[Pkg-voip-commits] [opal] 03/04: Imported Debian patch 3.12.8~dfsg-1
Victor Seva Lopez
maniac-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 16 10:10:38 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
maniac-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository opal.
commit 211a208d423516b910f2df14b6d6d52b9c98b668
Merge: 6e6e624 067063c
Author: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
Date: Tue Dec 17 23:23:13 2013 +1100
Imported Debian patch 3.12.8~dfsg-1
.gitignore | 3 +
Makefile | 141 +
Makefile.in | 762 -
config.sub | 1510 -
configure | 5973 +-
configure.ac | 305 +-
debian/changelog | 36 +-
debian/control | 36 +-
...ibopal3.10.10.install => libopal3.12.8.install} | 0
debian/patches/libav10.patch | 208 -
debian/patches/libav9.patch | 543 -
debian/patches/series | 6 +-
debian/rules | 36 +-
include/asn/h235_srtp.h | 4 +-
include/codec/echocancel.h | 23 +-
include/codec/known.h | 102 +
include/codec/opalplugin.h | 113 +-
include/codec/opalplugin.hpp | 837 +-
include/codec/opalpluginmgr.h | 92 +-
include/codec/opalwavfile.h | 22 +-
include/codec/ratectl.h | 6 +-
include/codec/rfc2833.h | 32 +-
include/codec/silencedetect.h | 35 +-
include/codec/vidcodec.h | 12 +-
include/ep/ivr.h | 392 +
include/ep/localep.h | 646 +
include/ep/opalmixer.h | 1254 +
include/ep/opalvxml.h | 78 +
include/ep/pcss.h | 457 +
include/h224/h224.h | 25 +-
include/h224/h224handler.h | 6 +-
include/h323/channels.h | 337 +-
include/h323/gkclient.h | 73 +-
include/h323/h225ras.h | 12 +-
include/h323/h235auth.h | 15 +-
include/h323/h323caps.h | 95 +-
include/h323/h323con.h | 364 +-
include/h323/h323ep.h | 193 +-
include/h323/h323neg.h | 14 +-
include/h323/h323pdu.h | 21 +-
include/h323/h323rtp.h | 184 +-
include/h323/transaddr.h | 21 +-
include/h460/h4601.h | 165 +-
include/h460/h46018.h | 12 +-
include/h460/h46018_h225.h | 516 +
include/h460/h46019.h | 12 +-
include/h460/h46024b.h | 105 +
include/h460/h460_std18.h | 162 +
include/h460/h460_std23.h | 254 +
include/iax2/callprocessor.h | 4 +-
include/iax2/frame.h | 43 +-
include/iax2/iax2con.h | 4 +-
include/iax2/iax2ep.h | 29 +-
include/iax2/iax2medstrm.h | 18 +-
include/iax2/ies.h | 76 +-
include/iax2/regprocessor.h | 6 +-
include/iax2/remote.h | 23 +-
include/im/im.h | 586 +-
include/im/im_ep.h | 284 +
include/im/msrp.h | 88 +-
include/im/rfc4103.h | 44 +-
include/im/sipim.h | 127 +-
include/im/t140.h | 46 +-
include/lids/capi_ep.h | 29 +-
include/lids/dahdi_ep.h | 289 +
include/lids/lidep.h | 9 +-
include/opal.h | 163 +-
include/opal/buildopts.h.in | 74 +-
include/opal/call.h | 110 +-
include/opal/connection.h | 538 +-
include/opal/console_mgr.h | 130 +-
include/opal/endpoint.h | 192 +-
include/opal/ivr.h | 374 -
include/opal/localep.h | 602 -
include/opal/manager.h | 1200 +-
include/opal/mediacmd.h | 32 +-
include/opal/mediafmt.h | 362 +-
include/opal/mediasession.h | 279 +
include/opal/mediastrm.h | 138 +-
include/opal/mediatype.h | 212 +-
include/opal/opalmixer.h | 1208 -
include/opal/opalvxml.h | 78 -
include/opal/patch.h | 33 +-
include/opal/pcss.h | 457 -
include/opal/pres_ent.h | 165 +-
include/opal/recording.h | 8 +-
include/opal/rtpconn.h | 536 -
include/opal/rtpep.h | 161 -
include/opal/transcoders.h | 5 +-
include/opal/transports.h | 280 +-
include/rtp/jitter.h | 84 +-
include/rtp/metrics.h | 13 +-
include/rtp/opalzrtp.h | 67 +
include/rtp/pcapfile.h | 78 +-
include/rtp/rtp.h | 1246 +-
include/rtp/rtp_session.h | 697 +
include/rtp/rtpconn.h | 323 +
include/rtp/rtpep.h | 154 +
include/rtp/srtp.h | 144 -
include/rtp/srtp_session.h | 156 +
include/{zrtp => rtp}/zrtpeventproc.h | 0
include/sip/handlers.h | 254 +-
include/sip/sdp.h | 272 +-
include/sip/sipcon.h | 327 +-
include/sip/sipep.h | 415 +-
include/sip/sippdu.h | 479 +-
include/sip/sippres.h | 25 +-
include/t38/sipt38.h | 7 +-
include/t38/t38proto.h | 147 +-
include/zrtp/opalzrtp.h | 42 -
make/canonical.m4 | 186 +
config.guess => make/config.guess | 0
make/config.sub | 1512 +
install-sh => make/install-sh | 0
make/opal.m4 | 851 +
make/opal_defs.mak.in | 154 +
make/toplevel.mak.in | 805 +
opal.m4 | 988 -
opal.pc.in | 12 +-
opal.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 7 +-
opal_2005.sln | 293 -
opal_2010.sln | 200 +-
opal_2012.sln | 101 +
opal_defs.mak.in | 151 -
opal_inc.mak | 34 +-
opal_samples_2005.sln | 672 -
opal_samples_2008.sln | 22 +-
opal_samples_2010.sln | 165 +-
opal_samples_2012.sln | 280 +
plugins/Installer_2005.vdproj | 1062 -
plugins/LID/CM_HID/cm_hid_2003.vcproj | 163 -
plugins/LID/CM_HID/cm_hid_2005.vcproj | 226 -
plugins/LID/CM_HID/cm_hid_2012.vcxproj | 143 +
plugins/LID/IxJ/IxJ_2003.vcproj | 163 -
plugins/LID/IxJ/IxJ_2005.vcproj | 228 -
plugins/LID/IxJ/Makefile.in | 8 +-
plugins/LID/TigerJet/TJ_2003.vcproj | 167 -
plugins/LID/TigerJet/TJ_2005.vcproj | 232 -
plugins/LID/TigerJet/TJ_2010.vcxproj | 5 +-
plugins/LID/TigerJet/TJ_2012.vcxproj | 148 +
plugins/LID/TigerJet/TJ_2012.vcxproj.filters | 14 +
plugins/LID/VPB/VPB_2003.vcproj | 160 -
plugins/LID/VPB/VPB_2005.vcproj | 227 -
plugins/LID/WinXP_HID/winxp_hid_2003.vcproj | 163 -
plugins/LID/WinXP_HID/winxp_hid_2005.vcproj | 227 -
plugins/LID/WinXP_HID/winxp_hid_2012.vcxproj | 146 +
plugins/LID/WinXP_HID/winxp_train_2005.vcproj | 179 -
plugins/LID/WinXP_HID/winxp_train_2012.vcxproj | 101 +
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG7231_2005.vcproj | 250 -
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG7231_2012.vcxproj | 147 +
.../audio/EasyCodec/EasyG7231_2012.vcxproj.filters | 30 +
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG728_2005.vcproj | 249 -
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG728_2012.vcxproj | 149 +
.../audio/EasyCodec/EasyG728_2012.vcxproj.filters | 30 +
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG729A_2005.vcproj | 249 -
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG729A_2008.vcproj | 6 +-
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/EasyG729A_2012.vcxproj | 149 +
.../audio/EasyCodec/EasyG729A_2012.vcxproj.filters | 30 +
plugins/audio/EasyCodec/easycodecs.cxx | 21 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.1/G.722.1_2005.vcproj | 337 -
plugins/audio/G.722.1/G.722.1_2010.vcxproj | 7 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.1/G.722.1_2012.vcxproj | 146 +
plugins/audio/G.722.1/G.722.1_2012.vcxproj.filters | 85 +
plugins/audio/G.722.1/G7221Codec.c | 315 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.1/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.2/AMR-WB/enc_main.c | 15 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.2/AMR-WB/typedef.h | 1 -
plugins/audio/G.722.2/G.722.2_2005.vcproj | 363 -
plugins/audio/G.722.2/G.722.2_2010.vcxproj | 18 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.2/G.722.2_2012.vcxproj | 154 +
plugins/audio/G.722.2/G.722.2_2012.vcxproj.filters | 124 +
plugins/audio/G.722.2/G7222Codec.cpp | 286 +-
plugins/audio/G.722.2/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/G722/G722_2012.vcxproj | 113 +
plugins/audio/G722/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/G722/g722_2005.vcproj | 208 -
plugins/audio/G722/g722_2012.vcxproj.filters | 26 +
plugins/audio/G722/g722codec.c | 5 +-
plugins/audio/G726/G726_2005.vcproj | 364 -
plugins/audio/G726/G726_2012.vcxproj | 182 +
plugins/audio/G726/G726_2012.vcxproj.filters | 43 +
plugins/audio/G726/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/GSM0610/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/GSM0610/gsm0610_2005.vcproj | 675 -
plugins/audio/GSM0610/gsm0610_2012.vcxproj | 334 +
plugins/audio/GSM0610/gsm0610_2012.vcxproj.filters | 83 +
plugins/audio/IMA_ADPCM/IMA_ADPCM_2005.vcproj | 231 -
plugins/audio/IMA_ADPCM/IMA_ADPCM_2012.vcxproj | 141 +
.../audio/IMA_ADPCM/IMA_ADPCM_2012.vcxproj.filters | 14 +
plugins/audio/IMA_ADPCM/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/LPC_10/LPC_10_2005.vcproj | 1153 -
plugins/audio/LPC_10/LPC_10_2010.vcxproj | 5 +-
plugins/audio/LPC_10/LPC_10_2012.vcxproj | 514 +
plugins/audio/LPC_10/LPC_10_2012.vcxproj.filters | 119 +
plugins/audio/LPC_10/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/SBC/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/SILK/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/SILK/SILKCodec.cpp | 202 +-
plugins/audio/SILK/SILK_2005.vcproj | 213 -
plugins/audio/SILK/SILK_2010.vcxproj | 24 +-
plugins/audio/SILK/SILK_2012.vcxproj | 120 +
plugins/audio/SILK/SILK_SDK/Makefile | 2 +-
plugins/audio/SILK/SILK_SDK/src/Silk_FIX.vcproj | 708 -
.../audio/SILK/SILK_SDK/src/Silk_FIX_2008.vcproj | 6 +-
.../audio/SILK/SILK_SDK/src/Silk_FIX_2012.vcxproj | 236 +
plugins/audio/Speex/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/Speex/Speex_2005.vcproj | 941 -
plugins/audio/Speex/Speex_2012.vcxproj | 402 +
plugins/audio/Speex/Speex_2012.vcxproj.filters | 104 +
plugins/audio/Speex/libspeex/pcm_wrapper.c | 7 +-
plugins/audio/Speex/speexcodec.cxx | 28 +-
.../audio/VoiceAgeG729/VoiceAgeG729_2005.vcproj | 574 -
.../audio/VoiceAgeG729/VoiceAgeG729_2012.vcxproj | 143 +
.../VoiceAgeG729/VoiceAgeG729_2012.vcxproj.filters | 14 +
plugins/audio/celt/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/gsm-amr/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/audio/gsm-amr/amrcodec.c | 4 +-
plugins/audio/gsm-amr/gsmamr_2005.vcproj | 664 -
plugins/audio/gsm-amr/gsmamr_2010.vcxproj | 5 +-
plugins/audio/gsm-amr/gsmamr_2012.vcxproj | 196 +
plugins/audio/gsm-amr/gsmamr_2012.vcxproj.filters | 62 +
plugins/audio/iLBC/Makefile.in | 4 +-
.../iLBC/iLBC/draft-ietf-avt-ilbc-codec-05.txt | 10191 ++
plugins/audio/iLBC/ilbccodec.c | 39 +-
