[Pkg-voip-commits] r10648 - in /linphone/trunk/debian: ./ patches/ upstream/

lechner-guest at alioth.debian.org lechner-guest at alioth.debian.org
Fri May 22 19:28:56 UTC 2015

Author: lechner-guest
Date: Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
New Revision: 10648

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/?sc=1&rev=10648
* New upstream release 3.8.2
  - Fixes "New upstream version available" (Closes: #743474)
* Enabled LDAP; added Build-Depends: libldap2-dev, libsasl2-dev
* Enabled zrtp
* Enabled Lime
* Added upstream signing key
* Added pgpsigurlmangle option to watch
* Removed a URL from watch
* Replaced Build-Depends: libcunit1-dev with libcunit1-ncurses-dev
* Removed duplicates from Build-Depends:
* Updated Standards-Version: to 3.9.6
* Made Vcs-Svn: canonical
* Changed liblinphone7 package name to match SONAME
* Changed libmediastreamer-base4 package name to match SONAME
* Added lintian override for embedded srtp library (symbol conflict)
* Fixed spelling errors
* Removed /usr/share/gnome from installation dirs for linphone-common


Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/changelog?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/changelog	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/changelog	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -1,20 +1,45 @@
-linphone (3.7.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * New upstream release 
+linphone (3.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Felix Lechner ]
+  * New upstream release 3.8.2
     - Fixes "New upstream version available" (Closes: #743474)
-  [ Felix Lechner ]
-  * Team upload.
+  * Enabled LDAP; added Build-Depends: libldap2-dev, libsasl2-dev
+  * Enabled zrtp
+  * Enabled Lime
+  * Added upstream signing key
+  * Added pgpsigurlmangle option to watch
+  * Removed a URL from watch
+  * Replaced Build-Depends: libcunit1-dev with libcunit1-ncurses-dev
+  * Removed duplicates from Build-Depends:
+  * Updated Standards-Version: to 3.9.6
+  * Made Vcs-Svn: canonical
+  * Changed liblinphone7 package name to match SONAME
+  * Changed libmediastreamer-base4 package name to match SONAME
+  * Added lintian override for embedded srtp library (symbol conflict)
+  * Fixed spelling errors
+  * Removed /usr/share/gnome from installation dirs for linphone-common
   [ Mark Purcell ]
   * Update debian/watch
-  * Fix "linphone Broken Vcs-Svn: header in debian/control" 
+  * Fix "linphone Broken Vcs-Svn: header in debian/control"
     updated debian/control (Closes: #743652)
   * Add Build-Depends: polarssl, gsm1
-  * Fix "FTBFS with libav10" upload to unstable (Closes: #739314)
-  * TODO: fixup libav10.patch
- -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Fri, 18 Apr 2014 21:25:06 +1000
+ -- Felix Lechner <felix.lechner at gmail.com>  Fri, 22 May 2015 12:26:42 -0700
+linphone (3.6.1-2.4) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Add libav11.patch fix compilation against libav11 (Closes: #758017)
+ -- Reinhard Tartler <siretart at tauware.de>  Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:01:47 -0400
+linphone (3.6.1-2.3) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Upload to unstable now that libav10 is in the archive (Closes: #739314)
+ -- Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm at debian.org>  Wed, 14 May 2014 00:25:23 +0200
 linphone (3.6.1-2.2) experimental; urgency=low

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/control?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/control	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/control	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
  libncurses5-dev, libreadline6-dev, libnotify-dev, libpango1.0-dev,
  sgmltools-lite, vim-common,
- libpcap-dev, libupnp-dev, libcunit1-dev,
+ libpcap-dev, libupnp-dev, libcunit1-ncurses-dev,
  libbellesip-dev (>= 1.3),
  libsqlite3-dev, libsoup2.4-dev, libxml-parser-perl,
- libncurses5-dev, libreadline-dev, libnotify-dev,
  libudev-dev [linux-any], libasound2-dev [linux-any], libv4l-dev [linux-any],
  libspeex-dev, libspeexdsp-dev, libspandsp-dev, libopus-dev, libogg-dev,
@@ -23,6 +22,7 @@
  libreadline-dev, libsdl1.2-dev,
+ libldap2-dev, libsasl2-dev,
  libcairo2-dev, libfontconfig1-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev,
  libavcodec-dev (>= 6:10~), libavutil-dev (>= 6:10~), libswscale-dev (>= 6:10~)
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
 # Requires updated libsrtp-dev
 # libsrtp-dev [!hurd-any !sparc], libzrtpcpp-dev (>= 2.1),
-Standards-Version: 3.9.5
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
 Homepage: http://www.linphone.org/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/
+Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/
 Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-voip/linphone/
 Package: linphone
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 Package: linphone-nogtk
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends},
  linphone-common (= ${source:Version}),
- liblinphone6 (= ${binary:Version}), host
+ liblinphone7 (= ${binary:Version}), host
 Architecture: any
 Description: SIP softphone - console-only client
  Linphone is an audio and video internet phone using the SIP protocol. It 
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
  This package contains the resource files of linphone (the rings).
-Package: liblinphone6
+Package: liblinphone7
 Section: libs
 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 Package: liblinphone-dev
 Section: libdevel
-Depends: liblinphone6 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends},
+Depends: liblinphone7 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends},
  libmediastreamer-dev, libortp-dev
 Architecture: any
 Description: Linphone web phone's library - development files
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
  This package contains the files needed to use the linphone's library in your
-Package: libmediastreamer-base3
+Package: libmediastreamer-base4
 Section: libs
 Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 Package: libmediastreamer-dev
 Section: libdevel
-Depends: libmediastreamer-base3 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends},
+Depends: libmediastreamer-base4 (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends},
 Architecture: any
 Description: Linphone web phone's media library - development files
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@
 Description: Real-time Transport Protocol stack
  This library implements the RFC 1889 (RTP) with a easy to use API with high
  and low level access.
+ .
+ This package is part of Linphone.
 Package: libortp-dev
 Section: libdevel

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/copyright
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/copyright?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/copyright	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/copyright	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 Some libraries are under other copyrights / licenses:
 * FFmpeg: Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Gerard Lantau.
-  Released under the GNU General Public License
-  (see /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL)
+  Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License
+  (see /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1)
 * gsmlib: Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann,
   Technische Universitaet Berlin
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
 * oRTP: Copyright (C) Simon Morlat
   Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License
-  (see /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL).
+  (see /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1).
 * osipua: Copyright (C) 2001 Simon Morlat and Aymeric Moizard
   Released under the GNU Lesser General Public License
-  (see /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL).
+  (see /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL-2.1).
 * speex: Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Jean-Marc Valin

