[Pkg-voip-commits] r8897 - in /asterisk/trunk/debian: TODO.Debian copyright

tzafrir at alioth.debian.org tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
Mon Apr 25 18:41:18 UTC 2011

Author: tzafrir
Date: Mon Apr 25 18:41:05 2011
New Revision: 8897

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=8897
Minor updates to the copyrights file


Modified: asterisk/trunk/debian/TODO.Debian
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/trunk/debian/TODO.Debian?rev=8897&op=diff
--- asterisk/trunk/debian/TODO.Debian (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/debian/TODO.Debian Mon Apr 25 18:41:05 2011
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 * The asterisk canary dies on startup sometimes. Canary is anyway not needed
   on Lenny kernel (>= 2.6.25). But if it dies we lose the effect of 
   real-time priority.
-* Canary is not killed when Asterisk is stopped.
+  - Though it seems like upstream is deprecating chan_h323.
+* Canary is not killed when Asterisk is stopped (?)
 * Some man pages to write.
-* Is it OK to ship AST.{pdf,txt}?
 * Get rid of the lump of code in patch mpglib. Rewrite using code from mpg123?

Modified: asterisk/trunk/debian/copyright
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/asterisk/trunk/debian/copyright?rev=8897&op=diff
--- asterisk/trunk/debian/copyright (original)
+++ asterisk/trunk/debian/copyright Mon Apr 25 18:41:05 2011
@@ -30,52 +30,73 @@
 On Debian GNU/Linux systems, the complete text of the GNU General
 Public License version 2 can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.
-   Asterisk is distributed under GNU General Public License.  The GPL also
-   must apply to all loadable modules as well, except as defined below.
-   Digium, Inc. (formerly Linux Support Services) retains copyright to all
-   of the core Asterisk system, and therefore can grant, at its sole discretion,
-   the ability for companies, individuals, or organizations to create
-   proprietary or Open Source (but non-GPL'd) modules which may be dynamically
-   linked at runtime with the portions of Asterisk which fall under our
-   copyright umbrella, or are distributed under more flexible licenses than GPL
-   If you wish to use our code in other GPL programs, don't worry -- there
-   is no requirement that you provide the same exemption in your GPL'd
-   products (although if you've written a module for Asterisk we would
-   strongly encourage you to make the same excemption that we do).
-   Specific permission is also granted to OpenSSL and OpenH323 to link to
-   Asterisk.
-   If you have any questions, whatsoever, regarding our licensing policy,
-   please contact us.
-   The 'Asterisk' name and logos are trademarks owned by Digium, Inc.,
-   and use of them is subject to our trademark licensing policies. If you
-   wish to use these trademarks for purposes other than simple
-   redistribution of Asterisk source code obtained from Digium, you
-   should contact our licensing department to determine the necessary
-   steps you must take.
-   If you have any questions regarding our licensing policy, please
-   contact us:
-   +1.877.546.8963 (via telephone in the USA)
-   +1.256.428.6000 (via telephone outside the USA)
-   +1.256.864.0464 (via FAX inside or outside the USA)
-   IAX2/misery.digium.com/6000 (via IAX2)
-   licensing at digium.com (via email)
-   Digium, Inc.
-   150 West Park Loop
-   Suite 100
-   Huntsville, AL  35806
-   USA
+The contents of the file "LICENSE" in the source tree:
+    Asterisk is distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2
+    and is also available under alternative licenses negotiated directly
+    with Digium, Inc. If you obtained Asterisk under the GPL, then the GPL
+    applies to all loadable Asterisk modules used on your system as well,
+    except as defined below. The GPL (version 2) is included in this
+    source tree in the file COPYING.
+    This package also includes various components that are not part of
+    Asterisk itself; these components are in the 'contrib' directory
+    and its subdirectories. These components are also distributed under the
+    GPL version 2 as well.
+    Digium, Inc. (formerly Linux Support Services) holds copyright
+    and/or sufficient licenses to all components of the Asterisk
+    package, and therefore can grant, at its sole discretion, the ability
+    for companies, individuals, or organizations to create proprietary or
+    Open Source (even if not GPL) modules which may be dynamically linked at
+    runtime with the portions of Asterisk which fall under our
+    copyright/license umbrella, or are distributed under more flexible
+    licenses than GPL.
+    If you wish to use our code in other GPL programs, don't worry --
+    there is no requirement that you provide the same exception in your
+    GPL'd products (although if you've written a module for Asterisk we
+    would strongly encourage you to make the same exception that we do).
+    Specific permission is also granted to link Asterisk with OpenSSL, OpenH323
+    and/or the UW IMAP Toolkit and distribute the resulting binary files.
+    In addition, Asterisk implements two management/control protocols: the
+    Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI) and the Asterisk Gateway Interface
+    (AGI). It is our belief that applications using these protocols to
+    manage or control an Asterisk instance do not have to be licensed
+    under the GPL or a compatible license, as we believe these protocols
+    do not create a 'derivative work' as referred to in the GPL. However,
+    should any court or other judiciary body find that these protocols do
+    fall under the terms of the GPL, then we hereby grant you a license to
+    use these protocols in combination with Asterisk in external
+    applications licensed under any license you wish.
+    The 'Asterisk' name and logos are trademarks owned by Digium, Inc.,
+    and use of them is subject to our trademark licensing policies. If you
+    wish to use these trademarks for purposes other than simple
+    redistribution of Asterisk source code obtained from Digium, you
+    should contact our licensing department to determine the necessary
+    steps you must take. For more information on this policy, please read:
+    http://www.digium.com/en/company/profile/trademarkpolicy.php
+    If you have any questions regarding our licensing policy, please
+    contact us:
+    +1.877.344.4861 (via telephone in the USA)
+    +1.256.428.6000 (via telephone outside the USA)
+    +1.256.864.0464 (via FAX inside or outside the USA)
+    IAX2/pbx.digium.com (via IAX2)
+    licensing at digium.com (via email)
+    Digium, Inc.
+    445 Jan Davis Drive
+    Huntsville, AL  35806
+    USA
 Other source code in Asterisk:
-  GSM source:
+  GSM source (note: not actually used in binary packages)
     Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann,
     Technische Universitaet Berlin

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