[Pkg-voip-commits] [libpri] 02/04: Imported Debian patch 1.4.12-2

Victor Seva Lopez maniac-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 16 11:36:39 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

maniac-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libpri.

commit a19a4e6926e9ac143d6c95f30da956edbdabc43e
Merge: 78ec8b0 b244146
Author: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 24 21:16:16 2012 +1000

    Imported Debian patch 1.4.12-2

 .version                                      |    2 +-
 ChangeLog                                     |  708 ++-
 Makefile                                      |   39 +-
 debian/changelog                              |   34 +
 debian/compat                                 |    2 +-
 debian/control                                |    4 +-
 debian/libpri1.4.symbols                      |  191 +-
 debian/patches/enable-gcc-optimizations       |   16 +-
 debian/patches/series                         |    1 +
 debian/patches/spelling-error-in-binary.patch |   16 +
 debian/rules                                  |   13 +-
 doc/cc_ptmp_agent.fsm                         |  376 ++
 doc/cc_ptmp_agent_flattened.fsm               |  494 ++
 doc/cc_ptmp_monitor.fsm                       |  181 +
 doc/cc_ptmp_monitor_flattened.fsm             |  225 +
 doc/cc_ptp_agent.fsm                          |  152 +
 doc/cc_ptp_agent_flattened.fsm                |  200 +
 doc/cc_ptp_monitor.fsm                        |  168 +
 doc/cc_ptp_monitor_flattened.fsm              |  217 +
 doc/cc_qsig_agent.fsm                         |  140 +
 doc/cc_qsig_agent_flattened.fsm               |  187 +
 doc/cc_qsig_monitor.fsm                       |  249 +
 doc/cc_qsig_monitor_flattened.fsm             |  327 +
 libpri-1.4.12-summary.html                    |  325 +
 libpri-1.4.12-summary.txt                     |  483 ++
 libpri.h                                      |  900 ++-
 pri.c                                         | 1154 +++-
 pri_aoc.c                                     | 1764 ++++++
 pri_cc.c                                      | 7884 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pri_facility.c                                | 1977 ++++++-
 pri_facility.h                                |   87 +-
 pri_internal.h                                |  595 +-
 pri_q921.h                                    |  115 +-
 pri_q931.h                                    |   27 +-
 prisched.c                                    |  230 +-
 pritest.c                                     |   83 +-
 q921.c                                        | 2950 +++++----
 q931.c                                        | 3316 ++++++++---
 rose.c                                        |  529 +-
 rose.h                                        |  856 ++-
 rose_etsi_aoc.c                               |    9 +-
 rose_etsi_cc.c                                | 1853 ++++++
 rose_etsi_mwi.c                               |  686 +++
 rose_internal.h                               |  205 +
 rose_qsig_cc.c                                |  984 +++
 rose_qsig_mwi.c                               |    9 +-
 rose_qsig_name.c                              |    1 +
 rosetest.c                                    |  771 ++-
 48 files changed, 29170 insertions(+), 2565 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index ac1b1b9,0000000..644397c
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,409 -1,0 +1,443 @@@
++libpri (1.4.12-2) unstable; urgency=low
++  * wheezey polish
++  * Update Standards-Version: 3.9.3 - no changes
++  * Refresh get-orig-source target
++  * debian/compat -> 9 
++  * Fix spelling-error-in-binary usr/lib/libpri.so.1.4 Wierd Weird
++ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun, 24 Jun 2012 21:16:16 +1000
++libpri (1.4.12-1) unstable; urgency=low
++  * New upstream release. 
++    - Drop patch gcc-4.6-werror, not needed anymore.
++    - Adapt patch enable-gcc-optimizations.
++    - Updated symbols file with (a lot of) new symbols.
++ -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:25:59 +0200
++libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
++  * New upstream release.
++  * Update symbols file (practically internal ones, actually).
++  * Standards version 3.9.2 (no change needed).
++ -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>  Mon, 26 Sep 2011 23:56:14 +0300
++libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
++  * Non-maintainer upload.
++  * Add gcc-4.6-werror to fix FTBFS with gcc-4.6.  Closes: #625379.
++ -- Aurelien Jarno <aurel32 at debian.org>  Fri, 09 Sep 2011 14:54:45 +0200
 +libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream bugfix release.
 + -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>  Wed, 30 Jun 2010 00:53:30 +0300
 +libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream bugfix release.
 +  - Patch fix-inband-bri removed: merged upstream.
 +  * Update my address to @debian.org.
 + -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>  Tue, 08 Jun 2010 21:56:54 +0300
 +libpri (1.4.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * Drop patch osarch_hurd, merged upstream.