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.install?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.install	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.install	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.symbols?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.symbols	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/liblinphone7.symbols	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,1730 @@
+liblinphone.so.7 liblinphone7 #MINVER#
+ LinphoneBuffer_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneCallLog_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneCallParams_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneCall_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneChatMessageCbs_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneChatMessage_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneChatRoom_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneContactProvider_vptr at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneContactProvider_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneContactSearch_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneContent_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneFriend_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneLDAPContactProvider_vptr at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneLDAPContactProvider_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneLDAPContactSearch_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ LinphoneProxyConfig_vptr_get at Base 3.8.2
+ __index_to_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ __linphone_core_invalidate_registers at Base 3.8.2
+ __linphone_friend_do_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ __policy_enum_to_str at Base 3.8.2
+ __policy_str_to_enum at Base 3.8.2
+ __sal_op_free at Base 3.8.2
+ __sal_op_init at Base 3.8.2
+ __sal_op_set_network_origin at Base 3.8.2
+ __sal_op_set_network_origin_address at Base 3.8.2
+ __sal_op_set_remote_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ _belle_sip_log at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_accept_call_update at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_add_listener at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_apply_transports at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_codec_config_write at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_get_chat_room at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_pause_call at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_core_set_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_player_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_proxy_config_release at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_proxy_config_release_ops at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_proxy_config_unregister at Base 3.8.2
+ _linphone_upnp_context_is_ready_for_register at Base 3.8.2
+ _post_configure_audio_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ _sal_op_add_custom_headers at Base 3.8.2
+ _sal_reason_from_sip_code at Base 3.8.2
+ _update_local_media_description_from_ice at Base 3.8.2
+ buddy_info_free at Base 3.8.2
+ buddy_info_new at Base 3.8.2
+ buddy_lookup_request_free at Base 3.8.2
+ buddy_lookup_request_set_key at Base 3.8.2
+ buddy_lookup_request_set_max_results at Base 3.8.2
+ call_logs_read_from_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ call_logs_write_to_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ ec_calibrator_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ec_calibrator_get_status at Base 3.8.2
+ ec_calibrator_new at Base 3.8.2
+ enum_lookup at Base 3.8.2
+ enum_lookup_res_free at Base 3.8.2
+ get_audio_dir_from_call_params at Base 3.8.2
+ get_nowebcam_device at Base 3.8.2
+ get_proto_from_call_params at Base 3.8.2
+ get_subscription_state at Base 3.8.2
+ get_video_dir_from_call_params at Base 3.8.2
+ guess_contact_for_register at Base 3.8.2
+ is_enum at Base 3.8.2
+ is_payload_type_number_available at Base 3.8.2
+ lc_callback_obj_init at Base 3.8.2
+ lc_callback_obj_invoke at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_byteToChar at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_charToByte at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_createMultipartMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_decryptFile at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_decryptMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_decryptMultipartMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_encryptFile at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_encryptMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_error_code_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_freeKeys at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_getCachedRcvKeyByZid at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_getCachedSndKeysByURI at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_int8ToStr at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_is_available at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_setCachedKey at Base 3.8.2
+ lime_strToUint8 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_get_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_get_username at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_set_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_set_email at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_set_password at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_set_route at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_set_suscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_set_username at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_test_existence at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_test_validation at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_account_creator_validate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_as_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_as_string_uri_only at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_clean at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_equal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_display_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_password at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_scheme at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_secure at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_transport at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_get_username at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_is_secure at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_is_sip at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_display_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_password at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_secure at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_transport at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_set_username at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_address_weak_equal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_get_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_get_ha1 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_get_passwd at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_get_realm at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_get_userid at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_get_username at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_new_from_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_set_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_set_ha1 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_set_passwd at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_set_realm at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_set_userid at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_set_username at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_auth_info_write_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_get_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_get_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_get_string_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_is_empty at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_new_from_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_new_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_set_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_set_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_set_string_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_buffer_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_add_to_conf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_asked_to_autoanswer at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_background_tasks at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_build_player at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_camera_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_cancel_dtmfs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_create_op at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_delete_ice_session at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_delete_upnp_session at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_echo_cancellation_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_echo_limiter_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_enable_camera at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_enable_echo_cancellation at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_enable_echo_limiter at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_fix_call_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_free_media_resources at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_audio_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_authentication_token at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_authentication_token_verified at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_average_quality at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_call_log at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_core at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_current_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_current_quality at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_error_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_native_video_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_play_volume at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_player at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_reason at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_record_volume at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_refer_to at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_remote_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_remote_address_as_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_remote_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_remote_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_remote_user_agent at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_replaced_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_transfer_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_transfer_target_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_transferer_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_video_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_get_video_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_handle_stream_events at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_has_transfer_pending at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_increment_local_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_init_audio_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_init_media_streams at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_init_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_init_video_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_is_in_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_completed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_call_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_from_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_local_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_quality at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_ref_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_remote_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_remote_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_start_date at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_to_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_set_ref_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_to_str at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_log_video_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_make_local_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_make_local_media_description_with_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_media_in_progress at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_new_incoming at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_new_outgoing at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_notify_stats_updated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_add_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_early_media_sending_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_enable_early_media_sending at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_enable_low_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_enable_video at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_audio_direction at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_local_conference_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_media_encryption at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_privacy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_received_framerate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_received_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_record_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_rtp_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_sent_framerate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_sent_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_session_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_used_audio_codec at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_used_video_codec at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_get_video_direction at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_low_bandwidth_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_audio_bandwidth_limit at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_audio_direction at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_media_encryption at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_privacy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_record_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_session_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_set_video_direction at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_params_video_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_prepare_ice at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_remove_from_conf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_send_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_send_dtmfs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_send_info_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_send_vfu_request at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_authentication_token_verified at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_compatible_incoming_call_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_contact_op at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_native_video_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_new_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_next_video_frame_decoded_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_transfer_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_start_media_streams at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_start_recording at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_fill at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_download_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_ice_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_late_packets_cumulative_number at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_receiver_interarrival_jitter at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_receiver_loss_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_rtp_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_sender_interarrival_jitter at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_sender_loss_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_upload_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stats_get_upnp_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stop_ice_for_inactive_streams at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stop_media_streams at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stop_media_streams_for_ice_gathering at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_stop_recording at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_take_preview_snapshot at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_take_video_snapshot at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_update_crypto_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_update_frozen_payloads at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_update_ice_from_remote_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_update_local_media_description_from_ice_or_upnp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_update_remote_session_id_and_ver at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_call_zoom_video at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_add_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cancel_file_transfer at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_get_file_transfer_progress_indication at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_get_file_transfer_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_get_file_transfer_send at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_get_msg_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_set_file_transfer_progress_indication at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_set_file_transfer_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_set_file_transfer_send at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_set_msg_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_cbs_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_download_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_appdata at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_callbacks at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_chat_room at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_error_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_external_body_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_file_transfer_filepath at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_file_transfer_information at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_from_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_local_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_peer_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_reason at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_storage_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_text at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_time at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_to_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_is_outgoing at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_is_read at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_set_appdata at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_set_external_body_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_set_file_transfer_filepath at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_set_from_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_set_to_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_start_file_download at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_store at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_store_appdata at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_store_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_message_update_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_compose at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_create_file_transfer_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_create_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_create_message_2 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_delete_history at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_delete_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_core at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_history at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_history_range at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_history_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_lc at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_peer_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_unread_messages_count at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_is_remote_composing at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_mark_as_read at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_message_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_release at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_send_chat_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_send_message2 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_send_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_chat_room_update_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_close_storage at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_configure_op at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_configuring_terminated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_provider_begin_search at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_provider_cancel_search at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_provider_cast at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_provider_init at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_provider_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_provider_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_cast at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_compare at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_get_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_get_predicate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_init at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_invoke_cb at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_contact_search_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_from_sal_body at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_cryptoContext_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_encoding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_key_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_string_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_subtype at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_private_to_linphone_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_encoding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_string_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_subtype at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_to_linphone_content_private at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_content_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_abort_authentication at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_abort_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_accept_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_accept_call_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_accept_call_with_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_accept_early_media at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_accept_early_media_with_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_adapt_to_network at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_adaptive_rate_control_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_all_to_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_auth_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_friend at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_iterate_hook at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_listener at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_subscriber at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_supported_tag at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_add_to_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_agc_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_audio_adaptive_jittcomp_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_audio_multicast_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_can_we_add_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_chat_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_check_payload_type_usability at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_clear_all_auth_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_clear_call_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_clear_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_compress_log_collection at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_conference_check_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_auth_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_call_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_chat_room at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_default_call_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_friend at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_friend_with_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_info_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_local_player at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_lp_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_model at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_model_with_activity_and_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_person at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_presence_service at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_create_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_decline_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_defer_call_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_del_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_disable_chat at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_disable_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_dns_srv_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_dtmf_received_has_listener at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_echo_cancellation_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_echo_limiter_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_adaptive_rate_control at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_agc at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_audio_adaptive_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_audio_multicast at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_chat at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_dns_srv at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_echo_cancellation at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_echo_limiter at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_generic_confort_noise at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_ipv6 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_keep_alive at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_lime at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_log_collection at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_logs_with_cb at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_mic at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_sdp_200_ack at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_self_view at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video_adaptive_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video_capture at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video_display at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video_multicast at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video_preview at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enable_video_source_reuse at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_enter_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_find_auth_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_find_best_identity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_find_call_from_uri at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_find_friend at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_find_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_gather_ice_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_generic_confort_noise_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_adaptive_rate_algorithm at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_codecs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_features at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_multicast_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_multicast_ttl at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_audio_port_range at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_auth_info_list at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_avpf_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_avpf_rr_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address2 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_call_by_remote_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_call_error_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_call_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_calls at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_calls_nb at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_camera_sensor_rotation at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_capture_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_chat_room at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_chat_room_from_uri at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_chat_rooms at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_conference_local_input_volume at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_conference_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_current_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_current_call_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_current_call_remote_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_current_call_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_current_preview_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_current_vtable at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_default_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_default_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_delayed_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_device_identifier at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_device_rotation at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_download_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_download_ptime at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_edge_bw at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_edge_ptime at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_file_transfer_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_firewall_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_friend_by_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_friend_by_ref_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_friend_list at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_global_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_guess_hostname at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_identity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_in_call_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_inc_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_local_ip at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_local_ip_for at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_log_collection_max_file_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_log_collection_path at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_log_collection_prefix at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_log_collection_upload_server_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_max_calls at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_media_encryption at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_mic_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_missed_calls_count at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_nat_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_nat_address_resolved at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_native_preview_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_native_video_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_network_simulator_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_nortp_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_or_create_chat_room at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_payload_type_bitrate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_payload_type_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_payload_type_number at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_play_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_play_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_playback_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_playback_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_preferred_framerate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_preferred_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_preferred_video_size_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_presence_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_presence_model at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_preview_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_primary_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_primary_contact_parsed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_provisioning_uri at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_proxy_config_list at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_rec_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_record_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_remote_ringback_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_ring at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_ring_during_incoming_early_media at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_ring_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_ringback at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_ringer_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_root_ca at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_route at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_rtp_no_xmit_on_audio_mute at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_setups at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_socket at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_transport_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_transports at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sip_transports_used at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sound_devices at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_sound_source at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_srtp_crypto_suites at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_static_picture at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_static_picture_fps at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_stun_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_stun_server_addrinfo at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_supported_file_formats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_supported_video_sizes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_tone_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_tunnel at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_upload_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_upload_ptime at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_upnp_external_ipaddress at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_upnp_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_use_info_for_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_use_rfc2833_for_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_user_agent at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_user_agent_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_user_agent_version at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_user_certificates_path at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_version at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_codecs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_devices at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_display_filter at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_multicast_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_multicast_ttl at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_video_port_range at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_zrtp_auth_suites at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_zrtp_cipher_suites at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_zrtp_hash_suites at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_zrtp_key_agreement_suites at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_zrtp_sas_suites at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_get_zrtp_secrets_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_in_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_incompatible_security at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_init_default_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_interpret_friend_uri at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_interpret_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_invalidate_friend_subscriptions at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_invite at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_invite_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_invite_address_with_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_invite_with_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_ipv6_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_composing_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_in_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_incoming_invite_pending at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_media_encryption_mandatory at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_mic_muted at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_network_reachable at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_payload_type_usable_for_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_provisioning_transient at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_is_rtp_muted at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_iterate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_keep_alive_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_leave_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_lime_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_log_collection_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_lookup_known_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_media_description_contains_video_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_media_encryption_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_message_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_message_storage_close at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_message_storage_init at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_message_storage_set_debug at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_mic_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_migrate_to_multi_transport at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_mute_mic at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_new_with_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_all_friends at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_auth_info_requested at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_buddy_info_updated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_call_encryption_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_call_log_updated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_call_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_call_stats_updated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_configuring_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_display_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_display_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_display_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_display_warning at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_dtmf_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_file_transfer_progress_indication at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_file_transfer_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_file_transfer_send at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_global_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_incoming_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_info_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_info_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_is_composing_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_log_collection_upload_progress_indication at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_log_collection_upload_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_message_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_network_reachable at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_new_subscription_requested at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_notify_presence_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_notify_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_publish_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_refer_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_refer_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_registration_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_show_interface at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_subscription_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_text_message_received at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_notify_transfer_state_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_pause_all_calls at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_pause_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_payload_type_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_payload_type_is_vbr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_play_call_error_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_play_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_play_local at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_play_named_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_preempt_sound_resources at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_preview_ring at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_proceed_with_invite_if_ready at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_queue_task at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_redirect_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_refresh_registers at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_reject_subscriber at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_reload_sound_devices at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_reload_video_devices at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_auth_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_call_log at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_friend at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_from_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_iterate_hook at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_listener at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_remove_supported_tag at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_reset_log_collection at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_reset_missed_calls_count at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_resolve_stun_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_restart_invite at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_resume_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_rtcp_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_run_stun_tests at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_sdp_200_ack_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_self_view_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_send_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_send_initial_subscribes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_send_presence at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_send_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_serialize_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_adaptive_rate_algorithm at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_codecs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_multicast_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_multicast_ttl at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_audio_port_range at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_avpf_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_avpf_rr_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_call_error_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_capture_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_chat_database_path at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_default_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_default_proxy_index at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_delayed_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_device_identifier at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_device_rotation at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_download_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_download_ptime at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_file_transfer_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_firewall_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_guess_hostname at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_in_call_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_inc_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_collection_max_file_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_collection_path at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_collection_prefix at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_collection_upload_server_url at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_handler at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_log_level_mask at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_max_calls at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_media_encryption at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_media_encryption_mandatory at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_mic_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_nat_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_native_preview_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_native_video_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_network_reachable at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_network_simulator_params at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_nortp_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_payload_type_bitrate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_payload_type_number at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_play_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_play_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_playback_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_playback_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_preferred_framerate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_preferred_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_preferred_video_size_by_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_presence_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_presence_model at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_preview_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_preview_video_size_by_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_primary_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_provisioning_uri at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_rec_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_record_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_remote_ringback_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_ring at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_ring_during_incoming_early_media at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_ring_level at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_ringback at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_ringer_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_root_ca at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_rtp_no_xmit_on_audio_mute at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_rtp_transport_factories at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_sip_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_sip_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_sip_transport_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_sip_transports at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_sound_source at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_srtp_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_static_picture at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_static_picture_fps at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_stun_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_tone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_upload_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_upload_ptime at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_use_files at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_use_info_for_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_use_rfc2833_for_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_user_agent