[Pkg-voip-commits] r10517 - in /yate/trunk/debian: changelog dh/ dh/dh_shlibdeps dh/dh_strip rules
tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
tzafrir at alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 25 14:57:03 UTC 2014
Author: tzafrir
Date: Fri Jul 25 14:57:03 2014
New Revision: 10517
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=10517
Use private copies of dh_strip and dh_shlipdeps (See #35733).
yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps (with props)
yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_strip (with props)
Modified: yate/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/yate/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=10517&op=diff
--- yate/trunk/debian/changelog (original)
+++ yate/trunk/debian/changelog Fri Jul 25 14:57:03 2014
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
(Closes: #750272).
* Upstream patch to remove exec bit from modules (Closes: #714771).
* yate-dev: Add missing dependency yate-qt4 (Closes: #715135).
+ * Use private copies of dh_strip and dh_shlipdeps (See #35733).
-- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org> Fri, 25 Jul 2014 09:43:02 +0300
Added: yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps?rev=10517&op=file
--- yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps (added)
+++ yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps Fri Jul 25 14:57:03 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_shlibdeps - calculate shared library dependencies
+use strict;
+use Cwd;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_shlibdeps> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-L>I<package>] [B<-l>I<directory>] [B<-X>I<item>] [S<B<--> I<params>>]
+B<dh_shlibdeps> is a debhelper program that is responsible for calculating
+shared library dependencies for packages.
+This program is merely a wrapper around L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)> that calls it
+once for each package listed in the F<control> file, passing it
+a list of ELF executables and shared libraries it has found.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain F<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+passed to B<dpkg-shlibdeps>. This will make their dependencies be ignored.
+This may be useful in some situations, but use it with caution. This option
+may be used more than once to exclude more than one thing.
+=item B<--> I<params>
+Pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>.
+=item B<-u>I<params>, B<--dpkg-shlibdeps-params=>I<params>
+This is another way to pass I<params> to L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>.
+It is deprecated; use B<--> instead.
+=item B<-l>I<directory>[B<:>I<directory> ...]
+With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not
+It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-l> parameter), to look for private
+package libraries in the specified directory (or directories -- separate
+with colons). With recent
+versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this is mostly only useful for packages that
+build multiple flavors of the same library, or other situations where
+the library is installed into a directory not on the regular library search
+=item B<-L>I<package>, B<--libpackage=>I<package>
+With recent versions of B<dpkg-shlibdeps>, this option is generally not
+needed, unless your package builds multiple flavors of the same library.
+It tells B<dpkg-shlibdeps> (via its B<-S> parameter) to look first in the package
+build directory for the specified package, when searching for libraries,
+symbol files, and shlibs files.
+=item B<--add-exten>=>I<extension>
+An extra file extension of symbols to look into. By default dh_shlibdeps
+will only check files with the pattern *.so* and files that end with
+.cmxs (OCaml native code shared libraries). However your package may
+have libraries or plugins with a different extension. To add all *.foo
+files, use parameter F<foo>.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Suppose that your source package produces libfoo1, libfoo-dev, and
+libfoo-bin binary packages. libfoo-bin links against libfoo1, and should
+depend on it. In your rules file, first run B<dh_makeshlibs>, then B<dh_shlibdeps>:
+ dh_makeshlibs
+ dh_shlibdeps
+This will have the effect of generating automatically a shlibs file for
+libfoo1, and using that file and the libfoo1 library in the
+F<debian/libfoo1/usr/lib> directory to calculate shared library dependency
+If a libbar1 package is also produced, that is an alternate build of
+libfoo, and is installed into F</usr/lib/bar/>, you can make libfoo-bin depend
+on libbar1 as follows:
+ dh_shlibdeps -Llibbar1 -l/usr/lib/bar
+init(options => {
+ "L|libpackage=s" => \$dh{LIBPACKAGE},
+ "dpkg-shlibdeps-params=s", => \$dh{U_PARAMS},
+ "l=s", => \$dh{L_PARAMS},
+ "add-exten=s" => \$dh{ADD_EXTEN},
+if (defined $dh{V_FLAG}) {
+ warning("You probably wanted to pass -V to dh_makeshlibs, it has no effect on dh_shlibdeps");
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ my $ext=pkgext($package);
+ # dpkg-shlibdeps expects this directory to exist
+ if (! -d "$tmp/DEBIAN") {
+ doit("install","-o",0,"-g",0,"-d","$tmp/DEBIAN");
+ }
+ my @filelist;
+ my $ff;
+ # Generate a list of ELF binaries in the package, ignoring any
+ # we were told to exclude.
