[Pkg-voip-commits] r10313 - in /dahdi-tools/trunk/debian: ./ patches/ patches/hotplug/
tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 UTC 2013
Author: tzafrir
Date: Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
New Revision: 10313
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=10313
Patches for hotplug support
Add hotplug patches (an experimental git branch) - fixes to scriptary.
Modified: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=10313&op=diff
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/changelog Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
* Upstream init script will no longer barf if no DAHDI modules on system
(Closes: #706046).
* Only build on Linux. At least until someone packages dahdi-kfreebsd.
+ * hotplug support:
+ - Add hotplug patches (an experimental git branch) - fixes to scriptary.
[ Mark Purcell ]
* New upstream release.
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0001-Newer-version-of-DAHDI-hotplug-scripts.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0001-Newer-version-of-DAHDI-hotplug-scripts.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0001-Newer-version-of-DAHDI-hotplug-scripts.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0001-Newer-version-of-DAHDI-hotplug-scripts.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+From 00af777a979de1b50f09461bd5645d199682f8ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Oron Peled <oron.peled at xorcom.com>
+Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 13:59:14 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Newer version of DAHDI hotplug scripts
+A newer version of the scripts fully adapted to pinned spans:
+* handle_device does not run dahdi_cfg.
+* A separate UDEV rule script for that: span_config. Should also work
+ for the non-pinned case.
+* span_assignments, span_types: add actions 'auto' (manually enable all)
+ and 'dumpconfig' (dump current status in the format of configuration
+ file).
+* Fixed name of span_types and span_assignments (no '-').
+* spantype.conf renamed span-types.conf: configuration files do have a
+ dash.
+* Those two are useful programs, insstalled to /usr/sbin.
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ Makefile | 5 ++--
+ dahdi.rules | 1 +
+ handle_device | 41 +++++++++++++++++++++-----------
+ span_assignments | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
+ span_config | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+ span_types | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
+ 6 files changed, 192 insertions(+), 55 deletions(-)
+ create mode 100755 span_config
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 54bdefa..9bfa294 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -104,9 +104,8 @@ ifeq (1,$(PBX_HDLC))
+ endif
+ MAN_PAGES:=$(wildcard $(BINS:%=doc/%.8))
+-PINNED_DATA_SCRIPTS:=dahdi_cfg_device_args handle_device \
+- span_assignments span_types
++PINNED_DATA_SCRIPTS:=handle_device span_config
++PINNED_UTILS:=dahdi_map span_assignments span_types
+ PINNED_CONF:=pinned-spans.conf spantype.conf
+ TEST_BINS:=patgen pattest patlooptest hdlcstress hdlctest hdlcgen hdlcverify timertest dahdi_maint
+diff --git a/dahdi.rules b/dahdi.rules
+index ef08fd3..8674cd1 100644
+--- a/dahdi.rules
++++ b/dahdi.rules
+@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+ # DAHDI devices with ownership/permissions for running as non-root
+ SUBSYSTEM=="dahdi", OWNER="asterisk", GROUP="asterisk", MODE="0660"
+ SUBSYSTEM=="dahdi_devices", RUN="/usr/share/dahdi/handle_device"
++SUBSYSTEM=="dahdi_spans", RUN="/usr/share/dahdi/span_config"
+diff --git a/handle_device b/handle_device
+index 59d0f62..498ebf0 100755
+--- a/handle_device
++++ b/handle_device
+@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
+ #
+ # /usr/share/dahdi/handle_device
+ #
+-# Called by UDEV when a span goes online/offline to assign spans
++# Called by UDEV when a dahdi device is added/removed
+ me=`basename $0`
+ dir=`dirname $0`
+@@ -22,26 +23,38 @@ PATH="$dir:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin"
+ set -e
+-run_dahdi_cfg() {
+- args="-c $DAHDICONFDIR/system.conf $@"
+- echo "Running dahdi_cfg $args"
+- dahdi_cfg $args
++#echo >&2 "$0($ACTION): DEBUG($# args): '$*'"
++# Check if we can safely do our job
++if [ ! -f /sys/module/dahdi/parameters/auto_assign_spans ]; then
++ echo "Old driver (no auto_assign_spans parameter). Skip $DEVPATH" | $LOGGER
++ exit 0
++if [ `cat /sys/module/dahdi/parameters/auto_assign_spans` -eq 1 ]; then
++ echo "auto_assign_spans=1. Skip $DEVPATH" | $LOGGER
++ exit 0
+-echo >&2 "$0($ACTION): DEBUG($# args): '$*'"
++# Can we pass a different value so we can use
++# alternate (testing) configuration?
++# Meanwhile, make it hard-coded.
+ case "$ACTION" in
+ add)
+- # FIXME: need a way to add custom environment here:
+- #export DAHDICONFDIR="/tmp/xortel/dahdi"
+- span_types set "/sys/$DEVPATH" 2>&1 | $LOGGER
+- span_assignments add "/sys/$DEVPATH" 2>&1 | $LOGGER
+- dahdi_cfg_device_args | while read args; do
+- run_dahdi_cfg $args 2>&1 | $LOGGER
+- done
++ # Can have alternate dahdi configuration directory for debugging
++ # export DAHDICONFDIR="/tmp/xortel/dahdi"
++ # Don't block udev for too long
++ (
++ span_types set "/sys$DEVPATH"
++ span_assignments add "/sys$DEVPATH"
++ ) 2>&1 < /dev/null | $LOGGER &
+ ;;
+ remove)
++ # Nothing to do yet...
+ ;;
+ *)
+diff --git a/span_assignments b/span_assignments
+index 0f4e006..8f29d39 100755
+--- a/span_assignments
++++ b/span_assignments
+@@ -1,15 +1,23 @@
+ #! /bin/sh
+ #
+-# /usr/share/dahdi/span_assignments:
++# /usr/sbin/span_assignments:
+ #
+ # this script can be used both from udev and
+ # from the command line to assign/unassign and list
+-# current assignments.
++# current span assignments.