at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_user_certificates_path at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_codecs at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_device at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_display_filter at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_multicast_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_multicast_ttl at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_video_port_range at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_waiting_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_set_zrtp_secrets_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_should_subscribe_friends_only_when_registered at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_show_video at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_sip_transport_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_sound_device_can_capture at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_sound_device_can_playback at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_sound_resources_locked at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_soundcard_hint_check at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_accept_call_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_conference_recording at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_dtmf_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_echo_calibration at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_invite at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_refered_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_update_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_start_waiting at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_stop_conference_recording at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_stop_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_stop_dtmf_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_stop_ringing at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_stop_waiting at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_symmetric_rtp_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_terminate_all_calls at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_terminate_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_terminate_conference at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_tone_indications_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_transfer_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_transfer_call_to_another at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_tunnel_available at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_allocated_audio_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_allocated_audio_bandwidth_in_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_call at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_friends_subscriptions at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_ice_state_in_call_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_local_media_description_from_upnp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_progress at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_streams at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_streams_destinations at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_upnp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_upnp_audio_video at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_upnp_from_remote_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_update_upnp_state_in_call_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_upload_log_collection at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_upnp_available at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_upnp_hook at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_use_preview_window at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_use_sound_daemon at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_v_table_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_v_table_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_v_table_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_v_table_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_verify_server_certificates at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_verify_server_cn at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_adaptive_jittcomp_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_capture_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_display_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_multicast_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_preview_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_video_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_core_write_friends_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_create_table at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_create_xml_xpath_context at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_e164 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dial_plan_lookup_ccc_from_iso at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_clear at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_foreach at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_get_int64 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_get_int at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_get_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_haskey at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_remove at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_set_int64 at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_set_int at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_set_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_dictionary_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_error_info_get_details at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_error_info_get_phrase at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_error_info_get_protocol_code at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_error_info_get_reason at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_error_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_accept_subscription at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_add_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_deny_subscription at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_core at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_error_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_from at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_publish_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_reason at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_resource at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_subscription_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_subscription_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_new_with_op at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_new_with_out_of_dialog_op at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_notify at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_send_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_send_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_set_publish_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_set_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_terminate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_update_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_event_update_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_find_friend_by_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_find_friend_by_inc_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_find_friend_by_out_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_free_xml_text_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_apply at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_close_subscriptions at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_done at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_edit at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_enable_subscribes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_core at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_inc_subscribe_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_presence_model at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_ref_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_in_list at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_new_from_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_new_with_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_notify at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_set_address at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_set_inc_subscribe_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_set_name at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_set_ref_key at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_subscribes_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_update_subscribes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_friend_write_to_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_get_xml_text_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_get_xml_xpath_object_for_node_list at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_global_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ice_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_info_message_add_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_info_message_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_info_message_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_info_message_get_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_info_message_get_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_info_message_set_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_provider_available at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_provider_cast at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_provider_create at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_provider_get_max_result at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_provider_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_provider_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_search_cast at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_search_create at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_search_destroy_friend at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_search_result_count at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_ldap_contact_search_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_local_player_matroska_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_media_encryption_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_message_storage_init_chat_rooms at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_notify_convert_presence_to_xml at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_notify_parse_presence at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_notify_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_online_status_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_parse_host_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_payload_type_get_channels at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_payload_type_get_mime_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_payload_type_get_normal_bitrate at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_payload_type_get_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_close at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_get_current_position at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_get_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_open at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_pause at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_seek at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_player_start at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_get_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_get_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_set_description at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_set_type at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_activity_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_add_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_add_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_add_person at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_add_service at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_clear_activities at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_clear_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_clear_persons at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_clear_services at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_basic_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_nb_activities at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_nb_persons at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_nb_services at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_nth_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_nth_person at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_nth_service at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_timestamp at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_new_with_activity_and_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_set_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_set_basic_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_set_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_model_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_get_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_get_lang at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_set_content at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_set_lang at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_note_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_add_activities_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_add_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_add_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_clear_activities at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_clear_activities_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_clear_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_nb_activities_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_nb_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_nth_activities_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_nth_activity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_nth_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_set_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_person_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_add_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_clear_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_get_basic_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_get_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_get_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_get_nb_notes at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_get_nth_note at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_set_basic_status at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_set_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_set_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_presence_service_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_privacy_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_address_equal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_apply at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_avpf_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_check at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_done at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_edit at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_enable_avpf at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_enable_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_enable_quality_reporting at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_enable_register at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_avpf_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_avpf_rr_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_contact_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_contact_uri_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_core at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_dial_escape_plus at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_dial_prefix at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_error at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_error_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_expires at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_identity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_privacy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_publish_expires at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_quality_reporting_collector at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_quality_reporting_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_realm at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_route at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_server_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_service_route at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_sip_setup at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_sip_setup_context at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_transport at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_get_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_is_phone_number at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_is_registered at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_is_server_config_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_new_from_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_normalize_number at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_pause_register at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_publish_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_quality_reporting_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_refresh_register at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_register_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_send_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_avpf_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_avpf_rr_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_contact_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_contact_uri_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_dial_escape_plus at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_dial_prefix at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_expires at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_identity at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_privacy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_publish_expires at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_quality_reporting_collector at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_quality_reporting_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_realm at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_route at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_server_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_sip_setup at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_set_user_data at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_stop_refreshing at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_write_all_to_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_proxy_config_write_to_config_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_publish_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reason_from_sal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reason_to_sal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reason_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_registration_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_remote_provisioning_download_and_apply at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_remote_provisioning_load_file at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_call_state_updated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_on_rtcp_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_publish_interval_report at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_publish_session_report at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_set_on_report_send at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_update_ip at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_reporting_update_media_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sal_callbacks at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sip_login at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sip_wizard at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sound_daemon_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sound_daemon_get_player at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sound_daemon_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sound_daemon_release_all_players at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sound_daemon_release_player at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sound_daemon_stop_all_players at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sql_request at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sql_request_all at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_sql_request_message at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_subscription_closed at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_subscription_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_subscription_state_from_sal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_subscription_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_timestamp_to_rfc3339_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tone_description_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tone_description_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_add_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_auto_detect at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_auto_detect_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_clean_servers at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_get_delay at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_get_host at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_get_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_get_remote_udp_mirror_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_set_delay at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_set_host at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_set_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_config_set_remote_udp_mirror_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_configure at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_connected at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_enable at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_enable_logs_with_handler at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_enable_sip at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_get_activated at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_get_http_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_get_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_get_servers at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_mode_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_mode_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_reconnect at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_remove_server at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_set_http_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_set_http_proxy_auth_info at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_set_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_tunnel_sip_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_update_table at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_call_process at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_config_add_port_binding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_config_list_port_bindings at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_config_remove_port_binding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_get_external_ipaddress at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_get_external_port at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_is_ready_for_register at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_send_add_port_binding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_context_send_remove_port_binding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_format_device_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_igd_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_igd_print at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_is_blacklisted at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_equal at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_equivalent_in_list at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_log at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_new_or_collect at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_new_with_parameters at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_release at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_retain at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_port_binding_set_device_id at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_refresh at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_session_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_session_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_session_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_stream_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_stream_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_update_config at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_update_port_binding at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_update_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_upnp_update_stream_state at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_xmlparsing_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_xmlparsing_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ linphone_xmlparsing_genericxml_error at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_comment_new at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_add_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_add_section_param at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_clean_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_find_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_for_each_entry at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_for_each_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_default_float at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_default_int64 at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_default_int at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_default_string at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_float at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_int64 at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_int at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_range at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_section_param_string at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_get_string at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_has_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_load_dict_to_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_needs_commit at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_new at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_new_from_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_new_with_factory at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_parse at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_read_file at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_read_relative_file at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_remove_section at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_section_to_dict at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_set_float at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_set_int64 at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_set_int at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_set_int_hex at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_set_range at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_set_string at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_sync at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_config_write_relative_file at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_item_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_item_new at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_item_set_value at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_item_write at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_add_item at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_find_item at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_find_param at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_new at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_param_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_param_new at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_param_write at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_remove_item at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_section_write at Base 3.8.2
+ lp_spawn_command_line_sync at Base 3.8.2
+ lpc2xml_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ lpc2xml_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ lpc2xml_convert_fd at Base 3.8.2
+ lpc2xml_convert_file at Base 3.8.2
+ lpc2xml_convert_string at Base 3.8.2
+ lpc2xml_set_lpc at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_enable_loop at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_get_daemon at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_get_user_pointer at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_loop_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_play at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_set_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_set_gain at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_set_user_pointer at Base 3.8.2
+ lsd_player_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ media_description_to_sdp at Base 3.8.2
+ media_direction_from_sal_stream_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ net_config_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ offer_answer_initiate_incoming at Base 3.8.2
+ offer_answer_initiate_outgoing at Base 3.8.2
+ parse_hostname_to_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_config_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_add_pending_auth at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_add_presence_info at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_add_supported_tag at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_as_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_as_string_uri_only at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_clean at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_display_name at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_display_name_unquoted at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_password at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_port at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_scheme at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_transport at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_transport_name at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_get_username at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_is_ipv6 at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_is_secure at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_is_sip at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_new at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_display_name at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_domain at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_header at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_param at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_params at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_password at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_port at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_secure at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_transport at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_transport_name at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_uri_params at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_set_username at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_address_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_append_stack_string_to_user_agent at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_compute_ha1 at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_create at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_delete at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_get_certificates_chain at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_get_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_get_signing_key at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_new at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_auth_info_set_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_begin_background_task at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_body_from_content at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_body_has_type at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_accept at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_autoanswer_asked at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_decline at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_get_final_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_get_remote_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_get_replaces at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_is_offerer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_notify_refer_state at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_notify_ringing at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_refer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_refer_to at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_refer_with_replaces at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_send_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_send_vfu_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_set_local_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_set_referer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_set_sdp_handling at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_terminate at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_call_update at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_cancel_timer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_certificates_chain_delete at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_certificates_chain_parse_directory at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_certificates_chain_parse_file at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_create_response_from_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_create_timer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_create_uuid at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_custom_header_append at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_custom_header_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_custom_header_find at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_custom_header_free at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_default_set_sdp_handling at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_dir_from_call_params_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_disable_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_dns_srv_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_enable_auto_contacts at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_enable_dns_srv at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_enable_logs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_enable_sip_update_method at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_enable_test_features at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_enable_unconditional_answer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_end_background_task at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_error_info_none at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_error_info_reset at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_error_info_set at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_belle_sip_stack at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_default_local_ip at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_dns_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_dns_user_hosts_file at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_keepalive_period at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_listening_port at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_pending_auths at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_random at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_random_bytes at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_random_token at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_refresher_retry_after at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_root_ca at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_socket at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_supported_tags at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_transport_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_user_agent at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_get_user_pointer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_init at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_iterate at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_lines_get_value at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_listen_port at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_empty at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_equals at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_find_best_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_find_secure_stream_of_type at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_find_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_get_active_stream_of_type at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_get_nb_active_streams at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_has_avpf at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_has_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_has_dtls at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_has_srtp at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_nb_active_streams_of_type at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_new at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_set_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_description_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_media_proto_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_message_reply at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_message_send at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_nat_helper_enable at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_nat_helper_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_notify at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_notify_close at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_notify_presence at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_notify_presence_close at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_add_body at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_add_route_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_assign_recv_headers at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_authenticate at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_build_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_call_fill_cbs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_call_process_notify at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_cancel_authentication at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_cnx_ip_to_0000_if_sendonly_enable at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_cnx_ip_to_0000_if_sendonly_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_create_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_create_response_from_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_auth_requested at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_body at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_call_id at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_contact_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_dialog_id at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_error_info at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_from at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_from_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_network_origin at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_privacy at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_public_uri at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_recv_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_remote_contact at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_remote_contact_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_remote_ua at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_route at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_route_addresses at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_sal at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_service_route at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_to at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_to_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_get_user_pointer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_is_idle at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_is_ipv6 at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_is_secure at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_message_fill_cbs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_new at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_presence_fill_cbs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_process_refer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_publish_fill_cbs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_release at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_release_impl at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_resend_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_send_and_create_refresher at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_send_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_send_request_with_expires at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_contact_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_error_info_from_response at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_from at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_from_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_manual_refresher_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_privacy at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_privacy_from_message at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_realm at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_remote_ua at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_route at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_route_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_sent_custom_header at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_service_route at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_to at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_to_address at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_set_user_pointer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_stop_refreshing at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_subscribe_fill_cbs at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_type_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_op_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_ping at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_presence_status_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_privacy_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_process_authentication at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_process_incoming_message at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_publish at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_publish_presence at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_reason_to_sip_code at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_reason_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_register at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_register_refresh at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_remove_pending_auth at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_remove_supported_tag at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_reset_transports at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_resolve_a at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_send_info at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_callbacks at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_dns_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_dns_user_hosts_file at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_keepalive_period at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_recv_error at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_refresher_retry_after at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_root_ca at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_send_error at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_supported_tags at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_transport_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_tunnel at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_user_agent at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_user_pointer at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_set_uuid at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_signing_key_delete at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_signing_key_parse_file at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_active at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_equals at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_get_proto_as_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_get_type_as_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_has_avpf at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_has_dtls at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_description_has_srtp at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_dir_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_stream_type_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_subscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_subscribe_accept at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_subscribe_decline at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_subscribe_presence at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_text_send at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_transport_available at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_transport_parse at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_transport_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_unlisten_ports at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_unregister at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_unsubscribe at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_use_dates at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_use_no_initial_route at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_use_one_matching_codec_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_use_rport at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_use_session_timers at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_use_tcp_tls_keepalive at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_verify_server_certificates at Base 3.8.2
+ sal_verify_server_cn at Base 3.8.2
+ sdp_to_media_description at Base 3.8.2
+ set_mic_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ set_or_update_dialog at Base 3.8.2
+ set_playback_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_config_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_account_exists at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_account_validated at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_buddy_lookup_free at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_buddy_lookup_submit at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_create_account at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_create_buddy_lookup_request at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_free at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_capabilities at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_domains at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_notice at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_proxy at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_proxy_config at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_relay at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_get_stun_servers at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_login_account at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_logout at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_get_capabilities at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_lookup at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_register at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_register_all at Base 3.8.2
+ sip_setup_unregister_all at Base 3.8.2
+ ui_config_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ v_table_reference_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_convert at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_set_xml_fd at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_set_xml_file at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_set_xml_string at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_set_xsd_fd at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_set_xsd_file at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_set_xsd_string at Base 3.8.2
+ xml2lpc_validate at Base 3.8.2