plugins/audio/iLBC/ilbccodec_2005.vcproj | 764 -
plugins/audio/iLBC/ilbccodec_2012.vcxproj | 306 +
plugins/audio/iLBC/ilbccodec_2012.vcxproj.filters | 86 +
plugins/configure | 2943 +-
plugins/configure.ac | 86 +-
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/Makefile.in | 8 +-
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/ReadMe.txt | 9 +-
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/spandsp_fax.cpp | 37 +-
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/spandsp_fax_2005.sln | 74 -
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/spandsp_fax_2005.vcproj | 239 -
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/spandsp_fax_2008.vcproj | 4 +-
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/spandsp_fax_2010.vcxproj | 164 +
plugins/fax/fax_spandsp/spandsp_test_2005.sln | 476 -
plugins/plugin-config.h.in | 3 +
plugins/plugin-inc.mak.in | 7 +-
plugins/plugins_2005.sln | 741 -
plugins/plugins_2010.sln | 98 +-
plugins/plugins_2012.sln | 280 +
plugins/template/template.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/template/template_2005.vcproj | 193 -
plugins/template/template_h264.cpp | 4 +-
plugins/template/template_h264_2005.vcproj | 193 -
plugins/video/H.261-vic/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/video/H.261-vic/h261vic.cxx | 119 +-
plugins/video/H.261-vic/h261vic.vcproj | 237 -
plugins/video/H.261-vic/h261vic_2005.vcproj | 857 -
plugins/video/H.261-vic/h261vic_2010.vcxproj | 5 +-
plugins/video/H.261-vic/h261vic_2012.vcxproj | 175 +
.../video/H.261-vic/h261vic_2012.vcxproj.filters | 83 +
plugins/video/H.261-vic/vic/encoder-h261.h | 8 +-
plugins/video/H.261-vic/vic/p64.h | 2 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/Makefile.in | 8 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263-1998.cxx | 1891 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263-1998.h | 221 -
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263_2005.vcproj | 249 -
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263_2008.vcproj | 4 +
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263_2010.vcxproj | 11 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263_2010.vcxproj.filters | 5 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263_2012.vcxproj | 155 +
plugins/video/H.263-1998/h263_2012.vcxproj.filters | 40 +
plugins/video/H.263-1998/rfc2190.cxx | 232 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/rfc2190.h | 58 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/rfc2429.cxx | 274 +-
plugins/video/H.263-1998/rfc2429.h | 34 +-
plugins/video/H.264/Makefile.in | 9 +-
plugins/video/H.264/ReadMe.txt | 36 +-
plugins/video/H.264/gpl/Makefile.in | 16 +-
plugins/video/H.264/gpl/h264_helper.cxx | 8 +-
plugins/video/H.264/gpl/x264plugin_helper.vcproj | 188 -
plugins/video/H.264/gpl/x264plugin_helper.vcxproj | 110 -
.../video/H.264/gpl/x264plugin_helper_2010.vcxproj | 116 +
.../video/H.264/gpl/x264plugin_helper_2012.vcxproj | 118 +
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264.cxx | 1191 +-
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264.vcproj | 179 -
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264_2005.vcproj | 265 -
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264_2008.vcproj | 4 +
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264_2010.vcxproj | 127 +-
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264_2010.vcxproj.filters | 5 +-
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264_2012.vcxproj | 252 +
plugins/video/H.264/h264-x264_2012.vcxproj.filters | 36 +
plugins/video/H.264/shared/h264frame.cxx | 305 +-
plugins/video/H.264/shared/h264frame.h | 55 +-
plugins/video/H.264/shared/rtpframe.h | 143 +
plugins/video/H.264/shared/x264wrap.cxx | 150 +-
plugins/video/H.264/shared/x264wrap.h | 7 +
plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/Makefile.in | 10 +-
plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/mpeg4.cxx | 2112 +-
plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/mpeg_2005.vcproj | 217 -
plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/mpeg_2008.vcproj | 4 +
plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/mpeg_2010.vcxproj | 15 +-
plugins/video/MPEG4-ffmpeg/mpeg_2012.vcxproj | 141 +
plugins/video/THEORA/Makefile.in | 4 +-
plugins/video/THEORA/theora_frame.cxx | 8 +-
plugins/video/THEORA/theora_frame.h | 9 +-
plugins/video/THEORA/theora_plugin.cxx | 120 +-
plugins/video/VP8-WebM/Makefile.in | 39 +
plugins/video/VP8-WebM/ReadMe.txt | 15 +
plugins/video/VP8-WebM/vp8_webm.cxx | 1120 +
plugins/video/VP8-WebM/vp8_webm_2008.vcproj | 203 +
plugins/video/VP8-WebM/vp8_webm_2010.vcxproj | 132 +
plugins/video/VP8-WebM/vp8_webm_2012.vcxproj | 134 +
plugins/video/common/ReadMe.txt | 155 +-
plugins/video/common/dyna.cxx | 301 +-
plugins/video/common/dyna.h | 67 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg.cxx | 646 +
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg.h | 105 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/inttypes.h | 331 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/lib/avcodec.lib | Bin 0 -> 124172 bytes
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/lib/avutil.lib | Bin 0 -> 155654 bytes
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/avcodec.h | 5418 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/avfft.h | 99 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/dxva2.h | 68 -
.../video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/old_codec_ids.h | 366 +
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/opt.h | 55 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/vaapi.h | 167 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/vdpau.h | 88 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/version.h | 95 +
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcodec/xvmc.h | 172 -
.../video/common/ffmpeg/libavcore/audioconvert.h | 95 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcore/avcore.h | 70 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcore/imgutils.h | 147 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcore/parseutils.h | 75 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavcore/samplefmt.h | 72 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/adler32.h | 42 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/attributes.h | 53 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/avassert.h | 66 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/avstring.h | 133 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/avutil.h | 234 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/base64.h | 54 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/bswap.h | 124 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/common.h | 370 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/cpu.h | 44 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/crc.h | 44 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/dict.h | 129 +
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/error.h | 64 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/eval.h | 146 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/fifo.h | 116 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/file.h | 51 -
.../common/ffmpeg/libavutil/intfloat_readwrite.h | 40 -
.../video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/intreadwrite.h | 522 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/lfg.h | 62 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/log.h | 52 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/lzo.h | 66 -
.../video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/mathematics.h | 112 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/md5.h | 36 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/mem.h | 93 +-
.../video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/old_pix_fmts.h | 128 +
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/opt.h | 226 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/pixdesc.h | 166 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/pixfmt.h | 317 +-
.../video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/random_seed.h | 31 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/rational.h | 28 +-
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/samplefmt.h | 220 +
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/sha1.h | 57 -
plugins/video/common/ffmpeg/libavutil/version.h | 87 +
plugins/video/common/mpi.cxx | 155 -
plugins/video/common/mpi.h | 74 -
plugins/video/common/platform.h | 2 +-
plugins/video/common/rtpframe.h | 144 -
revision.h.in | 8 +-
samples/ReadMe.txt | 101 +
samples/c_api/Makefile | 7 +-
samples/c_api/c_api_2005.vcproj | 1595 -
samples/c_api/c_api_2008.vcproj | 278 +-
samples/c_api/c_api_2010.vcxproj | 183 +-
samples/c_api/c_api_2012.vcxproj | 373 +
samples/c_api/main.c | 351 +-
samples/callgen/Makefile | 26 +-
samples/callgen/callgen_2005.vcproj | 286 -
samples/callgen/callgen_2008.vcproj | 10 +-
samples/callgen/callgen_2010.vcxproj | 137 +-
samples/callgen/callgen_2012.vcxproj | 294 +
samples/callgen/callgen_2012.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/callgen/main.cxx | 923 +-
samples/callgen/main.h | 149 +-
samples/callgen/precompile.h | 8 +-
samples/codectest/Makefile | 28 +-
samples/codectest/codectest_2005.vcproj | 734 -
samples/codectest/codectest_2008.vcproj | 150 +-
samples/codectest/codectest_2010.vcxproj | 139 +-
samples/codectest/codectest_2012.vcxproj | 297 +
samples/codectest/codectest_2012.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/codectest/main.cxx | 360 +-
samples/codectest/main.h | 11 +-