 +  * Update enable-gcc-optimizations.
 +  * Use a symbol file for library versioning since this version added lots of
 +    them. Import and properly tag 1.4.10 & 1.4.11 symbols.
 +  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
 +  * Switch to 3.0 (quilt) source package format and drop quilt dependency.
 +  * Switch from cdbs to dh from debhelper 7.
 +  * Switch to downloads.asterisk.org instead of the obsolete
 +    downloads.digium.com in the watch file.
 + -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Thu, 27 May 2010 04:27:05 +0300
 +libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Convert dpatch to quilt. 
 + -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  Thu, 03 Dec 2009 13:27:59 +0200
 +libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release (Closes: #551820)
 +    - fixes improper Q.921 link operation
 +  * Add basic debian/README.source
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Wed, 21 Oct 2009 10:03:25 +1100
 +libpri ( unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release 
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * Patch osarch_hurd: Fix building on HURD.
 +  [ Faidon Liambotis ]
 +  * Add a fix for the inbanddisconnection setting on BRIs.
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Wed, 14 Oct 2009 07:46:11 +1100
 +libpri (1.4.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * New upstream release.
 +    - (Closes: #492867): "libpri - new upstream version"
 +    - bug fixes related to handling of BRI PTMP links
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Fri, 24 Apr 2009 00:37:46 +1000
 +libpri (1.4.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Upload to unstable
 +    - pkg-voip transition discussed on debian-release
 +  * Drop oldstable Conflicts: libpri1.2
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:03:13 +1100
 +libpri (1.4.9-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * New upstream version.
 +  * Dropping bristuff for now.
 +  * NEW package libpri1.4 SONAME is now 1.4 . Changed package name accordingly
 +  [ Victor Seva ]
 +  * debian/rules: Update upstream's URL.
 +  [ Mark Purcell ]
 +  * Update debian/watch
 +  * Switch back to cdbs (allows -j2 and others)
 +  * debian/compact -> 7
 +  * Update debian/copyright GPL-2 only
 +  * Upload to experimental while we coordinate transition debian-release & NEW
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun, 22 Mar 2009 22:00:07 +1100
 +libpri (1.4.3-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * Fix layer 2 startup bugs (e.g. resume from cable disconnect) on BRI lines:
 +    - When getting a SABME/UA after sending one, don't reset state.
 +    - Don't further process an unassigned TEI event.
 +  * Bump standards version to 3.8.0 .
 +  [ Victor Seva ]
 +  * debian/rules: fix get-orig-source to actually work
 + -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Sun, 19 Oct 2008 20:12:39 +0300
 +libpri (1.4.3-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Update to bristuff 0.4.0-RC1
 +    - fixed "call reference exceeds 127 on BRI spans" bug in libpri
 +      which caused a deadlock in chan_zap.
 +    - fixed "t303 not stopped" bug in libpri.
 +  * Add Junghanns.NET GmbH to the copyright holders in debian/copyright.
 +  * Refer to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 to avoid ambiguity vs. GPLv3.
 + -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Wed, 21 May 2008 03:33:52 +0300
 +libpri (1.4.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Mark Purcell ]
 +  * New upstream release
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * Watching downloads.digium.com directly again. 
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Tue, 22 Apr 2008 22:49:51 +1000
 +libpri (1.4.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Faidon Liambotis ]
 +  * Fix debian/watch by using a pkg-voip wrapper to avoid upstream's silly
 +    redirections. (Closes: #449956)
 +  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.7.3, no changed needed. 
 +  * Remove Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo and Santiago Garcia Mantinan from
 +    Uploaders.
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * Reset T303 timer on ALERTING and PROGRESS response to setup, from
 +    bristuff 0.4.0-test6-xr2 (Closes: #473550).
 + -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Tue, 01 Apr 2008 07:04:33 +0300
 +libpri (1.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Kilian Krause ]
 +  * Add Homepage field as added in dpkg-dev 1.14.6.
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * Update bristuff to new upstream release.
 +  * Update makefile patches to new upstream.
 +  * Do build bristuffed version as well with -Werror .
 +  * Fix an uninitialized variable there.
 +  * BRI overlap digits were ignored - regression from 1.2 (Closes: #448118).
 +  [ Faidon Liambotis ]
 +  * Include <stddef.h> since <sys/time.h> doesn't include it anymore.
 +    Fixes FTBFS (Closes: #453161).
