[Pkg-voip-commits] [asterisk] 01/05: Merge tag 'upstream/13.12.1_dfsg'

tzafrir at debian.org tzafrir at debian.org
Wed Nov 2 10:52:50 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tzafrir pushed a commit to branch master
in repository asterisk.

commit 67785c638796be1be75dcad114e645ae0b839a08
Merge: f6030d3 6f8d5c9
Author: Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Nov 1 10:41:23 2016 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/13.12.1_dfsg'
    Upstream version 13.12.1~dfsg
    # gpg: Signature made IST 10:41:04 2016 נוב 01 ג'
    # gpg:                using RSA key 8EFD4C2F0325A0CE
    # gpg: Good signature from "Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at debian.org>" [ultimate]
    # gpg:                 aka "Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir at cohens.org.il>" [ultimate]
    # gpg:                 aka "Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com>" [ultimate]

 .version                                           |    2 +-
 CHANGES                                            |   81 +
 ChangeLog                                          | 2767 ++++++++++++++++++--
 Makefile                                           |   11 +-
 Makefile.moddir_rules                              |   14 +-
 Makefile.rules                                     |    4 +
 addons/cdr_mysql.c                                 |   11 +-
 addons/chan_ooh323.c                               |   48 +
 addons/res_config_mysql.c                          |  364 +--
 apps/app_confbridge.c                              |  612 ++++-
 apps/app_dial.c                                    |  191 +-
 apps/app_fax.c                                     |   14 +-
 apps/app_followme.c                                |   26 +-
 apps/app_macro.c                                   |   36 +-
 apps/app_minivm.c                                  |    8 +-
 apps/app_mp3.c                                     |   52 +-
 apps/app_queue.c                                   |   35 +-
 apps/app_userevent.c                               |    4 +
 apps/app_voicemail.c                               |   23 +
 apps/confbridge/conf_chan_announce.c               |   30 +-
 apps/confbridge/conf_state_multi_marked.c          |    9 +-
 apps/confbridge/include/confbridge.h               |   43 +-
 asterisk-13.11.2-summary.html                      |   21 -
 asterisk-13.12.1-summary.html                      |   11 +
 ...1.2-summary.txt => asterisk-13.12.1-summary.txt |   49 +-
 build_tools/download_externals                     |  224 ++
 build_tools/list_valid_installed_externals         |   55 +
 build_tools/make_version                           |    4 +-
 build_tools/menuselect-deps.in                     |    2 +
 cel/cel_odbc.c                                     |    1 +
 channels/chan_dahdi.c                              |   54 +
 channels/chan_iax2.c                               |   19 +
 channels/chan_pjsip.c                              |   42 +-
 channels/chan_sip.c                                |  122 +-
 channels/pjsip/dialplan_functions.c                |  131 +-
 channels/pjsip/include/dialplan_functions.h        |   12 +
 channels/sip/dialplan_functions.c                  |   82 +
 channels/sip/include/sip.h                         |    9 +-
 codecs/codecs.xml                                  |   32 +
 configs/samples/alsa.conf.sample                   |    4 +-
 configs/samples/asterisk.conf.sample               |    8 +
 configs/samples/ccss.conf.sample                   |   16 +-
 configs/samples/cdr_mysql.conf.sample              |    5 +-
 configs/samples/chan_dahdi.conf.sample             |    4 +-
 configs/samples/console.conf.sample                |    4 +-
 configs/samples/dsp.conf.sample                    |   28 +-
 configs/samples/manager.conf.sample                |    4 +-
 configs/samples/mgcp.conf.sample                   |    6 +-
 configs/samples/minivm.conf.sample                 |   14 +-
 configs/samples/misdn.conf.sample                  |    4 +-
 configs/samples/oss.conf.sample                    |    4 +-
 configs/samples/pjsip.conf.sample                  |   39 +
 configs/samples/queues.conf.sample                 |    4 +-
 configs/samples/res_odbc.conf.sample               |   13 -
 configs/samples/res_snmp.conf.sample               |    2 +-
 configs/samples/sip.conf.sample                    |   57 +-
 configs/samples/skinny.conf.sample                 |   20 +-
 configs/samples/unistim.conf.sample                |    4 +-
 configs/samples/voicemail.conf.sample              |   10 +
 configs/samples/vpb.conf.sample                    |    2 +-
 configure                                          |  982 ++++---
 configure.ac                                       |   79 +-
 contrib/ast-db-manage/README.md                    |    1 +
 contrib/ast-db-manage/cdr/env.py                   |   75 +-