samples/externrtp/ExternRTP_2008.vcproj | 278 +
samples/externrtp/ExternRTP_2010.vcxproj | 290 +
samples/externrtp/ExternRTP_2010.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/externrtp/ExternRTP_2012.vcxproj | 291 +
samples/externrtp/ExternRTP_2012.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/externrtp/Makefile | 38 +
samples/externrtp/main.cxx | 129 +
samples/externrtp/main.h | 94 +
samples/externrtp/precompile.cxx | 32 +
samples/externrtp/precompile.h | 36 +
samples/faxopal/FaxOPAL_2005.vcproj | 278 -
samples/faxopal/FaxOPAL_2008.vcproj | 10 +-
samples/faxopal/FaxOPAL_2010.vcxproj | 137 +-
samples/faxopal/FaxOPAL_2012.vcxproj | 293 +
samples/faxopal/FaxOPAL_2012.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/faxopal/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/faxopal/main.cxx | 269 +-
samples/faxopal/main.h | 28 +-
samples/faxopal/test.sh | 2 +-
samples/h224test/Makefile | 20 +-
samples/h224test/h224_2005.vcproj | 205 -
samples/h224test/main.cxx | 8 +-
samples/ivropal/IvrOPAL_2005.vcproj | 284 -
samples/ivropal/IvrOPAL_2008.vcproj | 6 +-
samples/ivropal/IvrOPAL_2012.vcxproj | 297 +
samples/ivropal/IvrOPAL_2012.vcxproj.filters | 32 +
samples/ivropal/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/ivropal/ReadMe.txt | 168 +
samples/ivropal/main.cxx | 142 +-
samples/ivropal/main.h | 23 +-
samples/ivropal/precompile.h | 6 +-
samples/jester/Makefile | 28 +-
samples/jester/jester_2005.vcproj | 394 -
samples/jester/jester_2008.vcproj | 13 +-
samples/jester/jester_2010.vcxproj | 120 +-
samples/jester/jester_2012.vcxproj | 291 +
samples/jester/jester_2012.vcxproj.filters | 33 +
samples/jester/main.cxx | 98 +-
samples/jester/main.h | 10 +-
samples/lidtest/Makefile | 9 +-
samples/lidtest/lidtest_2005.vcproj | 223 -
samples/lidtest/lidtest_2008.vcproj | 4 +-
samples/lidtest/main.cxx | 8 +-
samples/mfc/mfcEndPoint.cpp | 14 +-
samples/mfc/mfc_2005.vcproj | 362 -
samples/mfc/mfc_2008.vcproj | 8 +-
samples/opalcodecinfo/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/opalcodecinfo/ReadMe.txt | 496 +
samples/opalcodecinfo/main.cxx | 40 +-
samples/opalcodecinfo/opalcodecinfo_2005.vcproj | 227 -
samples/opalcodecinfo/opalcodecinfo_2008.vcproj | 10 +-
samples/opalcodecinfo/opalcodecinfo_2010.vcxproj | 108 +-
samples/opalecho/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/opalecho/ReadMe.txt | 55 +
samples/opalecho/main.cxx | 27 +-
samples/opalecho/opalecho_2005.vcproj | 329 -
samples/opalecho/opalecho_2008.vcproj | 12 +-
samples/opalecho/opalecho_2010.vcxproj | 146 +-
samples/opalecho/opalecho_2012.vcxproj | 320 +
samples/opalecho/opalecho_2012.vcxproj.filters | 55 +
samples/opalecho/precompile.h | 4 +-
samples/opalgw/Makefile | 54 -
samples/opalgw/custom.cxx | 162 -
samples/opalgw/custom.h | 42 -
samples/opalgw/gkserv.cxx | 740 -
samples/opalgw/main.cxx | 595 -
samples/opalgw/main.h | 210 -
samples/opalgw/opalgw_2005.vcproj | 333 -
samples/opalgw/opalgw_2008.vcproj | 330 -
samples/opalgw/opalgw_2010.vcxproj | 185 -
samples/opalgw/opalgw_2010.vcxproj.filters | 58 -
samples/opalgw/precompile.cxx | 34 -
samples/opalgw/precompile.h | 61 -
samples/opalgw/svcproc.rc | 4 -
samples/opalgw/version.h | 42 -
samples/opalmcu/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/opalmcu/OPAL_MCU_2005.vcproj | 280 -
samples/opalmcu/OPAL_MCU_2008.vcproj | 10 +-
samples/opalmcu/OPAL_MCU_2010.vcxproj | 137 +-
samples/opalmcu/OPAL_MCU_2012.vcxproj | 292 +
samples/opalmcu/OPAL_MCU_2012.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/opalmcu/main.cxx | 316 +-
samples/opalmcu/main.h | 43 +-
samples/opalmcu/precompile.h | 10 +-
samples/opalmcu/test.sh | 18 +
samples/openphone/Makefile | 74 +-
samples/openphone/OpenPhone.wxs | 59 +-
.../openphone/OpenPhone.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj | 39 +-
.../project.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata | 7 +
samples/openphone/OpenPhoneInstaller_2005.vcproj | 163 -
samples/openphone/OpenPhoneInstaller_2010.vcxproj | 44 +-
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2005.sln | 410 -
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2005.vcproj | 434 -
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2008.vcproj | 4 +-
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2010.sln | 200 +-
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2010.vcxproj | 20 +-
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2012.vcxproj | 292 +
samples/openphone/OpenPhone_2012.vcxproj.filters | 48 +
samples/openphone/ReadMe.txt | 151 +-
samples/openphone/fix_glade_xrc.bat | 4 +
samples/openphone/main.cxx | 3275 +-
samples/openphone/main.h | 594 +-
samples/openphone/openphone.wxg | 1168 +-
samples/openphone/openphone.xrc | 3768 +-
samples/openphone/version.h | 4 +-
samples/openphone/version.wxs.in | 6 +
samples/playrtp/Makefile | 25 +-
samples/playrtp/main.cxx | 161 +-
samples/playrtp/main.h | 5 +-
samples/playrtp/playrtp_2005.vcproj | 285 -
samples/playrtp/playrtp_2008.vcproj | 19 +-
samples/playrtp/playrtp_2010.vcxproj | 137 +-
samples/playrtp/playrtp_2012.vcxproj | 292 +
samples/playrtp/playrtp_2012.vcxproj.filters | 29 +
samples/playyuv/Makefile | 50 -
samples/playyuv/main.cxx | 160 -
samples/playyuv/main.h | 54 -
samples/playyuv/playyuv_2005.vcproj | 285 -
samples/playyuv/precompile.cxx | 34 -
samples/playyuv/precompile.h | 43 -
samples/regtest/Makefile | 22 +-
samples/regtest/main.cxx | 47 +-
samples/regtest/main.h | 37 -
samples/regtest/regtest_2005.vcproj | 197 -
samples/regtest/regtest_2010.vcxproj | 163 +
samples/regtest/regtest_2012.vcxproj | 166 +
samples/server/Makefile | 38 +
samples/server/custom.cxx | 162 +
samples/server/custom.h | 42 +
samples/server/gkserv.cxx | 780 +
samples/server/main.cxx | 1060 +
samples/server/main.h | 316 +
samples/server/main_menu.vxml | 179 +
samples/{opalgw => server}/messages.bin | Bin
samples/{opalgw/opalgw.ico => server/opalsrv.ico} | Bin
samples/server/opalsrv.sh | 51 +
samples/server/opalsrv_2008.vcproj | 332 +
samples/server/opalsrv_2010.vcxproj | 322 +
samples/server/opalsrv_2010.vcxproj.filters | 58 +
samples/server/opalsrv_2012.vcxproj | 325 +
samples/server/opalsrv_2012.vcxproj.filters | 58 +
samples/server/precompile.cxx | 34 +
samples/server/precompile.h | 54 +
samples/server/svcproc.rc | 4 +
samples/server/version.h | 42 +
samples/simple/Makefile | 16 +-
samples/simple/main.cxx | 152 +-
samples/simple/main.h | 8 +-
samples/simple/simpleDLL_2005.vcproj | 1790 -
samples/simple/simpleDLL_2008.vcproj | 248 +-
samples/simple/simpleDLL_2010.vcxproj | 136 +-
samples/simple/simpleDLL_2012.vcxproj | 283 +
samples/simple/simpleDLL_2012.vcxproj.filters | 26 +
samples/simple/simple_2005.vcproj | 1785 -
samples/simple/simple_2008.vcproj | 166 +-
samples/simple/simple_2010.vcxproj | 128 +-
samples/simple/simple_2012.vcxproj | 272 +
samples/simple/simple_2012.vcxproj.filters | 26 +
samples/sipim/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/sipim/main.cxx | 565 +-
samples/sipim/main.h | 88 +-
samples/sipim/sipim_2005.vcproj | 203 -
samples/sipim/sipim_2008.vcproj | 10 +-
samples/sipim/sipim_2010.vcxproj | 87 +-
samples/sipim/sipim_2012.vcxproj | 190 +
samples/sipim/sipim_2012.vcxproj.filters | 23 +
samples/testpresent/Makefile | 24 +-
samples/testpresent/main.cxx | 407 +-
samples/testpresent/testpresent_2005.vcproj | 196 -
samples/testpresent/testpresent_2008.vcproj | 10 +-
samples/testpresent/testpresent_2010.vcxproj | 89 +-
samples/testpresent/testpresent_2012.vcxproj | 192 +
src/Python/opal/H323Capability.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/H323Channel.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/H323Connection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/H323EndPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/H323Gatekeeper.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/H323TransportAddress.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/Metrics.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalAudioMixer.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalCall.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalConnection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalEchoCanceler.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalEndPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalFaxEndPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalJitterBuffer.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalLocalEndPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalManager.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalMediaCommand.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalMediaFormat.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalMediaPatch.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalMediaStream.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalMediaType.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalPCSSConnection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalPresenceInfo.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalRTPConnection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalRTPEndPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalRecordManager.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalSilenceDetector.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalTranscoder.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalTransport.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/OpalVideoRateController.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/RFC4103Context.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/RTP.