 + -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:32:50 +0000
 +libpri (1.4.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Enable -O2 optimizations, following Policy 10.1. (Closes: #359186)
 +  * Conflict with libpri1.2 versions prior to 1.4.0-2 to ease transition for
 +    testing and unstable users. (Closes: #437804)
 + -- Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>  Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:11:16 +0300
 +libpri (1.4.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New Upstream Release
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * Re-Adding bristuff.
 +  * Which requires re-applying and fixing libname.dpatch .
 +  [ Faidon Liambotis ]
 +  * Add myself to Uploaders.
 +  * Add XS-Vcs-Svn and XS-Vcs-Browser to debian/control.
 +  * Switch to dh_install from the deprecated dh_movefiles.
 +  * Use ${binary:Version} instead of ${Source-Version}.
 +  * Loosen up shlibs: we want to create shlibs that are >= 1.4, not the
 +    specific version of libpri 1.4 (e.g. 1.4.1).
 +  * Conflict/Replace libpri1.2 from etch since we're providing the same files.
 +  [ Mark Purcell ]
 +  * Bump package name to match soname libpri1.0
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sat, 04 Aug 2007 09:41:50 +0100
 +libpri (1.4.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * unstable release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Mar 2007 21:41:16 +0000
 +libpri (1.4.0-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * A new package for branch 1.4.
 +  * Bristuff disabled.
 +  * Standard version updated to 3.7.2. No change required.
 +  [ Mark Purcell ]
 +  * Update debian/watch for 1.4 series
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Mar 2007 21:36:25 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1v
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Tue, 24 Oct 2006 22:21:29 +0100
 +libpri (1.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * Patches have been applied upstream
 +  * Makefile.dpatch: Remove unused fix from patches
 +  * bristuff 0.3.0-PRE1p
 +  [ Mark Purcell ]
 +  * Cleanup bristuff.dpatch for Upstream 1.2.3. 
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Wed, 14 Jun 2006 12:11:36 +1000
 +libpri (1.2.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Use CURDIR rather than PWD to make sure we can build with sudo.
 + -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org>  Sun, 16 Apr 2006 22:55:59 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * bristuff 0.3.0-PRE-1k
 +  * some changes to the libname patch (don't change links in the build dir)
 +  * we no longer need to symlink manually (right?)
 + -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  Wed, 08 Feb 2006 00:39:46 +0200
 +libpri (1.2.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  [ Tzafrir Cohen ]
 +  * bristuff 0.3.0-PRE-1f
 +  [ Kilian Krause ]
 +  * New upstream release.
 +  * New ABI since 1.2.1 without chaning SONAME. Adjusting at least the package
 +    name accordingly nevertheless. (Closes: #341109)
 +  * Add GNU/kFreeBSD patch to run ldconfig (Closes: #338388)
 + -- Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org>  Sun,  5 Feb 2006 11:42:46 +0100
 +libpri (1.2.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * bristuff 0.3.0-PRE-1d
 +  * bristuff is built by default, but as a separate library:
 +    libpri-bristuffed.so.1 , /usr/include/bristuffed/pri.h . Thus the default
 +    libpri is unmodified.
 + -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  Sat, 31 Dec 2005 15:28:25 +0200
 +libpri (1.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 +  * Disable bristuff for new upstream
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Wed,  7 Dec 2005 21:25:46 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.0-release-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * bristuff 0.3.0-PRE-1 
 + -- Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>  Wed, 23 Nov 2005 02:26:50 +0200
 +libpri (1.2.0-release-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Thu, 17 Nov 2005 17:44:28 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.0-rc2-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun, 13 Nov 2005 18:21:12 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.0-rc1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 +  * Copyright audit to debian/copyright
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Wed,  9 Nov 2005 20:01:55 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.0-beta2-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 +  * Update Makefile.patch
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Tue,  1 Nov 2005 21:46:25 +0000
 +libpri (1.2.0-0beta1-1) experimental; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 +  * Disable bristuff for experimental upload
 +  * lintian cleanup debian/copyright
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Tue, 30 Aug 2005 20:36:41 +0100
 +libpri (1.0.9-4) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Import bristuff-0.2.0-RC8l.dpatch
 + -- Santiago Ruano Rincon <santiago at unicauca.edu.co>  Sat, 30 Jul 2005 11:30:30 -0500
 +libpri (1.0.9-3) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Import bristuff_2.0.0-RC8j
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Thu, 14 Jul 2005 12:35:29 +0100
 +libpri (1.0.9-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * With bristuff_2.0.0-RC8h enabled
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sat,  2 Jul 2005 09:32:21 +0100
 +libpri (1.0.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 +  * Temp disable BRI stuff to enable 1.0.9 upload
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sat,  2 Jul 2005 09:03:34 +0100
 +libpri (1.0.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 +  * debian/watch to svn-upgrade
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:36:08 +0000
 +libpri (1.0.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream version. (libpri 1.0.6, bristuff RC7k)
 +  * Upgraded Standards-Version to 3.6.1 after converting changelog to UTF8.