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.install?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.install	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.install	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.lintian-overrides
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.lintian-overrides?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.lintian-overrides	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.lintian-overrides	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+libmediastreamer-base4: embedded-library usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmediastreamer_voip.so.4.0.0: srtp

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.symbols?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.symbols	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/libmediastreamer-base4.symbols	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@
+libmediastreamer_base.so.4 libmediastreamer-base4 #MINVER#
+ ms_base_exit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_base_filter_descs at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_base_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_fill_current_metas at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_flush at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_put at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_put_from_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_read at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_skip_bytes at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bufferizer_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_context_get_total_number_of_plc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_context_is_concealement_required at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_inc_sample_time at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_ts_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_ts_context_get_total_number_of_plc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_ts_context_inc_sample_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_ts_context_is_concealement_required at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_concealer_ts_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_connection_helper_link at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_connection_helper_start at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_connection_helper_unlink at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_discover_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_event_queue_clean at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_event_queue_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_event_queue_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_event_queue_pump at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_event_queue_skip at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_codec_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_create_decoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_create_encoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_create_fallback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_create_filter at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_create_filter_from_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_create_filter_from_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_enable_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_audio_format at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_cpu_count at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_decoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_decoding_renderer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_encoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_encoding_capturer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_event_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_fallback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_format at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_payload_max_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_get_video_format at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_init_plugins at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_load_plugins at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_log_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_lookup_filter_by_id at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_lookup_filter_by_interface at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_lookup_filter_by_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_register_filter at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_reset_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_set_cpu_count at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_set_event_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_set_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_set_payload_max_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_set_plugins_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_uninit_plugins at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_add_notify_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_call_method at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_call_method_noarg at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_clean_pending_events at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_clear_notify_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_codec_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_create_decoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_create_encoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_desc_implements_interface at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_enable_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_find_neighbours at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_decoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_decoding_renderer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_encoder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_encoding_capturer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_id at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_get_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_has_method at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_implements_interface at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_inputs_have_data at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_link at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_log_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_lookup_by_interface at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_lookup_by_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_new_from_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_new_from_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_notify at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_notify_no_arg at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_postpone_task at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_postprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_preprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_process at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_register at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_remove_notify_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_reset_statistics at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_set_notify_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_task_process at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_unlink at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_filter_unregister_all at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_fmt_descriptor_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_format_type_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_get_cpu_count at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_get_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_get_payload_max_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_itc_sink_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_itc_source_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_join_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_append at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_append_link at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_concat at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_copy_with_data at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_find at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_find_custom at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_for_each2 at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_for_each at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_free_with_data at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_index at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_insert at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_insert_sorted at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_nth_data at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_position at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_prepend at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_remove at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_remove_custom at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_remove_link at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_list_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_load_file_content at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_load_path_content at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_load_plugins at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_plugins_exit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_plugins_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_queue_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_queue_flush at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_queue_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_queue_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_set_cpu_count at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_set_global_event_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_set_mtu at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_set_payload_max_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_set_plugins_dir at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_sleep at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_create_reader at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_create_writer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_dup at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_capabilities at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_control at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_driver_type at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_level at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_minimal_latency at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_preferred_sample_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_get_string_id at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_add_card at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_get_card at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_get_default_capture_card at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_get_default_card at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_get_default_playback_card at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_get_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_prepend_cards at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_register_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_manager_reload at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_new_with_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_set_capture at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_set_control at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_set_level at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_set_preferred_sample_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snd_card_set_usage_hint at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_tee_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_thread_exit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_attach at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_attach_multiple at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_detach at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_get_average_load at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_get_last_late_tick at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_new_with_params at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_print_graphs at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_set_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_set_priority at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_set_tick_func at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_set_time_func at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_synchronizer_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_synchronizer_get_corrected_time at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_synchronizer_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ticker_synchronizer_set_external_time at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_usleep at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_void_sink_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_void_source_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_create_reader at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_get_driver_type at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_get_string_id at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_add_cam at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_get_cam at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_get_default_cam at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_get_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_prepend_cam at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_register_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_manager_reload at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_web_cam_new at Base 3.8.2
+ void_source_methods at Base 3.8.2
+libmediastreamer_voip.so.4 libmediastreamer-base4 #MINVER#
+ IGDDeviceType at Base 3.8.2
+ IGDServiceName at Base 3.8.2
+ IGDServiceType at Base 3.8.2
+ IGDTimeOut at Base 3.8.2
+ IGDVarCount at Base 3.8.2
+ IGDVarName at Base 3.8.2
+ SHA_K0 at Base 3.8.2
+ SHA_K1 at Base 3.8.2
+ SHA_K2 at Base 3.8.2
+ SHA_K3 at Base 3.8.2
+ Snack_Alaw2Lin at Base 3.8.2
+ Snack_Lin2Alaw at Base 3.8.2
+ Snack_Lin2Mulaw at Base 3.8.2
+ Snack_Mulaw2Lin at Base 3.8.2
+ UPNPDeviceType at Base 3.8.2
+ __ms_get_default_prio at Base 3.8.2
+ __register_ffmpeg_encoders_if_possible at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_context_init at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_decrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_description at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_encrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_nist_decrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_nist_encrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_set_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_0 at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_0_ciphertext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_0_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_0_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_0_plaintext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_1 at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_1_ciphertext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_1_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_1_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_1_plaintext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_2 at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_2_ciphertext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_2_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_2_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_2_plaintext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_3 at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_3_ciphertext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_3_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_3_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_cbc_test_case_3_plaintext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_decrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_decrypt_with_raw_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_encrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_expand_decryption_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_expand_encryption_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_alloc_ismacryp at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_context_init at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_description at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_encrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_encrypt_ismacryp at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_output at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_set_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_set_octet at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_0 at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_0_ciphertext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_0_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_0_nonce at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_0_plaintext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_1 at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_1_ciphertext at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_1_key at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_1_nonce at Base 3.8.2
+ aes_icm_test_case_1_plaintext at Base 3.8.2
+ alaw2ulaw at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_card_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_error_log_handler at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_init at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_methods at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_postprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_preprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_process at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_read_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_get_nchannels at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_init at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_methods at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_postprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_process at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_set_nchannels at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_set_sample_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ alsa_write_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ append_salt_to_key at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_alive at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_close_remote_play at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_automatic_gain_control at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_dtls at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_echo_limiter at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_equalizer at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_gain_control at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_noise_gate at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_enable_zrtp at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_equalizer_set_gain at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_get_average_lq_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_get_average_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_get_features at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_get_local_player at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_get_lq_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_get_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_iterate at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_link_video at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_mixed_record_open at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_mixed_record_start at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_mixed_record_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_mute_rtp at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_new2 at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_new at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_new_with_sessions at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_open_remote_play at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_play at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_play_received_dtmfs at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_prepare_sound at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_record at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_send_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_set_echo_canceller_params at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_set_features at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_set_mic_gain at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_set_mic_gain_db at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_set_relay_session_id at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_start at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_start_full at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_start_now at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_start_with_files at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_start_with_sndcards at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_started at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_unlink_video at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_unprepare_sound at Base 3.8.2
+ audio_stream_zrtp_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ auth_get_key_length at Base 3.8.2
+ auth_get_prefix_length at Base 3.8.2
+ auth_get_tag_length at Base 3.8.2
+ auth_type_get_ref_count at Base 3.8.2
+ auth_type_self_test at Base 3.8.2
+ auth_type_test at Base 3.8.2
+ base64_char_to_sextet at Base 3.8.2
+ base64_string_to_octet_string at Base 3.8.2
+ bit_string at Base 3.8.2
+ bitvector_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ bitvector_bit_string at Base 3.8.2
+ bitvector_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ bitvector_left_shift at Base 3.8.2
+ bitvector_set_to_zero at Base 3.8.2
+ cipher_bits_per_second at Base 3.8.2
+ cipher_get_key_length at Base 3.8.2
+ cipher_output at Base 3.8.2
+ cipher_type_self_test at Base 3.8.2
+ cipher_type_test at Base 3.8.2
+ compileShader at Base 3.8.2
+ copy_ycbcrbiplanar_to_true_yuv_with_rotation at Base 3.8.2
+ copy_ycbcrbiplanar_to_true_yuv_with_rotation_and_down_scale_by_2 at Base 3.8.2
+ create_duplex_rtpsession at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_free at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_get_random at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_alloc_auth at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_alloc_cipher at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_do_load_auth_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_get_auth_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_get_cipher_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_init at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_list_debug_modules at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_load_auth_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_load_cipher_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_load_debug_module at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_replace_auth_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_replace_cipher_type at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_set_debug_module at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_shutdown at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_kernel_status at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_aes_cm_128_hmac_sha1_32 at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_aes_cm_128_null_auth at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_aes_cm_256_hmac_sha1_32 at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_aes_cm_256_hmac_sha1_80 at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_from_profile_for_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_from_profile_for_rtp at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_null_cipher_hmac_sha1_80 at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_rtcp_default at Base 3.8.2
+ crypto_policy_set_rtp_default at Base 3.8.2
+ ctr_prng at Base 3.8.2
+ ctr_prng_deinit at Base 3.8.2
+ ctr_prng_get_octet_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ctr_prng_init at Base 3.8.2
+ destroyShaders at Base 3.8.2
+ dtmfgen_methods at Base 3.8.2
+ ekt_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ ekt_octets_after_base_tag at Base 3.8.2
+ ekt_stream_init_from_policy at Base 3.8.2
+ ekt_write_data at Base 3.8.2
+ err_level at Base 3.8.2
+ err_report at Base 3.8.2
+ err_reporting_init at Base 3.8.2
+ err_reporting_set_level at Base 3.8.2
+ ffmpeg_pix_fmt_to_ms at Base 3.8.2
+ file_info_compute_energy at Base 3.8.2
+ g722_decode at Base 3.8.2
+ g722_decode_init at Base 3.8.2
+ g722_decode_release at Base 3.8.2
+ g722_encode at Base 3.8.2
+ g722_encode_init at Base 3.8.2
+ g722_encode_release at Base 3.8.2
+ getErrno at Base 3.8.2
+ getMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ hex_string_to_octet_string at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_compute at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_description at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_init at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_start at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_test_case_0 at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_test_case_0_data at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_test_case_0_key at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_test_case_0_tag at Base 3.8.2
+ hmac_update at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_add_local_candidate at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_add_losing_pair at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_add_remote_candidate at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_candidate_type at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_candidates_gathered at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_check_completed at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_default_local_candidate at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_get_remote_pwd at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_get_remote_ufrag at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_is_mismatch at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_local_pwd at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_local_ufrag at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_print_route at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_process at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_remote_credentials_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_remote_pwd at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_remote_ufrag at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_selected_valid_candidate_type at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_selected_valid_local_candidate at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_selected_valid_remote_candidate at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_set_remote_credentials at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_set_rtp_session at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_set_state at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_state at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_state_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_unselect_valid_pair at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_check_list_unselect_valid_pairs at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_candidate_pairs at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_candidate_pairs_foundations at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_check_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_componentIDs at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_session at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_triggered_checks_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_dump_valid_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_get_remote_addr_and_ports_from_valid_pairs at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_handle_stun_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_add_check_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_average_gathering_round_trip_time at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_candidates_gathered at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_check_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_check_mismatch at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_choose_default_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_choose_default_remote_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_compute_candidates_foundations at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_eliminate_redundant_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_enable_message_integrity_check at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_gather_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_gathering_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_has_completed_check_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_local_pwd at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_local_ufrag at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_nb_check_lists at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_nb_losing_pairs at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_remote_credentials_changed at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_remote_pwd at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_remote_ufrag at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_remove_check_list at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_remove_check_list_from_idx at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_restart at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_role at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_select_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_set_base_for_srflx_candidates at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_set_keepalive_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_set_local_credentials at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_set_max_connectivity_checks at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_set_remote_credentials at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_set_role at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_start_connectivity_checks at Base 3.8.2
+ ice_session_state at Base 3.8.2
+ index_advance at Base 3.8.2
+ index_guess at Base 3.8.2
+ index_init at Base 3.8.2
+ initNetwork at Base 3.8.2
+ is_hex_string at Base 3.8.2
+ key_limit_check at Base 3.8.2
+ key_limit_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ key_limit_set at Base 3.8.2
+ key_limit_update at Base 3.8.2
+ linkProgram at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_alive at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_avpf_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_dtls_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_enable_adaptive_bitrate_control at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_enable_adaptive_jittcomp at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_enable_srtp at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_free at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_average_lq_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_average_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_avpf_rr_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_down_bw at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_local_rtp_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_lq_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_quality_indicator at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_quality_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_rtcp_down_bw at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_rtcp_up_bw at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_rtp_session at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_target_network_bitrate at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_get_up_bw at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_iterate at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_join_multicast_group at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_reclaim_sessions at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_secured at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_session_encryption_mandatory_enable at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_session_encryption_mandatory_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_session_secured at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_adaptive_bitrate_algorithm at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_rtcp_information at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_srtp_recv_key at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_srtp_recv_key_b64 at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_srtp_send_key at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_srtp_send_key_b64 at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_set_target_network_bitrate at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_start_ticker at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_started at Base 3.8.2
