[Pkg-voip-commits] [libre] 01/01: Fix debian/ packaging.

Simon Josefsson jas at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 27 12:01:49 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jas pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libre.

commit a2b2e37472be3ee8998b47504c78f112cd731101
Author: Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 27 12:51:29 2015 +0100

    Fix debian/ packaging.
 debian/changelog         | 126 +------
 debian/control           |  10 +-
 debian/copyright         |  90 +++--
 debian/gbp.conf          |   3 +
 debian/libre-dev.dirs    |   3 -
 debian/libre-dev.files   |   3 -
 debian/libre-dev.install |   4 +
 debian/libre.dirs        |   1 -
 debian/libre.files       |   1 -
 debian/libre0.install    |   1 +
 debian/libre0.symbols    | 903 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/rules             | 114 ++----
 debian/source/format     |   1 +
 debian/watch             |   2 +
 14 files changed, 1011 insertions(+), 251 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 8035aa7..afa242e 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,125 +1,5 @@
-libre (0.4.14) unstable; urgency=low
+libre (0.4.14-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.14
+  * Initial release.  Closes: #636272.
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Sat, 24 Oct 2015 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.13-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.13-1
- -- Richard Aas <richard at db.org>  Thu, 08 Oct 2015 10:35:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.13) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.13
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Wed, 01 July 2015 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.12) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.12
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Mon, 16 Mar 2015 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.11) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.11
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Tue, 9 Dec 2014 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.10-2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.10-2
- -- Richard Aas <richard at db.org>  Mon, 17 Nov 2014 09:09:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.10-1
- -- Richard Aas <richard at db.org>  Fri, 14 Nov 2014 09:09:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.10) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.10
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Sun, 19 Oct 2014 19:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.9) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.9
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Wed, 18 Jun 2014 19:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.8) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.8
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Fri, 11 Apr 2014 19:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.7) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.7
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Sun, 5 Jan 2014 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.6) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.6
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.5) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.5
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Thu, 3 Oct 2013 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.4) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.4
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Tue, 27 Aug 2013 20:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.3) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.3
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Sun, 5 May 2013 15:00:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.2) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.2
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Fri, 10 Aug 2012 10:08:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.1
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Sat, 21 Apr 2012 21:04:00 +0100
-libre (0.4.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.4.0
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Sun, 25 Dec 2011 12:25:00 +0100
-libre (0.3.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.3.0
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Wed, 7 Sept 2011 07:11:00 +0100
-libre (0.2.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.2.0
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Fri, 20 May 2011 20:05:00 +0100
-libre (0.1.0) unstable; urgency=low
-  * version 0.1.0
- -- Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>  Fri, 5 Nov 2010 05:11:10 +0100
+ -- Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org>  Mon, 26 Oct 2015 21:54:45 +0100
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index ed1d597..dfe3fb5 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 Source: libre
 Section: comm
 Priority: optional
-Maintainer: Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>
-Standards-Version: 3.9.5
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9.20120311)
+Maintainer: Simon Josefsson <simon at josefsson.org>
+Standards-Version: 3.9.6
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), libssl-dev
 Homepage: http://www.creytiv.com/
-Package: libre
+Package: libre0
 Architecture: any
 Section: libs
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Description: Generic library for real-time communications with async IO support
 Package: libre-dev
 Architecture: any
 Section: libdevel
-Depends: libre (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: libre0 (= ${binary:Version}), ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}
 Description: Generic library for real-time communications (development files)
  Libre is a portable and generic library for real-time communications
  with async IO support and a complete SIP stack with support for protocols
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index cd4354b..edd8f56 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -1,37 +1,69 @@
-This package was debianized by Alfred E. Heggestad <aeh at db.org>
+Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
+Upstream-Name: libre
+Source: http://www.creytiv.com/re.html
-It was downloaded from http://www.creytiv.com/
-Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Alfred E. Heggestad
-Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Richard Aas
-Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014, Creytiv.com
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+Files: *
+Copyright: Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Alfred E. Heggestad
+           Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Richard Aas
+           Copyright (c) 2010 - 2015, Creytiv.com
+License: BSD-3-clause
+ Quoting docs/COPYING:
+ .