 + -- Kilian Krause <kk at verfaction.de>  Sat,  5 Mar 2005 13:33:10 +0100
 +libpri (1.0.4-2) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Debian VoIP import.
 +  * debian/patches/Makefile.dpatch, debian/patches/q931.dpatch: imported from
 +    old diff.
 +  * debian/patches/bristuff.dpatch: Added bristuff RC7f from junghanns.net
 +    (needs disabled q931.dpatch for now) (Closes: #294184)
 + -- Kilian Krause <kk at verfaction.de>  Thu, 24 Feb 2005 01:25:11 +0100
 +libpri (1.0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release (Closes: Bug#288447)
 +  * Apply amd64 patch from Andreas Jochens (Closes: Bug#287442)
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sun,  6 Feb 2005 11:09:04 +0000
 +libpri (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sat,  6 Nov 2004 12:17:41 +1100
 +libpri (1.0.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Thu,  7 Oct 2004 13:03:22 +1000
 +libpri (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Fri, 24 Sep 2004 22:28:02 +1000
 +libpri (0.6.0+1.0RC1-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release (Closes: Bug#254501)
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Tue, 20 Jul 2004 19:14:24 +1000
 +libpri (0.6.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New upstream release
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Thu, 22 Apr 2004 23:59:18 +1000
 +libpri (0.5.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * New Upstream Release (Closes: Bug#200188)
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Thu,  5 Feb 2004 16:01:49 +1100
 +libpri (0.3.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
 +  * Initial Release.
 + -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Wed,  2 Jul 2003 20:23:13 +1000
diff --cc debian/compat
index 7f8f011,0000000..ec63514
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/compat
+++ b/debian/compat
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,1 @@@
- 7
diff --cc debian/control
index 5c37f0a,0000000..ce7d695
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@@ -1,31 -1,0 +1,31 @@@
 +Source: libpri
 +Priority: optional
 +Section: libs
 +Maintainer: Debian VoIP Team <pkg-voip-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 +Uploaders: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>, Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>, Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>
- Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7)
- Standards-Version: 3.8.4
++Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
++Standards-Version: 3.9.3
 +Homepage: http://www.asterisk.org/
 +Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-voip/libpri/trunk/
 +Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/libpri/?op=log
 +Package: libpri-dev
 +Section: libdevel
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libpri1.4 (= ${binary:Version})
 +Description: Primary Rate ISDN specification development files
 + Development files for the C implementation of the Primary Rate ISDN
 + specification.
 + .
 + It was based on the Bellcore specification SR-NWT-002343 for National
 + ISDN.  As of May 12, 2001, it has been tested work with NI-2, Nortel
 + DMS-100, and Lucent 5E Custom protocols on switches from Nortel and Lucent.
 +Package: libpri1.4
 +Architecture: any
 +Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 +Description: Primary Rate ISDN specification library
 + C implementation of the Primary Rate ISDN specification.  It was
 + based on the Bellcore specification SR-NWT-002343 for National ISDN.  As of
 + May 12, 2001, it has been tested work with NI-2, Nortel DMS-100, and Lucent
 + 5E Custom protocols on switches from Nortel and Lucent
diff --cc debian/libpri1.4.symbols
index 5def181,0000000..5eb4fea
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/libpri1.4.symbols
+++ b/debian/libpri1.4.symbols
@@@ -1,364 -1,0 +1,545 @@@
 +libpri.so.1.4 libpri1.4 #MINVER#
 +* Build-Depends-Package: libpri-dev
-  __pri_free_tei at Base 1.4.10
-  __pri_new_tei at Base 1.4.10
 + anfpr_initiate_transfer at Base 1.4.10
++ aoc_charging_request_send at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_d_charging_unit at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_d_currency at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_e_charging_unit at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_e_currency at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_request at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_s_currency at Base 1.4.12
++ aoc_etsi_aoc_s_special_arrangement at Base 1.4.12
 + asn1_dec_boolean at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_indef_end_fixup at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_int at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_length at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_null at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_oid at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_string_bin at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_string_max at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dec_tag at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_dump at Base 1.4.10
 + asn1_enc_boolean at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_int at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_length at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_length_fixup at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_null at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_oid at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_string_bin at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_enc_string_max at Base 1.4.11
 + asn1_tag2str at Base 1.4.11
 + att_maintenance_msgs at Base 1.4.11
 + eect_initiate_transfer at Base 1.4.10
++ etsi_initiate_transfer at Base 1.4.12
 + fac_dec_extension_header at Base 1.4.11
 + fac_enc_extension_header at Base 1.4.11
 + facility_decode_dump at Base 1.4.11
 + facility_decode_header at Base 1.4.11
 + facility_encode_header at Base 1.4.11
 + libpri_copy_string at Base 1.4.10
 + maintenance_service at Base 1.4.11
-  maintenance_service_ack at Base 1.4.11
 + msg2str at Base 1.4.11
 + mwi_message_send at Base 1.4.10
 + national_maintenance_msgs at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_acknowledge at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_answer at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_aoc_d_send at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_aoc_de_request_response_send at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_aoc_e_send at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_aoc_events_enable at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_aoc_s_request_response_send at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_aoc_s_send at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_call at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_call_add_standard_apdus at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_call_apdu_delete at Base 1.4.11
++ pri_call_apdu_extract at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_call_apdu_find at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_call_apdu_queue at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_call_apdu_queue_cleanup at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_call_set_useruser at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_callrerouting_facility at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_cause2str at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_cc_available at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_b_free at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_call at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_cancel at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_enable at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_event at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_find_by_addressing at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_find_by_linkage at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_find_by_reference at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_fsm_event_str at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_fsm_state_str at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_interrogate_rsp at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_new_record at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_ptmp_request at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_ptp_request at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_qsig_cancel at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_qsig_determine_available at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_qsig_exec_possible at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_qsig_request at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_recall_mode at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_remote_user_free at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_req at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_req_rsp at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_retain_signaling_req at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_retain_signaling_rsp at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_status at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_status_req at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_status_req_rsp at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_cc_stop_alerting at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_channel_bridge at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_check_event at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_connect_ack at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_connect_ack_enable at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_connected_line_update at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_copy_party_id_to_q931 at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_copy_party_name_to_q931 at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_copy_party_number_to_q931 at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_copy_party_subaddress_to_q931 at Base 1.4.11