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SDP.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SIPConnection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SIPEndPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SIPHandler.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SIPIM.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SIPPDU.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/SIPTransaction.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/T140String.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/opal/opalmod.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PArgList.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PArray.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PBER_Stream.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PChannel.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PCollection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PContainer.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PCriticalSection.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PDict.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PDictionary.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PDirectory.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PFile.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PFilePath.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PGloballyUniqueID.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PHTML.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PHTTP.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PIPSocket.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PIndirectChannel.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PInternetProtocol.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PList.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PMimeInfo.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PMutex.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PNatMethod.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PNotifier.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PObject.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PPER_Stream.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PProcess.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PQoS.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSafeColl.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSafeObject.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSemaphore.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSmartPointer.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSocket.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSound.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSoundChannelWin32.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PString.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PStunClient.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSync.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PSyncPoint.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PTCPSocket.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PThread.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PTime.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PTimeInterval.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PTimer.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PTrace.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PUDPSocket.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PURL.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PVideoInputDevice.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/PluginMgr.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/asner.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/ptlib/ptlibmod.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/std/list.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/std/set.sip | 4 +-
src/Python/std/string.sip | 4 +-
src/Ruby/ruby_swig_wrapper.cxx | 60 +-
src/asn/gcc.cxx | 1188 +-
src/asn/h225_1.cxx | 726 +-
src/asn/h225_2.cxx | 2136 +-
src/asn/h235.cxx | 278 +-
src/asn/h235_srtp.cxx | 63 +-
src/asn/h235_t.cxx | 32 +-
src/asn/h245_1.cxx | 1554 +-
src/asn/h245_2.cxx | 982 +-
src/asn/h245_3.cxx | 1956 +-
src/asn/h248.cxx | 956 +-
src/asn/h4501.cxx | 126 +-
src/asn/h45010.cxx | 20 +-
src/asn/h45011.cxx | 100 +-
src/asn/h4502.cxx | 158 +-
src/asn/h4503.cxx | 304 +-
src/asn/h4504.cxx | 54 +-
src/asn/h4505.cxx | 174 +-
src/asn/h4506.cxx | 10 +-
src/asn/h4507.cxx | 82 +-
src/asn/h4508.cxx | 30 +-
src/asn/h4509.cxx | 60 +-
src/asn/h501.cxx | 652 +-
src/asn/mcs.cxx | 664 +-
src/asn/t38.cxx | 74 +-
src/asn/x880.cxx | 78 +-
src/codec/echocancel.cxx | 46 +-
src/codec/g711a1_plc.cxx | 5 +-
src/codec/g711codec.cxx | 4 +-
src/codec/g7221mf.cxx | 90 +-
src/codec/g7221mf_inc.cxx | 62 +
src/codec/g7222mf.cxx | 115 +-
src/codec/g7222mf_inc.cxx | 79 +
src/codec/g722mf.cxx | 6 +-
src/codec/g7231mf.cxx | 10 +-
src/codec/g726mf.cxx | 92 +-
src/codec/g728mf.cxx | 4 +-
src/codec/g729mf.cxx | 10 +-
src/codec/gsm0610mf.cxx | 4 +-
src/codec/gsmamrmf.cxx | 67 +-
src/codec/h261mf.cxx | 126 +
src/codec/h263mf.cxx | 221 +
src/codec/h263mf_inc.cxx | 301 +
src/codec/h264mf.cxx | 217 +
src/codec/h264mf_inc.cxx | 434 +
src/codec/iLBCmf.cxx | 54 +-
src/codec/mpeg4mf.cxx | 124 +
src/codec/mpeg4mf_inc.cxx | 266 +
src/codec/opalpluginmgr.cxx | 419 +-
src/codec/opalwavfile.cxx | 15 +-
src/codec/ratectl.cxx | 6 +-
src/codec/rfc2435.cxx | 4 +-
src/codec/rfc2833.cxx | 75 +-
src/codec/rfc4175.cxx | 4 +-
src/codec/silencedetect.cxx | 80 +-
src/codec/speex/libspeex/kiss_fft.c | 2 +-
src/codec/vidcodec.cxx | 27 +-
src/ep/ivr.cxx | 476 +
src/ep/localep.cxx | 474 +
src/ep/opalmixer.cxx | 1967 +
src/ep/opalvxml.cxx | 97 +
src/ep/pcss.cxx | 486 +
src/h224/h224.cxx | 253 +-
src/h224/h281.cxx | 32 +-
src/h224/h323h224.cxx | 16 +-
src/h224/q922.cxx | 50 +-
src/h323/channels.cxx | 651 +-
src/h323/gkclient.cxx | 689 +-
src/h323/gkserver.cxx | 274 +-
src/h323/h225ras.cxx | 413 +-
src/h323/h235auth.cxx | 43 +-
src/h323/h235auth1.cxx | 121 +-
src/h323/h323.cxx | 2247 +-
src/h323/h323annexg.cxx | 76 +-
src/h323/h323caps.cxx | 503 +-
src/h323/h323ep.cxx | 453 +-
src/h323/h323neg.cxx | 299 +-
src/h323/h323pdu.cxx | 168 +-
src/h323/h323rtp.cxx | 347 +-
src/h323/h323trans.cxx | 181 +-
src/h323/h450pdu.cxx | 110 +-
src/h323/peclient.cxx | 120 +-
src/h323/q931.cxx | 88 +-
src/h323/svcctrl.cxx | 26 +-
src/h323/transaddr.cxx | 18 +-
src/h460/h4601.cxx | 1719 +-
src/h460/h46018.cxx | 9 +-
src/h460/h46018_h225.cxx | 1200 +
src/h460/h46019.cxx | 9 +-
src/h460/h46024b.cxx | 226 +
src/h460/h460_std18.cxx | 306 +
src/h460/h460_std23.cxx | 758 +
src/iax2/callprocessor.cxx | 94 +-
src/iax2/frame.cxx | 305 +-
src/iax2/iax2con.cxx | 49 +-
src/iax2/iax2ep.cxx | 121 +-
src/iax2/iax2medstrm.cxx | 32 +-
src/iax2/ies.cxx | 114 +-
src/iax2/processor.cxx | 54 +-
src/iax2/receiver.cxx | 22 +-
src/iax2/regprocessor.cxx | 26 +-
src/iax2/remote.cxx | 63 +-
src/iax2/safestrings.cxx | 10 +-
src/iax2/sound.cxx | 12 +-
src/iax2/specialprocessor.cxx | 10 +-
src/iax2/transmit.cxx | 14 +-
src/im/im_mf.cxx | 969 +-
src/im/msrp.cxx | 295 +-
src/im/rfc4103.cxx | 149 +-
src/im/sipim.cxx | 663 +-
src/im/t140.cxx | 153 +-
src/java/OPALJNI.java | 8 +-
src/java/OpalLineAppearanceStates.java | 120 +-
src/java/OpalParamGeneral.java | 16 +-
src/java/OpalStatusLineAppearance.java | 180 +-
src/java/java_swig_wrapper.cxx | 24 +-
src/lids/capi_ep.cxx | 134 +-
src/lids/dahdi_ep.cxx | 813 +
src/lids/ixjunix.cxx | 314 +-
src/lids/lid.cxx | 117 +-
src/lids/lidep.cxx | 65 +-
src/lids/lidpluginmgr.cxx | 123 +-
src/opal/call.cxx | 241 +-
src/opal/connection.cxx | 1011 +-
src/opal/console_mgr.cxx | 863 +-
src/opal/endpoint.cxx | 398 +-
src/opal/ivr.cxx | 461 -
src/opal/localep.cxx | 457 -
src/opal/manager.cxx | 840 +-
src/opal/mediafmt.cxx | 281 +-
src/opal/mediasession.cxx | 248 +
src/opal/mediastrm.cxx | 582 +-
src/opal/mediatype.cxx | 100 +-
src/opal/opal_c.cxx | 696 +-
src/opal/opalmixer.cxx | 1673 -
src/opal/opalvxml.cxx | 95 -
src/opal/patch.cxx | 359 +-
src/opal/pcss.cxx | 513 -
src/opal/pres_ent.cxx | 155 +-
src/opal/recording.cxx | 8 +-
src/opal/rtpconn.cxx | 715 -
src/opal/rtpep.cxx | 211 -
src/opal/transcoders.cxx | 69 +-
src/opal/transports.cxx | 936 +-
src/rtp/jitter.cxx | 323 +-
src/rtp/libsrtp/CHANGES | 223 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/LICENSE | 35 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/Makefile.in | 232 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/README | 174 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/TODO | 66 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/VERSION | 1 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/config.guess | 1447 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/config.h_win32vc7 | 170 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/config.hw | 192 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/config.sub | 1555 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/config_in.h | 170 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/configure | 8603 ++