+ media_stream_type_str at Base 3.8.2
+ mire_init at Base 3.8.2
+ mire_methods at Base 3.8.2
+ mire_postprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ mire_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_aes_cbc at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_aes_icm at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_auth at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_cipher at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_crypto_kernel at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_hmac at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_sha1 at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_srtp at Base 3.8.2
+ mod_stat at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_16_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_16_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_24_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_24_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_32_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_32_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_40_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_aal2_g726_40_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_alaw_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_alaw_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_alsa_card_new_custom at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_alsa_card_set_forced_sample_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_bitrate_controller_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_bitrate_driver_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_add_member at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_get_params at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_get_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_mute_member at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_conference_remove_member at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_diff at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_endpoint_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_endpoint_get_from_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_endpoint_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_endpoint_new_recorder at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_endpoint_release_from_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_flow_controller_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_flow_controller_process at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_flow_controller_set_target at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_mixer_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_recorder_endpoint_start at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_audio_recorder_endpoint_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_av_bitrate_controller_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_av_bitrate_driver_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_average_fps_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_average_fps_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_average_fps_update at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bandwidth_bitrate_controller_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bandwidth_bitrate_driver_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_controller_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_controller_get_qos_analyzer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_controller_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_controller_process_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_controller_update at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_driver_execute_action at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_driver_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bitrate_driver_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_reader_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_reader_n_bits at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_reader_se at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_reader_ue at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_writer_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_writer_n_bits at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_writer_se at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_writer_trailing_bits at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_bits_writer_ue at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_channel_adapter_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_crypto_suite_build_from_name_params at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_crypto_suite_to_name_params at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_available at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_set_peer_fingerprint at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_set_role at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_set_stream_sessions at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtls_srtp_start at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_dtmf_gen_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_equalizer_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ext_display_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_init_voip at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_factory_uninit_voip at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ffmpeg_check_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_fft at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_fft_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_fft_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_file_player_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_file_rec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_fir_mem16 at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_fourcc_to_pix_fmt at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g722_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g722_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_16_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_16_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_24_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_24_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_32_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_32_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_40_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_g726_40_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_genericplc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_glxvideo_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_gsm_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_gsm_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_h263_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_h263_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_h263_old_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_h263_old_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_h264_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ifft at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_is_ipv6 at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_is_multicast at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_is_multicast_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_jpeg_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_jpeg_writer_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fft at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fft_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fft_stride at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fftr2 at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fftr at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fftr_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fftri2 at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_kiss_fftri at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_l16_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_l16_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_layout_center_rectangle at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_layout_compute at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_load_jpeg_as_yuv at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_load_nowebcam at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_close at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_get_current_position at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_get_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_get_file_format at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_get_state at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_get_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_matroska_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_open at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_pause at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_seek at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_set_eof_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_start at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_player_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_stream_session_fill_srtp_context_all_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_media_stream_sessions_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mire_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mire_webcam_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mire_webcam_desc_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mjpeg_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mjpeg_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mpeg4_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_mpeg4_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_opus_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_opus_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_oss_read_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_oss_write_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_picture_init_from_mblk_with_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_pix_conv_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_pix_fmt_to_ffmpeg at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_pix_fmt_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyser_set_label at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_algorithm_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_algorithm_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_has_improved at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_process_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_ref at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_set_on_action_suggested at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_suggest_action at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_unref at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_qos_analyzer_update at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_get_average_lq_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_get_average_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_get_local_late_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_get_local_loss_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_get_lq_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_get_rating at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_set_label at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_update_from_feedback at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_quality_indicator_update_local at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_rate_control_action_type_name at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_read_wav_header_from_fd at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_resample_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_rgb_to_yuv at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_rtp_recv_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_rtp_send_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_scaler_context_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_scaler_create_context at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_scaler_process at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_simple_qos_analyzer_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_size_conv_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_snow_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_sound_device_description_add at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_speex_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_speex_ec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_speex_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_srtp_context_delete at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_srtp_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_srtp_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_srtp_shutdown at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_srtp_stream_type_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_srtp_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_stateful_qos_analyzer_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_static_image_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_static_image_get_default_image at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_static_image_set_default_image at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_stream_regulator_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_stream_regulator_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_stream_regulator_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_stream_regulator_push at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_stream_regulator_reset at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_theora_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_theora_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_tone_detector_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ulaw_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_ulaw_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_v4l2_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_vad_dtx_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_capture_new_frame at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_find_best_configuration_for_bitrate at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_find_best_configuration_for_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_init_average_fps at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_init_framerate_controller at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_set_scaler_impl at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_size_get_just_lower_than at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_starter_first_frame at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_starter_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_starter_need_i_frame at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_video_update_average_fps at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_voip_exit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_voip_filter_descs at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_voip_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_volume_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_vp8_dec_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_vp8_enc_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_x11_helper_create_window at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_x11_helper_destroy_window at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_x11_helper_get_window_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_x11_helper_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_x11_helper_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_x11video_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_alloc_from_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_allocator_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_allocator_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_allocator_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_init_from_mblk at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_init_from_mblk_with_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_mirror at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_yuv_buf_mirrors at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_auth_tag_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_auth_tag_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_available at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_cipher_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_cipher_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_context_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_hash_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_hash_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_key_agreement_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_key_agreement_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_multistream_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_reset_transmition_timer at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_sas_reset_verified at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_sas_type_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_sas_type_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_sas_verified at Base 3.8.2
+ ms_zrtp_set_stream_sessions at Base 3.8.2
+ need_send_conf at Base 3.8.2
+ nibble_to_hex_char at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_compute at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_description at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_init at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_start at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_test_case_0 at Base 3.8.2
+ null_auth_update at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_description at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_encrypt at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_init at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_set_iv at Base 3.8.2
+ null_cipher_test_0 at Base 3.8.2
+ octet_get_weight at Base 3.8.2
+ octet_string_hex_string at Base 3.8.2
+ octet_string_is_eq at Base 3.8.2
+ octet_string_set_to_zero at Base 3.8.2
+ octet_weight at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_render at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_set_preview_yuv_to_display at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_set_size at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_set_yuv_to_display at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ ogl_display_zoom at Base 3.8.2
+ openPort at Base 3.8.2
+ oss_card_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ oss_read_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ oss_write_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ pulse_card_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ rand_source_deinit at Base 3.8.2
+ rand_source_get_octet_string at Base 3.8.2
+ rand_source_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rdb_add_index at Base 3.8.2
+ rdb_check at Base 3.8.2
+ rdb_get_value at Base 3.8.2
+ rdb_increment at Base 3.8.2
+ rdb_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_add_index at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_check at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_estimate_index at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_get_packet_index at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_get_window_size at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rdbx_set_roc at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_enable_stap_a at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_new at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_pack at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_set_max_payload_size at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_set_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ rfc3984_unpack at Base 3.8.2
+ rgb24_copy_revert at Base 3.8.2
+ rgb24_mirror at Base 3.8.2
+ rgb24_revert at Base 3.8.2
+ ring_play_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ ring_start at Base 3.8.2
+ ring_start_with_cb at Base 3.8.2
+ ring_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ ring_stop_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ sendMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ sha1 at Base 3.8.2
+ sha1_core at Base 3.8.2
+ sha1_final at Base 3.8.2
+ sha1_init at Base 3.8.2
+ sound_device_description_get at Base 3.8.2
+ srtcp_ekt_trailer at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_add_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_create at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_event_reporter at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_get_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_init at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_install_event_handler at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_kdf_clear at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_kdf_generate at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_kdf_init at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_profile_get_master_key_length at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_profile_get_master_salt_length at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_protect at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_protect_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_remove_stream at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_shutdown at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_stream_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_stream_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_stream_dealloc at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_stream_init at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_stream_init_from_ekt at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_stream_init_keys at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_unprotect at Base 3.8.2
+ srtp_unprotect_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ stat_test_monobit at Base 3.8.2
+ stat_test_poker at Base 3.8.2
+ stat_test_rand_source at Base 3.8.2
+ stat_test_rand_source_with_repetition at Base 3.8.2
+ stat_test_runs at Base 3.8.2
+ state_name at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_get_pix_fmt at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_get_vsize at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_init at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_methods at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_postprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_preprocess at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_process at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_set_vsize at Base 3.8.2
+ static_image_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ stunBuildReqSimple at Base 3.8.2
+ stunCalculateFingerprint at Base 3.8.2
+ stunCalculateIntegrity_longterm at Base 3.8.2
+ stunCalculateIntegrity_shortterm at Base 3.8.2
+ stunEncodeMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ stunFindLocalInterfaces at Base 3.8.2
+ stunGetSystemTimeSecs at Base 3.8.2
+ stunInitServer at Base 3.8.2
+ stunNatType at Base 3.8.2
+ stunOpenSocket at Base 3.8.2
+ stunOpenSocketPair at Base 3.8.2
+ stunParseHostName at Base 3.8.2
+ stunParseMessage at Base 3.8.2
+ stunParseServerName at Base 3.8.2
+ stunRand at Base 3.8.2
+ stunServerProcessMsg at Base 3.8.2
+ stunStopServer at Base 3.8.2
+ stunTest at Base 3.8.2
+ stun_magic_cookie at Base 3.8.2
+ turnAllocateSocketPair at Base 3.8.2
+ ulaw2alaw at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_context_add_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_context_add_client at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_context_free_callbacks at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_context_handle_callbacks at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_context_remove_client at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_add_device at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_add_port_mapping at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_create at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_delete_node at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_delete_port_mapping at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_connection_status at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_device_id at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_device_model_name at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_device_model_number at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_device_name at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_devices_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_element_value at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_external_ipaddress at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_find_and_parse_service at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_first_document_item at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_first_element_item at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_local_ipaddress at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_nat_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_nth_service_list at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_get_var at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_handle_event at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_handle_get_var at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_handle_send_action at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_handle_subscribe_update at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_is_started at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_port_mapping_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_port_mapping_context_create at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_port_mapping_context_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_port_mapping_handle_action at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_print at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_print_event at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_print_event_type at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_refresh at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_remove_all at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_remove_device at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_send_action at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_set_devices_timeout at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_start at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_state_update at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_strncpy at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_timer_loop at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_var_updated at Base 3.8.2
+ upnp_igd_verify_timeouts at Base 3.8.2
+ v128_bit_string at Base 3.8.2
+ v128_copy_octet_string at Base 3.8.2
+ v128_hex_string at Base 3.8.2
+ v128_left_shift at Base 3.8.2
+ v128_right_shift at Base 3.8.2
+ v4l2_card_desc at Base 3.8.2
+ validateProgram at Base 3.8.2
+ video_preview_get_current_size at Base 3.8.2
+ video_preview_new at Base 3.8.2
+ video_preview_start at Base 3.8.2
+ video_preview_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ video_preview_stop_reuse_source at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_change_camera at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_close_player at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_decoding_error_recovered at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_decoding_error_reported at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_enable_display_filter_auto_rotate at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_enable_dtls at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_enable_self_view at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_enable_zrtp at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_free at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_camera at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_camera_sensor_rotation at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_default_video_renderer at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_native_preview_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_native_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_received_framerate at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_received_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_sent_framerate at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_get_sent_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_is_decoding_error_to_be_reported at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_iterate at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_new2 at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_new at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_new_with_sessions at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_open_player at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_prepare_video at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_recv_only_start at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_recv_only_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_fir at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_only_start at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_only_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_pli at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_rpsi at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_sli at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_send_vfu at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_device_rotation at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_direction at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_display_filter_name at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_event_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_fps at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_freeze_on_error at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_native_preview_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_native_window_id at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_preview_size at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_relay_session_id at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_render_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_set_sent_video_size at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_show_video at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_start at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_start_with_source at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_started at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_unprepare_video at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_update_video_params at Base 3.8.2
+ video_stream_use_preview_video_window at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_packer_init at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_packer_process at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_packer_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_send_rpsi at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_unpacker_feed at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_unpacker_get_frame at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_unpacker_init at Base 3.8.2
+ vp8rtpfmt_unpacker_uninit at Base 3.8.2