+ my $find_options='';
+ if (defined($dh{EXCLUDE_FIND}) && $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} ne '') {
+ $find_options="! \\( $dh{EXCLUDE_FIND} \\)";
+ }
+ my @find_types = qw/so* cmxs/;
+ if (exists $dh{ADD_EXTEN}) {
+ push @find_types, $dh{ADD_EXTEN};
+ }
+ my $types_str = join '', map {" -or -name \"*.$_\""} @find_types;
+ foreach my $file (split(/\n/,`find $tmp -type f \\( -perm /111 $types_str \\) $find_options -print`)) {
+ # Prune directories that contain separated debug symbols.
+ next if $file=~m!^\Q$tmp\E/usr/lib/debug/(lib|lib64|usr|bin|sbin|opt|dev|emul)/!;
+ # TODO this is slow, optimize. Ie, file can run once on
+ # multiple files..
+ $ff=`file "$file"`;
+ if ($ff=~m/ELF/ && $ff!~/statically linked/) {
+ push @filelist,$file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@filelist) {
+ my @opts;
+ if (defined $dh{LIBPACKAGE} && length $dh{LIBPACKAGE}) {
+ @opts=("-S".tmpdir($dh{LIBPACKAGE}));
+ }
+ push @opts, "-tudeb" if is_udeb($package);
+ if ($dh{L_PARAMS}) {
+ foreach (split(/:/, $dh{L_PARAMS})) {
+ # Force the path absolute.
+ my $libdir = m:^/: ? $_ : "/$_";
+ push @opts, "-l$libdir";
+ }
+ }
+ doit("dpkg-shlibdeps","-Tdebian/${ext}substvars",
+ @opts,@{$dh{U_PARAMS}}, at filelist);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<debhelper(7)>, L<dpkg-shlibdeps(1)>
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>
Propchange: yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps
svn:executable = *
Added: yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_strip
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_strip?rev=10517&op=file
--- yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_strip (added)
+++ yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_strip Fri Jul 25 14:57:03 2014
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+=head1 NAME
+dh_strip - strip executables, shared libraries, and some static libraries
+use strict;
+use File::Find;
+use Debian::Debhelper::Dh_Lib;
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<dh_strip> [S<I<debhelper options>>] [B<-X>I<item>] [B<--dbg-package=>I<package>] [B<--keep-debug>]
+B<dh_strip> is a debhelper program that is responsible for stripping
+executables, shared libraries, and static libraries that are not used for
+This program examines your package build directories and works out what
+to strip on its own. It uses L<file(1)> and file permissions and filenames
+to figure out what files are shared libraries (F<*.so>), executable binaries,
+and static (F<lib*.a>) and debugging libraries (F<lib*_g.a>, F<debug/*.so>), and
+strips each as much as is possible. (Which is not at all for debugging
+libraries.) In general it seems to make very good guesses, and will do the
+right thing in almost all cases.
+Since it is very hard to automatically guess if a file is a
+module, and hard to determine how to strip a module, B<dh_strip> does not
+currently deal with stripping binary modules such as F<.o> files.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-X>I<item>, B<--exclude=>I<item>
+Exclude files that contain I<item> anywhere in their filename from being
+stripped. You may use this option multiple times to build up a list of
+things to exclude.