++# It uses a configuration file: $DAHDICONFDIR/pinned-spans.conf
++# (default DAHDICONFDIR=/etc/dahdi)
+ #
+ # The first argument is an action:
+-# "add" to assign (spans which are not already assigned)
+-# "remove" to unassign (spans which are not already unassigned)
+-# "list" to show all spans (with/without assignments)
++# "auto" - trigger driver auto_assign attribute for given devices
++# (no configuration file is used)
++# "add" - assign (spans which are not already assigned), according
++# to /etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf configuration file
++# "remove" - unassign spans which are not already unassigned
++# "list" - human-readable list of all spans (with/without assignments)
++# "dumpconfig" - dump current assignments in a /etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf
++# compatible format
+ #
+ # Without further arguments, it operates on all existing spans
+ # With one or more sysfs dahdi_devices it is limited to those.
+@@ -26,7 +34,7 @@ DAHDICONFDIR="${DAHDICONFDIR:-/etc/dahdi}"
+ pinned_spans_conf="$DAHDICONFDIR/pinned-spans.conf"
+ usage() {
+- echo >&2 "Usage: $0 {add|remove|list} [devpath ...]"
++ echo >&2 "Usage: $0 {auto|add|remove|list|dumpconfig} [devpath ...]"
+ exit 1
+ }
+@@ -66,22 +74,26 @@ show_devices() {
+ spanno='-'
+ basechan='-'
+ fi
+- printf "%-4s %-12s %s\n" "$local_spanno:$spanno:$basechan" "[$hw_id]" "@$location"
++ printf "%-8s %-14s %s\n" "$local_spanno:$spanno:$basechan" "[$hw_id]" "@$location"
+ done | sort -n
+ done
+ }
+ dump_config() {
++ echo '#'
++ echo "# Autogenerated by $0 on `date`"
++ echo "# Map devices + local spans to span + base channel number"
++ echo ''
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+ hw_id=`cat "$device/hardware_id"`
+- location=`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
++ location='@'`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
+ if [ "$hw_id" != '' ]; then
+ id="$hw_id"
+ else
+- id="@$location"
++ id="$location"
+ fi
++ echo "# Device: [$hw_id] $location"
+ for local_spanno in `cut -d: -f1 "$device/spantype"`
+ do
+ span=`grep 2>/dev/null -Hw "$local_spanno" "$device/span-"*"/local_spanno" | \
+@@ -90,11 +102,12 @@ dump_config() {
+ spanno=`echo $span | sed 's/^.*-//'`
+ name=`cat 2>/dev/null "$device/$span/name"`
+ basechan=`cat 2>/dev/null "$device/$span/basechan"`
++ printf "%-30s %s\n" "$id" "$local_spanno:$spanno:$basechan"
+ else
+- spanno='-'
++ echo "# Skipped unassigned local span $local_spanno"
+ fi
+- printf "%-30s %s\n" "$id" "$local_spanno:$spanno:$basechan"
+- done | sort -n
++ done | sort
++ echo ''
+ done
+ }
+@@ -168,18 +181,28 @@ match_device() {
+ }
+ assign_devices() {
++ if [ ! -f "$pinned_spans_conf" ]; then
++ echo >&2 "$0: Missing '$pinned_spans_conf'"
++ exit 1
++ fi
++ echo "using '$pinned_spans_conf'"
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+ match_device "$device"
+ done
+ }
++auto_assign_devices() {
++ for device in $DEVICES
++ do
++ echo "auto-assign $device"
++ echo 1 > "$device/auto_assign"
++ done
+ case "$action" in
+- show_devices
+- ;;
+- dump_config
++ auto_assign_devices
+ ;;
+ add)
+ assign_devices
+@@ -187,6 +210,12 @@ add)
+ remove)
+ unassign_all_spans
+ ;;
++ show_devices
++ ;;
++ dump_config
++ ;;
+ *)
+ usage
+ ;;
+diff --git a/span_config b/span_config
+new file mode 100755
+index 0000000..8500d46
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/span_config
+@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
++#! /bin/sh
++# /usr/share/dahdi/span_config
++# Called by UDEV when a dahdi span is added/removed
++me=`basename $0`
++dir=`dirname $0`
++LOGGER="logger -i -t '$me'"
++NAME=`basename "$DEVPATH" | tr -c 'A-Za-z0-9-' '_'`
++exec 2> /dev/null
++# Always redirect stderr somewhere, otherwise the shell script will die
++# when it tries to do I/O related stuff on closed file descriptor.
++# Our default is to throw it down the bit-bucket.
++#exec 2> /dev/console
++## If you wish to trace this script:
++#exec 2> "/tmp/${me}.$NAME" 1>&2
++# Our directory in the beginning, so we can use local lab setup
++set -e
++#echo >&2 "$0($ACTION): DEBUG($# args): '$*'"
++# Can we pass a different value so we can use
++# alternate (testing) configuration?
++# Meanwhile, make it hard-coded.
++run_dahdi_cfg() {
++ span_devpath="$1"
++ # Sanity check
++ checkit=`"dahdi_cfg" --help 2>&1 | grep -- '-S' | wc -l`
++ if [ "$checkit" != 1 ]; then
++ $LOGGER "Bad dahdi_cfg (no -S support). Skipping"
++ exit 0
++ fi
++ spanno=`echo "$span_devpath" | sed 's,.*/span-,,'`
++ basechan=`cat "$span_devpath/basechan"`
++ channels=`cat "$span_devpath/channels"`
++ endchan=`expr "$basechan" + "$channels" - 1`
++ echo "dahdi_cfg: span $spanno <$basechan-$endchan>"
++ dahdi_cfg \
++ -c "$DAHDICONFDIR/system.conf" \
++ -S "$spanno" \
++ -C "$basechan-$endchan"
++ asterisk -rx "dahdi create channels $basechan $endchan"
++case "$ACTION" in
++ # Can have alternate dahdi configuration directory for debugging
++ # export DAHDICONFDIR="/tmp/xortel/dahdi"
++ run_dahdi_cfg "/sys$DEVPATH" 2>&1 | $LOGGER
++ ;;
++ # Nothing to do yet...
