[Pkg-voip-commits] [twinkle] 36/73: Imported Debian patch 1:1.2-3

Peter Colberg pc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jan 6 00:31:50 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

pc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository twinkle.

commit 98ed743067fa0c5c3ed73557853b21bbb7b17645
Author: Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Oct 11 10:05:06 2008 +1100

    Imported Debian patch 1:1.2-3
 debian/bug/presubj                                 |  11 +
 debian/changelog                                   |  18 +
 debian/control                                     |   6 +-
 debian/dirs                                        |   1 +
 debian/menu                                        |   6 +-
 .../desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key.patch      |   9 +
 debian/rules                                       |   6 -
 debian/twinkle-16x16.xpm                           | 117 ++++++
 debian/twinkle-32x32.xpm                           | 419 +++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/twinkle.install                             |   5 +
 debian/twinkle.manpages                            |   1 +
 11 files changed, 587 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/bug/presubj b/debian/bug/presubj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e02ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/bug/presubj
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+If you know that the bug you want to report is in the "upstream"
+code then please file directly with the twinkle users group:
+   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/twinklephone/
+If you feel that the bug is one that other Debian users should
+know about then you are welcome to file a report in the Debian BTS
+as well.  Please keep in mind, however, that managing bug reports
+is part of the maintainers' workload.
+As a minimum could I ask you to Cc: the usergroup twinklephone at yahoogroups.com
+for upstream issues so they are aware of any issues we have.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index bf951b2..9aa987b 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,21 @@
+twinkle (1:1.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Patrick Matthäi ]
+  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.0.
+  * Converted menu images to xpm and use them at twinkle.menu.
+    Thanks lintian.
+  [ Mark Purcell ]
+  * Update debian.install: twinkle.desktop & sip.protocol
+  * Update twinkle.desktop fixes
+    - linitan:desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key
+  * Add bug/presubj directing users to upstream user group
+  * Add debian/twinkle.manpages
+  * Update debian/menu - menu-icon-too-big. Icons in the Debian menu
+    system should be at most 32x32
+ -- Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>  Sat, 11 Oct 2008 10:05:06 +1100
 twinkle (1:1.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Provide gcc4.3.patch to fix build issues
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 9f9aa5c..3eb1009 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Debian VoIP Team <pkg-voip-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Kilian Krause <kilian at debian.org>, Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo at debian.org>, Mark Purcell <msp at debian.org>, Santiago Garcia Mantinan <manty at debian.org>, Mikael Magnusson <mikma at users.sourceforge.net>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), autotools-dev, libcommoncpp2-dev (>= 1.4.2), libccrtp-dev (>= 1.5.0), help2man, libqt3-mt-dev (>= 3:3.3.0), qt3-apps-dev, automake1.9, cdbs, kdelibs4-dev, libasound2-dev [!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386], libxml2-dev, libgsm1-dev, libsndfile1-dev, libxpm-dev, libspeex-dev, libboost-regex-dev, libzrtpcpp-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.6.1
+Standards-Version: 3.8.0
 Homepage: http://www.twinklephone.com/
 Vcs-Svn: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-voip/twinkle/trunk/
 Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-voip/twinkle/?op=log
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Description: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) SIP Phone
  In addition to making basic voice calls Twinkle provides you the
  following features regardless of the services that your VoIP service
- provider might offer. 
+ provider might offer.
