[Pkg-voip-commits] [resiprocate] 01/02: Merge 1.9.0~beta4 from debian-experimental

Daniel Pocock pocock at alioth.debian.org
Tue Oct 8 13:43:30 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pocock pushed a commit to branch master
in repository resiprocate.

commit 66dfa29616c8172b94c419b336c1da22a9dd2e23
Merge: 7915238 23d67b8
Author: Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.com.au>
Date:   Tue Oct 8 15:41:08 2013 +0200

    Merge 1.9.0~beta4 from debian-experimental

 ChangeLog                                          |  476 -------
 Makefile.am                                        |    3 +-
 Makefile.in                                        |   18 +-
 RELEASE-PROCESS.txt                                |    2 +-
 apps/Makefile.am                                   |    4 -
 apps/Makefile.in                                   |    5 +-
 apps/basicB2BUA/BasicB2BUA.cxx                     |  228 ----
 apps/basicB2BUA/BasicB2BUA.hxx                     |   38 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/BasicConfiguration.cxx             |  186 ---
 apps/basicB2BUA/BasicConfiguration.hxx             |   67 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/BasicManager.cxx                   |  241 ----
 apps/basicB2BUA/BasicManager.hxx                   |  113 --
 apps/basicB2BUA/Context.cxx                        |   40 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/Context.hxx                        |   36 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/ContextRule.cxx                    |   47 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/ContextRule.hxx                    |   41 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/Makefile.am                        |   29 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/MyServerAuthManager.cxx            |  121 --
 apps/basicB2BUA/MyServerAuthManager.hxx            |   37 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/Peer.cxx                           |   27 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/Peer.hxx                           |   36 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/XMLHelpers.hxx                     |   57 -
 apps/basicB2BUA/sample-config.xml                  |   86 --
 apps/sipdial/Makefile.am                           |    1 +
 apps/sipdial/Makefile.in                           |    8 +-
 b2bua/AuthenticationManager.cxx                    |   45 -
 b2bua/AuthorizationManager.hxx                     |   92 --
 b2bua/B2BCall.cxx                                  | 1321 --------------------
 b2bua/B2BCall.hxx                                  |  308 -----
 b2bua/B2BCallManager.cxx                           |  135 --
 b2bua/B2BUA.cxx                                    |  111 --
 b2bua/B2BUA.hxx                                    |  102 --
 b2bua/CallHandle.hxx                               |  101 --
 b2bua/DailyCDRHandler.cxx                          |   93 --
 b2bua/DefaultAuthorizationManager.cxx              |   60 -
 b2bua/DummyRegistrationPersistenceManager.hxx      |   67 -
 b2bua/DummyServerRegistrationHandler.cxx           |   34 -
 b2bua/DummyServerRegistrationHandler.hxx           |   62 -
 b2bua/Makefile.am                                  |   92 --
 b2bua/Makefile.in                                  |  863 -------------
 b2bua/MediaManager.cxx                             |  112 --
 b2bua/MediaManager.hxx                             |  130 --
 b2bua/MediaProxy.cxx                               |  218 ----
 b2bua/MediaProxy.hxx                               |  111 --
 b2bua/MyAppDialog.hxx                              |  107 --
 b2bua/MyInviteSessionHandler.cxx                   |  334 -----
 b2bua/MyInviteSessionHandler.hxx                   |   97 --
 b2bua/README.txt                                   |   94 --
 b2bua/RtpProxyUtil.cxx                             |  499 --------
 b2bua/RtpProxyUtil.hxx                             |  137 --
 b2bua/TaskManager.cxx                              |   99 --
 b2bua/TaskManager.hxx                              |  102 --
 config.h.in                                        |   12 +-
 configure                                          |  105 +-
 configure.ac                                       |   29 +-
 debian/conf/reTurnServer-users.txt                 |    1 +
 debian/conf/reTurnServer.config                    |   44 +-
 debian/conf/repro.config                           |  146 ++-
 debian/control                                     |   32 +-