++ pri_date_time_send_option at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_dchannel_run at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_destroycall at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_display_options_receive at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_display_options_send at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_display_text at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_dump_event at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_dump_info_str at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_enslave at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_error at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_event2str at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_facility_enable at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_facility_error2str at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_facility_reject2str at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_fd at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_get_crv at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_get_debug at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_get_timer at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_get_userdata at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_get_version at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_hangup at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_hangup_fix_enable at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_hold at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_hold_ack at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_hold_enable at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_hold_rej at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_information at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_is_dummy_call at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_keypad_facility at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_link_destroy at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_link_new at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_maintenance_service at Base 1.4.11
++ pri_mcid_enable at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_mcid_req_send at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_message at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_mkerror at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_mwi_activate at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_mwi_deactivate at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_mwi_indicate at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_mwi_indicate_v2 at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_need_more_info at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_new at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_new_bri at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_new_bri_cb at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_new_call at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_new_cb at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_node2str at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_notify at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_plan2str at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_pres2str at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_proceeding at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_progress at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_progress_with_cause at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_redirecting_update at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_reroute_call at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_reroute_enable at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_rerouting_rsp at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_reset at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_restart at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_retrieve at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_retrieve_ack at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_retrieve_rej at Base 1.4.11
++ pri_schedule_check at Base
 + pri_schedule_del at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_schedule_event at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_schedule_next at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_schedule_run at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_chan_mapping_logical at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_crv at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_debug at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_error at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_inbanddisconnect at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_message at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_nsf at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_overlapdial at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_service_message_support at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_set_timer at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_set_userdata at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_setup at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_free at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_sr_init at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_sr_new at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_sr_set_aoc_charging_request at Base 1.4.12
 + pri_sr_set_bearer at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_set_called at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_set_called_subaddress at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_caller at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_set_caller_party at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_caller_subaddress at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_channel at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_set_connection_call_independent at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_set_keypad_digits at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_no_channel_call at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_redirecting at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_sr_set_redirecting_parties at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_reversecharge at Base 1.4.11
 + pri_sr_set_useruser at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_switch2str at Base 1.4.10
 + pri_timer2idx at Base 1.4.10
++ pri_transfer_enable at Base 1.4.12
++ pri_transfer_rsp at Base 1.4.12
 + q921_dump at Base 1.4.10
 + q921_receive at Base 1.4.10
 + q921_start at Base 1.4.10
 + q921_transmit_iframe at Base 1.4.10
 + q921_transmit_uiframe at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_alerting at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_alloc_subcommand at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_call_getcrv at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_call_proceeding at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_call_progress at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_call_progress_with_cause at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_call_setcrv at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_call_state_str at Base 1.4.11
++ q931_cc_indirect at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_cc_timeout at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_cmp_party_id_to_address at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_connect at Base 1.4.10
++ q931_connect_acknowledge at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_address_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_id_address_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_name_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_number_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_presented_id_address_screened_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_presented_number_screened_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_presented_number_unscreened_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_copy_subaddress_to_rose at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_destroycall at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_disconnect at Base 1.4.10
-  q931_dl_indication at Base 1.4.10
++ q931_display_name_get at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_display_text at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_dl_event at Base
 + q931_dump at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_facility at Base 1.4.10
-  q931_find_call at Base 1.4.11
++ q931_facility_called at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_facility_display_name at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_find_held_active_call at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_find_link_id_call at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_find_winning_call at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_get_subcall_count at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_hangup at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_information at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_init_call_record at Base 1.4.11
++ q931_is_call_valid at Base
++ q931_is_call_valid_gripe at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_keypad_facility at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_master_pass_event at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_new_call at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_notify at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_notify_redirection at Base 1.4.11
