[Pkg-voip-commits] [resiprocate] branch debian-experimental updated (65c0725 -> 5ef5d2a)

Daniel Pocock pocock at alioth.debian.org
Sat Sep 28 21:18:06 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pocock pushed a change to branch debian-experimental
in repository resiprocate.

      from  65c0725   Change build dependency from libradiusclient-ng to libfreeradius-client
      adds  7732f3c   Imported Upstream version 1.9.0~beta2
      adds  56830ea   Merge tag 'upstream/1.9.0_beta2' into debian-experimental
      adds  b1fa3f2   Update for v1.9.0~beta2-1
      adds  c471f53   Set configure flag for building repro (it is now optional)
      adds  ea4dc85   Update reTurnServer.config for Debian users
      adds  d3aac50   Update repro.config for Debian users
      adds  8ddd9ec   Add Debian settings into our reTurnServer.config
      adds  2035efe   Enable test cases
      adds  5ef5d2a   configure for FreeRADIUS

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 Makefile.am                                        |    2 +
 Makefile.in                                        |   19 +-
 config.h.in                                        |    9 +
 configure                                          |  134 ++++++++++-
 configure.ac                                       |   23 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |    6 +
 debian/conf/reTurnServer.config                    |  163 +++++++++++--
 debian/conf/repro.config                           |  174 ++++++++++----
 debian/rules                                       |    8 +-
 reSIProcate_10_0.sln                               |   37 +--
 reTurn/AsyncUdpSocketBase.cxx                      |    9 +
 reTurn/ReTurnConfig.cxx                            |    2 +
 reTurn/ReTurnConfig.hxx                            |    1 +
 reTurn/TcpServer.cxx                               |    9 +
 reTurn/TlsServer.cxx                               |    9 +
 reTurn/reTurnServer.config                         |    6 +
 reTurn/reTurnServer.cxx                            |   18 ++
 .../BasicWsConnectionValidator.cxx                 |   70 +++---
 .../BasicWsConnectionValidator.hxx                 |   31 ++-
 repro/Makefile.am                                  |    4 +
 repro/Makefile.in                                  |   41 +++-
 repro/ReproRunner.cxx                              |  102 ++++++--
 repro/RequestContext.cxx                           |    3 +-
 repro/monkeys/CookieAuthenticator.cxx              |  185 +++++++++++++++
 .../monkeys/CookieAuthenticator.hxx                |   50 ++--
 repro/repro.config                                 |   41 +++-
 repro/repro_10_0.vcxproj                           |    4 +
 repro/reprolib_10_0.vcxproj                        |   12 +-
 repro/reprolib_10_0.vcxproj.filters                |   12 +
 resip/Makefile.am                                  |    5 +-
 resip/Makefile.in                                  |    5 +-
 resip/dum/ClientInviteSession.cxx                  |    1 -
 resip/dum/Makefile.am                              |    2 +
 resip/dum/Makefile.in                              |   40 ++--
 resip/dum/WsCookieAuthManager.cxx                  |  201 ++++++++++++++++
 ...PeerAuthManager.hxx => WsCookieAuthManager.hxx} |   50 ++--
 resip/dum/dum_10_0.vcxproj                         |    2 +
 resip/dum/dum_10_0.vcxproj.filters                 |    6 +
 resip/rend/Makefile.am                             |    1 +
 resip/rend/Makefile.in                             |    2 +-
 resip/stack/Connection.cxx                         |    4 +-
 resip/stack/ConnectionBase.cxx                     |   85 +++++++
 resip/stack/ConnectionBase.hxx                     |    2 +
 resip/stack/{WsTransport.cxx => Cookie.cxx}        |   92 +++++---
 rutil/ServerProcess.hxx => resip/stack/Cookie.hxx  |   49 ++--
 resip/stack/HeaderHash.cxx                         |  245 ++++++++++----------
 resip/stack/HeaderHash.gperf                       |    1 +
 resip/stack/HeaderTypes.hxx                        |    1 +
 resip/stack/Headers.cxx                            |    1 +