+ All rights reserved.
+ .
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ are met:
+ .
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ .
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. Neither the name of the Creytiv.com nor the names of its contributors
+ .
+ 3. Neither the name of the Creytiv.com nor the names of its contributors
    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
    without specific prior written permission.
+ .
+Files: src/crc32/crc32.c
+Copyright: COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 Gary S. Brown
+License: crc32-license
+ Quoting the file:
+ .
+ *  COPYRIGHT (C) 1986 Gary S. Brown.  You may use this program, or
+ *  code or tables extracted from it, as desired without restriction.
+Files: src/md5/md5.*
+Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+License: md5-license
+ Quoting the file:
+ .
+  Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002 Aladdin Enterprises.  All rights reserved.
+ .
+  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+  arising from the use of this software.
+ .
+  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+ .
+  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+     appreciated but is not required.
+  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+     misrepresented as being the original software.
+  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
diff --git a/debian/gbp.conf b/debian/gbp.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5474c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/gbp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+pristine-tar = True
+sign-tags = True
diff --git a/debian/libre-dev.dirs b/debian/libre-dev.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3199aad..0000000
--- a/debian/libre-dev.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/libre-dev.files b/debian/libre-dev.files
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e20828..0000000
--- a/debian/libre-dev.files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/libre-dev.install b/debian/libre-dev.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4832895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libre-dev.install
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/debian/libre.dirs b/debian/libre.dirs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6845771..0000000
--- a/debian/libre.dirs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/libre.files b/debian/libre.files
deleted file mode 100644
index 153adbd..0000000
--- a/debian/libre.files
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/libre0.install b/debian/libre0.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73899f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libre0.install
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/debian/libre0.symbols b/debian/libre0.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5105e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libre0.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,903 @@
+libre.so.0 libre0 #MINVER#
+ _mod_close at Base 0.4.14
+ _mod_open at Base 0.4.14
+ _mod_sym at Base 0.4.14
+ aes_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ aes_decr at Base 0.4.14
+ aes_encr at Base 0.4.14
+ aes_set_iv at Base 0.4.14
+ base64_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ base64_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ base64_print at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attr_name at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attr_print at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attr_subattr at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attr_subattr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attrs_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attrs_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attrs_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attrs_find at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attrs_print at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_attrs_vencode at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_edreply at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_ereply at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_errcode_name at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_handle_response at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_msg_attr at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_msg_attr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_msg_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_msg_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_msg_print at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_msg_vencode at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_notify at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_prim_name at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_reply at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_reqstatus_name at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_request at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_send at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_sock at Base 0.4.14
+ bfcp_vrequest at Base 0.4.14
+ ch_hex at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_alloc_buf at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_get at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_get_bool at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_get_str at Base 0.4.14
+ conf_get_u32 at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_close at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_handler_set at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_info at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_init at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_level_str at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_logfile_set at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_noprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_notice at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_printf at Base 0.4.14
+ dbg_warning at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_cstr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_cstr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_dname_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_dname_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_hdr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_hdr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_hdr_opcodename at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_hdr_rcodename at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_classname at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_print at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rr_typename at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rrlist_apply2 at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rrlist_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rrlist_find at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_rrlist_sort at Base 0.4.14
+ dns_srv_get at Base 0.4.14
+ dnsc_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ dnsc_notify at Base 0.4.14
+ dnsc_query at Base 0.4.14
+ dnsc_query_srv at Base 0.4.14
+ dnsc_srv_set at Base 0.4.14
+ dtls_accept at Base 0.4.14
+ dtls_connect at Base 0.4.14
+ dtls_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ dtls_send at Base 0.4.14
+ dtls_set_handlers at Base 0.4.14
+ dtls_udp_sock at Base 0.4.14
+ epoll_check at Base 0.4.14
+ fd_close at Base 0.4.14
+ fd_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ fd_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ fd_setsize at Base 0.4.14
+ fmt_gmtime at Base 0.4.14
+ fmt_human_time at Base 0.4.14
+ fmt_param_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ fmt_param_exists at Base 0.4.14
+ fmt_param_get at Base 0.4.14
+ fs_gethome at Base 0.4.14
+ fs_mkdir at Base 0.4.14
+ get_resolv_dns at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_append at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_bsize at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_clear at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_fast at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_fast_str at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_flush at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_joaat at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_joaat_ci at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_joaat_pl at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_joaat_pl_ci at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_joaat_str at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_joaat_str_ci at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_list at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_lookup at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_unlink at Base 0.4.14
+ hash_valid_size at Base 0.4.14
+ hexdump at Base 0.4.14
+ hmac_create at Base 0.4.14
+ hmac_digest at Base 0.4.14
+ hmac_sha1 at Base 0.4.14
+ http_auth_check at Base 0.4.14
+ http_auth_check_request at Base 0.4.14
+ http_auth_print_challenge at Base 0.4.14
+ http_client_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ http_conn_close at Base 0.4.14
+ http_conn_peer at Base 0.4.14
+ http_conn_tcp at Base 0.4.14
+ http_conn_tls at Base 0.4.14
+ http_creply at Base 0.4.14
+ http_ereply at Base 0.4.14
+ http_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_hdr at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_hdr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_hdr_count at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_hdr_has_value at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_print at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_xhdr at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_xhdr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_xhdr_count at Base 0.4.14
+ http_msg_xhdr_has_value at Base 0.4.14
+ http_reply at Base 0.4.14
+ http_req_tcp at Base 0.4.14
+ http_req_tls at Base 0.4.14
+ http_request at Base 0.4.14
+ http_sock_tcp at Base 0.4.14
+ httpauth_digest_challenge_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ httpauth_digest_response_auth at Base 0.4.14
