[Pkg-voip-commits] [belle-sip] 01/09: Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.0'
daniel at gnoutcheff.name
daniel at gnoutcheff.name
Thu Jan 12 05:19:23 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gnoutchd-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository belle-sip.
commit 99289a8be3df43e3573acefedc8ec30282fe5b23
Merge: ff129f7 69272a2
Author: Daniel Gnoutcheff <daniel at gnoutcheff.name>
Date: Wed Dec 28 18:00:55 2016 -0500
Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.0'
Upstream version 1.5.0
.clang-format | 64 +
.git-pre-commit | 51 +
.gitignore | 2 +
CMakeLists.txt | 158 +-
Makefile.am | 14 +-
NEWS | 12 +
README | 15 +-
autogen.sh | 45 +-
belle-sip.spec.in | 21 +-
build/android/Android.mk | 15 +-
build/android/config.h | 1 +
cmake/BelleSIPConfig.cmake.in | 32 +-
cmake/FindAntlr3.cmake | 2 +-
cmake/FindPolarSSL.cmake | 77 -
cmake/{FindCUnit.cmake => FindZlib.cmake} | 54 +-
config.h.cmake | 11 +-
configure.ac | 139 +-
include/CMakeLists.txt | 66 +-
include/belle-sip/auth-helper.h | 68 +-
include/belle-sip/belle-sdp.h | 47 +-
include/belle-sip/belle-sip.h | 4 +-
include/belle-sip/bodyhandler.h | 16 +-
include/belle-sip/defs.h | 2 +-
include/belle-sip/dialog.h | 4 +
include/belle-sip/dict.h | 4 +-
include/belle-sip/generic-uri.h | 2 +-
include/belle-sip/headers.h | 111 +-
include/belle-sip/http-message.h | 2 +-
include/belle-sip/http-provider.h | 23 +-
include/belle-sip/list.h | 65 +-
include/belle-sip/listener.h | 1 +
include/belle-sip/listeningpoint.h | 11 +-
include/belle-sip/mainloop.h | 66 +-
include/belle-sip/message.h | 9 +-
include/belle-sip/object.h | 16 +-
include/belle-sip/parameters.h | 3 +-
include/belle-sip/provider.h | 8 +
include/belle-sip/refresher.h | 5 +
include/belle-sip/resolver.h | 14 +-
include/belle-sip/sip-uri.h | 50 +-
include/belle-sip/sipstack.h | 26 +-
include/belle-sip/types.h | 18 +-
include/belle-sip/utils.h | 139 +-
include/belle-sip/wakelock.h | 8 +-
src/CMakeLists.txt | 149 +-
src/Makefile.am | 10 +-
src/auth_event.c | 47 +-
src/auth_helper.c | 63 +-
src/backgroundtask.m | 13 +-
src/belle_sdp_impl.c | 48 +-
src/belle_sip_dict.c | 4 +-
src/belle_sip_headers_impl.c | 230 +-
src/belle_sip_internal.h | 60 +-
src/belle_sip_loop.c | 62 +-
src/belle_sip_object.c | 74 +-
src/belle_sip_parameters.c | 3 +-
src/belle_sip_resolver.c | 232 +-
src/belle_sip_uri_impl.c | 8 +-
src/belle_sip_utils.c | 582 +--
src/bodyhandler.c | 361 +-
src/channel.c | 380 +-
src/channel.h | 21 +-
src/dialog.c | 385 +-
src/dns.c | 3740 ++++++++++++--------
src/dns.h | 535 +--
src/generic-uri.c | 1 -
src/grammars/belle_sdp.g | 130 +-
src/grammars/belle_sip_message.g | 133 +-
src/http-message.c | 16 +-
src/http-provider.c | 86 +-
src/ist.c | 3 -
src/listeningpoint.c | 12 +-
src/listeningpoint_internal.h | 3 +-
src/message.c | 89 +-
src/parserutils.h | 2 +
src/port.c | 154 +-
src/port.h | 49 +-
src/provider.c | 95 +-
src/refresher.c | 215 +-
src/siplistener.c | 4 +
src/sipstack.c | 33 +
src/transaction.c | 197 +-
src/transports/stream_channel.c | 8 +-
src/transports/stream_listeningpoint.c | 2 +-
src/transports/tls_channel.c | 834 +++++
src/transports/tls_channel_polarssl.c | 992 ------
...teningpoint_polarssl.c => tls_listeningpoint.c} | 44 +-
src/transports/udp_channel.c | 8 +-
src/transports/udp_listeningpoint.c | 6 +-
src/wakelock.c | 16 +-
src/wakelock_internal.h | 4 +-
tester/CMakeLists.txt | 102 +-
tester/Makefile.am | 16 +-
tester/afl.md | 40 +
tester/afl/generate_dictfiles.rb | 16 +
tester/afl/sip/401Unauthorized.txt | 11 +
tester/afl/sip/REGISTER.txt | 16 +
tester/afl/sip/SIP200RegSuccess.txt | 12 +
tester/afl/sip_dict.txt | 136 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Accept-Encoding_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Accept-Language_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Accept_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Alert-Info_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Allow_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Apr | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Aug | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Authentication-Info_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Authorization_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/CSeq_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Call-ID_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Call-Info_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Contact_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Content-Disposition_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Content-Encoding_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Content-Language_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Content-Length_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Content-Type_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Date_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Dec | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Digest_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Error-Info_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Expires_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Feb | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Fri | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/From_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/GMT | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/In-Reply-To_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Jan | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Jul | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Jun | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/MIME-Version_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Mar | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Max-Forwards_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/May | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Min-Expires_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Mon | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Nov | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Oct | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Organization_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Priority_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Proxy-Authenticate_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Proxy-Authorization_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Proxy-Require_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Record-Route_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Reply-To_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Require_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Retry-After_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Route_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/SCTP | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/SIP | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Sat | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Sep | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Server_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Subject_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Sun | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Supported_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/TCP | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/TLS | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Thu | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Timestamp_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/To | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Tue | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/UDP | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Unsupported_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/User-Agent_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Via_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/WWW-Authenticate_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Warning_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/Wed | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/alert | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/algorithm_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/application | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/audio | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/auth | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/auth-int | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/branch | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/branch_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/c_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/card | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/cnonce_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/domain_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/duration_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/e_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/emergency | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/f_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/false | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/handling_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/i_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/icon | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/image | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/info | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/ip | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/k_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/l_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/lr | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/m_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/maddr_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/message | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/multipart | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/nc_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/nextnonce_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/non-urgent | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/nonce_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/normal | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/opaque_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/optional | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/phone | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/purpose_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/q_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/qop_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/realm_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/received_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/render | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/required | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/response_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/rspauth_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/s_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/session | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/stale_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/t_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/tag_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/text | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/true | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/ttl_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/urgent | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/uri_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/username_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/v_ | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/video | 1 +
tester/afl/sip_dict/x- | 1 +
tester/auth_helper_tester.c | 98 +-
tester/belle_generic_uri_tester.c | 74 +-
tester/belle_http_tester.c | 195 +-
tester/belle_sdp_tester.c | 336 +-
tester/belle_sip_core_tester.c | 195 +-
tester/belle_sip_dialog_tester.c | 89 +-
tester/belle_sip_headers_tester.c | 658 ++--
tester/belle_sip_message_tester.c | 306 +-
tester/belle_sip_refresher_tester.c | 204 +-
tester/belle_sip_register_tester.c | 216 +-
tester/belle_sip_resolver_tester.c | 291 +-
tester/belle_sip_tester.c | 119 +-
tester/belle_sip_tester.h | 17 +-
tester/belle_sip_tester_ios.m | 66 +
tester/belle_sip_tester_windows.cpp | 158 +
tester/belle_sip_tester_windows.h | 47 +
tester/belle_sip_uri_tester.c | 191 +-
tester/cast_test.c | 33 +-
tester/common/bc_completion | 115 -
tester/common/bc_tester_utils.c | 376 --
tester/common/bc_tester_utils.h | 162 -
tester/parse.c | 13 +-
tester/register_tester.h | 4 +-
tester/resolve.c | 6 +-
tools/carddav_http_query.c | 146 +
tools/digest-response.py | 89 +
256 files changed, 9548 insertions(+), 6780 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-voip/belle-sip.git
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