++ ;;
++ ;;
+diff --git a/span_types b/span_types
+index cf7c70d..74d18f1 100755
+--- a/span_types
++++ b/span_types
+@@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
+ #! /bin/sh
+ #
+-# /usr/share/dahdi/span_types:
++# /usr/sbin/span_types
+ #
+-# this script can be used both from udev and
+-# from the command line for spantype management.
++# This script can be used both from udev and
++# from the command line to manage PRI spans
++# type (E1/T1/J1).
+ #
+-# It use a configuration file /etc/dahdi/spantype.conf
+-# (the format is documented inside this file)
++# Span types can be set only *BEFORE* span are assigned.
+ #
+-# The first argument is an action:
+-# "list" to show existing E1/T1/J1 types
+-# "dump" the same, but in a format (almost) suitable for
+-# the configuration file
+-# FIXME: we currently don't have the base channo in sysfs.
+-# "set" actually write the setting to the driver
++# It reads a configuration file /etc/dahdi/span-types.conf
++# (the format is documented inside that file)
++# A mandatory first argument is:
++# list - to show existing E1/T1/J1 types
++# dumpconfig - the same, but in a format (almost) suitable
++# for the configuration file
++# set - actually write the setting to the driver
+ #
+ # Examples:
+ # span_types list
+-# span_types dump
+-# span_types set # all
++# span_types dumpconfig
++# span_types set # all devices
+ # span_types set /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00
+ #
+ devbase='/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices'
+ usage() {
+- echo >&2 "Usage: $0 {list|dump|set} [devpath ...]"
++ echo >&2 "Usage: $0 {list|dumpconfig|set} [devpath ...]"
+ exit 1
+ }
+@@ -38,6 +40,11 @@ fi
+ action="$1"
+ shift
++if [ ! -d "$devbase" ]; then
++ echo >&2 "$0: Missing '$devbase' (DAHDI driver unloaded?)"
++ exit 1
+ # Use given devices or otherwise, all existing devices
+ if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
+ DEVICES="$@"
+@@ -46,19 +53,28 @@ else
+ fi
+ show_spantypes() {
++ echo "# PRI span types (E1/T1/J1)"
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+ hw_id=`cat "$device/hardware_id"`
+ location='@'`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
+ cat "$device/spantype" | while read st; do
+- printf "%-10s %-20s %s\n" "$st" "[$hw_id]" "$location"
++ case "$st" in
++ *:[ETJ]1)
++ printf "%-10s %-20s %s\n" \
++ "$st" "[$hw_id]" "$location"
++ ;;
++ esac
+ done | sort -n
+ done
+ }
+ dump_config() {
++ echo '#'
++ echo "# Autogenerated by $0 on `date`"
++ echo "# Map PRI DAHDI devices to span types for E1/T1/J1"
++ echo ''
+ fmt="%-65s %s\n"
+- echo "# Map of dahdi_devices to span types for E1/T1/J1"
+ printf "$fmt" '# @location/hardware_id' 'span_type'
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+@@ -69,19 +85,24 @@ dump_config() {
+ else
+ id="$location"
+ fi
++ #echo "# Device: [$hw_id] $location"
+ cat "$device/spantype" | while read st; do
+ case "$st" in
+ *:[ETJ]1)
+ printf "$fmt" "$id" "$st"
+ ;;
++ *)
++ #echo "# Skipped local span `echo $st | sed 's/:/ -- /'`"
++ ;;
+ esac
+ done | sort -n
++ #echo ''
+ done
+ }
+ # Allow comments and empty lines in config file
+ filter_conf() {
+- sed -e 's/#.*//' -e '/^[ \t]*$/d' "$spantype_conf"
++ sed -e 's/#.*//' -e '/^[ \t]*$/d' "$spantypes_conf"
+ }
+ conf_spans() {
+@@ -121,7 +142,7 @@ device_set_spantype() {
+ hw_id=`attr_clean "$device/hardware_id"`
+ location='@'`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
+ spanspecs=`conf_spans "$hw_id" "$location"`
+- echo >&2 "MATCHED($device): $spanspecs"
++ #echo >&2 "MATCHED($device): $spanspecs"
+ cut -d: -f1 "$attr_file" | while read spanno; do
+ for sp in $spanspecs
+ do
+@@ -138,6 +159,10 @@ device_set_spantype() {
+ }
+ set_spantypes() {
++ if [ ! -f "$spantypes_conf" ]; then
++ echo >&2 "$0: Missing configuration '$spantypes_conf'"
++ exit 1
++ fi
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+ device_set_spantype "$device"
+@@ -148,7 +173,7 @@ case "$action" in
+ list)
+ show_spantypes
+ ;;
+ dump_config
+ ;;
+ set)
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0002-handle_device-don-t-fail-if-no-config-files.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0002-handle_device-don-t-fail-if-no-config-files.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0002-handle_device-don-t-fail-if-no-config-files.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0002-handle_device-don-t-fail-if-no-config-files.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 52488d66fa209fef71ae58fb6185e2d855769b04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 20:43:25 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 2/9] handle_device: don't fail if no config files
+Allow the udev rule to work well even if there's no span-types.conf
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ handle_device | 8 ++++++--
+ 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/handle_device b/handle_device
+index 498ebf0..a25c921 100755
+--- a/handle_device
++++ b/handle_device
+@@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ add)
+ # Don't block udev for too long
+ (
+- span_types set "/sys$DEVPATH"
+- span_assignments add "/sys$DEVPATH"
++ if [ -r "$DAHDICONFDIR/span-types.conf" ]; then
++ span_types set "/sys$DEVPATH"
++ fi
++ if [ -r "$DAHDICONFDIR/pinned-spans.conf" ]; then
++ span_assignments add "/sys$DEVPATH"
++ fi
+ ) 2>&1 < /dev/null | $LOGGER &
+ ;;
+ remove)
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0003-remove-unused-dahdi_cfg_device_args.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0003-remove-unused-dahdi_cfg_device_args.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0003-remove-unused-dahdi_cfg_device_args.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0003-remove-unused-dahdi_cfg_device_args.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+From 7a1e2223094faeb5c44b7ee499fe97fefab409f0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Oron Peled <oron.peled at xorcom.com>
+Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 17:19:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 3/9] remove unused scripts
+dahdi_cfg_device_args and dahdi_map are now no longer used.