 ...on-1.8-dev.install => librecon-1.9-dev.install} |    0
 .../{librecon-1.8.install => librecon-1.9.install} |    0
 ...an-overrides => librecon-1.9.lintian-overrides} |    8 +-
 ...-dev.install => libresiprocate-1.9-dev.install} |    0
 ...DME.Debian => libresiprocate-1.9.README.Debian} |    0
 ...cate-1.8.install => libresiprocate-1.9.install} |    0
 ...rrides => libresiprocate-1.9.lintian-overrides} |    8 +-
 ... => libresiprocate-turn-client-1.9-dev.install} |    0
 ...tall => libresiprocate-turn-client-1.9.install} |    0
 ...bresiprocate-turn-client-1.9.lintian-overrides} |    6 +-
 debian/repro.init                                  |    4 +-
 debian/resiprocate-turn-server.README.Debian       |   23 +
 debian/resiprocate-turn-server.init                |    4 +-
 debian/resiprocate-turn-server.install             |    1 +
 debian/rules                                       |   20 +-
 p2p/Makefile.am                                    |    2 +-
 p2p/Makefile.in                                    |    2 +-
 presSvr/Makefile.am                                |    1 +
 presSvr/Makefile.in                                |    5 +-
 reSIProcate_10_0.sln                               |  169 ++-
 reSIProcate_8_0.sln                                |   11 +
 reSIProcate_9_0.sln                                |   19 +
 reTurn/AsyncSocketBase.cxx                         |    9 +-
 reTurn/AsyncSocketBase.hxx                         |    9 +-
 reTurn/AsyncTcpSocketBase.cxx                      |   11 +-
 reTurn/AsyncTlsSocketBase.cxx                      |    9 +
 reTurn/AsyncUdpSocketBase.cxx                      |   15 +-
 reTurn/DataBuffer.cxx                              |   54 +-
 reTurn/DataBuffer.hxx                              |   14 +-
 reTurn/Makefile.am                                 |    4 +
 reTurn/Makefile.in                                 |   14 +-
 reTurn/ReTurnConfig.cxx                            |  239 +++-
 reTurn/ReTurnConfig.hxx                            |   35 +-
 reTurn/RequestHandler.cxx                          |  278 ++--
 reTurn/RequestHandler.hxx                          |   15 +-
 reTurn/StunMessage.cxx                             |  154 ++-
 reTurn/StunMessage.hxx                             |   32 +-
 reTurn/TcpConnection.cxx                           |   12 +-
 reTurn/TcpConnection.hxx                           |   10 +-
 reTurn/TcpServer.cxx                               |    6 +
 reTurn/TlsConnection.cxx                           |   12 +-
 reTurn/TlsConnection.hxx                           |    7 +
 reTurn/TlsServer.cxx                               |    9 +
 reTurn/TurnAllocation.cxx                          |  109 +-
 reTurn/TurnAllocation.hxx                          |   11 +
 reTurn/TurnAllocationManager.cxx                   |  127 ++
 .../{DataBuffer.hxx => TurnAllocationManager.hxx}  |   41 +-
 reTurn/TurnManager.cxx                             |   69 -
 reTurn/TurnManager.hxx                             |   17 +-
 reTurn/UdpRelayServer.cxx                          |   57 +-
 reTurn/UdpRelayServer.hxx                          |    4 +-
 reTurn/UdpServer.cxx                               |   19 +-
 reTurn/UdpServer.hxx                               |    7 +
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncSocket.cxx                  |  403 +++---
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncSocket.hxx                  |   86 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncSocketHandler.hxx           |   10 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncTcpSocket.hxx               |    2 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncTlsSocket.hxx               |    2 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncUdpSocket.cxx               |    9 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnAsyncUdpSocket.hxx               |    2 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnTcpSocket.cxx                    |    4 +
 reTurn/client/TurnTcpSocket.hxx                    |    2 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnTlsSocket.cxx                    |    4 +
 reTurn/client/TurnTlsSocket.hxx                    |    2 +-
 reTurn/client/TurnUdpSocket.cxx                    |    4 +
 reTurn/client/TurnUdpSocket.hxx                    |    2 +-
 reTurn/client/test/TestAsyncClient.cxx             |   29 +-
 reTurn/client/test/TestAsyncClient_10_0.vcxproj    |   11 +-
 reTurn/client/test/TestClient_10_0.vcxproj         |   11 +-