++ q931_party_address_cmp at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_party_address_copy_to_pri at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_party_address_init at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_id_cmp at Base 1.4.11
++ q931_party_id_cmp_address at Base 1.4.12
++ q931_party_id_copy_to_address at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_party_id_copy_to_pri at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_id_fixup at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_id_init at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_id_presentation at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_name_cmp at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_name_copy_to_pri at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_name_init at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_number_cmp at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_number_copy_to_pri at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_number_init at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_redirecting_copy_to_pri at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_redirecting_init at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_subaddress_cmp at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_subaddress_copy_to_pri at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_party_subaddress_init at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_receive at Base 1.4.10
++ q931_register at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_release at Base 1.4.10
++ q931_request_subaddress at Base 1.4.12
 + q931_restart at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_send_hold at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_send_hold_ack at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_send_hold_rej at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_send_retrieve at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_send_retrieve_ack at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_send_retrieve_rej at Base 1.4.11
 + q931_setup at Base 1.4.10
 + q931_setup_ack at Base 1.4.10
++ q931_subaddress_transfer at Base 1.4.12
 + qsig_cf_callrerouting at Base 1.4.10
 + rlt_initiate_transfer at Base 1.4.10
 + rose_called_name_encode at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_connected_name_encode at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_copy_address_to_id_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_address_to_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_name_to_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_number_to_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_presented_address_screened_to_id_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_presented_number_screened_to_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_presented_number_unscreened_to_q931 at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_copy_subaddress_to_q931 at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_dec_Address at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_AddressScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_NumberScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_PartyNumber at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_PartySubaddress at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_PresentedAddressScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_PresentedNumberScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_PresentedNumberUnscreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_Q931ie at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_dms100_RLT_OperationInd_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_dms100_RLT_ThirdParty_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_AOCDChargingUnit_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_AOCDCurrency_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_AOCEChargingUnit_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_AOCECurrency_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_AOCSCurrency_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_AOCSSpecialArr_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_ActivationDiversion_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_ActivationStatusNotificationDiv_ARG at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSBFree_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSCall_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSDeactivate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSErase_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSInterrogate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSInterrogate_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSRemoteUserFree_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSStatusRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSStatusRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBSStopAlerting_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBS_T_Request_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCBS_T_Request_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCNRInterrogate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCNRInterrogate_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCNRRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCNRRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCNR_T_Request_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_CCNR_T_Request_RES at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_dec_etsi_CallDeflection_ARG at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_dec_etsi_CallInfoRetain_ARG at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_dec_etsi_CallRerouting_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_ChargingRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_ChargingRequest_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_DeactivationDiversion_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_DiversionInformation_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_DivertingLegInformation1_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_DivertingLegInformation2_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_DivertingLegInformation3_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_EctInform_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_EctLinkIdRequest_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_EctLoopTest_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_EctLoopTest_RES at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_dec_etsi_EraseCallLinkageID_ARG at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_dec_etsi_ExplicitEctExecute_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_InterrogateServedUserNumbers_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_InterrogationDiversion_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_etsi_InterrogationDiversion_RES at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_dec_etsi_MWIActivate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_MWIDeactivate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_MWIIndicate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_StatusRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_etsi_StatusRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_dec_etsi_SubaddressTransfer_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_ni2_InformationFollowing_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_ni2_InitiateTransfer_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_ActivateDiversionQ_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_AocComplete_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_AocComplete_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_AocDivChargeReq_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_AocFinal_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_AocInterim_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_AocRate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_BusyName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallRerouting_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallTransferActive_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallTransferComplete_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallTransferIdentify_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallTransferInitiate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallTransferSetup_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallTransferUpdate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CalledName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CallingName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcCancel_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcExecPossible_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcPathReserve_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcPathReserve_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcResume_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcRingout_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcSuspend_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcbsRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcbsRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcnrRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_dec_qsig_CcnrRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_dec_qsig_ChargeRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_ChargeRequest_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_CheckRestriction_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_ConnectedName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_DeactivateDiversionQ_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_DivertingLegInformation1_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_DivertingLegInformation2_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_DivertingLegInformation3_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_DummyArg_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_DummyRes_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_InterrogateDiversionQ_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_InterrogateDiversionQ_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_MWIActivate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_MWIDeactivate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_MWIInterrogate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_MWIInterrogate_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_Name