   2 call appearances (lines)
   Multiple active call identities
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Description: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) SIP Phone
   Message Waiting Indication
   Voice mail speed dial
   User definable scripts triggered on call events
-   E.g. to implement selective call reject or distinctive ringing 
+   E.g. to implement selective call reject or distinctive ringing
   RFC 2833 DTMF events
   In-band DTMF
   Out-of-band DTMF (SIP INFO)
diff --git a/debian/dirs b/debian/dirs
index 1aa6d38..d237bbc 100644
--- a/debian/dirs
+++ b/debian/dirs
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/debian/menu b/debian/menu
index 1635c4a..14712fa 100644
--- a/debian/menu
+++ b/debian/menu
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ?package(twinkle):needs="X11" section="Applications/Network/Communication"\
   title="twinkle" command="/usr/bin/twinkle" \
-  icon16x16="/usr/share/twinkle/twinkle16.png" \
-  icon32x32="/usr/share/twinkle/twinkle32.png" \
-  icon="/usr/share/twinkle/twinkle48.png"
+  icon16x16="/usr/share/pixmaps/twinkle-16x16.xpm" \
+  icon32x32="/usr/share/pixmaps/twinkle-32x32.xpm" \
+  icon="/usr/share/pixmaps/twinkle-32x32.xpm"
diff --git a/debian/patches/desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key.patch b/debian/patches/desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0812cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+diff -Nur -x '*.orig' -x '*~' twinkle-1.2/twinkle.desktop.in twinkle-1.2.new/twinkle.desktop.in
+--- twinkle-1.2/twinkle.desktop.in	2007-07-24 03:54:16.000000000 +1000
++++ twinkle-1.2.new/twinkle.desktop.in	2008-10-10 23:45:40.000000000 +1100
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Name=Twinkle
+ GenericName=A SIP softphone
+ Comment=A SIP softphone
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 1b9b102..59a46c3 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -11,12 +11,6 @@ include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk
 DEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --without-ilbc
-DEB_INSTALL_MANPAGES_twinkle = debian/twinkle.1
-	cp twinkle.desktop $(CURDIR)/debian/twinkle/usr/share/applications
-	cp sip.protocol $(CURDIR)/debian/twinkle/usr/share/services
 	@@[ -d ../tarballs/. ]||mkdir -p ../tarballs
diff --git a/debian/twinkle-16x16.xpm b/debian/twinkle-16x16.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4f19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/twinkle-16x16.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * twinkle_16x16_xpm[] = {
+"16 16 98 2",
+"  	c None",
+". 	c #B2AC17",
+"+ 	c #B5A918",
+"@ 	c #F0EB23",
+"# 	c #EDE622",
+"$ 	c #F8F626",
+"% 	c #938A0C",
+"& 	c #93870A",
+"* 	c #F6F728",
+"= 	c #F8F932",
+"- 	c #B8B110",
+"; 	c #C4BF21",
+"> 	c #F8F933",
+", 	c #F8FA30",
+"' 	c #F0EC1A",
+") 	c #64590B",