 ...lient_10_0.vcxproj => TestRTPLoad_10_0.vcxproj} |   31 +-
 reTurn/client/test/TestRtpLoad.cxx                 |   82 +-
 reTurn/reTurnServer.config                         |   36 +-
 reTurn/reTurnServer.cxx                            |   20 +-
 reTurn/reTurnServer_10_0.vcxproj                   |   15 +-
 reTurn/reTurnServer_10_0.vcxproj.filters           |    6 +
 reTurn/reTurn_10_0.sln                             |   36 +-
 reTurn/test/Makefile.am                            |    1 +
 reTurn/test/Makefile.in                            |    1 +
 reTurn/test/stunTestVectors.cxx                    |    7 +-
 reTurn/test/stunTestVectors_10_0.vcxproj           |  266 +++-
 reTurn/users.txt                                   |    1 +
 reflow/Flow.cxx                                    |   31 +-
 reflow/Flow.hxx                                    |   10 +-
 reflow/Makefile.am                                 |    1 +
 reflow/Makefile.in                                 |    1 +
 reflow/reflow_10_0.vcxproj                         |    8 +-
 repro/AccountingCollector.cxx                      |  759 +++++++++++
 .../AccountingCollector.hxx                        |  111 +-
 repro/AclStore.cxx                                 |   10 +-
 .../BasicWsConnectionValidator.cxx                 |   82 +-
 .../BasicWsConnectionValidator.hxx                 |   50 +-
 repro/Makefile.am                                  |   13 +-
 repro/Makefile.in                                  |   67 +-
 repro/PersistentMessageQueue.cxx                   |  458 +++++++
 repro/PersistentMessageQueue.hxx                   |  214 ++++
 repro/Proxy.cxx                                    |   31 +-
 repro/Proxy.hxx                                    |    8 +
 repro/RRDecorator.cxx                              |    5 +-
 repro/Registrar.cxx                                |   19 +-
 repro/Registrar.hxx                                |    4 +
 repro/ReproRunner.cxx                              |   55 +-
 repro/RequestContext.cxx                           |   27 +-
 repro/RequestContext.hxx                           |    5 +
 repro/ResponseContext.cxx                          |    9 +-
 repro/VERSION                                      |    2 +-
 repro/WinSetup/Setup_10_0.vdproj                   |  124 +-
 repro/WinSetupx64/Setupx64_10_0.vdproj             |  124 +-
 .../test => repro/accountingconsumers}/Makefile.am |   20 +-
 .../accountingconsumers}/Makefile.in               |  190 +--
 .../queuetostream.cpp}                             |  148 ++-
 .../queuetostream_10_0.vcxproj}                    |  196 ++-
 .../queuetostream_10_0.vcxproj.filters             |   22 +
 repro/accountingconsumers/queuetostream_9_0.vcproj |  374 ++++++
 repro/monkeys/AmIResponsible.cxx                   |   13 +-
 repro/monkeys/CertificateAuthenticator.cxx         |    3 +-
 repro/monkeys/CertificateAuthenticator.hxx         |    2 +-
 repro/monkeys/CookieAuthenticator.cxx              |  185 +++
 .../monkeys/CookieAuthenticator.hxx                |   48 +-
 repro/monkeys/GeoProximityTargetSorter.cxx         |   59 +-
 repro/monkeys/GeoProximityTargetSorter.hxx         |   21 +-
 repro/monkeys/StrictRouteFixup.cxx                 |    3 +
 repro/repro.config                                 |   90 +-
 repro/repro_10_0.vcxproj                           |   56 +-
 repro/reprocmd/Makefile.am                         |    4 +
 repro/reprocmd/Makefile.in                         |   11 +-
 repro/reprocmd/reprocmd.cpp                        |   61 +-
 repro/reprocmd/reprocmd_10_0.vcxproj               |   36 +-
 repro/reprolib_10_0.vcxproj                        |   53 +-
 repro/reprolib_10_0.vcxproj.filters                |   27 +
 repro/reprolib_8_0.vcproj                          |   36 +-
 repro/reprolib_9_0.vcproj                          |   36 +-
 repro/test/Makefile.am                             |    3 +-
 repro/test/Makefile.in                             |    3 +-
 repro/test/web/websocket-cookie-test.php           |   52 +
 resip/certs/makeCA                                 |  109 +-
 resip/dum/ClientAuthManager.cxx                    |   70 +-
 resip/dum/ClientAuthManager.hxx                    |   11 +-
 resip/dum/ClientInviteSession.cxx                  |    3 -
 resip/dum/ClientPagerMessage.cxx                   |   29 +-
 resip/dum/ClientPagerMessage.hxx                   |    1 +
 resip/dum/ClientRegistration.cxx                   |   50 +-
 resip/dum/ClientRegistration.hxx                   |    5 +-