+ httpauth_digest_response_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ https_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_attr_cand at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_attr_lite at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_attr_mismatch at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_attr_pwd at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_attr_remote_cand at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_attr_ufrag at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_calc_pair_prio at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_cand_attr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_cand_attr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_cand_calc_prio at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_cand_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_cand_name2type at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_cand_type2name at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_candpair_state2name at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_checkl_state2name at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_conf at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_conncheck_start at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_list_unique at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_medialist at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_mode2name at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_pwd at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_remotecands_avail at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_remotecands_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_role2name at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_sdp_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_set_conf at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_set_offerer at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_switch_local_role at Base 0.4.14
+ ice_ufrag at Base 0.4.14
+ icecomp_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ icecomp_printf at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_add_chan at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_cand_add at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_cand_default at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_cand_find at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_cand_print at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_cand_redund_elim at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_cancel at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_clone at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_cmp_fnd at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_failed at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_find at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_find_compid at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_find_rcand at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_find_st at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_iscompleted at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_make_valid at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_prio_order at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpair_set_state at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpairs_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_candpairs_flush at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_cands_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_checkl at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_checklist_form at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_checklist_update at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_add at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_find at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_keepalive at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_set_default_cand at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_set_default_rcand at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_comp_set_selected at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_conncheck_continue at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_conncheck_schedule_check at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_conncheck_send at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_conncheck_start at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_conncheck_stop at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_gather_relay at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_gather_srflx at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_lcand_add at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_lcand_add_base at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_lcand_find_checklist at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_lcandl at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_lite_set_default_candidates at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_mismatch at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_printf at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_rcand_add at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_rcand_add_prflx at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_rcandl at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_sdp_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_selected_laddr at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_set_name at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_stund_recv at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_update at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_validl at Base 0.4.14
+ icem_verify_support at Base 0.4.14
+ jbuf_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ jbuf_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ jbuf_flush at Base 0.4.14
+ jbuf_get at Base 0.4.14
+ jbuf_put at Base 0.4.14
+ jbuf_stats at Base 0.4.14
+ json_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ json_decode_odict at Base 0.4.14
+ json_encode_odict at Base 0.4.14
+ libre_close at Base 0.4.14
+ libre_init at Base 0.4.14
+ list_append at Base 0.4.14
+ list_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ list_clear at Base 0.4.14
+ list_count at Base 0.4.14
+ list_flush at Base 0.4.14
+ list_head at Base 0.4.14
+ list_init at Base 0.4.14
+ list_insert_after at Base 0.4.14
+ list_insert_before at Base 0.4.14
+ list_prepend at Base 0.4.14
+ list_sort at Base 0.4.14
+ list_tail at Base 0.4.14
+ list_unlink at Base 0.4.14
+ lock_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ lock_read_get at Base 0.4.14
+ lock_read_try at Base 0.4.14
+ lock_rel at Base 0.4.14
+ lock_write_get at Base 0.4.14
+ lock_write_try at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_alloc_ref at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_fill at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_init at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_printf at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_read_mem at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_read_str at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_read_u16 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_read_u32 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_read_u64 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_read_u8 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_reset at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_resize at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_shift at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_strdup at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_trim at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_vprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_mem at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_pl at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_pl_skip at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_str at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_u16 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_u32 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_u64 at Base 0.4.14
+ mbuf_write_u8 at Base 0.4.14
+ md5 at Base 0.4.14
+ md5_printf at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_deref at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_get_stat at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_nrefs at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_realloc at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_reallocarray at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_ref at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_status at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_threshold_set at Base 0.4.14
+ mem_zalloc at Base 0.4.14
+ member_add at Base 0.4.14
+ member_find at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_add at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_close at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_export at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_find at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_init at Base 0.4.14
+ mod_load at Base 0.4.14
+ mqueue_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ mqueue_push at Base 0.4.14
+ msg_ctype_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ msg_ctype_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ msg_param_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ msg_param_exists at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_filtering_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_filtering_start at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_genalg_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_genalg_start at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_hairpinning_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_hairpinning_start at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_lifetime_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_lifetime_start at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_mapping_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_mapping_start at Base 0.4.14
+ nat_type_str at Base 0.4.14
+ net_af2name at Base 0.4.14
+ net_default_gateway_get at Base 0.4.14