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ Makefile | 2 +-
+ dahdi_cfg_device_args | 32 --------------------------------
+ dahdi_map | 39 ---------------------------------------
+ doc/dahdi_map.8 | 48 ------------------------------------------------
+ 3 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 120 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100755 dahdi_cfg_device_args
+ delete mode 100755 dahdi_map
+ delete mode 100644 doc/dahdi_map.8
+diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
+index 9bfa294..b24f6ef 100644
+--- a/Makefile
++++ b/Makefile
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ endif
+ MAN_PAGES:=$(wildcard $(BINS:%=doc/%.8))
+ PINNED_DATA_SCRIPTS:=handle_device span_config
+-PINNED_UTILS:=dahdi_map span_assignments span_types
++PINNED_UTILS:=span_assignments span_types
+ PINNED_CONF:=pinned-spans.conf spantype.conf
+ TEST_BINS:=patgen pattest patlooptest hdlcstress hdlctest hdlcgen hdlcverify timertest dahdi_maint
+diff --git a/dahdi_cfg_device_args b/dahdi_cfg_device_args
+deleted file mode 100755
+index de5d557..0000000
+--- a/dahdi_cfg_device_args
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
+-#! /bin/sh
+-# Use given devices or otherwise, all existing devices
+-if [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; then
+- DEVICES="$@"
+- DEVICES=`echo $devbase/*`
+-run_action_spans() {
+- device="$1"
+- for span in $device/span-*
+- do
+- spanno=`echo "$span" | sed 's,.*/span-,,'`
+- spantype=`cat "$span/spantype"`
+- basechan=`cat "$span/basechan"`
+- channels=`cat "$span/channels"`
+- endchan=`expr "$basechan" + "$channels" - 1`
+- echo "-S $spanno -C $basechan-$endchan"
+- done
+-run_action() {
+- for device in $DEVICES
+- do
+- run_action_spans "$device"
+- done
+diff --git a/dahdi_map b/dahdi_map
+deleted file mode 100755
+index a95ebae..0000000
+--- a/dahdi_map
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
+-#! /bin/sh
+-# Show a map of dahdi devices with the following fields:
+-# - spanno (or '-' if not assigned yet)
+-# - (vendor assigned) name
+-# - local spanno
+-# - hardware_id (or empty if none)
+-# - location (prefixed by '@')
+-[ -d "$devbase" ] || {
+- echo >&2 "$0: Missing '$devbase' (Old driver?)"
+- exit 1
+-fmt="%-4s %-17s %-3s %-12s %s\n"
+-printf "$fmt" 'SPAN' 'NAME' '#' 'HARDWARE_ID' 'LOCATION'
+-DEVICES=`echo $devbase/*`
+-for device in $DEVICES
+- hw_id=`cat "$device/hardware_id"`
+- location=`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
+- for local_spanno in `cut -d: -f1 "$device/spantype"`
+- do
+- span=`grep 2>/dev/null -Hw "$local_spanno" "$device/span-"*"/local_spanno" | \
+- sed -e 's,/local_spanno:.*,,' -e 's,.*/,,'`
+- if [ "$span" != '' ]; then
+- spanno=`echo $span | sed 's/^.*-//'`
+- name=`cat 2>/dev/null "$device/$span/name"`
+- else
+- spanno='-'
+- fi
+- printf "$fmt" "$spanno" "$name" "($local_spanno)" "[$hw_id]" "@$location"
+- done | sort -n
+diff --git a/doc/dahdi_map.8 b/doc/dahdi_map.8
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 80d5d8f..0000000
+--- a/doc/dahdi_map.8
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
+-.TH dahdi_test 8 "2013-05-24"
+-.SH "NAME"
+-dahdi_map \(em List hardware IDs and locations of DAHDI spans
+-.B dahdi_map
+-.B dahdi_map
+-prints a list of hardware IDs and locations of any DAHDI span on the system
+-(possibly not yet assigned).
+-It takes no extra options or parameters.
+-Example output:
+-5 XBUS-00/XPD-00 (1) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-6 XBUS-00/XPD-01 (2) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-7 XBUS-00/XPD-02 (3) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-8 XBUS-00/XPD-03 (4) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-9 XBUS-00/XPD-04 (5) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-10 XBUS-00/XPD-05 (6) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-11 XBUS-00/XPD-06 (7) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-12 XBUS-00/XPD-07 (8) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-13 XBUS-00/XPD-10 (9) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-14 XBUS-00/XPD-20 (10) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-15 XBUS-00/XPD-30 (11) [usb:INT06380] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-3/xbus-00/astribanks:xbus-00
+-16 XBUS-01/XPD-00 (1) [] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-4/xbus-01/astribanks:xbus-01
+-1 XBUS-02/XPD-00 (1) [usb:XILINX_4] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-1/xbus-02/astribanks:xbus-02
+-2 XBUS-02/XPD-10 (2) [usb:XILINX_4] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-1/xbus-02/astribanks:xbus-02
+-3 XBUS-02/XPD-20 (3) [usb:XILINX_4] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-1/xbus-02/astribanks:xbus-02
+-4 XBUS-02/XPD-30 (4) [usb:XILINX_4] @pci0000:00/0000:00:10.4/usb1/1-1/xbus-02/astribanks:xbus-02
+-.B /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices
+-Information taken from that area in SysFS.
+-This manual page was written by Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
+-the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any
+-later version published by the Free Software Foundation.