 resip/dum/Dialog.cxx                               |   26 +-
 resip/dum/InviteSession.cxx                        |    6 +-
 resip/dum/InviteSession.hxx                        |    8 +-
 resip/dum/KeepAliveManager.cxx                     |    3 +-
 resip/dum/Makefile.am                              |    3 +
 resip/dum/Makefile.in                              |   41 +-
 resip/dum/RegistrationHandler.hxx                  |    2 +-
 resip/dum/ServerRegistration.cxx                   |    3 +-
 resip/dum/ServerSubscription.cxx                   |   16 +-
 resip/dum/SubscriptionHandler.cxx                  |    4 +
 resip/dum/SubscriptionHandler.hxx                  |    1 +
 resip/dum/TlsPeerAuthManager.cxx                   |    2 +-
 resip/dum/UserProfile.cxx                          |    6 +-
 resip/dum/UserProfile.hxx                          |   11 +
 resip/dum/WsCookieAuthManager.cxx                  |  201 +++
 .../dum/WsCookieAuthManager.hxx                    |   78 +-
 resip/dum/dum_10_0.vcxproj                         |   34 +-
 resip/dum/dum_10_0.vcxproj.filters                 |    6 +
 resip/dum/test/Makefile.am                         |    1 +
 resip/dum/test/Makefile.in                         |    1 +
 resip/dum/test/basicCall_10_0.vcxproj              |   48 +-
 resip/dum/test/basicClient_10_0.vcxproj            |   84 +-
 resip/dum/test/basicMessage_10_0.vcxproj           |   48 +-
 resip/dum/test/basicRegister_10_0.vcxproj          |   44 +-
 resip/recon/MOHParkServer/ParkManager.cxx          |    6 +-
 resip/recon/RemoteParticipant.cxx                  |   46 +-
 resip/recon/RemoteParticipantDialogSet.cxx         |    1 +
 resip/recon/RemoteParticipantDialogSet.hxx         |    4 +
 resip/recon/recon_10_0.vcxproj                     |    8 +-
 resip/recon/test/testUA.cxx                        |    6 +-
 resip/rend/RendMisc.hxx                            |    4 +-
 resip/stack/Connection.cxx                         |  102 +-
 resip/stack/ConnectionBase.cxx                     |  328 ++++-
 resip/stack/ConnectionBase.hxx                     |   26 +-
 .../stack/Cookie.cxx                               |   78 +-
 .../stack/Cookie.hxx                               |   43 +-
 resip/stack/DnsInterface.cxx                       |   10 +-
 resip/stack/DnsResult.cxx                          |    4 +
 resip/stack/HeaderHash.cxx                         |  393 +++---
 resip/stack/HeaderHash.gperf                       |    7 +
 resip/stack/HeaderTypes.hxx                        |    7 +
 resip/stack/Headers.cxx                            |    7 +
 resip/stack/Headers.hxx                            |    7 +
 resip/stack/Helper.cxx                             |   10 +-
 resip/stack/Makefile.am                            |   29 +-
 resip/stack/Makefile.in                            |   77 +-
 resip/stack/NameAddr.cxx                           |    4 +
 resip/stack/NameAddr.hxx                           |    4 +
 resip/stack/ParameterHash.cxx                      |  391 +++---
 resip/stack/ParameterHash.gperf                    |    7 +
 resip/stack/ParameterTypeEnums.hxx                 |   12 +-
 resip/stack/ParameterTypes.cxx                     |    8 +
 resip/stack/ParameterTypes.hxx                     |    8 +
 resip/stack/SecurityTypes.hxx                      |    1 +
 resip/stack/SipMessage.cxx                         |    7 +
 resip/stack/SipMessage.hxx                         |   23 +-
 resip/stack/SipStack.cxx                           |   41 +-
 resip/stack/SipStack.hxx                           |    5 +-
 resip/stack/Symbols.cxx                            |    6 +
 resip/stack/Symbols.hxx                            |    6 +
 resip/stack/TcpTransport.cxx                       |    2 +-
 resip/stack/TcpTransport.hxx                       |    2 -
 resip/stack/Token.cxx                              |    1 +
 resip/stack/Token.hxx                              |    1 +
 resip/stack/TransactionState.cxx                   |    2 +-
 resip/stack/TransactionState.hxx                   |    2 +-
 resip/stack/Transport.hxx                          |    2 +-
 resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx                  |   21 +-
 resip/stack/UdpTransport.cxx                       |    2 +-
 resip/stack/UdpTransport.hxx                       |    3 +-
 resip/stack/Uri.cxx                                |    2 +
 resip/stack/Uri.hxx                                |    2 +
 .../stack/WsBaseTransport.cxx                      |   34 +-