+=item B<--dbg-package=>I<package>
+Causes B<dh_strip> to save debug symbols stripped from the packages it acts on
+as independent files in the package build directory of the specified debugging
+For example, if your packages are libfoo and foo and you want to include a
+I<foo-dbg> package with debugging symbols, use B<dh_strip --dbg-package=>I<foo-dbg>.
+Note that this option behaves significantly different in debhelper
+compatibility levels 4 and below. Instead of specifying the name of a debug
+package to put symbols in, it specifies a package (or packages) which
+should have separated debug symbols, and the separated symbols are placed
+in packages with B<-dbg> added to their name.
+=item B<-k>, B<--keep-debug>
+Debug symbols will be retained, but split into an independent
+file in F<usr/lib/debug/> in the package build directory. B<--dbg-package>
+is easier to use than this option, but this option is more flexible.
+=item B<--add-exten>=>I<extension>
+An extra file extension of symbols to strip. By default dh_strip will only
+strip files with the pattern *.so* and files that end with .cmxs (OCaml
+native code shared libraries). However your package may have libraries
+or plugins with a different extension. To add all *.foo files, use
+parameter F<foo>.
+=head1 NOTES
+If the B<DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS> environment variable contains B<nostrip>, nothing
+will be stripped, in accordance with Debian policy (section 10.1
+Debian policy, version 3.0.1
+init(options => {
+ "keep-debug" => \$dh{K_FLAG},
+ "add-exten=s" => \$dh{ADD_EXTEN},
+# This variable can be used to turn off stripping (see Policy).
+if (get_buildoption('nostrip')) {
+ exit;
+my $objcopy = cross_command("objcopy");
+my $strip = cross_command("strip");
+# I could just use `file $_[0]`, but this is safer
+sub get_file_type {
+ my $file=shift;
+ open (FILE, '-|') # handle all filenames safely
+ || exec('file', $file)
+ || die "can't exec file: $!";
+ my $type=<FILE>;
+ close FILE;
+ return $type;
+sub get_extens_regex() {
+ my @extens = qw/so.*? cmxs$/;
+ if (exists $dh{ADD_EXTEN}) {
+ push(@extens, "$dh{ADD_EXTEN}\$");
+ }
+ my $regex = ".*\.(". join('|', @extens) . ")";
+ return qr/$regex/;
+my $extens_regex = get_extens_regex();
+# Check if a file is an elf binary, shared library, or static library,
+# for use by File::Find. It'll fill the following 3 arrays with anything
+# it finds:
+my (@shared_libs, @executables, @static_libs);
+sub testfile {
+ return if -l $_ or -d $_; # Skip directories and symlinks always.
+ # See if we were asked to exclude this file.
+ # Note that we have to test on the full filename, including directory.
+ my $fn="$File::Find::dir/$_";
+ foreach my $f (@{$dh{EXCLUDE}}) {
+ return if ($fn=~m/\Q$f\E/);
+ }
+ # Is it a debug library in a debug subdir?
+ return if $fn=~m/debug\/.*\.so/;
+ # Does its filename look like a shared library?
+ if (m/$extens_regex/) {
+ # Ok, do the expensive test.
+ my $type=get_file_type($_);
+ if ($type=~m/.*ELF.*shared.*/) {
+ push @shared_libs, $fn;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Is it executable? -x isn't good enough, so we need to use stat.
+ my (undef,undef,$mode,undef)=stat(_);
+ if ($mode & 0111) {
+ # Ok, expensive test.
+ my $type=get_file_type($_);
+ if ($type=~m/.*ELF.*(executable|shared).*/) {
+ push @executables, $fn;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ # Is it a static library, and not a debug library?
+ if (m/lib.*\.a$/ && ! m/.*_g\.a$/) {
+ # Is it a binary file, or something else (maybe a liner
+ # script on Hurd, for example? I don't use file, because
+ # file returns a variety of things on static libraries.
