8685&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/README.Debian (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/README.Debian Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -119,6 +119,32 @@
fallback sounds)
+Asterisk has two separate implementations of the voicemail system: the
+original app_voicemail, and the newer minivm. Minivm is more modular (you
+can define your own voicemail IVRs). Though it only supports the simple
+files-backed voicemail storage.
+Voicemail has three separate backends: the simple files-based storage,
+a database storage ("ODBC") and a mail-server-backed one (IMAP). The
+latter two have some advantages of their own, but are more complicated
+to set up. Originally those three were three build-time variants. One of
+them had to be selected at build time.
+In the Squeeze (1.6.2) packages, the Debian packages worked around this
+by building all three variants (app_voicemail.so, app_voicemail_odbc.so
+and app_voicemail_imap.so). The modules still can't co-exist, and thus
+at least two of those three had to be disabled (in modules.conf ).
+As of the Wheezy packages (1.8), we use separate and conflicting binary
+packages: asterisk-voicemail, asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage and
+asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage. All three Provide
+'asterisk-voicemail-storage'. The generated modules have been renamed
+like the packages, following the names used by the same packages in the
+RPM packages provided by upstream.
Missing Modules
The following modules are included in the source tree of Asterisk but
Added: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage.install?rev=8685&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage.install (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage.install Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Added: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage.install?rev=8685&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage.install (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage.install Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Added: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail.install?rev=8685&op=file
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail.install (added)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/asterisk-voicemail.install Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
Modified: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/changelog?rev=8685&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/changelog (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/changelog Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@
* Extra sub-package asterisk-dahdi for the dahdi modules.
* As of 1.8.1, AST.pdf and AST.txt are generated from the wiki.
- And thus no need for rubber at build time (Closes: #531551).
- -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org> Mon, 20 Dec 2010 00:41:07 +0200
+ * Separate sub-packages for voicemail backends:
+ - asterisk-voicemail{,-{imap,odbc}storage}
+ - And rename the modules accordingly.
+ -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org> Fri, 24 Dec 2010 15:22:58 +0200
asterisk (1: unstable; urgency=high
Modified: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/control?rev=8685&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/control (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/control Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
Architecture: any
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, asterisk-config (= ${source:Version}) | asterisk-config-custom, adduser, asterisk-prompt-en
Provides: asterisk-1.6.2
-Recommends: sox
+Recommends: sox, asterisk-voicemail | asterisk-voicemail-storage
Suggests: asterisk-doc, asterisk-dev, asterisk-h323
Description: Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit. It is, in a
@@ -112,6 +112,58 @@
For more information about the Asterisk PBX, have a look at the Asterisk
+Package: asterisk-voicemail
+Architecture: any
+Depends: asterisk, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: asterisk-vocemail-storage
+Conflicts: asterisk-vocemail-storage
+Breaks: asterisk (<<1.8.0)
+Replaces: asterisk (<<1.8.0)
+Description: simple voicemail support for the Asterisk PBX
+ Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
+ .
+ This package includes the standard files-based voicemail storage. This
+ is normally the one you use and is the one that will Just Work. The only
+ reason not to install it is if you want to use a different Asterisk
+ voicemail storage (ODBC or IMAP).
+ .
+ For more information about the Asterisk PBX, have a look at the Asterisk
+ package.
+Package: asterisk-voicemail-imapstorage
+Architecture: any
+Depends: asterisk, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: asterisk-vocemail-storage
+Conflicts: asterisk-vocemail-storage
+Breaks: asterisk (<<1.8.0)
+Replaces: asterisk (<<1.8.0)
+Description: IMAP voicemail storage support for the Asterisk PBX
+ Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
+ .
+ This package includes an IMAP-based voicemail storage: storing the
+ voicemail in a remote IMAP mail boxes. While more complex to set up,
+ it may be useful in some settings.
+ .
+ For more information about the Asterisk PBX, have a look at the Asterisk
+ package.
