[Pkg-voip-commits] [SCM] UNNAMED PROJECT annotated tag, debian/1%3A1.8.4.4%7Edfsg-2, created. debian/1%3A1.8.4.4%7Edfsg-2

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir at debian.org
Thu Mar 15 19:43:33 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1%3A1.8.4.4%7Edfsg-2 has been created
        at  55df2348487a9ed14de73e67785e7f6625470f05 (tag)
   tagging  ec6e9d06dc186e8041896a025bb975619b623760 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1%3A1.8.4.2-1
 tagged by  Paul Belanger
        on  Wed Jul 6 15:45:27 2011 +0000

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
[svn-buildpackage] Tagging asterisk 1:

Tzafrir Cohen (13):
      "Architecture: linux-any", not any-linux
      * New upstream point release:
      Blacklist SRTP support on Sparc and hurd-i386 until SRTP available there.
      Fixes CVE-2011-2216 - AST-2011-007 (Closes: #629130).
      not released yet
      New upstream point release:
      prepare for a release
      * New upstream point release, fixes:
      * Clearly the NC-ND license for AST.{pdf,txt} is here to stay. Strip it.
      Fix description of security advisory
      * Don't mark en-gsm sound files as enabled, so they won't be downloaded.
      no panic



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