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/libortp9.symbols
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/libortp9.symbols?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/libortp9.symbols	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/libortp9.symbols	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+libortp.so.9 libortp9 #MINVER#
+ __ortp_scheduler at Base 3.8.2
+ __ortp_thread_create at Base 3.8.2
+ __ortp_thread_join at Base 3.8.2
+ __ortp_thread_self at Base 3.8.2
+ __rtp_session_sendm_with_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ _ortp_get_cur_time at Base 3.8.2
+ _ortp_logv_flush at Base 3.8.2
+ _ortp_sendto at Base 3.8.2
+ _rtp_session_sendto at Base 3.8.2
+ allocb at Base 3.8.2
+ appendb at Base 3.8.2
+ av_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ av_profile_init at Base 3.8.2
+ b64_decode2 at Base 3.8.2
+ b64_decode at Base 3.8.2
+ b64_encode2 at Base 3.8.2
+ b64_encode at Base 3.8.2
+ b64_getErrorString at Base 3.8.2
+ b64_getErrorStringLength at Base 3.8.2
+ close_socket at Base 3.8.2
+ compute_rtcp_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ concatb at Base 3.8.2
+ copyb at Base 3.8.2
+ copymsg at Base 3.8.2
+ count_power_items_fast at Base 3.8.2
+ count_power_items_simple at Base 3.8.2
+ datab_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ dupb at Base 3.8.2
+ dupmsg at Base 3.8.2
+ esballoc at Base 3.8.2
+ flushq at Base 3.8.2
+ fmtp_get_value at Base 3.8.2
+ freeb at Base 3.8.2
+ freemsg at Base 3.8.2
+ getq at Base 3.8.2
+ insq at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_compute_mean_size at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_dump_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_enable_adaptive at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_init at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_new_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_set_payload at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_update_corrective_slide at Base 3.8.2
+ jitter_control_update_size at Base 3.8.2
+ make_xr_dlrr at Base 3.8.2
+ make_xr_rcvr_rtt at Base 3.8.2
+ make_xr_stat_summary at Base 3.8.2
+ make_xr_voip_metrics at Base 3.8.2
+ mblk_init at Base 3.8.2
+ mblk_meta_copy at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_set_session at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_append_modifier at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_close at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_get_endpoint at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_getsocket at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_modifier_inject_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_modifier_inject_packet_to at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_new at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_recvfrom at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_sendto at Base 3.8.2
+ meta_rtp_transport_set_endpoint at Base 3.8.2
+ msgappend at Base 3.8.2
+ msgb_allocator_alloc at Base 3.8.2
+ msgb_allocator_init at Base 3.8.2
+ msgb_allocator_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ msgdsize at Base 3.8.2
+ msgpullup at Base 3.8.2
+ o_list_append at Base 3.8.2
+ o_list_free at Base 3.8.2
+ o_list_new at Base 3.8.2
+ o_list_remove at Base 3.8.2
+ o_list_remove_link at Base 3.8.2
+ offset0 at Base 3.8.2
+ offset0xD5 at Base 3.8.2
+ offset127 at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_client_pipe_close at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_client_pipe_connect at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_ev_queue_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_ev_queue_flush at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_ev_queue_get at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_ev_queue_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_ev_queue_put at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_event_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_event_dup at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_event_get_data at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_event_get_type at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_event_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_exit at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_extremum_get_current at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_extremum_get_previous at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_extremum_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_extremum_record_max at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_extremum_record_min at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_extremum_reset at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_file_exist at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_free at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_get_cur_time at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_get_cur_time_ms at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_get_global_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_get_log_handler at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_get_log_level_mask at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_get_scheduler at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_global_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_global_stats_display at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_global_stats_reset at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_logv at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_logv_flush at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_logv_out at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_loss_rate_estimator_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_loss_rate_estimator_get_value at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_loss_rate_estimator_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_loss_rate_estimator_new at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_loss_rate_estimator_process_report_block at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_loss_rate_estimator_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_malloc0 at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_malloc at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_min_version_required at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_network_simulator_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_network_simulator_mode_from_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_network_simulator_mode_to_string at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_pipe_read at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_pipe_write at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_random at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_realloc at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_scheduler_init at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_server_pipe_accept_client at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_server_pipe_close at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_server_pipe_close_client at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_server_pipe_create at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_set_log_file at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_set_log_handler at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_set_log_level_mask at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_set_log_thread_id at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_set_memory_functions at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_shm_close at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_shm_open at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_sleep_ms at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_sleep_until at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_strcat_printf at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_strcat_vprintf at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_strdup at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_strdup_printf at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_strdup_vprintf at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_stream_clear_aux_addresses at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_stream_is_ipv6 at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_strndup at Base 3.8.2
+ ortp_timeval_to_ntp at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aaceld_16k at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aaceld_22k at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aaceld_32k at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aaceld_44k at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aaceld_48k at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aal2_g726_16 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aal2_g726_24 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aal2_g726_32 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_aal2_g726_40 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_amr at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_amrwb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_append_recv_fmtp at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_append_send_fmtp at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_cn at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_evrc0 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_evrcb0 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g7221 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g722 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g7231 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g726_16 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g726_24 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g726_32 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g726_40 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_g729 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_get_rtpmap at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_gsm at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_gsm_efr at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_h261 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_h263 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_h263_1998 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_h263_2000 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_h264 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_ilbc at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_isac at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_jpeg at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_l16_mono at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_l16_stereo at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_lpc1015 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_lpc1016 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_lpc at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_mp4v at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_mpv at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_new at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_opus at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_pcm8000 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_pcma8000 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_pcmu8000 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_set_avpf_params at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_set_recv_fmtp at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_set_send_fmtp at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_silk_mb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_silk_nb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_silk_swb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_silk_wb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_speex_nb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_speex_uwb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_speex_wb at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_t140 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_t140_red at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_telephone_event at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_theora at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_truespeech at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_vp8 at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_x_snow at Base 3.8.2
+ payload_type_x_udpftp at Base 3.8.2
+ peekq at Base 3.8.2
+ posix_timer at Base 3.8.2
+ posix_timer_do at Base 3.8.2
+ posix_timer_init at Base 3.8.2
+ posix_timer_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ putq at Base 3.8.2
+ qinit at Base 3.8.2
+ remq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_APP_get_data at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_APP_get_name at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_APP_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_APP_get_subtype at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_BYE_get_reason at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_BYE_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_fir_get_fci at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_get_media_source_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_get_packet_sender_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_get_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_rpsi_get_fci at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_rpsi_get_fci_bit_string_len at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_PSFB_sli_get_fci at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_RR_get_report_block at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_RR_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_RTPFB_get_media_source_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_RTPFB_get_packet_sender_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_RTPFB_get_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_RTPFB_tmmbr_get_fci at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_SR_get_report_block at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_SR_get_sender_info at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_SR_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_dlrr_get_dlrr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_dlrr_get_lrr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_dlrr_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_get_block_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_rcvr_rtt_get_ntp_timestamp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_begin_seq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_dev_jitter at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_dev_ttl_or_hl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_dup_packets at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_end_seq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_flags at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_lost_packets at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_max_jitter at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_max_ttl_or_hl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_mean_jitter at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_mean_ttl_or_hl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_min_jitter at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_min_ttl_or_hl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_stat_summary_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_burst_density at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_burst_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_discard_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_end_system_delay at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_ext_r_factor at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_gap_density at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_gap_duration at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_gmin at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_jb_abs_max at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_jb_maximum at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_jb_nominal at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_loss_rate at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_mos_cq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_mos_lq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_noise_level at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_r_factor at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_rerl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_round_trip_delay at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_rx_config at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_signal_level at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_XR_voip_metrics_get_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_common_header_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_get_common_header at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_APP at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_BYE at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_PSFB at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_PSFB_internal at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_RR at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_RTPFB at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_RTPFB_internal at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_SDES at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_SR at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_is_XR at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_next_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_rewind at Base 3.8.2
+ rtcp_sdes_parse at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_add_csrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_get_extheader at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_get_payload at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_getq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_getq_permissive at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_clear_all at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_clone at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_clone_full at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_find_payload at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_find_payload_number at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_get_payload_from_mime at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_get_payload_from_rtpmap at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_get_payload_number_from_mime at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_get_payload_number_from_rtpmap at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_is_telephone_event at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_move_payload at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_new at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_set_name at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_profile_set_payload at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_putq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_add_session at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_new at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_remove_session at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_schedule at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_set_timer at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_start at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_scheduler_stop at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_adaptive_jitter_compensation_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_add_aux_remote_addr_full at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_add_contributing_source at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_add_telephone_event at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_avpf_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_avpf_feature_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_avpf_payload_type_feature_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_bye at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_check_telephone_events at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_clear_aux_remote_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_clear_recv_error_code at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_clear_send_error_code at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_compute_recv_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_compute_send_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_configure_rtcp_xr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_create_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_create_packet_in_place at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_create_packet_raw at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_create_packet_with_data at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_create_rtcp_sdes_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_create_telephone_event_packet at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_dispatch_event at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_enable_adaptive_jitter_compensation at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_enable_avpf_feature at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_enable_jitter_buffer at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_enable_network_simulation at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_enable_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_flush_sockets at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_avpf_rr_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_cum_loss at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_current_recv_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_current_send_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_data at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_jitter_buffer_params at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_jitter_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_last_recv_error_code at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_last_recv_time at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_last_send_error_code at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_local_port at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_local_rtcp_port at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_multicast_loopback at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_multicast_ttl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rcv_ext_seq_number at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_recv_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_recv_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_recv_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_recv_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_round_trip_propagation at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rtcp_recv_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rtcp_send_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rtcp_socket at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rtp_recv_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rtp_send_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_rtp_socket at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_send_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_send_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_send_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_send_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_seq_number at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_symmetric_rtp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_get_transports at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_has_fb_packets_to_send at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_jitter_buffer_enabled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_join_multicast_group at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_make_time_distorsion at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_network_simulate at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_new at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_notify_inc_rtcp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_pick_with_cseq at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_process at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_read_telephone_event at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_recv_telephone_events_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_recv_with_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_recvm_with_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_register_event_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_release_sockets at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_remove_contributing_source at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_reset at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_reset_stats at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_resync at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_process_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_process_send at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_psfb_scheduled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_rtpfb_scheduled at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_send at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_set_delay_value at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_set_jitter_value at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtcp_set_lost_packet_value at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtp_parse at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtp_recv at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtp_recv_abstract at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_rtp_send at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_run_rtcp_send_scheduler at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_dtmf2 at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_dtmf at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_fb_rtcp_packet_and_reschedule at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_regular_rtcp_packet_and_reschedule at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_APP at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_fb_fir at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_fb_pli at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_fb_rpsi at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_fb_sli at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_fb_tmmbn at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_rtcp_fb_tmmbr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_telephone_events_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_send_with_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_sendm_with_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_blocking_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_connected_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_data at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_dscp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_duplication_ratio at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_jitter_buffer_params at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_jitter_compensation at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_local_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_multicast_loopback at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_multicast_ttl at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_pktinfo at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_recv_buf_size at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_recv_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_recv_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_remote_addr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_remote_addr_and_port at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_remote_addr_full at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_reuseaddr at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_rtcp_report_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_rtcp_xr_media_callbacks at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_rtp_socket_recv_buffer_size at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_rtp_socket_send_buffer_size at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_send_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_send_profile at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_seq_number at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_sockets at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_source_description at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_ssrc at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_ssrc_changed_threshold at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_symmetric_rtp at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_target_upload_bandwidth at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_time_jump_limit at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_set_transports at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_signal_connect at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_signal_disconnect_by_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_telephone_events_supported at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_time_to_ts at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_ts_to_time at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_unregister_event_queue at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_session_update_payload_type at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_signal_table_add at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_signal_table_emit2 at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_signal_table_emit3 at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_signal_table_emit at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_signal_table_init at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_signal_table_remove_by_callback at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_stats_display at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_stats_reset at Base 3.8.2
+ rtp_timer_set_interval at Base 3.8.2
+ session_set_and at Base 3.8.2
+ session_set_destroy at Base 3.8.2
+ session_set_new at Base 3.8.2
+ session_set_select at Base 3.8.2
+ session_set_timedselect at Base 3.8.2
+ set_non_blocking_socket at Base 3.8.2
+ update_avg_rtcp_size at Base 3.8.2
+ wait_point_check at Base 3.8.2
+ wait_point_init at Base 3.8.2
+ wait_point_uninit at Base 3.8.2
+ wait_point_wakeup_at at Base 3.8.2