+"! 	c #B1A519",
+"~ 	c #BDB121",
+"{ 	c #C0B217",
+"] 	c #C2B514",
+"^ 	c #CDC41C",
+"/ 	c #EDE621",
+"( 	c #B8AF5D",
+"_ 	c #BCB270",
+": 	c #E9E11E",
+"< 	c #F2EE18",
+"[ 	c #E5E013",
+"} 	c #DDD612",
+"| 	c #DBD20F",
+"1 	c #D6CF11",
+"2 	c #675E0A",
+"3 	c #A39814",
+"4 	c #F6F22A",
+"5 	c #F9FA31",
+"6 	c #FAFA33",
+"7 	c #F8F622",
+"8 	c #7F82A1",
+"9 	c #8E8DFE",
+"0 	c #C2AAF9",
+"a 	c #A292D2",
+"b 	c #EEE91B",
+"c 	c #FAFC16",
+"d 	c #FCFC1E",
+"e 	c #F1EE10",
+"f 	c #827D06",
+"g 	c #6E6406",
+"h 	c #DBD316",
+"i 	c #FBFA2D",
+"j 	c #ECE21A",
+"k 	c #415AFA",
+"l 	c #9D97FE",
+"m 	c #C6B1FA",
+"n 	c #B5A0FA",
+"o 	c #C4B94D",
+"p 	c #F8FA1D",
+"q 	c #D6CF12",
+"r 	c #B4AE18",
+"s 	c #F0E719",
+"t 	c #3D51DA",
+"u 	c #646EFF",
+"v 	c #958AFE",
+"w 	c #7674FD",
+"x 	c #CAC144",
+"y 	c #BFB625",
+"z 	c #F6F620",
+"A 	c #BCB73F",
+"B 	c #4D5CD0",
+"C 	c #4E58DE",
+"D 	c #968E72",
+"E 	c #F0EE1D",
+"F 	c #A9A016",
+"G 	c #A09609",
+"H 	c #F5F418",
+"I 	c #F6F722",
+"J 	c #F2EC27",
+"K 	c #EFE526",
+"L 	c #F0F02E",
+"M 	c #F2F332",
+"N 	c #C8C318",
+"O 	c #BEB30D",
+"P 	c #F5F61E",
+"Q 	c #F4F21F",
+"R 	c #B2A911",
+"S 	c #968D19",
+"T 	c #E8E41D",
+"U 	c #F4F532",
+"V 	c #F5F326",
+"W 	c #F2EA1A",
+"X 	c #ECE71B",
+"Y 	c #867A0B",
+"Z 	c #625807",
+"` 	c #D2CA16",
+" .	c #F3F226",
+"..	c #9F9411",
+"+.	c #8E8009",
+"@.	c #D3CA13",
+"#.	c #A29A0D",
+"$.	c #BFB312",
+"                                ",
+"                .               ",
+"              + @               ",
+"              # $ %             ",
+"            & * = -             ",
+"            ; > , '             ",
+") ! ~ { ] ^ / ( _ : < [ } | 1 2 ",
+"  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f   ",
+"    g h i j k l m n o p q       ",
+"        r s t u v w x y         ",
+"          z A B C D E F         ",
+"        G H I J K L M N         ",
+"        O P Q R S T U V         ",
+"        W X Y     Z `  ...      ",
+"      +. at .            #.$.      ",
+"                                "};
diff --git a/debian/twinkle-32x32.xpm b/debian/twinkle-32x32.xpm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8896fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/twinkle-32x32.xpm
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+/* XPM */
+static char * twinkle_32x32_xpm[] = {
+"32 32 384 2",
+"  	c None",
+". 	c #695F0A",
+"+ 	c #5D5308",
+"@ 	c #DAD11E",
+"# 	c #66600A",
+"$ 	c #9D910F",
+"% 	c #EFEA24",
+"& 	c #85800B",
+"* 	c #685B0B",
+"= 	c #DACE1E",
+"- 	c #F8F62B",
+"; 	c #DAD119",
+"> 	c #7E6F0B",
+", 	c #EFE726",
+"' 	c #F8F728",
+") 	c #F5EF20",
+"! 	c #504806",
+"~ 	c #D4C412",
+"{ 	c #F7F42C",
+"] 	c #F7F728",
+"^ 	c #F7F422",
+"/ 	c #9F970F",
+"( 	c #4C4205",
+"_ 	c #F3EA18",
+": 	c #F7F630",
+"< 	c #F8F830",
+"[ 	c #F8F520",
+"} 	c #C5BB0F",
+"| 	c #A09208",
+"1 	c #F5F31F",
+"2 	c #F7F829",
+"3 	c #F8F938",
+"4 	c #E4DE14",