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0004-add-new-dahdi_genconf-generators.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0004-add-new-dahdi_genconf-generators.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0004-add-new-dahdi_genconf-generators.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0004-add-new-dahdi_genconf-generators.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+From 44a5285454166ad798eccf67f120d545a394b2ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Oron Peled <oron.peled at xorcom.com>
+Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 17:08:49 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 4/9] add new dahdi_genconf generators
+* pinnedspas: For /etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf
+* spantypes: For /etc/dahdi/span-types.conf
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Pinnedspans.pm | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Spantypes.pm | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 114 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Pinnedspans.pm
+ create mode 100644 xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Spantypes.pm
+diff --git a/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Pinnedspans.pm b/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Pinnedspans.pm
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..8eaf72d
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Pinnedspans.pm
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++package Dahdi::Config::Gen::Pinnedspans;
++use strict;
++use Dahdi::Config::Gen qw(is_true);
++sub new($$$) {
++ my $pack = shift || die;
++ my $gconfig = shift || die;
++ my $genopts = shift || die;
++ my $file = $ENV{PINNED_SPANS_CONF_FILE} || "/etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf";
++ my $self = {
++ FILE => $file,
++ GCONFIG => $gconfig,
++ GENOPTS => $genopts,
++ };
++ bless $self, $pack;
++ return $self;
++sub generate($$$) {
++ my $self = shift || die;
++ my $file = $self->{FILE};
++ my $gconfig = $self->{GCONFIG};
++ my $genopts = $self->{GENOPTS};
++ my @spans = @_;
++ warn "Empty configuration -- no spans\n" unless @spans;
++ rename "$file", "$file.bak"
++ or $! == 2 # ENOENT (No dependency on Errno.pm)
++ or die "Failed to backup old config: $!\n";
++ #$gconfig->dump;
++ print "Generating $file\n" if $genopts->{verbose};
++ my $cmd = "span_assignments dumpconfig > $file";
++ system $cmd;
++ die "Command failed (status=$?): '$cmd'" if $?;
++=head1 NAME
++dahdi - Generate configuration for dahdi drivers.
++=head1 SYNOPSIS
++ use Dahdi::Config::Gen::Dahdi;
++ my $cfg = new Dahdi::Config::Gen::Dahdi(\%global_config, \%genopts);
++ $cfg->generate(@span_list);
++Generate the F</etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf>.
++This is the configuration for span_assignments.
++Its location may be overriden via the environment variable F<PINNED_SPANS_CONF_FILE>.
+diff --git a/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Spantypes.pm b/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Spantypes.pm
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..1a31a62
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/xpp/perl_modules/Dahdi/Config/Gen/Spantypes.pm
+@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
++package Dahdi::Config::Gen::Spantypes;
++use strict;
++use Dahdi::Config::Gen qw(is_true);
++sub new($$$) {
++ my $pack = shift || die;
++ my $gconfig = shift || die;
++ my $genopts = shift || die;
++ my $file = $ENV{SPAN_TYPES_CONF_FILE} || "/etc/dahdi/span-types.conf";
++ my $self = {
++ FILE => $file,
++ GCONFIG => $gconfig,
++ GENOPTS => $genopts,
++ };
++ bless $self, $pack;
++ return $self;
++sub generate($$$) {
++ my $self = shift || die;
++ my $file = $self->{FILE};
++ my $gconfig = $self->{GCONFIG};
++ my $genopts = $self->{GENOPTS};
++ my @spans = @_;
++ warn "Empty configuration -- no spans\n" unless @spans;
++ rename "$file", "$file.bak"
++ or $! == 2 # ENOENT (No dependency on Errno.pm)
++ or die "Failed to backup old config: $!\n";
++ #$gconfig->dump;
++ print "Generating $file\n" if $genopts->{verbose};
++ my $cmd = "span_types dumpconfig > $file";
++ system $cmd;
++ die "Command failed (status=$?): '$cmd'" if $?;
++=head1 NAME
++dahdi - Generate configuration for dahdi drivers.
++=head1 SYNOPSIS
++ use Dahdi::Config::Gen::Dahdi;
++ my $cfg = new Dahdi::Config::Gen::Dahdi(\%global_config, \%genopts);
++ $cfg->generate(@span_list);
++Generate the F</etc/dahdi/span-types.conf>.
++This is the configuration for span_types.
++Its location may be overriden via the environment variable F<SPAN_TYPES_CONF_FILE>.
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0005-Augment-dahdi_genconf-default-generators-list.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0005-Augment-dahdi_genconf-default-generators-list.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0005-Augment-dahdi_genconf-default-generators-list.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0005-Augment-dahdi_genconf-default-generators-list.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From 1e81ed14cf3691547fcfa276bf0cf321fa1771fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Oron Peled <oron.peled at xorcom.com>
+Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 17:11:36 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 5/9] Augment dahdi_genconf default generators list
+Run Add spantypes and pinnedspans generators by default.
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ xpp/dahdi_genconf | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/xpp/dahdi_genconf b/xpp/dahdi_genconf
+index eb55948..bf1a3ca 100755
+--- a/xpp/dahdi_genconf
++++ b/xpp/dahdi_genconf
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ sub generator_list($) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ # No files given. Use the defaults.
+- @genlist = ('system', 'chandahdi');
++ @genlist = ('spantypes', 'pinnedspans', 'system', 'chandahdi');
+ if($gconfig->{'pri_connection_type'} eq 'R2') {
+ push @genlist, 'unicall';
+ }
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0006-Do-the-Right-Thing-when-there-s-no-config.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0006-Do-the-Right-Thing-when-there-s-no-config.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0006-Do-the-Right-Thing-when-there-s-no-config.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0006-Do-the-Right-Thing-when-there-s-no-config.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+From c8b6356cdf7f5659198e429b642e85eb1c7d9d44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 22:13:43 +0300
+Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Do the Right Thing when there's no config
+Do the "right thing" (hopefully. At least for a system with a single
+device) if there is are no configuration files:
+* No span-types.conf: just ignore it as before. It is optional.
+* No pinned-spans.conf: use span_assignments auto (same as having
+ dahdi.auto_assign_spans=1).
+* No system.conf: generate a temporary one with dahdi_genconf.