src/rtp/libsrtp/configure.in | 206 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/Makefile | 130 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/Makefile.in | 130 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/VERSION | 1 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/ae_xfm/xfm.c | 570 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/cipher/aes.c | 1951 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/cipher/aes_cbc.c | 444 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/cipher/aes_icm.c | 511 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/cipher/cipher.c | 407 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/cipher/null_cipher.c | 152 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/hash/auth.c | 173 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/hash/hmac.c | 267 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/hash/null_auth.c | 160 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/hash/sha1.c | 404 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/aes.h | 84 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/aes_cbc.h | 50 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/aes_icm.h | 56 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/alloc.h | 57 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/auth.h | 159 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/cipher.h | 218 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/crypto.h | 43 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/crypto_kernel.h | 258 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/crypto_math.h | 273 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/crypto_types.h | 206 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/cryptoalg.h | 133 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/datatypes.h | 427 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/err.h | 174 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/gf2_8.h | 79 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/hmac.h | 78 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/integers.h | 147 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/kernel_compat.h | 84 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/key.h | 82 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/null_auth.h | 68 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/null_cipher.h | 80 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/prng.h | 54 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/rand_source.h | 91 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/rdb.h | 94 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/rdbx.h | 146 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/sha1.h | 108 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/stat.h | 69 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/include/xfm.h | 139 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/kernel/alloc.c | 119 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/kernel/crypto_kernel.c | 523 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/kernel/err.c | 148 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/kernel/key.c | 115 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/math/datatypes.c | 600 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/math/gf2_8.c | 83 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/math/math.c | 962 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/math/stat.c | 367 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/replay/rdb.c | 139 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/replay/rdbx.c | 289 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/replay/ut_sim.c | 105 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/rng/ctr_prng.c | 108 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/rng/prng.c | 180 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/rng/rand_linux_kernel.c | 65 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/rng/rand_source.c | 153 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/aes_calc.c | 111 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/auth_driver.c | 200 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/cipher_driver.c | 491 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/datatypes_driver.c | 237 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/env.c | 99 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/kernel_driver.c | 126 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/rand_gen.c | 140 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/sha1_driver.c | 533 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/crypto/test/stat_driver.c | 101 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/Doxyfile | 1042 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/Makefile | 44 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/Makefile.in | 44 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/crypto_kernel.txt | 76 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/draft-irtf-cfrg-icm-00.txt | 460 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/header.template | 115 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/intro.txt | 395 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/libsrtp.pdf | Bin 0 -> 364186 bytes
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/references.txt | 21 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/doc/rfc3711.txt | 3139 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/include/getopt_s.h | 60 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/include/rtp.h | 127 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/include/rtp_priv.h | 74 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/include/srtp.h | 913 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/include/srtp_priv.h | 245 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/include/ut_sim.h | 80 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/install-sh | 251 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/srtp.def | 92 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/srtp.vcproj | 588 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/srtp/srtp.c | 1904 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/srtp7.sln | 21 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/srtp7.vcproj | 298 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/tables/aes_tables.c | 346 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/dtls_srtp_driver.c | 245 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/getopt_s.c | 112 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/lfsr.c | 310 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/rdbx_driver.c | 306 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/replay_driver.c | 209 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/roc_driver.c | 165 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/rtp.c | 167 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/rtpw.c | 519 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/rtpw_test.sh | 77 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/test/srtp_driver.c | 1491 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/timing | 36 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/undos.sh | 10 +
src/rtp/libsrtp/update.sh | 15 +
src/rtp/metrics.cxx | 24 +-
src/{zrtp => rtp}/opalzrtp.cxx | 0
src/rtp/pcapfile.cxx | 172 +-
src/rtp/rtp.cxx | 2555 +-
src/rtp/rtp_session.cxx | 2280 +
src/rtp/rtpconn.cxx | 597 +
src/rtp/rtpep.cxx | 201 +
src/rtp/srtp.cxx | 325 -
src/rtp/srtp_session.cxx | 700 +
src/rtp/zrtpudp.cxx | 35 +-
src/sip/handlers.cxx | 1620 +-
src/sip/sdp.cxx | 1067 +-
src/sip/sipcon.cxx | 2441 +-
src/sip/sipep.cxx | 1694 +-
src/sip/sippdu.cxx | 2254 +-
src/sip/sippres.cxx | 164 +-
src/t120/h323t120.cxx | 36 +-
src/t120/t120proto.cxx | 48 +-
src/t120/x224.cxx | 12 +-
src/t38/h323t38.cxx | 20 +-
src/t38/sipt38.cxx | 85 +-
src/t38/t38mf.cxx | 67 +-
src/t38/t38proto.cxx | 1038 +-
src/win32/CopyDTF_2005.bat | 24 -
src/win32/CopyDTF_2008.bat | 11 -
src/win32/CopyDTF_2010.bat | 27 +-
src/win32/CopyDTF_2012.bat | 9 +
src/win32/Private.def | 216 +-
src/win32/dllmain.cxx | 7 +-
src/win32/opal_2005.dtf | 46952 --------
src/win32/opal_2005_wm.dtf | 47020 --------
src/win32/opal_2005_wm6.dtf | 47020 --------
src/win32/opal_2008.dtf | 98524 ++++++++--------
src/win32/opal_2010.dtf | 98267 ++++++++--------
src/win32/opal_2010_x64.dtf | 51215 ++++++++
src/win32/opal_2012_x64.dtf | 52815 +++++++++
src/win32/opal_2012_x86.dtf | 52429 +++++++++
src/win32/opal_dll_2005.vcproj | 4841 -
src/win32/opal_dll_2008.vcproj | 690 +-
src/win32/opal_dll_2010.vcxproj | 281 +-
src/win32/opal_dll_2010.vcxproj.filters | 31 +-
src/win32/opal_dll_2012.vcxproj | 474 +
src/win32/opal_dll_2012.vcxproj.filters | 58 +
src/win32/opal_lib_2005.vcproj | 18884 ---
src/win32/opal_lib_2008.vcproj | 5006 +-
src/win32/opal_lib_2010.vcxproj | 829 +-
src/win32/opal_lib_2010.vcxproj.filters | 306 +-
src/win32/opal_lib_2012.vcxproj | 1335 +
src/win32/opal_lib_2012.vcxproj.filters | 1268 +
src/win32/opald_2005.dtf | 53154 ---------
src/win32/opald_2005_wm.dtf | 48191 --------
src/win32/opald_2005_wm6.dtf | 48191 --------
src/win32/opald_2008.dtf | 110722 ++++++++---------
src/win32/opald_2010.dtf | 111051 +++++++++---------
src/win32/opald_2010_x64.dtf | 57808 +++++++++
src/win32/opald_2012_x64.dtf | 59485 ++++++++++
src/win32/opald_2012_x86.dtf | 59059 ++++++++++
src/win32/opaln_2005.dtf | 40922 -------
src/win32/opaln_2005_wm.dtf | 40992 -------
src/win32/opaln_2005_wm6.dtf | 40992 -------
src/win32/opaln_2008.dtf | 92307 ++++++++-------
src/win32/opaln_2010.dtf | 97976 +++++++--------
src/win32/opaln_2010_x64.dtf | 51051 ++++++++
src/win32/opaln_2012_x64.dtf | 52640 +++++++++
src/win32/opaln_2012_x86.dtf | 52254 ++++++++
version.h | 4 +-
978 files changed, 960615 insertions(+), 827164 deletions(-)
diff --cc debian/changelog
index 734ca83,0000000..0f5d50b
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,540 -1,0 +1,552 @@@
- opal (3.10.10~dfsg2-1) unstable; urgency=low
++opal (3.12.8~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
- * Remove one non free document (RFC) from source package.
