[Pkg-voip-commits] [linphone] annotated tag debian/3.6.1-2.2 created (now 47aff0c)
Bernhard Schmidt
berni at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 16 07:16:12 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
berni pushed a change to annotated tag debian/3.6.1-2.2
in repository linphone.
at 47aff0c (tag)
tagging 4cb6e8000aa34b5a2b65409cf70f827b477013ef (commit)
replaces upstream/3.6.1
tagged by Bernhard Schmidt
on Wed Nov 16 07:58:30 2016 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 3.6.1-2.2
Bernhard Schmidt (2):
Merge branch 'upstream-jessie' into jessie
Merge tag 'upstream/3.6.1' into jessie
Faidon Liambotis (5):
Finish adding Homepage on all packages, as introduced in dpkg 1.14.6
Switch from XS-Vcs-* to Vcs-*
* New upstream version.
Release linphone 2.1.1-1
Remove debian/svn-deblayout
Felix Lechner (1):
* Non-maintainer upload.
Kilian Krause (25):
add symlinks to linphone dir and add get-orig-source target for adding to the buildd
purging svn-deblayout to fit pkg-voip structure.
just found the new version on the net: 1.3.2 as of today.
bump speex build-dep to what configure wants.
* Fix building arch=all in binary-arch target.
* Fix debian/watch and get-orig-source target
Update XS-Vcs-Browser and XS-Vcs-Svn locations to package directory.
* Fix wrong menu section (Closes: #444898)
backport full diff until today's CVS HEAD to start narrowing down proper fix.
* Backport segfault fix from CVS. (Closes: #445462)
Release linphone (1.99.0-3).
* Fix "desktop-entry-invalid-category Application"
* New upstream release.
New upstream release.
Add get-orig-source target to debian/rules
Fix menu-icon-missing by installing
releasing version 3.1.2-1
Remove -N from wget args in get-orig-source target as -O is already used.
linphone: Fix file conflict with linphone-common (<= 3.1.1)
Add closing reference of #528076 to fix.
releasing version 3.1.2-2
Add Replaces.
/me is to too blind tonight to see why this doesn't work with
Fix descriptions - thanks to Filipus Klutiero (Closes: #631227)
include NMU from Luk Claes <luk at debian.org> fixing #622543. Thanks!
Lionel Elie Mamane (20):
Do not install linphone2.xpm in linphone-common
Bug#578950: Use IPv4 address for self when talking to IPv4 host
Enable parallel builds
Bug#542595: no alsa on non-Linux ports
Standards-Version: 3.8.3
Migrate Build-Depends to libreadline-dev instead of libreadline5-dev
Migrate Build-Depends to libreadline-dev instead of libreadline5-dev: close bug
Bug#545093 Depend on precise liblinphone3 version
Don't install badly out-of-date linphone(1) manpage, do install linphonecsh one
Bug#519679: icon location in .desktop file
small changelog tweak
Add myself as Uploader
Trim changelog lines to reasonable length
Remove duplicate copy of GPL
Add README.source for dpatch
Standards-Vesion 3.8.4
linux-any not allowed in Build-Depends
Nope, cannot put a symlink there
Nope, cannot put a symlink there
Build-Depend on libv4l-dev
Mark Purcell (70):
Add XS-Vcs-Svn: & XS-Vcs-Browser: headers to all packages debian/control
* New Upstream Release
Confilicts:/ Provides:/ Replaces:
- Fixes "linphone - FTBFS: error: ffmpeg/avcodec.h:" (Closes: #517835)
Rebuild against libavcodec-dev=3:0.svn20090303-1 (sid)
Fix "spurious gnome-applets" Removed Build-Depends: (Closes: #520133)
* New upstream release
Fix "should depend on host" Added Depends: (Closes: #524620)
Build-Depends & Description: changes from Simon Morlat (upstream)
Add linphonecsh to linphone-nox package
* Fix "linphone_3.1.1-1(mips/unstable): FTBFS on mips: missing
Fix "FTBFS twice in a row" Patch from Peter Green, thks
Minor debian/watch changes
* New upstream release
Fix "depends on libraw1394-8 which is unavailable" Rebuilt (Closes: #518574)
New upstream release
Pickup upstream user changelog: NEWS
debian/control s/It main/Its main/ (Closes: #582665)
configure --disable-strict (Closes: 561708)
Cleanup libv4l-dev arches & libmediastreamer-dev libasound2-dev
* New upstream release
Drop fix_desktop_section.dpatch - included upstream
* Drop desktop-icon.dpatch - included upstream
* Make SRTP support explicit (Closes: #583008)
New upstream release
* New upstream release
* Tighten shlibs version dependss; libmediastreamer0, libortp8, liblinphone3
* Update Standards Version 3.9.1 - no changes
* New upstream release
* Fix "FTBFS: msv4l.c:33:28: fatal error: linux/videodev.h: No such
* New upstream release
* New upstream release
Build-Depends: libexosip2-dev (>> 3.5.0)
New upstream release
* New upstream release
* Upload to unstable - debian-release endorsed
* Fix FTBFS on [!linux] - thanks pinotree
- Added linux_headers_linux_only.diff
Fix FTBFS on [!linux] - thanks pinotree (Closes: #661336)
Drop dh_autoreconf
Drop obsolete videodev.h (v4l1-headers) - mediastreamer2/configure works
Drop ./autogen.sh
* [!linux] --disable-video (Closes: #661336)
Exclude libsrtp-dev [!hurd !sparc] only where it FTFBS (Closes: #661645)
* Urgency high for RC bug
* Move linphonec out of linphone-nox package
* NEW package linphone-nogtk - CLI interface without libgtk
* wheezy polish
* Fix "ancient automake9" dropped Build-Depends: (Closes: #688862)
Update libortp-dev: fix duplicate-{short,long}-description
* Fix "Missing Media encryption" --enable-zrtp (Closes: #671815)
* Upload to unstable
Fix "kFreeBSD support" patch from Christoph Egger (Closes: #688182)
* New upstream release
- Fixes "FTBFS: sal_eXosip2.c:49:2: error: too few arguments to function
Add additional Build-Dpends:
Add Build-Depends: libudev-dev [linux-any]
Patrick Matthäi (2):
Added missing build depend on libspeexdsp-dev.
* Add missing description for fix_desktop_section.dpatch.
Reinhard Tartler (1):
Import Debian patch 3.6.1-2.2
Samuel Mimram (29):
Initial import of the package.
Missed some things with libortp's soname change.
Finalizing before upload.
Make linphone build with gcc 4.1.
Much nicer patch.
New upstream release + disable video support for now.
New upstream release.
Correct icon location in linphone.desktop.
Moving configuration file.
Fixing various important bugs.
New upstream release.
Fix the FTBFS.
New upstream release.
New upstream release + enable video support.
New upstream release.
Disable arts support.
New upstream release.
Add --disable-strict option to configure.
Make liblinphone1-dev depend on libmediastreamer0-dev.
* Install nowebcamCIF.jpg in linphone-common.
New upstream release.
Rebuild against latest libosip2.
New upstream release.
Close bug.
Add missing dependency on doxygen.
Added a shlibs for libmediastreamer0.
Correct shlibs for ortp.
New upstream release.
Tzafrir Cohen (1):
Add a dbg package.
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/linphone.git
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