[Pkg-voip-commits] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT annotated tag, debian/1%3A1.4.21.2%7Edfsg-3+lenny3, created. debian/1%3A1.4.21.2%7Edfsg-3+lenny3

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at debian.org
Thu Mar 15 19:43:24 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1%3A1.4.21.2%7Edfsg-3+lenny3 has been created
        at  ebf93f87e5e7f1da4b2b99f362da97723299976a (tag)
   tagging  6c781b6a7cdc4282a0f89f3c54ec2082bcab8150 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1%3A1.4.21.2%7Edfsg-3+lenny2.1
 tagged by  Paul Belanger
        on  Mon Jul 11 10:16:04 2011 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging 1: from rev 9114

Tzafrir Cohen (4):
      CVE and such in the changelog.
      AST-2011-010 (CVE-2011-2535): crash due to dereferencing a remote pointer
      AST-2011-011 (CVE-2011-2536): Don't leak SIP username information
      * Patch AST-2011-008 (CVE-2011-2529) - crash on a malformed SIP packet



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