+"5 	c #716809",
+"6 	c #C4B70F",
+"7 	c #F6F627",
+"8 	c #F8FA31",
+"9 	c #F8FA35",
+"0 	c #F8F932",
+"a 	c #F2ED17",
+"b 	c #887F09",
+"c 	c #7E7512",
+"d 	c #E7E224",
+"e 	c #F8F935",
+"f 	c #F9FA38",
+"g 	c #F9FA32",
+"h 	c #F8FA32",
+"i 	c #F7F61E",
+"j 	c #DBD013",
+"k 	c #AAA324",
+"l 	c #F3F429",
+"m 	c #F8F92B",
+"n 	c #F8FA33",
+"o 	c #F8F929",
+"p 	c #F9FA1F",
+"q 	c #F4F218",
+"r 	c #524D0D",
+"s 	c #5E510A",
+"t 	c #71610B",
+"u 	c #71650B",
+"v 	c #8B7916",
+"w 	c #7D6C0D",
+"x 	c #8C7B10",
+"y 	c #81710A",
+"z 	c #8D7B0E",
+"A 	c #8D7C0E",
+"B 	c #98890E",
+"C 	c #B2A718",
+"D 	c #EEED2A",
+"E 	c #F2F11F",
+"F 	c #EDE21E",
+"G 	c #E1D12D",
+"H 	c #DDCF34",
+"I 	c #E6D92A",
+"J 	c #F5F014",
+"K 	c #F7F815",
+"L 	c #F2EE1B",
+"M 	c #E0D614",
+"N 	c #D3C811",
+"O 	c #CCC113",
+"P 	c #C0B60F",
+"Q 	c #BFB10C",
+"R 	c #BBA809",
+"S 	c #BFAF0B",
+"T 	c #B9AD0F",
+"U 	c #ADA40D",
+"V 	c #84790D",
+"W 	c #372F08",
+"X 	c #393108",
+"Y 	c #A29310",
+"Z 	c #D5C920",
+"` 	c #DBD323",
+" .	c #E3DC2C",
+"..	c #E5DD2B",
+"+.	c #ECE224",
+"@.	c #EEE21A",
+"#.	c #F3E818",
+"$.	c #F4EC1D",
+"%.	c #F4EF24",
+"&.	c #F5F226",
+"*.	c #F0ED1A",
+"=.	c #E3CC21",
+"-.	c #92897D",
+";.	c #817FAD",
+">.	c #8D89BD",
+",.	c #A195A7",
+"'.	c #C9B63E",
+").	c #EFE513",
+"!.	c #FAFA1D",
+"~.	c #FAFB14",
+"{.	c #FBFC12",
+"].	c #FBFC16",
+"^.	c #FBFA16",
+"/.	c #F9F817",
+"(.	c #F9F713",
+"_.	c #FAF815",
+":.	c #FAF917",
+"<.	c #F8F312",
+"[.	c #8A810B",
+"}.	c #332C03",
+"|.	c #AEA214",
+"1.	c #E7E024",
+"2.	c #F9F933",
+"3.	c #F9F937",
+"4.	c #F9FA33",
+"5.	c #FAFA2F",
+"6.	c #F9FA2C",
+"7.	c #F9FA35",
+"8.	c #F8F931",
+"9.	c #F7F723",
+"0.	c #C3B63B",
+"a.	c #676FC3",
+"b.	c #727DFF",
+"c.	c #9290FE",
+"d.	c #B8A5FB",
+"e.	c #BBA6F8",
+"f.	c #9A8EE9",
+"g.	c #A49483",
+"h.	c #F3EC17",
+"i.	c #F8F91C",
+"j.	c #FAFC14",
+"k.	c #FCFC19",
+"l.	c #FCFC1C",
+"m.	c #FDFD16",
+"n.	c #FCFA0E",
+"o.	c #CBC609",
+"p.	c #6E6805",
+"q.	c #81730B",
+"r.	c #EEE31C",
+"s.	c #F7F424",
+"t.	c #F9F930",
+"u.	c #FAFB31",
+"v.	c #FAFB3B",
+"w.	c #F9FA23",
+"x.	c #F7EF13",
+"y.	c #7D788E",
+"z.	c #5469F7",
+"A.	c #8A8BFE",
+"B.	c #AA9CFD",
+"C.	c #C7AFF9",
+"D.	c #CCB0F7",
+"E.	c #BAA1F6",
+"F.	c #9183E5",
+"G.	c #D8CA25",
+"H.	c #F7F613",
+"I.	c #FBFC1E",
+"J.	c #FBFC24",
+"K.	c #FBFB21",
+"L.	c #F9F611",
+"M.	c #D3CB09",
+"N.	c #555004",
+"O.	c #504503",
+"P.	c #AFA20B",
+"Q.	c #F0E915",
+"R.	c #F8F424",
+"S.	c #FBFB2C",
+"T.	c #FBFB31",
+"U.	c #F9F819",
+"V.	c #E8D212",
+"W.	c #354FED",
+"X.	c #566AFF",
+"Y.	c #9190FF",
+"Z.	c #B1A1FD",
+"`.	c #C6B2FB",
+" +	c #CBB4F8",
+".+	c #A494F9",
+"++	c #A39679",
+"@+	c #F2E911",
+"#+	c #F9FB1E",
+"$+	c #F9FB20",
+"%+	c #F8F71A",
+"&+	c #EBE40F",
+"*+	c #878104",
+"=+	c #262401",
+"-+	c #3C3503",
+";+	c #988E0A",
+">+	c #E9E116",
+",+	c #FBF928",
+"'+	c #FBFB30",
+")+	c #F8F822",
+"!+	c #D9C51A",
+"~+	c #294AFC",