+ net_default_source_addr_get at Base 0.4.14
+ net_getifaddrs at Base 0.4.14
+ net_hostaddr at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_getaddr4 at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_getaddr at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_getlinklocal at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_getname at Base 0.4.14
+ net_if_list at Base 0.4.14
+ net_inet_ntop at Base 0.4.14
+ net_inet_pton at Base 0.4.14
+ net_proto2name at Base 0.4.14
+ net_rt_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ net_rt_default_get at Base 0.4.14
+ net_rt_list at Base 0.4.14
+ net_sock_close at Base 0.4.14
+ net_sock_init at Base 0.4.14
+ net_sockopt_blocking_set at Base 0.4.14
+ net_sockopt_reuse_set at Base 0.4.14
+ ntp2unix at Base 0.4.14
+ ntp_compact2us at Base 0.4.14
+ ntp_compact at Base 0.4.14
+ ntp_time_get at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_count at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_entry_add at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_entry_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_entry_del at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_lookup at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_type_iscontainer at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_type_isreal at Base 0.4.14
+ odict_type_name at Base 0.4.14
+ openssl_close at Base 0.4.14
+ openssl_init at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_casecmp at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_dup at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_float at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_isset at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_null at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_set_mbuf at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_set_str at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_strcasecmp at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_strchr at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_strcmp at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_strcpy at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_strdup at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_u32 at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_u64 at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_x32 at Base 0.4.14
+ pl_x64 at Base 0.4.14
+ poll_method_best at Base 0.4.14
+ poll_method_name at Base 0.4.14
+ poll_method_set at Base 0.4.14
+ poll_method_type at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_bytes at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_char at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_init at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_str at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_u16 at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_u32 at Base 0.4.14
+ rand_u64 at Base 0.4.14
+ re_cancel at Base 0.4.14
+ re_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ re_fprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_hprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_main at Base 0.4.14
+ re_printf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_regex at Base 0.4.14
+ re_sdprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_set_mutex at Base 0.4.14
+ re_snprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_thread_close at Base 0.4.14
+ re_thread_enter at Base 0.4.14
+ re_thread_init at Base 0.4.14
+ re_thread_leave at Base 0.4.14
+ re_vfprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_vhprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_vprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_vsdprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ re_vsnprintf at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_enable at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_enable_mux at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_handler at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_hdr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_hdr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_msg_print at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_psfb_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_psfb_sli_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_rr_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_rr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_rr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_rtpfb_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_rtpfb_gnack_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sdes_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sdes_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sdes_name at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_send at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_send_app at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_send_fir at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_send_nack at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_send_pli at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sess_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sess_rx_rtp at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sess_tx_rtp at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_set_srate at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_set_srate_rx at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_set_srate_tx at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_sock at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_start at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_stats at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_type_name at Base 0.4.14
+ rtcp_vencode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_hdr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_hdr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_local at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_rtcp_sess at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_send at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_sess_ssrc at Base 0.4.14
+ rtp_sock at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_af at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_cpy at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_hash at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_in6 at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_in at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_init at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_is_any at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_is_linklocal at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_is_loopback at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_isset at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_ntop at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_port at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_print_addr at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_set at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_set_in6 at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_set_in at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_set_port at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_set_sa at Base 0.4.14
+ sa_set_str at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_add at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_addv at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_del at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_fmtp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_maxptime at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_print at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_ptime at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_rtcp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_attr_rtpmap at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_bandwidth_name at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_dir_name at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_extmap_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_format_add at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_format_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_format_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_format_find at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_format_radd at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_format_set_params at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_add at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_align_formats at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_audio at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_del_lattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_dir at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_find at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_format at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_format_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_format_lst at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_laddr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_ldir at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_lformat at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_name at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_proto at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_proto_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_radd at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_raddr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_raddr_rtcp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rattr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rbandwidth at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rdir at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rformat at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rport at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_rreset at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_session_rattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_alt_protos at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_disabled at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_encode_handler at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_fmt_ignore at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_laddr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_laddr_rtcp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_lattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_lbandwidth at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_ldir at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_lport at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_set_lport_rtcp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_text at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_media_video at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_proto_rtpavp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_proto_rtpsavp at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_del_lattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_lbandwidth at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_medial at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_rattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_rattr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_rbandwidth at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_rreset at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_set_laddr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_set_lattr at Base 0.4.14