- * Remove now useless DM-Upload-Allowed from debian/control.
- * Print complete compilation lines during building.
++ * New upstream release
++ - libav9.patch - no longer required
++ * NEW package libopal3.12.8 - match-soname
++ * Drop hardcode libavcodec53
++ * ACK NMU - Thanks ~sramacher
- -- Eugen Dedu <Eugen.Dedu at pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr> Mon, 27 Oct 2014 05:51:57 +0200
- opal (3.10.10~dfsg-2.2) unstable; urgency=medium
- * Non-maintainer upload.
- * Add libav10.patch to fix FTBFS with Libav10 (Closes: #739439)
- -- Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de> Sat, 03 May 2014 15:51:57 -0400
++ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Tue, 17 Dec 2013 23:23:13 +1100
+opal (3.10.10~dfsg-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * debian/patches/libav9.patch: Backport changes for libav 9 and link against
+ libavcodec and libavutil instead of loading it with dlopen. (Closes:
+ #720824)
+ * debian/control: Remove explicit dependency on libavcodec. This is now
+ generated by dpkg-shlibdeps.
+ -- Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org> Fri, 13 Sep 2013 13:21:27 +0200
++opal (3.12.6~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
++ * New Upstream Release
++ * NEW package libopal3.12.6 - match-soname
++ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 21 Sep 2013 20:42:12 +1000
++opal (3.12.5~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
++ * New upstream release
++ * NEW package libopal3.12.5 - match-soname
++ * --disable-samples Drop Package: simpleopal - FTBFS again
++ * override_dh_clean: ./configure does not generate top level Makefile
++ - Makefile.in missing
++ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Mon, 02 Sep 2013 21:52:41 +1000
+opal (3.10.10~dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Upload to unstable
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 02 Mar 2013 12:49:36 +1100
+opal (3.10.10~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * New upstream release
+ * Do not remove iLBC audio codec anymore, since it is free now
+ * Depend on libavcodec-extra-53 too (Closes: #695691)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:28:55 +1100
+opal (3.10.9~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * New upstream release
+ - fix build on kFreeBSD
+ * NEW package libopal3.10.9 - match-soname
+ * Remove obsolete conflict with libopenmpi-dev (Closes: #694652)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:28:55 +1100
+opal (3.10.7~dfsg-3) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Make libopal package manually depend on libavcodec package, since opal
+ loads libavcodec functions during runtime.
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Fix "missing informations in debian/copyright"
+ - Added plugins/audio/GSM0610/COPYRIGHT (Closes: #532456)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Tue, 09 Oct 2012 22:48:43 +1100
+opal (3.10.7~dfsg-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Enable H263/4 codecs
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Fixes "Segfault in std::less<unsigned int>::operator() from
+ /usr/lib/libopal.so.3.10.4" (Closes: #687079)
+ * Fixes "segfault of ekiga in libopal" (Closes: #685399)
+ * Switch to xz compression
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 15 Sep 2012 13:20:59 +1000
+opal (3.10.7~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ - Fixes "Opal 3.10.4 fails to build" (Closes: #674683)
+ * NEW package libopal3.10.7 - match-soname
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 01 Sep 2012 13:30:03 +1000
+opal (3.10.5~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ * NEW package libopal3.10.5 - match-soname
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sun, 27 May 2012 09:39:53 +1000
+opal (3.10.4~dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Drop unsupported CELT codec
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Wed, 23 May 2012 07:42:55 +1000
+opal (3.10.4~dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Build-Depends libcapi20-dev [linux-any]
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 10 Mar 2012 10:33:32 +1100
+opal (3.10.4~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ - NEW package libopal3.10.4 - soname change
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Remove unnecessary libavcodec-dev from Build-Depends
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Drop symbol support - few rdepends and exporting lots of symbols (C++)
+ * disable-samples-ftbfs too not build samples that currently FTBFS
+ * Add libopal-doc.examples - samples
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Thu, 08 Mar 2012 22:26:07 +1100
+opal (3.10.1~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release: 3.10.1 (Luythen)
+ * Put myself back into Uploaders
+ * Bump debhelper compat to 8
+ * Fix debian/watch to allow double digit minor version
+ * Bump PTLib depends to 2.10 version (Luythen) as well
+ * Bump Debian source version to 3.0
+ * Enable samples to be built with --enable-samples instead of explicitly
+ building them in debian/rules
+ * Add libspandsp-dev (>= 0.0.6~pre17) to Build-Deps to allow T.38 to use it
+ * Add debian/clean for all files that need to be purged before rebuild
+ * Add debian/patches/plugins_clean_target.patch: Most of the plugins don't
+ have a clean target and thus don't allow rebuilds
+ * Update debian/rules to cope with latest samples compilation changes
+ upstream
+ * Remove Changelog from docs as upstream doesn't ship it
+ * Replace jquery.js with Debian's libjs-jquery version to make lintian happy
+ * Add symbols file for libopal3.10.1 (but don't fail builds while we're in
+ experimental)
+ * Add pkg-kde-tools to take advantage of pkgkde-symbolshelper which is
+ better suited for C++ libs - thanks to Modestas Vainius!
+ (this makes c++ symbol files somewhat less painful. But still different
+ g++ versions emit a bit different symbol sets so ftbfs'es happen)
+ * Add libavcodec-dev to enable H.263
+ * Register API documentation with doc-base
+ * Patch spandsp_autoconf_cppflags backported from upstream trunk
+ * Adjust DFSG-repack: Remove *.dll and *.exe from upstream source
+ * Fix Vcs-Browser URL
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Tue, 12 Jul 2011 10:28:19 +0200
+opal (3.8.4~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ * NEW package libopal3.8.4 - soname bump
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Wed, 02 Mar 2011 06:08:40 +1100
+opal (3.8.3~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ * NEW package libopal3.8.3 - soname bump
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 29 Jan 2011 20:18:35 +1100
+opal (3.8.2~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ * Refresh simpleopal.1
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:53:53 +1000
+opal (3.8.1~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release
+ - NEW packages libopal[3.8.1,-dbg] - soname bump
+ * Merge from branches/opal3.6
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sun, 30 May 2010 17:29:57 +1000
+opal (3.6.8~dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Fix RC bug "implicit conflict against libopal3.6.6-dbg"
+ - Urgency high - RC bug
+ - Switch to common package: libopal-dbg (Closes: #585860)
+ - Conflicts:/ Replaces: libopal3.6.8-dbg, libopal3.6.6-dbg
+ * Update Standards-Version: 3.8.4
+ * source/format -> 3.0 (quilt)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Tue, 15 Jun 2010 00:25:54 +1000
+opal (3.6.8~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Closes: #572384, #583420)
+ - NEW packages libopal3.6.8[-dbg] - soname bump
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Remove Build-Conflict with its own runtime
+ * add back celt building
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Fix "opal should build-depend on libsrtp-dev, and libopal-dev should
+ depend on libsrtp0-dev" Build Depends added (Closes: #575195)
+ * Drop libptX.X.X-plugins - included in libptX.X.X library binary
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 29 May 2010 10:42:18 +1000
+opal (3.6.6~dfsg-6) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Include *.mak in /usr/include/opal/
+ * simpleopal Depends: back to libpt2.6.5-plugins
+ - "simpleopal: Depends on unavailable libpt2.6.6-plugins" (Closes: #579765)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 01 May 2010 07:37:48 +1000
+opal (3.6.6~dfsg-5) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Constrain debian/watch to track 3.6 series (Lalande release)
+ * Move to svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-voip/opal/branches/opal-3.6/
+ * Switch to debhelper 7
+ * Drop unused dpatch, cdbs
+ * Do not exclude simpleopal from dh_strip
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Mon, 26 Apr 2010 11:55:39 +1000
+opal (3.6.6~dfsg-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Disable celt codec, since celt is changing its API and upstream
+ source does not compile with the new 0.7.0 celt release (Closes: #556832)
+ * Remove some conflicts with non-official snapshot packages.