+This will hopefully allow having a partially-working system, and help
+making ut usable with 'span_assignments dumpconfig'. Or maybe just work
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ handle_device | 3 +++
+ span_config | 16 ++++++++++++++++
+ 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/handle_device b/handle_device
+index a25c921..4a95b7b 100755
+--- a/handle_device
++++ b/handle_device
+@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ add)
+ fi
+ if [ -r "$DAHDICONFDIR/pinned-spans.conf" ]; then
+ span_assignments add "/sys$DEVPATH"
++ else
++ # No configuration. No order guaranteed
++ span_assignments auto
+ fi
+ ) 2>&1 < /dev/null | $LOGGER &
+ ;;
+diff --git a/span_config b/span_config
+index 8500d46..bdbf5d2 100755
+--- a/span_config
++++ b/span_config
+@@ -31,6 +31,14 @@ set -e
+ DAHDICONFDIR='/etc/dahdi'
++gen_dahdi_cfg() {
++ local cfg_file=`mktemp dahdi_system_XXXXXX.cfg`
++ DAHDI_CONF_FILE="$cfg_file" dahdi_genconf system 1>&2
++ echo "$cfg_file"
+ run_dahdi_cfg() {
+ span_devpath="$1"
+ # Sanity check
+@@ -39,6 +47,11 @@ run_dahdi_cfg() {
+ $LOGGER "Bad dahdi_cfg (no -S support). Skipping"
+ exit 0
+ fi
++ cfg_file="$DAHDICONFDIR/system.conf"
++ if [ ! -r "$cfg_file" ]; then
++ cfg_file=`gen_dahdi_cfg`
++ is_cfg_tmp=true
++ fi
+ spanno=`echo "$span_devpath" | sed 's,.*/span-,,'`
+ basechan=`cat "$span_devpath/basechan"`
+ channels=`cat "$span_devpath/channels"`
+@@ -48,6 +61,9 @@ run_dahdi_cfg() {
+ -c "$DAHDICONFDIR/system.conf" \
+ -S "$spanno" \
+ -C "$basechan-$endchan"
++ if $is_cfg_tmp; then
++ rm "$cfg_file"
++ fi
+ asterisk -rx "dahdi create channels $basechan $endchan"
+ }
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0007-span_assignments-k-keys-and-more.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0007-span_assignments-k-keys-and-more.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0007-span_assignments-k-keys-and-more.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0007-span_assignments-k-keys-and-more.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+From bcadd0d8b32678c98e3431d7a418e10de7d34976 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Oron Peled <oron.peled at xorcom.com>
+Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:09:56 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 7/9] span_assignments: -k / --keys and more
+* New functionality (documented in the script header):
+ - Alternative "keys" for device matching
+ - Added new command line options: --help, --dry-run, --verbose, --key
+* Clean sysfs attribute contents from special characters in every use-case.
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ span_assignments | 159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
+ 1 file changed, 135 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/span_assignments b/span_assignments
+index 8f29d39..96e49cd 100755
+--- a/span_assignments
++++ b/span_assignments
+@@ -22,28 +22,116 @@
+ # Without further arguments, it operates on all existing spans
+ # With one or more sysfs dahdi_devices it is limited to those.
+ #
++# We may use alternative "keys" for device matching:
++# * Available keys:
++# - "hwid" - Hardware id attribute from sysfs
++# - "@location" - Location attribute from sysfs (embeded inside '<>')
++# - "/devpath" - The sysfs absolute devpath
++# * During "dumpconfig", for each device we take the first available key:
++# - The preference is: "hwid" or else "@location" or else "/devpath"
++# - This can be overriden via the SPAN_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY environment variable
++# or the '{-k|--key} key' command line option.
++# * During "add":
++# - Any key match is valid (hwid/location/devpath)
++# - Shell globs (wildcards: '*', '?', '[...]') may be optionally used.
++# Command line options:
++# - The '-h|--help' show a usage message.
++# - The '-n|--dry-run' affects the "add" and "remove" operations.
++# - The '-v|--verbose' currently shows device matches during "add" operation.
++# - The '-k <key>|--key <key>' overrides the SPAN_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY environment
++# variable.
+ # Examples:
+ # span_assignments list
+-# span_assignments add # all
+-# span_assignments add /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00
+-# span_assignments remove # all
++# span_assignments add # all unassigned devices
++# span_assignments add /sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-00
++# span_assignments remove # all assigned devices
++# span_assignments -k location dumpconfig
+ #
+ devbase='/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices'
+ pinned_spans_conf="$DAHDICONFDIR/pinned-spans.conf"
+ usage() {
+- echo >&2 "Usage: $0 {auto|add|remove|list|dumpconfig} [devpath ...]"
++ echo >&2 "Usage: $0 [options] action [devpath ...]"
++ echo >&2 " action:"
++ echo >&2 " auto - trigger driver auto_assign attribute for given devices"
++ echo >&2 " add - assign spans, according to /etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf"
++ echo >&2 " remove - unassign spans"
++ echo >&2 " list - human-readable list of all spans"
++ echo >&2 " dumpconfig - dump current state as new configuration"
++ echo >&2 ""
++ echo >&2 " options:"
++ echo >&2 " -h|--help - Show this help"
++ echo >&2 " -n|--dry-run - For 'add/remove' actions"
++ echo >&2 " -v|--versbose - Show matches during 'add' action"
++ echo >&2 " -k|--key <k> - Override prefered key during dumpconfig action"
+ exit 1
+ }
++# Parse command line options
++TEMP=`getopt -o hnvk: --long help,dry-run,verbose,key: -n "$0" -- "$@"`
++if [ $? != 0 ]; then
++ echo >&2 "Bad options"
++ usage
++# Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
++eval set -- "$TEMP"
++while true ; do
++ case "$1" in
++ -h|--help)
++ usage
++ ;;
++ -n|--dry-run)
++ dry_run='true'
++ shift
++ ;;
++ -v|--verbose)
++ verbose='true'
++ shift
++ ;;
++ -k|--key)
++ shift
++ shift
++ ;;
++ --)
++ shift
++ break
++ ;;
++ *)
++ echo "Internal error!"