 resip/stack/Headers.hxx                            |    1 +
 resip/stack/Makefile.am                            |   19 +-
 resip/stack/Makefile.in                            |   58 +++--
 resip/stack/SecurityTypes.hxx                      |    1 +
 resip/stack/SipMessage.cxx                         |    1 +
 resip/stack/SipMessage.hxx                         |   17 +-
 resip/stack/SipStack.cxx                           |    9 +-
 resip/stack/SipStack.hxx                           |    5 +-
 resip/stack/Symbols.cxx                            |    2 +
 resip/stack/Symbols.hxx                            |    2 +
 resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx                  |    3 +
 .../stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsBaseTransport.cxx} |   26 ++-
 .../stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsBaseTransport.hxx} |   28 ++-
 resip/stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsConnection.cxx}  |   26 ++-
 .../stack/WsConnection.hxx                         |   40 ++--
 .../{NonceHelper.cxx => WsConnectionBase.cxx}      |   21 +-
 .../{WsFrameExtractor.hxx => WsConnectionBase.hxx} |   60 ++---
 .../{NonceHelper.cxx => WsConnectionValidator.hxx} |   24 +-
 resip/stack/WsCookieContext.cxx                    |  115 +++++++++
 .../{WsFrameExtractor.hxx => WsCookieContext.hxx}  |   64 ++---
 resip/stack/WsTransport.cxx                        |   10 +-
 resip/stack/WsTransport.hxx                        |    8 +-
 resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj               |   26 ++-
 resip/stack/resiprocate_10_0.vcxproj.filters       |   39 ++++
 resip/stack/ssl/Security.cxx                       |   70 +-----
 .../stack/ssl/WssConnection.cxx                    |   51 ++--
 .../stack/ssl/WssConnection.hxx                    |   39 ++--
 resip/stack/ssl/WssTransport.cxx                   |   19 +-
 resip/stack/ssl/WssTransport.hxx                   |   11 +-
 resiprocate.spec                                   |    6 +-
 resiprocate.spec.in                                |    2 +-
 rutil/Data.cxx                                     |   53 +++++
 rutil/Data.hxx                                     |    2 +
 rutil/FileSystem.cxx                               |    1 +
 rutil/RADIUSDigestAuthenticator.hxx                |    5 +
 rutil/TransportType.cxx                            |   15 ++
 rutil/TransportType.hxx                            |    3 +
 rutil/dns/ares/ares_init.c                         |   66 +++---
 rutil/test/testCompat.cxx                          |   56 ++---
 88 files changed, 2176 insertions(+), 807 deletions(-)
 copy resip/stack/WsTransport.cxx => repro/BasicWsConnectionValidator.cxx (57%)
 copy resip/stack/NonceHelper.cxx => repro/BasicWsConnectionValidator.hxx (72%)
 create mode 100644 repro/monkeys/CookieAuthenticator.cxx
 copy rutil/ServerProcess.hxx => repro/monkeys/CookieAuthenticator.hxx (65%)
 create mode 100644 resip/dum/WsCookieAuthManager.cxx
 copy resip/dum/{TlsPeerAuthManager.hxx => WsCookieAuthManager.hxx} (68%)
 copy resip/stack/{WsTransport.cxx => Cookie.cxx} (60%)
 copy rutil/ServerProcess.hxx => resip/stack/Cookie.hxx (72%)
 copy resip/stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsBaseTransport.cxx} (74%)
 copy resip/stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsBaseTransport.hxx} (76%)
 copy resip/stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsConnection.cxx} (70%)
 copy rutil/AndroidLogger.hxx => resip/stack/WsConnection.hxx (73%)
 copy resip/stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsConnectionBase.cxx} (75%)
 copy resip/stack/{WsFrameExtractor.hxx => WsConnectionBase.hxx} (63%)
 copy resip/stack/{NonceHelper.cxx => WsConnectionValidator.hxx} (82%)
 create mode 100644 resip/stack/WsCookieContext.cxx
 copy resip/stack/{WsFrameExtractor.hxx => WsCookieContext.hxx} (64%)
 copy rutil/AndroidLogger.hxx => resip/stack/ssl/WssConnection.cxx (66%)
 copy rutil/AndroidLogger.hxx => resip/stack/ssl/WssConnection.hxx (72%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/resiprocate.git

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