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/linphone-common.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/linphone-common.install?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/linphone-common.install	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/linphone-common.install	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/linphone.install
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/linphone.install?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/linphone.install	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/linphone.install	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 debian/linphone2.xpm            /usr/share/pixmaps/linphone

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/patches/fix-spelling-errors.patch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/patches/fix-spelling-errors.patch?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/patches/fix-spelling-errors.patch	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/patches/fix-spelling-errors.patch	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+Description: Fix spelling errors in binaries
+Author: Felix Lechner <felix.lechner at gmail.com>
+Forwarded: no
+Last-Update: 2015-05-22
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/coreapi/linphonecore.c
++++ b/coreapi/linphonecore.c
+@@ -2987,7 +2987,7 @@ int linphone_core_start_invite(LinphoneC
+ 	if (lc->ringstream==NULL) {
+ 		if (lc->sound_conf.play_sndcard && lc->sound_conf.capt_sndcard){
+-			/*give a chance a set card prefered sampling frequency*/
++			/*give a chance a set card preferred sampling frequency*/
+ 			if (call->localdesc->streams[0].max_rate>0) {
+ 				ms_snd_card_set_preferred_sample_rate(lc->sound_conf.play_sndcard, call->localdesc->streams[0].max_rate);
+ 			}
+@@ -3806,9 +3806,9 @@ int linphone_core_accept_call_with_param
+ 		sal_op_set_sent_custom_header(call->op,params->custom_headers);
+ 	}
+-	/*give a chance a set card prefered sampling frequency*/
++	/*give a chance a set card preferred sampling frequency*/
+ 	if (call->localdesc->streams[0].max_rate>0) {
+-		ms_message ("configuring prefered card sampling rate to [%i]",call->localdesc->streams[0].max_rate);
++		ms_message ("configuring preferred card sampling rate to [%i]",call->localdesc->streams[0].max_rate);
+ 		if (lc->sound_conf.play_sndcard)
+ 			ms_snd_card_set_preferred_sample_rate(lc->sound_conf.play_sndcard, call->localdesc->streams[0].max_rate);
+ 		if (lc->sound_conf.capt_sndcard)
+--- a/coreapi/sal.c
++++ b/coreapi/sal.c
+@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ const char* sal_reason_to_string(const S
+ 	case SalReasonUnknown: return "SalReasonUnknown";
+ 	case SalReasonServiceUnavailable: return "SalReasonServiceUnavailable";
+ 	case SalReasonNotAcceptable: return "SalReasonNotAcceptable";
+-	default: return "Unkown reason";
++	default: return "Unknown reason";
+ 	}
+ }
+ const SalAddress* sal_op_get_service_route(const SalOp *op) {
+--- a/console/linphonec.c
++++ b/console/linphonec.c
+@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ linphonec_transfer_state_changed(Linphon
+ {
+ 	char *remote=linphone_call_get_remote_address_as_string(call);
+ 	if (new_call_state==LinphoneCallConnected){
+-		linphonec_out("The distant endpoint %s of call %li has been transfered, you can safely close the call.\n",
++		linphonec_out("The distant endpoint %s of call %li has been transferred, you can safely close the call.\n",
+ 		              remote,(long)linphone_call_get_user_pointer (call));
+ 	}
+ 	ms_free(remote);
+--- a/mediastreamer2/src/crypto/ms_srtp.c
++++ b/mediastreamer2/src/crypto/ms_srtp.c
+@@ -569,6 +569,6 @@ const char * ms_srtp_stream_type_to_stri
+ 	}
+-	return "Unkown srtp tream type";
++	return "Unknown srtp tream type";
+ }
+--- a/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/vp8.c
++++ b/mediastreamer2/src/videofilters/vp8.c
+@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ static void enc_fill_encoder_flags(EncSt
+ 				/*force an independant alt ref frame to force picture to be refreshed completely, otherwise
+ 				 * pixel color saturation appears due to accumulation of small predictive errors*/
+ 				*flags |= VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_LAST | VP8_EFLAG_NO_REF_GF;
+-				ms_message("Forcing independant altref frame.");
++				ms_message("Forcing independent altref frame.");
+ 			}
+ 		}
+ 		if (!(*flags & VPX_EFLAG_FORCE_KF)){
+--- a/mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/aqsnd.c
++++ b/mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/aqsnd.c
+@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ const char* aq_format_error(OSStatus sta
+ 		case kAudioQueueErr_EnqueueDuringReset: return"kAudioQueueErr_EnqueueDuringReset";
+ 		case kAudioQueueErr_InvalidOfflineMode: return"kAudioQueueErr_InvalidOfflineMode";
+ 		default:
+-			return "unkown error code";
++			return "unknown error code";
+ 	}
+ }
+ #ifdef __ios
+--- a/mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msiounit.m
++++ b/mediastreamer2/src/audiofilters/msiounit.m
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static const char * audio_unit_format_er
+ 		case kAudioUnitErr_Initialized: return "kAudioUnitErr_Initialized";
+ 		case kAudioUnitErr_InvalidOfflineRender: return "kAudioUnitErr_InvalidOfflineRender";
+ 		case kAudioUnitErr_Unauthorized: return "kAudioUnitErr_Unauthorized";
+-		default: return "unkown error";
++		default: return "unknown error";
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static const char *audio_session_format_
+ 			return "kAudioSessionIncompatibleCategory";
+ 		case kAudioSessionUnspecifiedError:
+ 			return "kAudioSessionUnspecifiedError";
+-		default: return "unkown error";
++		default: return "unknown error";
+ 	}
+  }
+--- a/mediastreamer2/src/voip/stun.c
++++ b/mediastreamer2/src/voip/stun.c
+@@ -2045,7 +2045,7 @@ stunSendTest( Socket myFd, StunAddress4
+ 		 break;
+ 			*/
+ 	  default:
+-		 ortp_error("stun: Test %i is unkown\n", testNum);
++		 ortp_error("stun: Test %i is unknown\n", testNum);
+ 		 return ; /* error */
+    }
+--- a/mediastreamer2/tools/mediastream.c
++++ b/mediastreamer2/tools/mediastream.c
+@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ const char *usage="mediastream --local <
+ 								"[ --outfile <output wav file> specify a wav file to write audio into, instead of soundcard ]\n"
+ 								"[ --playback-card <name> ]\n"
+ 								"[ --rc (enable adaptive rate control) ]\n"
+-								"[ --srtp <local master_key> <remote master_key> (enable srtp, master key is generated if absent from comand line) ]\n"
++								"[ --srtp <local master_key> <remote master_key> (enable srtp, master key is generated if absent from command line) ]\n"
+ 								"[ --verbose (most verbose messages) ]\n"
+ 								"[ --video-display-filter <name> ]\n"
+ 								"[ --video-windows-id <video surface:preview surface >]\n"