+Package: asterisk-voicemail-odbcstorage
+Architecture: any
+Depends: asterisk, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Provides: asterisk-vocemail-storage
+Conflicts: asterisk-vocemail-storage
+Breaks: asterisk (<<1.8.0)
+Replaces: asterisk (<<1.8.0)
+Description: ODBC voicemail storage support for the Asterisk PBX
+ Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
+ .
+ This package includes an database-based voicemail storage: storing the
+ voicemail in a database accessed through the ODBC interface. While more
+ complex to set up, it may be useful in some settings.
+ .
+ For more information about the Asterisk PBX, have a look at the Asterisk
+ package.
Package: asterisk-doc
Depends: ${misc:Depends}
Recommends: asterisk
Modified: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/patches/hack-multiple-app-voicemail
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/patches/hack-multiple-app-voicemail?rev=8685&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/patches/hack-multiple-app-voicemail (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/patches/hack-multiple-app-voicemail Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
Subject: build multiple versions of app_voicemail.so
Author: Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>
Bug: http://issues.asterisk.org/view.php?id=13822
-Last-Update: 2010-10-20
+Last-Update: 2010-12-24
This is a very ugly hack on upstream's Makefiles to allow building multiple
variants of app_voicemail. Three variants are created:
* app_voicemail.so: plain old filesystem storage that doesn't break existing
- * app_voicemail_imap.so: IMAP storage
- * app_voicemail_odbc.so: ODBC storage (and app_directory_odbc.so)
+ * app_voicemail_imapstorage.so: IMAP storage
+ * app_voicemail_odbcstorage.so: ODBC storage
All these conflict with each other and Asterisk will refuse to load them
-They are marked noload on our default autoload configuration.
+concurrently. They are thus included in three separate and complicting
-Patch suggested to upstream but rejected for being "hackish":
+Patch suggested to upstream but rejected for being "hackish". Though
+upstream RPM packages include packages that are only somewhat cleaner.
--- a/apps/Makefile
+++ b/apps/Makefile
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
-+MODS_C_ADDITIONAL=app_voicemail_imap app_voicemail_odbc
++MODS_C_ADDITIONAL=app_voicemail_imapstorage app_voicemail_odbcstorage
ifneq ($(findstring ODBC_STORAGE,$(MENUSELECT_OPTS_app_voicemail)),)
@@ -31,11 +32,11 @@
all: _all
+add_depends_cmd = sed -i -e '/^\/\*\*\* MODULEINFO/a\\t<depend>$(1)<\/depend>'
-+app_voicemail_imap.c: app_voicemail.c
++app_voicemail_imapstorage.c: app_voicemail.c
+ cp $< $@
+ $(call add_depends_cmd,imap_tk) $@
+ $(call add_depends_cmd,openssl) $@
-+app_voicemail_odbc.c: app_voicemail.c
++app_voicemail_odbcstorage.c: app_voicemail.c
+ cp $< $@
+ $(call add_depends_cmd,unixodbc) $@
+ $(call add_depends_cmd,ltdl) $@
@@ -43,8 +44,8 @@
+ rm -f app_voicemail_*.c
-+app_voicemail_imap.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-DIMAP_STORAGE
-+app_voicemail_odbc.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-DODBC_STORAGE
++app_voicemail_imapstorage.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-DIMAP_STORAGE
++app_voicemail_odbcstorage.o: _ASTCFLAGS+=-DODBC_STORAGE
include $(ASTTOPDIR)/Makefile.moddir_rules
Modified: asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/rules?rev=8685&op=diff
--- asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/rules (original)
+++ asterisk/branches/experimental/debian/rules Fri Dec 24 16:25:15 2010
@@ -169,7 +169,8 @@
dh_md5sums -i
dh_builddeb -i
-SUBPACKS_EXTRA = dahdi h323
+SUBPACKS_EXTRA = dahdi h323 \
+ voicemail voicemail-odbcstorage voicemail-imapstorage
SUBPACKS_EXTRA_DIRS_MOD = $(SUBPACKS_EXTRA_DIRS:%=%/usr/lib/asterisk/modules)
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