+ * Remove unuseful libavcodec-dev from Build-Depends (it does not bring
+ any new encoder and hurts non-official packages).
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Build-Conflicts: libcelt-dev
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Mon, 01 Feb 2010 17:30:21 +0100
+opal (3.6.6~dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add Build-Conflicts: libx264-dev (fails DFSG)
+ - Fixes "uninstallable on i386, was built with libx264" (Closes: #550516)
+ * Remove simpleopal debug file, will be resurrected if really needed
+ (Closes: #550168)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Mon, 12 Oct 2009 07:51:01 +1100
+opal (3.6.6~dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add missing Build-Depends: libcapi20-dev, libavcodec-dev
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 10 Oct 2009 09:57:50 +1100
+opal (3.6.6~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * New upstream release
+ - fix "SEGV in SIP_PDU::Write" (Closes: #538734)
+ * Remove simpleopal.dpatch, integrated upstream.
+ * simpleopal should depend on libpt plugins (Closes: #542220)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 03 Oct 2009 18:12:29 +1000
+opal (3.6.4~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ * Fix "Rate controller skips too many frames", stolen from upstream.
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Thu, 09 Jul 2009 08:12:53 +1000
+opal (3.6.3~dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Fix ptlib dependency, which lead to build failure (Closes: #533631)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 06 Jun 2009 17:43:25 +1000
+opal (3.6.3~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New Upstream Release
+ - soname bump - NEW package libopal3.6.3
+ - libpt transition
+ * Switch get-orig-source target to sf.net
+ [ Kilian Krause ]
+ * Remove -N from wget args in get-orig-source target as -O is already
+ used.
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 06 Jun 2009 17:30:45 +1000
+opal (3.6.1~dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * debian/rules: Honour DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS parameter for parallel builds.
+ * Build-Depends on libcelt-dev.
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * New upstream release
+ * Fix "simpleopal example dies with segfault" (Closes: #510988)
+ * Build-Depends: libpt-dev (>= 2.6.1)
+ * NEW packages; libopal-dev, libopal2.6.1, libopal-doc, libopal2.6.1-dbg
+ * debian/compat -> 7
+ * Use dh_install; Add [libopal-dev,simpleopal,libopal3.6.1].install
+ * Update to cdbs - correctly strips -dbg, parallel builds, et al
+ - cleanup debian/rules cruft
+ * Add Suggests: pkg-config
+ * Upload to unstable (libpt transition)
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Mon, 27 Apr 2009 19:45:35 +1000
+opal (3.4.2~dfsg-2) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Use Debian's speex library.
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Integrate historic debian/changelog from trunk
+ * Update debian/watch to check sf.net
+ * Fix hyphen-used-as-minus-sign debian/simpleopal.1
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Sat, 15 Nov 2008 11:36:28 +1100
+opal (3.4.2~dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * New release version 3.4.2, with update and simplification of debian files
+ * Add a minimal man page for simpleopal.
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Thu, 06 Nov 2008 21:44:30 +1100
+opal (2.2.11~dfsg1-5) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+ * Add description for remove_ilbc.dpatch.
+ * Remove config.log at clean time.
+ * Remove duplicated word (the the) in the description of libopal-dev.
+ -- Patrick Matthäi <patrick.matthaei at web.de> Wed, 8 Oct 2008 21:21:56 +0200
+opal (3.3.0+svn20940.dfsg-1) voip; urgency=low
+ [ Eugen Dedu ]
+ * Build from svn snapshot REV 20940, refresh libname patch and rules
+ * Rename package to -beta1
+ * Build-Depends on libgsm1-dev in order to use Debian's library
+ * Remove h263-ffmpeg video codec, as suggested by upstream
+ * Remove, if any, plugins for non-free codecs (H263-1998, H264, MPEG4)
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Switch to svn export
+ * svn REV checkout is controlled from debian/changelog version
+ * Update Description: to explict state this svn snapshot
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org> Thu, 11 Sep 2008 22:33:41 +1000
+opal (3.3.0+svn20930.dfsg-1) experimental; urgency=low
+ * First upload to debian.
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Ver 3.3.0 was tagged at REV=20681 thus this is 3.3.0+svnXXXX
+ -- Eugen Dedu <Eugen.Dedu at pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr> Sun, 16 Aug 2008 00:00:00 +0200
+opal-snapshot (0-20080418-1) voip; urgency=low
+ * Built from SVN snapshots. No package support, please refer to
+ irc.gimp.net channel #ekiga for support. Do not complain about
+ these debs at Debian BTS!
+ -- Eugen Dedu <Eugen.Dedu at pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr> Sun, 18 Apr 2008 00:00:00 +0200
+opal (2.2.11~dfsg1-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Kilian Krause ]
+ * Fix regexp generating UPVRESION for backports.
+ * Drop notrace build entirely to fixup ABI issues (Closes: #447452)
+ [ Faidon Liambotis ]
+ * Fix bug where shlibs were very strict on binNMUed versions.
+ * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3, no changes needed.
+ * Remove doxygen from Build-Depends-Indep since it's present in
+ Build-Depends.
+ * Drop Build-Conflicts on pre-sarge linux-kernel-headers.
+ * Remove versioned dependency on pre-etch dpkg-dev.
+ * Removed versioned dependency on g++ >= 2.95.
+ * Remove debian/backports/sarge since it's an obsolete distribution.
+ * Remove Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo and Santiago Garcia Mantinan from
+ Uploaders and add myself.
+ * Depend on newly introduced libspeexdsp-dev. (Closes: #474272)
+ * Fix configure to never try to use the shipped speex version, even if it
+ (wrongly) thinks it's newer.
+ [ Victor Seva ]
+ * Add patch from Rober Millan to solve FTBFS on parallel build.
+ (Closes: #459742)
+ -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org> Sat, 05 Apr 2008 10:59:43 +0300
+opal (2.2.11~dfsg1-3) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Add ~ suffix after upstream version to shlibs generation.
+ (Closes: #448285)
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Mon, 29 Oct 2007 10:43:48 +0100
+opal (2.2.11~dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Fix build problem in binutils on alpha by using "LDFLAGS+=-Wl,--no-relax".
+ Thanks goes to Steve Langasek for finding this and Serge Belyshev for the
+ tested patch.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:02:11 +0200
+opal (2.2.11~dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. (gcc-4.2 clean. Yeah!)
+ Requires PWLib 1.10.10 - bump build-depends accordingly.
+ [ Kilian Krause ]
+ * Don't suggest development headers with library. (Closes: #378064)
+ * Update Source-Version to binary:Version to allow clean binNMUs.
+ * Update debian/watch.
+ * Fix remaining debian-rules-ignores-make-clean errors
+ * Don't set DH_COMPAT in rules.
+ * Fix dh_strip call using libopal-ptrace rather than $(PACKAGE)-ptrace
+ (Closes: #442975)
+ * Conflict with our own binary library packages to fix false negative build
+ checks (Closes: #440928)
+ * Remove check-ilbc stamp in clean target
+ * Add Homepage field as added in dpkg-dev 1.14.6.
+ [ Faidon Liambotis ]
+ * Adapt shlibs to depend on the upstream's version number and not the Debian
+ version number, since we don't extend the ABI. This also imitates
+ debhelper's behavior.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Sat, 22 Sep 2007 12:08:48 +0200
+opal (2.2.8~dfsg1-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Add missing conflicts (Closes: #433152, #433155)
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:49:32 +0200
+opal (2.2.8~dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release. (Closes: #418485)
+ * Build opt, opt+ptrace and debug version like PWLib. Bump to pwlib 1.10.7 therefore.
+ * Change package name to comply with SOVER.
+ * Cleanup rules to fix double compile problems with leftover files.
+ (Closes: #424373)
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Tue, 3 Jul 2007 21:45:23 +0200
+opal (2.2.3.dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Conflict with openmpi-dev to make sure we don't have a filename clash
+ (Closes: #404004). Setting high urgency due to RC-bug.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Wed, 27 Dec 2006 15:56:46 +0100
+opal (2.2.3.dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=high
+ * Correct the versioned dependency to the lib we're building right now to
+ overcome problems like #392522. Setting urgency=high, for we're closing an
+ RC-bug.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:04:26 +0200
+opal (2.2.3.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Rename configure target to config.status.
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Mon, 9 Oct 2006 13:47:30 +0200
+opal (2.2.2.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Fri, 9 Jun 2006 19:46:19 +0000
+opal (2.2.1.dfsg-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Kilian Krause ]
+ * debian/rules: Use CURDIR rather than PWD to make sure we can build with
+ sudo.
+ [ Mark Purcell ]
+ * Update debian/watch for numerics & dfsg mangle
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Sun, 7 May 2006 12:58:43 +0200
+opal (2.2.1.dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ [ Kilian Krause ]
+ * debian/control: No need to have debug symbols depend on -dev.
+ [ Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo ]
+ * debian/copyright: state different copyrights and licenses for:
+ + src/codec/speex: BSD like license
+ + src/codec/g726: special unrestricted license from Sun
+ + src/codec/gsm: list copyright holders and license terms
+ + src/codec/iLBC: removed from upstream source. Non DFSG-compliant
+ license. (GIPS Royalty Free License)
+ * debian/rules:
+ + check that iLBC code has been removed. It also includes an RFC.