at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_dec_qsig_SubaddressTransfer_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_decode at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_diverting_leg_information1_encode at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_diverting_leg_information3_encode at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_Address at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_AddressScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_NumberScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_PartyNumber at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_PartySubaddress at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_PresentedAddressScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_PresentedNumberScreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_PresentedNumberUnscreened at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_Q931ie at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_dms100_RLT_OperationInd_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_dms100_RLT_ThirdParty_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_AOCDChargingUnit_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_AOCDCurrency_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_AOCEChargingUnit_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_AOCECurrency_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_AOCSCurrency_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_AOCSSpecialArr_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_ActivationDiversion_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_ActivationStatusNotificationDiv_ARG at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSBFree_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSCall_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSDeactivate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSErase_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSInterrogate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSInterrogate_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSRemoteUserFree_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSStatusRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSStatusRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBSStopAlerting_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBS_T_Request_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCBS_T_Request_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCNRInterrogate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCNRInterrogate_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCNRRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCNRRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCNR_T_Request_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_CCNR_T_Request_RES at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_enc_etsi_CallDeflection_ARG at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_enc_etsi_CallInfoRetain_ARG at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_enc_etsi_CallRerouting_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_ChargingRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_ChargingRequest_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_DeactivationDiversion_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_DeactivationStatusNotificationDiv_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_DiversionInformation_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_DivertingLegInformation1_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_DivertingLegInformation2_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_DivertingLegInformation3_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_EctInform_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_EctLinkIdRequest_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_EctLoopTest_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_EctLoopTest_RES at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_enc_etsi_EraseCallLinkageID_ARG at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_enc_etsi_ExplicitEctExecute_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_InterrogateServedUserNumbers_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_InterrogationDiversion_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_etsi_InterrogationDiversion_RES at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_enc_etsi_MWIActivate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_MWIDeactivate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_MWIIndicate_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_StatusRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_etsi_StatusRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_enc_etsi_SubaddressTransfer_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_ni2_InformationFollowing_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_ni2_InitiateTransfer_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_ActivateDiversionQ_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_AocComplete_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_AocComplete_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_AocDivChargeReq_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_AocFinal_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_AocInterim_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_AocRate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_BusyName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallRerouting_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallTransferActive_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallTransferComplete_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallTransferIdentify_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallTransferInitiate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallTransferSetup_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallTransferUpdate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CalledName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CallingName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcPathReserve_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcPathReserve_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcResume_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcRingout_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcSuspend_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcbsRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcbsRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcnrRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enc_qsig_CcnrRequest_RES at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_enc_qsig_ChargeRequest_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_ChargeRequest_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_CheckRestriction_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_ConnectedName_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_DeactivateDiversionQ_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_DivertingLegInformation1_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_DivertingLegInformation2_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_DivertingLegInformation3_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_DummyArg_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_DummyRes_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_InterrogateDiversionQ_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_InterrogateDiversionQ_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_MWIActivate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_MWIDeactivate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_MWIInterrogate_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_MWIInterrogate_RES at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_Name at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_enc_qsig_SubaddressTransfer_ARG at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_encode at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_encode_error at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_encode_invoke at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_encode_reject at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_encode_result at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_enq_qsig_CcCancel_ARG at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_enq_qsig_CcExecPossible_ARG at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_error2str at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_error_msg_encode at Base 1.4.12
 + rose_handle_error at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_handle_invoke at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_handle_reject at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_handle_result at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_operation2str at Base 1.4.11
 + rose_reject2str at Base 1.4.11
++ rose_request_subaddress_encode at Base 1.4.12
++ rose_result_ok_encode at Base 1.4.12
 + send_call_transfer_complete at Base 1.4.11
++ send_facility_error at Base 1.4.12
++ send_facility_result_ok at Base 1.4.12
 + send_reroute_request at Base 1.4.11
++ send_subaddress_transfer at Base 1.4.12
diff --cc debian/patches/enable-gcc-optimizations
index 1838577,0000000..e1eb426
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/enable-gcc-optimizations
+++ b/debian/patches/enable-gcc-optimizations
@@@ -1,33 -1,0 +1,39 @@@
 +Don't discard CFLAGS of the environment and turn off all optimizations as
 +those are handled by our build system.