 contrib/ast-db-manage/config/env.py                |   75 +-
 .../versions/3772f8f828da_update_identify_by.py    |   44 +
 .../4e2493ef32e6_add_contact_user_to_endpoint.py   |   22 +
 .../versions/581a4264e537_adding_extensions.py     |   10 +-
 ...f1309_ps_globals_add_ignore_uri_user_options.py |   32 +
 .../c7a44a5a0851_pjsip_add_global_mwi_options.py   |   35 +
 contrib/ast-db-manage/env.py                       |  140 +
 contrib/ast-db-manage/voicemail/env.py             |   75 +-
 contrib/realtime/mssql/mssql_config.sql            |   63 +-
 contrib/realtime/mysql/mysql_config.sql            |   31 +-
 contrib/realtime/oracle/oracle_config.sql          |   63 +-
 contrib/realtime/postgresql/postgresql_config.sql  |   37 +-
 contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk                      |   13 +-
 contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/astconfigparser.py    |   27 +-
 contrib/scripts/sip_to_pjsip/sip_to_pjsip.py       |  497 ++--
 doc/appdocsxml.dtd                                 |    2 +-
 doc/appdocsxml.xslt                                |    5 +-
 funcs/func_cdr.c                                   |   10 +-
 funcs/func_channel.c                               |  214 +-
 include/asterisk.h                                 |    7 +
 include/asterisk/_private.h                        |    2 +-
 include/asterisk/ari.h                             |    3 +-
 include/asterisk/autoconfig.h.in                   |   23 +-
 include/asterisk/channel.h                         |    6 +-
 include/asterisk/chanvars.h                        |    2 +-
 include/asterisk/config.h                          |    2 +-
 include/asterisk/hashtab.h                         |   14 +-
 include/asterisk/heap.h                            |    4 +-
 include/asterisk/http.h                            |    1 +
 include/asterisk/io.h                              |   10 +
 include/asterisk/json.h                            |   35 +
 include/asterisk/lock.h                            |    2 +-
 include/asterisk/opus.h                            |   51 +-
 include/asterisk/pbx.h                             |   12 +
 include/asterisk/res_fax.h                         |   22 +-
 include/asterisk/res_pjsip.h                       |   60 +
 include/asterisk/strings.h                         |    6 +-
 include/asterisk/taskprocessor.h                   |   32 +
 include/asterisk/utils.h                           |   12 +-
 include/asterisk/vector.h                          |   54 +-
 main/Makefile                                      |    2 +
 main/aoc.c                                         |   64 +-
 main/asterisk.c                                    |  464 ++--
 main/astobj2.c                                     |   25 +-
 main/astobj2_container.c                           |   36 +-
 main/astobj2_hash.c                                |    4 +-
 main/astobj2_rbtree.c                              |    4 +-
 main/bridge.c                                      |   12 +
 main/bridge_basic.c                                |    2 +
 main/cel.c                                         |    4 +-
 main/channel.c                                     |   51 +-
 main/chanvars.c                                    |    4 +-
 main/codec_builtin.c                               |    6 +
 main/config.c                                      |    4 +-
 main/dsp.c                                         |  496 +++-
 main/features.c                                    |   14 +
 main/format_cap.c                                  |    2 +-
 main/hashtab.c                                     |   40 +-
 main/heap.c                                        |   14 +-
 main/http.c                                        |    2 +
 main/io.c                                          |   10 +
 main/json.c                                        |  146 +-
 main/loader.c                                      |    9 +-
 main/lock.c                                        |   36 +-
 main/logger.c                                      |    2 +-
 main/manager.c                                     |   91 +
 main/manager_bridges.c                             |   46 +
 main/manager_channels.c                            |   56 +-
 main/message.c                                     |   16 +-
 main/named_locks.c                                 |    4 +-
 main/pbx.c                                         |  239 +-
 main/pbx_functions.c                               |   19 +-
 main/presencestate.c                               |    3 +
 main/rtp_engine.c                                  |   20 +-
 main/sorcery.c                                     |  134 +-
 main/stasis.c                                      |    1 +
 main/stasis_bridges.c                              |    6 +
 main/strings.c                                     |    4 +-
 main/taskprocessor.c                               |   37 +-
 main/utils.c                                       |   18 +-