+ * debian/patches:
+ + remove_ilbc: new. Removes any reference to iLBC code in Makefile.in
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Sun, 16 Apr 2006 17:06:06 +0000
+opal (2.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Phobos_release1 tag) to hotfix retransmission of
+ messages which made Ekiga get stuck
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:46:42 +0100
+opal (2.2.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream release (Phobos_release tag).
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:14:58 +0000
+opal (2.1.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Workaround too short SONAME until the fix from CVS HEAD hits next release.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Tue, 14 Feb 2006 00:04:32 +0100
+opal (2.1.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * Initial release. Taken from Phobos-devel3, named according to final Phobos
+ stable release version.
+ -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org> Mon, 13 Feb 2006 21:38:04 +0000
diff --cc debian/control
index c6276e3,0000000..57fb3f2
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,87 -1,0 +1,87 @@@
+Source: opal
+Section: libs
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Debian VoIP Team <pkg-voip-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
+Uploaders: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>, Eugen Dedu <Eugen.Dedu at pu-pm.univ-fcomte.fr>, Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org>, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8), doxygen, autotools-dev, pkg-config,
- libpt-dev (>= 2.10.10~), libavcodec-dev, libx264-dev,
++ libpt-dev (>= 2.12.8~), libavcodec-dev, libx264-dev,
+ libtheora-dev, libgsm1-dev, libspeex-dev, libspeexdsp-dev,
+ libsrtp-dev [alpha amd64 armel hppa i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390],
+ libcapi20-dev [linux-any], libspandsp-dev (>= 0.0.6~pre17)
+Build-Conflicts: libopal-dev
- Standards-Version: 3.9.2
++Standards-Version: 3.9.4
+Homepage: http://www.opalvoip.org/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-voip/opal/trunk/
+Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-voip/opal/
- Package: libopal3.10.10
++Package: libopal3.12.8
+Architecture: any
- Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libspeex1, libspeexdsp1
++Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libspeex1, libspeexdsp1,
+Description: Open Phone Abstraction Library - successor of OpenH323
+ This package contains the shared version of the OPAL library.
+ .
+ The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source
+ implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by
+ everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP)
+ conferencing.
+ .
+ This package contains the shared version of the OPAL library, together
+ with several audio and video codecs.
+Package: libopal-dev
+Section: libdevel
+Architecture: any
- Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libopal3.10.10 (= ${binary:Version}), libpt-dev (>= 2.10.10~), libspeexdsp-dev,
++Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libopal3.12.8 (= ${binary:Version}), libpt-dev (>= 2.12.8~), libspeexdsp-dev,
+ libsrtp0-dev [alpha amd64 armel hppa i386 mips mipsel powerpc s390]
+Suggests: pkg-config
+Recommends: libopal-doc
+Description: OPAL library header files
+ This package contains the headers and a static version of the OPAL library.
+ .
+ The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source
+ implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by
+ everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP)
+ conferencing.
- Package: simpleopal
- Section: comm
- Architecture: any
- Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libopal3.10.10 (= ${binary:Version})
- Description: Simple example from the OPAL project
- This package contains a small H323 and SIP client given as an example. You
- can find its code on the doc package.
- .
- The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source
- implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by
- everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP)
- conferencing.
++# Package: simpleopal
++#Section: comm
++#Architecture: any
++#Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, libopal3.12.8 (= ${binary:Version})
++#Description: Simple example from the OPAL project
++# This package contains a small H323 and SIP client given as an example. You
++# can find its code on the doc package.
++# .
++# The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source
++# implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by
++# everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP)
++# conferencing.
+Package: libopal-dbg
+Section: debug
+Priority: extra
- Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libopal3.10.10 (= ${binary:Version})
++Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libopal3.12.8 (= ${binary:Version})
+Conflicts: libopal3.6.8-dbg
+Replaces: libopal3.6.8-dbg
+Architecture: any
+Description: OPAL library debug symbols
+ This package contains the shared and static debug symbols of the
+ OPAL library.
+ .
+ The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source
+ implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by
+ everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP)
+ conferencing.
+Package: libopal-doc
+Section: doc
+Priority: extra
+Depends: ${misc:Depends}
+Architecture: all
+Description: OPAL library documentation files
+ This package contains the documentation and samples to program with
+ the OPAL library.
+ .
+ The OPAL project aims to create a full featured, interoperable, Open Source
+ implementation of the H.323 and SIP protocols that can be used freely by
+ everybody. These protocols are most used for Voice over IP (VoIP)
+ conferencing.
diff --cc debian/libopal3.12.8.install
index e8639ac,0000000..e8639ac
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libopal3.12.8.install
+++ b/debian/libopal3.12.8.install
diff --cc debian/patches/series
index 94f0b29,0000000..59a2516
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@@ -1,4 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
- disable-samples-ftbfs.diff
- plugins_clean_target.patch
- libav9.patch
- libav10.patch
diff --cc debian/rules
index 0cdda97,0000000..b9f651e
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@@ -1,71 -1,0 +1,75 @@@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+#export DH_VERBOSE:=1
+DEBVERSION := $(shell head -n 1 debian/changelog \
+ | sed -e 's/^[^(]*(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/')
- UPVERSION := $(shell echo $(DEBVERSION) | sed 's/~dfsg2-.//')
++UPVERSION := $(shell echo $(DEBVERSION) | sed 's/~dfsg-.//')
- FILENAME := opal_$(UPVERSION)~dfsg2.orig.tar.xz
++FILENAME := opal_$(UPVERSION)~dfsg.orig.tar.xz
+UPFILENAME := opal_$(UPVERSION).orig.tar.gz
+URL := http://aarnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/opalvoip/opal-$(UPVERSION).tar.bz2
+# hack to get samples/simple compiled with new build system
+# no := here for we need evaluation at runtime!
+OPAL_LIBDIR=$(shell sed -n -e "/^OPAL_LIBDIR/s,^.*/,$(CURDIR)/,p" opal_defs.mak)
+ dh $@ --parallel --with autotools_dev
- dh_auto_configure -- --enable-samples --enable-spandsp
++ dh_auto_configure -- --disable-samples --enable-spandsp
- override_dh_auto_build:
- sed -e 's#^Libs: #Libs: -L$(OPAL_LIBDIR) #' opal.pc >samples/opal.pc
- dh_auto_build -- PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(CURDIR)/samples VERBOSE=1 opt docs
++ dh_auto_build -- docs
- #override_dh_auto_test:
++# No tests needed for docs
++# samples FTBFS again
++# sed -e 's#^Libs: #Libs: -L$(OPAL_LIBDIR) #' opal.pc >samples/opal.pc
++# dh_auto_build -- PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(CURDIR)/samples opt docs
+# if (samples/simple/obj*/simpleopal --help >/dev/null);then \
+# echo shared simpleopal incorrectly compiled static; false;\
+# else \
+# echo shared simpleopal correctly compiled non-static; \
+# fi
+# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(OPAL_LIBDIR) samples/simple/obj*/simpleopal --help >/dev/null
+ # replace jquery.js with Debian's version
+ rm -f debian/libopal-doc/usr/share/doc/libopal-doc/html/jquery.js
+ dh_link
- dh_clean -- PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(CURDIR)/samples
- rm -rf html
++ rm -f debian/*debhelper.log
+ rm -f samples/opal.pc
- rm -rf samples/simple/obj_*
++ rm -fR html
++ rm -f samples/simple/obj_*
++ dh_clean -d
++# ./configure does not regenerate toplevel Makefile - Makefile.in missing
++# dh_clean -- PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(CURDIR)/samples
+ dh_strip -a --dbg-package=libopal-dbg
- print-version:
- @@echo "Debian version: $(DEBVERSION)"
- @@echo "Upstream version: $(UPVERSION)"
- @@#echo "svn REV: $(REV)"
+ @@dh_testdir
+ @@[ -d ../tarballs/. ]||mkdir -p ../tarballs
+ @@#this is for stable versions
+ @@echo Downloading $(UPFILENAME) from $(URL) ...
+ @@wget -nv -T10 -t3 -O ../tarballs/$(UPFILENAME) $(URL)
+ @@echo 'Repacking as DFSG-free (removing DLLs and EXEs)...'
+ @@mkdir -p ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp/
+ @@cd ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp ; tar xfj ../$(UPFILENAME)
+ @@rm -f ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp/opal*/plugins/LID/CM_HID/CM_HID.dll
+ @@rm -f ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp/opal*/plugins/LID/TigerJet/TjIpSys.dll
+ @@rm -f ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp/opal*/*.exe
- @@rm -f ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp/opal*/plugins/audio/iLBC/iLBC/draft-ietf-avt-ilbc-codec-05.txt
+ @@echo Writing archive ../tarballs/$(FILENAME) ...
+ @@cd ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp ; tar cfJ ../$(FILENAME) *
+ @@echo Cleaning up...
+ @@$(RM) -rf ../tarballs/opal-$(UPVERSION).tmp/ ../tarballs/$(UPFILENAME)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/opal.git
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