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/patches/series
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/patches/series?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/patches/series	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/patches/series	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -1 +1 @@

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/rules
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/rules?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/rules	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/rules	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -12,7 +12,12 @@
 	dh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh
-	dh_auto_configure -- --enable-ipv6 --disable-strict $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+	dh_auto_configure -- \
+		--enable-ipv6 \
+		--enable-ldap \
+		--enable-zrtp \
+		--enable-lime \
+		--disable-strict $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
 	dh_makeshlibs -V

Added: linphone/trunk/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc?rev=10648&op=file
--- linphone/trunk/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc	(added)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/upstream/signing-key.asc	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Version: GnuPG v1

Modified: linphone/trunk/debian/watch
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/linphone/trunk/debian/watch?rev=10648&op=diff
--- linphone/trunk/debian/watch	(original)
+++ linphone/trunk/debian/watch	Fri May 22 19:28:56 2015
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/linphone/stable/sources/ linphone-([\d\.]+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade
-opts=uversionmangle=s/-/~/  \
- http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/linphone/unstable/source/ linphone-(.+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade
+opts=pgpsigurlmangle=s/$/.asc/ http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases-noredirect/linphone/stable/sources/ linphone-([\d\.]+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade
-http://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/linphone/3.7.x/sources/ linphone-(.+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade 
+#opts=uversionmangle=s/-/~/  \
+# http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/linphone/unstable/source/ linphone-(.+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade
+#http://download-mirror.savannah.gnu.org/releases/linphone/3.7.x/sources/ linphone-(.+).tar.gz debian svn-upgrade 

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