 +Author: Faidon Liambotis <paravoid at debian.org>
 +--- a/Makefile
 ++++ b/Makefile
- @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
++@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ DYNAMIC_OBJS= \
 + 	rose_qsig_mwi.lo \
 + 	rose_qsig_name.lo \
 + 	version.lo
- -CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC $(ALERTING) $(LIBPRI_COUNTERS) $(LIBPRI_OPT)
- +CFLAGS += -Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC $(ALERTING) $(LIBPRI_COUNTERS)
++-CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC $(ALERTING) $(LIBPRI_OPT) $(COVERAGE_CFLAGS)
+++CFLAGS+=-Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC $(ALERTING) $(LIBPRI_OPT) $(COVERAGE_CFLAGS)
 + libdir?=$(INSTALL_BASE)/lib
- @@ -109,16 +109,6 @@
++@@ -124,22 +124,6 @@ export PRIVERSION
 + PRIVERSION:=$(shell GREP=$(GREP) AWK=$(AWK) build_tools/make_version .)
 +-#The problem with sparc is the best stuff is in newer versions of gcc (post 3.0) only.
 +-#This works for even old (2.96) versions of gcc and provides a small boost either way.
 +-#A ultrasparc cpu is really v9 but the stock debian stable 3.0 gcc doesnt support it.
 +-ifeq ($(PROC),sparc64)
 +-LIBPRI_OPT = -mtune=$(PROC) -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -mcpu=v8
++-  ifneq ($(CODE_COVERAGE),)
++-    LIBPRI_OPT=
++-    COVERAGE_CFLAGS=-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
++-    COVERAGE_LDFLAGS=-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
++-  else
++-    LIBPRI_OPT=-O2
++-  endif
 + ifeq ($(CPUARCH),i686)
 + CFLAGS += -m32
 + SOFLAGS += -m32
diff --cc debian/patches/series
index e23e42d,0000000..9d20387
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@@ -1,1 -1,0 +1,2 @@@
diff --cc debian/patches/spelling-error-in-binary.patch
index 0000000,0000000..2462cc1
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/spelling-error-in-binary.patch
@@@ -1,0 -1,0 +1,16 @@@
++Description: spelling-error-in-binary
++Bug-Debian: http://lintian.debian.org/tags/spelling-error-in-binary.html
++Index: libpri-1.4.12/q931.c
++--- libpri-1.4.12.orig/q931.c	2011-05-18 06:13:10.000000000 +1000
+++++ libpri-1.4.12/q931.c	2012-06-24 21:08:40.000000000 +1000
++@@ -6705,7 +6705,7 @@
++ 		case Q931_CALL_STATE_RESTART:
++ 			pri_error(ctrl,
++-				"Wierd, doing nothing but this shouldn't happen, ourstate %s, peerstate %s\n",
+++				"Weird, doing nothing but this shouldn't happen, ourstate %s, peerstate %s\n",
++ 				q931_call_state_str(c->ourcallstate),
++ 				q931_call_state_str(c->peercallstate));
++ 			break;
diff --cc debian/rules
index 480bf4a,0000000..e8f6869
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@@ -1,19 -1,0 +1,8 @@@
 +#!/usr/bin/make -f
 +	dh $@
- # stolen from cdbs...
- DEB_VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | egrep '^Version:' | cut -f 2 -d ' ')
- DEB_NOEPOCH_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | cut -d: -f2-)
- DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_NOEPOCH_VERSION) | sed 's/-[^-]*$$//')
- FILENAME := libpri_$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).orig.tar.gz
- URL := http://downloads.digium.com/pub/libpri/releases/libpri-$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).tar.gz
- 	@@dh_testdir
- 	@@[ -d ../tarballs/. ]||mkdir -p ../tarballs
- 	@@echo Downloading $(FILENAME) from $(URL) ...
- 	@@wget -nv -T10 -t3 -O ../tarballs/$(FILENAME) $(URL)
++	uscan --force-download
 +.PHONY: get-orig-source

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/libpri.git

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