 makeopts.in                                        |   11 +
 menuselect/menuselect.c                            |   24 +-
 menuselect/menuselect.h                            |   17 +-
 menuselect/menuselect_curses.c                     |   61 +-
 menuselect/menuselect_gtk.c                        |   11 +-
 menuselect/menuselect_newt.c                       |    2 +-
 pbx/pbx_dundi.c                                    |    3 +
 res/ari/resource_channels.h                        |    4 +-
 res/res.xml                                        |   13 +
 res/res_agi.c                                      |  384 ++-
 res/res_ari.c                                      |   16 +-
 res/res_ari_applications.c                         |    6 +-
 res/res_ari_asterisk.c                             |   26 +-
 res/res_ari_bridges.c                              |   16 +-
 res/res_ari_channels.c                             |   34 +-
 res/res_ari_device_states.c                        |    4 +-
 res/res_ari_endpoints.c                            |   10 +-
 res/res_ari_events.c                               |    6 +-
 res/res_ari_mailboxes.c                            |    4 +-
 res/res_ari_playbacks.c                            |    6 +-
 res/res_ari_recordings.c                           |   18 +-
 res/res_ari_sounds.c                               |    4 +-
 res/res_config_odbc.c                              |  174 +-
 res/res_corosync.c                                 |    6 +
 res/res_fax.c                                      |  128 +-
 res/res_format_attr_g729.c                         |   76 +
 res/res_format_attr_opus.c                         |  348 +--
 res/res_odbc.c                                     |    3 +-
 res/res_odbc_transaction.c                         |    2 +-
 res/res_pjsip.c                                    |  101 +-
 res/res_pjsip/config_global.c                      |  143 +-
 res/res_pjsip/location.c                           |  140 +-
 res/res_pjsip/pjsip_configuration.c                |   75 +-
 res/res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c                  |    3 +-
 res/res_pjsip/pjsip_global_headers.c               |    8 +
 res/res_pjsip/pjsip_options.c                      |   53 +-
 res/res_pjsip_caller_id.c                          |   20 +-
 res/res_pjsip_config_wizard.c                      |    4 +-
 res/res_pjsip_diversion.c                          |   27 +-
 res/res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_user.c           |   12 +-
 res/res_pjsip_messaging.c                          |  151 +-
 res/res_pjsip_multihomed.c                         |    7 +-
 res/res_pjsip_mwi.c                                |  160 +-
 res/res_pjsip_outbound_publish.c                   |  131 +-
 res/res_pjsip_path.c                               |   22 +-
 res/res_pjsip_publish_asterisk.c                   |    5 +
 res/res_pjsip_pubsub.c                             |   18 +
 res/res_pjsip_refer.c                              |   14 +-
 res/res_pjsip_registrar.c                          |   24 +-
 res/res_pjsip_registrar_expire.c                   |    4 +-
 res/res_pjsip_session.c                            |  121 +-
 res/res_pjsip_t38.c                                |   14 +-
 res/res_pjsip_transport_management.c               |    2 +-
 res/res_rtp_asterisk.c                             |   88 +-
 res/res_sorcery_config.c                           |   44 +-
 res/res_sorcery_memory.c                           |    4 +
 res/res_xmpp.c                                     |    8 +-
 res/stasis/app.c                                   |    2 +-
 rest-api-templates/api.wiki.mustache               |    4 +-
 rest-api-templates/swagger_model.py                |    4 +-
 tests/test_ari.c                                   |    8 +-
 tests/test_json.c                                  |   34 +-
 third-party/Makefile.rules                         |   19 +-
 third-party/configure.m4                           |    7 +
 third-party/pjproject/Makefile                     |  152 +-
 third-party/pjproject/apply_patches                |    6 +-
 third-party/pjproject/configure.m4                 |   88 +-
 .../0001-r5397-pjsip_generic_array_max_count.patch |   58 +
 .../patches/0001-r5400-pjsip_tx_data_dec_ref.patch |   24 +
 .../0002-r5435-add-pjsip_inv_session-ref_cnt.patch |  212 ++
 .../patches/0003-r5403-pjsip_IPV6_V6ONLY.patch     |   13 +
 ...Prevent-SERVFAIL-from-marking-name-server.patch |   48 +
 ...-crash-on-using-an-already-destroyed-SSL-.patch |  164 ++
 .../pjproject/patches/asterisk_malloc_debug.c      |   72 +
 .../pjproject/patches/asterisk_malloc_debug.h      |   78 +
 third-party/pjproject/patches/config_site.h        |   16 +
 220 files changed, 10969 insertions(+), 3406 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/asterisk.git

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