+"{+	c #4F65FF",
+"]+	c #8A8CFF",
+"^+	c #A79EFE",
+"/+	c #C3ADFD",
+"(+	c #C6B1FA",
+"_+	c #C6AEFA",
+":+	c #9D90FC",
+"<+	c #908594",
+"[+	c #EAE016",
+"}+	c #F8FA1E",
+"|+	c #F8F918",
+"1+	c #DDD513",
+"2+	c #8F840A",
+"3+	c #595007",
+"4+	c #C6BE11",
+"5+	c #F0EE2D",
+"6+	c #F7F526",
+"7+	c #E5D010",
+"8+	c #3046DE",
+"9+	c #3953FF",
+"0+	c #656FFF",
+"a+	c #807FFF",
+"b+	c #A796FE",
+"c+	c #B19CFD",
+"d+	c #9C90FE",
+"e+	c #7573FE",
+"f+	c #938886",
+"g+	c #EDE61C",
+"h+	c #EEEC2A",
+"i+	c #C4B720",
+"j+	c #463A07",
+"k+	c #4D4808",
+"l+	c #A79F15",
+"m+	c #F6F420",
+"n+	c #F0E40D",
+"o+	c #616394",
+"p+	c #2B48F9",
+"q+	c #4A5DFF",
+"r+	c #626BFF",
+"s+	c #7979FF",
+"t+	c #847FFF",
+"u+	c #7373FF",
+"v+	c #555CF9",
+"w+	c #B8A947",
+"x+	c #F1ED25",
+"y+	c #C9C12F",
+"z+	c #615514",
+"A+	c #786A0E",
+"B+	c #F4F320",
+"C+	c #F6F51B",
+"D+	c #CCC126",
+"E+	c #5F689A",
+"F+	c #3450F7",
+"G+	c #475EFF",
+"H+	c #4E5FFF",
+"I+	c #4B5BFE",
+"J+	c #4E55DB",
+"K+	c #897C73",
+"L+	c #EEE612",
+"M+	c #F1F225",
+"N+	c #C7BE1C",
+"O+	c #978A0A",
+"P+	c #F5F41E",
+"Q+	c #F8FA28",
+"R+	c #F4EF16",
+"S+	c #D1C527",
+"T+	c #726F88",
+"U+	c #4854C2",
+"V+	c #424DCE",
+"W+	c #5C57AE",
+"X+	c #A69655",
+"Y+	c #DDD026",
+"Z+	c #F1EF1C",
+"`+	c #F2F320",
+" @	c #DAD31D",
+".@	c #6E630D",
+"+@	c #B8AD08",
+"@@	c #F4F115",
+"#@	c #F7F91C",
+"$@	c #F7FA1C",
+"%@	c #F7F71C",
+"&@	c #F5ED1B",
+"*@	c #EDDA1A",
+"=@	c #EAD115",
+"-@	c #EDE11B",
+";@	c #EFEE2B",
+">@	c #F1F032",
+",@	c #F2F331",
+"'@	c #F2F329",
+")@	c #F0ED20",
+"!@	c #827B0C",
+"~@	c #5F5406",
+"{@	c #CFC40C",
+"]@	c #F4F216",
+"^@	c #F5F619",
+"/@	c #F4F621",
+"(@	c #F4F62F",
+"_@	c #F4F533",
+":@	c #F3F335",
+"<@	c #F3F136",
+"[@	c #F1F132",
+"}@	c #F0F12C",
+"|@	c #F1F130",
+"1@	c #F3F33A",
+"2@	c #F2F435",
+"3@	c #F5F422",
+"4@	c #B4AC10",
+"5@	c #766A05",
+"6@	c #EADF0F",
+"7@	c #F5F61F",
+"8@	c #F5F61B",
+"9@	c #F4F620",
+"0@	c #F4F322",
+"a@	c #EAE619",
+"b@	c #C2BA17",
+"c@	c #AA9F1C",
+"d@	c #D2CA25",
+"e@	c #EFEE22",
+"f@	c #EFF01D",
+"g@	c #F2F330",
+"h@	c #F4F63C",
+"i@	c #F5F52A",
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diff --git a/debian/twinkle.install b/debian/twinkle.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de783a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/twinkle.install
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+debian/twinkle-32x32.xpm usr/share/pixmaps/
+debian/twinkle-16x16.xpm usr/share/pixmaps/
+debian/bug/* usr/share/bug/twinkle/
+twinkle.desktop usr/share/applications
+sip.protocol usr/share/services
diff --git a/debian/twinkle.manpages b/debian/twinkle.manpages
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e7e7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/twinkle.manpages
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/twinkle.git

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