+ sdp_session_set_lbandwidth at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_addr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_auth_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_auth_authenticate at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_auth_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_auth_reset at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_close at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_contact_print at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_contact_set at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_cseq_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_ctrans_cancel at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_ctrans_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_ctrans_init at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_ctrans_request at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_accept at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_callid at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_cmp_half at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_create at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_established at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_fork at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_lseq at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_route at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_rseq_valid at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_update at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_dialog_uri at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_drequestf at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_keepalive_signal at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_keepalive_start at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_keepalive_tcp at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_keepalive_udp at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_keepalive_wait at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_loopstate_reset at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_dump at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_hdr at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_hdr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_hdr_count at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_hdr_has_value at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_tcpconn at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_xhdr at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_xhdr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_xhdr_count at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_msg_xhdr_has_value at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_reply at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_reply_addr at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_replyf at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_request at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_request_cancel at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_request_close at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_request_loops at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_requestf at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_send at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_strans_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_strans_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_strans_init at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_strans_reply at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_add at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_flush at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_init at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_isladdr at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_laddr at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_name at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_param at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_port at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_reliable at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_send at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_srvid at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_transp_supported at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_treply at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_treplyf at Base 0.4.14
+ sip_via_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_accept at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_drefer at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_dsubscribe at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_event_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_fork at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_notify at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_notifyf at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_reason_name at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_refer at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_subscribe at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_substate_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ sipevent_substate_name at Base 0.4.14
+ sipnot_notify at Base 0.4.14
+ sipnot_refresh at Base 0.4.14
+ sipnot_reply at Base 0.4.14
+ sipreg_register at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_accept at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_ack at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_ack_again at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_answer at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_bye at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_close_all at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_connect at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_dialog at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_info at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_modify at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_progress at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_reinvite at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_reject at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_reply_2xx at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_reply_ack at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_request_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_set_close_headers at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsess_terminate at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsub_find at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsub_reschedule at Base 0.4.14
+ sipsub_terminate at Base 0.4.14
+ source_calc_fraction_lost at Base 0.4.14
+ source_calc_jitter at Base 0.4.14
+ source_calc_lost at Base 0.4.14
+ source_init_seq at Base 0.4.14
+ source_update_seq at Base 0.4.14
+ srtcp_decrypt at Base 0.4.14
+ srtcp_encrypt at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_decrypt at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_derive at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_encrypt at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_get_index at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_iv_calc at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_replay_check at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_replay_init at Base 0.4.14
+ srtp_suite_name at Base 0.4.14
+ str_casecmp at Base 0.4.14
+ str_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ str_dup at Base 0.4.14
+ str_error at Base 0.4.14
+ str_hex at Base 0.4.14
+ str_len at Base 0.4.14
+ str_ncpy at Base 0.4.14
+ stream_get at Base 0.4.14