++ exit 1
++ ;;
++ esac
+ if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
++ echo >&2 "Missing action argument"
+ usage
+ fi
+ action="$1"
+ shift
++ ;;
++ echo >&2 "Bad SPAN_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY='$SPAN_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY' (should be: hwid|location|devpath)"
++ usage
++ ;;
+ if [ ! -d "$devbase" ]; then
+ echo >&2 "$0: Missing '$devbase' (DAHDI driver unloaded?)"
+ exit 1
+@@ -56,12 +144,18 @@ else
+ DEVICES=`echo $devbase/*`
+ fi
++# Beware of special characters in attributes
++attr_clean() {
++ cat "$1" 2>/dev/null | tr -d '\n' | tr '!' '/' | tr -c 'a-zA-Z0-9/:.-' '_'
+ show_devices() {
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+- hw_id=`cat "$device/hardware_id"`
+- location=`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
++ devpath=`cd "$device" && pwd -P`
++ location='@'`attr_clean "$device/location"`
++ hardware_id=`attr_clean "$device/hardware_id"`
+ for local_spanno in `cut -d: -f1 "$device/spantype"`
+ do
+ span=`grep 2>/dev/null -Hw "$local_spanno" "$device/span-"*"/local_spanno" | \
+@@ -74,7 +168,7 @@ show_devices() {
+ spanno='-'
+ basechan='-'
+ fi
+- printf "%-8s %-14s %s\n" "$local_spanno:$spanno:$basechan" "[$hw_id]" "@$location"
++ printf "%-8s %-14s %s %s\n" "$local_spanno:$spanno:$basechan" "[$hardware_id]" "$location" "$devpath"
+ done | sort -n
+ done
+ }
+@@ -86,14 +180,17 @@ dump_config() {
+ echo ''
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+- hw_id=`cat "$device/hardware_id"`
+- location='@'`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
+- if [ "$hw_id" != '' ]; then
+- id="$hw_id"
++ devpath=`cd "$device" && pwd -P`
++ location=`attr_clean "$device/location"`
++ hardware_id=`attr_clean "$device/hardware_id"`
++ if [ "$SPAN_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY" = 'hwid' -a "$hardware_id" != '' ]; then
++ id="$hardware_id"
++ elif [ "$SPAN_ASSIGNMENTS_KEY" = 'location' -a "$location" != '' ]; then
++ id="@$location"
+ else
+- id="$location"
++ id="$devpath"
+ fi
+- echo "# Device: [$hw_id] $location"
++ echo "# Device: [$hardware_id] @$location $devpath"
+ for local_spanno in `cut -d: -f1 "$device/spantype"`
+ do
+ span=`grep 2>/dev/null -Hw "$local_spanno" "$device/span-"*"/local_spanno" | \
+@@ -117,6 +214,10 @@ unassign_all_spans() {
+ find "$device" -follow -maxdepth 1 -name 'span-*' -type d | \
+ sort | while read spandir; do
+ local_spanno=`cat "$spandir/local_spanno"`
++ if [ "$dry_run" = true ]; then
++ echo "(dry-run) unassign $device $local_spanno"
++ continue
++ fi
+ echo "unassign $device $local_spanno"
+ if ! echo "$local_spanno" > "$device/unassign_span"; then
+ echo >&2 "$0: failed unassigning '$local_spanno' in '$device'"
+@@ -130,11 +231,6 @@ filter_conf() {
+ sed -e 's/#.*//' -e '/^[ \t]*$/d' "$pinned_spans_conf"
+ }
+-# Beware of special characters in attributes
+-attr_clean() {
+- cat "$1" | tr -d '\n' | tr '!' '/' | tr -c 'a-zA-Z0-9/:.-' '_'
+ assign_device_spans() {
+ device="$1"
+ for s in $spanspecs
+@@ -142,12 +238,16 @@ assign_device_spans() {
+ local_spanno=`echo "$s" | cut -d: -f1`
+ spanno=`echo "$s" | cut -d: -f2`
+ span="$device/span-$spanno"
++ if [ "$dry_run" = true ]; then
++ echo "(dry-run) assign $device: $s"
++ continue
++ fi
+ if [ -d "$span" ]; then
+ span_local_spanno=`cat "$span/local_spanno"`
+ if [ "$span_local_spanno" != "$local_spanno" ]; then
+ echo "WARNING: $span_local_spanno != $local_spanno"
+ fi
+- echo "$device [$local_spanno] already assigned to $spanno. Skipping..."
++ echo "$device [$local_spanno] already assigned to span $spanno. Skipping..."
+ continue
+ fi
+ echo "assign $device: $s"
+@@ -159,21 +259,29 @@ assign_device_spans() {
+ match_device() {
+ device="$1"
+- location='@'`cd "$device" && pwd -P | sed 's,/sys/devices/,,'`
++ devpath=`cd "$device" && pwd -P`
++ location='@'`attr_clean "$device/location"`
+ hardware_id=`attr_clean "$device/hardware_id"`
+ filter_conf | while read id spanspecs
+ do
+ # We use case to enable shell-style globbing in configuration
++ case "$hardware_id" in
++ $id)
++ [ "$verbose" = true ] && echo "match by hwid ($id ~ $hardware_id): $spanspecs"
++ assign_device_spans "$device"
++ ;;
++ esac
++ # We use case to enable shell-style globbing in configuration
+ case "$location" in
+ $id)
+- #echo "match location($id ~ $location): $spanspecs"
++ [ "$verbose" = true ] && echo "match by location ($id ~ $location): $spanspecs"
+ assign_device_spans "$device"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # We use case to enable shell-style globbing in configuration
+- case "$hardware_id" in
++ case "$devpath" in
+ $id)
+- #echo "match hardware_id([$id] ~ $hardware_id): $spanspecs"
++ [ "$verbose" = true ] && echo "match by devpath ($id ~ $devpath): $spanspecs"
+ assign_device_spans "$device"
+ ;;
+ esac
+@@ -196,7 +304,9 @@ auto_assign_devices() {
+ for device in $DEVICES
+ do
+ echo "auto-assign $device"
+- echo 1 > "$device/auto_assign"
++ if [ "$dry_run" != true ]; then
++ echo 1 > "$device/auto_assign"
++ fi
+ done
+ }
+@@ -217,6 +327,7 @@ dumpconfig)
+ dump_config
+ ;;
+ *)
++ echo >&2 "Bad action='$action'"
+ usage
+ ;;
+ esac
Added: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0008-dahdi_registration-adapt-to-pinned-spans.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0008-dahdi_registration-adapt-to-pinned-spans.patch?rev=10313&op=file
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0008-dahdi_registration-adapt-to-pinned-spans.patch (added)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/hotplug/0008-dahdi_registration-adapt-to-pinned-spans.patch Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+From 12ed86f0379903700bc8382280e756aaedb8c5c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Oron Peled <oron.peled at xorcom.com>
+Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:24:08 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH 8/9] dahdi_registration: adapt to pinned-spans
+* If xpp.dahdi_autoreg parameter is 'Y' -- Skip actuall registration.