+ if (-B $_) {
+ push @static_libs, $fn;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+sub make_debug {
+ my $file=shift;
+ my $tmp=shift;
+ my $desttmp=shift;
+ # Don't try to copy debug symbols out if the file is already
+ # stripped.
+ return unless get_file_type($file) =~ /not stripped/;
+ my ($base_file)=$file=~/^\Q$tmp\E(.*)/;
+ my $debug_path;
+ if (! compat(8) &&
+ `LC_ALL=C readelf -n $file`=~ /^\s+Build ID: ([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]+)$/m) {
+ $debug_path=$desttmp."/usr/lib/debug/.build-id/$1/$2.debug"
+ }
+ else {
+ $debug_path=$desttmp."/usr/lib/debug/".$base_file;
+ }
+ my $debug_dir=dirname($debug_path);
+ if (! -d $debug_dir) {
+ doit("install", "-d", $debug_dir);
+ }
+ if (compat(8)) {
+ doit($objcopy, "--only-keep-debug", $file, $debug_path);
+ }
+ else {
+ doit($objcopy, "--only-keep-debug", "--compress-debug-sections", $file, $debug_path);
+ }
+ # No reason for this to be executable.
+ doit("chmod", 644, $debug_path);
+ return $debug_path;
+sub attach_debug {
+ my $file=shift;
+ my $debug_path=shift;
+ doit($objcopy, "--add-gnu-debuglink", $debug_path, $file);
+foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
+ my $tmp=tmpdir($package);
+ # Support for keeping the debugging symbols in a detached file.
+ my $keep_debug=$dh{K_FLAG};
+ my $debugtmp=$tmp;
+ if (! compat(4)) {
+ if (ref $dh{DEBUGPACKAGES}) {
+ $keep_debug=1;
+ # Note that it's only an array for the v4 stuff;
+ # for v5 only one value is used.
+ my $debugpackage=@{$dh{DEBUGPACKAGES}}[0];
+ if (! grep { $_ eq $debugpackage } getpackages()) {
+ error("debug package $debugpackage is not listed in the control file");
+ }
+ $debugtmp=tmpdir($debugpackage);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ref $dh{DEBUGPACKAGES} && grep { $_ eq $package } @{$dh{DEBUGPACKAGES}}) {
+ $keep_debug=1;
+ $debugtmp=tmpdir($package."-dbg");
+ }
+ }
+ @shared_libs=@executables=@static_libs=();
+ find(\&testfile,$tmp);
+ foreach (@shared_libs) {
+ my $debug_path = make_debug($_, $tmp, $debugtmp) if $keep_debug;
+ # Note that all calls to strip on shared libs
+ # *must* include the --strip-unneeded.
+ doit($strip,"--remove-section=.comment",
+ "--remove-section=.note","--strip-unneeded",$_);
+ attach_debug($_, $debug_path) if defined $debug_path;
+ }
+ foreach (@executables) {
+ my $debug_path = make_debug($_, $tmp, $debugtmp) if $keep_debug;
+ doit($strip,"--remove-section=.comment",
+ "--remove-section=.note",$_);
+ attach_debug($_, $debug_path) if defined $debug_path;
+ }
+ foreach (@static_libs) {
+ doit($strip,"--strip-debug",$_);
+ }
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+This program is a part of debhelper.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joey Hess <joeyh at debian.org>
Propchange: yate/trunk/debian/dh/dh_strip
svn:executable = *
Modified: yate/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/yate/trunk/debian/rules?rev=10517&op=diff
--- yate/trunk/debian/rules (original)
+++ yate/trunk/debian/rules Fri Jul 25 14:57:03 2014
@@ -30,6 +30,14 @@
dh_install -XCOPYING -XChangeLog -Xamrnbcodec.conf -Xh323chan.conf --fail-missing
+ # A copy that fixes #35733:
+ debian/dh/dh_strip --add-exten yate
+ # A copy that fixes #35733:
+ debian/dh/dh_shlibdeps --add-exten yate
@@[ -d ../tarballs/. ]||mkdir -p ../tarballs
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