+ stream_get_seq at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_addr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_addr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_attr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_attr_dump at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_attr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_attr_name at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_class_name at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_conf at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_ctrans_close at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_ctrans_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_ctrans_recv at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_ctrans_request at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_ereply at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_hdr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_hdr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_indication at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_keepalive_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_keepalive_enable at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_method_name at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_attr at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_attr_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_chk_fingerprint at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_chk_mi at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_class at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_dump at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_mcookie at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_method at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_tid at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_type at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_msg_vencode at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_proto_tcp at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_proto_udp at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_300 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_400 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_401 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_403 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_420 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_437 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_438 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_440 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_441 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_442 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_443 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_486 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_500 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reason_508 at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_recv at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_reply at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_request at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_send at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_server_discover at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_software at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_transp_name at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_usage_behavior at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_usage_binding at Base 0.4.14
+ stun_usage_relay at Base 0.4.14
+ stuns_usage_behavior at Base 0.4.14
+ stuns_usage_binding at Base 0.4.14
+ stuns_usage_relay at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_arch_get at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_build_get at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_coredump_set at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_daemon at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_htoll at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_htols at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_htonll at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_kernel_get at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_libre_version_get at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_ltohl at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_ltohs at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_ntohll at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_os_get at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_rel_get at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_username at Base 0.4.14
+ sys_usleep at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_accept at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_bind at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_connect at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_fd at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_local_get at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_peer_get at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_rxsz_set at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_txqsz at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_conn_txqsz_set at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_connect at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_local_get at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_register_helper at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_reject at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_send at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_send_helper at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_set_handlers at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_set_send at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_sock_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_sock_bind at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_sock_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ tcp_sock_local_get at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_code2digit at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_digit2code at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_poll at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_recv at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_rtpfmt at Base 0.4.14
+ telev_send at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_add_ca at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_fingerprint at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_peer_common_name at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_peer_fingerprint at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_peer_verify at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_set_certificate at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_set_selfsigned at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_set_srtp at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_set_verify_client at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_srtp_keyinfo at Base 0.4.14
+ tls_start_tcp at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_cancel at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_debug at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_get_expire at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_init at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_jiffies at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_next_timeout at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_poll at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_start at Base 0.4.14
+ tmr_status at Base 0.4.14
+ tmrl_get at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_add_chan at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_add_perm at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_find_numb at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_find_peer at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_hash_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_hdr_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_hdr_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_numb at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_chan_peer at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_keygen at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_loopstate_reset at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_perm_hash_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_recv at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_request_loops at Base 0.4.14
+ turnc_send at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_connect at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_error_handler_set at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_handler_set at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_listen at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_local_get at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_multicast_join at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_multicast_leave at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_register_helper at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_rxbuf_presz_set at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_rxsz_set at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_send at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_send_anon at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_send_helper at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_setsockopt at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_sock_fd at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_sockbuf_set at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_thread_attach at Base 0.4.14
+ udp_thread_detach at Base 0.4.14
+ unix2ntp at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_cmp at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_header_escape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_header_get at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_header_unescape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_headers_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_param_escape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_param_get at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_param_unescape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_params_apply at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_password_escape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_password_unescape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_user_escape at Base 0.4.14
+ uri_user_unescape at Base 0.4.14
+ utf8_decode at Base 0.4.14
+ utf8_encode at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_accept at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_alloc at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_close at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_connect at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_peer at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_send at Base 0.4.14
+ websock_shutdown at Base 0.4.14
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 84ec8a1..1d2ed06 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -1,97 +1,39 @@
 #!/usr/bin/make -f
-# -*- makefile -*-
-# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
-# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
-# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
-# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
-# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
-# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.