+* If dahdi.auto_assign_spans is '0' and there's no /etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf
+ Than use 'span_assignments auto ...' to assign device spans.
+* Since dahdi_registration iterate in correct xpp_order, the span
+ assignment logic provides migration path for users who did not
+ generate their pinned-spans.conf configuration yet.
+Signed-off-by: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>
+ xpp/dahdi_registration | 52 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+ 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/xpp/dahdi_registration b/xpp/dahdi_registration
+index 8b73aea..cdd715d 100755
+--- a/xpp/dahdi_registration
++++ b/xpp/dahdi_registration
+@@ -19,11 +19,27 @@ use Dahdi::Xpp::Xpd;
+ use Getopt::Std;
+ sub usage {
+- die "Usage: $0 [-s sort_order] [on|off|1|0]\n";
++ die "Usage: $0 [-v] [-R] [-s sort_order] [on|off|1|0]\n";
++sub check_param {
++ my $param = shift || die;
++ open(F, $param) || return '';
++ my $val = <F>;
++ close F;
++ chomp $val;
++ return $val;
+ }
+ my %opts;
+-getopts('s:', \%opts) || usage;
++getopts('vRs:', \%opts) || usage;
++my $dahdi_autoreg = check_param('/sys/module/xpp/parameters/dahdi_autoreg') eq 'Y';
++my $auto_assign_spans = check_param('/sys/module/dahdi/parameters/auto_assign_spans') eq '1';
++my $pinned_spans_config = $ENV{'PINNED_SPANS_CONF_FILE'} || '/etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf';
++my $span_types_config = $ENV{'SPAN_TYPES_CONF_FILE'} || '/etc/dahdi/span-types.conf';
++my $have_pinned_spans_config = -f $pinned_spans_config || 0;
++my $have_span_types_config = -f $span_types_config || 0;
+ my $sorter;
+ my $sort_order = $opts{'s'};
+@@ -41,9 +57,11 @@ if(defined $sort_order) {
+ @ARGV == 0 or @ARGV == 1 or usage;
+ my $on = shift;
+-my $verbose = 0;
++my $verbose = $opts{'v'};
+ my $should_output = 1;
++#print "dahdi_autoreg=$dahdi_autoreg auto_assign_spans=$auto_assign_spans have_pinned_spans_config='$have_pinned_spans_config' have_span_types_config='$have_span_types_config'\n";
+ if(defined($on)) { # Translate to booleans
+ $on = uc($on);
+ $on =~ /^(ON|OFF|1|0)$/ or usage;
+@@ -51,6 +69,8 @@ if(defined($on)) { # Translate to booleans
+ $should_output = 0 unless $verbose;
+ }
++undef $on if $dahdi_autoreg and not $opts{'R'};
+ sub state2str($) {
+ return (shift)?"on":"off";
+ }
+@@ -80,6 +100,15 @@ foreach my $xbus (Dahdi::Xpp::xbuses($sorter)) {
+ }
+ myprintf "%3s ==> %3s\n", state2str($prev), state2str($on);
+ }
++ if (defined($on) && $on && ! $have_pinned_spans_config && ! $auto_assign_spans) {
++ # Emulate /etc/dahdi/pinned-spans.conf:
++ # - We iterate over $xbus according to /etc/dahdi/xpp_order
++ # - We "auto" assign all spans of current $xbus
++ my $devpath = sprintf "/sys/bus/dahdi_devices/devices/astribanks:xbus-%02d", $xbus->num;
++ my @cmd = ('span_assignments', 'auto', $devpath);
++ system @cmd;
++ warn "Failed '@cmd' (status=$?)\n" if $?;
++ }
+ }
+ myprintf "# Sorted: $sort_order\n" if defined $sort_order;
+@@ -91,7 +120,7 @@ dahdi_registration - Handle registration of Xorcom XPD modules in dahdi.
+ =head1 SYNOPSIS
+-dahdi_registration [-s sortorder] [on|off]
++dahdi_registration [-v] [-s sortorder] [-R] [on|off]
+@@ -105,6 +134,12 @@ Span registration should generally always succeed. Span unregistration may
+ fail if channels from the span are in use by e.g. asterisk. In such a case
+ you'll also see those channels as '(In use)' in the output of lsdahdi(8).
++dahdi_registration is intended to be used when the xpp module parameter
++B<dahdi_autoreg> is false (and implicitly: when the dahdi module parameter
++B<auto_assign_span> is true.
++If dahdi_autoreg is true, the program will normally do nothing.
+ =head2 Parameters
+ off -- deregisters all XPD's from dahdi.
+@@ -115,6 +150,15 @@ on -- registers all XPD's to dahdi.
+ =over
++=item -v
++verbose output.
++=item -R
++Force operations (on/off) even if the module parameter B<dahdi_autoreg>
++for xpp is enabled (which makes this program unneeded).
+ =item -s I<sort_order>
+ The sort order to use.
Modified: dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/series?rev=10313&op=diff
--- dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/series (original)
+++ dahdi-tools/trunk/debian/patches/series Wed Oct 2 19:10:56 2013
@@ -2,3 +2,13 @@
+# hotplug support (a an experimental patch set)
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