 .../stack/WsBaseTransport.hxx                      |   29 +-
 .../stack/WsConnection.cxx                         |   38 +-
 .../stack/WsConnection.hxx                         |   45 +-
 .../stack/WsConnectionBase.cxx                     |   27 +-
 .../stack/WsConnectionBase.hxx                     |   57 +-
 .../stack/WsConnectionValidator.hxx                |   22 +-
 resip/stack/WsCookieContext.cxx                    |  115 ++
 .../stack/WsCookieContext.hxx                      |   44 +-
 .../MyAppDialog.cxx => resip/stack/WsDecorator.cxx |  100 +-
 .../stack/WsDecorator.hxx                          |   45 +-
 resip/stack/WsFrameExtractor.cxx                   |  288 +++++
 .../stack/WsFrameExtractor.hxx                     |   59 +-
 b2bua/Logging.hxx => resip/stack/WsTransport.cxx   |   66 +-
 .../stack/WsTransport.hxx                          |   40 +-
 resip/stack/gperf_w32.bat                          |   13 +-
 resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj               |   64 +-
 resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj.filters       |   69 +
 resip/stack/resiprocate_8_0.vcproj                 |   72 +-
 resip/stack/resiprocate_9_0.vcproj                 |   40 +
 resip/stack/ssl/DtlsTransport.cxx                  |   10 +-
 resip/stack/ssl/DtlsTransport.hxx                  |    1 -
 .../ssl/{TlsTransport.cxx => TlsBaseTransport.cxx} |   21 +-
 .../ssl/{TlsTransport.hxx => TlsBaseTransport.hxx} |   14 +-
 resip/stack/ssl/TlsConnection.cxx                  |    4 +-
 resip/stack/ssl/TlsTransport.cxx                   |   53 +-
 resip/stack/ssl/TlsTransport.hxx                   |   24 +-
 .../stack/ssl/WssConnection.cxx                    |   32 +-
 .../stack/ssl/WssConnection.hxx                    |   48 +-
 .../ssl/{TlsTransport.cxx => WssTransport.cxx}     |   70 +-
 .../ssl/{TlsTransport.hxx => WssTransport.hxx}     |   34 +-
 resip/stack/test/Makefile.am                       |    1 +
 resip/stack/test/Makefile.in                       |    1 +
 resip/stack/test/testConnectionBase.cxx            |  149 ++-
 resip/stack/test/testTcp.cxx                       |    4 +
 resip/stack/test/test_10_0.vcxproj                 |   32 +-
 resiprocate.spec                                   |   24 +-
 resiprocate.spec.in                                |   20 +-
 rutil/ConfigParse.cxx                              |   26 +-
 rutil/ConfigParse.hxx                              |    6 +-
 rutil/Data.cxx                                     |   92 +-
 rutil/Data.hxx                                     |   20 +-
 rutil/FileSystem.cxx                               |   23 +-
 rutil/FileSystem.hxx                               |    3 +
 rutil/Makefile.am                                  |    5 +
 rutil/Makefile.in                                  |    8 +-
 rutil/RADIUSDigestAuthenticator.hxx                |    5 +
 rutil/TimeLimitFifo.hxx                            |   28 +-
 rutil/TransportType.cxx                            |   25 +-
 rutil/TransportType.hxx                            |    5 +
 rutil/WinCompat.cxx                                |   37 +-
 rutil/WinCompat.hxx                                |    4 +
 rutil/compat.hxx                                   |   69 +-
 rutil/dns/ares/ares_10_0.vcxproj                   |  155 ++-
 rutil/msvc/inttypes.h                              |  306 +++++
 rutil/msvc/stdint.h                                |  259 ++++
 rutil/resipfaststreams.hxx                         |   69 +-
 rutil/rutil_10_0.vcxproj                           |   36 +-
 rutil/test/Makefile.am                             |    1 +
 rutil/test/Makefile.in                             |    1 +
 rutil/test/testCompat.cxx                          |    8 +
 rutil/test/testData.cxx                            |    2 +-
 rutil/test/testFifo.cxx                            |    2 +-
 tfm/CountDown.cxx                                  |    2 +-
 tfm/CountDown.hxx                                  |    2 +-
 tfm/Makefile.am                                    |    2 +
 tfm/Makefile.in                                    |    1 +
 tfm/repro/Makefile.am                              |    2 +
 tfm/repro/Makefile.in                              |    1 +
 tfm/repro/TestRepro.cxx                            |    5 +-
 tfm/tfm.vcproj                                     |   24 +
 344 files changed, 9612 insertions(+), 10753 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/resiprocate.git

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