-#export DH_VERBOSE=1
+	dh $@ --parallel
-EXTRA_CFLAGS:="$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CFLAGS | sed -e 's/-O2//')"
-EXTRA_LFLAGS:="$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,libre.so"
+EXTRA_LFLAGS:="$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname,libre.so.0"
+EXTRA_CFLAGS:="$(shell dpkg-buildflags --get CPPFLAGS)"
+	sed -e 's,@\$$(CC),\$$(CC),' \
+		-e 's,@\$$(LD),\$$(LD),' \
+		-e 's,@\$$(AR),\$$(AR),' \
+		-e 's, at rm -rf,rm -rf,' < Makefile > GNUmakefile
-configure: configure-stamp
-	dh_testdir
-	# Add here commands to configure the package.
-	touch configure-stamp
-build: build-stamp
-build-stamp: configure-stamp 
-	dh_testdir
-	# Add here commands to compile the package.
+	dh_auto_build -- info all \
+		RELEASE=1 \
-	touch $@
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
-	# Add here commands to clean up after the build process.
-	$(MAKE) clean
-	dh_clean 
-install: build
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	dh_prep
-	dh_installdirs
-        # Add here commands to install the package into debian/tmp
-	mkdir $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
-	$(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/tmp
-	dh_movefiles
-# Build architecture-independent files here.
-binary-indep: build install
-# We have nothing to do by default.
+		LIB_SUFFIX=.so.0
-# Build architecture-dependent files here.
-binary-arch: build install
-	dh_testdir
-	dh_testroot
-	dh_installchangelogs 
-	dh_installdocs
-	dh_installexamples
-#	dh_install
-#	dh_installmenu
-#	dh_installdebconf	
-#	dh_installlogrotate
-#	dh_installemacsen
-#	dh_installpam
-#	dh_installmime
-#	dh_installinit
-#	dh_installcron
-#	dh_installinfo
-	dh_installman
-	dh_link
-	dh_strip
-	dh_compress
-	dh_fixperms
-#	dh_perl
-#	dh_python
-	dh_makeshlibs
-	dh_installdeb
-	dh_shlibdeps
-	dh_gencontrol
-	dh_md5sums
-	dh_builddeb
-build-arch: build
+	dh_auto_install -- \
+		LIB_SUFFIX=.so.0
+	cd debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR) && \
+		ln -s -f libre.so.0 libre.so
+	sed -i "s,libdir=\$${prefix}/lib,libdir=\$${prefix}/lib/$(DEB_TARGET_MULTIARCH)," debian/tmp/$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/libre.pc
-build-indep: build
+	make clean LIB_SUFFIX=.so.0
+	rm -f GNUmakefile
-binary: binary-indep binary-arch
-.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install configure
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..163aaf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/source/format
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c83d877
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+http://www.creytiv.com/pub/ re-(.*)\.tar\.gz

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/libre.git

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